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ASHWINI (0* Aries - 13* 20' Aries) Meaning: Owning horses Symbol : the horse's head Shakti: the power to reach things quickly. (Shidhra chaplain shakti) Basis Above: creatures to be healed Basis Below: healing therapies Deity: The Ashwini Kumaras. They are the physicians of the gods. They also rule over agriculture. Interpretation: Ashwini rules healing. The Ashwini person usually has a natural ability to heal. Can also bring a connection to gardening and animals, especially horses. A focal planet like sun, moon, or Lagna ruler placed here may occasionally make the person a twin. Sometimes creates a love of cars and vehicles. Person may incur initial resistance or even prejudice in the process of attaining the status, position or acceptance they desire. This resistance can be overcome through selflessly healing or serving others. Nevertheless they tend to gain elite status in their profession or social circle.

1. Ashwini

BHARANI (13* 20' Aries - 26* 40' Aries) Meaning: She who bears Symbol: the vulva Shakti: the power to carry things away (apabharini shakti) Basis Above: to remove the life from the body Basis Below: To carry the soul to the world of the ancestors Desire: to be the lord of the ancestors Deity: Yama. God of death and bringer of justice. Judge and restrainer of men. Upholds codes of social morality. Direction: South. Interpretation: Person has the ability to dispose of things or conditions that have come to a conclusion. Fighter in the cause of social justice. Sometimes subscribe to revolutionary social philosophies. They have the ability to make good judgements. Negative side: They can become judgmental or moralistic. Can be controlling or jealous. Constellation of death, transformation and rebirth. Planets placed in Bharani go through metamorphosis process.

2. Bharani

KRITTIKA (26* 40' Aries - 10* 00' Taurus) Meaning: The Cutters Symbol: razor or sharp cutting blade Shakti: the power to burn or purify (dahana shakti) Basis Above: heat Basis Below: light Desire: to be the eater of food for the gods Deity: Agni god of fire. Represents health, intelligence, strength and beauty. Giver of wealth, he signifies knowledge and rules the Southeast. Interpretation: Person is bold, courageous and fiery. Has ability to cut through resistance and accomplish great things. Proud, confident, ambitious leader types. Set high goals and sometimes take risks to accomplish them. They thrive in occupations that require precision and skill. Planets here may become refined, purified or tested as if by fire. Tend to be very bright, with a natural ability to absorb and utilize knowledge. Since Krittika rules over gold, those with focal planets here tend to be prosperous. May have a tendency towards affairs.

3. Krittika

ROHINI (10* 00' Taurus - 23* 20 Taurus) Meaning: the growing or the red Symbol: an ox cart Shakti: the power of growth (Rohana shakti) Basis Above: the plants Basis Below: the waters Desire: to attract a lover and unite with her/him Deity: Brahma, the creator. Inventor of theatrical art, music and dancing. Related to Lakshmi, goddess of wealth. Interpretation: Those with focal planets here love to dance, love music and art. Frequently objects of envy and jealousy. Charming, charismatic and physically attractive. Emanate sexuality and have a natural ability to attract love, affection and the sexual interest of others. Have the capacity to create and develop ideas and projects. Nakshatra also symbolizes vehicles.

4. Rohini

MRIGASHIRA (23* 20 Taurus - 6* 40' Gemini) Meaning: the deer's head, to hunt, a well-trodden path, or to ask Symbol: the head of a deer Shakti: the power to give fulfillment (prinana shakti) Basis Above: to extend Basis Below: to weave or produce clothing Desire: to gain lordship over plants Deity: Soma (moon) healer of all diseases. #3 important symbol in describing him. Opposite of Agni (fire, digestion) Soma is food, Agni is expansion, Soma is contraction. Guardian of animals Lord of the Northwest. Jiva (experiencer) who is in the body. He bestows food, knowledge, effulgence, health and wealth. Interpretation: person is constantly searching or hunting for something. House in which Mrigashira falls symbolizes object of search. Sensual and sometimes fickle. Prone to marital problems stemming from their passionate nature. Venus placed here can give a tendency toward infidelity. (Person or partner). Acts to produce fulfillment of the significations of any planet placed within it. Person follows his desires. If a desire is not appropriate, sometimes person gets his head cut off. Can doubt, challenge and judge prematurely. (more the case if malefic influences are involved. Also associated with wandering, traveling, speaking ability, a tendency to challenge the credibility of others. Weaving ability. Tend to become prosperous. Love pleasure, animals, plants healing ability. Gemstones.

5. Mrigashira

ARDRA (6* 40 Gemini - 20* 00' Gemini) Meaning: the moist one Symbol: a teardrop Shakti: the power of effort (yatna shakti Basis Above: to hunt or search Basis Below: to reach goal Desire: to gain lordship over the animals Deity: Rudra, lord of tears, god of storms. Anger deified, FEAR rules over ghosts and graveyards. Ruler of sleep. Interpretation: person is emotional and easily moved to tears - disappointments, inspirational emotions. Planets here are sometimes linked to suffering. Sun or ruler of the tenth house here can indicate psychologist or psychiatrist. Moon or fourth house ruler placed here can indicate emotional mother or mother has difficult life.. ARDRA people make compassionate healers. Can be unconventional or even heretical in lifestyle or philosophy of life. Tendency toward anger - howling, shouting. Can be righteous indignation or manifest as selfishness or cruelty. Many find great release and emotional expansion after crying. ARDRA also promotes mental genius, fascination with alternative concepts, abstract thinking, intuition, interest in astrology, psychology, science and technology.


PUNAVASU (20* 00 Gemini - 3* 20' Cancer) Meaning: good again, prosperous again, light again Symbol: A quiver of arrows Shakti: the power of wealth or substance (vasudeva prapana shakti) Basis Above: air or wind Basis Below: moisture or rain Desire: to produce herbs or trees Deity: Aditi (primordial vastness) she is unboundedness, the sky and space. Primary Mother Goddess. Twelve sons (Adityas) represent fundamental laws of men and gods. Aditi is worshipped for blessings on children, for forgiveness and protection. Interpretation: represents freedom, expansion and unboundedness. Things becoming good again. Promotes a return to prosperity and general well being. Person brings a renewing influence to what ever he touches. Has a natural ability to restore an old condition, rebuild a career after a loss, or renew a marriage or relationship after a separation. Interested in philosophy and religion. Able to develop deep insight into the meaning of life. Good with language tend to be well educated and prosperous. Strong sense of right and wrong. Negative: can be self righteous or indignant. If they perceive injustice or transgressions to the basic rules of human behavior. They are able to allow others the space to be themselves and can learn to be tolerant. Tendency to store up energy rather than spend it. Like to stay at home or work from home. Natural ability to create prosperity.

7. Punarvasu

PUSHYA (3* 20 Cancer - 16* 40' Cancer ) Meaning: nourishing also flower Symbol: a cow's udder Shakti: the power to create spiritual energy. (brahmavarchasa shakti) Basis Above: sacrificial worship Basis Below: The worshipper Desire: to possess the splendor of spiritual knowledge Deity: Brihaspati (The Great Master) Jupiter rules. Over mental energy. Teacher of Jyotish. Movement of all planets are under his domain. Interpretation: most auspicious constellation in the Zodiac. Nourishes and promotes growth. They are nurturers. Willing to help, support and give sustenance to those around them. Tend to become prosperous well educated and successful. Natural command of language and the ability to teach. Can become very philosophical or religious. Have the capacity to gain great spiritual knowledge as well as the ability to create great spiritual energy. Tend to be rather orthodox in their beliefs. Make good professionals and good leaders. Have a natural understanding of politics and diplomacy. Naturally lucky. Planets here tend to thrive.

8. Pushya

ASHLESHA (16* 40' Cancer - 30* 00' Cancer) Meaning: the clinging, the embracing the entwiner Symbol: a coiled snake Shakti: the power to poison (visasleshana shakti) Basis Above: the approach of the serpent Basis Below: agitation or trembling Desire: to overcome enemies Deity: The Nagas (deified serpents) part human part serpent, they are quick, violent, poisonous, courageous. Live in the underworld are enemies of the gods. Symbolize kundalini and metamorphosis. Have the ability to mesmerize, and can be masters of deception, manipulation and cunning. Interpretation: constellation of deep mystical power, completely at home in the underworld. Focal planets here have a deep connection to the dark and the light sides of their nature. Natural interest in the occult, and subjects that explore the hidden aspects of consciousness. Have a transformational nature and are deeply interested in spiritual pursuits, especially those that unleash the power of kundalini. Have a profound ability to transform and heal the world around them. They like to live and work in seclusion. Sometimes they do things in secret. Can be charismatic. Use language to mesmerize, bite, poison, or transform those around them. Can be blunt, venomous and lethal if threatened or humiliated. Can be arrogant. Are formidable opponents, slippery, seductive using their hypnotic power for selfish reasons. Have a tendency toward infidelity and untrustworthiness. HAVE IMPORTANT LESSONS TO LEARN ABOUT GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION. Usually feel unappreciated especially by their spouses. Often it is the Ashelesha person who needs to appreciate others. Planets placed here are sometimes poisoned. Sometimes the effect of this nakshatra is to produce change transformation and ultimate healing.

9. Ashlesha

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