My Haile training 1: Note-Writing tools Smart text and Note writer

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What are smart texts?

are text templates with option for customizing the text for the patient being soon. You can choose from options or enter your own text

what is Note writer:

implies, Epic's NoteWriter tool is only for writing notes: H&P notes, Progress notes, procedure notes, rounding notes, and so on.

in SmartText and SMartPHrase there are two elements "SmartLink=highlighted in Blue [age,name autofills] and editable "SmartList" to choose while filling the complete SOAP or H&P


smart Pharses are pulled into "My Note" from Note space and not "search bar! True / False?


What are two Note writing tools

1.Smart text 2. Note Writer

1.WHo creates SmartText? 2.WHo creates SmartPhrase?

1.SmartText= project team 2. SmartPhrase= You!

How do I pull it into my my note? see image! 1. SmartText 2. SMartPhrase

1.Smarttext= Select Note template or Search in the bar 2.SmartPhrase = Type ".<name of phrase>" and press space bar Example .HPIDM2 if you save History of Present Illness for DM type 2 like that.

How does smart text looks

1.Standard text and heading 2. SmartLinks= Data from patients chart 3. SmartLists = Options to customize text

1. If you decide to modify aspects of SMartText done by "the tech or project team" can you modify the template? what is it called the modified template? do you pull each?

1.Yes you can modify the smart text and save it as "SMART PHRASE" ! so they are same things except "SMART PHARSE" IS created by Me! 2. You pull up "Smart Text" by searching on the bar! while you type "Period and name of your Smart pharse" = .xyz on the Note space not "searching bar"

Look at Progress SOAP tabs: remember your mnemonics on the answer Assessment and Plan are on the same tab: Subjective: Objective:

Assessment = Chief complaint= Primary diagnosis from their come up with three diffrentials Plan = Lili "my life style is to Pick Meds, and come back to argue and change diagnosis , so I referred her to Psychiatric ward" Objective= [Vitally did general Physical Exam at Labs = Vittally[vital sings], Physcial Exam [Head to toe], Labs =ABCE [A= ABI , B=Blood CBC,CMP , C=CXR,U/S,MR etc Plan

Note writer forms typically contain what features?

NoteWriter forms have buttons, check boxes, and even DIAGRAMS[awesome]. As you work on the forms, text is composed in your note.

Smart Link [e.g Pt Name, age, sex...] 1.How do you jump to the first "Smart link " ? [hint this button serves as a Tab button inrealife to jump one to next item on screen!

Press F2

In addition to text template, what are other functionalities of Smart text?

Smart texts can also be used for procedures, letters, patient instructions, and more.

How to creat SmartPhrase from SmartLInk? List 3 steps

Step 1: pull up SmartText by searching on the "Bar" e.g. angina Step 2: To select all => Control+A Step 3= Left click the + sign as shown on the image! Step 4 = " change the wordings, or SmartLinks or SmartLists...etc

Note writer tools like Buttons , check boxes and even diagrams can be used in addition to or instead of , dictation and typing! true/false? 2. When is combination of this stools rather than just one tool important?

True 2. For complex patients with multiple problems , a combination oto tools is best.

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