NAVLE Feline

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E. Coli

--- accounts for more than half of the UTIs seen in cats and dogs

Maine coon, ragdoll

--- and --- are two breeds that are predisposed to HCM

Digoxin, diltiazem

--- and --- are used to treat atrial fibrillation

Sotalol, mexilitine

--- and --- can be used to treat long term VPCs or Vtach (after lidocaine bolus for Vtach)

Microsporum canis

--- can be seen as a fluorescent glow under the Woods lamp but it is not. sensitive test

Beta blockers

--- can be use to prevent thyroid storm if a cat is not hypokalemic


--- can lead to.neoplastic transformation of mammary hyperplasia in male/female cats

Ventricular flutter

--- can look like v-tach but at a must faster rate


--- cats are predisposed to congenital idiopathic megaesophagus


--- causes bone marrow suppression in cats

Arginine deficient

--- diets in cats result in ammonia toxicity

Ollalanus tricuspis

--- is a parasite in cats that causes vomiting soon after eating because of a mild erosive gastritis, larvae/worms are passed in the feces or vomit

2% Nitroglycerin

--- is a vasodilator used in treatment of HCM

sick sinus syndrome

--- is an arrhythmia in which bradycardia alternates with tachycardia, holter should be used, dogs often present with syncope


--- is common in IBD patients


--- is indicated in cats with toxoplasmosis

Painless hematauria

--- is often a sign of renal neoplasia

Polycystic kidney disease

--- is seen in persian cats


--- is the drug of choice for control of systemic hypertension in cats easpecially those with CKD

Penicillin, doxycycline

--- is the drug of choice for leptospira infections in dogs for most of the bodies, for the renal carrier state --- can be used


--- is the expected USG in cats

Paragonimus kellicotti

--- is the lung fluke of dogs and cats that causes cystic lung lesions similar to that seen with allergic bronchitis or asthma


--- is the most common congenital heart defect in a cat


--- is the most common pathogen in pyometra

Renal lymphosarcoma

--- is the most common renal neoplasia in the cat


--- is the test of choice for pancreatitis


--- is the treatment of choice for feline chylothorax as it strengthens vascular walls


--- is used for flea control in cats


--- is used to treat Bartonella


--- levels decrease in renal failure cats and may need to be supplemented to prevent secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism


--- of cats with cushings also have diabetes mellitus


--- plants contain calcium oxalate, ingested in excess this may cause renal failure and oral inflammation

Methocarbomol, Midazolam

--- should be given to cats with pyrethrin toxicity alonf with ---


--- should not be given to control an aggressive cat as it is an anxiolytic


--- squamous cell carcinoma carries a very poor prognosis


--- toxicosis causes increased calcium and potentially fatal renal calcification

Neck, head, tail base

---, ---, and --- are all affected by flea allergy dermatitis in cats

Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity

---- and --- can be caused by aminoglycosides

Hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia

---- and ---- are signs seen on bloodwork of FIP positive cats


---- are indicated for dogs diagnosed with superficial pyoderma

Ocular abnormalities

---- are often seen in cats with FIP as well as hydrocephalus

Limesulfur/enilconazole, itraconazole

---- can be used as topical treatment for ringworm, ----- can be used as systemic treatment


---- can be used on feline tapeworms


---- can cause keratonconjunctivitis sicca in small animals

Equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis

---- carries a poor prognosis is caused by equine herpes

Chlamydia felis

---- causes feline conjunctivitis, the inclusion bodies are seen in discharge

Mycoplasma hemofelis, tetracyclines

---- causes feline infectious anemia and is treated with ---

Beta blockers

---- decrease heart rate and dilate arteries and include propanolol and atenolol

Type 1, Type 2

---- diabetes is common in dogs while ---- diabetes is common in cats

Lime sulfur

---- dips are given weekly to cats with generalized feline demodicosis

Colloid fluids

---- include whole blood, Hetastarch, contains molecules too large to leave vessel barrier, draws fluid into vessel


---- insuline is the insulin of choice for feline diabetics


---- is a bronchodilator that can be used to treat severe second degree AV block

Demodex gatoi

---- is a contagious form of demodex seen in cats

Amoxicillin/Clavunic acid

---- is a good choice when treating cholangiohepatitis patients

Imidacloprid (advantage)

---- is a good flea medication for cats

Megestrol acetate

---- is a progesterone hormone used in treatment of eosinophilic keratoconjunctiviits


---- is a supplement that interferes with FHV replication


---- is a toxin that causes severe GI signs includign a hemorrhagic diarrhea, it is seen in ant baits and pressure treated wood


---- is an anti fungal that causes hepatotoxicity in cats

Heinz Body Anemia

---- is an oxidant induced hemolytic anemia seen in cats with acetimetophen toxicity


---- is contraindicated in cats with pancreatitis as it causes decreased pancreatic perfusion

Hemobartonella felis, mycoplasma felis

---- is feline infectious anemia bacteria blood parasite from flea bites it is often caused by ---- in the cat coccoid, rod or ringlike structures near edge of RBC

Calcium gluconate

---- is needed as a cardioprotectant in blocked cats because of hyperkalemia/bradycardia

Microsporum canis, lime sulfur dips, itraconazole

---- is the most common dermatophyte seen in cats, it can be treated with topical antifungal agents if it is localized but if it is seen multifocally it should be treated with ----, and oral


---- is the only definitive treatment that can reduce clinical signs for feline herpes

Prosthetic laryngoplasty

---- is the procedure that is the treatment of choice for laryngeal hemiplegia

Total T4

---- is the test of choice for cats with hyperthyroidism

Methocarbamol, diazepam

---- is used on cats with permethrin toxicity along with --==


---- is used to treat FIV


---- is used to treat cytauxzoon felis which infects RBCs and macrophages

Anterior synechia

---- is when the iris blocks the drainage of aqueous humor which may lead to glaucoma


---- like gentamicin and amikacin are associated with nephrotoxicity

Glargine, PZI

---- or ---- are the two most common types of insulin used in cats

Lactulose retention enemas

---- should be used for cats with hepatic encephalopathy


---- should not be given to asthmatic cats as they can worsen bronchoconstriction

Penile spines

---- will be absent in neutered males but present in intact or cryptorchid males


---- will cause false positives in FIV ELISA tests

Aluminum hydroxide

----- adjuvants in vaccines are thought to lead to injection site sarcomas


----- can be an ocular sign caused by toxoplasma

Furosemide, spironolactone

----- can be used for Tx of HCM, if cat doesnt respond ---- can be used instead


----- in cats are the most common brain tumor seen in cats, and are easily resected by an experienced neurologist or surgeon


----- is Vit K and is the treatment of choice for anticoagulant toxicosis

Cervical ventroflexion

----- is caused by hypokalemic myopathy, as well as generalized weakness and stiff/stilted gait

Placental detachment

----- is seen in pregnant females with red or dark green vaginal discharge, kittens should be delivered asap


----- is seen to shorten the duration of coccidiosis in cats


----- is the medical management treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats


----- is the procedure used to treat chylothorax in cats not responding to medical management

Limping syndrome

----- occurs in certain strains of Feline calici virus that cause kittens to limp due to painful joints

Amblyomma americanum, dermacentor variables

----and ---- transmit cytauzoon felis to cats

Radioactive iodine

----is the treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism and can be potentially curative

8 hours

4MP is used as the antidote to ethylene glycol toxicity however, it can only work with in --- of ingestion


85% of horses with West Nile Virus have --

Renal infarction

A --- is a common concurrent issue with cats with aortic thromboembolisms

Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach)

A --- is a type of second degree AV block that leads to progressive lengthening of PR interval until a beat is 'dropped' (P wave not followed by a QRS complex) usually asymptomatic


A --- pattern is noted in cats with inflammatory airway disease

High grade

A --- second degree block involves a heart block that has many P waves that are not conducted

Regenerative, nonregenerative

A ---- anemia is seen with cats that have mycoplasma haemofelis but a --- anemia is seen with cats with FeLV

Low purine

A ---- diet is indicated in animals with xanthine uroliths

Vascular pattern

A ---- involves enlarged or decreased vessel visualization and is seen in heartworm disease

Bronchial pattern

A ---- looks like donuts or train tracks

subtotal colectomy

A ---- may be indicated in cats that do not respond to megacolon treatment within 6 months

Esophagostomy tube

A ---- must be placed for nutritional support for cats with Hepatic lipidosis

Tall T waves

A ECG of a blocked cat with severe hyperkalcemia may include -----

Perineal urethrostomy

A cat comes in having been blocked twice, and now is blocked again. You recommend ----

Corneal sequestrum, chronic irritation

A cat comes in with a light brown to black lesion on its corneal surface this is a ------ and is caused by ---

Iodine 131

A cat comes in with a palpable thyroid slip, weight loss despite an increase appetite and a new murmur. The Gold Standard treatment for this condition is ---- which is generally curative after just 1 dose

Ovariohysterectomy, mammary hyperplasia

A cat comes in with normal vitals but a painful acutely enlarged mammary gland, you recommend --- because this is ---


A cat comes in with paradoxical weight gain along with unregulated diabetes, this immediately should make you suspect ---


A cat comes in with resp distress, anterior uveitis, and cloudy eyes, it likely has ---

Eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis

A cat comes in with this raised pink/white adherent lesion that is nonpainful, cytology reveals eosinophils, this is likely -----

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

A cat is constantly licking its back, twitching it's muscles, running erratically. An dx tests are negative including muscle biopsy. This is likely -----

Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex

A cat is seen with two symmetric well circumscribed lesions on its upper lip, which spontaneously resolve within a few weeks, this is likely a -----


A cat on necropsy presents with granulomas in the CNS, eyes, lymph nodes, and other organs. It has vasculitis and perivascular cuffing. It is a young purebred kitten from a cattery. What does it likely have


A cat positive for FELV with ELISA but negative for IFA should be ----

Albuterol (nebulizing bronchodilators), glucocorticoids

A cat presenting in status asthmaticus should be given----- and paraenteral ---

Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS)

A cat presents with a glucose of 700 with no ketones in blood and neurologic signs. It is laterally recumbent with pale MM, this is probably ---- another complication of diabetes


A cat presents with draining skin lesions and subcutaneous masses, this is cytology what is this?


A cat presents with lethargy depression and facial/paw edema. He is a trash loving cat. Most likely this cat has ---- toxicity

Cytauxzoonosis, atovaquone/azithromycin

A cat presents with lethargy, anorexia, fever. This is the blood smear. This is ---- and treatment is ----

Feline porphyria

A cat presents with pink-brown teeth, anemia that is severe and skin photosensitization this is likely ----

Azotemia, acute kidney failure

A cat who has eaten lilies will develop --- and go into ---


A cat with a swollen nose and neurological signs comes in, it often fights most likely this is --


A cat with hepatic lipidosis will have a normal ---- and higher --- than ---- in terms of liver enzymes


A cat with idiopathic hyperglycemia does not respond to dietary modification, it is time to start on --- to increase renal calcium excretion


A cat with pancreatitis with cholangitis and IBD would benefit from ---


A cat with urethral obstruction will have ---- due to its hyperkalemia

Brick red

A common color of membranes for animals in septic shock is ---


A diabetic cat will have poor --- reflexes


A dog with considerable loss of skin turgor with dry mucous membranes and eyes retracted indicates ---- dehydration


A dog with mild loss of skin turgor is atleast --- dehydrated

Hepatic encephalopathy

A fat cat has moved into a new home, he hasn't eat in several days and has yellow gums. He has been drooling excessively, this is a sign of ----- secondary to hepatic lipidosis


A free-roaming male cat with bites appears in your clinic with stomatitis, a history of chronic infections and slow weight loss, it most likely has ---


A horse that is tying up due to polysaccharide storage myopathy would benifit from a diet that is high in ---

Feline herpesvirus 1

A indoor only kitten presents with a recent history of anorexia, sneezing, unilateral ulcerative keratitis and conjunctivitis, what does it have?

Fading kitten, panleukopenia

A kitten comes in with an acute enteritis, abdominal discomfort and vomiting/diarrhea as well as extreme lethargy. It has profound leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia This is probably ----- syndrome caused by ----


A kitten comes in with hepatomegaly, ascites, dyspnea and fever, this could be a sign of a prenatal ---- infection

Feline Calicivirus

A kitten from a shelter comes in with oral ulcerations, gingivitis and ocular, respiratory signs. She likely has -----

P, R-R intervals

A lack of ---- waves and irregular --- is typical of A fib


A lack of withdrawal reflex can mean that the sciatic nerve at ---- is damaged

Euthyroid sick syndrome

A low T3 with a normal TSH is seen after an acute illness in a patient is known as ----

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

A maine coon comes in vocalizing with open mouth breathing, cyanosis, a murmur is auscultated, its back legs are paralyzed this is likely a thromboembolism that has occured secondary to ---

Systolic left base

A pulmonic stenosis dog is often seen in brachycephalics and leads to a --- murmur

60 days

A queen is positive with FIV, her kittens should be tested every ---- until they are 6 months old for the virus

Chlyamidiosis, doxycycline

A recently adopted kitten presents with severe conjunctivitis which is first unilateral then bilateral. This is likely ---- and treatment is ---

Nasopharyngeal polyp, ventral bulla osteotomy

A two year-old cat presents with unilateral nasal discharge and head shaking. What is the most likely diagnosis? Treatment for this is a ---


A vet performs a thyroidectomy on a hyperthyroid cat, this generally is not recommended because of the risk of -----


A younger cat with multifocal neurologic signs, and increase serum CK is likely to have ---

Third degree heart block

AV block in which electrical impulses from the atria fail to reach the ventricles; also called complete heart block (CHB) is a --- there is no relationship between the p wave and qrs complex


Abyssinians and oriental short hair cats are prone to renal ----


Acetimetophine, methylene blue, onions, zinc, vitamin K, and propelene glycol are all -- and cause Heinz body anemia

Acute tubular nephrosis

Acorn/oak bud (Quercus) and pigweed (amaranthus) but cause ---


Aelurostrongylus abstrus, eucoleus aerophilus and paragonimus kellicoti are all ---

Cardiac, respiratory

African horse virus leads to both --- and --- signs


After ingesting tylenol a cat will have elevated ----- in it's EDTA blood

Atipamezole/ yohimbine

Amitraz toxicity can be treated with ---

Alveolar pattern

An ---- involves decreased visualization of cardiac silohouttes, diaphram and pulmonary vessels. It involves hemorrhage or fluid in the alveolar spaces

Alveolar pattern

An ---- is seen on a air bronchogram or when hemorrhage or inflammatory fluid invading the alveolar space making the airways look darker


An ---- like this one are seen with snake envenomation

Diaphragmatic hernia,, surgery

An cat gets hit by a car, it has trouble breathing, its rads look like this. This is a --- and treatment is ---


An enlarged ---- pancreas on ultrasound is suggestive of pancreatitis

CKD, Hyperthyroid, hypertension

An older cat that suddenly starts bumping into things may have retinal detachment, this can be caused by underlying disorders like --- and --- both of which cause ----

Thyroid storm

An older cat with greasy hair and a palpable lump on its neck is brought to the clinic, after being restrained the cat starts to get tachycardia and hypertension this cat probably is suffering from ---

Clindamycin/Azithromycin (Toxoplasma)

An outdoor cat who hunts avidly comes in with chorioretinitis, neuro signs, and icterus/acites, you can treat this condition with ----


Animals treated with allopurinol (usually for urate uroliths) are at increased risk of developing ---- uroliths

Antibiotic responsive

Animals with exocrine pancreatic deficiency often have an ---- diarrhea due to smal lintestinl bacterial overgrowth

Alkalnizing, allopurinol

Animals with urate uroliths should be fed an --- diet and if thats not enough they can be given ----

High ringbone

Arthritis in the joint between the two pastern bones. Eventually the bones may fuse or grow together, and the horse may become sound


Azaleas are very --- to cats


Bovine bonkers is caused by urea toxicity and leads to wild aberrant behavior, treatment is ----

Acidic, surgery, urohydropulsion

Calcium oxalate uroliths are formed in --- urine and treatment involves --- or ---

Abdominal ultrasound

Cats with Hepatic lipidosis can be diagnosed with ----


Cats with aortic thromboembolisms should have bloodwork done as they often have concurrent ---- issues

Feline idiopathic cystitis

Cats with signs of LUTD (hematuria, dysuria, polkauria) most frequently are daignosed with --, often a thickened or painful small-normal sized bladder is palpated

Methionine, cysteine

Cats without --- and ---- in their diets will have crusting at mucocutaneous junctions and poor growth

Grave prognosis, LMN paresis

Cauda equina syndrome has a ---- and causes ---- as well as urinary incontinence in horses


Cephalexin, chloramphenicol and clindamycin all are indicated for use against ---


Cervical ventroflexion seen in cats can be caused by a --- deficiency


Chlyamidia uveitis can be found by doing a --- on a conjunctival swab


Chronic ---- cause big kidney, little kidney in cats


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia involves abnormal --- production from the bone marrow, about of 1/3 of dogs with this have hyperproteniam and monoclonal gammopathy

No treatment, sulfas

Coccidiosis can be asymptomatic in some animals, if found --- is indicated. If animal is sick --- is indicated

Giant breed

Common breeds that show signs of lone atrial fibrillation are --- dogs, clinical signs are uncommon

Topical antiviral, Lysine

Corneal ulceration/conjunctivitis in cats is often caused by Herpes virus, treatment for this is ----- like idoxuridine,trifluridine or virotropic, along with oral ---

Acidic, potssium citraet

Cysteine uroliths are found in --- urine and treatment involves ---- or a thiol containg drug such as 2MPG, or penicillamine


Dehydration, shock, congestive heart failure all cause azotemia due to ---- perfusion and accumulation of nitrogenous waste


Doxycycline can be used in animals with renal insufficiency but not in --- animals

Mobitz Type II

Every alternate P wave is blocked and there is no change in PR interval

3-5, 1

Excision of a feline injection site sarcoma should be ---- cm wide and ----fascial plane deep

Thoracic, abdominal

FELV can lead to --- and ---- masses in young adult cats or kittens

saliva, milk

FELV is a friendly disease and is passed by ----, ---, urine or feces

Kittens, young adults

FELV is seen either in --- or ----


FIV is typically transmitted through ----


Feline ---- will cause conjunctival edema as well as upper respiratory signs

Concentric hypertrophy

Feline HCM leads to ---

left ventricle, left atria

Feline HCM leads to concentric hypertrophy of the ---- and dilation of the ----

Mycoplasma haemofelis

Feline infectious anemia is caused by ---

Cytauxzoon felis

Feline piroplasm "bejeweled ring" within stained RBCs of cats is caused by ---


Female pigs with inguinal hernias are typically ----

Miliary dermatitis

Flea allergy dermatitis in cats leads to a ---- which can be associated with alopecia due to excessive grooming


For both ammonium urate and cystiene uroliths maintain an --- urine pH


For calcium oxalate uroliths maintain an --- urine pH

Phosphorus, omega 3

For renal diets its important to implement --- restriction and --- supplementation


HCM will cause a --- rhythym in cats

6 months, 2 years

Having an OHE in a cat prior to ---- reduces risk of mammary tumors by 91%, and after ---- there is no risk reduction

Bilateral chemosis

Herpes virus, mycoplasma, and chlymadia all cause ---


High potassium will cause a --- in heart rate

Renal failure

Hyperthyroidism often masks --- in cats, methamazole will unmask this

Hypertension, retinal detachement

Hyperthyroidism, and renal disease lead to --- and subsequent --- in cats

Severe thrombocytopenia, healthy

ITP can be diagnosed by finding of ---- in otherwise --- animals

6 months

ITP should be treated with prednisone and monitoring for --

immune mediate thrombocytopenia

If a healthy animal presents with petechiae or mucosal bleeding it could be ----


If an asymptomatic dog with lone A fib has a low heart beat of less than --- bpm, you don't have to treat

1 month

If you are using medical dissolution of uroliths, continue therapy for --- after radiographic resolution of the uroliths

Heinz body

In cats --- anemia can be associated with hyperthyroidism, lymphoma and ketoacidosis


In cats mammary tumors are often ---


Iron, folate and cobalamin deficiency all cause --

Hypostatic pneumonia

Lack of movement allows fluid to accumulate in the lungs, this is --- and is seen in older or debilitated animals


Lesions that involve the loss of the patellar reflex and ability to bear weight on the hinds puts the lesion at --- where the femoral nerve is located

3 years, 6 months

Median survival time for a cat with mammary adenocarcinoma is --- if it is <2cm and --- if it is greater than

1 week

More then 80% of feline idiopathic cystitis cats will resolve their symptoms by --- post acute episode of lower urinary tract disease signs. Increased water intake appears to be useful with this


Most cats are type --- diabetics meaning that their body does not respond appropriately to insulin


Most cats with leukemia will have ----


Often in cats pulmonary adenocarcinomas metastasize to the ----

Horner's syndrome

Otitis media/interna and brachial plexus alvulsion areboth causes of -----


Pancreatitis, cholangitis, and IBD make up --- which is often seen in pancreatitis cats

Shock, protein losing enteropathy

Patients in --- or who have --- should be given colloid fluids


Patients with pulmonary edema, in CHF or with renal issues should not be given --- fluids


Persian cats are prone to renal ----

Potassium gluconate, dopamine

Prognosis for hypokalmic myopathy in cats is good provided that they are given ----- orally and ---- infusion iv if they suffer from cardiac issues

Ventricular tachycardia

Runs of VPCS with a ventricular rate of above 180 is indicative of ----

Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome

Seen in cats with diabetes mellatus because enough insulin is present to prevent ketosis and acidosis, but not enough to prevent hyperglycemia, chronic process that leads to extreme dehydration and renal compromise


Spinal lymphosarcoma is associated most commonly in ---- cats and is linked to FeLV exposure


Stress hyperglycemia can account for a blood glucose of up to ----, any higher value cannot be accounted for by stress hyperglycemia

Alkalin, infected

Struvite uroliths are seen more commonly in dogs then in cats and are formed in --- or --- urine

Dry, Neuro

The ---- form of FIP often manifests as ---- signs

Tented, widened

The ECG abnormalities associated with hyperkalemia is a ---- T wave and a --- QRS complex

ACE inhibitors ("PRIL" Enalapril, )

The afterload, or the force or resistance against which the heart pumps is reduced by ---- which are indicated to treat hypertension in cats with HCM

Nothing, 2.5 years

The available treatment for FELV is ---- and the MST is ----


The canine --- vaccination causes a transient thrombocytopenia for a week but it goes away


The electrolyte imbalances seen in kidney disease in cats is ----

Hypokalemia, potassium salt

The most common cause of ---- in cats is CKD, monitor cats with CKD for this electrolyte imbalance and supplement with ---- if needed

Conjunctival scrapings

The only way to diagnose Chlyamidia definitively is viewing inclusion bodies in ---


The treatment for feline chlymdia is ---

Benign neglect (to slough), Keratectomy

The treatment of a corneal sequestrum is ---- or ----

Enteritis, CNS

There are two types of panleukopenia a ---- form and a --- form


This class IV calcium blocking drug is used for Feline HCM, atrial fibrillation, and supraventricular tachycardias. This is a commonly prescribed drug that causes vasodilation (alpha antagonist) and has antagonistic beta action (inotropic and chronotropic antagonist).


This is a ---- egg and this can be cured with pyrantel, fenbendazole or milbemycin


This is a picture of ---


This is a picture of --- which live in the lumen of the intestine, can cause sudden weight loss and diarrhea. They feel like tiny grotty nodules the size of sand grains

Rivalta's test

This is a picture of ---- test where a drop of effusion from an FIP cat doesn't dissolve and confirms your diagnosis

Valentine, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

This is the classic ---- shaped heart seen due to LV thickening in ---

Bronchial pattern, lower airway

This pulmonary pattern is a --- as it shows an excessive number of opaque signs and lines. It is seen in cats with chronic --------- disease

T4, free T4

To diagnose hyperthyroidism in cats you need to take a --- and a --- because the latter will be elevated while the former may not

N-acetylcysteine, oxygen

Treatment for acetaminophen overdose is ----, ---- support may also be indicated

Anti-A, Anti -B

Type B cats will have naturally occurring ---- antibodies while type A cats will have naturally occurring ---- antibodies


Use of methamazole can cause --- of the neck and head in animals


Uveitis associated with ---- involves an iris color change, keratic precipitates, hyphema and aqeuous flare


Uveitis associated with chlymadia involves a unilateral then bilateral conjunctivitis along with concurrent ---- signs


Vague signs like anorexia, dehydration and lethargy is the presenation for feline ----

Concious proprioception

When evaluating a cat with ataxia, loss of ---- indicates that a lesion can be localized to the brainstem

Hepatic encephalopathy

When it comes to chronic hepatitis, protein should be restricted only if signs of ---- are present


When treating a CKD cat, --- of urine output is imperative

Fomepizole (4MP), ethanol

Within 3 hours of ingestion of ethylene glycol ----- should be given, after 3 hours of ingestion IV fluids with --- should be given

Cerebellar hypoplasia

Your intern gives a pregnant queen the feline Panleukopenia vaccine, you are upset because this puts her kittens at risk of ---

Persistant pupillary membrane

_________ is an spiderweb looking eye anomaly caused by failure of the neonatal pupillary membrane to degenerate


mebendazole, milbemycin, piperazine, pyrantel and selamectin All of these treat feline ---


the --- is the lowest point of the glucose curve

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