NC DMV Computer Test

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Which of the following lights indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution at an intersection?

A flashing yellow light

It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of:

0.08 percent.

When driving slower than 45 mph, you should signal to turn ____ before beginning the turn.

100 feet

When driving at speeds of 45 mph or faster, you should signal to turn ____ before beginning the turn.

200 feet

Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit outside of cities and towns is:

55 mph.

A person walking with a white cane or guide dog is likely to be:

A blind person.

A flashing red traffic signal at an intersection has the same requirements as:

A stop sign.

When may you proceed through an intersection that has a stop sign but no stop line or crosswalk?

After coming to a complete stop and verifying that it is safe to proceed

Smoking and preparing to smoke while driving:

Are distracting activities.

As you drive, you're required to stop your vehicle:

At an intersection with a stop sign. Where there is a red light. When a traffic officer orders you to stop. All of the above.

To avoid being in a truck or bus driver's blind spot, you should:

Avoid driving alongside them and avoid tailgating.

When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, a driver should:

Be prepared to yield.

Which statement about speed is true?

Both "Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous" and "Speeding can kill."

A driver license is required for which of the following? I. Sitting in the driver's seat of a car while the engine is running. II Steering a car while it is being pushed or towed by another vehicle.

Both I & II

Always signal when:

Changing lanes Pulling in or out of a parking space Pulling into traffic from a parking area or alley

Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Check your mirrors and blind spots.

You come to an intersection displaying a flashing red light. You should:

Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.

You may avoid the risks of alcohol-related crashes by:

Deciding before you start drinking that you are not going to drive. Simply saying, "No thanks, I'm driving," if someone offers you a drink. Calling a taxi. Doing any of the above.

The effect that alcohol has on your reflexes and judgment:

Depends on the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream.

Fog can greatly reduce the visibility of other vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic signals. When driving in fog, you should:

Drive cautiously and reduce your speed. Not use your high beam headlights. Use low beam headlights to better illuminate the road and objects. (All of the above)

When you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an approaching emergency vehicle, you must:

Drive to the right side of the road and stop.

If you are driving on a one-way street and an emergency vehicle using its flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you must:

Drive toward the nearest roadside and stop.

A good rule to remember for passing is:

Drive with the flow of traffic and pass only as needed.

An arrow painted on the pavement means:

Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.

Crosswalks are:

Either indicated by pavement markings or are not marked at all.

Drivers must yield to a pedestrian:

Even if the pedestrian crosses the street carelessly.

____ limit your concentration, perception, judgment, and memory.

Even the smallest amount of alcohol can

You will have ____ added to your driving record for passing a stopped school bus.

Five points

Roads become very slippery:

For the first 10 to 15 minutes of a rain storm

If you want to get off the freeway but you have missed your exit, you should:

Go to the next exit.

If your turn signals fail, you should use ____ to indicate that you are turning.

Hand signals

Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

Human error

If you accumulate seven points on your driver license, which of the following may happen? I. You are required to file proof of financial responsibility. II. You can have three points deducted if you complete a driver improvement clinic.

II only

To drive safely at night, you should:

Increase your following distance. Not drive if you are tired. Make sure your headlights are working properly. All of the above.

A seat belt should be adjusted so that it:

Is buckled snugly across your hip bones and lower abdomen.

Which of the following statements about railroad crossings is true?

It is against the law to go around lowered gates at a crossing. You must stop at a railroad crossing when directed to do so by a flagger. Not all railroad crossings are equipped with flashing red signals and gates. All of the above.

When approaching an accident scene, you should:

Keep your attention on your driving. Keep moving. Stop if you are involved or if emergency help has not yet arrived. All of the above.

A single broken white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

Refusing to take a chemical test when requested to do so by an officer will result in:

License revocation.

What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.

You are driving in the right lane of a multilane highway and want to move into the left lane. You should:

Look in your rearview mirror for traffic behind you before changing lanes. Look over your left shoulder for traffic in your blind spot before changing lanes. Look in your side mirror for traffic and turn on your directional signal. All of the above.

Stress can affect your driving by:

Lowing your ability to focus on driving.

A leaking exhaust system can:

Make you drowsy while driving

When approaching a school bus that is stopped on the opposite side of a divided highway, drivers:

May continue driving.

When approaching a traffic signal displaying a steady green arrow, drivers:

May turn in the direction of the arrow after yielding to traffic and pedestrians already in the intersection.

When approaching a traffic signal displaying a flashing yellow arrow, drivers:

May turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. You should:

Not move the injured unnecessarily. Keep the injured warm and administer first aid.

Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:

On a wet or icy road.

A vehicle must pass a safety inspection:

Once a year.

Your body gets rid of approximately:

One alcoholic drink an hour.

To check your blind spot when changing lanes to the left, you should glance:

Over your left shoulder.

Conviction of which of the following carries the highest number of points?

Passing a stopped school bus

You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:

Pull over to the right and stop.

When you hear a fire engine siren behind you, you must:

Pull over to the side of the road and stop.

When parallel parking between two cars, you should first:

Pull up even with the car in front of your desired parking space.

To avoid collisions with vehicles in your blind spots, you should:

Quickly turn your head to see if your blind spot is clear before changing lanes.

When driving under icy or snowy conditions, which driving technique will help drivers avoid crashes?

Reduce their speed and increase their following distance.

You must pull over to the edge of the road and allow an emergency vehicle to pass:

Regardless of your direction.

You may be required to attend a driver improvement clinic if you accumulate ____ against your license.

Seven points

What should you do if your accelerator sticks while you are driving?

Shift to neutral and apply steady pressure on the brake.

When a stop is required at an intersection and no markings appear to indicate a stop line or crosswalk, a driver:

Should stop where they have a clear view of approaching traffic before they enter the intersecting roadway.

A driver entering interstate traffic from an entrance or acceleration ramp:

Should yield to drivers already on the interstate.

A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:

Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals to direct traffic?

Slow down and be prepared to stop.

While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. What is the safest way to pass the bicyclist?

Slow down and wait until there is no traffic approaching, then pass the bicyclist while leaving him or her sufficient space.

An intersection has no traffic signs or signals. You arrive at the same time as a vehicle to your right. You should:

Slow down and yield to the vehicle on your right.

The most important thing to remember about speed management and curves is that you must:

Slow down before you enter the curve.

As alcohol builds up in your blood, it:

Slows down your reactions

You are borrowing an unfamiliar vehicle from a friend. You should:

Take a few minutes before driving to familiarize yourself with the operation and location of all the vehicle's equipment.

You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.

When driving on slick roads, you should:

Take turns more slowly than usual.

If two vehicles arrive to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time:

The car on the left has the right-of-way.

You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because:

The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road.

Which of the following statements is true?

The driver of a passenger vehicle must change lanes completely when passing a motorcycle.

At a four-way stop:

The driver to arrive first has the right-of-way.

If you're going to turn left onto a one-way street, you should complete the turn into:

The lane closest to your previous lane.

A speed limit is:

The maximum or minimum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions.

You must not drive your vehicle at a speed greater than:

The maximum speed limit. A speed that is faster than is reasonable and prudent. A speed that is safe for existing conditions. All of the above.

A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in to the left. That shows that:

The road will get narrower.

A "No stopping" sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

To avoid conflict with other traffic.

When traveling on a multilane roadway with traffic moving in opposite directions, how should drivers use the shared center lane?

To slow down or stop before turning left.

At dusk or on overcast days, you should:

Turn on your headlights.

The driver's left arm and hand are extended upward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to:

Turn right.

While backing, you should:

Turn your head and look through the rear window

When driving in fog:

Use your low beams

Before turning, you should:

Use your signal

When passing an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road, drivers should:

Vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle or slow down.

Before entering a roundabout, you must slow down and yield to:

Vehicles in the roundabout. Bicyclists in the roundabout. Pedestrians in the roundabout. (All of the above)

You want to turn left at an intersection. The light is green but oncoming traffic is heavy. You should:

Wait in the center of the intersection for traffic to clear.

If you stop at a railroad crossing with more than one track:

Wait to proceed until you have a clear view of all tracks.

Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:

Warning signs.

You may not cross a single broken white or yellow line:

When doing so would interfere with traffic.

Regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


Refusing to take an alcohol level test when under suspicion of Driving While Impaired:

Will result in license suspension.

What color are pavement markings that separate traffic lanes moving in opposite direction?


When making a right turn on a green light, you must:

Yield to pedestrians.

A "No standing" sign at a certain location means:

You may stop temporarily only to pickup or discharge passengers.

You may honk your horn when you:

have lost control of your car

At a light rail intersection, always:

look both ways before crossing tracks, pay attention and obey all traffic signals, share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists

Roads freeze quickly when they are:


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