Music Appreciation PT2

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the process by which one or more musical voices, or parts, enter and duplicate exactly for a period of time the music presented by the previous voice.

"Imitation" is best defined as

singing many notes to just one syllable of text

What is the correct definition of "melismatic singing"?

to consider reforms for the Roman Catholic Church

What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

Medieval Europe was deeply spiritual. The Renaissance, on the other hand, abandoned religion in favor of Greek mythology.

Whenever a major cultural change occurs, such as the change from the medieval understanding of heaven and earth, to the Renaissance interest in classical forms and humanism, cultural contradictions and inconsistencies will appear. The lists below describe some contradictions within Renaissance culture; however, one is a FALSE statement. Which one is it?


Which composer wrote a famous Mass in honor of the Virgin Mary

Hildegard used plain, unadorned words, so as to keep a spiritual mood in her chant. Beatriz created poetry about flowers and nature, so as to please elegant courtiers.

Which of the following comparisons of Hildegard of Bingen and Beatriz, Countess of Dia, is NOT true?

Troubadours and trouvères wandered across Europe looking for secular (non-Gregorian) melodies (hence the term trouvères, or "finders"). They then could develop these new melodies into motets and madrigals.

Chapter 4 begins by describing life in the Middle Ages as "an isolated, solitary life revolving around prayer," whereas Chapter 5 concludes with the observation that Renaissance "madrigals . . . were popular because they were fun to sing." What happened in European culture to bring about this musical transformation? Three of the following statements are plausible answers to this question. Which one is NOT a plausible answer?


In the Kyrie of the Messe de Nostre Dame, passages of chant alternate with sections of four-part polyphony


Although Hildegard of Bingen was married to Count William of Poitiers, she loved the troubadour Raimbaut d'Orange, for whom she composed numerous chansons

theologian, singer of plainsong, New World explorer, crusader

Although illiteracy was the norm for most medieval Europeans, priests and nuns were taught to read and write, and some became authorities in and practitioners of a number of subjects. Review the biographical sketches of Hildegard of Bingen, Perotinus the Great, and Guillaume de Machaut, and note their areas of expertise and creative talent. Which of the following lists of expertise and talent does NOT describe one of these three forerunners of the "Renaissance man"?


Hildegard of Bingen was a playwright, poet, naturalist, pharmacologist, abbess, and spiritual visionary as well as a composer.

composed by Chaucer for performance during Christmas Mass in the newly constructed cathedral of Paris, Notre Dame

Identify the INCORRECT statement about Messe de Nostre Dame

A consort of string instruments was expected to support the singers

Identify the INCORRECT statement concerning As Vesta Was from Latmos Hill Descending.

It could be sung by a group of men or women, but never by a mixed group.

Identify the INCORRECT statement concerning the madrigal.

Mahcaut, Kyrie of the Messe de Nostre Dame

Identify the answer that correctly identifies the listening example. (28 seconds)

the process of depicting the text in music, be it subtly, overtly, or even jokingly, by means of expressive musical devices

Identify the correct definition for "word painting."

The song has no clearly articulated rhythm or meter but is sung in notes of more or less equal length

Identify the one statement about A chantar m'er that is correct.

He was employed at various times by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy.

Identify the statement about Josquin that is INCORRECT.

The angels, symbols of divine worship, are playing secular instruments as well as the organ, which was used in monasteries, convents, and cathedrals.

In view of the statement in the textbook that "outside the walls of the cathedral was yet another musical world," what is remarkable about the Hans Memling painting of angels playing musical instruments, shown in Figure 4.8?

in triple meter

Listen to the opening section of Josquin's Ave Maria and identify the statement that does NOT describe the passage.


O rubor sanguinis and A chantar m'er are both examples of Gregorian chant.

Medieval cathedrals were often hundreds of feet in length, to accommodate the large crowds that came to hear polyphonic Masses. In contrast, the Renaissance polyphonic madrigal had limited popular appeal, as shown in this picture of an outdoor concert.

Study the painting in Figure 5.9, showing four people of the Renaissance singing a madrigal. Which of the following statements is a POOR interpretive comment about this painting?

it is an important monument of English history. it provides an early example of verse-plus-chorus strophic form. it shows that everyone (a chorus) sang the chorus

The Agincourt carol is important in music history because

The Council of Trent wanted only serene, monophonic melodies painted in music notation, similar to the paintings in the Sistine Chapel

The Council of Trent met from 1545 to 1563, initiating the Counter Reformation. Revisit a sample of this chapter's music by rehearing Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina "Kyrie.". Which of the following statements does NOT represent the influence of the Renaissance in the pure style of Counter-Reformation music?

reform of spiritual and financial practices within the Roman Catholic Church.

The Counter-Reformation in Western history provided

the five sung portions of Mass for which the texts are invariable

The Ordinary of the Mass refers to

removed the monopoly that the Roman Catholic Church had on official religion in the West, giving rise to competing religious groups.

The Protestant Reformation is important in Western history because it

unaccompanied vocal music

The correct definition for "a capella" is

Medieval music notation could indicate the melody and harmony. Modern music notation indicates the rhythm and dissonance.

The following statements compare medieval music with modern Western music (as presented in Chapters 2 and 3). Which statement below is a POOR comparison of medieval music with modern music?

a popular genre of secular vocal music, originating in Italy, in which four or five voices sing love poems

The madrigal is best described as:

a boy or adult singer who was castrated to keep his voice from changing so that it would remain in the soprano register

What is a "castrato"

Michelangelo's David demonstrated how an artist might transform a human into a god. Similarly, Renaissance composers followed the designs of classical architecture to express words that imagined humans as gods.

Which of the following scenarios did NOT occur during the Renaissance?

The chorus of a medieval strophic song has the function of theme A in rondo form. Theme A is heard again and again after each contrasting unit, just as the chorus of a strophic song is heard again after each verse of the song.

Which of the following statements accurately compares medieval strophic songs (for example, the Agincourt Carol) with the later form for instrumental music known as rondo form? (Review Chapter 3: Form if needed.)

sung in the vernacular language of the country of composition

Which statement concerning the Renaissance motet is NOT true?

a composition for choir setting a religious, devotional, or solemn text

Which statement correctly defines "motet"

Humans are the conduit for gifts descending from heaven.

Which statement does NOT apply to the concept of "humanism"?


Which term is synonymous with "Gregorian Chant?"

Mass, movement of Ordinary of the Mass, passage of movement of the Ordinary, measure

Working from largest to smallest, which is the correct sequence of sections in a Renaissance Mass?

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