Music Appreciation Exam 4

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In terms of expression, emotional balance and restraint is typical of which style?


Percussion is absent from the second movement of Haydn's Symphony No. 100.


T/F Beethoven completely abandoned formal considerations in his music.


T/F Beethoven gave the nickname Moonlight to his own piano sonata.


T/F Beethoven's Fifth Symphony opens and closes in the key of C minor.


T/F Beethoven, in his Moonlight Sonata, follows typical formal molds in all of the movements.


T/F Chamber music generally implies a large ensemble, with more than one player to a part.


T/F In the Catalogue Aria, Leporello assures Donna Elvira that indeed she is Don Giovanni's one true love.


T/F In the cadenza of a Classical-era concerto, the orchestra improvises freely.


T/F Mozart worked successfully under the patronage system for his entire life.


T/F Mozart worked under the patronage of the Esterházy court.


T/F Mozart wrote the text for the Dies irae .


T/F Mozart's Don Giovanni does not have any comic opera elements.


T/F Mozart's Requiem is an example of a Classical-era oratorio.


T/F One of the attributes of Classicism is a longing for strangeness, ecstasy, and wonder.


T/F Sonata-allegro form is made up of one main section.


T/F The Classical-era concerto has four movements.


T/F The divertimento and the serenade are opera genres.


T/F The focus of Classical chamber music is soloistic virtuosity.


T/F The second movement of Haydn's Symphony No. 100 is composed in triple meter.


First movement:____; second movement:____; third movement:____

Who completed the unfinished portions of Mozart's Requiem?

Franz Xaver Sussmayr

Which composer worked well under the patronage system?


Which of the following is true of Mozart at the time just before his death?

He was working on his Requiem

What musical occupation was available to women to in the Classical era?

Professional instrumentalist, music teacher, and professional singer

From which older genre did the symphony evolve?

The Italian opera overture.

T/F A scherzo is a quick-paced dance.


T/F At the beginning of the eighteenth century, serious opera was the most prevalent style.


T/F Beethoven admired Napoleon until the latter declared himself emperor.


T/F Beethoven dedicated his Moonlight Sonata to one of his students.


T/F Beethoven's music is rooted in the Classical tradition but pushes the limits of that tradition.


T/F Beethoven's solo piano sonatas are some of his most important works.


T/F First-movement concerto form is based on principles from Baroque ritornello form and sonata-allegro form.


T/F Improvisation occurs in a Classical concerto.


T/F In the Classical era, both serious opera and comic opera were popular.


T/F In the eighteenth century, a new economic power was growing as a result of the Industrial Revolution.


T/F Mozart famously began to write music at a very young age.


T/F Mozart most likely wrote Eine kleine Nachtmusik for string quartet with support from a double bass.


T/F Mozart wrote twenty-seven concertos for the piano, for which he himself was most often the soloist.


T/F Mozart's Requiem is a sacred piece of music.


T/F Mozart's Requiem was left unfinished at his death.


T/F Opera seria in the eighteenth century often featured stories drawn from classical antiquity.


T/F The Classical era has been called the Age of Enlightenment.


T/F The Classical sonata typically consists of three to four movements.


T/F The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century saw a series of important inventions, which helped shape the modern world.


T/F The composers Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert all composed in large-scale forms.


T/F The favored chamber ensemble in the Classical era was the string quartet.


T/F The heart of the Classical orchestra was the string family.


T/F The last part of the Requiem that Mozart wrote was the Lacrimosa.


T/F The later eighteenth century is known as the Enlightenment.


T/F The various movements of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony are unified by the opening motive.


T/F Though Mozart wrote many of his piano concertos as display pieces for his own public performances, he wrote the G major piano concerto K. 453 for another person to perform.


What nationality are Janissary bands?


Which of the following instruments are found in a typical string quartet?

Viola, violin, cello

The dramatic Dies irae section of Mozart's Requiem provides a vision of the Day of ____.


The Catalogue Aria in Mozart's opera Don Giovanni catalogs what, exactly?

a list of women in several countries whom Don Giovanni has seduced

Baroque Rondeau by the French court composer Jean-Joseph Mouret Given that the A section begins the piece, and the B section begins at 0:28, what do you hear at 0:56?

a new section

Instrumental music that does not have any specific meaning beyond the notes is called ____ music.


Beethoven called the Moonlight Sonata a:

fantasy-like sonata

Grieg: Ase's Death, from Peer Gynt

expressive and mournful

In Mozart's comic operas, he held ____ up to a mirror and emphasized the problems of separating people based on ____ and gender.


During the Classical era, composers wrote concertos for orchestra and an instrumental:


In the Classical-era concerto, composers balanced the virtuosic display of the____with the collaborative efforts of the____.


What is the form of the first movement of a typical Classical string quartet?


First-movement concerto form is sometimes described as a____form with a____exposition.


The heart of the Classical-era orchestra was the _____ section.


Grieg: Ase's Death, from Peer Gynt

strings only: performing forces minor key: tonality

In a comparison of the Classical and Romantic styles, Classical melodies were characterized by ____, while Romantic melodies were characterized by ____.


Which of the following describe the Dies irae from Mozart's Requiem?

text depicts a vision of Judgment Day and written for soloists, chorus, and orchestra

Baroque Rondeau by the French court composer Jean-Joseph Mouret Given that the A section begins the piece, and the B section begins at 0:28, what do you hear at 0:42?

the A section

Which character ultimately brings Don Giovanni to his justly deserved fate?

the Commendatore

Don Giovanni character: bass

the Commendatore, Leporello

What is a unique feature of the solo concerto that sets is apart from other instrumental genres?

the cadenza

The cadenza that is typically performed today in Mozart's G Major Piano Concerto, K. 453 is:

the cadenza written by Mozart

Music-making in the Classical era centered upon

the court of the patron

Which period of European art and literature most captivated eighteenth-century thinkers?

the era of ancient Greek and Roman civilization

Who was Lorenzo da Ponte?

the librettist who adapted the Don Juan legend into Mozart's opera

Which of Beethoven's symphonies includes a chorus?

the ninth

Which concert venues were available to composers of the Classical era?

the public concert hall and the royal palace

Which of Beethoven's symphonies was originally dedicated to Napoleon?

the third

Which of the following are found in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony?

the unification of all the movements with a single motivic idea, theme and variations

The expansion of a melodic idea is known as:

thematic development

Varying a theme's melodic outline, rhythm, or harmony is known as ____. A ____ is a theme's smallest melodic or rhythmic unit.

thematic development.....motive

The second movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is in what form?

theme and variations

The second movement of Haydn's Op. 76, No. 3 String Quartet is composed in what form?

theme and variations form

Which movement of a string quartet is often in minuet-and-trio form?


The Classical orchestra typically included how many players?

thirty to forty

How many movements does a typical Classical-era concerto have?


The Classical-era concerto has how many movements?


The form of the second movement in Haydn's Symphony No. 100 is in ____ parts.

three (A-B-A')

The "Tuba mirum" verse of the Dies irae mentions a trumpet, but to which instrument did Mozart give the solo?


Haydn, Mozart, and their successors understood the term sonata as an instrumental work for one or____instruments consisting of____or four contrasting movements.


Which of the following was Haydn's main instrument?


Which movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is in theme-and-variations form?



Chromatic harmonies. Expansive, wide ranging melodies

The last movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 features a choral setting of a poem called "____"

"Ode to Joy"

How many string quartets did Haydn write?


Which societal norm of the eighteenth century enabled the reign of Louis XV and Frederick the Great?


For which soloist did Mozart write his G Major Piano Concerto, K. 453?

Babette von Ployer


Balanced, symmetrical melodies. Diatonic harmonies

Which voice part sings the role of Don Giovanni's servant, Leporello, in Mozart's opera?


The music of the fourth variation of the third movement in Haydn's Op. 76, No. 3 string quartet is said to have been based on a folk song from which country?


Which of the following verses are found in the Dies irae from Mozart's Requiem?

Dies irae, Tuba mirum, Rex tremendae

Don Giovanni character: baritone

Don Giovanni

Who of the following characters did Don Giovanni desire?

Donna Anna, Donna Elvira, Zerlina

Don Giovanni character: soprano

Donna Elvira, Donna Anna

Sonata-Allegro Form Order

Exposition, Development, Recapitulation

Which of the following describe the Dies irae from Mozart's Requiem?

It begins with a chorus, it is in Latin, it is in a strong duple meter

Which of the following statements describe the third movement (Scherzo, Allegro) of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony?

It is in scherzo-trio-scherzo form, it is in triple meter

What meter is the third movement from Mozart's Symphony No. 40?

It is in triple meter.

third movement from Mozart's Symphony No. 40, which is in minuet and trio form Given its form, what meter is this movement in?

It is in triple meter.

Which of the following describe the first movement of Mozart's G Major Piano Concerto, K. 453?

It is mostly homophonic, it is in a major key, it is written in first-movement concerto form.

Which of the following describes first-movement concerto form of the Classical era?

It is the most complex of the three movements, it is the longest of the three movements, combines elements of ritornello procedure with sonata-allegro form.

While serious opera was almost invariably in the ____ language, comic opera was generally in the local language of the audience (this type of language is also known as the____).


For which of the following events was Mozart's Requiem chosen because of its expressive power?

JFK's funeral and September 11 attack anniversary

Who was the composer of the London Symphonies?

Joseph Haydn

In which language is the Dies irae from Mozart's Requiem written?


Haydn's Symphony No. 100 was first presented in ____. Its nickname comes from the use of percussion instruments associated with ____ military music.


In the Classical era, the main genres of sacred choral music were the ____ and the oratorio. A ____ is a musical setting of the Mass for the Dead.


What is the nickname of Haydn's Symphony No. 100?


Chopin: Prelude, Op. 28, No. 2

Minor key: tonality Dark mood, in low range: expression

Mozart: Confutatis, from Requiem

Mood can be expressed as alternating dramatic and serene. The performing forces begin with men's voices and orchestra, followed by women's voice and orchestra.

Which composers are considered part of the Viennese School?

Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven

Put the parts of the first movement of Mozart's G major piano concerto in order.

Orchestral exposition, solo exposition, development, recapitulation

Mozart died while writing which piece?

Requiem Mass

Interest in the bizarre and morbid characterizes which era?


The Moonlight Sonata evokes what new expressive style?


Authors associated with the German Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) movement of the 1770s were:

Schiller and Goethe

Maria Theresa von Paradis

She was blind. She was an excellent pianist and organist.

Which of the following is NOT true of Beethoven's symphonies?

Since they were written, they have rarely been performed.

Sonata-Allegro Form Movement

Slow Intro(optional)-first theme-bridge-second theme-closing theme-exposition repeated

Which of the following best describe the sonata in the Classical era?

Sometimes designed for amateur performance, sometimes used by composer-performers as show pieces, considered the most significant in the keyboard literature

The first movement of a Classical multimovement cycle is often in ____ form.


Composers of the Classical era fully explored which forms?

Symphony, string quartet, solo sonata

Why is Haydn's String Quartet, Op. 76, No. 2 is nicknamed Emperor?

The theme in the second movement is based on a hymn written for the Austrian emperor.

Maria Anna Mozart

an accomplished pianist and known as Nannerl

Which voice part sings the role of Don Giovanni in Mozart's opera?


Which voice type did Mozart NOT select as one of the soloists in his Requiem?


Verdi: Dies irae, from Requiem

begin with a huge orchestra and full soprano-alto-tenor-bass (SATB) choir: performing forces dramatic: mood

Opera ____ presented lively, down-to-earth ____ rather than the remote concerns of gods and ____ heroes.


In Haydn's Symphony No. 100, which of the following instruments were utilized to emulate "Turkish" musical sounds?

cymbal, triangle, bell tree

What is the Italian phrase found at the end of the trio section in a minuet-and-trio movement that means "from the beginning?"

da capo

Which condition profoundly affected Beethoven's work as a composer?


For which instruments did Mozart write Eine kleine Nachtmusik?

double bass and string quartet

What meter does Haydn use in the second movement of his Symphony No. 100 to emulate a march?


The music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert is characterized by _____ melodies.

elegant and lyrical

The longest movement in a Classical multimovement cycle is most often the ____ movement. This movement is typically in a fast tempo and is in ____ form.


Which of the following describes the form of the second movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata?

gentle scherzo

Mozart: Symphony No. 35, II

graceful, courtly: melody major scale: harmony

Which of the following correctly describe the first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata?

in an expressive minor key, continuous triplet pattern in accompaniment

Classical sonatas were often written for one solo____, usually the ____.


Order of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

intro, strophe 1, middle section, strophe 2, coda

When did Haydn write his Opus 76 quartets?

late 1790s

Beethoven: Sonata No. 8 (Pathetique), II

lyrical, long phrases: melody gentle mood, middle range: expression consonant: harmony major key: tonality

Mozart: Horn Concerto, K. 447,III

melody contains many repeated notes, allegro (fast) tempo

In what form is the third movement of a typical Classical multimovement cycle?

minuet and trio

The third movement of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik is in what form?

minuet and trio

All four of the movements in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony are based on one


How many symphonies did Beethoven write?


Which terms correctly describe Mozart's Don Giovanni?

opera buffa, opera seria

The type of Classical opera that continued a tradition of idealized characters and plots was called ____.

opera seria

The sonata in the Classical era was an important genre for amateur musicians playing which instrument?


Which of the soloists in these three examples features the widest range?


Classical sonatas were set either for solo instrument (usually the ____) or for ____.


Mozart: Piano Concerto, K. 467, II

pizzicato strings, andante (walking) tempo

The text of Schiller's____"Ode to Joy" is an expression of universal brotherhood and was inspired by the contemporary____.

poem..French Revolution

Which of the following describe the opera Don Giovanni?

premiered in 1787, libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte

Which best describes the tempo of the third movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

presto agitato

For which setting did Mozart write Eine kleine Nachtmusik?

public outdoor entertainment

In Donna Elvira's aria, in which she sings with Don Giovanni and Leporello ("Ah, chi mi dice mai") in Act I, scene 2, how does Mozart musically emphasize her anger?

quick tempo, sudden dynamic shifts

What is the last section of sonata-allegro form in which the opening thematic material is restated?


Clarity in the Classical era was provided by ____ and the frequent use of ____ (a pattern repeated at a higher or lower pitch). These devices created balanced structures that were easily accessible to the listener.


What is the name for a Classical theme that quickly ascends from a low register to a high register?

rocket theme

In the second movement of his Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven uses a variant of the minuet called what?


Which of the following are characteristics of the second movement of Haydn's Military Symphony?

~Duple, marchlike meter ~Simple, graceful theme

Which statements best describe the life and career of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

~He was born into a musical family. ~By the age of thirteen, he had written several operas. ~His own instrument was the piano.

Which of the following describes Haydn's role in the development of the Classical-era symphony?

~He wrote over 100 symphonies. ~He was nicknamed "father of the symphony." ~He composed 12 symphonies for a London audience.

What is the texture of the final variation of the second movement of Haydn's Op. 76, No. 3 string quartet?

~Homophonic at the beginning ~Polyphonic after the opening

Which of the following statements best describes the second movement of Haydn's Op. 76, No. 3 string quartet?

~It contains symmetrical, lyrical phrases. ~It is mostly in major.

Which of the following correctly describe the patronage system of the eighteenth century?

~Patronage provided economic security for musicians. ~Music was valued as a necessary adornment of life.

Analyze the way themes are developed in music from two different cultures, using Beethoven, Symphony No. 5, I. Which of the following are found in this example?

~The excerpt begins with a short melodic idea or motive (short-short-short-long). ~The motive is heard in sequence, starting on other pitches.

Analyze the way themes are developed in music from two different cultures, using In a Mountain Path (Chinese Song). Which of the following are found in this example?

~The melodic idea is expanded as the work progresses. ~The main melodic idea is heard starting on the same pitch each time. ~It begins with a brief introduction.

Which statements best describe the third movement of Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik?

~The texture is homophonic ~It is in triple meter ~The harmony is consonant

Which of the following musical elements did the German Classical symphonists contribute to the symphony genre?

~The use of a "steamroller" crescendo. ~The use of a "rocket theme."

Which statements best describe Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik?

~The version we know today has four movements. ~The name translates to "a little night music" ~It was written as social music.

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