NAVS 201

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

From "Chris Voss: Never split the difference | Chris Voss | Talent Connect 2019:" Which of the following options is most effective to say when calling someone on the phone?

"Is now a bad time to talk?"

From "USS VINCENNES (CG 49) and Iranian Air Flight 655:" The Captain acknowledged what verbal report with a raised hand?

"possible COMAIR."

From "Leadership," Chapter 2: What is meant by "perceptual set?"

A tendency or bias to perceive one thing and not another

From "Leadership," Chapter 2: What is the model the text discussed concerning enhancing leadership development by dividing experience into three different processes?

A-O-R model - action, observation, reflection

From "The Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 6: ____________ involves accepting the consequences for the outcomes of action or inaction in circumstances for which one bears an obligation—whether it results from individual action, inaction, or inattention.


From "Twelve Angry Men (Second half):" The woman across the street witnessed the murder through ___________.

An elevated train

From "The Armed Forces Officer:" The commission and the oath constitute ________________.

An individual moral commitment and common ethical instruction.

From "Leadership," Chapter 6: Leaders and followers who possess higher levels of this type of intelligence tend to be quick learners and can make accurate deductions, assumptions and inferences with relatively unfamiliar information.

Analytic intelligence

From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 4: The moral and legal codes that should govern the conduct of American military professionals are those they bring with them to war, not those the enemy brings to the fight. American troops must resist being dragged down to the level of an unscrupulous enemy, no matter how strong the temptation. To do this, they need help. Where does that help come from?

Armed Forces Officers.

From the Article "Four Styles of Leadership:" Four styles of leadership are presented in the article. Which doesn't belong?


From "Leadership," Chapter 7: Which of the following is NOT a source for 360-degree feedback?


From "What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers:" The Author categorizes followers according to level of engagement. Which of the following is not one of those types?


From "Leadership", Chapter 11: Which statement about delegation is most likely FALSE?

Delegation is an overused management option that frustrates most followers.

From "Leadership," Chapter 8: Which of the following is the most important step in conducting a meeting?

Determining if it is necessary

From "Power, Dependence, and Effective Management:" According to the author, dependency relationships are an inherent part of managerial jobs because of two organizational facts of life:

Division of labor & limited resources

How often will there be a quiz during this course?

Each class period will begin with a quiz.

From the Article "Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions:" According to the Article, what process in the human brain attaches information to the thoughts and experiences stored in our memories.

Emotional Tagging

From "Leadership," Chapter 10: Which of the following is a possible solution for groupthink?

Establishing an independent subgroup to make recommendations.

From "Leadership", Chapter 11: Subordinates can usually tell whether or not they are doing a good job even without feedback.


From "Leadership", Chapter 13: According to the path-goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by the leader.


From "Leadership," Chapter 10: Due to the multidimensional distance that exists with virtual teams, less leadership is required than with in-place teams.


From "Leadership," Chapter 10: Research suggests that e-mail and video conferencing are the best forms of communication for virtual teams.


From "Leadership," Chapter 2: Leaders who state that they have an open-door policy have clearly invited and indicated that feedback is welcome.


From "Leadership," Chapter 4: Expert power involves the authority granted by the organization to the leader in order to influence others.


From "Leadership," Chapter 5: The concept of the Golden Rule is similar to ends-based thinking.


From "Leadership," Chapter 7: According to Hogan and Warrenfelz, the four major categories of competency models are interpersonal, intrapersonal, business, and followership skills.


From "Leadership," Chapter 9: According to Herzberg's theory, followers will exert additional effort if leaders improve working conditions and pay.


From "Leadership," Chapter 9: According to research, a strong correlation exists between the amount of money an organization spends on motivational programs and motivational speakers and the firm's revenues, profitability, and market share.


From "Leadership," Chapter 9: Most leaders prefer appealing to their employees' personal values or giving them something meaningful to do.


Late assignments are penalized 10% points per 24 hours that the assignment is late.


From "Leadership," Chapter 8: Credibility is made up of three components: expertise, commitment and relationships.

False--Expertise and Trust

From the Article "Four Styles of Leadership:" According to the author, "If there's any secret to leadership, it is _______."


From "What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers:" According to the Author: "Increasingly, followers think of themselves as _________, not as dependent underlings.

Free agents

From "Twelve Angry Men (First half):" What does the defendant claim he was doing while his father was stabbed?

Going to the movies

From "Chris Voss: Never split the difference | Chris Voss | Talent Connect 2019:" When someone says "That's Right," what does that most likely mean?

Good, wholehearted agreement.

From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 8: How practices and values in the military Services mesh, or do not mesh, with practices and values in the larger society we serve is known as _______________.

Horizontal Dimension

From "Leadership," Chapter 1: In a complex situation, what is the leader's most important role?

Increase levels of interaction and communication.

From "Leadership," Chapter 4: Which of the following refers to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors?

Influence tactics

From the Article, "Solitude and Leadership:" The author states we have a crisis in America? What is it? Hint: We have a crisis of _________ in America because our overwhelming power and wealth, earned under earlier generations of leaders, made us complacent.


From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 5: Which of the following is not one of three concepts of leadership described in The Armed Forces Officer?

Leadership is not always essential at the junior officer level.

From "Ayn Rand on Writing:" The writer suggests five steps to clear, compelling communication. Name two.

Limit subject and theme & Judge the audience

From "Timeless Leadership:" The Author states that if he were teaching a leadership course at Harvard Business School, he'd put a lot of emphasis on ___________."


From Who's Got the Monkey: There are five hard-and-fast rules governing the "Care and Feeding of Monkeys." Which doesn't belong?

Monkeys should be continuously fed until a decision can be made about their future care.

When the decision was made not to nominate Pace for a second term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because of congressional opposition to the policy of the administration he served, many suggested the general should resign before his term was over. He told an audience at the Joint Forces Staff College on June 15, 2007: "I said I could not do that for one very fundamental reason, which was that no Soldier or Marine in Iraq should think—ever—that his Chairman, whoever that person is, could have stayed in the battle and voluntarily walked off the battlefield." What did General Pace model?

Moral courage

From "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership:" What are mimic neurons?

Neurons that mimic, or mirror, what another being does.

From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 3: Define: The practice of being professional officers and leaders.


From Who's Got the Monkey: There are three kinds of management time. Which doesn't belong?

Peer-imposed time

From "Leadership," Chapter 9: Which of the following statements is most likely true about affectivity?

People with a disposition for positive affectivity tend to react optimistically to changes.

From "The Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 2: Given the stakes, it is no wonder that the profession of arms invokes and requires, in the words of the U.S. military officer's commission, "_________________________."

Special trust and confidence

How do students earn their participation grade?

Students are required to write to the Professor once per week regarding something they did or observed that applies to the current week's material.

From "Leadership", Chapter 11: Which of the following is a common reason that leaders avoid delegation?

Subordinates are too busy.

From "Power, Dependence, and Effective Management:" The author describes four different types of power over others. Which best describes "Sense of Obligation?"

Successful managers often go out of their way to do favors for people who they expect will feel an obligation to return those favors

From "Leadership," Chapter 2: Which statement is most likely true about followers and superiors having effective working relationships?

Superiors and followers with good relationships tend to experience less conflict.

From "Twelve Angry Men (First half):" The type of knife used to kill the victim?

Switchblade knife

From "Two Powerful Ways Managers Can Curb Implicit Biases:" According to the author, "The problem is that, when hiring, evaluating, or promoting employees, we often measure people against our implicit assumptions of what talent looks like—our hidden "_____________."

Template of Success

From the Article, "Solitude and Leadership:" The author says, "a book has two advantages over a tweet." Name one.

The book is the result of his solitude, his attempt to think for himself.

From "The Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 6: Leadership by more senior commanders is less intimate. Higher-level commanders lack the personal relationship to troops that regimental officers and division chiefs enjoy. But senior commanders also derive authority from ____________________.

The character they exhibit.

From the Article "Damn Exec:" It's easy to say 'The Exec wants' or 'Ms. Jones says.' It's the easy, lazy way; not the right way. You can sometimes discuss or even argue with an order, but when you give it to a subordinate, make them think ___________.

The order is coming from you

From the Article "Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions:" Each of the bad judgments described in the Article were affected by three factors that either distorted their emotional tags or encouraged them to see a false pattern. The authors call these factors "red flag conditions." Which of the following is not a "reg flag condition?"

The presence of undue interpersonal influence.

From "Twelve Angry Men (Second half):" How do the jurors try to get an accurate estimate of the time of the events described by the old man?

They act out the scene in the jury room and time the different events that the old man described.

From the Article "The Best Advice I Ever Got:" When Mr. Schwarzman is under pressure to make a decision on a transaction but isn't sure what the right one is, what does he do?

Tries desperately to postpone the decision.

From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 3: A key element of subordinate success is maintaining a professional demeanor that accepts as an opening premise that the superior commander is guided by good intentions, has greater experience, far wider responsibilities, as well as many sources of information not available to subordinates.


From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 4: It is junior officers leading and commanding at the tactical level who will be expected to make the critical decisions, often involving risk of injury and death, without much opportunity for on-the-spot reflection, and usually without the benefit of significant combat experience.


From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 5: Taking care of the troops means attending to their personal needs—physical, mental, and spiritual—and, to a great extent, to their families' needs as well.


From "Leadership", Chapter 13: With Situational Leadership, follower readiness refers to a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task.


From "Leadership," Chapter 10: Design is often the most frequently omitted step in teamwork that occurs in traditional organizations.


From "Leadership," Chapter 1: Leadership is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the follower, and the situation.


From "Leadership," Chapter 5: Leaders who make Theory Y assumptions are optimistic and believe workers are self-motivated.


From "Leadership," Chapter 5: Moral reasoning is a process one uses to make an ethical decision and does not necessarily refer to personal morality.


From "Leadership," Chapter 9: Leaders are more likely to be successful when introducing change if they address and capitalize on followers' emotions.


From "Two Powerful Ways Managers Can Curb Implicit Biases:" According to the author "sameness" blocks performance and innovation.


From "Two Powerful Ways Managers Can Curb Implicit Biases:" According to the author regarding diverse teams, when working across differences, team members work harder.


From "USS VINCENNES (CG 49) and Iranian Air Flight 655:" Prior to the incident, Iranian F-14s had been observed flying short legs along commercial air lanes at speeds comparable to a commercial aircraft.


From "What Every Leader Needs to Know About Followers:" Insofar as they can, followers act in their own self-interests, just as leaders do. And while they may lack authority, at least in comparison with their superiors, followers DO NOT lack power and influence.


From the Article "Managing Oneself:" According to the article, one cannot build performance on weaknesses.


From the Article, "New Study: Leaders Are Less Stressed Than Their Subordinates:" People in leadership positions typically exercise more, smoke less, wake up earlier, sleep less, and drink more coffee than non-leaders.


From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 4: Regulations place a demanding ethical burden on military leaders, a burden that falls most heavily on officers, especially commanding officers. Which of the following "burdens" don't belong?

When in accordance with regulations and for a greater good, address then conceal unethical behavior in their units

From "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership:" The author states that within one-twentieth of a second, our spindle cells fire with information about how we feel about that person. Do such "thin-slice" judgments tend to be accurate?


From "Leadership," Chapter 9: An individual's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his/her motive to achieve success. This concept is called:

achievement orientation.

From "Leadership," Chapter 6: According to the OCEAN model, individuals who appear to be socially clueless, insensitive, pessimistic, and grumpy may be low in ____________.


From "Leadership," Chapter 4: People typically use hard tactics when _______________.

an influencer has the upper hand

From "Ayn Rand on Writing:" The three most important elements of effective nonfiction writing, said Rand, are _____, _____, and _____."

clarity, clarity, and clarity.

From "What do you mean I can't write?:" "No aspect of a manager's performance is of greater importance to his success than ___________, particularly written


From "Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 3: Which answer best fits: "The officer requires the courage to ________."

decide and act

From "What do you mean I can't write?:" The author states that "Disorganized, illogical writing, reflects a _________________."

disorganized, illogical (and untrained) mind.

From the Article "Managing Oneself:" According to the article, the only way to discover strengths is through ___________ analysis.


From "The Armed Forces Officer," Chapter 2: "The armed forces' great strength lies in our capacity to analyze a problem, plan a solution, and then _______________________________________."

implement it under pressure

From "Leadership," Chapter 1: Ideal followers are most likely to be perceived as ______________.


From "Leadership," Chapter 5: Values are most likely ______________.

learned through socialization.

From "Leadership," Chapter 9: One limitation of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is that it fails to:

make specific predictions as to how individuals will satisfy their needs.

From "Leadership", Chapter 11: It is most likely important to have specific goals for the purpose of:

measuring progress

From "Leadership," Chapter 9: In terms of the underlying causes of performance problems, leaders seem to have the most difficulty recognizing and rectifying:

motivation problems.

From "Leadership," Chapter 6: In the OCEAN model, the personality dimension concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new information is known as ________________.

openness to experience

From "Leadership," Chapter 10: The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together is called:

process losses

From "Leadership," Chapter 4: A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses _____ power to influence them.


From "Leadership", Chapter 13: Leaders exhibiting participative leadership are most likely to:

share work problems with followers

From "Leadership," Chapter 10: The phenomenon of reduced effort by people when they are not individually accountable for their work is referred to as:

social loafing

From "Leadership", Chapter 12: Typically, greater horizontal complexity is associated with:

the increased likelihood for communication breakdowns between subunits.

From "Leadership", Chapter 12: A leader trying to solve a morale problem in the workplace is most likely facing a task that is:


From "Leadership," Chapter 8: All of the following are ways leaders can improve communication skills EXCEPT:

using constructive sarcasm.

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