natural disasters final
very resistant to flow; add heat to
A highly viscous fluid is _____________. One common way to make a fluid less viscous is to ______________ the fluid
A rock smashed into many pieces by a scientist using a hammer is undergoing ___________ deformation
had gone around barriers to keep people out of 'harms' way
Most of the people killed by the Mount St. Helens eruptions of 1980 ___________
Over _________ of Earth's magma extruded through volcanism takes place at the oceanic spreading centers
Mt. St. Helens
VEI 5 volcano events
VEI of 3
Volcanic eruptions with which of the following VEIs happen the most often?
older, colder plate turns downward beneath the younger, warmer plate
When oceanic lithosphere collides with another plate, the __________ in the process of subduction
become part of Alaska's southern margin
When the part of California west of the San Andreas Fault plows into Alaska it will ___________
California, Alaska, Hawaii and Nevada
Which four states account for 91% of all US earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above?
surface waves
Which of the following wave types travels slowest through rock?
Which state accounts for the greatest percentage of all US earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above?
all of these choices are correct
Why does the magma from some volcanoes flow smoothly and relatively peacefully, while the magma from either volcanoes blasts forth violently and deals death over wide areas?
lava flow
molten rock moving downslope
pyroclastic flow
rapid rush of gases and material downslope
divergent boundary
two plates are spreading apart
absorption and adsorption
water binds with clay to weaken its strength
cement dissolving
water can dissolve minerals that bind rocks together
weight of water
water fills in pores in rocks, making them heavier
pore-water pressure
water in rocks at depth gets added pressure from above, creating quicksand
superheated water and steam
what erupts in a geyser?
Mt. Pinatubo
A genuine success story of advance warning before a large eruption occurred in the Philippines in 1991 before the climatic eruption of ___________
A mantle hot spot has generated a long-lived plume beneath Yellowstone National Park, and the North American continent is moving ___________ above it about 2 to 4 cm/yr
the subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath North America
Active volcanoes today in Oregon and Washington, including Mt. St. Helens, result from _______________
inertia and friction
Before a landslide mass begins to move downhill, it must overcome __________
California accounts for __________ of all US earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above
Mt. mazama
Crater Lake, Oregon, fills the caldera of _______ which collapsed about 7,600 years ago
4.5 billion
Earth is about _______ years old
sudden earth movements along faults
Earthquakes are most commonly caused by ____________
movement of volcanic magma beneath the ground
Earthquakes in Hawaii are mostly related to ___________
normal faults
Faults on which the dominant forces are extensional are recognized by the separation of the pulled-apart rock layers in a zone of omission; these are ____________
they produce different S and P wave patterns
Human-caused and natural events can be distinguished using seismic waves because ___________
If an island were to have developed approximately 5.2 million years ago from this same hot spot, where would it have most likely formed
In 1883, ________ exploded and the resulting tsunami killed 36,000 people on Java and Sumatra
carbon dioxide
In August 1986, a gigantic volume of ________ beiched forth from Lake Nyos in Cameroon and swept down the adjacent valleys asphyxiating 1,700 people
translational slides
In _________ masses move down and out by sliding on planes of weakness, such as faults, bedding, or clay-rich layers
drop, cover, and hold on where you currently are
In general, during an earthquake you should ___________
water vapor (H2O)
In magma, _________ is the most abundant dissolved gas
widespread looting and arson
In the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, the Marina District building collapses were extensive, and numerous destructive fires broke out, due to all but which one of the following
carbon dioxide
Limestone is dissolved primarily as __________ reacts with water to form a weak acid
all of these choices are correct
Mt. Rainier, Washington, is number one on the danger list of many US volcanologists because of its
On 20 February 1943, a new volcano named ____________, a scoria cone, was born when an eruption rose up through a farm field near a village in mexico
Mont Pelee, Martinique
On 8 May 1902, a massive eruption of ________ killed 30,000 people in the town of St. Pierre
through collisions of matter within a rotating cloud of gas, ice, dust and other solid debris
Our solar system formed _________
Over ________ of volcanism is associated with the edges of tectonic plates
chucks of magma and rocks blown into the air by gas in a volcanic eruption
Pyroclastic debris is __________
Seafloor spreading generates _________ magma
ground deformation
Several geologic phenomena are being studied as signs of an impending volcanic eruption. These include seismic waves, _____________ and the release of gases
an adjacent oceanic fracture zone on the Atlantic seafloor
The Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake of 1886 occurred along a seismic belt that may be related to ____________
withdrawal of groundwater by pumping
The Houston-Galveston, Texas, area has been sinking due to the _________
from material that coalesced after an impact between Eartha and a Mars-sized object
The Moon is thought to have formed _________
lahars and pyroclastic flows
The Mt. Pinatubo endangered people animals and property whens its 1991 eruptions results in ____________
caused a great reduction in the worldwide human population
The Toba eruption 74,000 years ago may have _________
The _______ wave travels fastest and moves in a push-pull fashion of alternating pulses of compression (push) and extension (pull)
during the night when most people are home and asleep
The best time for an earthquake to occur to minimize loss of life is _____________
The current air pressure
The intensity of an earthquake is influenced by all but which of the following
The large left step in the San Andreas Fault in the Los Angeles area causes compressive ruptures along east-west-oriented _____________ faults as in the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge events
Pompeii and Herculaneum
The most famous of all volcanoes probably is Vesuvius, and the most famous of its eruptions are those of 79 CE, which buried the cities of _______________
Icelandic type
The most peaceful eruptions are ________ eruptions
clay minerals
The natural materials most commonly associated with earth failures are ___________
200 million
The oldest rocks on the ocean floors are about _________ years in age
segments along a fault that not moved for the longest amount of time
The seismic-gap method of earthquake forecasting works by identifying _________
The strike-slip San Andreas Fault in California is a _________ fault ore than 1,300 km long
Tambora in 1815
The volcanic explosivity index (VEI) measures size of volcanic eruptions on a scale of 0 to 8. Between 1500 and 1980, one VEI 7 eruption occurred. This was ____________
continental plate versus mantle plate
Three basic classes of collisions include all but which of the following?
western margin
Today, North America has several small- to medium-sized plates subducting beneath its ________
Using the S-P timing method, epicenters can be located using seismograms from a minimum of _______ recording stations
Pinatubo and Vesuvius
VEI 6 volcano events
VEI 7 volcano event
Yellowstone and Toba
VEI 8 volcano events
the subduction of Mediterranean seafloor beneath Europe
What is the cause of volcanism at Italy's Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano and Etna?
VEI of 8
What is the volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of a Yellowstone super-eruption
it leaked upward from basaltic magma underlying a lake
What was the origin of the gas that killed 1,700 people in Cameroon in 1996?
When most of the movement along a fault is horizontal, the fault is referred to as a ____________ fault
With compressional forces, the hanging wall moves upward relative to the footwall; this type of fault is referred to as a __________ fault
________ are steep-sided, symmetrical volcanic peaks built of alternating layers of pyroclastic debris capped by high-viscosity andesitic to rhyolitic lava flows that solidify to form protective caps
________ eruptions are the most violent types of explosive eruptions
_________ faults are commonly found at areas of plate convergence where subduction or continental collision occurs
a normal fault occurs when the hanging wall moves __________ relative to the footwall
width compared to its height
a shield volcano has a great ____________
all of these choices are correct
external processes that increase the odds of a slope failure include __________
Andes Mountains; Cascade Mountains
formed at subduction zones
Caucasus Mountains; Himalaya Mountains
formed by continent-continent collision
die of suffocation
if you are along and get buried in a snow avalanche, you will most likely __________
water table
level of saturation underground; higher means more mass movements
water to be injected into sediment causing the grains to lose cohesion and behave like a fluid
liquefaction occurs when seismic waves cause __________
all of these choices are correct
many hill-slope masses are weak due to preexisting geologic conditions such as _________
plate-tectonics theory
most earthquakes are explainable using _________
muddy water-laden rush of material downslope
rock fall
of the following types of mass movements, which can move fastest?
1- creep 2- slump 3- flow 4- fall
rank the following speeds of mass movements from slowest to fastest
the Italian city of ________ is trying to save itself from slow subsidence and sea level rise
dark energy
the heat that transformed Earth early in its history came primarily from all but which of the following?
the hot spot that formed the Hawaiian Islands through the present day is most likely to develop the next Hawaiian Island at which location marked on the map?
the immediate causes of slope failures, such as earthquakes or heavy rainfall, are called _____________
rift zone
the new Madrid earthquakes are apparently related to an old buried _______
all of these choices are correct
the sum of all the underlying causes can push a slope to the brink of failure, and then an immediate cause may trigger the movement. The immediate causes for mass movements include ____________
all of these choices are correct
the viscosity of magma is lowered by __________
subduction zone
two plates of different densities are converging
continent-continent collision
two plates of the same density are converging
transform boundary
two plates slide past each other
all of these choices are correct
violent causes of death from volcanic eruptions include __________
water underground can physically erode loose material, leaving caverns
adding water to the slope during a cold snap to freeze it in place
which of the following is a poor choice when trying to reduce the likelihood of a slope failure?
Aleutian Island Arc
which of the following is not a divergent margin?