Natural Resources Conservation Final

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How many people are added to the world's population annually?

80 million

What percent of terrestrial wildlife are directly dependent on riparian areas?


__________ economics is the study of economics at the individual, household, or business scale, while __________ economics is the study of national or regional economies.


Erosion: Vegetation


The planning horizon of the business world is perceived as at odds with the natural world. Relative to the natural world, business planning is:

short term

0.002 - 0.05 mm


Vegetation is important to watershed management for the following reasons: Habitat Soil organic matter Soil stability Barrier to water movement Diversity Protection from raindrop impact

soil organic matter, soil stability, barrier to water movement, protection from raindrop impact

Which of the following are abiotic components? Soil Climate Autotrophs


Soils often found in coniferous forests:


The vertical and horizontal variation in ecosystem components:


Which conservationist influenced the writing of the Chiras and Reganold textbook the most?

Aldo Leopald

What is another measure which attempts to measure economic wealth and natural capital?

GPI (genuine progress indicator)

The utilitarian approach to natural resource management incorporates ecosystem level thinking rather than isolated parts of the ecosystem.


Water surplus occurs when potential evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation.


Watershed components are linked only in the downstream direction.


Frozen soils:


The ___ horizon is an illuvial horizon.


Which of the following are not part of the 6 rules of critical thinking? Gather information Question methodology Examine the big picture

none of the above

Yellowstone National Park was established in:


Resources that occur in a fixed amount are:


The mineral fraction of the soil is divided into coarse and fine fractions. What is the particle size that differentiates the two?

2 mm

Rangelands occupy ___% of the earth.


The US has about _____% of the world's population, while it consumes _____% of the world's resources.


The main feature of a riparian area is access to an elevated __________.

water table

All the land area from which water drains to a specific point:


Climatic climax theory is attributed to which distinguished plant ecologist? Egler Odum Tansley Clements


Healthy land has the capacity for self-renewal, __________ is our effort to preserve that capacity


What is natural capital?

Ecological wealth

97% of the world's water is stored as ice.


A high GNP indicates that individual are better off and their natural resources are in better condition


A higher ratio of flowering stems to vegetative stems suggests greater resistance to defoliation.


Growth from axillary buds is a much quicker rate of recover of leaf area than is growth generated by active intercalary meristems.


The authors of the textbook believe current economic measure adequately address the ecology of the plants


The current US economy could be considered a market economy which is free of virtually any command economic influences


The price of most products includes the full costs of those items from an environmental viewpoint.


The conditions in the atmosphere at any given time or place:


Who wrote the book "The Population Bomb" and wagered against a drop in price of five metals (copper, chromium, nickel, tin, tungsten) over a 10 year period?

Paul Ehrlich

Why is much of California dominated by cool season grasses?

winter precipitation and temperatures favor cool season grasses

The Dust Bowl resulted in extended drought which caused severe soil erosion and lead to the formation of the _____ which was responsible for the soil stability in the US.

SCS (soil conservation service)

The Great Basin is dominated primarily by shrubs because:

winter precipitation favors deep-rooted shrubs

Great basin and Pacific climates

winter precipitation pattern

Which of the following are examples of renewable resources? Soil Metals Fish Fossil Fuels Water


Green taxes reference:

Taxes paid by producers on raw materials

Primarily grassland soils:


Climax theory that suggests only one climax community controlled by climate:


Infiltration: Runoff


__________ is a species' functional role in an ecosystem while __________ is more a description of where a species lives.


The development of State and Transition models based on non-equilibrium concepts emerged because:

The linear succession approach did not characterize observed vegetation dynamics

"Decoding the Weather Machine" presented three options for us to deal with climate change, including adaptation, mitigation, and suffering.


7 of the 10 hottest years on record have occurred in the last decade?


A rain shadow is in response to the orographic effect.


According to Kareiva and Marvier, one major change in our understanding of what conservation is, is the addition of humans and our influence in the natural world.


According to the authors of the textbook, unlimited growth of market economies is impossible, since the resources they depend on are finite.


Air flows from areas of high to low pressure.


Boyd and Svejcar suggested that a lack of recognition of the complexity in the issues facing natural resource management is a barrier to successful conservation.


Cloud seeding is likely to be more successful in arid environments because of their high evaporative demand.


Conservation is a state of harmony between humans and the land.


Conservation is not a new philosophy. It has been around since the mid-late 1800s when the nation's first National Parks were established.


Managing and conserving natural resources, by necessity, requires managing people.


Non-equilibrium ecology had emerged as a newer approach to understanding vegetation dynamics because the linear succession approach could not capture the changes in vegetation observed on the landscape.


Some plants have the ability to quickly activate dormant axillary buds and are more resistant to grazing.


Species which elevate their growing points are more susceptible to damage by grazing.


Stoloniferous plants are less susceptible to damage by grazing.


Synecology is the study of communities


The Great Basin is dominated by shrubs because their deep rooting habit allows them to access stored winter soil moisture during the summer growing season.


The climax community is the final stable end point of succession, but exists in a state of dynamic equilibrium with a variable environment.


The essence of watershed management is to capture, store, and safely release water from the watershed.


The linear succession model of vegetation dynamics is deterministic.


The major difference between weather and climate is the time frame over which they are evaluated.


The orographic effect generates precipitation because of air mass lifting and cooling followed by condensation and precipitation.


The point of the "riparian line dance" is to remind you that riparian management often starts in the uplands.


There are some measures that suggest that even though our GDP is increasing, our per capita index of individual welfare has not improved.


Water surplus conditions exist when precipitation exceeds potential evapotranspiration.


Evidence of climate change can be found in: Ice cores Fossilized sea shells Sea water temperature profile

all of the above

Weather and climate are comprised of several elements including: Temperature Precipitation Wind Pressure

all of the above

What does the GNP measure? Value of all goods for a country Value of all the government expenditures of a nation Value of all the goods and services of businesses

all of the above

Which of the following are components of soil? Air Water Mineral fraction Organic matter

all of the above

Which of the following are components of the water cycle? Precipitation Evaporation Runoff Sublimation Condensation Transpiration

all of the above

Which of the following influences the variability of precipitation across the US? Air mass circulation Distance from oceans Locations of barriers Elevation

all of the above

Which of the following occur as primary succession advances? Soil development Replacement of species with broad ecological tolerances by those with narrow ecological tolerances Modification of microenvironmental extremes

all of the above

Derived from volcanic materials:


Soils associated with dry climates:


Southwestern climate

bimodal precipitation pattern

The number of organisms an ecosystem can support:

carrying capacity

<0.002 mm


Stable final plant community driven solely by regional climate:

climatic climax

Organism that feeds on other organisms to generate energy


Disease is an example of a __________ population limitation

density dependent

People have an obligation to other species on the planet

ecological justice

Costs associated with human health or environmental damage passed on to society:

economic externalities

Biotic and abiotic components and their interactions within a specific location:


Climax community controlled by soil properties:

edaphic climax

Fair treatment for all people in the execution of environmental laws, policies, and regulations

environmental equity

A stream that runs only part of the year in response to storm events:

ephemeral stream

We mentioned in class that one of the main "jobs" of flowing water was to perform:


In the water cycle, the process(es) by which water is brought into the atmosphere is called: Condensation Evaporation Transpiration


Based on the belief that natural resources should be used as intensively as possible to provide the greatest profit:


Pathway of an energy movement through an ecosystem:

food chain

The extent to which resources are retained within the ecosystem:


From a global perspective, a major issue in natural resource conservation is:

human population growth

According to the textbook, the 3 main factors contributing to the global environmental crisis are:

human population growth, depletion of natural resources, rising level of pollution

Climax theory that suggests discrete, repeatable climax communities do not exist, rather plant communities are a result of chance:

individualist concept

A stream that loses water to the groundwater:

influent stream

Successional model where all species present at climax were present at the start of the successional sequence:

initial floristic composition

We hold the earth in common with all generations

intergenerational equity

Conservation is not a new philosophy with initial ideas on properly managing natural resources emerging in:

late 1800s

Which rainfall event would generally be considered more effective for vegetation? Short duration, high intensity (rapid, heavy rain) Long duration, low intensity (long, light rain)

long duration, low intensity

The three primary ecological processes are:

nutrient cycle, energy flow, hydrologic cycle

"Although there are many issues facing natural resources conservation, human ingenuity and technology will be able to solve all our resource and environmental problems." This quote is best represented by which viewpoint on sustainability?


A chemical reaction incorporating carbon dioxide and water, along with energy from the sun, that fuels all of Earth's living systems:


CO2 + H2O --solar energy--> C6H12O6 + 6O2 is the chemical reaction for what important ecological process?


A plant species with an annual life history, low productivity, good seed production, and good seed dispersal is an example of:

pioneer species

Transpiration is simply evaporation through:


Climax theory that suggests more than one climax community controlled by factors in addition to climate:


The climax theory that suggests that more than just climate controls the climax community is called:


Runoff: Erosion


Vegetation: Infiltration


What is the most important factor determining the type and productivity of vegetation in an area?


Effective precipitation:

precipitation that plants are able to utilize

Which of the following are density dependent factors of population regulation? Fire Predation Competition Drought


Resources should be set aside and protected virtually unchanged for the enjoyment of future generations:


Succession that occurs on previously un-vegetated ground is called __________, while __________ reflects succession on a site that had vegetation prior to disturbance

primary succession, secondary succession

Which of the following are approaches to increase water supply? Regulation Reduce evaporation Cloud seeding Levee Desalinization

reduce evaporation, cloud seeding, desalinization

Successional model where earlier seral species modify the environment to their detriment and to the favor of the later seral species:

relay floristics

Resources that can be replenished by natural processes are:


The three components of a watershed are:

riparian, upland, aquatic

The formula (precipitation - evaporation =) defines what attribute?


0.05 - 2 mm


Fire can initiate this type of succession:

secondary succession

What is the "Tragedy of the Commons"?

shared resources without supervision would eventually be exploited

The sequential change in vegetation until the final stable community if reached:


Plains climate

summer precipitation pattern

Whole system knowledge and approach is required to sustainably manage ecosystems for long-term ecological health and production of desired goods and services:


When considering precipitation and temperature, we noticed some general patterns exist in these parameters across the country. __________ varies in bands approximating lines of latitude (i.e., vary in a north to south direction) while __________ varies in bands that roughly approximate lines of longitude (i.e., vary in an east to west direction).


3 important components of non-equilibrium models of ecosystem dynamics (i.e., state and transition models):

thresholds, multiple stable states, multiple trajectories of change

In class I mentioned that "grazing isn't grazing" and that you need to understand 3 important components of any grazing event to fully appreciate the potential impacts of grazing on the forage resource. Those 3 components are:


Renewable resources should be managed so that they will never be exhausted - i.e., a sustained yield of a given resource:


High clay content, evidence of shrink/swell activity:


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