MySQL, the only one you need

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Left Outer Join (or Left Join)

Returns all rows from the left table, and matched rows from the right table. Unmatched rows in the left table are paired with NULL values for columns from the right table.


UNION is a SQL operation that combines the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. It automatically removes duplicate rows and sorts the result

UPDATE Statement

Updates existing rows in a table

Can you update a view created from two tables by taking all columns?

Updating a view that encompasses all columns from two tables is possible only if the view is key preserved and does not contain set operations, aggregate functions, GROUP BY clauses, or distinct rows.

SQL syntax

o SQL statements end in semicolons o Most RDBMS SQL default to case insensitive, but often keywords are written in all caps

Case statement

The CASE statement in MySQL acts as a control flow function, allowing you to perform if-then-else type logic within your SQL queries:

SELECT Statement

Retrieves data from one or more tables.

Self Join

A self join is a regular join, but the table is joined with itself.

What is an inline view?

An inline view is a subquery in the FROM clause that acts as a temporary table. It's used to simplify complex queries by treating the result of the subquery as though it were a regular table.

What is BLOB in MySQL?

BLOB is an acronym that stands for a binary large object. It is used to hold a variable amount of data.There are four types of BLOB: TINYBLOB BLOB MEDIUMBLOB LONGBLOB A BLOB can hold a very large amount of data. For example - documents, images, and even videos. You could store your complete novel as a file in a BLOB if needed.

What are cascade constraints?

Cascade constraints are referential actions related to foreign keys that MySQL takes automatically on the related rows in the child table when the rows in the parent table are updated or deleted. They are defined as part of a foreign key constraint.

Inner Join

Combines rows from multiple tables based on a related column between them. Returns rows when there is at least one match in both tables.

What is a Constraint?

Constraints are rules applied to the columns of a table to enforce data integrity. They are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table, thus ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data within the database.Examples: primary key, foreign key, not null, unique, check,default

DELETE statement

Deletes rows from a table.

What happens to views if a base table is dropped?

If a base table that a view depends on is dropped, the view becomes invalid. The view definition remains in the database, but data cannot be selected from the view until the base table is restored or the view is redefined.

How to create an Index in MySQL?

In MySQL, there are different index types, such as a regular INDEX, a PRIMARY KEY, or a FULLTEXT index. You can achieve fast searches with the help of an index. Indexes speed up performance by either ordering the data on disk so it's quicker to find your result or, telling the SQL engine where to go to find your data.

What is a dula table and why do we need it?

In MySQL, unlike Oracle, there is no physical DUAL table. The DUAL keyword in MySQL is used as a dummy table for cases where a table reference is required, but the query doesn't rely on any data from a table. For example, when calling functions or performing calculations that don't need table data. It's essentially a built-in feature to ensure compatibility with SQL code written for databases like Oracle that do require a table name in a SELECT clause.Why do we need it? In MySQL, we don't necessarily need to use DUAL because MySQL allows you to execute commands like SELECT 1+1; without specifying a table. However, DUAL can be used when you want your SQL code to be compatible across different RDBMS or when you need to explicitly have a table reference in a SELECT statement without involving any actual table.

What are key preserved tables?

In the context of views, a key preserved table means that every key in the table can also be a key in the result of a join. It ensures that a row from a base table corresponds to at most one row in the view.

JOINS vs SET Operations

JOINS and SET operations are both used to retrieve data from multiple tables, but they work differently: JOINS combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. SET operations combine results from separate queries into a single result set. JOINS are used when you need to retrieve related data from multiple tables simultaneously, while SET operations are used when you have multiple queries that need to be combined into one result.

LPAD() and RPAD() Functions

LPAD() and RPAD() functions are used to pad a string with another string to a certain length. LPAD() function pads from the left. RPAD() function pads from the right. Both functions take three arguments: the original string, the final string length, and the padding string.

Is there a boolean datatype in MySQL?

MySQL does not have a dedicated Boolean data type. It uses TINYINT(1) as a convention for storing Boolean values, where 0 represents FALSE and 1 represents TRUE.

What are the key features of MySQL?

MySQL is known for its speed, scalability, robustness, and ease of use. It also supports a variety of SQL data types, offers powerful mechanisms for ensuring data integrity, and it supports numerous extensions for secondary indexing, full-text search, geographic and spatial operations, etc.

what is NULL in MySQL?

NULL in MySQL signifies the absence of a value or a lack of data for a column in a table. It is used to represent missing, unknown, or inapplicable data. NULL has several characteristics:

MySQL datatypes


What are SET Operators, and Name Them?

SET operators are used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. Common SET operators include:UNION: combines results into a single result set, eliminating duplicate rows. UNION ALL: similar to UNION, but includes duplicate rows.

What are the MySQL clients and utilities?

Several MySQL programs are available to help you communicate with the server. For administrative tasks, some of the most important ones are listed here: • mysql—An interactive program that enables you to send SQL statements to the server and to view the results. You can also use mysql to execute batch scripts (text files containing SQL statements). • mysqladmin—An administrative program for performing tasks such as shutting down the server, checking its configuration, or monitoring its status if it appears not to be functioning properly. • mysqldump—A tool for backing up your databases or copying databases to another server. • mysqlcheck and myisamchk—Programs that help you perform table checking, analysis, and optimization, as well as repairs if tables become damaged. mysqlcheck works with MyISAM tables and to some extent with tables for other storage engines. myisamchk is for use only with MyISAM tables.

Difference between IN and = operator

The IN and = operators in SQL are used to filter results based on specific conditions: = is an equality operator that is used to check if a value matches exactly one specific value. It's used in conditions where one column or expression is compared to one particular value.IN is used to check if a value matches any value within a list of values. It is useful when you need to specify multiple possible values for a column.

INSERT() Function

The INSERT() function in MySQL replaces a specified number of characters in a string with another string. It takes four arguments: the original string, the position to start at, the number of characters to remove, and the new string to insert. It returns the modified string.

What is NOT NULL?

The NOT NULL constraint is a column constraint that ensures a column cannot store NULL values. This enforces a field to always contain a value, meaning that you cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

What is a Foreign Key?

The NOT NULL constraint is a column constraint that ensures a column cannot store NULL values. This enforces a field to always contain a value, meaning that you cannot insert a new record, or update a record without adding a value to this field.

What does SQL in MySQL stand for?

The SQL in MySQL stands for Structured Query Language. This language is also used in other databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. One can use commands such as the following to send requests from a database:

SUBSTRING() Function

The SUBSTRING() function in MySQL is used to extract a substring from a string. It takes three arguments: the string to extract from, the starting position, and optionally the length of the substring. If the length is omitted, it returns all characters from the starting position to the end of the string. The function returns the extracted substring.

union vs union all, and which is faster

The difference between UNION and UNION ALL lies in how they handle duplicates. UNION removes duplicates and may sort the result set, while UNION ALL includes all duplicates. UNION ALL is generally faster because it does not incur the overhead of checking for and removing duplicates.

What is Sharding in SQL?

The process of breaking up large tables into smaller chunks (called shards) that are spread across multiple servers is called Sharding. The advantage of Sharding is that since the sharded database is generally much smaller than the original; queries, maintenance, and all other tasks are much faster.

What is the MySQL server?

The server, mysqld, is the hub of a MySQL installation; it performs all manipulation of databases and tables

How can you interact with MySQL?

There are three main ways you can interact with MySQL: using a command line via a web interface through a programming language

What are the advantages of using views?

Views can simplify the complexity of data, provide a level of security by restricting access to a predetermined set of rows and columns, and isolate application layer from changes in definitions of base tables.

What is a correlated subquery?

A correlated subquery is a type of nested query that uses values from the outer query to complete its results. It is executed repeatedly, once for each row that might be selected by the main query.

What is a nested query?

A nested query, also known as a subquery, is a SELECT statement placed within another SQL statement. It can be used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements to provide a set of values for evaluation or comparison.

What is a scalar query?

A scalar query is a subquery that returns exactly one row and one column. It's often used in the SELECT list or in a WHERE clause when a single value is required.

What are MySQL Triggers?

A trigger in MySQL is a set of SQL statements that automatically "fires" or executes when a specified database event occurs. This event could be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation on a table. Triggers are used for various purposes, such as enforcing business rules, validating input data, or maintaining an audit trail.You need to specify: trigger_name: The name you want to give to your trigger. BEFORE/AFTER: Whether the trigger fires before or after the defined operation. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE: The DML operation that activates the trigger. table_name: The name of the table on which the trigger operates. Inside the BEGIN ... END; block, you will write the SQL statements that should be executed when the trigger fires. Remember that triggers are powerful tools and should be used carefully as they can significantly affect database performance and can lead to complex interdependencies.

What is a view in SQL?

A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement. It contains rows and columns, just like a real table, and the fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.


CHAR is a fixed-length string; if you store a string shorter than the specified length, it will be right-padded with spaces to the specified length. VARCHAR is a variable-length string with a limit; it will only use as much space as the string occupies, plus one or two extra bytes to record the length of the string.

What are the String Data Types in MySQL?

CHAR: Fixed-length nonbinary (character) string VARCHAR: Variable-length nonbinary string BINARY: Fixed-length binary string VARBINARY: Variable-length binary string TINYBLOB: Very small BLOB (binary large object) BLOB: Small BLOB MEDIUMBLOB: Medium-sized BLOB LONGBLOB: Large BLOB TINYTEXT: A very small nonbinary string TEXT: Small nonbinary string MEDIUMTEXT: Medium-sized nonbinary string LONGTEXT: Large nonbinary string ENUM: An enumeration; each column value is assigned one enumeration member SET: A set; each column value is assigned zero or more set members NULL: NULL in SQL is the term used to represent a missing value. A NULL value in a table is a value in a field that appears to be blank, which is different than a zero value or a field that contains spaces.

Full Outer Join (or Full Join):

Combines rows from two tables and returns rows with a match in either one. If there is no match, the result set will have NULL for every column of the table that lacks a match.

Data Control Language (DCL)

DCL includes commands that deal with user permissions and control access to database objects. The two main DCL commands are GRANT, which gives users rights and privileges, and REVOKE, which removes them.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

DDL comprises SQL commands that define the structure of the database itself. This includes creating, altering, and dropping tables and other database structures. Common DDL statements are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

DML refers to the subset of SQL used to add, update, and delete data within a database. Common DML commands include INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Date Functions:

Date functions in MySQL are used to manipulate date and time values. Some common date functions include CURDATE(), CURRENT_DATE(), DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), DATEDIFF(), DAY(), MONTH(), YEAR(), NOW(), and SYSDATE().

Why is MySQL so popular?

First of all, MySQL is open-source. Second, it is widely adopted, so a lot of code is already available. Even entire developed systems are there that can be referred to for the upcoming projects. MySQL has relational databases; hence it makes it have methodical storage rather than a big dump of unorganized mess. And finally, as said earlier, MySQL is quick and robust.

I have two tables, and they both have primary keys referencing each other with different columns. How can I insert data into the tables?

Inserting data into two tables with cross-referencing foreign keys can be tricky due to the chicken-and-egg problem it creates. To do it: Disable foreign key checks temporarily with SET foreign_key_checks = 0;. Insert the initial row in one table with a null or default value in the foreign key column. Insert the corresponding row in the related table with the actual primary key of the first row. Update the first row's foreign key column with the primary key of the second row. Re-enable foreign key checks with SET foreign_key_checks = 1;.

INSERT statement

Inserts new rows into a table.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to access, add, or manipulate content within the database. Data is stored in tables and can be organized based relationships or links from table-to-table. For example, you could have a table for "Customers" and a table for "Orders", and relate them through a common column such as "Customer ID", since each customer is a unique value and a customer has orders and each order goes to a costumer.MySQL is based on a client-server model. This realting/referencing columns in other tables allows for complex queries and data manipulation. This feature of relating or referencing columns in other tables is often referred to as a "join". A join combines rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them, such as the "Customer ID" in your example. This is a powerful feature of MySQL and other relational databases, allowing us to retrieve and combine data from multiple tabl

What are pseudo columns?

Pseudo columns are a special kind of columns that are not actual columns in the table but behave like columns. They are computed by the database on-the-fly when queried. They are used in a SELECT statement like regular columns but are not stored on disk. In Oracle, a famous pseudo column is ROWNUM, which provides a unique number for each row returned by a query. However, MySQL does not use the term pseudo columns; instead, it has functions and expressions that can be used to achieve similar results, like using UUID() to generate a unique value for each row.

Single vs Multi-Row Function

Single-row functions return a single result row for every row of queried data. Multi-row (or aggregate) functions return a single result for a group of rows.

What is ON DELETE?

The ON DELETE clause in a foreign key constraint dictates what action to take on the child rows in a relationship when the corresponding parent row is deleted. Actions can be NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET NULL, RESTRICT, or SET DEFAULT.

How many Triggers are possible in MySQL?

There are six Triggers allowed to use in the MySQL database: Before Insert After Insert Before Update After Update Before Delete After Delete


UNION ALL is a SQL operation similar to UNION. However, it does not remove duplicate rows from the result set, which can make it faster than UNION because it requires less processing.

Difference between HAVING and WHERE clause

WHERE Clause: The WHERE clause is used to filter rows before any groupings are made. It operates on individual rows of a table. It is used in SELECT statements without aggregate functions, or before the GROUP BY clause in statements that include aggregation. The WHERE clause cannot be used with aggregate functions because it filters rows before the aggregation phase. HAVING Clause: The HAVING clause is used to filter groups after the GROUP BY clause has been applied. It operates on aggregated data. It is used in SELECT statements that contain aggregate functions and typically follows the GROUP BY clause. The HAVING clause can filter groups based on the result of an aggregate function, which WHERE cannot do.

What is an Integrity Constraint?

What is an Integrity Constraint?

Can you insert data into a view?

Yes, it is possible to insert data into an updatable view, as long as the INSERT operation adheres to the rules and constraints of the base table.

How can you relate the user table with the orders table?

You can relate the 'user' table with the 'orders' table by using a foreign key constraint. The 'orders' table should have a column that references the primary key column of the 'user' table. This column in the 'orders' table is the foreign key and establishes a relationship between the two tables, linking each order to the user that placed it.

can we create a table based on an exsisting table?

es, in MySQL, you can create a new table based on an existing table using the CREATE TABLE statement along with a SELECT statement. This is often done to clone the structure of a table, to copy data, or both. Here are a few different scenarios on how you can create a table based on an existing one:see pic

What is a database? How does it differ from a database management system (DBMS)?

A database is just a structured set of data. It can be anything from a simple collection of tables containing data to a complex one with multiple objects like tables, views, indices, stored procedures, and more. On the other hand, a Database Management System (DBMS) is the software that allows you to easily interacts with said database , providing an interface for interacting with the data stored in them.

What is a Primary Key?

A primary key is a field in a table which uniquely identifies each row/record in that table. Primary keys must contain unique values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only one primary key, which may consist of single or multiple columns.

What are MySQL Database Queries?

A query is a specific request or a question. One can query a database for specific information and have a record returned.

Can you explain what a relational database is?

A relational database is a type of database that stores and organizes data into tables. These tables are related to each other based on common attributesor columns known as keys (PK and FK), which enable data from different tables to be combined or queried together, which most importantly allows for more data efficent queries, and too avoid storing redundant data that is also in another table.


A transaction is a sequence of database operations that are treated as a single logical unit. If any operation in the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, maintaining database integrity. Transactions are managed by BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK statements.

What are some of the common MySQL commands?

ALTER: To alter a database or table BACKUP: To back-up a table \c: To cancel input CREATE: To create a database DELETE: To delete a row from a table DESCRIBE: To describe a table's columns DROP: To delete a database or table EXIT(ctrl+c): To exit GRANT: To change user privileges HELP (\h, \?): Display help INSERT: Insert data LOCK: Lock table(s) QUIT(\q): Same as EXIT RENAME: Rename a Table SHOW: List details about an object SOURCE: Execute a file STATUS (\s): Display the current status TRUNCATE: Empty a table UNLOCK: Unlock table(s) UPDATE: Update an existing record USE: Use a database

What is the difference between COUNT(1) and COUNT(*)?

COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are often used interchangeably in SQL and generally produce the same result because they are both used to count the number of rows in a table. However, they have a slight conceptual difference: COUNT(*) counts all rows in the table, including duplicates and rows with NULL values. It's a count of all the rows, regardless of any conditions. COUNT(1) is a count of all rows where '1' is a non-null value, which will also essentially be every row, regardless of content. '1' could be replaced with any non-null constant, expression, or column name.

Conversion Functions

Conversion functions in MySQL are used to convert a value from one data type to another. Common conversion functions include CAST(), CONVERT(), and FORMAT().

How do you create and execute views in MySQL?

Create a View: A view is essentially a stored query that you can treat almost like a table. Here's the basic syntax for creating a view:Replace view_name with the name you want to give your view, column1, column2 with the columns you want to include, table_name with the name of the source table, and condition with any conditions you want to apply to the rows returned.You can query a view just like you would a regular table. SELECT * FROM view_name;

What is MySQL?

MySQL is one of the most popular open-source DBMS (database management system). MySQL is easy to use, reliable, and fast. A DB management system that works on embedded systems as well as client-server systems.

What are the data types supported in MySQL?

MySQL supports a number of data types in several categories: numeric types (such as INTEGER, which Used for storing exact whole number values. :Decimal is Used for storing exact numeric values with a fixed decimal point. This is ideal for storing values that require precision, such as monetary values. Integers:Comes in different sizes (TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT) with varying storage sizes (1 to 4 bytes). Suitable for situations where exact values are required. and FLOAT, ehich Used for storing approximate numeric values with decimal points. Occupies 4 bytes of storage. Suitable for scientific calculations or situations where precision is not critical.), string types (like CHAR, which stores strings of a fixed length, always using the specified length for storage. It pads the remaining characters with spaces. This is useful when you have data with a consistent and predictable length, like country codes or fixed-length codes., and VARCHAR, which allows you to store strings of va

Using WHERE condition with TRUNCATE:

No, you cannot use a WHERE condition with TRUNCATE. If you need to delete rows based on specific criteria, you must use DELETE.


ON DELETE CASCADE is a directive in a foreign key constraint that automatically deletes child rows when the parent row is deleted. This maintains referential integrity by ensuring that there are no orphaned rows in the child table.

why is there a need to querie a database?

Queries are essential for interacting with a database because they: Retrieve Data: For analyzing business performance or generating reports. Manipulate Data: Update, insert, or delete records as needed, such as changing customer details. Analyze Information: Perform calculations and summarize data for insights. Support Applications: Enable automated decisions, like stock checks on an e-commerce site. Increase Efficiency: Quickly find and organize large volumes of data. Facilitate Integration: Allow different applications to access and use data. Enable Monitoring: Track system performance and user activities. Manage Security: Control access by querying user permissions. Aid Maintenance: Assist in indexing, backups, and database optimization. Queries streamline data access and management, making database interaction efficient and effective.

Right Outer Join (or Right Join)

Returns all rows from the right table, and matched rows from the left table. Unmatched rows in the right table are paired with NULL values for columns from the left table.

Can you describe the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL is a language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It's a standard language for interacting with databases and includes commands for querying (retrieving), inserting, updating, and modifying data, whereas MySQL is a software, a database management system that uses SQL to query a database, it is where the data is stored in the form of tables. These tables contain rows (records) and columns (fields)..(is the platform or environment where you can execute SQL commands)

What is SQL and why is it important?

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language used for managing and manipulating databases. It allows you to query, insert, update, delete, and manage data.

SYSDATE() Function

SYSDATE() returns the current date and time. To add a month to the current date returned by SYSDATE(), you can use the DATE_ADD() function.

What are the Numeric Data Types in MySQL?

TINYINT: Very Small Integer SMALLINT: Small Integer MEDIUMINT: Medium-sized Integer INT: Standard Integer BIGINT: Large Integer DECIMAL: Fixed-point number FLOAT: Single-precision floating-point number DOUBLE: Double-precision floating-point number BIT: Bit-field

What is the 'force' option when creating a view?

The 'force' option allows the creation of a view even if the base tables do not exist or the query in the view definition has errors. This can be useful for setting up views in advance of actual tables.

What are the advantages of the WITH clause?

The WITH clause, also known as Common Table Expressions (CTEs), helps in making complex queries more readable and modular. It allows recursive queries and can improve performance by allowing the database to cache the results of the CTE.

What are the types of relationships used in MySQL?

There are three categories of relationships in MySQL: One-to-One: Usually, when two items have a one-to-one relationship, you just include them as columns in the same table. One-to-Many: One-to-many (or many-to-one) relationships occur when one row in one table is linked to many rows in another table. Many-to-Many: In a many-to-many relationship, many rows in one table are linked to many rows in another table. To create this relationship, add a third table containing the same key column from each of the other tables

Do SET operations require the same number of columns and data types?

Yes, when performing SET operations like UNION and UNION ALL, the SELECT statements must have the same number of columns and the columns must have compatible data types. This ensures that each column from one result set can be unioned with its corresponding column in the other result sets.

Can you delete a record in a view?

Yes, you can delete a record in a view provided that the view is updatable and the deletion conforms to any constraints and rules of the underlying base tables

Can you update a view?

Yes, you can update a view if it satisfies certain conditions, such as not involving any non-updatable view, not using GROUP BY clause, and columns being directly mapped to columns of a base table.


DATE stores a date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format without time information. TIMESTAMP stores a combination of date and time in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format, typically used to track changes to records, and can be automatically set to the current timestamp. It also has timezone awareness and will convert stored values from the current timezone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC to the current timezone for retrieval.

What are the Temporal Data Types in MySQL?

DATE: A date value, in 'CCYY-MM-DD' Format TIME: A time value, in 'hh:mm:ss' format DATETIME: Date and time value, in 'CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' format TIMESTAMP: A timestamp value, in 'CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' format YEAR: A year value, in CCYY or YY forma

Difference Between DELETE and TRUNCATE

DELETE is a DML (Data Manipulation Language) command. It is used to delete specific rows from a table or all rows if no condition is specified.It can use a WHERE clause to specify which rows should be deleted.DELETE operations can be rolled back (undone) if the database is in a transaction. It logs each row deletion, which can be slower for large tables.TRUNCATE is a DDL (Data Definition Language) command.It removes all rows from a table, effectively resetting the table to its empty state.It does not allow the use of a WHERE clause; it will always remove all rows.TRUNCATE operations cannot be rolled back in some databases, or only as a whole transaction, not row by row.It does not log each row deletion, and it typically deallocates the data pages of the table, which makes it faster for large tables.TRUNCATE is generally faster than DELETE because it does not log the deletion of each row) However, DELETE can be more precise and is necessary when you need to selectively remove rows.

How many columns and rows are present in a dual table

How many columns and rows are present in a dual table in MySQL? In MySQL, DUAL can be considered to have a single row and no columns; it is not a stored table, so it doesn't have a defined structure with a fixed number of columns and rows. It's just a notational convenience in MySQL for the situations described above.

Difference between EXISTS and IN with subqueries

IN is typically used when you want to compare a column to a list of values obtained from a subquery. If the list is very large, IN can be slow because it may create a large temporary table.EXISTS is used to check for the existence of rows returned by a subquery. The subquery with EXISTS is correlated with the main query and is executed repeatedly, once for each row processed by the main query. EXISTS will stop processing as soon as it finds a matching row.

can we inserty rows into a dual table?

In MySQL, DUAL is indeed not a physical table, but the MySQL server recognizes DUAL as a valid table name for syntactical purposes. However, unlike in Oracle where DUAL is a real table with a single row, in MySQL, DUAL does not actually exist and is just a means to enable the selection of a calculation or function result without having to refer to a real table. To be clear, in MySQL, DUAL is a dummy table that is automatically provided by MySQL. It has no columns and no stored data. You can perform SELECT operations that don't require a table, but you cannot insert data into DUAL because it isn't an actual table.

Can we drop all columns from a table?

In MySQL, you cannot drop all columns from a table because a table must have at least one column. The SQL standard and MySQL require a table to have columns, as they are the structure that defines the data that the table can hold. If you want to remove all columns, you essentially want to remove the table, for which you would use: DROP TABLE <TABLENAME>;

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