NASM Chapter 22 Study Questions

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What is the approximate percentage of those who will quit a fitness program within the first 6 months after they begin?

50% It has been argued that approximately 50% of those who begin a fitness program will quit within the first 6 months.

Which of the following exercises and modalities would require the use of a spotter?

Barbell chest press A spotter is required for this type of movement due to the potential danger associated with free weights.

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most freedom of movement in the transverse plane?

Elastic band woodchop This is a transverse plane movement. Elastic bands and tubing also allow clients to perform resisted exercises that mimic sport-specific movements such as a golf swing or tennis forehand.

Which of the following is true for elastic resistance bands as a modality?

Elastic resistance training is beneficial for muscular strength and endurance.

Strength-training machines provide training primarily in which planes of motion?

Frontal and sagittal

When compared to machines, free weights provide which of the following benefits to users?

Increased multiplanar movement Free weights allow individuals to perform exercises in all planes of motion (i.e., sagittal, frontal, transverse) with various degrees of ranges of motion consistent with those experienced in daily life and sport.

Which modality allows for movements to occur as explosively as possible without the need for eccentric deceleration?

Medicine ball The medicine ball allows movements to occur as explosively as possible without the need for eccentric deceleration. For example, when performing a kneeling medicine ball chest pass, a client can release the medicine ball at the end of the movement, thus allowing for full concentric power development.

Which of the following exercises may increase inaccurate readings while utilizing a wrist-worn heart rate monitor?

Medicine ball catch and pass

Which of the following modalities is most likely to allow for strength and/or power development in the transverse plane?

Medicine balls Medicine balls, sandbags, and ViPR are modalities that allow for the most multiplanar motion.

Kettlebell exercises have proven extremely beneficial in the development in which plane or of which chain?

Posterior chain The posterior chain refers to the muscles on the back side of the body: calves, hamstring complex, gluteal muscles, and spinal erectors.

How often should elastic resistance bands be checked?

Prior to every use The band may get damaged during a session, and if not checked prior to the next session, it could become a liability.

Which of the following terms can be defined as relating to one side of the body?

Unilateral Unilateral relates to one side of the body.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding proprioceptive modalities?

Using heavy weights while performing exercises on proprioceptive modalities is considered dangerous.

When using battle ropes as a modality, what diameter of rope would best be used for strength, power, and anaerobic adaptations in which exercises are performed for 30 seconds or less?

2 in. Larger ropes, such as 2 in. diameter, are heavier and are ideal for individuals wanting to make developments in strength and power.

Which of the following would be the recommended stability ball size for someone under 5 feet tall?

45 cm Due to length of limbs and joint angles, a 45-centimeter ball is the optimal choice for individuals under 5 feet tall.

Circuit training is best described as what?

A full-body program that incorporates high-intensity aerobic conditioning, muscular strength, and endurance training movements Circuit training is a series of exercises performed one after another with minimal (or limited) rest between exercises.

Selectorized machines provide all the following benefits except for which one?

Are often less intimidating than free weights for novice exercisers Provide an increased range of motion Offer users the ability to change resistance easily Are often accompanied by instructional diagrams or pictures Provide an increased range of motion Machines tend to keep the individual in a fixed plane of motion, which can limit range of motion.

Kettlebells were first used in which setting?

As a unit of measurement on market and farming scales The kettlebell was first used as a unit of measurement on market and farming scales, and it was later used in the Russian military for conditioning and strength.

When attempting to increase muscular size and strength in the lower body, which of the following exercise is least likely to be beneficial?

BOSU squat Instability training is good for proprioception and balance, not for muscular hypertrophy.

Which of the following is considered an open-chain exercise?

Bench press Open-chain exercises involve movements in which the distal extremities (hands or feet) are not in a fixed position and the force applied by the body is great enough to overcome the resistance (such as barbells or dumbbells). Examples of open-chain exercises include the bench press, lat pulldown, and machine leg extension.

Which of the following modalities has the potential to be used effectively in every phase of the OPT model?

Cable machines Cable machines can be adapted to offer resistance for all body parts and are effective for developing stability, muscular endurance, hypertrophy (increased muscle size), strength, and power.

Most bodyweight training exercises are considered which type of movements?

Closed-chain movements Most bodyweight training exercises are closed-chain exercises. This means the distal extremities (hands and feet) are in a fixed position.

Which of the following are the correct five kinetic chain checkpoints when utilizing kettlebells?

Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head Feet should be about shoulder-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Knees should be in line with the second and third toes (avoid valgus or varus motions). Hips should be level, with the lumbar spine in a neutral position. Shoulders should be depressed and slightly retracted to activate scapulae stabilizers. The cervical spine should be in a neutral position (chin tuck).

When discussing fitness trackers and heart rate monitors, which of the following statements is the most accurate?

Fitness trackers provide the user with conformational feedback, such as a recorded history of exercise time and effort. Trackers provide the user with conformational feedback. Physical results, such as weight or inches lost, may not be noticeable to the individual on a daily basis. However, the tracking device can provide a monitored record of effort for the user to enhance motivation.

Regarding free-weight training, which of the following is the most accurate statement?

Free weights may improve dynamic joint stabilization and proprioception. Free weights allow individuals to perform exercises in all planes of motion (including sagittal, frontal, and transverse) with various degrees of ranges of motion consistent with those experienced in daily life and sport. Combining all these motions enhances motor learning and improves muscular coordination and performance.

Proper abdominal crunches on a stability ball allows for:

Increased spinal extension due to the curvature of the ball Greater ranges of motion can occur during certain exercises, such as the stability ball crunch versus the traditional floor crunch exercise.

Using battle ropes is considered which sort of exercise?

Low-impact activity

Which of the following statements is the most accurate when discussing strength-training machines?

Not all strength-training machines are designed to fit all body types and thus can limit the effectiveness of the intended exercise. Not all strength-training machines are designed to fit all body types and thus can limit the effectiveness of the exercise and possibly create more stress to joints.

A Certified Personal Trainer may seek further proprioceptive development in which of the following phases?

Phase 1 Phase 1 is where stabilization endurance is emphasized. (Strength machines do not focus on the balance and stability components necessary for everyday function.)

In which phase of the OPT model would suspended bodyweight training be the most desirable for optimal outcomes?

Phase 2 Suspended bodyweight training is ideal for Phases 1 and 2, in which development of balance and muscle endurance are the focus.

The goal of the Certified Personal Trainer in utilizing machines in Phase 1 of the OPT model should be to do what?

Progress their clients to more proprioceptively enriched exercises During the initial stages of training, the use of strength machines by apparently healthy adults may be necessary to offer a less intimidating environment and to provide a strength-training option that meets their current physical capabilities.

What is an unstable (yet controllable) exercise environment that causes the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms?

Proprioceptively enriched environment The definition of a proprioceptively enriched environment is an unstable (yet controllable) exercise environment that causes the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms.

Selectorized machines provide all the following benefits except for which one?

Provide an increased range of motion Machines tend to keep the individual in a fixed plane of motion, which can limit range of motion.

Which of the following is considered a closed-chain exercise?


During the standing cable chest press, the resistance should be positioned to do what?

Resist shoulder horizontal adduction The resistance should be positioned to resist shoulder horizontal adduction (and instead pull the shoulder into horizontal abduction).

The TRX Rip Trainer would most likely be utilized for which type of movement?

Rotation The TRX® Rip Trainer is another form of resistance band training but uses a lever bar that is attached to one end of a nylon-covered resistance band. This form of resistance is designed to engage the core by integrating torso rotational movements and antirotational exercises, via asymmetrical resistance loading.

Which of the following modalities was designed to be carried, lifted, thrown, and pulled as a functional training tool?

Sandbags Sandbags are designed to be carried, lifted, thrown, and pulled. The sandbag is a highly effective and functional training tool.

Which exercise is performed in the sagittal plane and provides the greatest challenge to the muscles of the posterior chain (e.g., hamstrings, gluteals, and erector spinae)?

Single-leg Romanian Deadlift This is a unilateral exercise, performed in the sagittal plane that targets muscles of the posterior chain.

Which of the following modalities is the least likely to increase joint instability?

Strength machines Proprioceptive modalities, not strength machines, can be an effective strategy for optimizing movement patterns, joint stability, and performance.

Balance is best described as which of the following?

The ability to maintain control of the body while in a static position The ability to maintain the control of the body while in a static position. Yoga poses in which the position is held are a good example of balance exercises.

Core stability is best described as:

The ability to resist external resistance in the lumbar spine while the extremities are actively moving The ability of an individual to maintain a given position, adequately stabilizing the spine while the extremities are moving, is the definition of core stability.

Proprioception is best described as which of the following statements?

The body's ability to sense body position and limb movements Proprioception uses internal sensations and receptors to sense body position and limb movements.

Rotational movement of the torso should primarily occur where?

Thoracic spine The thoracic spine has a range of motion of nearly 70 degrees (35 degrees in each direction) and is where the majority of rotational movement occurs.

Loaded movement training is best achieved with which training modality?

ViPR Loaded movement training refers to dynamic, full-body, multiplanar movements performed with an external load.

What is unique about a kettlebell when compared to a dumbbell?

With a kettlebell, the center of mass is farther from the handle. First used as a measuring tool at markets, the kettlebell was later adopted as a strength and conditioning tool. A kettlebell is a flat-bottomed cast iron ball with a handle on top; this places the center of gravity farther from the handle.

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