Nazi Germany Exam 1 (ch1-4)

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The Personality

-one individual that is better than all others -invention of everything is due to one person -The Personality is creative and inventive -superior to all others -has to struggle/fight for it -collective groups drown out the personality and limit/hinder progress

Summarize Caplan reading "The Emergence of Nazi Ideology"

-2 main tenents: 1.) played down anti-Semitism in campaigns to attract voters 2.) lebensraum= germany needs living space in eastern europe -movement to destroy feeble/divisive structure of Weimar Democracy and reunite the nation -Jews were engaged in a worldwide conspiracy of world supremacy -Jewish= everything Germans hated -Social Darwinism -WW1 changed Germany- left them willing to be violent for the struggle of their race -duty of Germans to resume historic struggle for superiority/leadership -eliminate degenerate elements (mentally ill/handicapped/criminals)

Summarize Mein Kampf "The Strong Man Is Mightiest Alone" (8)

-only one leader for one cause/movement for one group of people/ race (Germans) -one leader making all decisions though he can have counsel all important decisions should be left to one individual--> One strong man stronger than 10 weak men -individual work--> one person is responsible for the invention of everything -humans at top of hierarchy b/c of invention by one man


-Germans needed living space, specifically in Jewish Bolshevik Russia

Important Dates (4)

-Jan 30, 1933: "Seizure of Power" -Hitler is appointed Chancellor -February 27, 1933: The Reichstag Fire --> protesting Nazis and warning to Germany that democracy is falling apart -February 28, 1933: The Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People of the State--> takes away all civil liberties/rights -March 24, 1933: The Enabling Act (Law to Remove the Distress of the People and the State) --> gives Hitler power to create laws without approval of Reichstag

Importance of WW1 to Hitler:

-opportunity for modern Europe to overcome alienation

Summarize Selections from "Nazi Ideology Before 1933"

-Nationalist Social German Workers Party -->socialist= appeal to workers/low/mid class -->nationalist/german=right wing; race related -->workers= against interest/banks/war profiteers The DAP, German Workers Party, is transformed into the NSDAP, the National Socialist German Workers Party, in which each word was historically charged. The "socialist" appealed to the workers, and lower class as well as social democrat parties in which Hitler hoped to gain votes and popularity within. The "nationalist" appealed to the right wing. Finally "workers" appealed to the anti-jewish portion of German society and those against interest, banks, and war profiteers.

Describe economic/social/political contributions to rise of Nazi ideology

-World War I left Germany humiliated/ defeated due to loss of territory -WWI gave a rise to the Soviet Union which was associated with the Jews -Rising unemployment numbers -Disintegration of the middle class and the mobilization of middle-class sociability -mechanized warfare -revolutionary movements in art/literature/cinema/politics...? The rise of Nazi Ideology can be attributed to the humiliation of Germany in WWI. This humiliation caused emergency conditions in Germany as well as the rise of unemployment rates forcing Germans to find refuge in fanatical political parties. The middle classes that had been active in politics began to degenerate.


-all racial Germans into 1 country

Nazi ideology was against Marxism b/c...

-it promoted a hierarchy of class over race

Summarize Mein Kampf "The World War"

-at beginning of WW1 "the people had a prophetic vision of its own future" -problem with modernity's view of success is that it no longer is a hero--> is now shopkeepers/gov't officials


-caused by the day-to-day mundane life in a Germany/ Europe run by anyone who wasn't strictly German/Aryan -living in a pre-WW1 Germany w/ no substance

Summarize Caplan reading "The NSDAP 1919-1934..."

-effective/confident organizers (Nazis) -targeted middle class -stressed racial issues/ german superiority -emerged as the people's party (across class lines) -different from other political parties b/c they're hyper-nationalist and anti-marxism *"a variety of working/middle class groups soughs a political voice/policies of change in the name of the German nation." The Caplan reading discusses the journey of the NSDAP from the end of WWI to the start of Nazi Germany.

What are the elements of Nazism's beliefs and how did they present them to the public?

-elements of belief= anti-Semitic towards jews and believe in racial hierarchy -presentation= rebuilding a lost culture, not necessarily against any particular group Elements of Nazism beliefs include an anti-semitic attitude towards Jews (and minorities) as well as the expansive of German territory, or living space, into Eastern Europe. In the early 1920's, Nazis downplayed the intensity of their hatred towards Jews specifically in order to gain widespread popularity.

Hitler as an artist:

-failed artist (painter)--> paintings were out of date compared to modern art -->thought it his mission to fix the degeneration of art by abstractism/dada-ism by being an artist -wanted to be an architect -viewed his speeches to be art/aesthetic because they replicated theater performances (shown in evening)

Hitler's view of history:

-fascinated with it -he was driven by a vision and influence others with one idea

Where did the specific Nazi type of anti-semitism come from?

-life vs. death situation of German race with Jews -Germans could redeem themselves as a nation if they eliminated the threat (Jews) and saved the best (German) The specific type of Nazi anti-semitism originated with the belief that the German race was in a life or death situation at the hands of Jews. As a result, it was the Germans duty to redeem themselves as a nation only if they eliminated the threatening race and reigned superior.

Summarize "Storm of Steel" Excerpts

-idea of alienation and how war is the escape of alienation that is developed by a German country that is not run by Germans/Aryans The "Storm of Steel" excerpts are a real account of a German soldier in World War I. The solution to alienation in Hitlers eyes was going to war in order escape ones everyday life and routine.

Summarize Mein Kampf "Personality and the Conception of the Folkish State" (4)

-inequality defined by racial hierarchy: 1. Founders/ Creators (Germans/Aryans) 2. Bearers (Japanese) 3. Destroyers (Jews) -consequence transfers to the individual -by judging race, you cannot be changed for who you are/ social darwinism has no effect on you -A blood division, not a class/education division- no matter how high one climbs within social darwinism, you will never breech the racial line The Personality: -works alone

Summarize Kershaw reading "The Power of the Idea"

-intentionalist vs. structuralist (two perspectives of holocaust) The Kershaw reading focuses on the dynamism of the personality and the evolution of Hitlers anti-semitism into the main tenet of Nazi ideology. As Hitler became obsessed with anti-Semitic literature his foreign policy changed from a traditional pan-German concern with colonialism to the notion of a continental expansionism at the expense of Russia. Hitlers personality then would be the one to act as the prophet and propagandist in this mission.

Importance of culture and art in Nazi thought

-nazi's sought to redefine culture -incorporated nazi thought into everyday culture/ art ie. the biology book for middle school girls -must conserve tradition/ german essence

What caused Germany to degenerate?

-progression of modern art/literature/architecture -women having more rights -jews -workers movements (socialism/communism) Germany's degeneration was due to a progression of modern art, literature, and architecture such as Dada Surrealism and abstractionism. In addition, enhancement of women's rights and workers movements such as socialism and communism, thought to have been led by Jews, diminished traditional German culture.

Summarize Michard reading "Artist and Dictator"

-summary of modern concepts of artists and politics -modern artist is a creative genius -artist shapes material w violence if necessary -artist is revolutionary, transgresses boundaries (during creation process), ahead of his time, not accepted by public right away - artist is conservative, preserving spirit from enrichments by modernity -conserves tradition/ german essence -MODERN DAY ARTIST IS CREATIVE, VIOLENT, REVOLUTIONARY, CONSERVATIVE -politics is struggle of ones race against others -german race is a culture -> creating race-> german essence The basis of Michaud's article outlines that the dictator and the artist are one of the same.

Summarize "Biology for the Middle School"

-survival of the fittest (predator vs. prey) -no individuality, all about the group as a whole -war based diction (ex/ weapons/battle/army) -savage people to ethical humans -disease is at top of food chain and has ability to destroy us all -not enough to just be ethnically German but you must also work for it -academic education not important for young girls- only purpose is to reproduce The "Biology for the Middle School" is regarded as a scientific text although it truly served as a form of propaganda for the Nazi party. The text uses war based diction and aims to teach young girls to reproduce rather than attempt to be an intellect. Ultimately the text informs young people that it is not enough to be ethnically german they must work for it and strive for social darwinism in order to be the supreme race.

Social Darwinism

-survival of the fittest w/ races and coexistence

How would the Nazi's regenerate the nation?

-through Social Darwinism -Eugenics (that support Social Darwinism) -pan-germanism (the coming together of all Germans)

Why Hitler hated Austro-Hungarian Empire?

-too diverse b/c it was multi-ethnic/lingual -he didn't want to fight for anyone but Germans

Major tenants of Nazi thought/Ideology

1. Anti-semitism: hatred towards Jews 2. Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest 3. Nationalism: for Germany only 4. Pan-Germanism: all Germans should be in same country 5.Lebensraum: living space, must expand German territory to Eastern Europe 6. Anti-communist: against Marxism/Social Democracy 7. Leadership Principle: led by only one man

Modern artist is... (4)

1. Creative 2. Revolutionary 3. Violent 4. Conservative

Central Tenents of Nazi Ideology:

1.) Anti-semitism (hatred for Jews) 2.) Labensraum ('living space' in Eastern Europe) 3.) Pan-germanism (all Germans should live in one country) 4.) Anti-communist (against Marxism/Socialism) 5.) Nationalism (only want whats good for Germany) 6.) Leadership Principle (under leadership of a single man with a single vision) 7.) Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest)

Hitlers Theory of 3 Kinds of Races

1.) Creators -Germans/Aryans 2.) Bearers- Japanese 3.) Destroyers- Jews/Slavs

Summary of political and social conditions that led to rise of Nazism

???-citizens were unhappy w/ the way the government handled the Great Depression and WW1 so they looked for a confident voice/leader that would actually take action/do something

Date in which Germany came into existence

1871- from many small colonies lost during WW1 and Treaty of Versailles

How long did WW1 last?


How long did the Weimer Republic last?


How long did the Nazi Regime last?


Connection b/w art and politics:

ART -modern artist is a CREATIVE genius--> have one vision -artist shapes material w/ VIOLENCE if necessary -artist is REVOLUTIONARY, transgressing boundaries, and ahead of its time (not accepted right away) -artist is CONSERVATIVE, preserving spirit (personal & national) from encroachments by modernity "a lost essence" POLITICS -politics is racial--> the stubble of ones race against others -German race = culture creating race -nazi politics has to eliminate resistance to this artistic project -nazi politics aims to make race real/visible -nami politics aims to create a race defined by its creativity *Both view themselves as creative*

How are Marxism concepts working/ do they last forever?

According to Hitler Marxism had coherent ideas and had potential to recreate Russia as a world force unified by class. Although these ideas would be unable to last forever due to the destructive force within Communist Russia, the Jew. Marxism was infiltrated by Jewish Bolshevim that would ultimately lead to the destruction of Russia as a whole. Marxism has a clear set of ideas but due to their vision of a world united by class they allow for the inclusion of the Jew, whom Hitler believes to be an inferior race. As a result of this Marxism can never achieve its fullest potential due to the mixing of blood with a destructive race that will ultimately deplete the Aryans and end Communist Russia.

Summarize Mein Kampf "Dedication", "Preface", and "The Spoken Word"

Dedication: dedicated to the people who fell during the theater event when he was trying to take over -set mood for book of loyalty to the cause Preface: development of the movement further than his speeches could go -framework/guidelines -semi-biographical *writing will never be as powerful as the spoken word* The Spoken Word: speaking was his form or art and made him an artist -schedules speeches in evening to imitate theater performance -people were more susceptible/ influential during the evening/ effected peoples will power -gave an intimate, interactive feeling -->enemies: Jews are creating divisions and gonna destroy the world by promoting -marxism -the press -slavs -intellectuals -capitalism -masons -social democracy--> Jews to blame for all bad

Reichstag Fire Decree

February 28, 1933--> took away basic civl liberties/rights -after the decree went into effect the elections on March 5th= NSDAP wins 40% of vote (not a free election due to the decree)

Intentionalist vs. Structuralist

Intentionalist: kill all Jews (Holocaust is result) Structuralist: Holocaust happened b/c they didn't know what to do with them

Define Nazism

Nazis aimed for the creation of a new racial German community under the leadership of one man

When was Hitler appointed Chancellor?

Jan 30, 1933

The Enabling Act

March 24, 1933 --> Gave the Chancellor (Hitler) the power to pass laws without the Reichtag approval -Law to Remove the Distress of the People of the State

Transformation of Old View of Nazism New View

Old View: Nazism had no real ideology and just strived for power - Mein Kampf was a rant New View: Nazism is an actual ideology with main ideas Before the mobilization and emergence of the Nazi Ideology, the common view of Nazism lacked legitimacy in a coherent set of beliefs and portrayed violent without means beyond the desire to gain power. After the breakthrough of the NSDAP After the destruction of Germany in WW1, and a rise in communism, the NSDAP disproved previous views of an unstable ideology by defining clear tenants and formalities.

2-3 sentences summary defining Nazis ideology w/ all major tenents

The duty of Germans as the leading human race was to use anti-Semitism in order to obtain their world leadership and lebensraum against the Jews and minority races. Through the leadership principle German nationalism would be obtained through social darwinism and the elimination of degenerate elements only by the means of war. The duty of Germans as the superior race came to be as a result of the leadership principle and the degradation of the Jewish race. Because of the anti-communist group's success in social darwinism, the Germans were able to enhance Labensraum for the good of the nation.

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