Napoleon Bonaparte

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Who was Paoli?

He was the governor of Corsica and Paoli was his hero as a child.

What is Napoleons Legacy?

He writes the history of Napoleon and Napoleon is Immortal.

Effects of Napoleon invading Russia?

His army was destroyed, almost 600,000 men died. He lost his reputation in France, France and Europe turned on him.

What was guerrilla warfare?

hit-and-run war technique

Napoleon's reforms in France

1. Napoleonic Code: an establishment of laws (equality of men) 2.Lycees: first public schools 3. Concordat of 1801: Made catholicisms the main, but not an exclusive religion 4.strong centralized gov.t 5.Abolished Feudal Privileges 6.Bank of France and Stabilized currency 7. Legion of Honor

Who is Marie Louise?

19-year-old, daughter of Emperor Francis the First of Austria, who married Napoleon and gave birth to his son. Their Marriage gave him Alliance with the Hapsburgs (one of the great reigning families of Europe) She transformed him into a loving father and made him less tough. He stopped working for a while to be with her.

What was a plebiscite?

Ballot used by Napoleon to deceive him as Constitutional to the French people

Why did Napoleon invade Russia?

Because Alexander I did not follow the continental system. He said it was ruining the Russian Economy

What was the Battle of Liepzig?

Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden rallied against him. He was outnumbered 2 to 1 and the battle was 3 days. He lost his invincibility and his army was retreating.

What was the Battle of Borodino?

Brutal Battle with Russia. The attack was wild and horrific. The Battle lasted from 6 am to 3 pm. Napoleon proclaimed Victory because they withdrew

Who is Napoleon's Father?


Why was the battle of Toulon important?

Even though the individual battle of Toulon was not very important it is important to Napoleon's career. He argued that if the solders could seize the heights commanding the harbor they could bombard the fleet. It worked and Napoleon was promoted.

What is the Continental system?

France Blocking Britain and Britain Blocking France, which was a failure because Britain was still able to trade.

Why was Napoleon the first Modern General?

He changed war tactics and war. He fought until the enemy was destroyed.

Why was Napoleon the first Modern Dictator?

He found a way to fuse democracy and dictatorship.

How did Napoleon prove himself while defending the Directory in 1795?

He was called to repel an attack, so shot a cannon at the mob of Parisians and three weeks later he was made full general of the army of the interior.

What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar?

Horatio Lord Nelson defeated the French fleets off the coast of Spain, which caused Napoleon to turn to the Continental system.

What did Bonaparte say at the Lodi Bridge Battle?

I am destined to do great things.

What is Corsica?

Island in the Mediterranean where Napoleon was born

What did the Treaty of Campo prove?

It proved that Napoleon was a great statesman and he was the most popular leader in France.

Why were the plebiscite important Napoleon's rise?

It showed the French people agreed with Napoleon's reforms.

What was the Egyptian Campaign?

It was a failure, however, Napoleon used propaganda to cover his failures. He fought the Mamelukes.

Who is Napoleon's Mother?


What was Napoleon's attitude toward the Jacobins?

Napoleon agreed with the Jacobins and he wanted his voice to be heard. Napoleon hated terror, but was happy about order.

What was Napoleon's attitude toward the Revolution?

Napoleon approved the Revolution because he believed he could show his true potential. He disliked the violent mobs, but supports the economical change. The Revolution took away what standed in way, anarchy

What happened at Austerlitz?

Napoleon defeated the Russians and Austrians in one day.

How did Napoleon feel about France when he was young?

Napoleon hated and despised France for hurting Corsica. He thought he was a subject of an Alien king

What is Napoleon's feeling towards his father?

Napoleon never forgave Carlo for betraying his corsican heritage and submitting to the French way of life.

Who was Josephine?

Napoleon's wife

What is the important about the Lodi Bridge Battle?

Napoleon ordered a simple forward assault on the Bridge and in this battle he earned the loyalty and respect of his men.

What is Napoleon's feeling towards his mother?

Napoleon praised his mother. She was very tough and taught her children discipline

What was the Battle of Marengo?

Napoleon took his soldiers across the Alps. After the Battle a treaty with Austria, France, and Britain Followed. Napoleon got Europe to be at peace after ten years.

What happened with Paoli?

Napoleon wanted to rule by Paoli's side, but he didn't trust him. He thought was self centered and too sympathetic to France.

What was Napoleon's Military Academy experience?

Napoleon's dad get him a scholarship at the age if nine. He was ostracized from family for 5 months. He has no friends because he was corsican.

What were the effects of the Enlightenment on Napoleon?

Rousseau, equality and General will inspired him

How did Josephine help Napoleon?

She gave him the connections and got him the job as a supreme commander all French Forces in Italy.

Why did Josephine marry Napoleon?

She was growing old and loosing her beauty and she needed a protector.

Napoleons Goals for European Empire?

Spread Napoleonic Reforms, Dominate/Unite Europe Under France, and bring trade.

What was the Treaty of Campo?

The Austrian Emperor, worked with Napoleon to make a deal. (Napoleon gained Belgium, Netherlands, German lands, and Austrian lands in Italy)

What is Coup de Etat Brumaire?

The Coup where Napoleon overthrew the Directory with the help of Emmanuel Sieyes who was eventually removed from any power-sharing

What happened at Waterloo?

The D

What happened at Waterloo?

The Duke of Wellington (Britain) and Marshal Blucher (Prussia) relied on each other to win the battle against Napoleon. Napoleon lost this battle because he lost faith in his star and thought fortune was abandoning him.

Why did Napoleon abdicate his throne?

The French no longer wanted him and he felt crushed and useless.

Why did Napoleon invade Spain?

The continental system wasn't working and spain was defying his commands not to trade with Britain. He wanted to make Spain apart of his empire.

Effect of the Spanish Invasion

The spanish resisted and killed multiple frenchmen and the french retaliated by killing thousands of spaniards, it started the Guerrilla War.


The tiny island that Napoleon was granted after his abdication. Off the coast of Italy. He was given the Title of the Emperor of Elba.

How did Napoleon Rule his Empire?

With order and strict control

100 days?

escape from Elba and his return to power (waterloo)

What was the Consulate?

three men governing board, this was the first government created and ruled by Napoleon.

What was the police state?

undercover police who maintained order

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