MWH Unit 10

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Cloning is when another organism is created as a duplicate of another. It can improve livestock and can help advance medical research.

Cultural diffusion

Cultural diffusion is when cultures are shared and spread to different regions. This causes problems because some cultures might die off because people might forget their own culture and become part of another one.


Deforestation is when forests are cleared and a fast pace. By getting rid of the forests, many species can become extinct.

How does economic interdependence affect countries around the world?

Economic interdependence makes it so that the countries are unsustainable by themselves. They rely more on each other for what they need. This makes it so that they can't be self-sustainable. If a country is unable to get the goods or services it requires or wants, it goes to war to take those goods or services. This has affected the wars and ways of living in countries around the world.


Epidemics are outbreaks of diseases. The diseases quickly spread and affect a large amount of people.


Famine is when there are food shortages. Lots of people starve to death during famines.

Free trade

Free trade is when countries don't have trade barriers and freely exchange goods without things like tariffs getting in the way.

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering is changing the genes of a plant or animal. Many farms use genetic engineering on animals so that they can have the best meat or plants and get the most profit from them.

What are some patterns and effects of global trade?

Global trade affects cultures because it opens up communication with other countries. It also affects the standards of living like economic interdependence. An example of a pattern of global trade is that when there is more demand for something, the prices for that thing go up. Recently, the prices of oil have went up because of the demand for it throughout the world. Also, companies thrive off of the global trade by being able to use resources anywhere in the world and sell their product to another part of the globe where they have more people to sell it to.

Global warming

Global warming is the Earth's surface temperature rising. This causes many dangerous changes in the environment and is believed to be caused by pollution. Biotechnology- Biotechnology is the use of biology within technology. Examples of biotechnology are vaccines and modified food plants.


Globalization is when culture and trade bring the countries throughout the world together. It is the reason that cultures have spread and people have accessibility to foreign products.

How does globalization lead to cultural exchange?

Globalization leads to cultural exchange because it leads to the spread of goods. A product that is used can be a part of a completely different culture. By using it, it is accepted into that culture and the culture changes as it adjust to the new good. Also, when traders interact with another culture they learn more about another culture and bring some of the beliefs, traditions, or music back to their original region. Just by interacting with people can spread cultural change.

What changes are recent advances in science and technology bringing to the world?

In recent years, there have been many discoveries of new planets, stars, and galaxies. Scientists have also created more aerodynamic golf balls and scratch-resistant glasses. Satellites are another major development in technology and are widely used. Because of satellites, people are able to have instant communication. New medical technology has been discovered like the laser and ultrasound. Scientists have also made new plants and genetically engineered animals in order to help agriculture.


Interdependence is where countries rely on each other for services and materials only accessible in other countries. There is a lot of interdependence between the countries around the world.


Legislation is a law. Governing bodies pass them. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) - Weapons of Mass Destruction are chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. They create a great deal of destruction and are used by governments and terrorists.

Multinational corporations

Multinational corporations are large corporations that work in numerous countries.


NGO was formed to also protect the human rights of people. They try to promote policies and proved services.

How are individuals, groups, and nations working to protect human rights?

Nations are working to protect human rights through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was issued by the United Nations. It says that people deserve basic rights no matter, color, race, sex, religion, opinions, religion, language, origins, birth, property, or any other status. The United Nation also helps investigate abuses of human rights and try to protect the rights. A group called the NGO was formed to also protect the human rights of people. They try to promote policies and provide services.

What global challenges do people around the world face?

One global problem is poverty. The minimum wage in many countries is very little. People that suffer with poverty can't get basic services. There can be poverty in a country because of wars, bad government decisions, fast population growth, scarce natural resources, and famine. Another global problem is disease. Globalization has made it easier to spread diseases and hard to contain them. The last global problem is natural disasters. Lots of people die and property is destroyed because of natural disasters.


Outsourcing is when work is done in another place to increase production and spend less money. This is what lots of multinational corporations do.

What are people doing to protect the environment?

People have began to plant more trees. They have also tried to limit the amount of resources they use to protect natural resources. Governments like the U.S. have passed environmental laws. Some of the laws include limiting the emissions of gases. Governments have also tried sustainable development.

Popular culture

Popular culture is the things that are appealing to the general public of a culture. Some examples of this are through food, music, and sports.

What are the causes and effects of population movement?

Population movement is caused by persecution, poverty, and war. It becomes unsafe for them to live in their native country, so they flee to another one. Population movement is also caused by urbanization. Urbanization is when people move to another place for new opportunities and jobs. Most of the people that search for these things move to urban areas.


Refugees are people that flee to another place in order to be safe. People do this usually when their lives are in danger.


Sanctions are used by nations to force changes to another countries policy. Nations commonly use this on nations that are considered as nuclear threats.

What other threats to world security exist today?

Some threats to world security are the WMDs and religious and ethnic conflicts. Terrorists and governments can obtain WMDs, which are dangerous and can cause large amounts of destruction to other countries. Religion and ethnic conflicts are major reason why wars and terrorist groups are created. Many terrorist groups have a sense of nationalism and believe that they should impose their government on others through radical ways.

Sustainable development

Sustainable development is when a nation's economy grows without damaging the environment. It is very difficult for governments to do.


Terrorism is when people try to incite fear in others for their own ideological, religious, or political agendas. It is a threat to global security and they either target political leaders or normal civilians.

Green revolution

The green revolution is the agricultural scientists attempt to create more food in the world by making new types of food crops. Many people are worried about the possible affects of these new plants, though.

How does the threat of terrorism affect today's world?

Today there is an influx of terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Most of the terrorist groups attack the West in name of religion. In the U.S., the government strengthened the security of their borders, international and domestic intelligence services, and transportation networks because of this. An example of this can be seen in the metal detectors found in airports. Other nations also try to improve security and technology for their transportation as measures to protect themselves from future attacks. Right now, many wars are raging to get rid of terrorist organizations.


Welfare is the wellbeing of someone. Families usually look out for each other's welfare.

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