MWH Ch 14-15 Test

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Mohandas Gandhi

A lawyer who began to work in Africa for a law firm that served Indian workers. After he began working, he saw the racial exploitation of Indians that were living in South Africa. When he returned to India, he became active in the independence movement. He used his experience in South Africa to set up a movement that was based on nonviolent resistance. It aimed to force the British to improve the lot of the poor and grant independence to India. His movement would lead to Indian independence.


A governor who ruled as a representative of a monarch who was assisted by a British civil service staff. The British government ruled India directly through a viceroy.

Panama Canal

51 miles long. The average ship spends 8-10 hours in transit. The United States built the Panama Canal on the strip of land they were granted for helping Panama separate from Colombia and establish a new nation. It opened in 1914. It allowed access from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It shortened the sailing distance between the east and west coasts in the US.

Monroe Doctrine

A doctrine that James Monroe created that guaranteed the independence of the new Latin American nations and warned against any European intervention in the Americas.

Jose de San Martin

A member of the creole elite. He was hailed as a Liberator of South America. He led several revolutions throughout the continent. He believed that the Spaniards must be removed from all of South America if any South American nation was to be free. His forces had liberated Argentina from Spanish authority. He led an attack over the Andes to attack the Spanish in Chile. The arrival of his forces completely shocked the Spaniards so they were defeated. Afterwards, he moved on to Lima, Peru, the center of Spanish authority.

Simon Bolivar

A member of the creole elite. One of the leaders in liberating South America from Spanish and Portuguese control. He led several revolutions throughout the continent. Bolivar began the struggle for independence in Venezuela and then led to revolts in New Granada (Colombia) and Ecuador. San Martin welcomed Bolivar and his forces to help liberate Peru. Considered to be the George Washington of South America.

King Mongkut

A ruler that was able to prevent Thailand from going under colonial rule. He promoted western learning and maintained friendly relations with the major European powers.


An Indian soldier. The British East India Company had its own soldiers and forts but also hired sepoys to protect the company's interest in the region.


It was part of the Ottoman Empire but as the empire declined, Egyptians sought their independence. Muhammad Ali introduced a series of reforms to bring Egypt into the modern world. The British took an interest in Egypt and they bought Egypt's share in the Suez Canal.

Spheres of influence

Areas where the imperial powers had exclusive trading rights. Changes were taking place in the Chinese heartland so European states began to create spheres of influence. After the Tai Ping Rebellion, warlords began to negotiate with foreign nations. In return for money, the warlords gave these nations exclusive trading rights/railroad building and mining privileges. In this way, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan established spheres of influence in China.

Suez Canal

Because of the importance of the Nile Valley in Egypt, the Europeans wanted to build a canal east of Cairo to connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The British took an interest in Egypt after the Suez Canal opened and Britain bought Egypt's share in the Suez Canal. The British also believed that they should control the Sudan to protect their interests in Egypt and the Suez Canal.

Which countries were interested in East Africa? Why?

Britain, Germany, Portugal, and Belgium. The British-Nigeria. Germany-Togo, Cameroon, German Southwest Africa, and German East Africa. Portugal-Mozambique. Belgium-Other parts of East Africa. The British were interested in East Africa because control of East Africa was going to connect the British Empire in Africa from South Africa to Egypt. Germany was trying to develop colonies in East Africa because of the importance of colonies.


British rule brought stability to India but destroyed native industries and degraded Indians. Adopted a parliamentary system like that of Great Britain. British rule brought order and stability to India but also brought its own costs. Great Britain abolished the monarchy and administered the country through its colonial government. Mohandas Gandhi.


China should adopt Western technology while keeping its Confucian values and institutions. Factories were built to produce modern weapons and ships which increased China's military strength. The Qing court began to listen to the appeals of reform-minded officials. The traditional Chinese imperial bureaucracy was also retained and civil service exams were still being used to select government officials. This policy guided Chinese foreign and domestic policy for the next 25 years. The reformers called for self strengthening.


Descendants of Europeans born in Latin America and lived there permanently. They supported the legal equality of all people, free trade, and a free press. They also disliked the domination of their trade by Spain and Portugal. They deeply resented peninsulares.

Meiji Restoration

Enlightened rule. The new leaders embarked on a policy of reform that transformed Japan into a modern industrial nation. The symbol of the new era was the young emperor Mutsuhito. He called the rule the Meiji. Imperial rule was reestablished, the capital was moved to Edo, there was the most amount of power in the executive branch, Daimyo's land was given to peasants, farmers who were unable to pay the new land tax were forced into tenancy, industrialization was encouraged, imperial army was created, universal education system was created, and western practices were adopted.

Why did the European powers agree to the Open Door Policy?

European nations agreed to follow the Open Door policy because it lessened their fears of other powers attempting to take advantage of China's weakness and attempt to dominate the China market for themselves. The policy also helped reduce imperialist panic over access to the China market. It reduced restrictions on foreign imports that were imposed by the dominating power within the spheres. America benefited greatly.

Opium War

European powers allowed to trade with China at Guangzhou (Canton) only. The British didn't like the restrictions. There was unfavorable trade balance. To Great Britain: tea, silk, porcelain. To China: Indian cotton and silver. Tried negotiating over imbalance, but didn't work. "Let's trade Opium" (from India-send to China). However, opium trade was illegal in China. Great Britain wouldn't stop trade (lots of $$$). China closed Guangzhou, searched/seized. Great Britain Replied with force (led to Opium War). The Treaty of Nanjing ended the 1st Opium War. China pay for war. Give Hong Kong to British


Europeans lived in their own sections and were subject to their own laws not to Chinese laws

Edo (city)

In recognition of the real source of political power, the capital was moved from Kyoto to Edo, the location of new leaders. The imperial court was moved to the shogun's palace in the center of the city.

Muhammad Ali

Leader of the revolt in Egypt. An officer of the Ottoman army who seized power and established a separate Egyptian state. He also introduced reforms to bring Egypt into the modern world. He modernized the army, set up a public school system, and helped create small industries in refined sugar, textiles, munitions, and ships.


Native to a region. The Boers believed that white superiority was ordained by God and put many of the indigenous peoples in areas on reservations.

Edo Bay

Now Tokyo Bay. Matthew Perry arrived in Edo Bay with his fleet of warships. They sought to bring a singular and isolated people into the family of civilized nations.


People of European and Native American descent.

What were the goals of Mohandas Gandhi?

The goals of Mohandas Gandhi were extremely influential and changed history forever. He wanted to set up a movement that was based on nonviolent resistance. With this, he hoped to achieve Indian independence. The movement would force the British to improve the conditions of the poor.


Spanish and Portuguese officials who resided temporarily in Latin America for political and economic gain and then returned to their mother countries.

South Africa

The Boers (the descendants of the original Dutch settlers) occupied Cape Town and surrounding areas in South Africa. The British created an independent Union of South Africa which combined the old Cape Colony and the Boer republics. The New State would be a self governing nation.

What were the British motives for protecting Latin American states?

The British motives for protecting Latin American states were because Latin America served a source of raw materials and foodstuffs for the British. They were also interested in making sure trade stayed open. They wanted to keep sending their finished goods. It was important to protect this trade because Latin America had just been free for a short time.

How did the Japanese educational system promote traditional values and Western educational models?

The Japanese educational system promoted traditional values because it had westernized content. It had an emphasis on applied science and used it in its curriculum. However, it also focused on the principles of loyalty to the family and community. Loyalty to the emperor was valued greatly and kids were taught that in school. Teachers and students were required to bow to a picture of the emperor every day. They also used instruction in modern technology.

Why was the Muslim League created in India? What were the advantages and disadvantages of its formation?

The Muslim League was created to represent the interests of millions of Muslims in Indian society. The disadvantages of it were that it separated India into Muslims and Hindus so they weren't very unified. One advantage may have been that since the National Congress was mostly Hindus and the Muslims went out to create the Muslim League is then the National Congress was all Hindus so then it acted to represent the Hindus and the Muslim League acted to represent the Muslims.


The only remaining free state in Southeast Asia. Britain and France agreed to keep Thailand as an independent buffer state between their possessions and Southeast Asia.


The Sat Cho leaders demanded that the shogun resign and restore the power of the emperor. Their armies later attacked the shogun's palace in Kyoto and declared that the authority of the emperor had been restored. After a few weeks, the shogun's forces collapsed which ended the shogunate system. In recognition of the real source of political power, the capital was moved from Kyoto to Edo.

How did the Tai Ping Rebellion help to weaken the Qing dynasty?

The Tai Ping Rebellion was a peasant revolt led by Hong Xiuquan. The goal was to destroy the Qing dynasty. He was joined by big crowds of peasants and he captured the town of Yongan and made a new dynasty. The rebellion helped to weaken the Qing Dynasty because the Qing Dynasty suffered from corruption, peasant unrest, and incompetence. The Tai Ping Rebellion called for social reforms. Some of which gave land to all peasants and treated women as equals of men. It also made people give up their private possessions. All peasants were to hold lands and farms, money, food, and clothing and they were to be shared equally. He also outlawed alcohol, tobacco, and eliminated the practice of binding women's feet. The rebels seized Nanjing and killed 25,000 people. Europeans had to come to help the Qing dynasty because they realized how destructive the Tai Ping forces were.

Millard Fillmore

The U.S. President who asked for better treatment of sailors shipwrecked on the Japanese islands. He also requested the opening of foreign relations between the U.S. and Japan.

What arrangements did the United States make with Panama?

The US had supported a rebellion that allowed Panama to separate from Colombia. They would then establish a new nation. After this, the US was granted control over a strip of land that was 10 miles wide running from coast to coast.


The United States supported a rebellion that allowed Panama to separate itself from Colombia and establish a new nation. In return, the US was granted control of a strip of land 10 miles wide running from coast to coast in Panama. American forces were sent to Panama to protect American interests.

Why did urban China benefit more from Western involvement in the Chinese economy?

The attitudes toward Western culture held by Chinese in rural and urban areas were that the urban areas took on the westernized ideas. Western literature and art became very popular in the urban middle class. In the rural areas, they remained with the traditional ideas. They held onto the original Chinese culture. Because of this, Urban China benefited more from Western involvement because they had adopted the new ideas. Therefore, they had the new technology, western literature, etc which allowed them to have more success than the rural areas since they held onto traditional ideas making them behind in everything.

What were the economic costs and benefits that resulted to the Indian people from British rule?

The economic costs were that British manufactured goods were destroying the local industry, the taxes were being increased on the peasants, and the switch from growing food to growing cotton led to starvation. One of the biggest benefits of British rule was that a new school system was set up. Also, railroads, the telegraph, and postal service were also introduced to India.


The forces of San Martin had liberated Argentina from Spanish authority. Exports- Wheat and beef. By the end of 1824, they had become free from Spain.


There was a struggle for independence which then led to revolts in New Granada (Colombia) and Ecuador. By the end of 1824, they had become free from Spain.

Why did Britain increase the exports of opium to China?

They increased the exports of opium because they were afraid of an imbalance in trade. China was sending them silk, porcelain, and tea. They hoped that sending opium would balance out the trade. However, this led to a war because China wanted them to stop because it was turning the people into drug addicts.

Empress Dowager Ci Xi

Through her unwillingness to make significant reforms, she helped bring about the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty. At first, she was a low ranking concubine to Emperor Xian Feng. When the emperor died, she ruled China on behalf of her son. Then, she ruled on behalf of her nephew. With the help of conservatives at court and the imperial army, she had her nephew jailed in the palace. She ruled China for almost 50 years. She was a dominant force at court and opposed the emperor's reforms. She embraced a number of reforms in education, administration, and the legal system.

Matthew Perry

U.S. Commodore (in charge of several warships). They arrived in Edo Bay and sought to bring a singular and isolated people into the family of civilized nations.

Open Door Policy

US fears other countries could take over China US Secretary of State, John Hay, presented proposals: "Equal access to Chinese market for all", "Preserved unity of Chinese empire", "Oh good, you ALL agree with me. Super! We'll have an Open Door Policy". The US can get direct access to Chinese trade (instead of having to go through another country). The US benefited greatly because they were able to establish "working relationships" with other Sphere powers.

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