NBDHE Evolve Week 1 Questions

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Which veins comprise the superior vena cava?

Brachiocephalic veins

Which communicates with the canine space, pterygomandibular space, and space of the body of the mandible?

Buccal space

Which facial muscle is responsible for compressing the cheeks during the action of chewing?


Which fascia encloses the entire superior part of the alimentary canal?


Which are true regarding immature connective tissue during turnover of oral mucosa? (Select the three that apply.)

Immature connective tissue is regarded as granulation tissue. Fibroblasts migrate to produce granulation tissue towards site of injury. Immature connective tissue appears as reddened soft tissue that bleeds easily.

Which step pertains to the first principle of infection control?

Immunizations for vaccine-preventable diseases]

Which muscle groups depress the hyoid bone? (Select the two that apply.)

Infrahyoid muscles Suprahyoid muscles

Which is true regarding the mast cell?

Irregular, bilobed nucleus with granules that has a hypersensitive response

Which is true about Hand-Schüller-Christian disease?

Is a chronic disseminated form of Langerhans cell disease

Which statement is true regarding small immune complexes resulting from excess antigen?

They initiate a hypersensitivity reaction.

Which is the largest endocrine gland?

Thyroid gland

Which are semicritical instruments used in dental radiography?

Beam alignment devices

Which autoimmune disease can affect the genitals?

Behçet's syndrome

The autoimmune disease that has a potential effect on a patient's genitals is

Behçet's syndrome.

Which are the cloudlike mist-containing droplets less than 5 microns in diameter composed of tooth dust, dental material dust, and bacteria?


After an extraction, which is present in granulation tissue in high quantities?

Blood vessels

Which statement is true regarding sterilization of digital sensors in dental radiography?

Both barrier control and disinfection are required.

For infection control in dental radiography, the dental radiographer must place the exposed receptors in a disposable container immediately after removing them from the patient's mouth. This container is used to collect and transport the exposed receptors to the darkroom or scanning area, and must always be handled with gloved hands.

Both statements are false.

Each of the following is a lymph node present in the head except one. Which one is the exception?


Which cranial nerve functions as an efferent nerve for the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, along with the muscles of the soft palate and pharynx?

Accessory nerve

What is the temporary reversal of the electric potential along the membrane for a brief period?

Action potential

Which bacterial spores are used as indicators in spore tests because they provide the highest resistance to dry heat sterilization?

Bacillus pumilus

What is subluxation?

partial dislocation of joints

Which disease is an example of a type IV hypersensitivity reaction?

Contact mucositis

Which vein drains into the internal jugular vein?

Facial vein

Which epithelial cell is present in the superficial layer of the oral mucosa?


Digestive functions of saliva include each of the following except one. Which one is the exception?

Initiating breakdown of proteins to amino acids

Which structure is located between the orbits of the human skull as a part of the respiratory tract?

Nasal cavity

Which part of the human body separates the nostrils, or the nares?

Nasal septum

Which nerve innervates the structures of the maxillary anterior lingual gingiva and anterior hard palate?

Nasopalatine of the maxillary nerve

Which cell is an integral component of the initial innate immune response and can cause direct destruction of cells recognized as foreign bodies?

Natural killer

Which steps are included in the recommended risk reduction protocols for preventing percutaneous injuries in dental healthcare professionals? (Select the two that apply.)

Needles should be disposed of in sharps disposal containers. Needles should not be disengaged from a reusable syringe.

Which is true for a nonimmunocompromised individual who develops an 8-mm wheal 72 hours after undergoing the Tuberculin Skin Test for the second time in two weeks?

Negative result for infection with the bacterium

A dental hygienist should place the patient in the supine position during head and neck evaluation, because this position enhances patient comfort.

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

Hypercarotenemia cannot be distinguished from jaundice, because individuals suffering from hypercarotenemia exhibit yellow pigmentation of the skin exactly like patients suffering from jaundice.

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

Standard precautions depend on health, dental, and pharmacologic histories, because patients can give accurate reports of their health risks, conditions, or emerging concerns.

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

What is indicated when the diseased thyroid gland loses its mobility and does not move upward when the patient swallows?

Neoplastic growth

What is the extensive, intricate network of neural structures that controls all functions of the body?

Nervous system

Which type of white blood cell constitutes the major portion of purulent exudate formed at the site of injury?


Which agency within the US Department of Labor protects people by ensuring a safe and healthy workplace?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Which cranial nerve serves as an efferent nerve to some of the eye muscles that move the eyeball?

Oculomotor nerve

Which soft palate muscle inserts in the lateral surface of the tongue?


Which handwashing technique removes transient microorganisms from hands and forearms when used with water and antimicrobial soap for at least 2 to 6 minutes?

Surgical antisepsis

Standard precautions apply to each of the following bodily fluids, secretions, and excretions except one. Which one is the exception?


According to the Universal Numbering System of primary dentition, the letter that identifies the mandibular right second molar is


Which T-cell lymphocyte helps improve antibody response in the body?

T-helper cell

What is the flat, fan-shaped, paired depression on the lateral surface of the skull?

Temporal fossa

Which muscle is responsible for the retraction of the mandible?

Temporalis The temporalis muscle is responsible for the retraction of the mandible; it is also responsible for the elevation of the mandible during jaw closing. The masseter muscle and medial pterygoid muscle are responsible for elevation of the mandible during jaw closing. The lateral pterygoid muscle is responsible for the slight depression of the mandible during jaw opening as well as lateral deviation of the mandible, shifting the lower jaw to the contralateral side.

Which drug is used to treat the smallest and rarest variant of aphthous ulcers?

Topical tetracycline

What is the small flap of tissue of the auricle located anteriorly to the external acoustic meatus?


What is the recommended schedule of dosage for the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine for dental healthcare personnel?

Two doses four weeks apart

What is the recommended immunization schedule of varicella vaccine for dental healthcare personnel?

Two doses, four weeks apart

The type of collagen found in the lamina propria of the oral mucosa is

Type I

Which type of collagen is found in the lamina propria of the oral mucosa?

Type I

Which agency of the US government regulates the registration of chemical germicides used for healthcare?

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Which steps do the dental healthcare personnel take to minimize the development of nonallergic dermatitis that is caused by frequent hand washing and use of gloves? (Select the two that apply.)

Use powder-free gloves. Dry hands thoroughly after hand washing and before donning gloves.

Which statement regarding the minimization of bio-aerosols in the dental environment is true?

Using preprocedural mouth rinses helps to manage bio-aerosol production.

What is the midline muscular structure hanging from the posterior margin of the soft palate?

Uvula of the palate

Which are components of bilateral parapharyngeal space? (Select the two that apply.)

Vagus nerve Internal jugular vein

Which structures are mostly absent in the vascular system of the head and neck area?

Valves in the veins

What are the horseshoe-shaped spaces in the oral cavity between the lips and the cheeks as well as between the teeth and their soft tissue?


What is the thin, flat, single midline facial bone whose anterior part is formed by the ethmoid?


Each of the following is a major salivary gland except one. Which one is the exception?

Von Ebner's gland (minor salivary gland)

Each of the following protective handcare techniques is recommended for dental healthcare professionals except one. Which is the exception?

Wearing well-powdered gloves

Which statement is true regarding platelet-rich plasma?

Which statement is true regarding platelet-rich plasma?

The circular compression method is used to palpate

a suspected lesion.

The number of coccal forms of bacteria continuously declines in undistributed plaque formation due to

an increase in filamentous bacteria.

The difference between the model of infection control and the model of dental hygiene care is that the model for infection control

focuses on the task being preformed

Gravity displacement sterilization

is usually a longer process than prevacuum air displacement.

With temporomandibular disorder, a patient may experience chronic joint tenderness and swelling related to

muscle spasms.

The gland that is devoid of intercalated discs is located

on the floor of the mouth. The sublingual gland is devoid of intercalated discs. It is located on the floor of the mouth. The intercalated discs of the submandibular gland are short. They are located beneath the mandible. The intercalated discs of the parotid gland are long. They are located behind the mandibular ramus, or anterior or inferior to the ear.

A large network of blood vessels within the vascular system is a/an


What is the basis on which the intrinsic muscles of the tongue are named?


Which cells remodel bone?


Which is true regarding the infection control measure taken during the preparation of a dental radiographer prior to performing a radiographic procedure?

eyewear is optional

Structures present on the same side of the body are


Which is the best instruction that a dental hygienist should give a patient before assessing the surface of trapezius muscle?

"Raise your shoulders up and forward."

According to the Golden proportions of the face, a patient's nasal height (A) is 1.000, maxillary height (B) is 0.618, and mandibular height (C) is 1.000. What, therefore, is the orofacial height of the patient?


What percentage of the population infected with the tuberculosis bacterium are likely to develop active tuberculosis in their lifetime?


When implementing work practice controls, at what focal distance should the dental hygienist position the patient from himself or herself to reduce the hygienist's exposure to contaminated droplets generated during certain procedures?

16 inches

An HIV-positive individual is given the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). What is the minimum size of the wheal after 48 to 72 hours to indicate that the individual has tested positive for the infection?

5 mm

An HIV-positive individual undergoes the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and the wheal size is measured after 48 to 72 hours. The minimum wheal size, in centimeters, that indicates the individual has tested positive for the infection is


Which microorganism causes bone deformation?

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Each of the following statements is in the specific plaque hypothesis theory except one. Which one is the exception?

All microorganisms in plaque have pathogenic potential.

Which vessels in the vascular system generally carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body?


Which injury has the shortest healing time?

An injury after accidentally biting the inner side of the cheek

Which statements are true regarding standard precautions for infection control pertaining to dental hygiene? (Select the two that apply.)

Applicable to bodily secretions Applicable to bodily excretions

Where is the tragus located?

Auricular region

The level of protection afforded by standard precautions is sufficient to prevent transmission of clinically active TB.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states it is safe for dental healthcare personnel to proceed with elective dental treatment in patients with clinically active TB.

Both statements are false.

If plaque is left undisturbed, it increases in thickness. Increases in plaque thickness result in lower oxygen levels, harboring increasing numbers of anaerobic organisms.

Both statements are true.

Osteoclasts are large multinucleated cells located on the surface of secondary bone. Osteoclasts are the cells that cause resorption of bone.

Both statements are true.

The bacteria that colonize on the pellicle in the first few hours of growth do not possess the same pathogenic potential as the bacteria that dominate once a biofilm has accumulated for more than 24 hours.Thorough mechanical cleaning of the teeth before the biofilm matures prevents the initiation of the disease process.

Both statements are true.

The styloid process is the bony landmark of the maxilla that is located anterior to the mastoid process.The styloid process appears as a long radiopaque spine on the radiographic image.

Both statements are true.

The sublingual gland is the smallest major salivary gland located on the floor of the mouth.The Bartholin duct opens at the same area as the submandibular duct

Both statements are true.

Bone tissue can repair itself quickly when compared with avascular cartilage, because the bone tissue has its own blood supply.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Cross-contamination is particularly problematic in oral healthcare, because saliva is invisible yet capable of containing high bacterial and viral particle loads.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Dental healthcare professionals need to consult manufacturers of sensors and digital radiography components regarding specific disinfection products and procedures, because sensors and digital radiography components vary by manufacturer and can be expensive.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Saliva helps in maintaining tooth integrity because it is involved in the posteruptive maturation of enamel.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Serous cells play a major role in the chemical process of digestion, because serous cells produce amylase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into sugars.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

The salivary flow of von Ebner's salivary glands flush the trough around the circumvallate papillae, because the von Ebner's salivary glands are associated with the larger circumvallate lingual papillae.

Both the statement and reason are correct and related.

Serous cells play a major role in the chemical process of digestion, because serous cells produce amylase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into sugars

Both the statement and reason are correct and related. The amylase enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of starch into sugars, which is the beginning of the chemical process of digestion.

How does a dental hygienist perform the bidigital palpation method to assess the oral cavity?

By compressing the tissue with the fingers and thumb in a rolling motion

Which space is bordered anteriorly by the orbicularis oris muscle and posteriorly by the levator anguli oris muscle?

Canine space

Each of the following is the true regarding cartilage repair and aging except one. Which one is the exception?

Cartilage takes a shorter time to repair than bone.

Which type of immunity involves the participation of Langerhans cells?

Cell-mediated immunity

Which type of cells line the salivary duct gland?

Cells with more height than width

Which public health agency does NOT enforce the guidelines it develops?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

In the lining of the inner enamel of a maturing tooth germ, which epithelial cell is present?


Which causes microorganisms in dental plaque biofilm to acquire specific protection against antiseptic rinses and antimicrobial drugs?

Complex biofilm structure of plaque

Each of the following is a function of the sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract except one. Which one is the exception?

Creating involuntary rhythmic waves of contraction that travel the length of the alimentary tract

What is the source of nutrients for microorganisms in subgingival plaque?

Crevicular fluid

Which component acts as an inhibitor for subgingival plaque biofilm formation?

Crevicular fluid

Which physical methods help remove dental plaque biofilms from teeth? (Select the three that apply.)

Daily tooth brushing Interproximal cleaning Periodic professional cleaning

Which physical methods help remove dental plaque biofilms from teeth? (Select the three that apply.) A Water rinse B Antimicrobial drugs C Daily tooth brushing D Interproximal cleaning E Periodic professional cleaning

Daily tooth brushing Interproximal cleaning Periodic professional cleaning

Which mechanism can be observed as a direct effect of periodontal pathogens in periodontitis?

Degradation of collagen

Each of the following is true regarding maturation of subgingival plaque except one. Which one is the exception?

Dependent on the intermicrobial matrix.

Which process lowers the lower jaw?

Depression of the mandible

Each of the following is an anatomic line angle that can be formed on the anterior teeth except one. Which one is the exception?


Which symptom is associated with xerostomia?

Dry eye syndrome

During regeneration, which tissue requires cell division for the turnover and repair process?


Which increases the risk for developing squamous cell carcinoma?

Erosive lichen planus

Which cells produce fibers and intercellular substances during the turnover of connective tissue in the oral mucosa?


Which of the following is a correct infection control procedure when taking dental radiographs?

Film receptors taken out of the patient's mouth must be dried with paper towels to remove saliva.

In which spot is the location of a gland that is devoid of intercalated discs?

Floor of the mouth

What is the location of a nonkeratinized tissue in the oral cavity that acts as a cushion for underlying structures?

Floor of the mouth

What is the largest opening in the occipital bone?

Foramen magnum

What is the opening on the sphenoid bone for the mandibular nerve of the fifth cranial, or trigeminal, nerve?

Foramen ovale

Which muscle prevents the tongue from sinking back and obstructing respiration?

Genioglossus muscle

Each of the following is true regarding immature connective tissue during turnover of the oral mucosa except one. Which one is the exception?

Granulation tissue becomes insufficient during the repair process.

Which statements are true regarding effective hand washing technique for infection control in dentistry? (Select the two that apply.)

Hands must be washed before putting on new gloves. Hands must be washed before leaving the dental operatory.

Which are characteristics of the microbiota within the subgingival sulcus? (Select the three that apply.)

Has a larger number of anaerobes. Contains motile gram-negative bacteria. Acquires nutrients by using proteins.

Which are true regarding cartilage? (Select the three that apply.) A Has no blood supply or nerve supply B Takes a shorter time to repair than bone C Depends on its surrounding connective tissue for nutrition D Becomes less cellular with increasing age due to dying chondrocytes E Proliferates rapidly and packs the injury site through appositional growth

Has no blood supply or nerve supply Depends on its surrounding connective tissue for nutrition Becomes less cellular with increasing age due to dying chondrocytes

Which is NOT typically worn as personal protective equipment when blood or body fluid spatter is anticipated?

Head coverings

What happens when a large amount of blood escapes into surrounding tissue without clotting?


Which type of hepatitis in a dental healthcare professional carries a recommended restriction from patient contact and food handling until 7 days after the onset of jaundice?

Hepatitis A

Which bone is suspended in the neck from the styloid process of the temporal bone?

Hyoid bone

Which type of hypersensitivity reaction may be observed in a patient who has been administered large amounts of horse antitoxin serum to treat diphtheria?

Hypersensitivity III

Which immunoglobulin helps activate the defense against pathogens in salivary secretions?


Which immunoglobulin is responsible for the development of edema within ten minutes of penicillin administration?


Which immunoglobulin functions as the first passive immunity for a newborn?


Which type of immunoglobulin is involved in early immune response when a pathogen enters the body?


Each of the following is a bony landmark of the mandible except one. Which one is the exception?

Incisive canal

Which are responsible for the localized resorption of bone? (Select all that apply.)

Infection Pressure on specific bone Altered mechanical stress

Which statement is true regarding chronic periodontitis?

Inflammation may result in loss of periodontal attachment and bone loss.

Which germicides include phenolics, iodophors, and chlorine-containing compounds?

Intermediate-level disinfectants

Which type of infection control technique is used on digital sensors?

Intermediate-level disinfection

Which is true regarding turnover time?

Is low for the connective tissue in comparison to epithelium

What is the characteristic feature of the cell that duplicates itself by clonal selection after being stimulated by an antigen for the second time?

It can recognize the presence of antigens.

Which statement specifically describes an efferent nerve?

It carries information away from the brain to the periphery of the body.

Which statement is true regarding generalized aggressive periodontitis?

It is characterized by interproximal periodontal attachment loss in most of the dentition.

Which is true regarding periodontal disease?

It is site specific.

Which are characteristics of saliva? (Select the three that apply.)

It maintains tooth integrity. It is involved in antibacterial activity. It causes remineralization of the tooth surface.

In comparison to cartilage, which causes the bone surrounding a tooth to quickly repair?

Its own blood supply

Each of the following is a part of the large intestine except one. Which one is the exception?


Which cells are involved in the primary immunologic event characterized by a triad of symptoms that include punched-out jawbone radiolucencies, exophthalmos, and diabetes insipidus?

Langerhans cells

Which ulcers are observed in a patient with periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens?

Larger than 1 cm and appear in the posterior part of the mouth

Which muscle raises the soft palate to contact the posterior pharyngeal wall?

Levator veli palatini

Which is included as part of the fourth principle of infection control?

Limiting the spread of blood and other infectious body substances

What is the point of insertion for the platysma muscle?

Mandible and muscles of the mouth

Which parts of the head comprise the buccal region of the human body? (Select the two that apply.)

Masseter muscle Angle of the mandible

A susceptible dental healthcare professional is exposed to an infectious disease in the course of his or her duties. According to the recommendations of the US Public Health Service, he or she is excluded from duty from the 5th day after the first exposure through the 21st day after the last exposure, or 4 days after the rash appears. To which disease was the dental healthcare professional exposed?


Which nerve serves as an afferent nerve of sensation for the maxillary premolar teeth and the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar?

Middle superior alveolar nerve

Which blood cell exhibits an inflammatory response and has a bean-shaped nucleus?


What is the result when the parotid gland becomes tender and enlarged in a patient?


Which muscle is found as a tissue projection that hangs inferiorly from the posterior soft palate?

Muscle of the uvula

Which muscles are associated with the temporomandibular joint during action?

Muscles of mastication

Which muscle originates from the orbital rim, frontal bone, and maxilla of the skull?

Orbicularis oculi

What is the small elevation of tissue that protects the duct opening from the parotid salivary gland?

Parotid papilla

Which set of muscles raises the pharynx and larynx and helps drive food inferiorly into the esophagus during swallowing?

Pharyngeal constrictor muscles

What is the name of the large network of blood vessels present within the vascular system?


Which drainage vein is responsible for drainage of the maxillary dentition?

Posterior superior alveolar

Which major branch of the maxillary artery supplies blood to the maxillary posterior teeth and the maxillary sinus?

Posterior superior alveolar

Which finding indicates an autoimmune disease that presents with dryness in the mouth and eyes?

Presence of a serum antibody to IgG Sjogren's syndrom

Which heat sterilization method requires the use of an air-removal test at the beginning of each day to ensure proper sterilization?

Prevacuum air-displacement sterilization

What are the major cervical fascial spaces that communicate with the spaces of the face and jaws? (Select the three that apply.)

Previsceral Parapharyngeal Retropharyngeal

Which principle of infection control in the dental environment advocates the effective use of gloves and protective eyewear?

Principle 2

Which principle of infection control in the dental environment is associated with cleaning, sterilization, or disinfection of reusable patient care items?

Principle 3

Which part of the mental region extends upward and backward from the body of the mandible on each side?


Which work restriction does the US Public Health Service recommend for healthcare personnel with enteroviral infection?

Restriction on the care of infants and neonates

What is the facial profile of a patient whose lateral incisors overlap the central incisors with a deep overbite?

Retrognathic profile

Which consideration is included in the second principle of infection control?

Safe handling of sharp instruments and objects

Which serves as a unique and changing ecosystem for microorganisms and is protective in nature?


Which of the following is an example of critical instruments in dentistry?


Which autoimmune disease is treated with the administration of artificial tears that contain methylcellulose?

Sjögren's syndrome

Which is the part of the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system that includes the nerves that control the muscular system and external sensory receptors?

Somatic nervous system (SNS)

Which indicators provide the highest level of verification for the effectiveness of the sterilization process?

Spore tests

Which statement is true regarding infection control in dental radiography?

Standard precautions pertaining to dental radiography must be used for each patient.

Which part of the human body divides the sides of the neck diagonally into an anterior and posterior cervical triangle?

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Which muscle of the infrahyoid group originates from the posterior and superior surfaces of the sternum and inserts in the body of the hyoid bone?


Which muscle originates from the styloid process of the temporal bone to insert into the apex and the border of the tongue?

Styloglossus muscle

Which muscle or muscles are innervated by the ninth cranial or glossopharyngeal nerve?

Stylopharyngeus muscle

Which structure of the oral cavity has an anaerobic environment?

Subgingival pocket anaerobic: absence of oxygen aerobic: tongue, buccal mucosa, supragingival surfaces

Which space consists of the sublingual salivary gland and ducts, the submandibular nerve and artery, and the hypoglossal nerve?

Sublingual The sublingual space consists of the sublingual salivary gland and ducts, the submandibular nerve and artery, and the hypoglossal nerve. It is located medial to the mandible and superior to the mylohyoid muscle. The submental space consists of the submental nodes and the anterior jugular vein. The submandibular space consists of the submandibular nodes and the salivary gland, and the facial artery. The submasseteric space is a communicator between the temporal and infratemporal spaces.

Into which lymph nodes does the sublingual salivary gland drain?

Submandibular lymph nodes

Which term is used to refer to the space that is located in the midline between the mandibular symphysis and hyoid bone?

Submental The submental space is located in the midline between the mandibular symphysis and the hyoid bone. The sublingual space is found medial to the mandible and superior to the mylohyoid muscle. The submasseteric space is a part of the masticator space between the masseter muscle and the external surface of the mandibular ramus. The submandibular space is found medial to the mandible and inferior to the mylohyoid muscle.

Which intrinsic tongue muscle is the most superficial and runs in an oblique and longitudinal direction along the dorsal surface from the base to the apex?

Superior longitudinal muscle

Which region of the body is drained by the mental branches of the inferior alveolar vein?

The chin area

Which step should be taken for the proper handling of beam alignment devices to ensure adequate infection control during dental radiography?

The contaminated devices can be placed only on a covered countertop

Glycogen stores can be maintained in an individual with a carbohydrate-poor diet even when high levels of fat and protein are eaten. An increased intake of carbohydrates is beneficial for athletes.

The first statement is false and the second is true.

Immunizations are routinely reviewed, updated, and recommended by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).Dental hygienists need to obtain certain immunizations specifically recommended for healthcare personnel, in addition to standard childhood immunizations.

The first statement is false and the second is true.

Lecithin supplements are contraindicated in individuals taking niacin to treat high cholesterol levels. Taking fish oil supplements may have a negative effect on patients with diabetes mellitus

The first statement is false and the second is true.

Cytokines act by decreasing the functions of the immune system. Cytokines have the ability to affect or alter the behavior of other cells of the immune system.

The first statement is false, and the second is true.

The presence of mature supragingival dental plaque biofilm initiates the formation of subgingival plaque. Subgingival plaque is generally less anaerobic, more gram-negative, and more motile than supragingival plaque.

The first statement is true and the second is false

Lipids contain less oxygen in proportion to hydrogen and carbon than carbohydrates.Because of their structure, carbohydrates provide more energy per gram than either lipids or proteins.

The first statement is true and the second is false.

Standard precautions require healthcare personnel to follow the same infection-control protocols for all patients regardless of infectious status or health history. Health history is the sole criterion for identifying patients with bloodborne diseases such as HIV

The first statement is true and the second is false.

The philtrum is the vertical groove that extends downward from the nasal septum to the midline of the upper lip. The upper lip and lower lip meet at each corner of the mouth at the vermillion zone.

The first statement is true and the second is false.

A positive result in the Tuberculin Skin Test is an indication of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The majority of individuals with a positive skin test result also have active tuberculosis

The first statement is true and the second is false. Active tuberculosis develops in only about 10 percent of the infected individuals over their lifetime.

How does the model of infection control differ from the model of dental hygiene care?

The focus of the model of infection control is on the tasks performed.

Which areas of the human skull comprise the boundaries of the temporal fossa? (Select the two that apply.)

The inferior temporal line superiorly and posteriorly The frontal process of the zygomatic bone anteriorly

Every dental facility should have a written program that identifies the specific steps to follow after an exposure incident, because the risk of infection with a blood-borne disease after an occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens is very high in dental settings.

The statement is correct, but the reason is not.

The hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system, because the thalamus serves as a central relay point for incoming nerve impulses.

The statement is correct, but the reason is not.

When using an autoclave in the pre-vacuum method, the Bowie-Dick test is performed at the beginning of each day, because pockets of air remaining in the gravity displacement sterilizer chamber would result in incomplete sterilization of the contents of the chamber.

The statement is correct, but the reason is not.

An injury on the buccal mucosa of the cheek will have prolonged healing time, because the turnover time for the tissues lining the buccal mucosa is less.

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

The risk of rust and corrosion in carbon steel instruments is reduced in the gravity displacement sterilization process, because low humidity in the sterilization chamber during the process of sterilization decreases the possibility of rusting.

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

What is the characteristic feature of the pathogenic microorganisms that grow on subgingival plaque biofilm?

They are asaccharolytic. The microorganisms on subgingival plaque biofilm are anaerobic, motile, and gram negative.

Which statements are true regarding noncritical instruments in dental radiography? (Select the two that apply.)

They require intermediate-level disinfection. They do not contact mucous membranes.

What is the recommended schedule of dosage for hepatitis B vaccination for dental healthcare personnel?

Three-dose series followed by serologic testing

Which procedure requires the dental healthcare professional to wear less personal protective equipment for effective infection control?

X-ray examination

Each of the following anatomic landmarks of the skull appears radiolucent on the panoramic image except one. Which one is the exception? A Glenoid fossa B Incisive foramen C Zygomatic process D External auditory meatus

Zygomatic process

Which nerve serves as the afferent nerve for the skin of the cheek?

Zygomaticofacial nerve

When palpated, an enlarged, firm, and tender thyroid gland is

a goiter

The second principle of infection control pertains to appropriate containment and disposal of all single-use items. The third principle advocates effective management of non-sharp infectious waste.

both are false

The facial region that contains the masseter muscle is the

buccal region.

The parts of the orbital region that serve as important landmarks when taking extraoral radiographs are called


The component that acts as an inhibitor for subgingival plaque biofilm formation is

crevicular fluid

If a patient is suspected of having clinically active TB, the dental practitioner should first

defer treatment and refer the patient for medical evaluation.

Tuberculosis is transmitted through

inhalation of infected droplets

The watery substance that lubricates the conjunctiva lining the inside of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball is

lacrimal fluid

The part of the mandible that articulates with the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone is called the

mandibular condyle.

The human need most related to infection control is

protection from health risks.

An acute episode of temporomandibular disorder can occur when a patient opens the mouth too wide. The resultant maximal depression and protrusion of the mandible that can occur when a patient yawns or receives prolonged dental care is


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