NCE questions

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Developmenta. begins at birth.b. begins during the first trimester of pregnancy.c. is a continuous process which begins at conception.d. a and c.

c. is a continuous process which begins at conception.

Gestalt therapy emphasizesa. cognitive-behavioral issues.b. transference issues.c. traumatic childhood memories.d. awareness in the here-and-now and dream work.

d. awareness in the here-and-now and dream work.

A client says, "I lost my job and it's the most terrible thing in theworld." This client is engaging ina. rational self-talk.b. self-induced empathy.c. cognitive restructuring.d. awfulizing and terriblizing, also known as catastrophizing.

d. awfulizing and terriblizing, also known as catastrophizing.

A counselor who is part of a research study will be counseling clients in the Polar Regions and then at a point near the equator.Her primary concern will bea. universal culture.b. national culture.c. ecological culture.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

A counselor who is seeing a 15-year-old boy who is not doing well in public speaking class would need to keep in mind thata. in general, boys have better verbal skills than girls.b. in general, girls possess better verbal skills than boys.c. in general, boys possess better visual-perceptual skillsand are more active and aggressive than girls.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

According to the Yale research by Daniel J. Levinsona. Erikson's generativity versus stagnation stage simplydoesn't exist.b. Eighty percent of the men in the study experienced moderate to severe midlife crises.c. an "age 30 crisis" occurs in men when they feel it will soon be too late to make later changes.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Adaptability is the ability of the family to balancea. ego strength.b. stability and change.c. morphostasis and morphogenesis.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Although task roles and maintenance roles are indeed positive,the group can suffer if the group is not flexible and remains in one or the other too long sincea. an effective group needs some self-serving roles.b. if a group gets stuck in task roles, interaction suffers.c. if a group gets stuck in maintenance roles, little work (ortasks) will be accomplished.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Balance theory postulatesa. a move from cognitive consistency to inconsistency.b. a move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency.c. a tendency to achieve a balanced cognitive state.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Critics of the Rogerian approach feel thata. it does not emphasize relationship concerns.b. some degree of directiveness is needed after the initialphase of counseling.c. more confrontation is necessary, though Rogers did encouragecaring confrontations.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Daniel Levinson proposed a theory with several major life transitions. Hea. is the Father of Multicultural Counseling.b. wrote the 1978 classic Seasons of a Man's Life and thesequel Seasons of a Woman's Life in 1997.c. postulated a midlife crisis for men between ages 40-45and for women approximately fi ve years earlier.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Ethnocentrisma. is not universal.b. promotes a sense of patriotism and national sovereignty.c. promotes stability and pride, yet danger in the nuclearage.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

In terms of the labor marketa. music is very effective in terms of increasing the workers'output.b. the number of employees employers want to hire goesdown as salary goes up.c. the number of employees willing to work for you goes upas the salary increases.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Kohlberg's second level of morality is known as conventional morality. This level is characterized bya. psychosexual urges.b. a desire to live up to society's expectations.c. a desire to conform.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Pick the best example(s) of the psychoanalytic concept of splitting.a. A client who realistically perceives her therapist as a veryempathic person.b. A client who realistically perceives her therapist as onlyhaving good qualities.c. A client who sees her therapist as all bad.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Self-serving or individual roles are negative inasmuch asa. they promote democratic leadership.b. they work against the group.c. they serve the individual and not the group.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

The best intelligence test for a sixth-grade girl would be thea. WPPSI-III.b. WAIS-III.c. WISC-IV.d. Merrill-Palmer.


Frankl is an existentialist. So area. Ellis and Perls.b. Perls and Stampfl .c. Yalom and May.d. Janov and Beck.

c. Yalom and May.

1. Susie is playing with blocks and is trying to build a tower; she tries but cannot build atower. Susie's mother helps her build a four-block tower. Later, Susie builds a four-blocktower without her mother's help. According to Vygotsky, the inability to build the tower onher own is known as:a. scaffoldingb. the zone of proximal developmentc. assisted discoveryd. learning by imitation

1. B. "Scaffolding" is a term used by Vygotsky that explains what Susie's mother is doing.She is adjusting her level of support to Susie based on Susie's level of performance. The zoneof proximal development involves a range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to doalone but possible to do with the help of adults or other, more-skilled children. "Assisteddiscovery" is another term used by Vygotsky to describe learning situations that a teachersets up within a classroom so that children are guided into discovering learning. Learningby imitation is a type of learning that involves a child watching someone perform a task andlater performing the task by herself.

10. Henry, a 72-year-old widower, reminisces with his daughter about his life. He talksabout his successes and regrets. This is an example of Erikson's:a. intimacy stageb. generativity stagec. industry staged. ego integrity stage

10. D. One of the clues in this example is Henry's age. Another clue is Henry's discussionabout his life successes and regrets, not finding another mate, being successful in school, orcontributing to society. Erikson's generativity stage involves middle-aged adults who arelaunching their children, dealing with an empty nest, and working toward retirement. Hisego integrity stage involves older adults who review their lives, looking at successes andregrets.

100. Which of the following best describes a "good" test?a. It is reliable.b. It has norms.c. It is valid.d. All of the above

100. D. When you are looking for a test, you want the best available test for your purposes.A good test is valid and reliable and has a set of norms. Most important among these isvalidity. Remember, validity refers to a test measuring what it purports to measure.

101. If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this wouldindicate that level of education and income are:a. causally relatedb. positively correlatedc. negatively correlatedd. unrelated

101. B. When correlations are discussed, the key thing to remember is that you cannot sayanything about one variable causing the other. You can only refer to one variable beingrelated in some way to the other variable. In the case presented, the more education aperson has, the higher the person's salary will be. This describes a positive correlation inthat as one variable increases, the other variable also increases. A negative correlationwould be: The hotter the temperature outside, the less hot soup people consume. In anegative correlation, one variable increases while the other variable decreases.

102. A researcher who observes a strong negative correlation between income and mentalillness would conclude that:a. being poor causes mental illnessb. having wealth makes one resistant to mental illnessc. those with lower incomes tend to suffer from higher rates of mental illness and those withhigher incomes tend to suffer from lower rates of mental illnessd. lower income levels lead to lower levels of mental illness

102. C. Here again, when talking about correlation; you cannot describe any causality. A, B,and D describe causation in some form. Look for key words to know if something is causal(causes, leads to, makes you, etc.).

103. A test producing the same results from one time to another is to a test measuring whatit is supposed to as _______ is to ________.a. validity; reliabilityb. reliability; validityc. reliability; standardizationd. standardization; reliability

103. B. By definition, reliability refers to how consistent over time a test is. Validity isdefined as having a test measure what it is supposed to measure. Standardization refers to aset of procedures that are consistently followed for each administration of a test. Although itdescribes consistency, it is not related to the test itself. Standardization refers to theprocedures implemented while giving a test.

104. Which of the following are measures of central tendency?a. Standard error of measurement and standard deviationb. Median and modec. Range and varianced. Stanine and percentile

104. B. Measures of central tendency refer to the mean, median, and mode of anydistribution. It describes "average" scores. If you think about the bell curve, the measures ofcentral tendency are those that are in the middle of the distribution. Stanines andpercentiles are types of scores, and range and variance are actually related to measure ofvariability, not central tendency.

A male client tells his counselor that he is attracted to a gorgeouswoman who is violent and chemically dependent. This createsana. approach-avoidance conflict.b. avoidance-avoidance conflict.c. avoidance of life space.d. approach affi liation.

a. approach-avoidance conflict.

105. Which of the following pairs correctly describes forms of reliability?a. Equivalence and internal consistencyb. Stability and concurrentc. Internal consistency and constructd. Concurrent and construct

105. A. Reliability involves consistency and equivalence. When a test is reliable, it is meansthat a test taker would receive nearly the same score every time the test taker would takethe test. Another form of reliability is equivalence. A person who takes one form of a testwould be expected to have nearly identical scores on another form of that test. Terms suchas "concurrent" and "construct" refer to types of validity. "Stability" would be a termrelating to reliability.

106. Which of the following is TRUE of testing people with disabilities?a. Test scores administered under standardized and modified conditions are typicallyequivalent.b. General agreement exists on how tests should be modified for people with disabilities.c. There exists a need for a growing body of research related to the equivalency between testsadministered under standardized and under modified conditions.d. Both B and C.

106. D. Tests administered using modified conditions may or may not yield resultsequivalent to those obtained using standardized conditions. There are no generalagreements about how to modify tests for individuals with disabilities. Since testingindividuals with disabilities is a fairly new concept, more research is needed to investigateequivalency of modified test administrations to standardized test administrations. Anothertopic of further consideration is how the test examiner will interpret results when a test hasbeen modified.

107. Which of the following is the best approach to minimizing or eliminating test bias?a. Creating separate norm groups for different groups against whom the test is thought to bebiasedb. Having a panel of experts review the test items before standardizing the testc. Pre-screening examiners to be used in the standardization process for any possibleprejudicial feelingsd. Screening test items for possible bias

107. A. Test bias refers to anything within a test that is unfair to an individual or group,such as asking questions about Wisconsin to people who live in Australia and who havenever been in Wisconsin. In this example, the test developer could minimize test bias bydeveloping norms for Australians who take the test and using those norms when anAustralian takes the Wisconsin test. Answers B, C, and D may be only minimally helpful ineliminating or minimizing bias in testing.

108. Multiple-choice items like those found on the NCE tap skills primarily of:a. organizationb. planningc. recognitiond. recall

108. C. Multiple-choice questions of any sort tap into a person's recognition memory. Theperson is given information from which to choose the correct answer. Recall is tapped usingshort-answer essays or a fill-in-the-blank format. Test takers are provided with very littleinformation and must rely on their own recall memory to retrieve the answers.Organization and planning have no relevance here.

109. An intelligence quotient (IQ) is based on:a. chronological age/mental age × 100b. chronological age/mental age + 100c. mental age/chronological age + 100d. mental age/chronological age × 100

109. D. You can eliminate the addition of 100 because a ratio such as that derived from thefirst part of the formula added to 100 would yield a score around 100 with some part of afraction. Here's how you can reason out the correct answer. Suppose a person is 10 yearsold exactly and earns a mental age of 10 years exactly; the person's IQ would be 100because the fraction of 10 over 10 is 1, which multiplied by 100 is 100. If this same 10-yearoldearns a mental age of 5, then multiplying the 10 over 5 (2) by 100 would yield an IQ of200 (not possible). So, reversing the formula, a mental age of 5 for a 10-year-old (MA/CA)would yield an IQ of 50 (more reasonable considering the data provided). So, having a highmental age over any chronological age would yield a high IQ. Conversely, having a lowmental age over any chronological age would yield a low IQ.

11. When it comes to displaying aggression, girls more often engage in ____________aggression than boys.a. hostileb. instrumentalc. relationald. physical

11. C. nstrumental aggression occurs when a child wants a toy that another child has andhe tries to get that toy by pushing or attacking the other child in some way. Hostileaggression occurs when a child intentionally hurts another child because he wants to hurtthe other child. Physical aggression occurs more often in boys than in girls and is any formof harm or physical injury such as pushing, hitting, biting, or kicking. Relational aggressionmore often occurs in girls and involves the use of social exclusion, malicious gossip, or peermanipulation in order to damage another person's peer relationships.

110. Which of the following is NOT an intelligence test?a. WISC-IVb. WAIS-IIIc. MMPI-IId. WPPSI-III

110. C. The MMPI-II is a personality test (the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory,second edition), while all of the others are part of the Wechsler series of intelligence tests.The WISC-IV is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-fourth edition and is forchildren aged 6 to 16. The WAIS-III is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-third editionand is for adults. The WPPSI-III is the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales ofIntelligence-third edition and is for children between the ages of 3 and 7 years, 3 months.

111. MMPI-A and CPI are to _________________ as Rorschach and TAT are to __________________.a. interest inventories; subjective testsb. objective tests; interest inventoriesc. objective tests; standardized testsd. objective tests; subjective tests

111. D. The differences we are looking at here are the differences in the formats of tests.The MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent) and CPI (CaliforniaPersonality Inventory) are based on a true/false format with a fixed choice. They are paperand pencil objective tests, while the Rorschach and TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) areprojective tests that are subjective in nature. The answers to the stimuli are unlimited.There are no fixed choices. The test taker makes up answers based on the stimulus beingpresented.

112. The Rorschach, TAT, and Rotters Incomplete Sentences are all:a. projective testsb. observational testsc. rating scalesd. standardized personality tests

112. A. The Rorschach is an inkblot test. The TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) is astorytelling test. The Rotters Incomplete Sentences test is a finish-the-sentence test. All ofthese tests are projective tests because they ask test takers to project their own thoughtsand ideas into the stimuli to complete the answers. The test takers come up with their ownanswers freely without any suggestions or information being provided by the examinerexcept the stimuli. Rating scales are typically used to describe various dimensions ofbehavior across a number of different situations or environments. Standardized personalitytests include the MMPI-II and CPI, among others. Observational tests would typicallyinvolve the examiner observing the test takers' behavior across environments or situations.

113. One of the major criticisms of projective tests is that they:a. have too many questionsb. are too subjectivec. are too structuredd. take too much time to administer

113. B. Projective tests usually do not involve any "questions" per se. Remember, the testtakers come up with their own answers based on the stimuli presented. Projective tests bytheir very nature are not structured at all. Usually the instructions the examiner gives areminimal, e.g., "What might this be?" for the Rorschach. Projective tests do take a great dealof time, but this is not the major criticism. Projective tests are very subjective, and thescoring is also very subjective, despite there being scoring manuals for these tests.

114. A counselor may decide to administer a number of personality tests in order to:a. better understand the clientb. predict future performancec. evaluate the outcomes of counselingd. All of the above

114. D. If a counselor decides to administer a psychological test, most likely the counselorwants to understand the client more fully. The counselor may want to predict the futureperformance of a client. Or the counselor may want to evaluate the outcomes of treatment.A psychological test provides a means to look at these issues objectively and concretely.

115. The key difference between ipsative scales and normative scales is that ipsative scales:a. allow the counselor to make comparisons among individualsb. provide information about an individual clientc. include achievement and aptitude testsd. have been standardized and normed

115. B. An ipsative scale gives information about a single individual. There are nocomparisons made between the individual and others. A normative scale gives informationabout individuals but allows the examiner to make comparisons between the singleindividual and others. So the key difference between ipsative scales and normative scales iswhether comparisons can be made. No comparisons can be made when an ipsative scale isused.

116. Jennifer, a Brandon High School graduating senior, took the Geneva AdvancedPlacement test in mathematics and earned 177 points out of a total of 200 points. This scoremeans that Jennifer did as well or better than:a. 86% of the entering freshman at Coolridge Community Collegeb. 73% of college students majoring in mathematicsc.89% of the graduating seniors at Glenbrook High Schoold. 77% of the mathematics team members from Highland High School

116. C. Although Jennifer's score (177 out of 200) remains the same, the interpretation ofher score will be different based on the norm group to which her score is being compared. Itis inappropriate to compare Jennifer (a graduating high school senior) to entering freshmenat a community college, to a group of college mathematics majors, or even to a group of highschool mathematics team members, because Jennifer is not a member of any of these groups. She is a graduating senior from high school. Therefore, it is most appropriate tocompare Jennifer's score to a similar group of graduating seniors'. It is important tocompare one's score to a norm group closest to the group to which the individual belongs.

117. Terry's average score per basketball game is 27 points. This places him sixth among allthe forwards in the Midwest basketball league. The level of measurement described in thisexample is:a. ordinalb. ratioc. intervald. nominal

117. A. There are four levels of measurement. The most basic level is the nominal scale.There are no numerical values assigned, but nominal data fit into categories such as gender,numbers on a basketball jersey, or country of origin. Ordinal scale data involve rankings ororder of people or objects based on a particular attribute. The numbers assigned for anordinal scale have meaning only within the particular group. Interval scale data arecalculated with the assumption that each number represents a point that is an equaldistance from the point adjacent to it. Temperature is an example of an interval scale datum.Ratio scale data have an absolute zero. Weight is an example of a ratio scale datum.

118. A researcher reports a correlation coefficient of -.43 between the amount of televisionviewing by children and the number of times these children are on the honor roll at school.This means:a. Too much television viewing causes students' grades to be low.b. There is a moderately negative relationship between how much television a child watchesand how often her or his grades are high enough to earn a position on the honor roll.c. There is very little relationship between how much television a child watches and how oftenher or his grades are high enough to earn a position on the honor roll.d. The more television a child watches, the more often the child's grades are high enough toearn a position on the honor roll.

118. B. When a correlation coefficient is presented, there cannot be an inference that onebehavior or action predicts or causes the other behavior or action. There is no cause andeffect when a correlation coefficient is presented. Correlation coefficients range between -1.0 and +1.0. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the stronger the relationship. If the coefficientis negative, this suggests that as one behavior increases, the other behavior will decrease. Inthe example above, the more television a child watched, the lower a child's grades were. Astrong relationship is usually ±0.55 or above, while a moderate relationship is usually in the±0.54 to ±0.30 range. No relationship is indicated by a correlation coefficient of 0.0.

119. A counselor wants to make sure that the test she is using provides the same scores forpeople when they retake the test a month later. What should the counselor look for whenreviewing the test manual?a. Alternate or parallel-forms reliabilityb. Split-half reliabilityc. Scorer reliabilityd. Test-retest reliability

119. D. Alternate or parallel forms of reliability involve giving two different versions of thesame test to the same group of people. If the test is reliable, there will be very littledifference between the scores received on both tests. Split-half reliability involves dividinga test into two parts and comparing the scores on the first part with the scores on thesecond part. If the test is internally consistent, the scores on each half of the test will benearly identical. Scorer reliability is used when two or more individuals score the same test.If the test has scorer reliability, each scorer scores nearly all the items on the test the sameway. Test-retest reliability involves obtaining nearly identical scores on the same test evenwhen the test is given at a later date.

12. All of the following are physical characteristics of Down Syndrome EXCEPT:a. short, stocky buildb. almond-shaped eyesc. large hands and feetd. flattened face

12. C. The chromosomal abnormality, Down Syndrome, is the most common chromosomaldisorder, occurring in 1 out of every 800 births. Individuals with Down Syndrome sufferfrom mental retardation, memory and speech problems, and slow motor development. Theyusually have some heart deformities, as well as being of short and stocky build. They havealmond-shaped eyes, a flattened face, a protruding tongue, and an unusual crease runningacross the palm of the hand.

120. When applying to graduate school, the admissions committee compares thecandidate's scores on the GRE with the candidate's grade point average reported on thecollege transcripts. This is an example of:a. construct validityb. content validityc. criterion-related validityd. concurrent validity

120. C. Construct validity is described as the extent to which a test measures a specifictheoretical construct, such as the construct of self-esteem. Content validity is described asthe extent to which the items on a test are examples of the construct that the test measures.Criterion-related validity is described as the extent to which a test correlates withindependent behaviors or events. In the case of this question, the independent behavior orevent is the student's grade point average used as a measure of academic success.Concurrent validity is described as a form of criterion-related validity whereby the testadministration and criterion measure happen at almost the same time. This method ofcriterion-related validity is not predictive.

121. Only _________ permits a researcher to identify cause and effect.a. a correlational studyb. an experimentc. a surveyd. naturalistic observation

121. B. Cause and effect is attainable only through an experiment. A correlational studylooks only at the relationship between variables. A naturalistic observation involves simplyobserving subjects in their own environment. No cause and effect is even intended here. Asurvey involves distributing a questionnaire or survey to participants. Again, no cause andeffect is intended.

122. A hypothesis is:a. a defense mechanismb. a testable predictionc. a conclusion based on datad. none of the above

122. B. "Defense mechanism" is a term used in psychodynamic theory that refers to theunconscious distortions of reality that people make. A hypothesis is a hunch or assumption that a researcher starts with when designing a study. The researcher wants to verifywhether or not this hunch or assumption is true. It is what the researcher is testing. It is notthe conclusions that the researcher makes based on the data obtained.

123. An experiment in which neither the subjects nor the individuals running the studyknow which subjects are in the control group and which are in the experimental group untilafter the results are tallied is called a _______________ study.a. single-blindb. placeboc. double-blindd. confounded

123. C. A single-blind study is one in which only one part of the team is unaware of who isreceiving the treatment. In a single-blind study, either the researcher is unaware or theparticipants are unaware; not both. The way to remember this is that single means one anddouble means two. The team consists of the researcher and the participants. So, you need tolook at whether only one part of the team is unaware or both parts of the team are unaware.A placebo effect has occurred when a participant reports improvement where the treatmentwas really nothing more than water or a sugar pill. In a confounded study, variables that arenot wanted in the study come into play.

124. A researcher wants to conduct a study looking at the effects of systematicdesensitization on agoraphobia. In this case, the independent variable is _________________ andthe dependent variable is ____________________.a. agoraphobia; systematic desensitizationb. systematic desensitization; agoraphobiac. systematic desensitization; group effectsd. None of the above

124. B. The best way to remember the difference between the independent and dependentvariable is to look at the wording. If the question starts out with "the effects of," that is goingto be the independent variable. The independent variable is the one that the researcher isgoing to manipulate. The dependent variable is going to have the word "on" close to it. Inthe question, the researcher wanted to look at the effects of systematic desensitization onagoraphobia.

125. A researcher reports that p

125. B. This can be tricky. With a p

126. If a researcher wants to rule out any chances of error, a statistical level of significanceneeded would be:a. p < .05b. p < .01c. p < .001d. p < .10

126. C. If a researcher wants to rule out any chances of error, she is going to want to have avery small p value. The smallest p value that is usually reported is p < .001. This wouldmean that there is a 1 in 1000 chance that the results are false or a 999 out of 1000 chancethat the results are accurate.

127. A Type I error is to __________________ as a Type II error is to ______________________.a. accepting the null hypothesis when it is false; rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.b. accepting the null hypothesis when it is true; rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.c. rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true; accepting the null hypothesis when it is true.d. rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true; accepting the null hypothesis when it is false.

127. D. In a Type I error (or alpha error), the researcher rejects the null hypothesis whenthe null hypothesis is actually true (there are no differences between groups). In a Type IIerror (beta error), the researcher accepts the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis isactually false (there are differences between groups).

128. One way to reduce Type I and Type II errors is to:a. increase sample sizeb. decrease sample sizec. increase the level of significanced. decrease the level of significance

128. A. The best way to reduce errors in research is to have a large sample size—the largerthe better. If you reason this out, you can see why. If you have 10 participants and 8 of theparticipants improved, you would say that is pretty good. If you have 100 participants and80 of them improve, you would also say that is pretty good. Both of these situations leavesome doubt, however. If you have 1000 participants and 800 improve, you would feel muchbetter about stating that 800 participants improved.

129. If a researcher who found a negative correlation between the amount of TV viewingdone by children and academic performance were to graph her results, she would use a:a. normal bell curveb. positively skewed curvec. scatterplotd. negatively skewed curve

129. C. When you think of a correlational study, you should automatically think of a graphwith a bunch of dots on it. There is an x-axis and a y-axis and a bunch of dots. Theresearcher tries to find a line of best fit by visualizing where variable X is in relation tovariable Y. Notice, I said "in relation to." In a correlational study, the researcher is lookingfor the relationship between variables, not cause and effect. A positively or negativelyskewed curve and a normal bell curve are usually associated with cause and effect.

13. Which of the following statements is true when considering cultural and familialinfluences on self-esteem?a. Chinese and Japanese children have higher self-esteem than North American children,mainly because their cultures have higher academic standards for achievement.b. Boys tend to have lower self-esteem than girls.c. African American children tend to have lower self-esteem than Caucasian children.d. An authoritative parenting style usually allows children to have especially high selfesteem.

13. D. Actually, Asian children usually have lower self-esteem than their North Americancounterparts, while African American children have higher self-esteem than their Caucasiancounterparts. Generally, boys have higher self-esteem than girls. An authoritative parentingstyle is generally more accepting and less critical of children's negative behavior: Parentstend to build their children's self-esteem because the focus is on building a sense of worthand independence.

130. A t-score has a mean of ____________ and a standard deviation of ______________.a. 100; 15b. 10; 2c. 50; 15d. 50; 10

130. D. You will have to know the means and standard deviations of the various statisticsused in research. Do not confuse a t-score with an IQ score. An IQ score has a mean of 100and a standard deviation of 15. A z-score expresses the number of standard deviations thata raw score is from the mean. A t-score has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.

131. A person received a t-score of 40. This means:a. Her score fell one standard deviation below the mean.b. Her score is very low.c. There is an error because you can't get a t-score of 40.d. Her score is higher than average.

131. A. Remember that a t-score has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. In thissituation, the test taker received a t-score of 40. That score is one standard deviation belowthe mean. It is neither a very high nor a very low score. You might consider t-scores of 70and 30 to be high and low, respectively. A t-score of 70 is two standard deviations above themean, while a t-score of 30 is two standard deviations below the mean.

132. A confounded study is one in which:a. there is a wide range of scoresb. there is a random samplec. there are undesirable variables as part of the experimentd. undesirable variables are eliminated

132. C. If something is confounded, it is confusing or befuddling. Therefore, when lookingat research, if you cannot distinguish between variables or if things are not clear, then astudy is confounded. Usually that means that there are variables that the researcher did notcontrol or eliminate.

133. Behavior changing as a result of just being part of an experiment is to the_____________________ as believing that someone with an extensive vocabulary is better atcommunicating is to the ________________________.a. halo effect; Rosenthal effectb. Hawthorne effect; Rosenthal effectc. Hawthorne effect; halo effectd. placebo effect; Rosenthal effect

133. C. The halo effect is the tendency to generalize about a person based on one trait. Inthe question, the researcher believed that a person with a very good vocabulary would be agood communicator. He based his belief on one trait—having a good vocabulary. Theplacebo effect is when an ineffective or inert substance is given to participants andparticipants report positive changes. Because the substance is inert or ineffective, thereactually should not be any changes. The Rosenthal effect or Pygmalion effect suggests thatthe researcher's beliefs impact the outcome of an experiment. In contrast to the halo effect,the Rosenthal effect is more a component of the researcher's beliefs, not the participant'straits themselves. The Hawthorne effect is the tendency for participants to change theirbehavior just because they are participants in a research study.

134. The best kind of random sampling technique that would include 10% Asian, 10%Hispanic, and 15% African American, as well as individuals from the majority ethnic group,would be a:a. mixed randomized sampling techniqueb. stratified sampling techniquec. cluster sampling techniqued. random chance sampling technique

134. B. There really is no mixed randomized sampling technique. A cluster samplingtechnique involves taking a smaller sample from a larger sample. In cluster sampling, thegroups are randomized, not the individuals in the groups. A random chance samplingtechnique involves the simple randomness involved in choosing people at randomregardless of any characteristics or group identities. Each person has an equal chance ofbeing chosen. In a stratified sampling technique, different subpopulations are included inthe random sample based on percentages of the subpopulations in the larger population.For example, if a researcher wants a representative sample from the general population, shewould want an equal representation of males and females. Therefore, she would randomlychoose half of her sample from the male subpopulation and half from the femalesubpopulation.

135. In experimental research, the researcher states a null hypothesis. A null hypothesisstates that:a. there will be differences found between the experimental and control groupsb. the differences between the experimental and control groups are due to chancec. there will be no differences between the experimental and control groupsd. Both A and C.

135. D. A null hypothesis is one in which the researcher states prior to beginning theresearch that there will be no differences between groups and that the differences foundwill be due to chance and not due to being in one group or another. The research hypothesisstates that there will be differences between the experimental and control groups and thatthe differences are due to something other than chance (i.e., the manipulation of theindependent variable).

136. An independent variable is the one the experimenter ___________________, while thedependent variable is the one the experimenter ________________.a. manipulates; looks at for outcomesb. looks at for outcomes; manipulatesc. leaves unattended; changesd. changes; leaves unattended

136. A. The independent variable is the one that the researcher manipulates or changes.The dependent variable is "dependent" upon the changes that the researcher is making. Sothe dependent variable is the one that shows whether or not the manipulation of the independent variable is effective. The dependent variable is related to outcomes. Leavingvariables unattended is not appropriate in most experimental research.

137. A researcher looks at one subject across time and takes numerous measurementsthroughout the process. This is known as a(n) _______________.a. AB designb. ABAB designc. time-series or continuous measurement designd. correlational design

137. C. A correlational research design looks at the relationship between two variables (theamount of TV viewing and academic performance). An AB or ABAB design is a two-partcontinuous measurement design in which the experimenter has established a baseline (A)and introduces an intervention (B). The ABAB design is intended to rule out confoundingvariables by seeing whether the second AB pattern yields the same results. A time-series orcontinuous measurement design looks at one person across time using a number ofmeasurements throughout the study. An AB or ABAB design is not performed across aseries of time elements.

138. A researcher conducts a study in which she looks at the effects of using Nicorette gumon smoking cessation. Most likely, her statistical analysis will include:a. Pearson's rb. a t-testc. an ANOVAd. a chi-square

138. B. Pearson's r is used in correlational studies. An ANOVA is used when there is morethan one independent variable or more than one experimental group. A t-test is performedwhen there is one independent variable, one experimental group, and one control group. Achi-square is used to determine if obtained results differ at all from chance.

139. Ethical dilemmas often center on issues related to:a. dual relationshipsb. confidentialityc. credentials of test administratorsd. licensure

139. B. The key word here is "often." Yes, ethical dilemmas related to dual relationships docome up, but in terms of volume or frequency, confidentiality issues come up more oftenthose involving dual relationships, credentials of test administrators, or licensure.

14. Research on gay and lesbian parents indicates:a. Their children are maladjusted.b. They are as dedicated to and effective at child rearing as are heterosexual parents.c. They are less dedicated to child rearing than heterosexual parents.d. Their children are parented harshly and inconsistently.

14. B. There is very little evidence to support that homosexual couples are poor parents.When gays and lesbians become parents, they generally are just as effective and caring asare heterosexual couples who become parents. The proportion of children who aremaladjusted is just about equal for homosexual and heterosexual parents. The researchshows that being gay or lesbian does not make a person a bad parent.

140. The difference between confidentiality and privileged communication is:a. "Privileged communication" is a legal term and confidentiality is an ethical concept.b. "Confidentiality" is a legal term and privileged communication is an ethical concept.c. Privileged communication is enforced only when a client asks something to be privileged.d. Confidentiality is enforced only when a client asks that something be kept confidential.

140. A. Although the two terms may seem to come up within similar contexts, "privilegedcommunication" is a legal term and "confidentiality" is an ethical concept. Things saidduring sessions are kept confidential within limits. Legally, when a counselor invokesprivileged communication, this means that things revealed in confidential therapy sessionscannot be disclosed in court without the client's permission. The only exceptions would bewhen a mental health professional who has been hired by the court conducts an evaluationor other service that relates to some legal action. In these cases, the counselor or othermental health practitioner has to inform the client of the limits of privilegedcommunication.

141. A malpractice claim can be lodged against a counselor when:a. the counselor was negligentb. the client suffered physical or psychological injuryc. a professional relationship was establishedd. All of the above

141. D. If you think about this question, you can see that malpractice claims almostexclusively deal with a counselor's behavior that ends up harming the client in some way.Negligence on the part of the counselor could lead to potential harm to the client. Of course,any physical or psychological injury to a client harms the client. You may have stumbled onthis question because of response C. If there never was a professional relationshipestablished, then the counselor cannot be sued for malpractice. A professional relationshipis established usually within the first few sessions and involves informed consent,discussion of the limits of confidentiality, and the process of therapy. If these componentswere not established early on in the relationship, then there really is no professionalrelationship.

142. A counselor wants to discuss the treatment of a particular client with the client'sphysician. Ethically, the counselor should:a. call the physician on the telephoneb. send a letter of introduction to the physicianc. have the client sign a release-of-information consent form prior to any contact with thephysiciand. have the client talk to her/his physician

142. C. A counselor who wants to consult or contact another professional, a client's familymember, or someone else who works with a particular client must have the client givewritten permission to contact and share information. If the counselor gets contacted bysomeone who has contact with the client, the counselor cannot even acknowledge that theclient is being seen unless the client has signed a release-of-information.

143. You are the counselor who is taking the on-call services for the evening. An individualcalls asking you if her boyfriend is seeing a counselor at your clinic. Your best course ofaction is to:a. get the phone number of the individual and call her back with the informationb. not acknowledge anythingc. suggest that she ask her boyfriend herselfd. provide her with the information she is asking for

143. B. Similar to Question 4, the counselor cannot even acknowledge that the client isbeing seen by someone at the clinic. Be prepared with a uniform statement that allcounselors at your clinic use in situations like this.

144. You are a counselor who will be seeing a 15-year-old girl who has problems withanxiety. At the initial session, you have her guardian complete the intake questionnaire andsign a permission form giving you permission to treat the girl. You also:a. get all the financial information so that the insurance company can be billedb. discuss the limits of confidentiality with both the guardian and the teenagerc. have the adolescent sign the consent form as welld. All of the above

144. D. Just like you would do with any new client, you would have the parent or guardianprovide some background information and get insurance information. Each state hasguidelines about when adolescents must sign their own consent-for-treatment forms, butusually the age is 14 or 15.

145. The Code of Ethics is:a. legal and bindingb. a hard and fast set of rulesc. a set of standards of best practiced. All of the above

145. C. A code of ethics is not a legal and binding document, nor is it a set of strict rules bywhich counselors must abide. It is really a guideline or a set of standards for bestprofessional and moral conduct. There usually are no right or wrong answers to ethicaldilemmas. When you run into an ethical dilemma, discuss it with other counselors and/orcontact your profession's ethics committee.

155. You saw a client for a year and then terminated the treatment, as all goals were met.Six months later you call this client and ask her for a date. This is:a. okay, since you terminated the counseling relationship six months agob. okay, since all treatment goals were met and none of them had to do with intimacyc. unethicald. not unethical but unacceptable

155. C. This is blatantly unethical. The potential for harm to the client exists. This isconsidered sexual misconduct.

146. Which describes a violation of the "scope of practice" ethical standard?a. A counselor suggests a set of positive affirmations to her client after the counselor hasdiscussed positive affirmations at length in session.b. A counselor uses EMDR with a client who insisted on this method of treatment.c. A counselor confronts her client about the negative thought patterns in which the client isengaging on a regular basis.d. A counselor seeks consultation from a colleague on a difficult case.

146. B. EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a specialization thatrequires additional training. Unless the counselor took the specialized training and hadsupervision, she cannot use EMDR in her practice. In this case, the counselor is functioningout of her scope of practice. Remember, the client insisted that this treatment methodologybe used. The question did not say that the counselor was a trained EMDR practitioner.

147. Tarasoff vs. Board of Regents of the University of California was a landmark case whichbrought to light the:a. duty of the counselor to warn individuals or groups about the potential of imminent dangerb. standard of practice of obtaining releases of information in order to share information withindividuals or agenciesc. rights a client has as an individual with disabilitiesd. potential harm an impaired professional may inflict on his clients

147. A. Tarasoff is a landmark case, and if you know no other case, this is the legal case toknow. It led to improving services for mental health by requiring mental healthpractitioners to warn potential victims of imminent harm. We are mandatory reporters. Wemust take reasonable steps to protect possible victims from harm. Reasonable steps arethose that any person who cares about another person would take to secure that person'ssafety. Usually that involves informing potential victims and law enforcement agencies.

148. A client jokingly talks about killing himself during a counseling session. The counselorshould assess:a. whether the client has a plan of suicideb. whether the client has the means to complete suicidec. whether the client has a morbid sense of humord. Both A and B.

148. D. Whether said in jest or not, it is the counselor's duty to assess lethality. Thecounselor needs to assess whether or not the client has a plan and a means to complete theact. The counselor could be held liable if he is negligent in assessing lethality. You have totake seriously any comments made about suicide.

149. The APA is a national organization for psychologists. The _____________ is a nationalorganization for counselors.a. APGAb. NCEc. ACAd. NASP

149. C. The APA is the American Psychological Association and is the national organizationfor psychologists. The ACA is the American Counselors Association and is the nationalorganization for counselors. The NCE, of course, is the National Counselor's Exam. NASP isthe National Association for School Psychologists.

15. In the Stanford prison study, what caused the guards to treat the prisoners harshly?a.Their instructions from the researchersb.The uncooperative behavior of the prisonersc. The social contextd. The pressure the guards got from one another

15. C. It was the social context that determined the behaviors of both the guards and theprisoners. In the Stanford prison study, the setting was so realistic that the participantsbecame guards and prisoners. Their personal identities were masked by the context ofbeing in a prison as either a guard or a prisoner. Even the researcher, Dr. Zimbardo, whotook on the role of the prison warden, had to be reminded by one of his own graduatestudents that this was a research study and not a prison.

150. A 52-year-old counselor comes to work inebriated at least twice a week. He would bedescribed as:a. an alcoholicb. an impaired professionalc. a burn-outd. a workaholic

150. B. You may have chosen A because he might be an alcoholic. But remember that thissection is about professional practices and ethics, so we are talking about an impairedprofessional. An impaired professional is one who is not able to function in an effective orethical manner due to a personal problem such as alcohol abuse or other neurologicalproblems. The counselor may be burned out, but the issue is that he is impaired because ofhis use of alcohol.

151. In the case described in Question 150, your ethical obligation as a colleague is to:a. confront him about his drinking problem and his impaired functioningb. report him to the policec. do nothingd. cover up for him by seeing his clients as well as yours

151. A. Most ethical guidelines suggest that the best course of action is to confront theimpaired professional first and then report him to the licensing board if he continues tocome to work impaired.

152. A man comes to you with a sexual dysfunction. You have very little experience intreating sexual dysfunctions. According to the ethical code, you should:a. do extra study on the topic as you continue to work with this manb. refer him to someone who has experience and training in the area of sexual dysfunctionsc. tell him to use some herbal supplement to improve impotenced. ignore this problem and treat the man for depression

152. B. If a client comes to you with a problem with which you have very little experienceor training, the ethical course of action is to refer the client to someone else who has theproper training and experience. Studying about a particular disorder may help you to betterunderstand the dynamics of the disorder, but it is no substitute for actual training andexperience. Treating the man for something that is directly related to the problem hereports is not the standard of professional practice you want to avow.

153. An 18-year-old student wants to view his educational records. Your course of action is:a. Get parent permission before disclosing this information.b. Talk him out of it.c. Give him access to these records, as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affordshim this right as an adult student.d. Ignore his request.

153. C. An adult student, as the one described in this question, is given the same rights thatany adult is given. The student has the right to view his educational records without theconsent of his parents, as he is an adult. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Actaffords him the right to have access to his own records. If the student were under the age of18, parental permission would be required.

154. Your uncle asks you to counsel his daughter who is suffering from depression. This is:a. ethicalb. not an ethical issue at allc. fine, as long as you let your uncle know what is going on in treatmentd. considered a dual relationship and is considered unethical

154. D. Just as medical doctors are encouraged not to treat family members or friends, sotoo counselors and mental health professional are discouraged from treating familymembers or friends. Because the counselor would be treating his cousin, this would beconsidered a dual relationship. He is a cousin and a therapist. The potential for harm to theclient exists and that is why this is considered unethical.

156. You have written a book and an accompanying workbook on managing panic. Yourequire each of your clients who is being seen for a panic disorder to purchase yourmaterials. This is:a. ethical, since these are treatment materialsb. not unethical but unacceptablec. financially feasible for your clientsd. unethical

156. D. There are a number of ethical violations in this scenario. The most blatant isrequiring your clients to purchase your materials. You seek to profit from the purchase ofthese materials, which is ethically wrong. Another issue related to this scenario is that yourrequirements for purchase set up a power differential that should be avoided. You mightconsider this double-dipping. You get paid by their insurance company to provide treatmentand you profit from the sale of your own materials.

157. You have written an article that you want to submit to a professional journal. Thisarticle needs to be in:a. MLA formatb. APA formatc. either MLA or APA formatd. none of the above

157. B. The standards for submission to most professional journals include using APAformat. Most scholarly material is written in this form, at least in the mental health field.MLA format is often used in literary journals and comes from the journalism andcommunications fields.

158. A client wants to enter into treatment with you but does not have insurance. Hereports that he can afford to pay you only $25 per session. Your usual fee is $100. In thiscase, you would:a. refuse to see him unless he can pay your usual feeb. charge him your usual fee and have him make installment paymentsc. consider his financial situation and negotiate a reduced fee if this is warrantedd. make a referral to someone else

158. C. In this situation it is appropriate to use a sliding fee scale as the client clearly cannotafford your usual fee. If you were to require him to make installment payments, you wouldbe putting undue burden on him and may cause him emotional and financial harm. Youcould make a referral to someone else, but the same scenario may present itself there, too.Refusing to see the client unless he can pay your usual fee is a form of abandonment.

159. You are starting an eating disorders group. Ethically, you should _____________ allpossible candidates to make sure they are suitable for the group.a. screenb. diagnosec. allow a sample session ford. None of the above

159. A. Whenever you are going to begin a therapy group, you must screen all of thepossible clients to make sure that they are good candidates for group therapy. You do notneed to diagnose each client. Allowing the clients to try the group before committing to itreally hampers the group process.

16. In the original studies, Milgram and his colleagues found that people were more likely todisobey under all of the following circumstances EXCEPT when __________.a. the victim was in an adjoining room so the "teacher" heard every sound the victim madeb. two experimenters had conflicting demands about the continuation of the experimentc. the person ordering them to continue was an ordinary man, apparently another volunteerd. the subject worked with peers who refused to go further in the procedure

16. A. You can consider this logically. If you could hear another person crying or in distress,you would want to stop what you were doing in order to get the person to stop crying.Although having conflicting information being given to you would probably get you to thinktwice about it, you would not discontinue what you were doing. You would be confused.Milgram's team found that having someone who looked like an "authority" figure had aninfluence, but the opposite was not found to lead to disobedience. Subjects continued"teaching" in the "authority" and "nonauthority" situations. The study also found that peersdid not have as great an impact as might have been thought. The only factors that influencedthe participants were "authority" and hearing the cries of the learner. Consider thisresearch as a study about a person's obedience to authority.

160. A counselor who works for a county agency also has a small private practice. Shescreens all clients at the county agency and refers those clients with the best insurancebenefits to her private practice. This counselor is:a. following standard procedure for many public agenciesb. acting unethicallyc. engaging in a dual relationshipd. practicing beyond her scope of practice

160. B. Clearly this is unethical. This scenario describes a situation in which the counselorprofits from the referrals. If the counselor is working for a community agency, most likelyhe receives a salary for his work. Referring clients to your own private practice has thepotential to harm the client and provides you with additional money. An ethical violation ofscope of practice would be a scenario in which a counselor lacks appropriate training and supervision to perform or engage in some treatment. In a dual relationship violation, thecounselor basically wears multiple hats in the relationship with the client—the therapistand a neighbor or friend.

161. Under the ethical principles of informed consent, a counselor must inform each clientof :a. the limits of confidentialityb. her credentialsc. issues related to third-party billing and missed appointmentsd. Both A and C.

161. D. Informed consent is the practice of providing the client with all the information sothat he or she may agree to or reject treatment, testing, or interventions. Informed consentinvolves discussing the process of therapy, the limits of confidentiality, possible outcomes oftherapy (positive and negative), any risks to the client, and clinic procedures for billing andmissed appointments. Informed consent is given in writing.

162. A counselor who has not finished his dissertation has business cards that say "Dr.Dennis Browning, Professional Counselor." He is:a. acting professionally and ethicallyb. advertising himself appropriately, since he gives himself the title of Professional Counselor.c. acting unethically by misrepresenting himself as having a doctoral degree when in fact hedoes notd. not really acting unethically, since he does say he is a professional counselor.

162. C. Having business cards with "Dr." on them is misrepresentation, since the counselorhas not received his doctoral degree. It does not matter that "Professional Counselor" wasalso on the business card. Clients who see "Dr." usually assume that the person has receiveda doctorate.

163. A counselor who has a current caseload of 124 clients decides to close his practice andmove to Florida. If the counselor is an ethical professional, he would:a. notify all his clients in writing of his plansb. make referrals to other professionals for all of his clientsc. safeguard all client recordsd. All of the above

163. D. If a counselor plans to close his practice, he must inform all of his clients of that fact,provide the clients with referrals to other professionals, and notify all clients of thesafeguards for the clinical records. If these procedures are not followed, the counselor couldbe violating ethical standards by abandoning his clients.

164. The DSM uses a multiaxial system with five axes. Axis III denotes:a. the primary diagnosisb. the secondary diagnosisc. any physical health related issuesd. the global functioning level

164. C. You need to be familiar with the multiaxial system of the DSM. Axis I refers to theclinical syndromes that are the focus of attention. Axis II includes the Personality Disordersand Mental Retardation. Axis III addresses any general medical conditions that might berelevant to the diagnosis or treatment of the disorder. Axis IV addresses the psychosocialand environmental problems that are impacted by the diagnosis or treatment of thedisorder. Finally, Axis V is the global assessment of functioning (GAF), which ratespsychological, social, and occupational functioning of the individual on a continuum ofmental health/illness.

165. A "V" code in the DSM is the:a. clinical syndromeb. focus of treatment that is not attributable to a specific mental conditionc. code used when personality disorders are presentd. global assessment of function

165. B. "V" codes are used when what is being treated is not classified as a mental disorderbut is the focus of treatment. An example of this would be uncomplicated bereavement. Inthe DSM coding system, the V replaces the first digit of the five-digit code.

166. Which name is associated with mental health consultation?a. Caplanb. Satirc. Adlerd. Holland

166. A. You should know that Gerald Caplan conceptualized mental health consultation bydescribing numerous types such as client-centered consultation and consultee-centeredconsultation. Satir is a well-known family therapist. Adler is a Neo-Freudian theorist. AndHolland is associated with career counseling.

167. A female client who was successfully treated for an eating disorder tells other womenabout her success and recommends you as the expert in treating eating disorders. You treateating disorders as part of your practice but would not consider yourself an expert.Ethically, you should:a. inform your client and anyone she has referred to you that you are not an expert in treatingeating disordersb. post your client's success story on your websitec. accept any referrals without any further explanationsd. ask her for a testimonial

167. A. The best course of action is to rectify any misconceptions that your client has aboutyou and your expertise. Along these same lines, anyone she referred to you also needs to bemade aware that you are not an expert. Using her story on your website and asking her for atestimonial are unethical. Using unsolicited testimonials is not unethical, but think about thestandards of practice that you want associated with your name. Accepting referrals withoutany explanation puts you in a difficult position, as those who are referred to you mayactually believe that you are an expert.

168. Cases of ____________ lead to the most malpractice lawsuits for any mental healthprovider, including counselors and psychologists.a. dual relationshipsb. failure of duty to warnc. sexual misconductd. breach of confidentiality

168. C. Sexual misconduct yields the highest number of malpractice cases for all mentalhealth professionals. The other malpractice cases usually focus on breaches ofconfidentiality.

169. The Education Act for All Handicapped Children (PL 94-142) requires that:a. all children who are handicapped be seen by a counselor who specializes in disabilitiesb. a free and appropriate education be provided for all children with disabilitiesc. children with handicaps be placed in the most restrictive environment in the schoolsd. children with handicaps be sent to special schools or institutions

169. B. PL 94-142 guarantees free and appropriate education for all handicapped children.Another part of this law is that handicapped children are to be placed in the least restrictiveeducational environment that is most appropriate for a particular child. All handicappedchildren are to have an individualized educational plan as well. The least restrictiveenvironment is most often in a public school setting.

17. In the Stanford prison simulation, male college students agreed to participate in an experiment to discover what would happen when they took on the roles of prisoners andguards. The researchers found that __________.a. within a short time the prisoners became distressed and panicky, with accompanyingemotional and physical ailmentsb. a small percentage of the guards became tyrannical and abusive in order to maintain thesocial structure of the prisonc. the "tough but fair" guards urged the tyrannical guards to lighten up on the prisonersd. all of the prisoners and the guards became harsh and abusive

17. A. The most noticeable finding in the Stanford Prison Study was that the individuals whoplayed one role or another really took on their role. As prisoners, these individuals in a veryshort time began to display behaviors such as distress and panic, which emulated thebehaviors a "real" prisoner displays. It did not matter how the guards treated them or actedtoward them, the fact that they became like "real" prisoners was the key finding. Individualswho played guards took on behaviors of "real" guards; and individuals who playedprisoners took on behaviors of "real" prisoners.

170. You receive a referral from a family physician who attends your church. As a thank you,ethically you should:a. pay her for the referralb. send her a thank you letterc. have the physician tell everyone in your church to seek your services if they need mentalhealth counselingd. treat her to lunch on a monthly basis

170. B. It is unethical to accept payment for referrals or to pay someone who referredclients to you. If you want to thank someone for a referral, a thank you note is mostappropriate. Offering to buy her lunch on a monthly basis is unethical.

171. The DSM system of diagnosis is based on:a. a model set up by insurance companiesb. an educational modelc. the medical modeld. an integrated model of doctors and lawyers

171. C. The DSM system is based on the medical model that looks at client's disease statesor mental conditions. None of the other options are appropriate.

172. Which of the following is FALSE regarding family therapy?a. Family therapists believe that people's problems develop in the context of their families.b. Family members usually are aware of how they influence one another.c. Each family member is seen as forming part of a larger, interacting system.d. When one family member changes, each of the others must change as well.

172. B. Family therapists look at families as systems, its members as units that interacttogether and influence each other. Therefore, when choosing the best answer here, you caneasily eliminate those answers that talk about families interacting together and influencingone another. The only response that doesn't describe this is B. Usually members of familiesare unaware of how they influence one another.

A client who says, "I feel I cannot really become an administratorin our agency because I am a woman," is showing an exampleofa. gender bias.b. counselor bias.c. the trait-and-factor theory.d. developmental theory and career choice.

a. gender bias.

173. The resolution of conflicts and breaking out of destructive habits are the primary goalsof:a. family therapyb. existential therapyc. psychodynamic therapyd. couples therapy

173. D. One way that you can think of this is in terms of why couples seek counseling.Usually couples seek counseling because they are not getting along. There is conflict that isunresolved. Families usually don't enter into family therapy because of unresolved conflictsor destructive habits. They usually enter counseling because one member of the family ishaving problems. Existential and psychodynamic therapies do not address breaking out ofdestructive habits, although psychodynamic therapy may address unresolved conflicts.

174. Mary goes to the emergency room for the seventh time in six months complaining ofdifficulty breathing and chest pain that came on suddenly. She thinks she is having a heartattack and is afraid she is dying, but the doctor cannot find anything wrong. Her symptomssuggest she might be suffering from ____________.a. panic disorderb. a somatoform disorderc. PTSDd. hypochondria

174. A. You should know symptomatology of various psychiatric disorders, such as panicdisorder. Somatoform disorder is a condition in which the physical symptoms a person feelsare related to psychological factors. These symptoms cannot be traced to a specific physicalcause. PTSD occurs after someone experiences some sort of trauma. Hypochondriasis is apsychiatric disorder whereby a person is obsessively preoccupied or worried about havinga serious physical illness.

175. Active symptoms of schizophrenia involve an ________ of normal thinking processes;passive symptoms involve the _______ of normal traits and abilities.a. exaggeration; exaggerationb. exaggeration; absencec. absence; exaggerationd. absence; absence

175. B. When diagnosing schizophrenia, there are active and passive symptoms. Activesymptoms are exaggerated and passive symptoms are absent. In the daily functioning ofpersons with schizophrenia, they experience many distortions in their thinking processesand are usually unable or minimally able to address activities of daily living (dressing,preparing meals, etc.).

176. As with many other systems, families aim to remain stable and reach equilibrium. Thisis known as:a. egalitarianismb. homeostasisc. equivalencyd. predictive stability

176. B. The term described in this question is homeostasis. None of the other terms arerelated to family therapy.

177. One of the goals of family therapy is to help facilitate adaptability. Adaptability from afamily therapy perspective means:a. obtaining a balance between stability and changeb. reaching consensusc. obtaining a state of enmeshmentd. reaching the status quo

177. A. When a family enters into therapy, each family member must make adjustments,adjust to these changes, and maintain balance. Remember, the family wants to maintainhomeostasis (balance), yet the family makes changes to which each family member mustadjust and become stable again.

178. A family of four comes in to see you. As the session begins, the two children and themother seem to gang up on the father and try to pull you into this. Most likely this family is:a. triangulatedb. enmeshedc. out of balanced. adversarial

178. A. Triangulation and "enmeshment" are two common terms in family therapy. Yes, thefamily power structure is out of balance, but what is happening is that some of the familymembers are forming an unhealthy coalition against another family member. If you visualize this, it is like a triangle. Enmeshment occurs when there is diffusion of boundaries.There are intrusions where none should be made. It is as if one member of the family weretrying to live through another member of that family.

179. During the past several sessions, a heated discussion has occurred between the fatherand the mother. The gist of the argument stems from the mother's constant attention beingfocused on the daughter. This is an example of:a. negative attention seekingb. disequilibriumc. enmeshmentd. triangulation

179. C. This is an example of enmeshment. Here the mother is trying to dominate or live herlife through her daughter. An example of negative attention seeking would be if thedaughter constantly misbehaved to get her mother or father to pay attention to her.Disequilibrium refers more to family structure than behaviors. Triangulation is describedin the previous question.

18. In what ways do stereotypes distort reality?a. Stereotypes exaggerate the differences that exist between groups.b. Stereotypes exaggerate the differences that exist within groups.c. Stereotypes produce many differing perceptions by many people.d. Stereotypes demonstrate that members of a group can be different.

18. A. The key word here is "distort." As you attempt to answer this question, you need tothink about how stereotypes distort the truth in negative ways. The most reasonableanswer is that stereotypes distort one's ideas about how one group is so different fromanother group. In reality, the differences between groups are not as extreme as stereotypesmake them out to be. People of differing cultures are not so different from people fromanother culture. It has been found that people are people, and we are more alike thandissimilar.

180. A child who throws food at the dinner table is removed from the dining area and toldto sit on the stairs for five minutes. This discipline technique is known as:a. coercionb. the Premack principlec. shapingd. time-out

180. D. You will need to be familiar with numerous family therapy techniques. One of themore common techniques that a therapist may suggest is time-out. This is the removal ofthe child from the situation so that all attention is withdrawn from the child. Coercion, bydefinition, is forcible manipulation of a person to do what you want the person to do. ThePremack principle states that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probablebehaviors. You use something the child likes to do to get her to do what you want her to do:If she cleans her room, then she can watch TV. Shaping is another behavioral technique thatinvolves successive approximations of a desired behavior being reinforced as a means toteach a desired response.

181. A behaviorist family counselor instructs the parents of a 12-year-old boy to tell theirson that when he gets his homework done he can play his Xbox. This is an example of:a. positive reinforcementb. the Premack principlec. quid pro quod. negative reinforcement

181. B. This is an example of the Premack principle. Positive reinforcement would occurwhen a child produces a desired behavior and you provide positive feedback andreinforcement to increase the chances that the child will produce the same behavior again.Negative reinforcement is the taking away of an undesirable consequence to increase thelikelihood that the child will engage in the behavior again (you stop nagging if she cleansher room). Quid pro quo is another behavioral technique that essentially means you getsomething for something: I will do something for you if you do something for me.

182. One of the differences between individual therapy and family therapy is that familytherapists believe in:a. family members acting independently of each otherb. problems as involving one personc. a circular model of causalityd. a linear model of causality

182. C. Unlike individual therapy, family therapy believes that one family member'sbehavior influences all other members' behavior in a circular manner. What one person inthe family does affects everyone else. Family members do not act independently of oneanother. Problems concern everyone, not just one person. The linear model of causalityreflects individual therapy. An individual's behavior causes something to occur independentof other factors.

183. Family systems theory is to _____________ as structural family theory is to__________________.a. Bowen; Satirb. Bowen; Minuchinc. Minuchin; Satird. Minuchin; Bowen

183. B. Bowen's theory is known as family systems theory, and Minuchin's theory is knownas structural family theory. Bowen views the family as a system whereby each familymember's behavior affects everyone else's behavior. He emphasizes the ways in whichindividual family members differentiate themselves from one another. Minuchin looksspecifically at the structure of the family. He looks at enmeshment and disengagement.Satir's theory is called conjoint family therapy and is involved in communication patternsand meta-communication.

184. A marriage and family counselor treating a 10-year-old daughter and her mother tellsthe daughter that if she loads the dishwasher on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, thenshe and her mother will go shopping at the mall on Saturday. The counselor then has themother and the daughter sign a contract to that effect. This is an example of:a. the Premack principleb. negative reinforcementc. shaping through successive approximationsd. quid pro quo

184. D. This is an example of quid pro quo: If you do something for me, I'll do something foryou.

185. Satir is associated with:a. integrated family therapyb. conjoint family therapyc. family systems therapyd. strategic family therapy

185. B. Satir's therapy is known as conjoint family therapy. Strategic family therapy isgenerally associated with Haley and Madanes. Integrated family therapy involveslanguaging. Family systems therapy is associated with Bowen.

186. All of the following are goals of Whitaker's symbolic family therapy EXCEPT:a. boundary settingb. developing family nationalismc. maximizing languagingd. separating and rejoining

186. C. Whitaker uses all of the techniques in this question except maximizing languaging,which is incorporated in integrative family therapy. Whitaker believes that it is important toview the family as a unit. So, he helps families set boundaries, develop a sense of who theyare as families (family nationalism) and of taking apart and rejoining the family.

187. Compared with other counselors, family counselors tend to be more:a. rigid and inflexibleb. nondirective and unstructuredc. interested in maintaining their distanced. active, flexible, and structured

187. D. Family therapists are actively involved in the process. They are fairly structured andgive homework assignments to families. They are generally flexible and go with the flow ofthe family. Oftentimes, family therapists "join" with families rather than keeping theirdistance.

188. Haley assumes that:a. the client's symptoms are serving a protective functionb. the power hierarchy of the family is confusedc. the real problem is the family communication patternd. All of the above

188. D. Haley's strategic family therapy focuses on how families use or abuse power, howthey fail to communicate effectively and clearly, and how a symptom serves as a protectionagainst something that is painful.

189. A couple comes in to see a counselor who specializes in sex counseling. Before thecounselor agrees to treat the couple for sex counseling, she refers the couple for:a. a physical examination and medical history consultation by a medical practitionerb. a clinical assessment and interviewc. sensate focus exercisesd. an exploration of the marital relationship

189. A. A counselor who sees couples for sex therapy must first rule out any physicalproblems one or the other partner may or may not have. Therefore, one of the first coursesof action is to have the couple see their physician to verify that there are no physiologicalreasons for the dysfunction.

19. Jennifer has to choose between spending the evening at home with her parents orspending the evening babysitting her younger sister. Jennifer does not like either of thesechoices. This situation describes an:a. approach-avoidance conflictb. avoidance-avoidance conflictc. approach-approach conflictd. avoidance vector

19. B. The best way to look at this question is to look at the choices Jennifer is given and herinterpretation of these choices. Since Jennifer doesn't like either of the choices, this wouldbe an avoidance-avoidance conflict. It is simply picking between the lesser of two evils. In an approach-approach conflict, a person likes both choices and has to pick the best of thebest. In an approach-avoidance conflict, an individual both likes and dislikes a choice.

190. The main purpose of sensate focus exercises is to:a. have the couple focus on communication patternsb. eliminate performance anxiety related to sexual functioningc. teach deep breathing and relaxationd. allow the couple to experiment with sexual positions

190. B. Sensate focus exercises are used to eliminate performance anxiety by instructingthe couple to engage in touching that is nonsexual or nonerotic. The thought here is that ifthe couple can feel comfortable with touch, then sexual or erotic touch will not be asthreatening.

191. When working with blended families, a marriage and family counselor educates familymembers about the new dynamics within the family structure. More specifically, thecounselor discusses:a. how adults and children come into the blended family with expectations from their previousfamiliesb. how parent-child relationships rarely changec. how a blended family begins after many losses and changesd. both A and C.

191. D. Blended families are the result of broken relationships. Therefore, when workingwith blended families, counselors need to address expectations that members of theblended family have about what relationships should be like (based on prior experiences).Counselors also have to assist blended families with the grief associated with losses andhelp members of the blended family adjust to changes within the family.

192. As founder of many child development centers, ______________ could be attributed withbeing one of the first family counselors.a. Satirb. Ackermanc. Adlerd. Rogers

192. C. Alfred Adler founded many child guidance clinics and thus is attributed with beingone of the first family counselors. Ackerman and Satir would be considered psychoanalyticfamily therapists, and Rogers would be a family-centered therapist. Another way to thinkabout this question is to look at dates: Adler was around earlier than any of the other three.

193. Adlerian family therapy involves all of the following EXCEPT:a. overcoming feelings of inferiorityb. promoting social interestc. pinpointing irrational beliefsd. investigating goals of behavior

193. C. The only logical answer here is C, because Adler did not look at irrational beliefs. Hewas concerned with feelings of inferiority, social interest, and goals of behavior. Just as withindividual therapy, rational-emotive family therapy looks at irrational beliefs.

194. According to conjoint family therapy, it is important to look at patterns ofcommunication and meta-communication. Meta-communication can be defined as thoseaspects of communication:a. involving how something is said, not what is saidb. involving what is saidc. that are hiddend. that are direct and open

194. A. Communication patterns generally look at what is said, while meta-communicationlooks at how something is said.

195. In family therapy, the terms "enmeshed" and "disengaged" are most closely associatedwith:a. Adlerb. Minuchinc. Ackermand. Haley

195. B. You should know that enmeshment and disengagement are concepts in Minuchin'stheory of family therapy. Adler looked at goals of behavior, social interest, and overcomingfeelings of inferiority. Ackerman was a psychoanalytic family therapist who looked atunconscious motives and early relationships. Haley considered understanding levels ofcommunication and organization and finding the myths that keep behavior going.

196. A 10-year-old boy refuses to eat at the dinner table with the rest of the family and oftenstays home when the family goes to the zoo or a museum. According to Minuchin, thisyoungster is _____________ the family.a. disengaged fromb. enmeshed inc. the placater ind. triangulated in

196. A. If you think about what engagement means in communication or social situations,you would know that disengagement means being uninvolved in social interactions. Therefore, this is an example of someone disengaged from their family. Enmeshment iswhen family members are overinvolved in the lives of other family members. "Placater" is aterm used in Satir's conjoint family therapy to describe a person who tries to pleaseeveryone. Triangulation occurs in families when several family members gang up on oneparticular family member.

197. The role of the therapist in strategic family therapy is to:a. find the myth that keeps a behavior goingb. understand levels of communicationc. focus on levels of organizationd. All of the above

197. B. The correct answer is D. Haley's strategic family therapy describes the role of thetherapist as finding the myths that keep behavior going, understanding levels ofcommunication, and focusing on levels of organization in families.

198. One of the more common techniques used by marriage and family therapists isreframing. Which of the following is an example of reframing?a. A counselor listens intently to the family's discussion of an event and points out whathappened at point A, point B, and point C.b. A counselor has the members of a family each take turns talking about how they felt about aspecific incident.c. A counselor suggests that a mother's constant questioning of the daughter regarding a recentparty the daughter attended could be interpreted by the daughter as mistrust rather than loveand concern.d. A counselor outlines exactly how individuals in the family are to argue by setting up fairfightingrules.

198. C. Response A describes the technique called tracking (keeping track of what is goingon). Response B involves communication skill building techniques, as does response D. Thebest example of reframing is C as the therapist tries to present another perspective orreframes the situation to show a different interpretation than the one that is being held byone or another person.

199. One family structure that is on the rise in the United States is the:a. blended familyb. multigenerational familyc. single-parent familyd. homosexual family

199. B. One of the fastest-growing trends in family structures is the multigenerationalfamily, in which the grandparents are raising their grandchildren. They, instead of thechildren's biological parents, are parenting the grandchildren. Blended families have beenaround for decades, as have single-parent families. The homosexual family is anacknowledged family structure but is not one of the fastest-growing trends in familystructures.

2. According to Erickson, when an individual fails to develop a strong sense of identity, theindividual will have troubles with the development of:a. autonomyb. initiativec. intimacyd. integrity

2. C. In Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, individuals who fail to achieve thegoal of the lower level of development will have problems attaining the developmental taskat the next stage of development. In the example above, the individual failed to achieveidentity, which occurs during adolescence. Therefore, in young adulthood, the individualwill have problems attaining intimacy, which is the developmental task to be achieved atthis level. For autonomy, the individual would have to have failed to attain basic trust; forinitiative, the individual would have to have failed to attain autonomy; and for integrity, theindividual would have to have failed to attain generativity.

20. Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client's point of view. This counselor is taking the _________ perspective.a. eticb. alloplasticc. emicd. autoplastic

20. C. From a multicultural perspective, an emic view considers that an individual's culturematters. On the other hand, an etic view considers that people are people no matter wherethey come from or what their cultural background is. You might think about this distinctionas emic = culture matters, and etic = total world. The distinction between autoplastic andalloplastic is that the former believes in the efficacy of changes taking place within theindividual, while the latter believes in making changes in the environment. Think about itthis way: When you drive an automobile, you are the operator, you're in charge.

200. True variance or the coefficient of determination is obtained by:a. subtracting the correlation coefficient from 1.00b. adding the correlation coefficient to 1.00c. squaring the correlation coefficientd. none of the above

200. C. You will need to know that the coefficient of determination is true variance. It isobtained by squaring the correlation coefficient. In order to find the coefficient ofnondetermination, you have to subtract the coefficient of determination from 1.00.

201. We can attribute to _______________ the ecological systems theory of development.a. Adlerb. Bronfenbrennerc. Chomskyd. Piaget

201. B. Uri Bronfenbrenner developed a theory that basically states that a child grows up ina complex system of relationships: with the child's family, school, and neighborhood, thenextended family and the larger community, and finally the culture. These all affect thedevelopment of the child.

202. Which of the following statements most closely reflects the ecological systems theoryof development?a. It takes an entire nation to raise a child.b. It takes a closely knit family to raise a child.c. It takes an interconnected network of families to raise just one child.d. It takes a strongly devoted neighborhood to raise a child.

202. A. If we looked at the explanation above, you can see that responses B, C, and Drepresent only part of the complex system. It is necessary, however, to include culture andnation as being part of the development of the child. It takes all of the items in this question

203. Using a normal bell curve, where would individuals with average ability fall?a. Between the 5th and 90th percentilesb. Between the 40th and 60th percentilesc. Between the 3rd and 6th staninesd. Between the 16th and 84th percentiles

203. D. The average range of abilities on the normal curve falls between the 16th and 84thpercentiles. Responses B and C are not inclusive enough, and response A is too inclusive

204. A researcher is interested in analyzing the results of 20 studies on the effects of socialskills training on playground behavior of elementary school-age children. The best way toanalyze all of these studies together is to perform:a. a meta-analysisb. Tukey's t-testc. an analysis of covarianced. Spearman's rho

204. A. Responses B, C, and D are statistics that a single research study may employ. Ameta-analysis is performed when multiple research studies are used rather than just asingle study.

205. You are a licensed counselor in private practice. In order to get reimbursed byinsurance companies, you will need your:a. NPI numberb. license numberc. transcripts of your graduate work on filed. diploma from your graduate program

205. A. NPI stands for National Provider Identification. This is a nationally accepted numberthat insurance companies use to reimburse providers. Credentialing agencies ordepartments of insurance companies may request your license number and transcripts, butthese items do not guarantee payment.

21. Working with individuals from different cultures requires that the counselor:a. have sensitivity to the needs of the individualsb. make a referral to another counselorc. have knowledge about the different culturesd. Both A and C.

21. D. It is not necessary that a counselor refer a client from another culture to anothercounselor. What is important is that the counselor demonstrates sensitivity to the needs ofthat client and has some knowledge about other cultures. Another way to look at this is toconsider how you would treat someone who has an allergy to dairy products. You wouldn'tgive the person with allergies milk or ice cream. Instead, you would find out what theperson with allergies can have and make adjustments based on that. You treat the personwith allergies with sensitivity and get as much information about those allergies as possible.

22. A high standard of counseling practice when working with diverse populations involvesall of the following EXCEPT:a. treating all clients the same wayb. acknowledging and confronting their own biases and prejudicesc. adapting one's knowledge and skills to meet the clients' needsd. educating oneself as completely as possible regarding the clients' cultural context

22. A. The answer is pretty straightforward when you consider the other choices. The mostappropriate standard of care for a counselor who works with multicultural clients is to treateach client individually. Special concern must be taken to ensure that the counselor iscognizant of her/his own biases; that the counselor becomes familiar with other cultures;and that the counselor can adapt her/his strategies and approaches to what is mostefficacious for a particular client.

23. When working with individuals from different cultures, the effective counselor may not:a. use language similar to the client'sb. maintain good eye contact at all timesc. be cognizant of the contextd. honor religious beliefs

23. B. This question could trip you up if you are not aware of the cultural differencesregarding eye contact. It is expected in our Western culture that we maintain good eyecontact at all times. In the Eastern traditions, however, eye contact is averted in somesituations. It is the counselor's job to know those subtle differences and respect them.

24. Murray is a bright student, but he procrastinates. He puts off writing term papers andgets incompletes, which eventually become Fs. Murray's therapist helps him establish small,specific goals rather than vague, long-range goals. The therapist also asks Murray to keep adiary of how he is spending his time when he is avoiding his studies. The method used tohelp Murray deal with his problem is __________ therapy.a. psychodynamicb. behavioralc. Gestaltd. existential

24. B. When techniques involve setting goals or keeping a diary, you can automaticallythink that the therapy is behavioral. Most other therapies do not involve keeping track ofbehaviors or setting specific goals. A psychodynamic approach would use techniques likefree association; gestalt approach would use techniques like psychodrama or exaggeration;and the existential approach would use imagery or awareness activities.

25. The social-learning perspective is to the psychodynamic perspective as __________ are to_____________.a. bodily events; social and cultural forcesb. social and cultural forces; bodily eventsc. environmental conditions; unconscious dynamicsd. unconscious dynamics; environmental conditions

25. C. Whenever psychoanalysis or psychodynamics is mentioned, you should automaticallythink of unconscious processes, as this is the hallmark of such an approach. Of course, thesocial-learning perspective deals with social aspects, but more intently it deals withenvironmental conditions. Bodily events or bodily functions would be more aligned with abiological approach of some sort. Remember that learning involves interacting with theenvironment.

26. The process of saying freely whatever comes to mind in connection with dreams,memories, fantasies, or conflicts, in the course of a psychodynamic therapy session, isreferred to as __________.a. systematic desensitizationb. floodingc. free associationd. exposure treatment

26. C. One way you can think of free association is as speaking freely about whatever comesto mind. Free association is a technique used by psychoanalysts and psychodynamictherapists. The other three techniques are all used exclusively by behaviorists.

27. Which of the following is not a behavioral therapy?a. Floodingb. Skills trainingc. Exposured. Unconditional positive regard

27. D. The only technique that is not behavioral is unconditional positive regard, which isclient centered, or Rogerian. To help you think about this, imagine a Rogerian-oriented therapist reflecting back whatever a client says as a way to show empathy or unconditionalregard. Behaviorists do not address feelings at all, so unconditional positive regard wouldnot be something a behaviorist would even consider offering to a client directly.

28. The primary goal of __________ therapy is to find meaning in life.a. rational-emotiveb. realityc. existentiald. transactional analysis

28. C. One way to think about the existential perspective is in terms of the human conditionand what it means to be human; or in other words, what the meaning of life is. When itcomes to rational-emotive therapy, think about the word "rational" and then attribute thatto helping individuals move from irrational to rational thoughts. A good way to think aboutreality therapy is to focus on helping individuals formulate realistic plans for improvement.Transactional analysis involves looking at individuals' "transactions" as they go throughtheir life scripts (parent, adult, child).

29. Which of the following pairings of problem and the most successful therapy for thatproblem is INCORRECT?a. Childhood behavior problems and existential therapyb. Specific phobias and systematic desensitizationc. Depression and rational-emotive therapyd. Panic disorder and behavior therapy

29. A. The clue here should be child behavior problems. Right away you should be able toeliminate existential therapy from that because behavior problems are best handled usingbehavioral techniques, not finding meaning. All of the other pairs are appropriate. When itcomes to dealing with specific phobias, the treatment of choice is usually systematicdesensitization, which is a behavioral technique. Depression usually involves having a clientlook at his/her own irrational thoughts that contribute to the depression. A panic disorderis also usually addressed using some sort of behavioral techniques.

3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in Freud's theory of personalitydevelopment?a. Oral, genital, latency, anal, phallicb. Genital, anal, phallic, oral, latencyc. Latency, phallic, oral, anal, genitald. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

3. D. The best way to remember Freud's psychosexual stages of development is to thinkabout what key tasks individuals do throughout childhood. The first thing infants do is suck(oral). Next, babies begin toilet training (anal), then discover the difference between boysand girls (phallic). Next, children spend time growing physically and cognitively but arelatent in the psychosexual realm (not focusing on anything sexual); finally, puberty sets inand they begin to think about sex again and are focused on their own genitals.

30. The bond of confidence and mutual understanding established between therapist andclient is called the _______.a. therapeutic windowb. therapeutic alliancec. clubhouse modeld. window of opportunity

30. B. The only realistic answer is the therapeutic alliance. The clubhouse model andwindow of opportunity have nothing to do with counseling. The therapeutic windownormally describes a range of time or doses of medication at which some positive effectswill be noticed.

31. An apparent treatment success that is due to the patient's expectation or hopes ratherthan the treatment itself is called ____________.a. the placebo effectb. the nocebo effectc. the therapeutic windowd. an empirically validated treatment

31. A. When improvement occurs just by the fact that someone is expecting improvement,that is the placebo effect. The opposite, the nocebo effect, occurs when an innocuoussubstance (a sugar pill) causes a person to get sick or to feel worse. The therapeutic windowdescribes a range of time or doses of medication at which some positive effects will benoticed. An empirically validated treatment is one in which the treatment has beensystematically tested and validated through some research and found to be successful.

32. In _________ therapy, the therapist uses logical arguments to challenge a client'sunrealistic beliefs or expectations.a. client-centeredb. rational-emotive behaviorc. existentiald. aversive conditioning

32. B. In rational-emotive therapy, a client's irrational beliefs are challenged. In existentialtherapy, the focus is on the choices a client makes in order to find what is meaningful.Personal freedom and awareness are emphasized. In aversive conditioning, a person isconditioned using something aversive to stay away from or refrain from engaging in someinappropriate behavior. And client-centered therapy focuses on self acceptance and selfexploration.

33. Systematic desensitization and "flooding" are ___________ therapies.a. behavioralb. psychodynamicc. realityd. Adlerian

33. A. Behavioral techniques include: operant and classical conditioning, systematicdesensitization, implosion, flooding, time-out, stress inoculation, and thought stopping.Techniques of the psychodynamic approach include: free association, dream analysis, andinterpretation of transferences. Adlerian therapy techniques include: emphasizing client'sstrengths, examination of client's memories, focus on interpretation, and "spitting in theclient's soup." Reality therapy techniques include: role playing, role modeling, defininglimits, and helping the client make a plan.

34. Which of the following types of psychotherapists would be most likely to use freeassociation and transference?a. Rational-emotive behavior therapistsb. Behavior therapistsc. Psychodynamic therapistsd. Client-centered therapists

34. C. The focus of psychodynamic therapy is bringing to the surface that which isunconscious; the therapist uses free association and transferences to make this occur.Another way to look at this is to remember that psychodynamic therapy has roots in Freudian theory. Freud spent much of his time discussing early childhood experiences anddefense mechanisms. Think of rational-emotive behavior therapy as looking at irrationalthoughts and beliefs. Strictly behavioral therapy looks at observable behavior, and clientcenteredtherapy focuses on making clients feel good about themselves.

35. _________ is a humanist approach that emphasizes the tragic aspects of life, the burden ofresponsibility, and the need to face the inevitability of death.a. Social interestb. Psychoanalysisc. Existentialismd. Self-actualization

35. C. Think about existential therapy as looking at the human condition in its totality frombirth to death and everything in-between. "Social interest" is a term synonymous withAdlerian counseling, while self-actualization is a term used by Maslow when he talked abouthis hierarchy of needs. Psychoanalysis looks at bringing what is unconscious to theconscious level.

45. Popular techniques of this approach are examination of client's memories, "spitting inthe client's soup," and "catching oneself."a. Adlerianb. Psychoanalysisc. Rational-emotive therapyd. Reality therapy

45. A. Adlerian counselors utilize examination of clients' memories, catching oneself, andspitting in the client's soup. Free association, analysis of transferences, and dream analysisare popular techniques used by psychoanalysis. Popular techniques used by reality therapyare role modeling, defining limits, and feedback. Counselors who use rational-emotivetherapy often use homework assignments, bibliotherapy, and shame attacks.

36. According to Carl Rogers, __________ is love and support given to another with no stringsattached.a. the condition of worthb. unconditional positive regardc. existentialismd. self-actualization

36. B. If you remember one thing about client-centered counseling, unconditional positiveregard is it. Carl Rogers emphasized personal warmth, empathy, acceptance, andgenuineness when he described his approach. He focused on giving support and providingtotal acceptance without limits. You can eliminate conditions of worth because that is indirect opposition to what Rogers believed. Existentialism and self-actualization are notassociated with Carl Rogers in any way.

37. Which of the following pairs of personality theorists and perspectives is INCORRECT?a. Abraham Maslow; existentialistb. Carl Rogers; humanistc. Carl Jung; geneticd. Sigmund Freud; psychodynamic

37. C. Abraham Maslow is associated with existentialism and Carl Rogers is considered ahumanist. When you think of Freud, you should automatically think of psychoanalysis orpsychodynamics. Jung is a Neo-Freudian.

38. Which of the following terms is associated with transactional analysis?a. Free associationb. Unconditional positive regardc. Irrational beliefsd. Complementary transactions

38. D. The key word here is "transactions." Transactional analysis looks at the interactionsor transactions that occur within an individual (parent, adult, child). Free association ispaired with the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic approach. Unconditional positive regardis affiliated with the client-centered counseling of Carl Rogers. And irrational beliefs areassociated with rational-emotive behavior therapy.

39. Which one of the following does NOT belong with the other three?a. Horneyb. Glasserc. Adlerd. Jung

39. B. Glasser is associated with reality therapy, while the other three are Neo-Freudians.Karen Horney is associated with object relations, Jung with the collective unconscious andarchetypes, and Adler with birth order and family constellations.

4. Jacob's father tells Jacob to clean his room. When Jacob asks why, his father responds,"Because I said so." The father's response is most representative of which parenting style?a. Uninvolvedb. Authoritarianc. Authoritatived. Permissive

4. B. The authoritarian parenting style uses coercive techniques and psychological controlto discipline children, whereas the authoritative parenting style emphasizes some controlbut allows for some independence. The uninvolved parenting style rarely uses any controland the parent seems to be indifferent to the child's level of independence. In thepermissive parenting style, the parents are typically overindulgent with the child. Theyexert very little control and are lenient when it comes to granting independence to the child.

40. The withdrawal of reinforcement until the conditioned response no longer occurs isknown as:a. extinctionb. eliminationc. discriminationd. punishment

40. A. All of the terms are associated with operant or classical conditioning exceptelimination. When Person A wants to eliminate a previously conditioned response in PersonB, Person A withholds any reinforcement when the response occurs so that Person B nolonger elicits the behavior. This is known as extinction. Discrimination occurs in classicaland operant conditioning as well. Under this condition, a person learns to respond to onlyspecific stimuli, while not responding to other similar stimuli. The person learns todistinguish between similar stimuli. "Punishment" is also a term associated with operantconditioning. It is a behavior modification technique that is used to decrease the probabilitythat a particular behavior will occur again. Punishment can be either the presentation of anaversive stimulus or the taking away of a positive stimulus.

41. Freud is to ego, id, and superego as ___________ is to parent, adult, and child.a. Jungb. Adlerc. Perlsd. Berne

41. D. If you recognize "parent, adult, child," you would know that this set of terms isassociated with transactional analysis, associated primarily with Eric Berne (1910-1970).Fritz Perls is associated with rational-emotive behavior therapy. Carl Jung is associated withanalytic psychology, and Adler is associated with individual psychology.

42. Developed by Luft and Ingham, ______________ asserts that there are four parts to thepersonality: the public self, the blind self, the private self, and the unknown self.a. neurolinguistic programmingb. the concept of the collective unconsciousc. the concept of the family constellationd. the concept of the Johari window

42. D. Questions about the Johari window show up fairly often on this exam. It got its namefrom the two individuals who developed the concept—Joe Luft and Harry Ingham. They believed that clients come into counseling with all sorts of information, some of it known tothe client and others, some unknown to the client but known by others, some known onlyby the client, and some unknown by everyone. Luft and Ingham believed that it is importantto uncover that which is unknown. The collective unconscious is associated with Carl Jung.Neurolinguistic programming, or NLP, is a system of treatment that integrates psychology,linguistics, and communications. It was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Thefamily constellation is part of Adlerian counseling.

43. In which is the focus on the meaning of life and the relevance of the individualexperience?a. Existential counselingb. Adlerian counselingc. Gestalt therapyd. Reality therapy

43. A. Any time you think about existentialism, you should think about philosophicalquestions such as, "What is the meaning of life?" and "Is there life in the hereafter?" Thefocus of Adlerian counseling is on developing and maintaining social interests. The focus ofGestalt therapy is congruence and the here and now. Reality therapy is focused on becomingpsychologically well by taking responsibility for oneself and formulating realistic plans.

44. Popular techniques of this approach are role playing, "empty chair," and "making therounds."a. Client-centeredb. Psychoanalysisc. Gestaltd. Adlerian

44. C. It will be important for you to know some of the key strategies and techniques thatthe various therapies utilize. Gestalt therapy utilizes the empty-chair technique as well aspsychodrama. Free association and dream analysis are popular techniques used bypsychoanalysis. Adlerian counseling utilizes examination of clients' memories, catchingoneself, and spitting in the client's soup. Client-centered counselors utilize active/passivelistening, open-ended questions, positive regard, and reflection of feelings.

46. In this therapeutic approach, the counselor's emphasis is on being authentic whileconcentrating on verbal and nonverbal messages.a. Existential counselingb. Behavioral counselingc. Gestalt therapyd. Rational-emotive therapy

46. C. In existential counseling, the role of the counselor is to be authentic andunderstanding of the client while stressing the personal relationship and sharingexperiences. The role of the behavioral counselor is to assist the client in clarifying goalsand modifying behaviors while teaching, directing, and advising. The rational-emotivetherapist teaches, confronts, and corrects the client's irrational beliefs and ineffective selftalk.The role of the Gestalt therapist is to be in the present while helping the client resolveunfinished business and be congruent in verbal and nonverbal messages.

47. Paradoxical intention, implosive therapy, and thought stopping are all techniques usedby _____________ counselors.a. Psychoanalyticb. Behavioralc. TAd. Reality therapy

47. A. When you think about behavioral techniques, remember to include techniquesemployed in classical and operant conditioning (reinforcement, shaping, extinction) as wellas systematic desensitization, implosion, flooding, time-out, and thought stopping. Inpsychoanalysis, the counselor relies on free association, dream analysis, analysis oftransferences, and interpretation to advance therapy progress. A counselor who uses TA(transactional analysis) uses interrogation, confrontation, illustration, and concentration onearly memories to assist clients. The reality therapist uses humor, confrontation, rolemodeling, role playing, and defining limits.

48. Stress inoculation is a concept introduced by:a. John Krumboltzb. Joseph Wolpec. Albert Bandurad. Donald Meichenbaum

48. D. All four of these men are associated with behavioral counseling in some way, butDonald Meichenbaum developed the behavioral technique called stress inoculation training.The purpose is to help the client deal with future stress. The three-step process involveshaving the client monitor the impact of the inner dialogue on behavior when under stress,rehearsing new self-talk, and implementing new self-talk during the stressful situation.Joseph Wolpe developed systematic desensitization, which is a step-by-step process used to address phobias. John Krumboltz is more known in the field of career counseling but haswritten books on behavior modification. Albert Bandura is usually associated with sociallearning but more specifically with learning through observation.

49. According to Freud, _____________________ is the most important defense mechanism. Anexample of this defense mechanism is when a woman who has been physically abused byher spouse doesn't remember ever being hurt by him.a. regressionb. repressionc. reaction formationd. denial

49. B. Freud described some of the unconscious processes that individuals use to protectthemselves from conflicts and anxiety. These unconscious processes are called defensemechanisms, with the most important being repression. Repression occurs when athreatening memory, idea, or emotion is blocked from consciousness. Regression is adefense mechanism that occurs when a person reverts to a previous phase of psychologicaldevelopment. Denial occurs when a person refuses to admit that something unpleasant ishappening. Finally, reaction formation occurs when an individual transforms his/herunconscious anxiety into its opposite outwardly.

5. Harry Harlow used baby monkeys and several different kinds of "surrogate mothers" toinvestigate which factors are important in early development and attachment. According tohis findings, baby monkeys:a. preferred a soft terrycloth "mother" to a wire-mesh "mother" that held a bottleb. preferred a wire-mesh "mother" that held a bottle to a soft terrycloth "mother"c. showed no preferenced. preferred neither "mother"

5. A. In Harry Harlow's experiments, he found that baby monkeys preferred physicalcomfort to hunger satisfaction. In other words, the baby monkeys wanted to be close to asoft terrycloth "mother" rather than a wire-mesh "mother," even though the latterpresented food. Therefore, attachment involves more than hunger satisfaction. It involveshaving close contact with a "loving" caregiver.

50. A dog that has been trained to stop and stand at attention when she hears a duck calldoes not stop and stand at attention when she hears a goose call. This is an example of:a. stimulus generalizationb. higher-order conditioningc. conditioned responsed. stimulus discrimination

50. D. Stimulus generalization occurs when, after conditioning, the subject responds almostidentically to a stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus. Higher-orderconditioning is a procedure by which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulusthrough the association with an already established conditioned stimulus. A conditionedresponse is a response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus. It occurs after theconditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus. Stimulus discriminationoccurs when a stimulus that resembles a conditioned stimulus fails to evoke the conditionedresponse.

51. The disadvantage of closed-ended questions is that the client usually fails to:a. disclose personal informationb. come up with an answer to the questionsc. continue to dialogue with the counselord. Both A and C.

51. D. If you think about this logically, you can see how A and C are correct answers. Closed endedquestions are those that can be answered with one- or two-word responses (e.g., yesor no). A client who is asked a closed-ended question answers the question or says yes or noand generally does not add any other information. When an open-ended question is asked,the client has to give more information in order to answer the question completely. Theconversation continues and personal information is offered more freely.

52. Rational-emotive behavior therapy follows a five-step system using ABCDE, where Dstands for:a. the affectb. the effectc. the external eventd. disputing the irrational belief

52. D. The ABCDE system goes as follows: A is the external event; B is the belief about theevent; C is the accompanying feeling; D is the disputing of the irrational belief that is causingthe accompanying feeling; and E is the change that is made in the self-talk as a result of thetherapy process.

53. The goals of this type of therapy include gaining knowledge about the self andrecognizing and integrating the self.a. Adlerianb. Jungianc. Existentiald. Freudian

53. B. Jungian therapists believe in a collective unconscious. Another key concept of Jungiantherapy is the archetype. The goal of Jungian therapy is to transform the self by gainingknowledge about the self (collective unconscious, archetypes, personal unconscious) andthen recognizing and integrating all aspects of the self (archetypes, etc.).

54. In order to elicit a conditioned response, the neutral stimulus that will become theconditioned stimulus must _________________ the unconditioned stimulus.a. followb. precedec. occur at the same time asd. randomly occur sometime near

54. B. If you think about it logically, a neutral stimulus remains a neutral stimulus unless itcan be associated with something that already elicits some sort of response. If a stimulusthat already elicits a response is presented first, the response has already occurred. Theneutral stimulus coming after the unconditioned stimulus (US) does nothing because theresponse has already occurred. Therefore, the neutral stimulus must be presented beforethe US so that it gets associated with the US and can then evoke a response similar to theunconditioned response. Although simultaneous occurrence with the US would evoke aconditioned response, in everyday life two things do not get presented at the exact sametime very often. Presenting a neutral stimulus at random will not allow for any associationto be made between it and the US.

55. In contrast to feeling sorry for the client, the counselor needs to demonstrate ___________toward the client.a. empathyb. sympathyc. emotionalityd. stability

55. A. A counselor needs to be able to understand the client's predicament, not feel sorryfor the client. Understanding the client's predicament is called empathy. Feeling sorry forsomeone's predicament is sympathy and does nothing to empower the client. Althoughproviding stability in the session, it is not what helps the client to work through thepredicament. A counselor needs to keep his/her own emotions in check when working witha client. Emotionality on the part of the counselor usually serves to confuse the client or toadd additional burden onto the client.

56. In order to facilitate growth in a client, the counselor uses all of the following strategiesEXCEPT:a. confrontationb. reflectionc. abandonmentd. interpretation

56. C. Confrontation is often used by counselors to point out discrepancies between aclient's thoughts/beliefs and the behavior. Making the client aware of these discrepancies isa necessary skill for a counselor. When a counselor uses interpretation, she is pointing outthe real meaning of a client's behavior. Reflection is another skill that a counselor uses tohelp clients. When a counselor reflects something back to a client, he is paraphrasing whatthe client said in order to emphasize the importance of the feelings associated with thestatement and to project empathy. It is considered unethical to abandon a client.

57. A(n) _____________ schedule of reinforcement is the most difficult to extinguish.a. intermittentb. consistentc. systematicd. ratio

57. A. If a person uses a slot machine, he gets some of his money back occasionally, but hestill gets reinforced for using the slot machine. If you know that you will get money from aslot machine after every tenth try, the thrill is gone. It is still reinforcing, but boredom setsin. The unpredictability of an intermittent schedule of reinforcement makes it the hardest toextinguish because you don't know if you will get reinforced the next time or in five minutesor after twenty tries. All the other schedules of reinforcement are predictable.

58. The primary distinction between reinforcement and punishment is that reinforcement___________ the likelihood of the behavior to occur again, while punishment _________________the likelihood of the behavior to occur again.a. increases; increasesb. decreases; increasesc. increases; decreasesd. decreases; decreases

58. C. All you need to remember here is that reinforcement increases the likelihood of abehavior occurring again, and punishment decreases the likelihood of the behavioroccurring again. Reinforcements are positive and you want them, so you perform behaviorsto get them. Punishments are negative and you do not want them, so you avoid performingcertain behaviors so you don't get punished.

59. Negative reinforcement _______________ the behavior by ________________ a reinforcer;positive reinforcement ______________ the behavior by ____________ a reinforcer.a. increases, taking away; increases, addingb. increases, adding; increases, taking awayc. decreases, adding; increases, addingd. decreases, taking away; increases, taking away

59. A. Don't confuse negative reinforcement with punishment. Negative reinforcementinvolves the taking away of something you don't like so that you get more of what you like.Positive reinforcement involves receiving something you like so that you get more of whatyou like. A child does his homework so that his mom will stop nagging him about doing it(increases by taking away a reinforcer). A child gets to watch a few extra minutes of acartoon because he did his homework (increases by adding a reinforcer). The parent wantsthe child to do his homework.

6. Which of the following is a myth about suicide in the United States?a. Male suicide is four times higher than that among females.b. It occurs in age groups of 90 years and up.c. Psychiatrists, physicians, and dentists are most prone.d. Asking someone about suicide may push that person over the edge.

6. D. If someone is thinking about suicide, asking that person about suicide will not plantthe seed or push her into committing suicide. It is important that as a counselor, you askclients about suicide so that they can get the help they need. It is necessary to assesssuicidality whenever you suspect that someone is contemplating it or behaving in ways thatmay suggest that she is contemplating it. It is best practice to assess for suicidality at eachsession with your clients. Suicide knows no age boundaries. Females attempt suicide at a rate three times higher than males, but males are successful more often, usually becausethey use more lethal methods than females.

60. There are long silences, several members of the group are acting out, and it seems likeall the group members are expressing frustrations with both the structure of the group andthe way the group leader is functioning. Most likely this group is in the ___________ state of thegroup process.a. workingb. initialc. transitiond. closing

60. C. There are five stages in the group process: forming, initial, transition, working, andclosing. In the forming stage, the group leader recruits, screens, and orients potential groupmembers. The initial stage involves tasks such as setting the ground rules, introducingmembers, and discussing confidentiality. During the working stage, members work onspecific issues while sharing personal information. At the closing stage, the leader beginsthe termination process.

61. From this perspective the group goals are to enable members to pay close attention totheir here-and-now experiences so they can recognize and integrate disowned aspects ofthemselves.a. Gestaltb. Psychodynamicc. Realityd. Existential

61. A. The goal of a psychodynamic-oriented group is to provide a climate to help membersre-experience early family relationships. The goals of a reality-oriented group are to guidemembers toward learning realistic and responsible behavior and to develop identities thatfocus on success. The goals of an existential-oriented group are to provide conditions thatmaximize self-awareness and to remove obstacles to personal growth.

62. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of group counseling?a. Cost-effectivenessb. Focus on individual needsc. Opportunities for feedbackd. Structured practice

62. B. There are many advantages of group counseling, from cost-effectiveness to the abilityto practice skills in a structured setting. There is a great deal of social support as well.Although members have their own individual needs and goals, the purpose of groupcounseling is for members to become better at interpersonal skills. Group counselingprovides feedback and practice for all group members.

63. As a leader of a group, Barb is very structured. She sets and directs all of the group'sgoals and activities and hardly ever asks the participants for input. Most likely, Barb hasa(n) ________ style of leadership.a. laissez-faireb. democraticc. authoritatived. authoritarian

63. D. A laissez-faire leadership style could be considered a "hands-off" style in that there isno participation from the leader. The group participants make all the decisions and set theirown goals and activities. A democratic leader encourages members to make their owndecisions, and all members discuss the goals and activities. There is no authoritativeleadership style as it applies to group counseling.

64. What is likely to happen in a group when the leader is authoritarian?a. Members become dependent on the leader.b. Members become more motivated to achieve goals.c. Members lose focus on goals.d. Members have high morale.

64. A. Typically, when there is an authoritarian leader, group members become verydependent on the leader. They usually are unmotivated and show greater hostility towardthe leader. Their morale is usually low. In a group with a laissez-faire leader, the memberscontinue aimlessly and lack direction. They have problems staying focused on their goals.On the other hand, a democratic leader inspires group participation, commitment, morale,and motivation.

65. All of the following are characteristics of an open group EXCEPT:a. Members can join and leave at any time.b. The number of sessions is undetermined.c. There is good cohesion.d. Group meetings are usually held in a hospital setting.

65. C. Because group members can come and go at will, there is a chance that at eachsession there are different people. This characteristic of an open group lessens the cohesionof a group. At every session, someone new may join, and group participants have to get toknow someone new. In order for a group to be cohesive, a greater amount of familiarityamong group members is needed, as then they are more willing to open up and share withothers. In an open group, it is also harder to nurture members and to sustain continuitycompared with a closed group. A closed group has greater cohesiveness, stability, andpredictability.

66. In contrast to a homogeneous group, a heterogeneous group:a. is more cohesive and supportiveb. has members with greater awareness of themselves and othersc. has less conflict among participantsd. focuses on one specific problem

66. B. A heterogeneous group is usually more diverse than a homogeneous group. Theremay be a mixture of ages and genders. Another characteristic of heterogeneous groups isthat there is a wide variety of problems as the focus of the group sessions. Homogeneousgroups, on the other hand, are generally specific to gender and problem. The participantsusually have common characteristics, which leads to strong bonds being formed amonggroup members. Usually there is less conflict and greater attendance in homogeneousgroups.

67. All of the following are assumptions of groups EXCEPT:a. The leader is a member of the group.b. Trust is a must.c. Much of the growth in groups occurs through observations, modeling, and social learning.d. There are often discrepancies among participants' expectations, hopes, and desires.

67. A. The leader is NOT a member of the group but is a trained expert. It is assumed that ina group counseling setting, trust is at the forefront. Without trust, no growth or explorationwould take place. Trust also allows participants to share personal information with othermembers of the group. Participants each enter the group with their own expectations,desires, needs, and hopes. These diverse expectations help members of the group discoverthings in themselves that would go unnoticed in other situations. Finally, growth occurs ingroups through observations, identification with others, modeling, imitation, and othersocial skill learning processes.

68. During the working stage of the group, the leader's role is to:a. establish a trusting climateb. provide a role modelc. deal with feelingsd. support risks

68. D. The leader serves as a role model during the transition stage of the group, as well asestablishing a trusting climate for the group, providing support, and addressing resistancesand anxiety. During the termination stage, the leader's role is to deal with feelings, reinforcechanges, and help members make plans. During the orientation stage, the leader's role is tohelp identify goals and structures and begin the modeling process. The leader in the working stage provides reinforcement, links themes, supports risks, and encouragestranslating insight into action.

69. The emphasis for this type of group is on prevention and development of healthybehaviors.a. Secondaryb. Tertiaryc. Primaryd. Homogeneous

69. C. There are three levels of groups—primary, secondary, and tertiary. Each level has adifferent focus or emphasis. The emphasis of a primary group is on preventing problemsfrom occurring and developing healthy behaviors. The emphasis of a secondary group ispreventative and remedial—its focus may be on the reduction of symptoms, lessening theseverity of problems, and/or helping with overall adjustment to life stressors. The tertiarygroup can be thought of more as a "therapy" group in that its focus is on getting members ofthe group back to a more functional level of living. Tertiary groups may involve aspects ofpersonality change and/or rehabilitation. One way to think about the three levels is in termsof severity—primary usually is very mild; secondary is mild to moderate; and tertiary ismoderate to severe.

7. Cody does what his parents say because he doesn't want to lose his television privileges.This is an example of what level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development?a. Integrity versus despairb. Preconventionalc. Conventionald. Postconventional

7. B. Integrity versus despair is one of the stages in Erickson's psychosocial developmentaltheory. Kohlberg postulated that in the first level, preconventional, individuals areconcerned with consequences imposed upon them for wrongdoing. Thus, in the example,Cody wanted to avoid being punished by having his television privileges taken away. At theconventional level, an individual wants to conform to societal rules so that authority rulesand order is maintained. At the postconventional level, individuals define morality in termsof universal values and altruism.

In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crisis occur?a. generativity versus stagnationb. integrity versus despairc. a and bd. Erikson's stages do not address midlife issues

a. generativity versus stagnation

70. There is a distinction between group content and group process. An example of groupprocess would be:a. Sarah monopolizes the group by continuously talking and doesn't allow other participants tocontribute to the discussion.b. Joe says, "I think today's topic should be what to do on a first date."c. Randy rolls his eyes every time Karen says something.d. both A and C.

70. D. The distinction between group content and group process hinges on behavior. Groupcontent involves the topics of discussion or the skills to be addressed. Group processinvolves looking beyond someone's words and instead observing the person's behavior. It'snot what is said; it's how it is said. In the examples, Joe brought up a topic to be discussed(content). Randy reacted not so much to what Karen said, but rather to Karen herself. Theact of rolling his eyes is a process (behavior pattern that he perpetuates). Sarah's constantmonopolizing is her pattern of responding. It wasn't that she spoke often, it was that shedominated the discussion and didn't allow others to join in.

71. Greg seems to make light of everything that goes on in the group. If someone is late, forexample, he makes a humorous remark about calling for a search party. Greg would bedescribed as the __________ of the group.a. jokerb. dominatorc. placaterd. scapegoat

71. A. Group participants tend to take on different roles within the group, usually basedupon how the individual interacts with others outside of the group. There are a number ofdifferent roles. Scapegoats generally take the blame for things that go wrong in the group.They allow others to point the finger at them without resistance. Placaters are theindividuals in the group who try to appease everyone. They usually are uncomfortable withany conflict and are easily drawn to making concessions to keep peace in the group.Dominators or monopolizers are those who seem to control the group's discussions. Theysteer the discussion in the direction they want it to go. They seldom allow others to talk.Jokers, on the other hand, are those who make light of things, usually as a defense. Theytypically lack confidence and use humor as a way to detract or distract others fromconflictual situations.

72. A counselor is conducting the initial screening of individuals who may be included in abereavement group. An appropriate candidate for the group would be one who:a. has a severe mental illnessb. lacks cognitive and thinking abilitiesc. is free from the use of alcohol or other drugsd. has a history of violence or uncontrolled anger

72. C. Individuals who have been diagnosed with severe mental illness, have histories ofbeing violent or explosive, have limited cognitive or thinking abilities, are unable tocommunicate effectively, or use alcohol or other recreational drugs are not good candidatesfor inclusion in a group. It is important for all group members to feel safe, and having anindividual who is prone to violence in the group may compromise safety. It is also importantthat all group members effectively communicate, process, and understand interpersonalrelationships at a functional level. Therefore, individuals with limited capacities for any ofthese skills would not be good candidates for inclusion in a group. The process of a group isto learn and practice more appropriate social interaction skills. Someone who is incapableof understanding social interaction skills would not be a good candidate for the group.

73. A group has co-leaders. That is, there are two trained counselors who are facilitating thegroup together. All of the following are advantages of co-leadership groups EXCEPT:a. More support and attention are provided to group participants.b. There is less time spent observing participants.c. Effective modeling of appropriate behavior is provided to the participants.d. Participants often view co-leaders as parents.

73. B. Generally, co-leaders use a team approach. Each leader observes and processes whatgoes on in the group and provides feedback to participants. One leader usually cannot catcheverything that goes on in a group. Leaders have to be aware of content, process, flow, andprogress toward goals. Co-led groups give participants opportunities to observe how conflicts are handled between or among the leaders. The participants see the effectivenessof cooperation and harmony. Oftentimes, co-leaders are viewed as parental figures, andthus participants can learn more adaptive behaviors from well-functioning "parents."

74. The group leader points out defenses, resistances, and transferences as they occur inthis type of group.a. Client-centered groupb. Psychoanalytic groupc. Encounter groupd. Transactional analysis group

74. B. In a client-centered group, the leader points out feelings, personal meanings, andindividual attitudes. The function of this type of group is to increase self-understanding andaltering of self-concepts. In a transactional analysis group, the leader focuses on life scriptsand the dynamic ego states of parent, adult, and child and how these dynamic ego statesimpact others. In an encounter group, the leader focuses on the development of theindividual, emotional experiences, and awareness of the behavior of others. A leader of apsychoanalytic group attempts to re-create, analyze, and interpret the participants'defenses, resistances, and transferences.

75. Premature termination of participation in a group usually occurs when an individual is:a. not very motivatedb. highly intelligentc. open to experiencesd. empathetic

75. A. Research shows that individuals who prematurely leave a group are less intelligent,poorly motivated, and high in denial. They have difficulties trusting others. Individuals whocontinue through the course of group counseling are open to new experiences, trusting,willing to listen to others, and empathetic. Trust is the most important characteristic forindividuals who participate in group counseling. If you think about it, if a person is trusting,he will be more willing to open up to others, share experiences, benefit from feedback, andempathize with others. People with more limited intelligence may not be able to maneuversocial situations at an appropriate level of sophistication that is necessary for group success.

76. Career-oriented, successful ethnic minority women:a. face racial but not gender discriminationb. rarely receive support from other womenc. tend to have mothers who had low expectations for themd. often display unusually high self-efficacy

76. D. The only answer that makes any sense is an emphasis on self-efficacy. All of the otheranswers are false. If you think through this, you should have been able to choose the correctanswer. If these women had mothers who had low expectations for them or did not receivemuch support from other women, then these women would not be successful. These womenface both racial and gender discrimination.

77. The group that is most affected by the "glass ceiling phenomenon" consists of:a. women who are in careers most often populated by menb. men in middle managementc. blue-collar workersd. stay-at-home mothers

77. A. The "glass ceiling phenomenon" refers to situations in which individuals are deniedcareer advancement due to discrimination. This discrimination could be by gender, race, orphysical infirmity, such as deafness. So in this question, answer B would be wrong becauseit refers to men. Stay-at-home mothers are not in the workforce, so they are not affected bythis phenomenon, and blue-collar workers do not seek career advancement.

78. Which group of students would be least likely to seek out career counseling?a. Students in high school or middle schoolb. Nonec. Students entering colleged. Students who were taking college prep courses in high school

78. B. All students seek out career counseling or guidance of some sort, especially those inmiddle and high school.

79. In dual-career families, the woman typically:a. starts her family before entering the workforceb. decides not to have childrenc. has an established career before having childrend. None of the above

79. C. Dual-career families generally are those in which both the man and the woman havesome sort of professional career. They usually are established in their careers before theystart a family. Generally, these couples marry later than those who go directly into theworkforce after high school. The key vocabulary to look at here is "career," rather than"job." Having a career is generally more aligned with continuing education after high school.

8. Josie likes to play peek-a-boo with her little brother, Jack. According to Piaget, Jack findsthis game fun because he has acquired ____________, which is one of the primary tasks of thesensorimotor stage of cognitive development.a. conservationb. dual representationc. object permanenced. reversibility

8. C. Piaget proposed that there are four stages of cognitive development. The first stage isthe sensorimotor stage, whereby the infant or toddler recognizes that even thoughsomething is out of sight, it still exists. Piaget's second stage of cognitive development is thepreoperational stage (early childhood years) in which children begin to recognize thatsomething can be an object as well as a symbol (dual representation). The third stage ofcognitive development according to Piaget is called the concrete operational stage, duringwhich children 6 to 11 years old develop the capacity of both conservation (objectpermanence, or the understanding that physical characteristics of objects remain the sameeven if the appearance is different) and reversibility (the ability to think through a series ofsteps and then to reverse the process mentally).

80. Compared with high school students who enter the workforce right after graduation,students who go to college can expect to:a. be hired at lower wagesb. earn about $10,000 more per yearc. work longer hoursd. be hired to fill more unskilled positions

80. B. This question is fairly easy to reason through. Individuals who go right into theworkforce after high school graduation routinely earn substantially less than thoseindividuals who go to college. Individuals who go to college would not be hired for unskilledpositions, as they are overqualified. It would be hard to say whether or not the collegeeducatedindividuals would work longer hours than the non-college-educated individuals.

81. Leisure activities are those activities that a professional career counselor:a. may also refer to as avocationsb. never discusses with clientsc. describes as relaxing and done at workd. describes as involving going on vacations

81. A. The professional career counselor refers to leisure activities as those activities orhobbies with which a person is involved outside of work. These activities are referred to asavocations. A career counselor would discuss these activities with clients in order to betterunderstand them.

82. Dual-career families engage in leisure time:a. more often than families with one wage earnerb. that is more costly than that of families with one wage earnerc. less often than families with one wage earnerd. None of the above

82. C. Suffice to say, dual-career families tend to have less free time due to work and familyresponsibilities. They may or may not be involved in expensive leisure activities which aresimilar to those of other families. Because no one is at home to take care of household dutiesduring the day, these activities must be done after work, thus, dual-career families have lesstime to spend on leisure activities.

83. The role of the professional career counselor involves all of the following EXCEPT:a. facilitating self-awarenessb. teaching decision-making skillsc. teaching employability skillsd. None of the above

83. D. Career counselors are involved in all of these activities. They help clients becomebetter aware of themselves, teach decision-making skills, and teach employability skills.

84. Career choices as expressions of one's personality are to ______________ as career choicesas influenced by genetic endowment, environmental factors, and previous learningexperiences are to _________________.a. Krumboltz; Hollandb. Holland; Krumboltzc. Roe; Krumboltzd. Holland; Roe

84. B. Krumboltz is a behaviorist and, therefore, is interested not only in geneticendowment but in environmental factors and learning experiences. Holland developed theSDS, which involves looking at an individual's personality characteristics and matchingthem to clusters of job skills or interests. Therefore, Holland believes that career choices areexpressions of one's personality. Roe's theory is developmental and includes not onlyaspects of one's personality, but genetics, parent-child relationships, and one's earlyexperiences.

85. One of the main premises of ____________ theory is that individuals choose occupationsthat will permit them to use their competencies.a. Caplow'sb. Super'sc. Roe'sd. Hoppock's

85. B. Remember that Roe's theory has a developmental flavor to it, so her theory does notdiscuss personal competencies. Caplow's theory ascribes to birth order and genetics asstrongly influencing career choices. Hoppock's theory defines career choice as beinginfluenced by one's needs. Therefore, Super is the only answer that fits the question. Histheory ascribes to the notion that one's self-concept is ultimately important in careerchoices. He believed that people choose a career based on their competencies—what theyare good at.

86. Super describes four stages of career development, beginning in adolescence with the_________ stage, in which a person fantasizes and role-plays in order to clarify the emergingself-concept. In the ____________ stage the self-concept adjusts to fit the stabilized careerchoice and the person tries out various options.a. maintenance; establishmentb. establishment; maintenancec. establishment; exploratoryd. exploratory; establishment

86. D. If you reason based on ages, you may have been able to figure this one out. What doadolescents do? They explore career options, fantasize about various careers, and role-playas a means to narrow down their choices. Thus, they explore. In the establishment stage,individuals try out options and establish their careers. The maintenance stage is where thecareer path has already been established and now is being maintained.

87. All of the following are assumptions of John Holland's theory of career choice EXCEPT:a. Individuals can be categorized into six different personality types.b. People search for work environments in which their personality types can be expressedwithout much interference.c. Environment has very little to do with career choice.d. The behavior of an individual is determined by the interaction between the environment andthe person's unique personality characteristics.

87. C. John Holland based the SDS on the six different categories of personality types. Hebelieved that individuals choose careers based on personality types and environmentalinfluences. An individual's behavior is determined by the interaction between environmentand personality.

88. A career counselor who adheres to Holland's theory of career choice may have hisclients take the ______________ to help determine personality types.a. MMPIb. KOISc. SDSd. SCII

88. C. You need to be familiar with these different assessments. The MMPI (MinnesotaMultiphasic Personality Inventory) is usually used by clinical psychologists to clarifydiagnoses of mental disorders. The KOIS is the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, whichlooks at matching career choices with interests, not personality characteristics. The SDS(Self-Directed Search) is the instrument developed by John Holland that looks specifically atsix different categories of personality characteristics that may relate to certain careerchoices. The SCII (Strong Interest Inventory) is similar to the KOIS, as it looks at matchingpersonal interests with possible career choices.

89. Which of the following are postulates of Hoppock's theory?a. Everyone has basic needs, and a person's reaction to these needs influences occupationalchoice.b. People tend to move toward careers that serve their needs.c. Self-awareness and understanding are the bases upon which a person chooses an occupation.d. All of the above

89. D. Hoppock's theory of career choice suggests that people choose careers that meetsome personal needs. As part of this theory, Hoppock postulates that everyone has personalneeds and that an individual reacts to these needs when making career choices. Makingcareer choices involves self-awareness and understanding.

The Binet stressed age-related tasks. Utilizing this method, a 9-year-old task would be one whicha. only a 10-year-old child could answer.b. only an 8-year-old child could answer.c. 50% of the 9-year-olds could answer correctly.d. 75% of the 9-year-olds could answer correctly.

9-year-olds could answer correctly.

9. The theorist associated with bonding and attachment is:a. Bowlbyb. Adlerc. Freudd. Piaget

9. A. When you think about attachment and bonding, think about John Bowlby (1907-1990). Adler is associated with birth order and family constellation, while Freud isassociated with psychosexual development. Piaget is associated with cognitivedevelopment.

90. Which pair seems to go together?a. Roe and Hollandb. Holland and Krumboltzc. Roe and Hoppockd. Roe and Krumboltz

90. C. Hoppock and Roe are classified as developmentalists when it comes to career choices.They believe that early development and early experiences have a large impact on careerchoice. Krumboltz is a behaviorist and does not ascribe to early development an influenceon career choice. Holland believes that environment interacts with personalitycharacteristics when one chooses a career. Krumboltz and Holland believe that theenvironment plays a role in career choice, but Krumboltz looks at learning, not personality.

91. According to Roe, career choice is influenced by:a. geneticsb. parent-child interactionsc. unconscious motivatorsd. all of the above

91. D. Roe has a psychoanalytic perspective on career choice, so she believes that genetics,parent-child relationships, and unconscious motives interact. If you think aboutpsychoanalytic theories in general, you would know that all of the aforementioneddynamics influence an individual.

92. Gender bias would be aroused by which of the following?a. A man who is studying to be a nurseb. A woman who is studying to be a nursec. A woman who drives a semi truckd. Both A and C.

92. D. Gender bias goes both ways. Men in female-dominated careers and women in maledominatedcareers can experience discrimination. So, a man seeking to be a nurse (a femaledominatedcareer) and a woman seeking to be a semi-trailer truck driver (a maledominatedcareer) might experience discrimination on the job.

93. You are a career counselor who is interested in keeping up with trends in the job marketso that you can better assist your clients. One of the best ways to keep up with the trends inthe job market is to consult the:a. OOHb. DOTc. Wall Street Journald. SOC

93. A. Here again, you need to know what these are. The OOH is the Occupational OutlookHandbook. This handbook provides information about trends in occupations, as well asstatistics about salaries and wages. The DOT is not the Department of Transportation; it isthe Dictionary of Occupational Titles and is obsolete. It has been replaced by theOccupational Information Network (O*NET). Basically, the DOT listed nine occupationalcategories such as professional, technical, managerial, clerical, and sales careers. The WallStreet Journal is a reliable source for information about the financial and business world butis not a source for looking at trends in occupations. The SOC is the Standard OccupationalClassification Manual, which classifies types of activities associated with different careers. Itdoes not provide information about trends in occupations.

A new IQ test which yielded results nearly identical to otherstandardized measures would be said to havea. good concurrent validity.b. good face validity.c. superb internal consistency.d. all of the above.

a. good concurrent validity.

94. A 42-year-old woman returns to her career as an HR manager after her children start toattend school all day. This is an example of:a. a reentry womanb. a displaced homemakerc. gender biasd. wage discrimination

94. A. You might think that this example relates to a displaced homemaker, but the keyword here is "returns." A displaced homemaker never worked outside of the home. Areentry woman is one who had worked, decided to be a stay-at-home mother until herchildren were old enough to be in school all day, and then returned to work in her chosenprofession. Gender bias relates to experiencing discrimination for being in a job that isdominated by the opposite sex. Wage discrimination relates to earning less than someoneelse, yet doing the same job.

95. A receptionist at a dental office is not allowed to sing or hum at the office, but when shegets home, she turns on the radio and sings her favorite songs as loudly as she can. This isan example of:a. the contrast effectb. spilloverc. the compensatory effectd. the recency effect

95. C. You can think of the compensatory effect as being a reaction to being restricted fromdoing something. You want to do the activity, but you can't, so when you can, you really do itup right. You compensate for it. In this example, the woman isn't allowed to hum or sing atthe office, but when she is away from work, she hums and sings to her heart's content. Thecontrast effect involves two individuals being interviewed for the same position. Onequalified candidate is viewed in a less favorable light after a very well qualified candidate isinterviewed first. Spillover occurs when an individual engages in activities at home that aresimilar to those involved in his job. The recency effect takes place when a supervisor judges an employee's performance on the employee's most recent performance, with noconsideration for performance at other times.

96. The 20th percentile represents:a. the score at or below which 80% of the scores in the distribution fallb. that the examinee correctly answered 80% of the questions on the testc. the score at or below which 20% of the scores in the distribution falld. that the examinee correctly answered 20% of the questions on the test

96. C. The best way to think about percentiles is to think of 100 people standing in a row.Each person represents one percentile from the 1st percentile to the 100th percentile. So inthis case, the 20th percentile represents the twentieth person in the "distribution." So, it isthe place where the twentieth person stands in the line. If the answer were A, then it wouldbe the place in the line where the eightieth person would stand. In contrast, a percentagescore is what is described by answer B or D. These two answers represent the percent of thequestions the person got correct on a test. Most of us are familiar with percentages, as mostteachers report percentages to you.

97. A test is considered "standardized" if it includes:a. clearly specified procedures for administrationb. clearly specified procedures for scoringc. normative datad. all of the above

97. D. A standardized test must have standard procedures for administering, scoring, andinterpreting the test. There must also be a set of norms to which a particular score iscompared. Not all tests are standardized. For example, unless it is a test like the NCE or GRE,it is probably a test that was developed by a teacher or company. Tests may beadministered the same way to everyone and scored the same, but if there are no norms towhich to compare an examinee, it is not considered a standardized test.

98. Which of the following sources of information about tests would probably provide thebest information about sources and trends in testing and assessment?a. Test critiquesb. Journal articlesc. Test manualsd. All of the above

98. D. If you want to investigate a particular test, best practice would be to read testcritiques in books like Tests in Print or Buros Mental Measurements, read journal articlesabout that particular test, and test manuals. You wouldn't base a big decision on one sourceof information, nor would you do that when investigating a test.

99. Which of the following best describes norms?a. They give meaning to a behavior sample.b. They provide a parallel form for comparison.c. They indicate whether a test is reliable.d. They tell whether a distribution of scores is normally distributed.

99. A. The main purpose of norms is to provide meaning to test scores. A score of 100means nothing if you don't know what receiving a score of 100 means. Is it an IQ score,where 100 is exactly average? Is it the score on the NCE (a failing score)? Is it a bowlingscore? Norms provide a basis for comparison of scores against each other and against thestandard. If you know the standard, you can make comparisons. Answer B and C refer toconcepts in reliability. Knowing if a distribution is normal gives the test user information,but knowing that a distribution is normal does not give you information about the normsthemselves.

A counselor peruses a testing catalog in search of a test whichwill repeatedly give consistent results. The counselora. is interested in reliability.b. is interested in validity.c. is looking for information which is not available.d. is magnifying an unimportant issue.

a. is interested in reliability.



Experts predict that in the futurea. group leaders will be more like life-skills trainers.b. group leaders will become more person-centered.c. group leaders will return to a psychodynamic viewpoint.d. groups will lose their popularity and eventually die out.

a. group leaders will be more like life-skills trainers.

Coleadershipa. is helpful when one leader is experiencing countertransference.b. exacerbates the harm of countertransference.c. has no impact on the issue of countertransference.d. eliminates all diffi culties associated with countertransference.

a. is helpful when one leader is experiencing countertransference.

In terms of group risksa. an ethical leader will discuss them during the initial sessionwith a client.b. an ethical leader should never discuss risks with a client.c. research has demonstrated that the less said about themthe better the group will interact.d. an ethical leader allows the group to discover risks andwork through them at their own pace.

a. an ethical leader will discuss them during the initial sessionwith a client.

Which statement made by a group leader in a residential centerfor adolescents focuses on product rather than process?a. "Ken has not stolen for a week and thus is eligible forsupplementary tokens."b. "And Karen looks down when Bill discusses relationships."c. "It sounds like there is a deep sense of hurt...."d. "Oh, so you fold your arms and sort of close up when Careymentions the angry side of your personality."

a. "Ken has not stolen for a week and thus is eligible forsupplementary tokens."

The researcher who is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkeys isa. Harry Harlow.b. John Bowlby.c. Lawrence Kohlberg.d. all of the above.

a. Harry Harlow.

Research into the phenomenon of career maturity reflects thework ofa. John Crites.b. Roe.c. Holland.d. Schlossberg.

a. John Crites.

The statement, "Bad behavior is punished, good behavior is not,"is most closely associated witha. Kohlberg's premoral stage at the preconventional level.b. Kohlberg's conventional level.c. the work of Carl Jung.d. Piaget's autonomous stage, which begins at about age 8.

a. Kohlberg's premoral stage at the preconventional level.

Berne suggested three ego states: the Parent, the Adult, and theChild (P-A-C). The Parent ego state is composed of values internalizedfrom signifi cant others in childhood. TA therapists speakof two functions in the Parent ego state, the _______.a. Nurturing Parent and the Critical Parentb. Critical Parent and the Repressed Parentc. Reactive Parent and the Active Parentd. Passive Parent and the Active Parent

a. Nurturing Parent and the Critical Parent

The trait-and-factor career counseling, actuarial, or matchingapproach (which matches clients with a job) is associated witha. Parsons and Williamson.b. Roe and Brill.c. Holland and Super.d. Tiedeman and O'Hara.

a. Parsons and Williamson.

Respondent behavior refers toa. reflexes.b. operants.c. a type of phobia.d. punishment.

a. reflexes.

All of these philosophers are existentialists excepta. Plato and Epictetus.b. Sartre, Buber, Binswanger, and Boss.c. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Tillich.d. Heidegger, Dostoevsky, and Jaspers.

a. Plato and Epictetus.

Albert Ellis is to REBT as Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., is toa. RBT.b. AT.c. TA.d. S-R research.

a. RBT.

William Glasser, M.D., is to reality therapy as Albert Ellis, Ph.D.,is toa. Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT).b. Transactional analysis (TA).c. Assertiveness training (AT).d. Gestalt therapy.

a. Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT).

The 16 PF reflects the work ofa. Raymond B. Cattell.b. Carl Jung.c. James McKeen Cattell.d. Oscar K. Buros.

a. Raymond B. Cattell.

The DOT was fi rst published by the Department of Labor in1939. The fi rst three digits in a DOT code referred toa. an occupational group.b. career options.c. OOH data.d. the transfer of skills.

a. an occupational group.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator reflects the work ofa. Raymond B. Cattell.b. Carl Jung.c. William Glasser.d. Oscar K. Buros.

b. Carl Jung.

In terms of diagnosis,a. a client's behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another.b. culture is irrelevant in children under 14.c. culture is an issue with males, but not with females.d. culture is an issue with females, but not with males

a. a client's behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture, yet disturbed and bizarre in another.

Psychotherapy of the absurd is primarily related to the work ofa. Virginia Satir.b. Carl Whitaker.c. Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr.d. William Glasser.

b. Carl Whitaker.

Which therapist could best be described as atheoretical?a. Jay Haley.b. Carl Whitaker.c. Alfred Adler.d. Nathan Ackerman.

b. Carl Whitaker.

According to Whitaker,a. a cotherapist is helpful.b. a cotherapist should never be used.c. a cotherapist should be used only with blended families.d. all of the above could be true.

a. a cotherapist is helpful.

Counselors who support John Holland's approach believe thata. an appropriate job allows one to express his or her personality.b. stereotypes cannot be considered relevant.c. four major personality categories exist.d. sublimation is the major factor in job selection.

a. an appropriate job allows one to express his or her personality.

Each year, approximately 31,000 U.S. citizens commit suicidewith an alarming 2,000 individuals attempting suicide each day in the United States. Suicide often checks in as the second or third leading killer of teens. Men commit suicide more frequently than women, however, women attempt suicide far moreoften than men. It is accurate to say thata. 10 to 15% of all claims handled by the ACA liability insuranceprograms are related to suicide.b. nearly 100% of the claims handled by the ACA liabilityinsurance programs are related to suicide.c. ACA liability insurance will not cover you if a client commitssuicide.d. African-American females have an extremely high rate ofsuicide.

a. 10 to 15% of all claims handled by the ACA liability insuranceprograms are related to suicide.

The Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) was publishedby the U.S. Department of Labor. The guide lists groups of jobslisted ina. 14 interest areas.b. 6 interest areas.c. 3 interest areas.d. 175 interest areas.

a. 14 interest areas.

The client who would most likely engage in introspection wouldbe aa. 52-year-old single African-American male school administrator.b. 49-year-old Caucasian homeless male.c. 40-year-old divorced Caucasian female who is out of workand has three children.d. 19- year-old Hispanic mother on welfare with two children.

a. 52-year-old single African-American male school administrator.

Kohlberg lists _______ stages of moral development which fall into _______ levels.a. 6, 3b. 6, 6c. 3, 6d. 3, 3

a. 6, 3

A researcher working with a personality test discovers that thetest has a reliability coefficient of .70 which is somewhat typical.This indicates thata. 70% of the score is accurate while 30% is inaccurate.b. 30% of the people who are tested will receive accuratescores.c. 70% of the people who are tested will receive accuratescores.d. 30% of the score is accurate while 70% is inaccurate.

a. 70% of the score is accurate while 30% is inaccurate.

_______ is a biofeedback device.a. A bathroom scaleb. A DVD playerc. A digital clockd. An analyst's couch

a. A bathroom scale

A counselor is screening clients for a new group at the collegecounseling center. Which client would most likely be the poorestchoice for a group member?a. A first-year student who is suicidal and sociopathic.b. A second-year student who stutters.c. A graduate student with a facial tic.d. A fourth-year student with obsessive-compulsive (OCD)tendencies.

a. A first-year student who is suicidal and sociopathic.

The acronym NLP is an abbreviation ofa. Bandler and Grinder's neurolinguistic programming.b. New language programs forcomputer therapy.c. New language psychotherapy software.d. neurological psychotherapy.

a. Bandler and Grinder's neurolinguistic programming.

A counselor who fears the client has an organic, neurological, or motoric difficulty would most likely use thea. Bender Gestalt.b. Rorschach.c. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.d. Thematic Apperception Test.

a. Bender Gestalt.

When working with an African-American family the best approach would probably bea. Bowen's family therapy; Minuchin's structural familytherapy; or Jay Haley's strategic family therapy.b. cognitive family therapy.c. Ackerman's psychoanalytic approach to family therapy.d. a strict reality therapy approach based on the work ofpsychiatrist William Glasser.

a. Bowen's family therapy; Minuchin's structural familytherapy; or Jay Haley's strategic family therapy.

In Pavlov's famous experiment using dogs, the bell was the_______, and the meat was the _______.a. CS; UCSb. UCS; CSc. CR; UCSd. UCS; CR

a. CS; UCS

SIGI Plus, Choices, and Discover area. Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACG).b. paper and pencil career tests.c. career theories proposed in the 1940s.d. computer systems which are slower to use than traditionaltexts such as the DOT or the OOH.

a. Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACG).

You are counseling a well-known celebrity who dies. Accordingto the new 2005 ACA Ethical Codea. Confidentially exists even after she dies.b. Confi dentiality does not exist after death for any professionalhelper. Princess Diana's therapist was on televisiontalking about Princess Di's eating disorder immediatelyafter her death.c. The ethics state "a counselor has no obligation to upholdconfidentiality after a client's death."d. The counselor is given no direction since this issue is notaddressed in the guidelines.

a. Confidentially exists even after she dies.

A behavioristic marriage and family therapist is counseling theentire family together. She turns to the 18-year-old son who isattending community college and says, "You must completeyour sociology essay before you can use the family car and goout with your friends." Which theorist is primarily guiding herintervention strategy?a. David Premack's principle or law.b. Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watsonc. B. F. Skinnerd. all of the above

a. David Premack's principle or law.

You leave your practice to study mental health treatment inanother country. Dr. Kline, another licensed counselor, is nowthe custodian of your records. To conform with current ethicalstandards this was clearly explained in your informed consentbrochure given to the client during the first visit. The clientshave Dr. Kline's contact information. According to the new ethicsregarding transfer plans a. Dr. Kline should contact each client when he receivesthe record.b. you should contact each client even though you are residingin another country.c. the client is totally responsible for contacting Dr. Klinesince he or she was given an informed consent document.d. neither you nor Dr. Kline would be obligated to contactthe client.

a. Dr. Kline should contact each client when he receivesthe record.

B. F. Skinner's reinforcement theory elaborated ona. Edward Thorndike's law of effect.b. Adler's concept of lifestyle.c. Arnold Lazarus's concept of the BASIC ID used in the multimodal therapeutic approach that is eclectic and holistic.d. symptom substitution.

a. Edward Thorndike's law of effect.

The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span wasa. Erik Erikson.b. Milton H. Erickson.c. A. A. Brill.d. Jean Piaget.

a. Erik Erikson.

The word eclectic is most closely associated witha. Frederick C. Thorne.b. Freud.c. Piaget.d. Skinner.

a. Frederick C. Thorne.

The _______ are examples of aptitude tests.a. GATB, the O*NET Ability Profi ler, and the MCAT.b. GZTS and the MMPI.c. CPI and the MMPI.d. Strong and the LSAT.

a. GATB, the O*NET Ability Profi ler, and the MCAT.

A counselor is seeing a client on a managed care plan. Unfortunately,the client has used up her maximum number of sessionsfor the year. The counselor is convinced that the client is inneed of additional counseling, however, the counselor's agencywill not allow him to see her for any additional sessions. Thebest plan of action would be for the counselor toa. Refer the client for continued counseling to a practitionerwho will see the client whether or not she has managedcare benefits.b. Empathize with the client, but be sure to explain that sheis catastrophizing (an irrational thought pattern delineatedby Albert Ellis) and use REBT, a cognitive therapy, tohelp her cope with the fact that she cannot be seen againuntil next year.c. Threaten to sue the managed care company, since thiswould be in violation of ethical care for the client.d. See the client, but don't tell your supervisor. This is bothlegal and ethical.

a. Refer the client for continued counseling to a practitionerwho will see the client whether or not she has managedcare benefits.

Which statement is true of the person-centered approach?a. Reflection is used a lot yet the counselor rarely gives advice.b. Advice is given a lot.c. Reflection is rarely utilized.d. Closed-ended questions keep the sessions moving at afast pace.

a. Reflection is used a lot yet the counselor rarely gives advice.

Today the Stanford-Binet is used from ages 2 to adulthood. TheIQ formula has been replaced by thea. SAS.b. SUDS.c. entropy.d. ACPA.

a. SAS.

Which statement is true?a. Single life is short-lived for divorced persons. About 30%of all divorced persons are remarried within 12 monthsof being divorced.b. Most persons who are divorced do not remarry.c. Most persons who are divorced wait a minimum of fi veyears to remarry.d. Women remarry quickly, however, men do not.

a. Single life is short-lived for divorced persons. About 30%of all divorced persons are remarried within 12 monthsof being divorced.

_______ is associated with obedience and authority.a. Stanley Milgram, a noted psychologist,b. Arthur Janov, who created Primal Scream therapy,c. A. T. Beck, a cognitive therapy pioneer,d. Robert Harper, a pioneer in the REBT bibliotherapymovement,

a. Stanley Milgram, a noted psychologist,

Conversion or reparative therapy is intended to change sexual orientation and behaviors from gay to straight.a. The literature in scientific and peer reviewed journalsdoes not indicate that a person's sexual orientation can be altered from same sex attraction to opposite sex attraction.b. ACA prohibits counselors from practicing conversionor reparative therapies although no studies exist in thisarea.c. Longitudinal studies with clients who have been throughreparative or conversion therapy indicate that the treatmentis effective, but it still remains unethical.d. ACA ethics indicate that a counselor trained in conversionor reparative therapy can practice these modalitiesif the client insists on the treatment.

a. The literature in scientific and peer reviewed journalsdoes not indicate that a person's sexual orientation can be altered from same sex attraction to opposite sex attraction.

An important technique in structural family therapy is joining.Which statement most accurately depicts this intervention?a. The therapist meets, greets, and attempts to bond withthe family. The therapist will use language similar to thatof the family and mimesis which means that he or shewill mimic communication patterns.b. The therapist is professional but distant.c. The therapist joins the family and sympathizes with theirdifficulties.d. Joining is used during the final session of therapy.

a. The therapist meets, greets, and attempts to bond withthe family. The therapist will use language similar to thatof the family and mimesis which means that he or shewill mimic communication patterns.

Which statement is true of Hispanic families?a. They have a high unemployment rate, often live in poverty, and rarely earn high school diplomas or college degrees.b. They have higher than average incomes but usually don'tfinish high school or college.c. They have college degrees, but still generally live in poverty.d. They prefer long-term treatment in therapy.

a. They have a high unemployment rate, often live in poverty, and rarely earn high school diplomas or college degrees.

_______ and _______ created a program to help counselorslearn accurate empathy.a. Truax; Carkhuffb. Rogers; Berensonc. Rogers; Brilld. Carkhuff; Satir

a. Truax; Carkhuff

Kia was given a new client with a morbid fear of heights. Hersupervisor emphasized that he wanted her to use the most hitech form of treatment available. Kia should usea. VRT.b. William Glasser's new reality therapy with choice theory.c. Joseph Wolpe's systematic desensitization (also knownas reciprocal inhibition) a form of behavior therapy thatworks well with fearsd. REBT created by Albert Ellis, which was once calledRET.

a. VRT.

Experiential conjoint family therapy is closely related to thework ofa. Virginia Satir.b. Albert Ellis.c. Jay Haley.d. Salvador Minuchin, the father of structural familytherapy.

a. Virginia Satir.

The best intelligence test for a kindergartner would be thea. WPPSI-III.b. WAIS-III.c. WISC-IV.d. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


A question on the NCE or CPCE regarding a preexperimentaldesign uses the letters XO. The letters stand fora. X stands for treatment and O stands for observation,measurement, or score.b. X is the mean while O implies that no treatment was given.c. X is the median while O stands for other group.d. X stands for treatment while O is the number of observationstaken.

a. X stands for treatment and O stands for observation,measurement, or score.

Which of these responses is the best example of the doublebindconcept used in Jay Haley's strategic therapy? You are tryingto help a client stop smoking:a. You hypnotize her and tell her she will never smoke anothercigarette again. After you awaken her you admonishher to smoke as many cigarettes as she can for the fi rstthree days.b. You recommend that the client chart the number of cigarettesshe smokes.c. You tell her to mentally visualize herself as a nonsmokerwhenever she has the desire to smoke.d. All of the above.

a. You hypnotize her and tell her she will never smoke anothercigarette again. After you awaken her you admonishher to smoke as many cigarettes as she can for the fi rstthree days.

To empathize is easiest witha. a client who is similar to you.b. a client who is dissimilar to you.c. lower-class Hispanic clients.d. upper-class Asian-American male clients.

a. a client who is similar to you.

Strategic family counselors often rely on relabeling or reframing.A client says his girl friend yells at him every time he engagesin a certain behavior. The best example of reframing orrelabeling would bea. a counselor who remarks, "Research seems to show thatwhen she yells at you it is because she loves you so much.A woman often feels foolish if she hugs or kisses you in asituation like that."b. a counselor who remarks, "Can you tell me about it inthe present moment, as if she is yelling at you this veryminute?"c. a counselor who remarks, "You are upset by her verbalassaults."d. a counselor who remarks, "Are you really hurt by your girlfriend's remarks or is it the fact that you are telling yourselfhow catastrophic it is that she said these things?"

a. a counselor who remarks, "Research seems to show thatwhen she yells at you it is because she loves you so much.A woman often feels foolish if she hugs or kisses you in asituation like that."

Holland believed thata. a given occupation will tend to attract persons with similarpersonalities.b. a given occupation will tend to attract persons with a verywide range of personality attributes.c. one's personality is, for the most part, unrelated to one'soccupational choice.d. b and c.

a. a given occupation will tend to attract persons with similarpersonalities.

One future trend which seems contradictory is that some expertsare pushing fora. a greater reliance on tests while others want to rely onthem less.b. social workers to do most of the testing.c. psychiatrists to do most of the testing.d. counselors to ban all computer-assisted tests.

a. a greater reliance on tests while others want to rely onthem less.

Some theorists object to the word unstructured in group workbecausea. a group cannot not have structure.b. only structured groups are effective.c. unstructured groups are hardly therapeutic.d. unstructured refers only to counseling and not to therapygroups.

a. a group cannot not have structure.

A test battery is considereda. a horizontal test.b. a vertical test.c. a valid test.d. a reliable test.

a. a horizontal test.

According to the Premack principle, an effi cient reinforcer is what the client himself or herself likes to do. Thus, in this procedurea. a lower-probability behavior is reinforced by a higher probabilitybehavior.b. a higher-probability behavior is reinforced by a lowerprobability behavior.c. a and b are paradoxically both effective.d. none of the above.

a. a lower-probability behavior is reinforced by a higher probabilitybehavior.

A client suffers from bipolar disorder and takes lithium. According to the DSM she hasa. a mood disorder.b. an anxiety disorder.c. schizophrenia, a term coined by Eugen Bleuler in 1911(a psychotic disorder).d. a somatoform disorder such as pain disorder.

a. a mood disorder.

Postmodernist Tom Anderson, a psychiatrist from Norway, becamedisenchanted with traditional family therapy. He beganusing a radical approach based primarily ona. a one-way mirror and a reflecting treatment team.b. three therapists.c. the gestalt empty chair technique.d. homework assignments.

a. a one-way mirror and a reflecting treatment team.

The directive or prescription given to the smoker in the previous question could best be described asa. a paradoxical intervention.b. a cognitive intervention.c. an object relations intervention.d. a behavioristic intervention.

a. a paradoxical intervention.

The significance of the Little Albert experiment by John B. Watsonand Rosalie Rayner was thata. a phobia could be a learned behavior.b. it provided concrete proof that Skinner's model was correct.c. it provided concrete proof that Pavlov's model was correct.d. none of the above.

a. a phobia could be a learned behavior.

The term skeleton keys as used in Steve de Shazer's brief solution-focused therapy (BSFT) indicatesa. a standard or stock intervention that will work for numerous problems.b. a technique where the client goes home to see his or herfamily of origin.c. a technique that works for one specifi c problem, but usuallywill not work with other diffi culties.d. a technique in which the therapist hands the client orclients a sheet of paper with a compliment on it.

a. a standard or stock intervention that will work for numerous problems.

A counselor decides to use biofeedback training to help a clientraise the temperature in his right hand to ward off migraines. Hewould utilizea. a temperature trainer.b. EMG feedback.c. EEG feedback.d. EKG feedback.

a. a temperature trainer.

Test bias primarily results froma. a test being normed solely on White middle-class clients.b. the use of projective measures.c. using Whites to score the test.d. using IQ rather than personality tests.

a. a test being normed solely on White middle-class clients.

Francis Galton felt intelligence wasa. a unitary faculty.b. best explained via a two factor theory.c. best explained via the person's environment.d. fl\ uid and crystallized in nature.

a. a unitary faculty.

Most research in the area of career development and its relationshipto students indicates thata. a very high proportion of students in high school and atthe junior high or middle-school level wanted guidance inplanning a career. Career interests are more stable aftercollege.b. students did not want career guidance despite its importance.c. many students were too inflexible to benefit from careerguidance.d. high school students wanted career guidance but juniorhigh school or middle-school-level students did not.

a. a very high proportion of students in high school and atthe junior high or middle-school level wanted guidance inplanning a career. Career interests are more stable aftercollege.

The word personalism in the context of multicultural counseling meansa. all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands.b. the counselor must adjust to the client's cultural mores.c. a counselor who personalizes the treatment is most effective.d. biologically speaking, there is no reason why humans mustadjust to environmental demands.

a. all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands.

According to researchers, groups are effectivea. although researchers cannot pinpoint precisely why this istrue.b. due to increased transference in group work.c. due to better morale in a group setting.d. due to the emphasis on cognitive restructuring.

a. although researchers cannot pinpoint precisely why this is true.

A counselor can utilize psychological tests to help secure a _______ diagnosis if third party payments are necessary.a. AACD.b. DSM or ICD.c. percentile.d. standard error.

b. DSM or ICD.

The WAIS-III is given to 100,000 individuals in the United Stateswho are picked at random. A counselor would expect thata. approximately 68% would score between 85 and 115.b. approximately 68% would score between 70 and 130.c. the mean IQ would be 112.d. 50% of those tested would score 112 or above.

a. approximately 68% would score between 85 and 115.

Edwin Bordin felt that difficulties related to job choicea. are indicative of neurotic symptoms.b. are indicative of inappropriate reinforcers in the environment.c. are related to a lack of present moment awareness.d. are the result of irrational cognitions.

a. are indicative of neurotic symptoms.

A client says she has always stayed home and raised her children.Now the children are grown and she is seeking employment.She is best describeda. as a displaced homemaker.b. as a victim of underemployment.c. by a DSM diagnosis.d. as a victim of the hidden job market.

a. as a displaced homemaker.

A family wants to see you for counseling; however, they have avery limited income and can't afford to pay. You therefore agreeto see the family for free (i.e., pro bono). The term that bestdescribes your actions would bea. aspirational ethics.b. mandatory ethics.c. empathy.d. all of the above.

a. aspirational ethics.

According to the risky shift phenomenon, a group decision willa. be less conservative than the average group member's decision,prior to the group discussion.b. be more conservative than the average group member'sdecision, prior to the group discussion.c. often be aggressive or illegal.d. violate the group's confidentiality norms.

a. be less conservative than the average group member's decision,prior to the group discussion.

Most experts predict that in the 21st century, theories of counseling and psychotherapy willa. become more integrative, since about 30 to 50% of alltherapists say they are eclectic.b. become more behavioristic, since this is the approachthat uses statistical outcomes.c. become more Rogerian, since the world as a whole is becomingmore humanistic.d. not tolerate eclecticism, since it is not scientifi c.

a. become more integrative, since about 30 to 50% of alltherapists say they are eclectic.

A counselor instructs her client to read A Guide to Rational Livingby Albert Ellis and Robert Harper. This is an example ofa. bibliotherapy.b. countertransference.c. musturbation.d. concreteness.

a. bibliotherapy.

In terms of parenting young childrena. boys are punished more than girls.b. girls are punished more than boys.c. boys and girls are treated in a similar fashion.d. boys show more caregiver behavior.

a. boys are punished more than girls.

Talking about difficulties in order to purge emotions and feelingsis a curative process known asa. catharsis and/or abreaction.b. resistance.c. accurate empathy.d. refl ection of emotional content.

a. catharsis and/or abreaction.

Family counselors generally believe ina. circular/reciprocal causality (e.g., dynamics of familymembers).b. linear causality.c. random causality.d. dream analysis.

a. circular/reciprocal causality (e.g., dynamics of familymembers).

Counselors can more easily advisea. clients from their own culture.b. clients from a different culture.c. clients of a different race.d. clients utilizing ethnocentric statements.

a. clients from their own culture.

Counselors often shy away from self-reports sincea. clients often give inaccurate answers.b. ACA ethics do not allow them.c. clients need a very high IQ to understand them.d. they are generally very lengthy.

a. clients often give inaccurate answers.

One major testing trend isa. computer-assisted testing and computer interpretations.b. more paper and pencil measures.c. to give school children at least three IQ tests per year.d. to train pastoral counselors to do projective testing.

a. computer-assisted testing and computer interpretations.

From a Freudian perspective, a client who has a problem withalcoholism and excessive smoking would bea. considered an oral character.b. considered an anal character.c. considered a genital character.d. fixated at the latency stage.

a. considered an oral character.

The newest career theory would bea. constructivist and cognitive approaches.b. the trait-and-factor approach.c. the developmental and psychoanalytic approaches.d. the transactional analysis approach.

a. constructivist and cognitive approaches.

Reality therapy has incorporateda. control theory, later referred to as choice theory.b. rational imagery.c. TA principles.d. rolfing.

a. control theory, later referred to as choice theory.

John B. Watson is to cause as Mary Cover Jones is toa. cure.b. Skinner.c. Piaget.d. NLP.

a. cure.

A teenager who had his heart set on winning a tennis matchbroke his arm in an auto accident. He sends in an entry form toplay in the competition which begins just days after the accident.His behavior is influenced bya. denial.b. displacement of anger.c. sublimation.d. organ inferiority.

a. denial.

A statistical norm measures actual conduct, while a culturalnorma. describes how people are supposed to act.b. has little to do with expectations.c. is irrelevant when counseling a client.d. all of the above.

a. describes how people are supposed to act.

The _______ index indicates the percentage of individuals whoanswered each item correctly.a. difficulty.b. critical.c. intelligence.d. personal.

a. difficulty.

A family member who is emotionally distant isa. disengaged.b. enmeshed.c. an example of equifinality.d. a placater.

a. disengaged.

A man receives a nickel an hour pay raise. He was expecting a one dollar per hour raise. He is furious but nonassertive. Hethus smiles and thanks his boss. That night he yells at his wife for no apparent reason. This is an example ofa. displacement.b. denial.c. identifi cation.d a Type II error.

a. displacement.

Sybil refers to a famous client who had 15 personalities. At thetime Sybil was said to suffer from multiple personality disorder(MPD). Today her diagnosis would bea. dissociative identity disorder.b. a mood disorder.c. related to RS issues.d. a personality disorder.

a. dissociative identity disorder.

Aaron T. Beck, an ex-psychoanalytic therapist who created theBeck Depression Inventory (BDI), developed an approachknown as cognitive therapy. Although cognitive therapy is similarto REBT, Beck insisted thata. dysfunctional ideas are too absolute and broad though notnecessarily irrational.b. the Oedipus complex is central to the treatment process.c. cognitive therapy is contraindicated in cases of phobia.d. cognitive therapy is contraindicated in cases of anxiety.

a. dysfunctional ideas are too absolute and broad though notnecessarily irrational.

Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson agreed thata. each developmental stage needed to be resolved beforean individual could move on to the next stage.b. developmental stages are primarily psychosexual.c. developmental stages are primarily psychosocial.d. a person can proceed to a higher stage even if a lowerstage is unsolved.

a. each developmental stage needed to be resolved before

Multicultural counseling promotesa. eclecticism.b. rigidity.c. psychodynamic models.d. neurolinguistic programming.

a. eclecticism.

During a thunderstorm, a 6-year-old child in Piaget's stage of preoperational thought (stage 2) says, "The rain is following me." This is an example ofa. egocentrism.b. conservation.c. centration.d. abstract thought.

a. egocentrism.

A counselor is confronted with his or her first Native-American client. Native Americans (also called American Indians or IndianAmericans on exams) are descendents of the original inhabitantsof North America. After the initial session, the counselor secures several books which delineate the cultural aspects of Native-American life. She discovers that there are over 560 federallyrecognized tribes and that there are nearly 3 million Native Americans in the United States. This counselor most likely believes in thea. emic viewpoint.b. alloplastic viewpoint.c. etic viewpoint.d. autoplastic viewpoint.

a. emic viewpoint.

According to assimilation-contrast theory, a client will perceivea counselor's statement that is somewhat like his or her own beliefsas even more similar (i.e., an assimilation error). He or she would perceive any dissimilar attitudes asa. even more dissimilar (i.e., a contrast error).b. standardization.c. similar to his or her own.d. paraphrasing.

a. even more dissimilar (i.e., a contrast error).

Adler was one of the first therapists who relied on paradox. Usingthis strategy, a client (who was a student in a counselor preparationprogram) who was afraid to give a presentation in front of his counseling class for fear he might shake and embarrasshimself would be instructed toa. exaggerate the behavior and really do a thorough job shaking in front of the class.b. practice relaxation techniques for 10 to 20 minutes beforethe speech.c. practice rational self-talk.d. practice rational thinking.

a. exaggerate the behavior and really do a thorough job shaking in front of the class.

Rogers' approach is characterized as a(n) _______ approach.a. existential or humanisticb. cognitivec. cognitive behaviorald. neodynamic

a. existential or humanistic

The department chair was further amused by the poodle's tendencyto be able to discriminate one CS from another (see question273). He thus told the students to teach the dog to salivateonly to the horn on his Ford but not one on a graduate student'sChevrolet truck. In reality, the horns on the two vehicles soundedidentical. The training was seemingly unsuccessful inasmuchas the dog merely took to very loud barking. In this casea. experimental neurosis set in.b. irradiation became a reality.c. borderline personality traits no doubt played a role.d. a covert process confounded the experiment.

a. experimental neurosis set in.

Rogers emphasized congruence in the counselor. Congruenceoccurs whena. external behavior matches an internal response or state.b. the counselor uses silence.c. the counselor refl ects emotion.d. the counselor summarizes at the end of the session.

a. external behavior matches an internal response or state.

Counselors who have good listening skillsa. facilitate therapeutic surrender.b. hinder therapeutic surrender.c. often have a monolithic perspective.d. are too nondirective to promote therapeutic surrender.

a. facilitate therapeutic surrender.

All of the techniques listed below would be used by a behavioristicfamily therapist excepta. family sculpting.b. a functional analysis of behavior followed by operantconditioning.c. modeling.d. chaining and extinction.

a. family sculpting.

Super's theory emphasizes _______ life stages.a. five.b. four.c. three.d. nine.

a. five.

A counseling agency decides to pay their employees once aweek. The agency is using aa. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.b. a variable interval schedule of reinforcement.c. a fi xed ratio schedule of reinforcement.d. a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement.

a. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement.

Good multicultural counselors area. flexible.b. rigid.c. utilize Eric Berne's transactional analysis (TA), Fritz Perl'sGestalt therapy and/or William Glasser's reality therapy innearly every case.d. generally behavioristic.

a. flexible.

ACA and the ASGW division recommend screening for potentialgroup membersa. for all groups.b. only when the group is in a hospital inpatient setting.c. only when the group is composed of minors.d. only if the group deals with chemical dependency.

a. for all groups.

Group cohesiveness refers toa. forces which tend to bind group members together.b. an analysis of group content.c. a common coleadership style.d. a style of leadership.

a. forces which tend to bind group members together.

Irvin Yalom is a famous existentialist therapist and a pioneer inthe group movement. He suggested these four group stages: orientation,confl ict, cohesion, and termination. In 1977 Tuckman and Jensen reviewed 25 years of research and came up with fi vestages: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.Which stage in Tuckman and Jensen's paradigm is similar toYalom's orientation stage?a. forming.b. storming.c. norming.d. performing.

a. forming.

Existential counselors emphasize the clients'a. free choice, decision, and will.b. transference.c. slips of tongue.d. latent dream symbolism.

a. free choice, decision, and will.

A female group member is obviously not participating. A groupmember playing the _______ is most likely to mention this andurge her to participate.a. gatekeeper.b. interrogator.c. scapegoat.d. storyteller.

a. gatekeeper.

Group IQ tests like the Otis Lennon, the Lorge-Thorndike, andthe California Test of Mental Abilities are popular in school settings.The advantage is thata. group tests are quicker to administer.b. group tests are superior in terms of predicting school performance.c. group tests always have a higher degree of reliability.d. individual IQ tests are not appropriate for school children.

a. group tests are quicker to administer.

In some literature, group cohesiveness, or "we-ness," is knownasa. group unity.b. a sociogram.c. Karpman's triangle.d. the transition stage.

a. group unity.

Regardless of culture, the popular individuala. has good social skills.b. values race over ethnicity.c. dresses in the latest styles.d. never possesses a modal personality.

a. has good social skills.

In strategic family counseling the person with the power in thefamilya. has the authority to make rules and enforce them.b. is usually extremely aggressive.c. is usually not willing to follow a family therapist's prescriptionsor directives.d. is the one who talks the most.

a. has the authority to make rules and enforce them.

A job test which predicted future performance on a job very wellwoulda. have high criterion/predictive validity.b. have excellent face validity.c. have excellent construct validity.d. not have incremental validity or synthetic validity.

a. have high criterion/predictive validity.

Warren needs to conduct a study. His supervisor wants him to use a parametric inferential statistic. This means thata. he will need to use random sampling and the distributionis normal.b. he will need to use a convenience sample or a volunteersample.c. his distribution will be positively skewed.d. his distribution will be bimodal.

a. he will need to use random sampling and the distributionis normal.

Viktor Frankl is the Father of logotherapy, which is based onexistentialism. Logotherapy meansa. healing through meaning.b. healing through the unconscious.c. logic cures.d. all of the above.

a. healing through meaning.

Maintenance roles, like task roles, are positive since such rolesa. help to maintain the group.b. are self-serving.c. help promote autocratic leadership.d. always stress the importance of the here-and-now.

a. help to maintain the group.

The standard error of measurement tells youa. how accurate or inaccurate a test score is.b. what population responds best to the test.c. the accuracy for personality but not IQ tests.d. the number of people used in norming the test.

a. how accurate or inaccurate a test score is.

When developmental theorists speak of nature or nurture they really meana. how much heredity or environment interact to influence development.b. the focus is skewed in favor of biological attributes.c. a and b.d. a theory proposed by Skinner's colleagues.

a. how much heredity or environment interact to influence development.

Freud felt that successful resolution of the Oedipus complex led to the development of the superego. This is accomplished bya. identification with the aggressor, the parent of the samesex.b. analysis during the childhood years.c. identifi cation with the parent of the opposite sex, the aggressor.d. transference.

a. identification with the aggressor, the parent of the samesex.

One major disadvantage of a closed group versus an open groupis thata. if everyone quits, you will be left with no group members.b. closed groups cannot provide depth therapy.c. it promotes paranoid feelings in group members.d. closed groups are much more structured.

a. if everyone quits, you will be left with no group members.

A counselor decides to treat a client's phobia of flying utilizingWolpe's technique of systematic desensitization. The first step inthe anxiety hierarchy items would bea. imagining that she is calling the airlines for reservations.b. imagining that she is boarding the plane.c. imagining a flight in an airplane.d. an actual flight in an airplane.

a. imagining that she is calling the airlines for reservations.

One distinction between fl ooding (also known as "deliberate exposurewith response prevention" in recent literature) and implosivetherapy is thata. implosive therapy is always conducted in the imagination.b. fl ooding is always conducted in the imagination.c. fl ooding is always safer.d. implosive therapy is physically more dangerous.

a. implosive therapy is always conducted in the imagination.

The trait-and-factor approach fails to take _______ into account.a. individual change throughout the life span.b. relevant psychometric data.c. personality.d. job requirements.

a. individual change throughout the life span.

Skinner's operant conditioning is also referred to asa. instrumental learning.b. classical conditioning.c. cognitive learning.d. learning via insight.

a. instrumental learning.

In psychoanalytic family therapy the term introjects reallymeans that the clienta. internalizes the positive and negative characteristics ofthe objects within themselves.b. possesses internal verbalizations.c. possesses a finite number of problem solving options.d. possesses the internal motivation to solve his or her owndifficulties.

a. internalizes the positive and negative characteristics ofthe objects within themselves.

A client who has incorporated his father's values into his thoughtpatterns is a product ofa. introjection.b. repression.c. rationalization.d. displacement.

a. introjection.

Holland's psychological needs career personality theory wouldsay that a research chemist is primarily the _______ type.a. investigative.b. social.c. enterprising.d. artistic.

a. investigative.

A group leader who is counseling children under 10 years of agecould best enhance the treatment process bya. involving parents and asking them for input.b. keeping the parents uninvolved.c. reminding the children to speak softly at all timesd. b and c.

a. involving parents and asking them for input.

The fear of deatha. is greatest during middle age.b. is an almost exclusively male phenomenon.c. is the number one psychiatric problem in the geriatric years.d. surprisingly enough occurs in the teen years.

a. is greatest during middle age.

The cognitive therapist most closely associated with the conceptof stress inoculation isa. Albert Ellis.b. Donald Meichenbaum.c. Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr.d. Aaron T. Beck.

b. Donald Meichenbaum.

Most experts would agree that a resumea. is like an art project and must look good.b. is not an art project and looks have little if anything to dowith effectiveness.c. need not utilize bold headings as personnel offi cers oftenspend an extensive amount of time reading them.d. contrary to popular opinion, can sport typos and spellingerrors yet still have a powerful impact on future employers.

a. is like an art project and must look good.

Midlife career changea. is not that unusual.b. is often discussed, but in reality is very rare.c. would be extremely rare after the death of a spouse.d. would be extremely rare after all the children leavehome.

a. is not that unusual.

The concept of job clubs as promoted by Azrin et al.a. is very behavioristic.b. is indicative of a client-centered approach.c. is psychodynamic.d. is appropriate, but not with disabled populations.

a. is very behavioristic.

In a culture-fair testa. items are known to the subject regardless of his or herculture.b. the test is not standardized.c. culture-free items cannot be utilized.d. African Americans generally score higher than Whites.

a. items are known to the subject regardless of his or her culture.

According to Glasser, a positive addiction might bea. jogging.b. gambling.c. playing the office football pool.d. playing professional football.

a. jogging.

A counselor who is seeing a client from a different culture would most likely expect _______ social conformity than he or shewould from a client from his or her own culture.a. lessb. morec. the samed. more realistic

a. less

Parents who do not tolerate or use aggression when raising childrenproducea. less aggressive children.b. more aggressive children.c. passive-aggressive children.d. passive-dependent children.

a. less aggressive children.

Face validity refers to the extent that a testa. looks or appears to measure the intended attribute.b. measures a theoretical construct.c. appears to be constructed in an artistic fashion.d. can be compared to job performance.

a. looks or appears to measure the intended attribute.

Roe's theory relies on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs inthe sense that in terms of career choicea. lower order needs take precedence over higher orderneeds.b. self-actualization needs take precedence over lower orderneeds.c. all needs are given equal consideration.d. the need for self-actualization would overpower a physicalneed.

a. lower order needs take precedence over higher orderneeds.

Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, is famous for his "hierarchyof needs," which postulatesa. lower-order physiological and safety needs and higher-orderneeds, such as self-actualization.b. that psychopathology rests within the id.c. that unconscious drives control self-actualization.d. that stimulus-response psychology dictates behavioral attributes.

a. lower-order physiological and safety needs and higher-orderneeds, such as self-actualization.

Doing cross-cultural counselinga. makes counselors increasingly aware of cultural differences.b. allows counselors to see that culture is merely a matter ofsemantics.c. is different since clients are more likely to return for helpafter the fi rst session.d. allows counselors to ignore the concept of pluralism.

a. makes counselors increasingly aware of cultural differences.

Jung used drawings balanced around a center point to analyzehimself, his clients, and dreams. He called thema. mandalas.b. projective drawings.c. unconscious automatic writing.d. eidetic imagery.

a. mandalas.

Most scholars would assert that Freud's 1900 work entitled TheInterpretation of Dreams was his most infl uential work. Dreamshavea. manifest and latent content.b. preconscious and unconscious factors.c. id and ego.d. superego and id.

a. manifest and latent content.

A major advantage of group work versus individual work is thata. members learn to give help in addition to receiving it andgroup sessions generally cost less (i.e., they are more economical)than individual counseling sessions.b. the leader has a less complex role than that of an individualcounselor.c. the group leader nearly always possesses more trainingthan an individual counselor.d. all of the above.

a. members learn to give help in addition to receiving it andgroup sessions generally cost less (i.e., they are more economical)than individual counseling sessions.

The number of people in an open group is generallya. more stable than in a closed group.b. much smaller after an extended period of time than in aclosed group.c. signifi cantly larger than in a closed group.d. more dependent on the group leader's marketing skillsthan in a closed group.

a. more stable than in a closed group.

Shoulds and oughts are _______ according to Ellis.a. musturbationsb. masturbationsc. awfulizationsd. rational

a. musturbations

Most countries have an official language, a stated viewpoint, anda central government. This is reflected mainly bya. national culture.b. human culture.c. regional culture.d. ecological culture.

a. national culture.

In the Dictionary of Occupational Titles each job was given a_______ digit code.a. nine.b. eight.c. six.d. five.

a. nine.

Most experts in the field of counseling agree thata. no one theory completely explains developmental processes;thus, counselors ought to be familiar with all themajor theories.b. Eriksonian theory should be used by counselors practicingvirtually any modality.c. a counselor who incorporates Piaget's stages into his orher thinking would not necessarily need knowledge of rivaltherapeutic viewpoints.d. a realistic counselor needs to pick one developmentaltheory in the same manner he or she picks a psychotherapeuticpersuasion.

a. no one theory completely explains developmental processes;thus, counselors ought to be familiar with all themajor theories.

The school of counseling created by Carl R. Rogers, Ph.D., hasundergone three name changes. Initially it was called _______then _______, and in 1974 it changed to _______.a. nondirective counseling; client-centered therapy; theperson-centered approach.b. directive; nondirective; cient-centered.c. person-centered; Rogerian, nondirectived.d. client-centered; person-centered; nondirective.

a. nondirective counseling; client-centered therapy; theperson-centered approach.

A hermaphrodite isa. now referred to as an intersex person.b. always gay.c. always homosexual.d. also called a cross-dresser.

a. now referred to as an intersex person.

TA is a cognitive model of therapy which asserts that healthycommunication transactionsa. occur where vectors of communication run parallel.b. are known as crossed transactions.c. are always between the Child and Adult ego states.d. are always empathic.

a. occur where vectors of communication run parallel.

A counselor doing multicultural career counseling should beawarea. of his or her own ethnocentric biases.b. that Asian Americans rarely choose scientifi c careers.c. that Black males will often choose enterprising jobs interms of Holland's typology.d. that career inventories have eliminated cultural biases.

a. of his or her own ethnocentric biases.

Statistics reveal thata. on average, a worker with a bachelor's degree earns over$10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma.b. fewer workers possess a high-school degree than ever before.c. blue-collar jobs are growing faster than white-collar jobs.d. older workers are slower than younger workers and haveless skill.

a. on average, a worker with a bachelor's degree earns over$10,000 a year more than a worker with a high school diploma.

You are seeing a husband and wife for marriage counseling.During one of the sessions you decide to see them separately.The husband tells you he has seen an attorney because he isfiling for divorce. He has not told his wife and indicates that hewill not do so. You feel the wife has a right to know this becauseit will help her plan for the future. You shoulda. only tell his wife if he gives you permission.b. communicate his intent to his wife since ethics guidelinesstate you may do so when a member of the coupleis contemplating divorce.c. not tell the wife since research indicates that womenrespond more positively to divorce when they have lesstime to think about it.d. terminate the husband unless he tells her.

a. only tell his wife if he gives you permission.

The correct order of the Freudian psychosexual stages is:a. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.b. oral, anal, genital, phallic, and latency.c. oral, phallic, latency, genital, and anal.d. phallic, genital, latency, oral, and anal.

a. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "levels" excepta. outdoor.b. semiskilled.c. semiprofessional/small business.d. professional and managerial.

a. outdoor.

The superego contains the ego ideal. The superego strives for_______, rather than _______ like the id.a. perfection; pleasure.b. pleasure; perfection.c. morals; ethics.d. logic; reality.

a. perfection; pleasure.

A gestalt therapist is most likely going to deal with a client's projectionviaa. playing the projection technique.b. the empty chair technique.c. converting questions to statements.d. a behavioral contract.

a. playing the projection technique.

In a counseling session, a counselor asked a patient to recall whattranspired three months ago to trigger her depression. Therewas silence for about two and one-half minutes. The client thenbegan to remember. This exchange most likely illustrates thefunction of thea. preconscious mind.b. ego ideal.c. conscious mind.d. unconscious mind.

a. preconscious mind.

Kohlberg's three levels of morality area. preconventional, conventional, postconventional.b. formal, preformal, self-accepted.c. self-accepted, other directed, authority directed.d. preconventional, formal, authority directed.

a. preconventional, conventional, postconventional.

A fairly recent model to explain career development is the decisionapproach. The Gelatt Decision Model created by Harry B. Gelatt refers to information as "the fuel of the decision." TheGelatt Model asserts that information can be organized intothree systemsa. predictive, value, and decision.b. internal, external, and in between.c. predictive, external, and internal.d. internal and external.

a. predictive, value, and decision.

Primary groups area. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.b. always follow a person-centered paradigm.c. generally utilized for long-term psychotherapy.d. always focused on the client's childhood.

a. preventive and attempt to ward off problems.

Gestalt Therapy, a paradigm that focuses on awareness in thehere-and-now incorporatesa. psychodrama.b. Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy, which asserts that maladaptivethinking creates emotional disturbance and thusclients should record dysfunctional thoughts.c. Conditioned Reflex Therapy.d. Client-Centered Therapy.

a. psychodrama.

Stage theorists assumea. qualitative changes between stages occur.b. differences surely exist but usually can't be measured.c. that humanistic psychology is the only model which truly supports the stage viewpoint.d. b and c.

a. qualitative changes between stages occur.

A male is supervising a female counselor for state licensing. Hetells her that he will continue to supervise her as long as she hassex with him. This is an example ofa. quid pro quo.b. a legal but not an ethical violation.c. a and b.d. none of the above.

a. quid pro quo.

A client remarks, "Hey, I'm Black and it's nearly impossible tohide it." This is illustrative of the fact thata. race is not the same as ethnicity.b. African Americans struggle when expressing feelings.c. a connotative impediment exists.d. severe ambivalent transference exists.

a. race is not the same as ethnicity.

Unpleasant feelings after a person creates a game are calleda. rackets.b. life scripts.c. the little professor.d. an analysis of variance.

a. rackets.

The two basic classes of intermittent reinforcement schedulesare the ________, based on the number of responses and the_______, based on the time elapsed.a. ratio; intervalb. interval; ratioc. continuous; ratiod. interval; continuous

a. ratio; interval

Mark is obsessed with stamping out pornography. He is unconsciouslyinvolved in this cause so that he can view the material.This isa. reaction formation.b. introjection.c. projection.d. rationalization.

a. reaction formation.

When a counselor speaks of what he or she believes must transpire from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, he or she technically is referring toa. recommendations.b. the diagnosis.c. the prognosis.d. the notion of transference.

a. recommendations.

Coleadershipa. reduces burnout and helps ensure safety.b. increases burnout.c. has no impact on burnout.d. should not be used for open groups.

a. reduces burnout and helps ensure safety.

Therapeutic cognitive restructuring really refers toa. refuting irrational ideas and replacing them with rationalones.b. keeping a journal of irrational thoughts.c. allowing the client to purge feelings.d. uncovering relevant unconscious material.

a. refuting irrational ideas and replacing them with rationalones.

Mores are beliefsa. regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.b. which should be the central focus in multicultural counseling.c. that are conscious decisions made by persons in power.d. that are identical with the folkways in the culture.

a. regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.

Most therapists agree that ego defense mechanisms deny or distortreality. Rationalization, compensation, repression, projection, reaction formation, identification, introjection, denial, anddisplacement are ego defense mechanisms. According to theFreudians, the most important defense mechanism isa. repression.b. reaction formationc. denial.d. sublimation

a. repression.

The client's tendency to inhibit or fight against the therapeutic process is known asa. resistance.b. sublimation.c. projection.d. individuation.

a. resistance.

A strategic family therapist says to a family, "I don't know whatelse you can do to stop the bickering and fighting in your house." This is an example ofa. restraining.b. quid pro quo.c. pretending.d. interpretation.

a. restraining.

A woman is having difficulties at her place of employment. Herhusband turns to her in a session and says, "You're on your own,I've got my own problems." A structural family therapist wouldassert that the boundaries between this couple area. rigid.b. clear.c. diffuse.d. a combination of a and c.

a. rigid.

A family actually changes the structure of their family system.According to Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fisch, the family has achieveda. second-order change that is more desirable than fi rst-orderchange.b. first-order change that is more desirable than second-orderchange.c. mediation.d. a Greek chorus.

a. second-order change that is more desirable than fi rst-orderchange.

In Piaget's developmental theory, reflexes play the greatest role in thea. sensorimotor stage.b. formal operational stage.c. preoperational stage.d. acquisition of conservation.

a. sensorimotor stage.

The schema of permanency and constancy of objects occurs in thea. sensorimotor stage—birth to 2 years.b. preoperational stage—2 to 7 years.c. concrete operational stage—7 to 12 years.d. formal operational stage—12 years and beyond.

a. sensorimotor stage—birth to 2 years.

During the initial session of a group the leader explains that nosmoking and no cursing will be permitted. This is known asa. setting ground rules.b. ambivalent transference.c. blocking.d. scapegoating.

a. setting ground rules.

Krumboltz proposes a _______ model of career development.a. social learning.b. trait-and-factor.c. developmental.d. psychoanalytic.

a. social learning.

SCCT stands fora. social-cognitive career theory.b. social-cognitive family therapy.c. self-control career theory.d. self-contained career therapy.

a. social-cognitive career theory.

A monolingual U.S. counselora. speaks only English.b. speaks English and Spanish.c. works as a counseling interpreter.d. fits the definition of bilingual.

a. speaks only English.

Cloe Madanes and Jay Haley are associated with the _______school of family counseling.a. strategic.b. behavioral.c. psychodynamic.d. object relations.

a. strategic.

A test can be defined as a systematic method of measuring asample of behavior. Test format refers to the manner in whichtest items are presented. The format of an essay test is considereda(n) _______ format.a. subjective.b. objective.c. very precise.d. concise.

a. subjective.

A group leader who asks each group member to recapitulatewhat he or she has learned during a given session is promotinga. summarization.b. clarifi cation.c. blocking.d. linking.

a. summarization.

Kohlberg proposed three levels of morality. Freud, on the other hand, felt morality developed from thea. superego.b. ego.c. id.d. eros.

a. superego.

One method of testing reliability is to give the same test to the same group of people two times and then correlate the scores. This is calleda. test-retest reliability.b. equivalent forms reliability.c. alternate forms reliability.d. the split-half method.

a. test-retest reliability.

Glasser suggested eight steps in the reality therapy process. Thefinal step assertsa. that the client and counselor be persistent and never giveup.b. that some problems will not respond to any known plan ofaction.c. that counselors should contract with the client for nomore than fi ve counseling sessions.d. that a client who does not respond to the fi rst seven stepsis most likely a borderline personality.

a. that the client and counselor be persistent and never giveup.

The APGA, which became the AACD until 1992 and is now the ACA, contributed to the growth of cross-cultural counseling bya. the 1972 formation of the Association for Non-WhiteConcerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as theAssociation for Multicultural Counseling and Development.b. the 1972 ethic which made it unethical to see culturallydifferent clients without three hours of relevant graduatework in this area.c. the 1972 ethic which required a 3,000-hour practicum inorder to work with culturally different clients.d. urging nonwhites to take graduate counseling courses.

a. the 1972 formation of the Association for Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, later known as theAssociation for Multicultural Counseling and Development.

The Strong is considered an Interest inventory. So isa. the Kuder, created by George Frederic Kuder.b. the Wechsler.c. the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test.d. the MMPI-2.

a. the Kuder, created by George Frederic Kuder.

Empathy isa. the ability to understand the client's world and to communicatethis to the client.b. behavioristic.c. a and b.d. the same as sympathy.

a. the ability to understand the client's world and to communicatethis to the client.

32. Freud postulated psychosexual stagesa. id, ego, and superego.b. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.c. eros, thanatos, regression, and superego.d. manifest, latent, oral, and phallic.

b. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

According to Charles Osgood and Percey Tannenbaum's congruitytheory, a client will accept suggestions more readily ifa. the client likes the counselor.b. the client dislikes the counselor.c. the client distrusts the counselor.d. the counselor is in a higher economic bracket.

a. the client likes the counselor.

The DSM provides diagnostic criteria for mental retardation. Itstates thata. the client must have an IQ score of 70 or below on anindividually administered IQ test and the onset of thecondition must be prior to age 18.b. the client must have an IQ score on any IQ test below70.c. The client must have an IQ score on an individually administeredIQ test and the onset of the condition mustbe prior to age 21.d. The client must have an IQ of 85 or below on an individualor a group IQ test.

a. the client must have an IQ score of 70 or below on anindividually administered IQ test and the onset of thecondition must be prior to age 18.

At a case staffi ng, one career counselor says to another, "Theclient's disability suggests she can only physically handle sedentarywork." This technically impliesa. the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds.b. the client will not need to lift over 100 pounds.c. the client will be standing a lot.d. the client could walk or stand up to six hours daily.

a. the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds.

All of these statements regarding reality therapy are true excepta. the client's childhood is explored.b. excuses are not accepted.c. the unconscious is avoided.d. therapy is concerned primarily with the here-and-now.

a. the client's childhood is explored.

In order to diagnose clients from a different culturea. the counselor ideally will need some information regardingthe specifics of the culture.b. the counselor will find the DSM useless.c. the counselor will find the ICD diagnosis useless.d. NBCC ethics prohibit the use of DSM diagnosis when counseling clients from another culture

a. the counselor ideally will need some information regarding the specifics of the culture.

Freudians refer to the ego asa. the executive administrator of the personality and the realityprinciple.b. the guardian angel of the mind.c. the pleasure principle.d. the seat of libido.

a. the executive administrator of the personality and the realityprinciple.

One of the primary goals of Bowen's intergenerational familytherapy is differentiation. Differentiation isa. the extent that one can separate one's intellect from one'semotional self.b. the extent that one is different from one's peers.c. the extent that one is different from one's childhood.d. the same as fusion.

a. the extent that one can separate one's intellect from one'semotional self.

An intergenerational family therapist says she is concerned with the nuclear family emotional system. She is referring toa. the fact that although the current family in therapy hasan emotional system, this emotional system is influencedby previous generations whether they are alive or dead.b. the fact that a genogram should depict a single generation.c. the fact that emotional discord is a function of the unconsciousmind.d. the miracle question.

a. the fact that although the current family in therapy hasan emotional system, this emotional system is influencedby previous generations whether they are alive or dead.

Super's theory includesa. the life-career rainbow.b. the life-career stars.c. the life-career moon.d. the life-career psychosis.

a. the life-career rainbow.

Appraisal can be defined asa. the process of assessing or estimating attributes.b. testing which is always performed in a group setting.c. testing which is always performed on a single individual.d. a pencil and paper measurement of assessing attributes.

a. the process of assessing or estimating attributes.

When a counselor speaks of a probable outcome in a case, he or she is technically referring toa. the prognosis.b. the diagnosis.c. the intervention.d. attending behavior.

a. the prognosis.

Fights between subgroups and members showing rebellionagainst the leader generally occur ina. the second stage known as the control stage or the transitionstage.b. the fi rst stage known as the orientation stage or formationstage.c. the separation stage.d. the intimacy stage.

a. the second stage known as the control stage or the transitionstage.

A hierarchy, or pecking order, among members occurs ina. the stage of storming, also known as the power-controlstage.b. the orientation stage.c. the separation stage.d. the intimacy stage.

a. the stage of storming, also known as the power-controlstage.

Mrs. Chance tells a family therapist that she pays all the bills, does all the cleaning, and brings in 90% of the family's income. Moreover, Mrs. Chance is convinced that her husband does not appreciate her or show her affection. According to the behavioristic principle of family therapy known as reciprocitya. there is a good chance that Mrs. Chance will considerleaving the marriage.b. it may seem paradoxical; nevertheless, Mrs. Chance willbe more committed to making the marriage work.c. it may seem paradoxical; nevertheless, Mr. Chance willconsider leaving the marriage.d. this situation will have virtually no impact on this couple'smarriage.

a. there is a good chance that Mrs. Chance will considerleaving the marriage.

Interest inventories are positive in the sense thata. they are reliable and not threatening to the test taker.b. they are always graded by the test taker.c. they require little or no reading skills.d. they have high validity in nearly all age brackets.

a. they are reliable and not threatening to the test taker.

Coleaders are apt to work at cross-purposes whena. they do not meet between group sessions.b. they do meet between group sessions.c. they are master's level practitioners.d. they are doctoral level practitioners.

a. they do not meet between group sessions.

J. P. Guilford isolated 120 factors which added up to intelligence.He also is remembered for hisa. thoughts on convergent and divergent thinking.b. work on cognitive therapy.c. work on behavior therapy.d. work to create the first standardized IQ test.

a. thoughts on convergent and divergent thinking.

One advantage of group work is that a counselor can see moreclients in a given period of time. One disadvantage is that a counselorcan be too focused on group processes anda. thus individual issues are not properly examined.b. the group becomes too behavioristic.c. a and b.d. thus the group focuses too much on content.

a. thus individual issues are not properly examined.

When a group member is speaking, it is best for the counselortoa. try to face the group member.b. not face the group member, as this does not appear genuinein a group setting.c. smile while listening.d. suppress genuine emotion.

a. try to face the group member.

An achievement test measures maximum performance while apersonality test or interest inventory measuresa. typical performance.b. minimum performance.c. unconscious traits.d. self-esteem by always relying on a Q-Sort design.

a. typical performance.

A counselor is treating a woman for a mood disorder. The counselor has sex with the woman's daughter. According to the revised 2005 ACA Code of Ethics this is considereda. unethical.b. ethical.c. ethical only after the counselor terminates the client andthen waits two years.d. debatable since ACA guidelines fail to deal with sexualissues of this nature.

a. unethical.

In Gestalt therapy unexpressed emotions are known asa. unfinished business.b. the emerging gestalt.c. form/figure language.d. the top dog.

a. unfinished business.

Ethnocentrisma. uses one's own culture as a yardstick to measure all others.b. means race.c. is a genetic term.d. all of the above.

a. uses one's own culture as a yardstick to measure all others.

As a gambling addiction counselor Laura is well aware that slot machines operate on aa. variable ratio schedule of reinforcement.b. variable interval schedule of reinforcement.c. fi xed ratio schedule of reinforcement.d. reinforcement system that counselors truly cannot explain.

a. variable ratio schedule of reinforcement.

Attending behavior that is verbal is also calleda. verbal tracking.b. clarifying.c. reflection.d. paraphrasing.

a. verbal tracking.

Strategies that focus on an individual member of the group areknown asa. vertical interventions.b. horizontal interventions.c. crossed transactions.d. parallel transactions.

a. vertical interventions.

In Piagetian literature, conservation would most likely refer toa. volume or mass.b. defenses of the ego.c. the sensorimotor intelligence stage.d. a specific psychosexual stage of life.

a. volume or mass.

The zone of proximal development a. was pioneered by Lev Vygotsky.b. was pioneered by Piaget and Kohlberg.c. emphasized organ inferiority.d. a, b, and c.

a. was pioneered by Lev Vygotsky.

An expert who has reviewed the literature on TV and violence would conclude thata. watching violence tends to make children more aggressive.b. watching violence tends to make children less aggressive.c. in reality TV has no impact on a child's behavior.d. what adults see as violent, children perceive as caring.

a. watching violence tends to make children more aggressive.

In the field of testing, validity refers toa. whether the test really measures what it purports to measure.b. whether the same test gives consistent measurement.c. the degree of cultural bias in a test.d. the fact that numerous tests measure the same traits.

a. whether the test really measures what it purports to measure.

According to Satir, the individual displaying an irrelevant stylea. will distract the family from the problem via constantlytalking about irrelevant topics.b. will become a people pleaser.c. will analyze the situation more than most.d. all of the above.

a. will distract the family from the problem via constantlytalking about irrelevant topics.

A client tells his counselor that he has a choice of entering one of two prestigious PhD counseling programs. Kurt Lewin would call this ana. approach-avoidance conflict.b. approach-approach confict.c. avoidance-avoidance conflict.d. avoidance vector.

b. approach-approach confict.

Existentialism is to logotherapy as _______ is to behaviorism.a. operantsb. associationismc. Skinnerd. Socrates

b. associationism

An excellent psychological or counseling test would have a reliabilitycoefficient ofa. 50.b. .90.c. 1.00.d. −.90.

b. .90.

The mean on the Wechsler and the Binet is _______ and thestandard deviation is _______.a. 100; 100.b. 100; 15 Wechsler, 16 Stanford-Binet.c. 100; 20.d. 100; 1.

b. 100; 15 Wechsler,

In most instances, who would be the best qualifi ed to give theRorschach Inkblot Test?a. A counselor with NCC, NCCC after his or her name.b. A clinical psychologist.c. A D.O. psychiatrist.d. A social worker with ACSW after his or her name.

b. A clinical psychologist.

A counselor who had an interest primarily in testing would mostlikely be a member ofa. ASGW.b. AMECD.c. NASW.d. AHEAD.


_______ emphasized the drive for superiority.a. Jung.b. Adler.c. Constructivist therapists.d. Freud and Jung.

b. Adler.

John Krumboltz postulated a social learning approach to careerchoice. This model is based mainly on the work ofa. Joseph Wolpe.b. Albert Bandura.c. Donald Super.d. Karen Homey.

b. Albert Bandura.

Organ inferiority relates mainly to the work ofa. C. G. Jung's analytical psychology.b. Alfred Adler's individual psychology.c. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory.d. Josef Breuer's work on hysteria.

b. Alfred Adler's individual psychology.

The statement, "Sibling interaction may have more impact than parent/child interaction" describesa. Sigmund Freud's theory.b. Alfred Adler's theory.c. insight.d. Carl Jung's theory.

b. Alfred Adler's theory.

Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, which is both a form of treatment and a very comprehensive personality theory. According to Freud's theory, inborn drives (mainly sexual) help form the personality. _______ and _______, who originally worked with Freud, created individual psychology and analyticpsychology, respectively.a. Carl Jung; Alfred Adler.b. Alfred Adler; Carl Jung.c. Joseph Breuer; A. A. Brill.d. Alfred Adler; Rollo May.

b. Alfred Adler; Carl Jung.

A career counselor who relies on the constructivist viewpointwould emphasize thata. unconscious conflicts influence career decisions.b. An individual's career choice is influenced by his or herattempt to make meaning out of the world of work.c. Most career counselors do not give enough career inventories.d. SCCT is the best theory.

b. An individual's career choice is influenced by his or herattempt to make meaning out of the world of work.

Which group would most likely avoid eye contact with the counselorcand benefit from assertiveness training?a. African/Black Americans.b. Asian Americans.c. European Americans.d. All of the above.

b. Asian Americans.

A dual-career family (or dual-worker couple) is one in whichboth partners have jobs to which they are committed on a somewhatcontinuous basis. Which statement is true of dual-careerfamilies?a. Surprisingly enough, dual-career families have lower incomesthan families in which only one partner works.b. Dual-career families have higher incomes than the socalledtraditional family in which only one partner isworking.c. Dual-career families have incomes which are almost identicalto families with one partner working.d. Surprisingly enough, no research has been conducted ondual-career families.

b. Dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-calledtraditional family in which only one partner isworking.

The philosopher most closely related to REBT would bea. Buber.b. Epictetus, a stoic philosopher who suggested we feel theway we think.c. Locke.d. Jaspers.

b. Epictetus, a stoic philosopher who suggested we feel theway we think.

Trust versus mistrust isa. an Adlerian notion of morality.b. Erik Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development.c. essentially equivalent to Piaget's concept of egocentrism.d. the basis of morality according to Kohlberg.

b. Erik Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development.

The term identity crisis comes from the work ofa. counselors who stress RS involvement issues with clients.b. Erikson.c. Adler.d. Jung.

b. Erikson.

_______ factors cause Down syndrome, which produces mentalretardation.a. Environmentalb. Geneticc. Chemical dependencyd. Unconscious

b. Genetic

Eric Berne is to TA as Fritz Perls is toa. the empty chair technique.b. Gestalt therapy.c. the underdog.d. the top dog.

b. Gestalt therapy.

Which theorist was most concerned with maternal deprivation?a. A. Lazarusb. H. Harlowc. J. Wolped. A. Ellis

b. H. Harlow

A game is composed of transactions which end in a bad feelingfor at least one player. Games are said to prevent true intimacy.Which other statement is true of games?a. In a first-degree game someone gets seriously hurt.b. In a first-degree game the harm is minimal, but the levelof harm is quite serious in a third-degree game.c. For a game to occur, three people must be involved.d. Games always involve parallel vectors of communication.

b. In a first-degree game the harm is minimal, but the levelof harm is quite serious in a third-degree game.

The term group therapy was coined in 1931 bya. Frank Parsons, the Father of guidance.b. Jacob Moreno, the Father of psychodrama.c. E. G. Williamson, associated with the Minnesota Viewpoint.d. Fritz Perls, the Father of gestalt therapy.

b. Jacob Moreno, the Father of psychodrama.

As you walk into a professional seminar on career counseling younote that the instructor is drawing a hexagon on the blackboard.The instructor is most likely discussinga. David Tiedeman.b. John Holland.c. Anne Roe.d. John Crites.

b. John Holland.

Which case is not associated with the psychodynamic movement?a. Little Hans.b. Little Albert.c. Anna O.d. Schreber.

b. Little Albert.

C. G. Jung, the founder of analytic psychology, said men operateon logic or the _______ principle, while women are intuitive,operating on the _______ principle.a. Eros; Thanatos.b. Logos; Eros.c. reality; pleasure.d. transference; countertransference.

b. Logos; Eros.

Mrs. Kim wanted her daughter to attend a private school forgifted children who have very high intelligence. Mrs. Kim'sdaughter took the Otis Lennon IQ test. Her T score was 80.Kim's counselor knew thata. Mrs. Kim would be very upset because her daughter'slow score would not allow her to be admitted.b. Mrs. Kim would be elated because her daughter scoredexceptionally high and would be admitted.c. she could not give Kim mother any feedback since a Tscoretells you nothing about one's actual IQ score.d. a T-score of 80 is very average.

b. Mrs. Kim would be elated because her daughter scoredexceptionally high and would be admitted.

Cybernetics is a concept used by family therapists. It is usuallyassociated with the work ofa. Freud and Ellis.b. Norbert Wiener.c. Virginia Satir.d. behavioral family therapists and cognitive family therapists.

b. Norbert Wiener.

The statement, "the ego is dependent on the id," would most likely reflect the work ofa. Erik Erikson.b. Sigmund Freud.c. Jay Haley.d. Arnold Lazarus, William Perry, and Robert Kegan.

b. Sigmund Freud.

You are working as a counselor for a major university. A studentwants detailed statistics about the average wages in her state.The best resource would bea. Richard N. Bolles's book What Color Is Your Parachute?b. The Bureau of Labor Statistics website.c. Any professional journal related to career counseling isinundated with articles of this nature.d. DISCOVER and the System of Interactive Guidance andInformation known as Sigi Plus.

b. The Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

_______ helped to abet the multicultural counseling movement.a. Arthur Jensen's views on IQ testing (also known as Jensenism)b. The civil rights movementc. Jung's feeling that all men and women from all cultures possess a collective unconsciousd. The Tarasoff Duty

b. The civil rights movement

The best IQ test for a 22-year-old single male would be thea. WPPSI-III.b. WAIS-III.c. WISC-IV.d. Computer-based testing.


Another type of preexperimental design is the one-group onlyposttest design. This is best depicted bya. OXO.b. XO.c. OX.d. XX.

b. XO.

You are counseling a 29-year-old man in your private practice who is seeing a primary care physician (PCP) for severe headaches.a. You are required to contact the PCP.b. You are not required to contact the PCP; however, attemptingto secure permission to do so from your clientwould be considered the ideal course of action.c. The answer would be no for headaches, but yes if the clienthad visited the PCP regarding a mental health complaint.d. Yes, but only if the client is abusing a child or a seniorcitizen.

b. You are not required to contact the PCP; however, attemptingto secure permission to do so from your clientwould be considered the ideal course of action.

A client whose counselor pushes the alloplastic viewpoint may believe his counselor is simplya. too Rogerian.b. attacking the system.c. too Freudian.d. too cognitive.

b. attacking the system.

A client wants to read her record. Pick the statement which isnot accurate.a. You should allow her to read the record or a summary ofit because she has an ethical right to do so.b. You should allow her to read it, however, you should goback and change things you don't want her to see; forexample, the fact that you said she was schizophrenic.c. You should allow her to read the record realizing that it isbest if you enter the information as soon as possible afterthe session and then sign and date the entry.d. Since your agency inputs the client's record on a computer,each entry will be dated and have a time on it. Youcould then print the document for her perusal.

b. You should allow her to read it, however, you should goback and change things you don't want her to see; forexample, the fact that you said she was schizophrenic.

A group setting has a flexible seating arrangement in which clientsare free to sit wherever they wish. In this setting it is likely thata. a male leader in a designer suit and a female client in cutoffjeans will sit close together.b. a Hispanic male leader in a designer suit and an Asianmale client in another brand of designer suit will sit closetogether.c. a Caucasian female leader in a designer outfit and a Caucasianmale client in a pair of old jeans and an undershirtwill sit close together.d. a male leader in a designer suit and a female client in ajogging suit and old tennis shoes with holes in them willsit close together.

b. a Hispanic male leader in a designer suit and an Asianmale client in another brand of designer suit will sit closetogether.

A teenager in a residential facility has earned enough tokens tobuy his favorite brand of candy bar. The candy bar isa. a negative reinforcer.b. a back-up reinforcer.c. an average stimulus.d. a conditioned reinforcer.

b. a back-up reinforcer.

A group is classified as secondary. This implies thata. it is preventive and attempts to ward off problems.b. a difficulty or disturbance is present.c. two therapists are utilized.d. all of the above.

b. a difficulty or disturbance is present.

A client who is having panic attacks is told to practice relaxinghis jaw muscle for three minutes per day. The counselor here isusinga. concreteness.b. a directive.c. interpretation.d. parroting.

b. a directive.

Gestalt meansa. a group.b. a form, figure, or configuration unified as a whole.c. a dyad.d. visual acuity.

b. a form, figure, or configuration unified as a whole.

Social exchange theory postulates thata. a relationship will endure if both parties are assertive.b. a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater thanthe costs.c. a relationship will endure if both parties are sexually attractedto each other.d. men work harder to keep a relationship strong.

b. a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater thanthe costs.

In the United States, each socioeconomic group representsa. a separate race.b. a separate culture.c. the silent middle class.d. a separate national culture.

b. a separate culture.

In psychoanalytic family therapy the word object meansa. a dream.b. a significant other with whom a child wishes to bond.c. transference.d. countertransference.

b. a significant other with whom a child wishes to bond.

Group specialists defi ne role confl ict asa. tension between two group members who have assumeddifferent roles.b. a situation in which there is a discrepancy between theway a member is expected to behave and the way he orshe actually behaves.c. tension between the group leader and a group member.d. members criticizing other members between group sessions.

b. a situation in which there is a discrepancy between theway a member is expected to behave and the way he orshe actually behaves.

Today, the Stanford-Binet IQ test isa. a nonstandardized measure.b. a standardized measure.c. a projective measure.d. b and c.

b. a standardized measure.

REBT suggests the ABC theory of personality in which A is the_______, B is the _______, and C is the _______.a. affect; belief; controlb. activating event; belief system; emotional consequencec. affect; behavior; controld. authenticity; belief; emotional consequence

b. activating event; belief system; emotional consequence

In social psychology, the sleeper effect asserts thata. sleep learning facilitates social skills.b. after a period of time, one forgets the communicator butremembers the message.c. after a period of time, one remembers the communicatorbut forgets the message.d. REM sleep facilitates insight.

b. after a period of time, one forgets the communicator butremembers the message.

An Asian counselor says to an African-American client, "If you're unhappy with the system, get out there and rebel. Youcan change the system." This is the _______ viewpoint for copingwith the environment.a. emic viewpointb. alloplastic viewpointc. etic viewpointd. autoplastic viewpoint

b. alloplastic viewpoint

The word dynamic means the group isa. normal.b. always changing.c. static.d. defi ned in an operational manner.

b. always changing.

A valid test is _______ reliable.a. not always.b. always.c. never.d. 80%.

b. always.

A counselor who remarks that firstborn children are usually conservativebut display leadership qualities is most likelya. a Freudian who believes in the unconscious mind.b. an Adlerian that believes behavior must be studied in a social context; never in isolation.c. Rogerian who stresses the importance of the therapeuticrelationship.d. a behavior modifier using a behavioral contract.

b. an Adlerian that believes behavior must be studied in a social context; never in isolation.

A young Hispanic male is obviously the victim of discrimination.His counselor remarks, "I hear what you are saying and I will help you change your thinking so this will not have such a profoundimpact on you." In this case the counselor had suggesteda. an alloplastic method of coping.b. an autoplastic method of coping.c. the emic-etic distinction.d. the emic viewpoint.

b. an autoplastic method of coping.

Bulimia is classified asa. an eating disorder which occurs equally in both men andwomen.b. an eating disorder that occurs primarily in women.c. an adjustment disorder.d. a narcissistic personality disorder.

b. an eating disorder that occurs primarily in women.

The word psychometric meansa. a form of measurement used by a neurologist.b. any form of mental testing.c. a mental trait which cannot be measured.d. the test relies on a summated or linear rating scale.

b. any form of mental testing.

One major category of career theory is known as the trait-factor(also called the trait-and-factor) approach. It has also beendubbed the actuarial or matching approach. This approacha. attempts to match conscious and unconscious work motives.b. attempts to match the worker and the work environment(job factors). The approach thus makes the assumptionthat there is one best or single career for the person.c. attempts to match career behavior with attitudes.d. attempts to match cognition with the workload.

b. attempts to match the worker and the work environment(job factors). The approach thus makes the assumptionthat there is one best or single career for the person.

In the late 1930s researchers identified three basic leadershipstyles:a. directive, nondirective, and semipassive.b. autocratic (authoritarian), democratic, and laissez faire.c. relaxed, anxious, and tense.d. assertive, nonassertive, and aggressive

b. autocratic (authoritarian), democratic, and laissez faire.

When an adolescent complains about his or her parents in thegroup it is best toa. jump on the bandwagon and agree with the child.b. avoid taking sides but help him or her see the parents'point of view via a therapeutic technique such as roleplaying.c. talk only about positive experiences.d. immediately put the child on the hot seat.

b. avoid taking sides but help him or her see the parents'point of view via a therapeutic technique such as roleplaying.

Gay men and womena. primarily live the gay or lesbian lifestyle.b. basically have the same range of gender role behaviors asdo male and female heterosexuals.c. cannot be characterized in terms of lifestyle due to a distinctlack of research.d. are always transgendered.

b. basically have the same range of gender role behaviors asdo male and female heterosexuals.

According to the Freudians, if a child is severely traumatized, he or she may _______ a given psychosexual stage.a. skipb. become fixated atc. ignored. a and c

b. become fixated at

The term contextualism implies thata. multicultural counseling is the oldest subspecialty in theprofession.b. behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture inwhich the behavior occurs.c. the notion of worldview is highly inaccurate.d. projective tests are more accurate than objective measureswhen performing cross-cultural counseling.

b. behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture inwhich the behavior occurs.

A counselor utilizes role-playing combined with a hierarchy ofsituations in which the client is ordinarily nonassertive. Assertivenesstrainers refer to this asa. conscious rehearsal.b. behavioral rehearsal.c. fi xed role therapy.d. a and b.

b. behavioral rehearsal.

An empiricist view of development would bea. psychometric.b. behavioristic.c. against the use of formal statistical testing.d. a and c.

b. behavioristic.

TA life positions were made famous by Tom Harris's book, I'mOK—You're OK. The title of the book illuminates a healthy lifeposition. The life position tells the counselor how a person goesabout receiving strokes or recognition. A person categorized bythe position "I'm OK—You're Not OK";a. is generally self-abusive.b. blames others for misery.c. generally engages in self-mutilation.d. is generally suicidal.

b. blames others for misery.

A behavioristic counselor decides upon aversive conditioning asthe treatment of choice for a gentleman who wishes to give upsmoking. The counselor begins by taking a baseline. This is accomplisheda. using hypnosis.b. by charting the occurrence of the behavior prior to any therapeutic intervention.c. using a biofeedback device.d. counterconditioning.

b. by charting the occurrence of the behavior prior to any therapeutic intervention.

A client who takes a normative testa. cannot legitimately be compared to others who have takenthe test.b. can legitimately be compared to others who have takenthe test.c. could not have taken an IQ test.d. could not have taken a personality test.

b. can legitimately be compared to others who have takenthe test.

You secure a job as the executive director of a family counseling agency. As you go through your files you discover that five years before you took the job the agency selected 100 families and counseled them using a strict behaviorist model. The agency took the next group of 100 families and counseled them using Satir's experiential conjoint family therapy model. Each family received 12 sessions of therapy and each family took a before-and after-assessment that accurately depicted how well thefamily was functioning. You decide to run a t test to examinewhether or not a statistically significant difference is evident between the two approaches. This isa. an ex post facto (i.e., after the fact) correlation study.b. causal-comparative or ex post facto (i.e., after the fact)research.c. a true experiment.d. simple survey research.

b. causal-comparative or ex post facto (i.e., after the fact)research.

A child who focuses exclusively on a clown's red nose but ignores his or her other features would be illustrating the Piagetian concept ofa. egocentrism.b. centration.c. formal abstract reasoning.d. deductive processes.

b. centration.

A client who is undergoing gestalt therapy states, "It is difficult to get a job in New York City," would be asked by the counselortoa. go to the O*NET website ( which is the replacement for the DOT and is now thenation's primary source of occupational information.b. change the verbalization to an "I" statement.c. read the OOH.d. take the Strong Interest Inventory (SII).

b. change the verbalization to an "I" statement.

Linda Gottfredson's developmental theory of career focuses ona. fields and levels.b. circumscription and compromise theory.c. the career rainbow.d. mainly on the concept of career maturity.

b. circumscription and compromise theory.

The three factors which enhance interpersonal attraction area. assertiveness, anxiety, ego strength.b. close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs.c. culture, race, assertiveness.d. ego strength, anxiety, race.

b. close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs.

Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly witha. attraction.b. cognition and attitude formation.c. cognitions and emotion.d. none of the above.

b. cognition and attitude

Ted has always felt inferior intellectually. He currently works out at the gym at least four hours daily and is taking massive doses ofdangerous steroids to build his muscles. The ego defense mechanismin action here isa. reaction formation.b. compensation.c. projection.d. rationalization.

b. compensation.

A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known asa. formal operations—12 years and older.b. concrete operations—ages 7 to 11.c. preoperations—ages 2 to 7.d. sensorimotor intelligence—birth to 2 years.

b. concrete operations—ages 7 to 11.

A client is demonstrating inconsistent behavior. She is smiling but says that she is very sad about what she did. When her counselorpoints this out to her, the counselor's verbal response is known asa. active listening.b. confrontation.c. accurate empathy.d. summarization.

b. confrontation.

In Kohlberg's first or preconventional level, the individual's moral behavior is guided bya. psychosexual urges.b. consequences.c. periodic fugue states.d. counterconditioning.

b. consequences.

A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastereda. symbolic schema.b. conservation.c. androgynous psychosocial issues.d. trust versus mistrust.

b. conservation.

Holland did indeed believe in career stereotypes. In other wordsthe person psychologically defines himself or herself via a givenjob. Thus, a bookkeeper or a clerical worker would primarily fi tinto the _______ category.a. artistic.b. conventional.c. realistic.d. social.

b. conventional.

Freud and Eriksona. could be classified as behaviorists.b. could be classified as maturationists.c. agreed that developmental stages are psychosexual.d. were prime movers in the biofeedback movement.

b. could be classified as maturationists.

Glasser's position on mental illness is thata. it is best explained by DSM guidelines.b. diagnostic labels give clients permission to act sick or irresponsible.c. it is best explained by ICD categories.

b. diagnostic labels give clients permission to act sick or irresponsible.

Unconscious processes, which serve to minimize anxiety andprotect the self from severe id or superego demands, are calleda. slips of the tongue.b. ego defense mechanisms.c. id defense processes.d. latent dream material.

b. ego defense mechanisms.

A person who can look back on his or her life with few regrets feelsa. the burden of senile psychosis.b. ego-integrity in Erikson's integrity versus despair stage.c. despair, which is the sense that he or she has wasted life's precious opportunities.d. the burden of generalized anxiety as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, publishedby the American Psychiatric Association (DSM).

b. ego-integrity in Erikson's integrity versus despair stage.

If you think of the mind as a seesaw, then the fulcrum or balancingapparatus would be thea. id, which has no concept of rationality or time.b. ego.c. superego, which judges behavior as right or wrong.d. BASIC-ID.

b. ego.

Piaget referred to the act of taking in new information as assimilation. This results in accommodation, which is a modification of the child's cognitive structures (schemas) to deal with the newinformation. In Piagetian nomenclature, the balance betweenassimilation and accommodation is calleda. counterbalancing.b. equilibration.c. balance theory.d. ABA design.

b. equilibration.

One method of testing reliability is to give the same populationalternate forms of the identical test. Each form will have thesame psychometric/statistical properties as the original instrument.This is known asa. test-retest reliability.b. equivalent or alternate forms reliability.c. the split-half method.d. internal consistency.

b. equivalent or alternate forms reliability.

The counselor's social power is related toa. age.b. expertise, attractiveness, and trustworthiness.c. sex and age.d. degree of directiveness.

b. expertise, attractiveness, and trustworthiness.

Initially, Ginzberg and his associates viewed career choice as irreversibleand the result of compromises between wishes andrealistic possibilities. This theory identified three stages of careerdevelopmenta. informal, formal, and concrete.b. fantasy (birth to age 11), tentative (ages 11 to 17), andrealistic (age 17 to early 20s).c. sensorimotor, formal, and concrete.d. oral, anal, and phallic.

b. fantasy (birth to age 11), tentative (ages 11 to 17), andrealistic (age 17 to early 20s).

Roe was the first career specialist to utilize a two-dimensionalsystem of occupational classification utilizinga. unconscious and preconscious.b. fields and levels.c. yin and yang.d. transactional analysis nomenclature.

b. fields and levels.

The NCE is a(n) _______ test.a. free choice.b. forced choice.c. projective.d. intelligence.

b. forced choice.

The _______ may secretly wish that he or she was running thegroup.a. follower.b. gatekeeper.c. social isolate.d. harmonizer.

b. gatekeeper.

In terms of genetics, Roe's theory would assert thata. genetics play a very minor role in career choice.b. genetics help to determine intelligence and education,and hence this infl uences one's career choice.c. genetics are important while upbringing is not.d. genetics are important while the unconscious is not.

b. genetics help to determine intelligence and education,and hence this influences one's career choice.

Some theorists feel that group therapy differs from group counseling(which is also called an interpersonal problem solvinggroup) in thata. group counseling would be of longer duration.b. group therapy, also dubbed as a personality reconstructiongroup, would be of longer duration.c. group counseling requires far more training.d. group therapy addresses a less disturbed population ofclients.

b. group therapy, also dubbed as a personality reconstructiongroup, would be of longer duration.

The autocratic or authoritarian leader may give orders to thegroup, while the laissez faire leadera. assigns a group member as the authoritarian.b. has a hands-off policy and participates very little.c. has the most desirable style of leadership.d. nearly always run open-ended groups.

b. has a hands-off policy and participates very little.

Marital satisfactiona. is usually highest when a child is old enough to leavehome.b. often decreases with parenthood and is lowest prior to achild leaving home.c. correlates high with performance IQ.d. is highest among couples who have seven or more college-educated children.

b. often decreases with parenthood and is lowest prior to achild leaving home.

Six persons attend a counseling group. After the group, fivemembers praise the merits of a group activity assigned by thegroup leader. The sixth person, who has heard the opinion of theother five people, felt the activity was useless and boring. Accordingto studies on social behavior, about one third of the timethe sixth individual would most likely tell the other five thata. he totally disagreed with their assessment.b. he too felt the group activity was very helpful.c. he really wasn't certain how he felt about the activity.d. a and c.

b. he too felt the group activity was very helpful.

Development is cephalocaudal, which meansa. foot to head.b. head to foot.c. limbs receive the highest level of nourishment.d. b and c.

b. head to foot.

A colleague of yours invents a new projective test. Seventeencounselors rated the same client using the measure and came upwith nearly identical assessments. This would indicatea. high validity.b. high reliability.c. excellent norming studies.d. culture fairness.

b. high reliability.

Bibliotherapy is a form ofa. psychodynamic intervention.b. homework.c. displacement.d. musturbation.

b. homework.

Strategies that approach the group as a whole are known asa. vertical interventions.b. horizontal interventions.c. crossed transactions.d. parallel transactions.

b. horizontal interventions.

In the 1920s, Emory Bogardus developed a social distance scalewhich evaluateda. socioeconomic trends.b. how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups.c. disadvantaged youth.d. language barriers between Blacks and Asians.

b. how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups.

Most experts believe that the number of multigenerational families with a child, a parent, and a grandparent willa. decrease.b. increase.c. remain static.d. will continue to go up and down on a fairly regular basis.

b. increase.

Career counselors refer to job shadowing and volunteering as_______ activities, while reading the job hunting book WhatColor Is Your Parachute? would be _______.a. noninteractive; interactive.b. interactive; noninteractive.c. interactive; interactive.d. noninteractive; noninteractive.

b. interactive; noninteractive.

The statement, "Even though my car is old and doesn't run well,it sure keeps my insurance payments low,"a. is displacement.b. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.c. is projection.d. would never reduce dissonance in an individual.

b. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.

When counseling a client from a different culture, a common error is made when negative transferencea. is interpreted as positive transference.b. is interpreted as therapeutic resistance.c. is interpreted as White privilege.d. none of the above.

b. is interpreted as therapeutic resistance.

Psychoanalytic practitioners do not attack symptoms directly.Strategic therapya. does not attack the symptoms directly either.b. is pragmatic and often focuses on abating symptoms.c. does not take a position on whether a counselor shouldattempt to ameliorate symptoms or not.d. takes the position that if you can change each familymember's unconscious, then symptoms will graduallydisappear.

b. is pragmatic and often focuses on abating symptoms.

One major advantage of a closed group versus an open group isa. cost effectiveness.b. it promotes cohesiveness.c. it lessens counselor burnout.d. it allows the members to meet less frequently.

b. it promotes cohesiveness.

Carl Whitaker's interaction with the family could best be described asa. quiet and empathic.b. joining the family and experiencing it as if he were a family member.c. a reality therapist.d. a cognitive behavior therapist.

b. joining the family and experiencing it as if he were a family member.

The law requires clinicians toa. keep process notes.b. keep progress notes.c. keep process and progress notes.d. keep the client's name and address, but no other information.

b. keep progress notes.

Most experts would agree that an effective counseling group forchildren hasa. more members than an adult group.b. less members than an adult group.c. at least two group leaders.d. 9 to 12 members.

b. less members than an adult group.

The purpose of interpretation in counseling is toa. help the therapist appear genuine.b. make the clients aware of their unconscious processes.c. make clients aware of nonverbal behaviors.d. help clients understand feelings and behaviors related tochildhood.

b. make the clients aware of their unconscious processes.

Which of these factors is not delineated by Yalom as a curativefactor?a. altruism, universality, and existential learningb. manifest dream content and insight into the unconsciousmindc. catharsis, cohesiveness, and instillation of hoped. imitative behavior and reenactment of family experiences.

b. manifest dream content and insight into the unconsciousmind

Infant IQ tests area. more reliable than those given later in life.b. more unreliable than those given later in life.c. not related to learning experiences.d. never used.

b. more unreliable than those given later in life.

According to the concept of occupational sex segregationa. most women hold high paying executive jobs.b. most women hold low paying jobs with low status.c. most women hold jobs which require a college degree.d. men still make considerably less than women.

b. most women hold low paying jobs with low status.

Most experts would agree that a multicultural counselor's diagnosisa. must be performed without regard to cultural issues.b. must be done within a cultural context.c. a and b.d. none of the above.

b. must be done within a cultural context.

A good practice for counselors is toa. always test the client yourself rather than referring theclient for testing.b. never generalize on the basis of a single test score.c. stay away from culture-free tests.d. stay away from scoring the test yourself.

b. never generalize on the basis of a single test score.

The National Counselor Exam (NCE) is a(n) _______ test becausethe scoring procedure is specific.a. subjective.b. objective.c. projective.d. subtest.

b. objective.

A theorist who views developmental changes as quantitative is said to be an empiricist. The antithesis of this position holds that developmental strides are qualitative. What is the name given to this position?a. behaviorismb. organicismc. statistical developmentalismd. all of the above

b. organicism

Gestalt therapists sometimes utilize the exaggeration experimentwhich most closely resemblesa. successive approximation.b. paradox as practiced by Frankl, Haley, or Erickson.c. free association.d. paraphrasing with emotional reflection.

b. paradox as practiced by Frankl, Haley, or Erickson.

A neophyte counselor is afraid he will say the wrong thing. Hethus keeps repeating the client's statements verbatim when heresponds. This is known asa. desirable attending behavior.b. parroting and is not recommended.c. level 3 on the empathy scale.d. paradoxical intention.

b. parroting and is not recommended.

F. H. Allport created the concept of social facilitation. Accordingto this theory, an individual who is given the task of memorizinga list of numbers willa. perform better if he or she is alone.b. perform better if he or she is part of a group.c. perform better if he or she has undergone psychotherapy.d. perform better if he or she is an auditory learner.

b. perform better if he or she is part of a group.

Internal verbalizations are to REBT as _______ are to Glasser'sChoice Theory.a. contractingb. pictures in your mindc. lack of punishmentd. a therapeutic plan

b. pictures in your mind

A client remarks that her depression is extremely intense. Her strategic counselor remarks, "It is very possible your depression is hopeless. It is possible you will never get over it." Her comment is an example ofa. a blatant ethical violation.b. positioning.c. cohesion.d. behavioral disputation.

b. positioning.

When something is added following an operant, it is known as a_______, and when something is taken away it is called a _____.a. negative reinforcer; positive reinforcerb. positive reinforcer; negative reinforcerc. extinction; shapingd. classical conditioning; operant conditioning

b. positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer

An aptitude test is to _______ as an achievement test is to _______.a. what has been learned; potential.b. potential; what has been learned.c. profit from learning; potential.d. a measurement of current skills; potential.

b. potential; what has been learned.

The statement, "Whites are better than Blacks," illustratesa. a weakening of the caste system in the U.S.b. racism.c. sexism.d. codependency.

b. racism.

The literature suggests these factors as helpful in promotingtherapeutic surrender:a. an analysis of cognitive dissonance.b. rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, andself-disclosure.c. paradoxing the client.d. analyzing fl ight-to-health variables.

b. rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, andself-disclosure.

According to the cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festinger, a man who buys a $20,000 platinum watch would most likelya. feel intense guilt.b. read test reports after the purchase to justify his behavior.c. harbor severe hatred regarding his mother.d. harbor severe hatred regarding his father.

b. read test reports after the purchase to justify his behavior.

Viktor Frankl is to logotherapy as William Glasser is toa. rational therapy.b. reality therapy.c. rational-emotive imagery.d. RBT.

b. reality therapy.

The Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) is based on John Holland'stheory. The test assumes that a person who is interested in agiven subject will experiencea. satisfaction in a job with workers who have different interests.b. satisfaction in a job in which those working in the occupationhave similar interests.c. generalized anxiety if he or she is placed in a job wherepeople have similar interests.d. the best results if he or she fi nishes the inventory in onehour or less.

b. satisfaction in a job in which those working in the occupationhave similar interests.

Weight Watchers is aa. T-group also called a training group.b. self-help or support group as is AA.c. psychotherapy group.d. marathon group.

b. self-help or support group as is AA.

The tendency for adult females in the United States to wear high heels is best explained bya. the principle of negative reinforcement.b. sex role socialization.c. Konrad Lorenz's studies on imprinting.d. ethological data.

b. sex role socialization.

The relationship a client has with a gestalt therapist would mostlikely progress _______ than the relationship a client would havewith a Rogerian counselor.a. faster.b. slower.c. at the same pace.d. a and b.

b. slower.

Adler emphasized that people wish to belong. This is known asa. superiority.b. social connectedness.c. the collective unconscious.d. animus.

b. social connectedness.

One problem with interest inventories is that the person oftentries to answer the questions in a socially acceptable manner.Psychometricians call this response style phenomenona. standard error.b. social desirability (the right way to feel in society).c. cultural bias.d. acquiescence.

b. social desirability (the right way to feel in society).

In contrast with Freud, the neo-Freudians emphasizeda. baseline measures.b. social factors.c. unconditional positive regard.d. insight.

b. social factors.

Holland mentioned six modal orientations: artistic, conventional,enterprising, investigative, realistic, and social. A middle schoolcounselor is most likelya. artistic.b. social.c. enterprising.d. realistic.

b. social.

A client from another culture willa. talk to the counselor the same as he or she would to apeer.b. speak to the counselor differently from the way he or shewould when speaking to someone of his or her own background.c. generally use slang on purpose to confuse the counselor.d. generally play dumb to receive the counselor's sympathy.

b. speak to the counselor differently from the way he or shewould when speaking to someone of his or her own background.

A woman sees her husband as all good sometimes and all bad atothers. An analytically trained family therapist who believes inobject relations would see this asa. ambivalent transference.b. splitting.c. dysthymia.d. psychotic behavior.

b. splitting.

In the famous Little Albert experiment, a child was conditioned to fear a harmless white furry animal. Historical accounts indicate that the child also began to fear a Santa Claus mask. This would demonstratea. panic disorder with agoraphobia.b. stimulus generalization.c. an adjustment reaction.d. stimulus discrimination.

b. stimulus generalization.

The anal retentive personality isa. charitable.b. stingy.c. kind.d. thinks very little about money matters.

b. stingy.

Albert Ellis is to REBT as Salvador Minuchin is toa. the MRI model.b. structural family therapy.c. intergenerational family counseling.d. behavioral family counseling.

b. structural family therapy.

Most experts would agree that overalla. structured exercises are more effective than unstructuredtechniques.b. structured exercises are less effective than unstructuredtechniques.c. all well-trained therapists favor structured exercises overunstructured techniques.d. ethical guidelines must forbid unstructured techniquesbecause they can be dangerous to the depressed or anxiousclient.

b. structured exercises are less effective than unstructuredtechniques.

Some research demonstrates thata. structured exercises early in the group impaired latercommunication between group members.b. structured exercises with feedback early in the groupserved to improve communication between group members.c. autocratic or authoritarian leadership styles promotecommunication best.d. structured exercises are never appropriate.

b. structured exercises with feedback early in the groupserved to improve communication between group members.

A client who becomes a professional football player because heunconsciously likes to hurt people would be utilizing _______according to Brill's theory of career choice.a. subliminal.b. sublimation.c. suppression.d. introjection.

b. sublimation.

Another career theorist who drew upon psychoanalytic doctrineswas A. A. Brill. Brill emphasized _______ as an ego-defensemechanism.a. subliminal.b. sublimation.c. repression.d. rationalization.

b. sublimation.

Glasser felt the responsible person will have a _______ identity.a. failureb. successc. diffusedd. crisis-oriented

b. success

A master's level counselor lands an entry level counseling job inan agency in a warm climate. Her offi ce is not air conditioned,but the counselor insists she likes this because sweating reallyhelps to keep her weight in check. This illuminatesa. sour grapes rationalization.b. sweet lemon rationalization.c. repression.d. sublimation.

b. sweet lemon rationalization.

All reinforcersa. are plastic tokens.b. tend to increase the probability that a behavior will occur.c. are secondary.d. do not raise behavior since negative reinforcement lowersbehavior

b. tend to increase the probability that a behavior will occur.

A time-series design is a quasi-experimental designa. that utilizes two randomly chosen groups; a control groupand an experimental group.b. that relies on multiple observations of the dependentvariable (i.e., the thing you are measuring) before andafter the treatment occurs.c. a and b.d. is not depicted by any of the answers above.

b. that relies on multiple observations of the dependentvariable (i.e., the thing you are measuring) before andafter the treatment occurs.

Frankl's experience in Nazi concentration camps taught hima. the value of S-R psychological paradigms.b. that you can't control the environment, but you can controlyour response.c. that blaming others can be truly therapeutic.d. how to blame the environment for our diffi culties.

b. that you can't control the environment, but you can controlyour response.

You gave your client Ester a personality test and then sharedyour interpretation of the test with her. Your client was amazedat how accurate the test results were in terms of depicting herpersonality. She readily accepted the interpretation. The nextday you discovered that you had interpreted the wrong test!The test you were analyzing was not Ester's but rather belongedto another client! Ester's behavior could best be explained bya. the obvious fact that she is psychotic which means thatshe is not in touch with reality.b. the Barnum effect.c. negative transference.d. the placebo effect.

b. the Barnum effect.

Ackerman is psychodynamic. Haley is strategic. Minuchin isstructural. Bowen is intergenerational. Another well-known intergenerationalfamily therapist would bea. Alfred Adler.b. the Hungarian analytically trained psychiatrist IvanBoszormenyi-Nagy (enunciated Naahge).c. Andrew Salter.d. Mara Selvini-Palazzoli

b. the Hungarian analytically trained psychiatrist IvanBoszormenyi-Nagy (enunciated Naahge).

When career counselors speak of the OOH they are referringtoa. the Occupational Options Handbook.b. the Occupational Outlook Handbook.c. the Career Options Occupational Titles.d. the Optional Occupations Handbook.

b. the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

The most controversial aspect of Freud's theory isa. catharsis.b. the Oedipus complex.c. the notion of the preconscious mind.d. the interpretation of dreams.

b. the Oedipus complex.

In Harry Harlow's experiments with baby monkeysa. a wire mother was favored by most young monkeys over a terry cloth version.b. the baby monkey was more likely to cling to a terry cloth mother surrogate than a wire surrogate mother.c. female monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol.d. male monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol.

b. the baby monkey was more likely to cling to a terry cloth

A group participant wants to drop out of a group. Since the groupis "closed" ASGW ethics state thata. the leader must insist that the client stay.b. the client must be allowed to withdraw.c. the leader should allow other members to put pressure onthe participant to stay.d. a and c.

b. the client must be allowed to withdraw.

Existentialists focus primarily ona. the teenage years.b. the client's perception in the here-and-now.c. childhood traumas.d. uplifting childhood memories.

b. the client's perception in the here-and-now.

A neophyte counselor discovers that her clients invariably giveyes and no answers to her questions. The problem is most likelythata. the counselor is sympathetic rather than empathetic.b. the counselor is utilizing too many closed-ended questions.c. the counselor's timing is poor in terms of interpretation.d. she is summarizing too early in the counseling process.

b. the counselor is utilizing too many closed-ended questions.

Most experts would agree that the peak period of competitionbetween the various schools of counseling and therapy (e.g., gestalt,behavioristic, reality therapy, etc.) was duringa. the late 1970s.b. the late 1960s.c. the 1980s.d. the mid-1950s.

b. the late 1960s.

The word ethology, which is often associated with the work of Konrad Lorenz, refers toa. Piaget's famous case study methodology.b. the study of animals' behavior in their natural environment.c. studies on monkeys raised in Skinnerian air cribs.d. all of the above

b. the study of animals' behavior in their natural environment.

All of the following are difficulties with career testing excepta. stereotyping.b. the tests all take at least three hours to administer.c. the counselor may rely too heavily on test results.d. many tests are biased in favor of White middle-classclients.

b. the tests all take at least three hours to administer.

A major group dynamic is group development. This is usuallyexpressed in terms ofa. the number of hours of group confl ict.b. theories of group stages.c. the Rosenthal Effect.d. the Hawthorne Effect.

b. theories of group stages.

Research related to elementary school counselors indicates thata. counselors of this ilk work hard, but just don't seem tohave an impact on youngsters' lives.b. these counselors are effective, do make a difference inchildren's lives, and more counselors should be employed.c. counselors of this ilk could be helpful if they would engage in more consultation work.d. should be used primarily as disciplinarians, but this is not happening in most districts.

b. these counselors are effective, do make a difference inchildren's lives, and more counselors should be employed.

You are supervising a licensing candidate who is primarily interested in marriage and family counseling. You are very attracted to her and have sex with her. According to ethics guidelinesa. this is perfectly ethical, since this is a student and not aclient.b. this is unethical.c. this is perfectly ethical, since this is a supervisee and nota client.d. a and c are both correct.

b. this is unethical.

Rogers felt that _______ for client change to occur.a. conditions must be in accordance with the problem.b. three conditions are necessary.c. nine conditions are necessary.d. two conditions are necessary.

b. three conditions are necessary.

A person-centered therapist woulda. treat neurotics differently from psychotics.b. treat all diagnostic categories of the DSM using the sameprinciples.c. use more closed-ended questions with adjustment reactions.d. use contracting with clients who are not making progress.

b. treat all diagnostic categories of the DSM using the sameprinciples.

A counselor with a master's degree who is working for minimumwage at a fast-food restaurant due to a lack of jobs in the field isa victim ofa. unemployment.b. underemployment.c. the phi phenomenon.d. the risky shift phenomenon.

b. underemployment.

A counselor doing research decided to split a standardized test in half by using the even items as one test and the odd items as asecond test and then correlating them. The counselora. used an invalid procedure to test reliability.b. was testing reliability via the split-half method.c. was testing reliability via the equivalent forms method.d. was testing reliability via the inter-rater method.

b. was testing reliability via the split-half method.

One of Adler's students, Rudolph Dreikurs,a. created the TAT.b. was the first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice.c. was a noted Freud hater.d. created the hierarchy of needs.

b. was the first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice.

According to the concept of wage discriminationa. women make more than men for doing the same job.b. women make less than men for doing the same job.c. men and women make identical salaries thanks to legislation.d. women who are seen as attractive still make 6% morethan men for doing the same job.

b. women make less than men for doing the same job.

A woman who is being robbeda. would probably get the most assistance in a crowd with alarge number of bystanders.b. would find that the number of people who would respondto her distress actually decreases as the number of bystandersincreases.c. would rarely have a bystander from a different race try tohelp her.d. none of the above.

b. would find that the number of people who would respondto her distress actually decreases as the number of bystandersincreases.

In an ipsative measure the person taking the test must compareitems to one another. The result is thata. an ipsative measure cannot be utilized for career guidance.b. you cannot legitimately compare two or more people whohave taken an ipsative test.c. an ipsative measure is never valid.d. an ipsative measure is never reliable.

b. you cannot legitimately compare two or more people who have taken an ipsative test.

Counseling generally occurs in a clinical setting while consultationgenerally occurs in a _______ setting.a. groupb. work/organizationalc. continuing cared. residential

An aptitude test predicts future behavior while an achievementtest measures what you have mastered or learned. In the case ofa test like _______ the distinction is unclear.a. Binet.b. Wechsler.c. GRE.d. Bender.

c. GRE.

Developmental career theorists view career choice as an ongoingor so-called longitudinal process rather than a single decisionmade at one point in time. The pioneer theorists in this area—who were the fi rst to forsake the matching models—werea. Super and Roe.b. Hoppock and Holland.c. Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma.d. Brill and Bordin.

c. Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma.

One trend is that women are moving into more careers that inthe past were populated by males. Women workers are oftenimpacted by the "glass ceiling phenomenon." Assuming that acounselor's behavior is influenced by the phenomenon, whichstatement would he most likely make when conducting a careercounseling session with a female client who wants to advance toa higher position?a. "Your ability to advance in the corporate world is generallybased on your mother's attitude toward work. Canyou tell me a little about that?"b. "Actually, women can advance quite rapidly in the corporateworld. I support you 100%. I'd say you should beoptimistic and go for the position."c. "Let's be rational: A woman can only advance so far. Youreally have very little if any chance of becoming a corporateexecutive. I'm here to help you cope with this reality."d. "In most cases a female will work in a position that is atthe same level as her father. Did your dad ever work as acorporate executive?

c. "Let's be rational: A woman can only advance so far. Youreally have very little if any chance of becoming a corporateexecutive. I'm here to help you cope with this reality."

A career counselor is using a test for job selection purposes. An acceptable reliability coefficient would be _______ or higher.a. .20.b. .55.c. .80.d. .70.

c. .80.

In constructing a test you notice that all 75 people correctly answereditem number 12. This gives you an item difficulty ofa. 1.2.b. .75.c. 1.0.d. 0.0.

c. 1.0.

Holland's artistic type seems to value feelings over pure intellector cognitive ability. Which of the following clients would not bebest described via the artistic typology?a. A 72-year-old part-time male ballet instructor.b. A 29-year-old female fiction writer.c. A 33-year-old female drill press operator.d. A 41-year-old singer for a heavy metal rock band.

c. A 33-year-old female drill press operator.

The National Vocational Guidance Association was founded in1913. It was fused with other organizations in 1952 to becomea. the American Psychological Association.b. AACD.c. APGA.d. NASW.

c. APGA.

Lifestyle, birth order, and family constellation are emphasized bya. Freud.b. Jung.c. Adler.d. Thorne and Lazarus.

c. Adler.

_______ was a pioneer in the early history of family therapy.a. Carl Jung.b. David Wechsler.c. Alfred Adler.d. Franz Anton Mesmer.

c. Alfred Adler.

A counselor is conducting a screening for clients who wish toparticipate in a counseling group which will meet Tuesday nightsat his private practice offi ce. Which client would most likely bethe poorest choice for a group member?a. A shy librarian.b. An anxious salesman with no group experience.c. An extremely hostile and belligerent construction worker.d. A student with 16 hours toward her M.Ed in counseling.

c. An extremely hostile and belligerent construction worker.

The Black versus White IQ controversy was sparked mainly by a1969 article written by _______.a. John Ertl.b. Raymond B. Cattell.c. Arthur Jensen.d. Robert Williams

c. Arthur Jensen.

Pick the most accurate statementa. behavior therapies based on classical conditioning areused primarily with clients who have bipolar disorder.Lithium is no longer used.b. Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning aremuch more effective than CBT when treating mood disorders.c. Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning arecommonly used to treat phobias, but are also utilized forclients with obsessive-compulsive disorders or OCD.d. Behavior therapy is never based on classical conditioning

c. Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning arecommonly used to treat phobias, but are also utilized forclients with obsessive-compulsive disorders or OCD.c. Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning arecommonly used to treat phobias, but are also utilized forclients with obsessive-compulsive disorders or OCD.

Pick the most accurate statement.a. Brief solution-oriented therapy requires the use of a onewaymirror with a treatment team behind the mirror.b. Brief solution-oriented therapy does not utilize a treatmentteam behind a one-way mirror.c. Brief solution-oriented therapy sometimes uses a treatmentteam behind a one-way mirror, nevertheless, it isnot required.d. Brief solution-oriented therapy does not utilize paradoxicalinterventions.

c. Brief solution-oriented therapy sometimes uses a treatmentteam behind a one-way mirror, nevertheless, it isnot required.

Virginia Satir is considered a leading figure in experiential familytherapy. _______ is sometimes called the dean of experientialfamily therapy.a. Ludwig von Bertalanffy.b. Gregory Bateson.c. Carl Whitaker.d. Murray Bowen.

c. Carl Whitaker.

The decision-making theory, which refers to periods of anticipationand implementation/adjustment, was proposed bya. Crites.b. Holland.c. David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara.d. Super.

c. David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara.

A counselor who wanted to teach a client to produce alpha wavesfor relaxation would utilizea. EMG feedback.b. GSR feedback.c. EEG feedback.d. EKG feedback.

c. EEG feedback.

A counselor discovered that a client became nervous and oftenexperienced panic attacks when she would tense her frontalis muscle over her eyes. The counselor wanted direct muscle feedback and thus would rely ona. the Jacobson relaxation method.b. GSR feedback.c. EMG feedback.d. a simple yet effective mood ring.

c. EMG feedback.

A counselor has an answering machine in her offi e. Whichstatement most accurately depicts the ethical guidelines related to this situation.a. Ethical guidelines forbid the use of answering machines.b. Ethical guidelines allow answering machines, but forbidspeaking with clients via a cell phone.c. Ethical guidelines allow answering machines, but expertsinsist that unauthorized staff should not be allowed tolisten or retrieve such messages.d. Ethical guidelines are clear that a pager should be usedrather than an answering machine.

c. Ethical guidelines allow answering machines, but expertsinsist that unauthorized staff should not be allowed tolisten or retrieve such messages.

A popular balance theory in social psychology is _______ cognitivedissonance theory.a. Dollard and Miller'sb. Crites and Roe'sc. Festinger'sd. Holland and Super's

c. Festinger's

_______ and _______ would say that regardless of culture, humans have an instinct to fight.a. Maslow; Rogersb. Ellis; Harperc. Freud; Lorenzd. Glasser; Rogers

c. Freud; Lorenz

The U.S. Employment Service created thea. ASVAB.b. DAT.c. GATB.d. SCII.

c. GATB.

Matt was diagnosed with somatization disorder which falls under the category of somatoform disorders. It safe to say thata. Matt is under 21.b. Matt has never had a physical exam.c. His symptoms have lasted over six months and his conditionmanifested itself prior to age 30.d. Matt's only complaint is his back pain.

c. His symptoms have lasted over six months and his conditionmanifested itself prior to age 30.

Imprinting is an instinct in which a newborn will follow a movingobject. The primary work in this area was done bya. Erik Erikson.b. Milton H. Erickson.c. Konrad Lorenz.d. Harry Harlow.

c. Konrad Lorenz.

_______ expanded on Piaget's conceptualization of moral development.a. Erik Eriksonb. The Russian psychologist Lev Vygotskyc. Lawrence Kohlbergd. John B. Watson

c. Lawrence Kohlberg

John B. Watson's name is associated witha. Little Hans.b. Anna O.c. Little Albert.d. b and c.

c. Little Albert.

A counselor is working with a family who just lost everything ina fire. The counselor will ideally focus ona. Maslow's higher-order needs, such as self-actualization.b. building accurate empathy of family members.c. Maslow's lower-order needs, such as physiological andsafety needs.d. The identifi ed patient.

c. Maslow's lower-order needs, such as physiological andsafety needs.

The first studies, which demonstrated that animals could indeedbe conditioned to control autonomic processes, were conductedbya. E. Thorndike.b. Joseph Wolpe.c. Neal Miller.

c. Neal Miller.

In transactional analysis, the _______ is the conscience, or egostate concerned with moral behavior, while in Freudian theory itis the _______.a. Adult; unconscious.b. Parent; ego.c. Parent; superego.d. Parent; id.

c. Parent; superego.

A popular TWA career counseling model by Renee V. Dawisand Lloyd Lofquist uses the abbreviation PEC. This stands fora. Person Emotion Consequence.b. Person Education Consequence.c. Person Environment Correspondence.d. Person Environment Consequence.

c. Person Environment Correspondence.

A preschool child's concept of causality is said to be animistic. This means the child attributes human characteristics to inanimate objects. Thus, the child may fantasize that an automobile or a rock is talking to him. This concept is best related toa. Carl Jung's concepts of anima, animus.b. Freud's wish fulfillment.c. Piaget's preoperational period, age 2 to 7 years.d. ego identity.

c. Piaget's preoperational period, age 2 to 7 years.

_______ is like looking in a mirror but thinking you are lookingout a window.a. Repression.b. Sour grapes rationalization.c. Projection.d. Denial.

c. Projection.

Which statement is true of families?a. The divorce rate has decreased markedly in the last severalyears.b. Remarriage today is uncommon.c. Remarriage today is common.d. The divorce rate in the United States hovers at about10%.

c. Remarriage today is common.

_______ believe that aggression is learned. Thus, a child whowitnesses aggressive behavior in adults may imitate the aggressivebehavior.a. Instinct theoristsb. Innate aggression theoristsc. Social learning theoristsd. Followers of Erik Erikson

c. Social learning theorists

Freud's theory speaks of Eros and Thanatos. A client who threatensa self-destructive act is being ruled primarily bya. Eros.b. Eros and the id.c. Thanatos.d. both Eros and Thanatos.

c. Thanatos.

Which statement is not true of the trait-and-factor approach to career counseling?a. The approach attempts to match the person's traits withthe requirements of a job.b. The approach usually relies on psychometric information.c. The approach is developmental and thus focuses on careermaturity.d. The approach is associated with the work of Parsons andWilliamson.

c. The approach is developmental and thus focuses on careermaturity.

A researcher wants to prove that structural family therapy is themost effective modality. She conducted a study a year ago using a significance level of .05. Several colleagues felt her significance level needed to come down. She thus ran the same basic experiment again with new people using a significance level of .01. Her chances of making a Type I error or so-called alpha error went down. Now assume you compare her new researchwith her old research. What could you say about the possibility that her results will indicate that structural family therapy was not significantly different when in reality it truly is significant?a. Statistically, nothing.b. The chance of this occurring will go down when comparedto the first experiment.c. The chance of this occurring increases when comparedto the first experiment.d. It would totally depend on the sample size.

c. The chance of this occurring increases when comparedto the first experiment.

A counseling test consists of 300 forced response items. The persontaking the test can take as long as he or she wants to answerthe questions.a. This is most likely a projective measure.b. This is most likely a speed test.c. This is most likely a power test.d. This is most likely an invalid measure.

c. This is most likely a power test.

A new IQ test has a standard error of measurement of 3. Tomscores 106 on the test. If he takes the test a lot, we can predictthat about 68% of the timea. Tom will score between 100 and 103.b. Tom will score between 100 and 106.c. Tom will score between 103 and 109.d. Tom will score higher than Betty who scored 139.

c. Tom will score between 103 and 109.

Before _______ child psychologists studied the child, sociologists studied the family, anthropologists studied society, economists analyzed the economic framework, and political scientists investigated the political structure.a. James W. Fowler.b. Daniel Levinson.c. Urie Bronfrenbrenner.d. Nancy Chodorow.

c. Urie Bronfrenbrenner.

In terms of the previous question:a. A certified public accountant or CPA would be preferableto a mental health professional such as Dr. Kline touse as a custodian for the records.b. An attorney would make the best custodian for the records.c. Using a mental health professional on staff or at anotherfacility is preferable to using a lawyer or a CPA.d. A CPA, an attorney, or a mental health professional wouldbe an excellent choice.

c. Using a mental health professional on staff or at anotherfacility is preferable to using a lawyer or a CPA.

Which is more important, validity or reliability?a. Reliability.b. They are equally important.c. Validity.d. It depends on the test in question.

c. Validity.

Jay Haley believes in giving clients directives. You are counseling a family and during the session the 14-year-old daughter exclaims that she is suicidal. The best example of a directive would bea. You turn to the 14-year-old daughter and say, "You seemto be saying that living is too painful."b. You turn to the 14-year-old daughter and say, "Could itbe that you want to hurt yourself because your boyfriendno longer wishes to see you?"c. You turn to the family and say, "If your daughter threatenssuicide this week I want the entire family—includingyour daughter—to stay home and nobody leaves for theday."d. You turn to the family and say, "Could this be a familyproblem rather than a diffi culty for your daughter?"

c. You turn to the family and say, "If your daughter threatenssuicide this week I want the entire family—includingyour daughter—to stay home and nobody leaves for theday."

590. A displaced homemaker might have grown children ora. be widowed and seeking employment.b. be divorced and seeking employment.c. a and b.d. none of the above.

c. a and b.

An adept group leader willa. attempt to safeguard clients against risks.b. work to reduce risks and dangers.c. a and b.d. let the group handle the dangers on their own.

c. a and b.

Cohesiveness, or group unity, is desirable. It promotes bondingand a sense of "we-ness" between group members. When cohesivenessis strong, nevertheless, it also can be negative asa. it can stunt creativity.b. it can abet conformity.c. a and b.d. it can cause the group to split into factions.

c. a and b.

Freud's Oedipus Complexa. is the stage in which fantasies of sexual relations with the opposite-sex parent occurs.b. occurs during the phallic stage.c. a and b.d. is a concept Freud ultimately eliminated from his theory.

c. a and b.

Millie has a panic attack whenever she drives across a bridge. She hasa. situationally bound panic attacks.b. cued panic attacks.c. a and b.d. predisposed panic attacks.

c. a and b.

Piaget's final stage is known as the formal operational stage. In this stagea. abstract thinking emerges.b. problems can be solved using deduction.c. a and b.d. the child has mastered abstract thinking but still feels helpless.

c. a and b.

SIGI Plus isa. an achievement test.b. a personality test used in career counseling.c. a computer career program known as the System of InteractiveGuidance and Information that allows students toconduct a self-assessment and explore career options.d. a computerized projective test for career counseling.

c. a computer career program known as the System of InteractiveGuidance and Information that allows students toconduct a self-assessment and explore career options.

Bowen popularized a three-generational pictorial diagram as a therapy tool. This is known asa. an histogram.b. a sociogram.c. a genogram.d. family sculpting.

c. a genogram.

A life script is actuallya. an ulterior transaction.b. an ego state.c. a life drama or plot.d. a series of parallel transactions.

c. a life drama or plot.

One distinct disadvantage of an open group is thata. new members are not accepted after the first meeting.b. the leader does not control the screening process.c. a member who begins after the first meeting has missedinformation or experiences.d. the group is generally too behavioristic for depth therapyto occur.

c. a member who begins after the first meeting has missedinformation or experiences.

A reliability coefficient of 1.00 indicatesa. a lot of variance in the test.b. a score with a high level of error.c. a perfect score which has no error.d. a typical correlation on most psychological and counselingtests.

c. a perfect score which has no error.

A researcher takes a group of clients and gives them a depressioninventory. He then provides each client with two sessionsof brief solution-oriented therapy and gives them the same depression inventory. A t test is used to compare the two sets ofscores on the same people (i.e., the before and after measuresof depression). This would bea. a between-groups design.b. a correlation coefficient.c. a related measures within-subject design.d. survey research.

c. a related measures within-subject design.

When a counselor reads the journals in this field, it becomesevident thata. group counseling has more research than individual counseling.b. researchers and practitioners are working very closely toprovide accurate and effective group strategies.c. a researcher/practitioner split exists in group work.d. no journals focus solely on group work.

c. a researcher/practitioner split exists in group work.

Group therapy initially flourished in the United States due toa. Freud's lectures in this country.b. a shortage of competent career counselors.c. a shortage of individual therapists during World War II.d. pressure from nondirective therapists pushing encountergroups.

c. a shortage of individual therapists during World War II.

Tests are often classified as speed tests versus power tests. Atimed typing test used to hire secretaries would bea. a power test.b. neither a speed test nor a power test.c. a speed test.d. a fine example of an ipsative measure.

c. a speed test.

Piaget isa. a maturationist.b. a behaviorist.c. a structuralist who believes stage changes are qualitative.d. cognitive-behavioral.

c. a structuralist who believes stage changes are qualitative.

When a counselor refers to a counseling paradigm, she reallymeansa. she is nondirective.b. she is very directive.c. a treatment model.d. she is not a depth psychologist.

c. a treatment model.

In the Gelatt Model the predictive system deals witha. personal likes, dislikes, and preferences.b. personal rules.c. alternatives and the probability of outcomes.d. the self-directed search.

c. alternatives and the probability of outcomes.

John Bowlby's name is most closely associated witha. the work of psychologist and pediatrician, Arnold Gesell, a maturationist.b. developmental stage theories.c. bonding and attachment.d. the unconscious mind.

c. bonding and attachment.

Ellis feels that _______ is at the core of emotional disturbance.a. a trauma before age 5b. a current traumatic activating eventc. irrational thinking at point Bd. repression of key feelings

c. irrational thinking at point B

Urie Bronfenbrenner is one of the codevelopers of the NationalHead Start Program. He proposed a theory of development that isa. essentially the same as Piaget's constructivism.b. almost identical to Watson's behaviorism.c. an ecological systems theory that stresses the microsystem(any immediate or close relationships or organizationsthe child interacts with); the mesosystem (the waymicrosystems work together such as family and school);the exosystem (i.e., the school, church, neighborhood,parents' places of employment, in essence other placesthe child interacts with but not as often); and the macrosystem(i.e., the largest and most remote system whichincludes, culture, wars, the federal government, and customs).d. based on 12 discrete stages.

c. an ecological systems theory that stresses the microsystem(any immediate or close relationships or organizationsthe child interacts with); the mesosystem (the waymicrosystems work together such as family and school);the exosystem (i.e., the school, church, neighborhood,parents' places of employment, in essence other placesthe child interacts with but not as often); and the macrosystem(i.e., the largest and most remote system whichincludes, culture, wars, the federal government, and customs).

An interest inventory would be least valid when used witha. a first-year college student majoring in philosophy.b. a third-year college student majoring in physics.c. an eighth-grade male with an IQ of 136.d. a 46-year-old White male construction worker.

c. an eighth-grade male with an IQ of 136.

Your client, who is in an outpatient hospital program, is keepinga journal of irrational thoughts. This would bea. an unethical practice based on NBCC ethical guidelines.b. considered a standardized test.c. an informal assessment technique.d. an aptitude measure.

c. an informal assessment technique.

A group member who insists on asking other members inappropriatequestions is known as a Peeping Tom ora. an energizer.b. a scapegoat.c. an interrogator.d. a follower.

c. an interrogator.

Jung felt that society caused men to deny their feminine sideknown as _______ and women to deny their masculine sideknown as _______.a. Eros; Thanatosb. animus; animac. anima; animusd. yin; yang

c. anima; animus

The Harlow experiments utilizing monkeys demonstrated that animals placed in isolation during the first few months of lifea. still developed in a normal fashion.b. still related very well with animals reared normally.c. appeared to be abnormal and autistic.d. were fixated in concrete operational thought patterns.

c. appeared to be abnormal and autistic.

The initial group stage has been called forming, orientation, orthe preaffiliation stage. This stage is characterized bya. avoidance-avoidance conflicts.b. a tendency for members to compete with the leader forpower.c. approach-avoidance behavior.d. members working on the interpretation of unconsciousbehavior.

c. approach-avoidance behavior.

At its zenith the DOT listeda. approximately 10,000 job titles.b. nearly 5,000 job titles.c. approximately 30,000 job titles.d. nearly 100,000 job titles.

c. approximately 30,000 job titles.

Elementary school counseling and guidance servicesa. have been popular since the early 1900s.b. became popular during World War II.c. are a fairly new development which did not begin to gainmomentum until the 1960s.d. none of the above.

c. are a fairly new development which did not begin to gainmomentum until the 1960s.

Approximately 40% of all elementary schools have shortenedrecess or student playtime. Counselorsa. are excited about this change because U.S. children arebehind other countries academically and thus need morestudy time.b. believe the change will actually have little or no impacton the children.c. are concerned because some research indicates that recesscan have a positive impact since children are lessfi dgety on days when they have recess; especially if theyare hyperactive.d. are not concerned as boys have better concentration ondays when they do not have recess.

c. are concerned because some research indicates that recesscan have a positive impact since children are lessfi dgety on days when they have recess; especially if theyare hyperactive.

In a healthy group, membersa. assume a role and never change it.b. have no roles.c. are flexible and can change roles.d. spend a great deal of time practicing role reversal.

c. are flexible and can change roles.

An eclectic counselora. is analytic.b. is behavioristic.c. attempts to choose the best theoretical approach based on the client's attributes, resources, and situation.d. insists on including all family members in the treatment.

c. attempts to choose the best theoretical approach based on the client's attributes, resources, and situation.

When a person has two negative alternatives, it is called ana. approach-approach conflict.b. approach vector.c. avoidance-avoidance conflict.d. avoidance cohesiveness.

c. avoidance-avoidance conflict.

Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choicea. based on cognitive-behavioral therapy.b. based on a model of strict operant conditioning.c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconsciousneed.d. based on the work of Pavlov.

c. based on the premise that a job satisfies an unconsciousneed.

Allen E. Ivey has postulated three types of empathy—a. positive, negative regard, and cognitive.b. reflective, micro-empathy, and forced choice.c. basic, subtractive, and additive.d. micro-empathy, basic, and level 8 empathy.

c. basic, subtractive, and additive.

In Freudian theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologistsa. emphasize id processes.b. refute the concept of the superego.c. believe in man's powers of reasoning to control behavior.d. are sometimes known as radical behaviorists.

c. believe in man's powers of reasoning to control behavior.

Our culture is more diverse than in the past. Multicultural counselorsoften work with persons who are culturally different. This means the clienta. is culturally biased.b. suffers from the diagnosis of cultural relativity.c. belongs to a different culture from the helper.d. presents problems which deal only with culturally chargedissues.

c. belongs to a different culture from the helper.

A leader who wishes to stop inappropriate discussion should relyona. summarization.b. clarifi cation.c. blocking.d. liking.

c. blocking.

IQ meansa. a query of intelligence.b. indication of intelligence.c. intelligence quotient.d. intelligence questions for test construction.

c. intelligence quotient.

The new ACA 2005 Code of Ethics forbids sexual or romanticcounselor-client interactions or relationships with currentclients, as did the old code. The old 1995 Code stipulated thata counselor would need to wait two years after termination beforeentering into a romantic relationship with a former client.The new regulationsa. are virtually identical in this area.b. changed 2 years to 10 years.c. changed 2 years to 5 years.d. changed 2 years to just 1 year.

c. changed 2 years to 5 years.

A group therapist is constructing a diagram to better understandthe dynamics between subgroups and members. This is calleda. sculpturing.b. ego state analysis.c. charting a pictorial sociogram.d. charting the variance.

c. charting a pictorial sociogram.

An African-American client tells a Caucasian counselor that things are "bad" though she literally means something is good.The counselor's misunderstanding could best be described as aa. client of color error.b. cognitive dissonance error.c. connotative error.d. confounding variable.

c. connotative error.

A reinforcement schedule gives the guidelines or rules for reinforcement.If a reinforcer is given every time a desired response occurs, it is known asa. an intermittent schedule.b. an extinction schedule.c. continuous reinforcement.d. thinning.

c. continuous reinforcement.

A TA counselor and a strict behaviorist are both in the samecase conference to staff a client. Which technique would the twomost likely agree on when formulating a plan of action?a. the empty chair technique.b. an ego state analysis.c. contracting.d. formal assertiveness training.

c. contracting.

A counselor advises a female to steer clear of police work as hefeels this is a male occupation. This suggestsa. positive transference.b. negative transference.c. counselor bias based on gender bias.d. sex wage discrimination.

c. counselor bias based on gender bias.

A 72-year-old woman you are counseling in a family remindsyou of your mother and this is bringing up unresolved childhoodissues for you as the counselor. This is an example ofa. positive transference.b. negative transference.c. countertransference.d. ambivalent transference.

c. countertransference.

A counselor who is obsessed with the fact that a client missed hisor her session is the victim ofa. cognitive dissonance.b. transference.c. countertransference.d. positive transference.

c. countertransference.

A counselor has an obese client imagine that he is terribly sickafter eating a high-caloric, high-fat meal. The client then imaginesa pleasant scene in which his eating is desirable. This techniqueis calleda. behavioral rehearsal.b. in vivo sensitization.c. covert sensitization.d. in vivo desensitization.

c. covert sensitization.

A family counselor treats an Asian-American family exactly like he treats the Hispanic families in his caseload. He also imposes values from his own culture on them. This counselor has been described in the literature asa. culturally sensitive.b. lacking cultural sensitivity.c. culturally encapsulated, a term suggested by counselingpioneer Gilbert Wrenn.d. b and c.

c. culturally encapsulated, a term suggested by counselingpioneer Gilbert Wrenn.

Culture is really a set of rules, procedures, ideas, and values shared by members of a society. Culture is said to be normative. This implies thata. one culture will have norms which differ only slightlyfrom another.b. culture excludes customs.c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.d. culture is never socially learned.

c. culture provides individuals with standards of conduct.

Punishmenta. is the same as negative reinforcement.b. is much more effective than reinforcement.c. decreases the probability that a behavior will occur.d. is used extensively in reality therapy.

c. decreases the probability that a behavior will occur.

A true/false test has _______ recognition items.a. similar.b. free choice.c. dichotomous.d. no.

c. dichotomous.

Most experts would agree that the Wechsler IQ tests gainedpopularity, as the Bineta. must be administered in a group.b. favored the geriatric population.c. didn't seem to be the best test for adults.d. was biased toward women.

c. didn't seem to be the best test for adults.

Simon and Binet pioneered the first IQ test around 1905. The test was created toa. assess high school seniors in America.b. assess U.S. military recruits.c. discriminate normal from retarded Parisian children.d. measure genius in the college population.

c. discriminate normal from retarded Parisian children.

The ABC theory of personality postulates that the interventionthat occurs at D, _______ leads to E, _______.a. the dogmatic attitude; effective behaviorb. direct living; evaluationc. disputing the irrational behavior at B; a new emotionalconsequenced. the emotional disease; a new emotional consequence

c. disputing the irrational behavior at B; a new emotionalconsequence

In terms of leisure time and dual-career familiesa. dual-career families have more leisure time.b. dual-career families have the same amount of leisure timeas families with one wage earner.c. dual-career families have less leisure time.d. dual-career families have more weekend leisure time.

c. dual-career families have less leisure time.

Construct validity refers to the extent that a test measures anabstract trait or psychological notion. An example would bea. height.b. weight.c. ego strength.d. the ability to name all men who have served as U.S. presidents.

c. ego strength.

The human relations core for effective counseling includesa. power, competence, and trustworthiness.b. expertise, attractiveness, and trustworthiness.c. empathy, positive regard (or respect), and genuineness.d. self-image, self-talk, and attending behavior.

c. empathy, positive regard (or respect), and genuineness.

Theorists who believe that development merely consists of quantitative changes are referred to asa. organismic theorists.b. statistical developmentalists.c. empiricists.d. all of the above.

c. empiricists.

The Eriksonian stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person isa. actually the major theme in all of Erikson's eight stages.b. generativity versus stagnation—ages 35 to 60.c. intimacy versus isolation—ages 23 to 34.d. a critical factor Erikson fails to mention.

c. intimacy versus isolation—ages 23 to 34.

A family is seeing a structural family therapist because there is a huge argument every time the subject of the 16-year-old daughter's boyfriend comes up. The therapist says, "Okay, I want you to play like you are at home and act out precisely what transpires when the subject of your daughter's boyfriend is mentioned." The structural family therapist is using a technique calleda. joining.b. reframing (defi ned as an alternative way of describing orperceiving an event).c. enactment.d. cognitive disputation.

c. enactment.

Holland's theory would predict that the vice president of theUnited States would bea. artistic.b. social.c. enterprisingd. realistic.

c. enterprising

A practicum supervisor who says to his or her supervisee, "Youcan deal with your Asian-American clients the same as you dealwith anybody else," is espousing thea. emic viewpoint.b. alloplastic viewpoint.c. etic viewpoint, derived from the term phonetic referringto sounds that remain the same in any language.d. autoplastic viewpoint.

c. etic viewpoint, derived from the term phonetic referringto sounds that remain the same in any language.

The statement, "All humans, from all cultures, all races, and allnations, are more alike than different," is based on thea. emic viewpoint.b. alloplastic viewpoint.c. etic viewpoint.d. autoplastic viewpoint.

c. etic viewpoint.

The fastest growing clientele for professional counselors arepersonsa. experiencing bipolar disorder.b. experiencing suicidal ideation.c. experiencing marriage and family problems.d. who abuse their children.

c. experiencing marriage and family problems.

In one experiment, a dog was conditioned to salivate to a bellpaired with a fast-food cheeseburger. The researcher then keptringing the bell without giving the dog the cheeseburger. This isknown asa. instrumental learning via shaping.b. positive reinforcement.c. extinction, and the salivation will disappear.d. negative reinforcement.

c. extinction, and the salivation will disappear.

Ritualistic behaviors, which are common to all members of a species, are known asa. hysteria.b. pica.c. fixed-action patterns elicited by sign stimuli.d. dysfunctional repetition.

c. fixed-action patterns

Eric Berne created transactional analysis (TA). The model waspopularized via his books Games People Play and What Do YouSay After You Say Hello? TA therapists are most likely to incorporate_______ in the treatment process.a. Meichenbaum's self-instructional therapyb. reality therapyc. gestalt therapyd. vegotherapy

c. gestalt therapy

The study of group operations is often calleda. group desensitization.b. the hot seat technique.c. group dynamics.d. structuring the group.

c. group dynamics.

Kohlberg's highest level of morality is termed postconventional morality. Here the individuala. must truly contend with psychosexual urges.b. has the so-called "good boy/good girl" orientation.c. has self-imposed morals and ethics.d. a and b.

c. has self-imposed morals and ethics.

A group leader who wishes to assess the impact of the group ideallywoulda. hand out a written evaluation form during the final session.b. hold a follow-up session so members can share experiences.c. have an outside "observer" sit in during group sessionsand consequently rate the level of behavioral change.d. give each member a pretest and a posttest utilizing a projectivemeasure.

c. have an outside "observer" sit in during group sessionsand consequently rate the level of behavioral change.

Most research would suggest that a woman who has the sameintelligence, skills, and potential as a man will oftena. make the same job choice as a man.b. choose a supervisory position more often than a man.c. have lower career aspirations than a man.d. choose a career well above her ability level.

c. have lower career aspirations than a man.

Most individuals believe that people whom they perceive as attractivea. are nonassertive.b. are aggressive.c. have other positive traits.d. are socially adept but not very intelligent.

c. have other positive traits.

In the United States, middle- and upper-class citizens seem towant a counselor whoa. will give them "a good talking to."b. gives a specifi c and steady stream of advice.c. helps them work it out on their own.d. is highly authoritarian and autocratic.

c. helps them work it out on their own.

Prior to the 1960s most counseling took placea. in a group setting.b. with the entire family present.c. in a dyadic relationship.d. in Behavior Therapy clinics.

c. in a dyadic relationship.

A wealth of research demonstrates thata. surprisingly enough, African Americans generally requestAsian counselors.b. surprisingly enough, Asians generally request African-American counselors.c. in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background.d. in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the samerace, yet a different culture.

c. in most instances, clients prefer a counselor of the same race and a similar cultural background.

Piaget's preoperational stagea. is the final stage, which includes abstract reasoning.b. includes mastering conservation.c. includes the acquisition of a symbolic schema.d. all of the above.

c. includes the acquisition of a symbolic schema.

Cloe Madanes insists that symptoms serve a function. A child, for example, sees that her mother is depressed. The daughter throws a glass cup to the floor to break it. This brings her mother out of the depressed state and makes her mother angry and powerful. This is known asa. symptom substitution.b. the perverse triangle.c. incongruous hierarchy.d. latency.

c. incongruous hierarchy.

A lesbian client wants to become heterosexual and asks for conversionor reparative therapy. You explain that you ethically donot believe in this form of intervention. She asks you to provideher a referral to a practitioner who will perform this type oftherapy. You shoulda. initially comply, since ethical counselors provide an appropriatereferral.b. initially comply, but you must provide her with at leastthree referrals.c. initially, tell the client you prefer not to refer her to atherapist who engages in this form of treatment. Discussthe potential harm and risks with the client emphasizingthat this is an unproven form of treatment.d. Initially, tell her to secure a consultation with a licensedphysician prior to making a referral.

c. initially, tell the client you prefer not to refer her to atherapist who engages in this form of treatment. Discussthe potential harm and risks with the client emphasizingthat this is an unproven form of treatment.

Whereas a culture is defined primarily via norms and values, a society differs from a culture in that a societya. is defined as a set of mores.b. has a distinct lack of norms.c. is a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a definitive territory.d. none of the above.

c. is a self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a definitive territory.

A counselor reading this book says, "I couldn't care less aboutpassing the NCE or licensing exam." Thisa. is displacement.b. is an attempt to reduce dissonance via consistent cognitions.c. is an attempt to reduce dissonance by denial, thus minimizingtension.d. is projection.

c. is an attempt to reduce dissonance by denial, thus minimizingtension.

The school psychometrician refers Katie to you for individualcounseling. She indicates that Katie's IQ is at the 50th percentile. Katie's IQa. is in the mentally retarded range.b. cannot be estimated based on this statistic.c. is approximately 100.d. is well above the norm for children her age.

c. is approximately 100.

The psychometrician calls you to tell you that she has anotherstudent who has an IQ that falls near the 84th percentile. Thisstudent's IQa. is somewhere in the gifted range, say 140.b. is most likely near 105.c. is approximately 115.d. is between 75 and 80.

c. is approximately 115.

The tendency to affiliate with othersa. is highest in the middle child.b. is highest in dysthymics.c. is highest in firstborns and only children,d. is based on hormonal output.

c. is highest in firstborns and only children,

The person who becomes overly reasonablea. practices excitation.b. cries a lot during therapy sessions.c. is likely to engage in the defense mechanism of intellectualization.d. has a high degree of emotion.

c. is likely to engage in the defense mechanism of intellectualization.

Early vocalization in infantsa. is more complex in African-American babies.b. is more complex in Caucasian babies.c. is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe.d. is the finest indicator of elementary school performance.

c. is nearly identical in all cultures around the globe.

Negative reinforcement requires the withdrawal of an aversive(negative) stimulus to increase the likelihood that a behavior willoccur. Negative reinforcement is not used as often as positivereinforcement anda. is really the same as punishment.b. effectively lowers the frequency of behavior in youngchildren.c. is not the same thing as punishment.d. is a psychodynamic conceptualization.

c. is not the same thing as punishment.

A group leader who utilizes an abundance of group exercises isa. probably not running an assertiveness training group.b. is running an unstructured group.c. is running a structured group.d. is invariably running a self-help group.

c. is running a structured group.

A 37-year-old Caucasian male states during a counseling sessionthat he is working as a clerk at Main Street Plumbing. This verbalizationdepicts the client'sa. career.b. lifestyle.c. job or position.d. occupation.

c. job or position.

The relationship that the therapist has with the client in realitytherapy isa. detached but very empathic.b. like that of a warm caring mother.c. like that of a friend who asks what is wrong.d. friendly, nevertheless punishment is used when it is appropriate.

c. like that of a friend who asks what is wrong.

A(n) _______ client would most likely have the most difficulty with self-disclosure when speaking to a Caucasian counselor.a. middle-class Caucasian femaleb. upper-class African-American femalec. lower-class African-American maled. upper-class Caucasian male

c. lower-class African-American male

Over 7,000 ACA members are now in private practice. The consensus among experts is thata. most private practitioners will not need to deal with managedcare.b. managed care companies are becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.c. managed care companies are becoming easier to workwith.d. ACA ethics now prohibit practitioners from being onmanaged care panels.

c. managed care companies are becoming easier to workwith.

Freud has been called the most significant theorist in the entire history of psychology. His greatest contribution was his conceptualization of the unconscious mind. Critics, however, contendthata. he was too concerned with the totem and the taboo.b. he failed to emphasize sex.c. many aspects of his theory are difficult to test from a scientific standpoint.d. he was pro female.

c. many aspects of his theory are difficult to test from a scientific standpoint.

Most counselors would agree thata. more preschool IQ testing is necessary.b. teachers need to give more personality tests.c. more public education is needed in the area of testing.d. the testing mystique has been beneficial to the generalpublic.

c. more public education is needed in the area of testing.

In regard to an individual's behavioral style or so-called modalorientation, Holland believed thata. every person has a pure or discrete orientation that fi tsperfectly into one of the six categories.b. occupational measures like the Strong Vocational are forthe most part useless.c. most people are not pure personality types and thus canbest be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic,Social, Investigative (RSI).d. a and b.

c. most people are not pure personality types and thus canbest be described by a distribution of types such as Realistic,Social, Investigative (RSI).

An exam has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20. Philhas a score of 90. His score would falla. at the 40th percentile.b. at the 5th stanine.c. near the 98th percentile and the 9th stanine.d. in the 6th stanine.

c. near the 98th percentile and the 9th stanine.

A Japanese client who was reluctant to look you in the eye duringher counseling session would most likely be displayinga. severe negative transference.b. positive transference.c. normal behavior within the context of her culture.d. ambivalent transference.

c. normal behavior within the context of her culture.

A reliable test is _______ valid.a. always.b. 90%.c. not always.d. 80%.

c. not always.

Critics assert that gestalt therapy is an affective treatment thata. often fails to emphasize the importance of dreams.b. ignores nonverbal behavior.c. often fails to emphasize cognitive concerns.d. uses the making the rounds technique that is not appropriatefor group work.

c. often fails to emphasize cognitive concerns.

The Solomon four-group is considered a true experimental design since each group is chosen via a random sample. When using this designa. all groups receive a pretest.b. there is no pretest.c. one control group receives a pre-test and one experimentalgroup receives a pretest; the other control group andexperimental group do not.d. there is no posttest.

c. one control group receives a pre-test and one experimentalgroup receives a pretest; the other control group andexperimental group do not.

A counselor who repeats what a client has stated in the counselor'sown words is usinga. contracting.b. confrontation.c. paraphrasing.d. parroting.

c. paraphrasing.

Gerald Corey, who has written extensively on group therapy, believes_______ is necessary for an effective group leader.a. a master's degree in guidance and counselingb. a doctorate in counselor educationc. participation in a therapeutic group and participation in aleader's group (even if the individual is well-educated andis licensed and certified)d. three credit hours in a graduate course in group theory

c. participation in a therapeutic group and participation in a leader's group (even if the individual is well-educated andis licensed and certified)

Both the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)are projective tests. The Rorschach uses 10 inkblot cards whilethe TAT usesa. a dozen inkblot cards.b. verbal and performance IQ scales.c. pictures.d. incomplete sentences.

c. pictures.

A family counselor notices that the husband in a blended familyis having obsessive sexual thoughts about a woman living down the street. A strict behaviorist would most likelya. analyze the man's dreams.b. have him chart the incidence of the behavior, but do littleelse.c. practice thought stopping.d. rely primarily on Joseph Wolpe's systematic desensitization.

c. practice thought stopping.

A couple tells a therapist using strategic family therapy that theyhave a quarrel at least once every evening. The therapist says, "Between now and the next time I see you I want you to have a serious quarrel at least twice every evening." This is an example ofa. relabeling, which is commonly used in this form of therapy.b. refraining, which is commonly used in this form of therapy.c. prescribing the symptom.d. a directive that is not paradoxical or a double bind.

c. prescribing the symptom.

In terms of research and the group leader's personality,a. extroverts are the most effective leaders.b. introverts are the most effective leaders.c. qualities such as flexibility, enthusiasm, and commonsense may be helpful to a very small degree.d. qualities such as fl exibility, enthusiasm, and commonsense have a tremendous positive impact.

c. qualities such as flexibility, enthusiasm, and commonsense may be helpful to a very small degree.

You are uncertain whether a test is intended for the populationserved by your not-for-profi t agency. The best method of researchingthis dilemma would be toa. contact a local APA clinical psychology graduate program.b. make a long distance call to the person who created thetest.c. read the test manual included with the test.d. give the test to six or more clients at random.

c. read the test manual included with the test.

Short answer tests and projective measures utilize free responseitems. The NCE and the CPCE uses forced choice or so-called_______ items.a. vague.b. subjective.c. recognition.d. numerical.

c. recognition.

You have impeccable training and experience as a counselingsupervisor. Now your brother fi nishes his master's degree incounseling and wants you to supervise him. According to ACAethics you shoulda. accept him as a supervisee since it will be beneficial tohim.b. cosupervise him with another colleague.c. refer him to a trusted colleague trained in supervisionwho is willing to take your brother.d. supervise him if it is for licensing, but not if it is forNCC.

c. refer him to a trusted colleague trained in supervisionwho is willing to take your brother.

A couple is having sexual problems that stem from anxiety.A marriage counselor who is a strict behaviorist would mostlikelya. dispute the couple's irrational thinking.b. prescribe thought stopping.c. rely on systematic desensitization procedures.d. rely primarily on paraphrasing and reflection.

c. rely on systematic desensitization procedures.

Suppression differs from repression in thata. suppression is stronger.b. repression only occurs in children.c. repression is automatic or involuntary.d. all of the above.

c. repression is automatic or involuntary.

According to gestalt therapists, a client who is angry at his wifefor leaving him, and who makes a suicide attempt would be engagingina. sublimation.b. a panic reaction.c. retroflection.d. repression.

c. retroflection.

A stimulus which accompanies a primary reinforcer takes on reinforcementproperties of its own. This is known asa. a primary reinforcer.b. covert processing.c. secondary reinforcement.d. SUDS.

c. secondary reinforcement.

Jean Piaget's theory has four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 isa. formal operations, concrete operations, preoperations, sensorimotor.b. formal operations, preoperations, concrete operations, sensorimotor.c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.d. concrete operations, sensorimotor, preoperations, formal operations.

c. sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal

The OOH contains approximately 800 job descriptions. Jobtrends suggest thata. less women will be employed.b. less minorities will be employed.c. service jobs will account for virtually all the job growth.d. jobs dealing with computers have peaked and will rapidlydecline.

c. service jobs will account for virtually all the job growth.

According to the foot-in-the-door technique, which has two distinctsteps, a counselor who needs to make a home visit to a resistant client's homea. should conduct the interview from the porch.b. should double-bind the client.c. should ask to come in the home.d. should exude accurate empathy, but never ask to enter the home.

c. should ask to come in the home.

Experts in the field of multicultural counseling feel that the counselor's traininga. must come from an APA-approved graduate program.b. must come from a CACREP-approved graduate program.c. should be broad and interdisciplinary.d. need not include REBT.

c. should be broad and interdisciplinary.

Self-efficacy theory is based on the work ofa. Roe.b. Holland.c. H. B. Gelatt.d. Albert Bandura.

d. Albert Bandura.

Two brothers begin screaming at each other during a family counseling session. The term that best describes the phenomenon isa. the primal scene.b. preconscious psychic processes.c. sibling rivalry.d. BASIC-ID.

c. sibling rivalry.

When counseling Asian-American families the best approachwould most likely bea. Nathan Ackerman's psychoanalytic approach.b. behavioral family therapy.c. solution focused/problem focused modalities.d. a, b, and c.Asian-American families also tend to use community resourceson their own once the therapist has given them the appropriateinformation.

c. solution focused/problem focused modalities.

A student tells a college counselor that he is not upset by a gradeof "F" in physical education that marred his fourth year perfect4.0 average, inasmuch as "straight A students are eggheads."This demonstratesa. introjection.b. reaction formation.c. sour grapes rationalization.d. sweet lemon rationalization.

c. sour grapes rationalization.

Several graduate students in counseling trained a poodle to salivateusing Pavlov's classical conditioning paradigm. One day the department chairman was driving across campus and honked his horn. Much to the chagrin of the students, the poodle elicited a salivation response. What had happened?a. experimental neurosis had obviously set in.b. extinction.c. stimulus generalization or what Pavlov termed irradiation.d. stimulus discrimination.

c. stimulus generalization or what Pavlov termed irradiation.

Studies indicate thata. students receive ample vocational guidance.b. most parents can provide appropriate vocational guidance.c. students want more vocational guidance than they receive.d. career days meet the vocational guidance needs of moststudents.

c. students want more vocational guidance than they receive.

Joseph Wolpe created systematic desensitization, a form of reciprocalinhibition based on counterconditioning. His strategyhas been used in individual and group settings. When using histechnique, the acronym SUDS stands fora. standard units of dysfunction.b. a given hierarchy of dysfunction.c. subjective units of distress scale.d. standard units of dysfunction scale.

c. subjective units of distress scale.

An aggressive male who becomes a professional boxer becausehe is sadistic is displayinga. suppression.b. rationalization.c. sublimation.d. displacement.

c. sublimation.

When development comes to a halt, counselors say that the clienta. has "learned helplessness" syndrome.b. suffers from a phobia.c. suffers from fixation.d. is displaying the risky shift phenomenon.

c. suffers from fixation.

A counselor who favors a behavioristic mode of career counselingwould most likelya. analyze dreams related to jobs and/or occupations.b. give the client a standardized career test.c. suggest a site visit to a work setting.d. a and b.

c. suggest a site visit to a work setting.

The 2005 ACA code addresses end-of-life issues since these issues are getting a high degree of social attention (e.g., the Oregon assisted suicide law and the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case). The new codea. finally takes a moral stance on abortion and gives counselorsa road map for dealing with this issue.b. suggests that counselors who are helping terminally illclients who are thinking of hastening their own deathmust break confidentiality.c. suggests that counselors who are helping terminally illclients who are thinking of hastening their own deathwould have the option of breaking or not breaking confidentiality.d. suggests that a counselor who morally refuses to assist aterminally ill client who wants to hasten her death (andhence, wishes to explore end-of-life options) is acting inan unethical manner.

c. suggests that counselors who are helping terminally illclients who are thinking of hastening their own deathwould have the option of breaking or not breaking confidentiality.

In the general populationa. the suicide rate is 2/100,000.b. suicide occurs at the beginning of a depressive episode, but rarely after the depression lifts.c. suicide rates tend to increase with age.d. b and c.

c. suicide rates tend to increase with age.

When a counselor reviews what has transpired in past counselingsessions he or she is usinga. paraphrasing.b. reflection.c. summarization.d. confrontation.

c. summarization.

In the 1940s the two organizations for group therapy were created:a. NASW and NBCC.b. ASGW and AAS.c. the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodramaand the American Group Psychotherapy Association.d. AACD and APA.

c. the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodramaand the American Group Psychotherapy Association.

In 1909 a landmark book entitled Choosing a Vocation was released.The book was written by Frank Parsons. Parsons hasbeen calleda. the Father of lifestyle.b. the Father of modern counseling.c. the Father of vocational guidance.d. the fourth force in counseling.

c. the Father of vocational guidance.

A counselor is told by his supervisor to measure the internal consistencyreliability (i.e., homogeneity) of a test but not to dividethe test in halves. The counselor would need to utilizea. the split-half method.b. the test-retest method.c. the Kuder-Richardson coeffi cients of equivalence.d. cross-validation.

c. the Kuder-Richardson coeffi cients of equivalence.

Some support for Roe's theory comes froma. the BDI.b. the WAIS-R.c. the Rorschach and the TAT.d. the gestalt therapy movement.

c. the Rorschach and the TAT.

Robert Kegan speaks of a "holding environment" in counseling in whicha. the client is urged to relive a traumatic experience in anencounter group.b. biofeedback training is highly recommended.c. the client can make meaning in the face of a crisis and canfind new direction.d. the activity of meaning making is discouraged.

c. the client can make meaning in the face of a crisis and canfind new direction.

In intercultural/multicultural counseling the term therapeutic surrender meansa. nothing—it is not a valid term.b. most therapists will give up in 16 sessions or less if progressis not evident.c. the client psychologically surrenders himself or herself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts.d. the therapist assumes a passive therapeutic stance.

c. the client psychologically surrenders himself or herself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts.

The first intelligence test was created bya. David Wechsler.b. J. P. Guilford.c. Francis Galton.d. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon.

d. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon.

A male client who hates his job is trying desperately to be theperfect father, husband, and family man. This phenomenon isbest described asa. the recency effect.b. the leniency/strictness bias.c. the compensatory effect.d. spillover.

c. the compensatory effect.

Genuineness, or congruence, is reallya. identical to concreteness.b. selective empathy.c. the counselor's ability to be himself or herself.d. an archaic Freudian notion.

c. the counselor's ability to be himself or herself.

When comparing the autocratic, democratic, and laissez fairestyles,a. the autocratic is the most desirable.b. the laissez faire is the most desirable.c. the democratic is the most desirable.d. there is no discernable difference in effectiveness.

c. the democratic is the most desirable

A mother insists on accompanying her 20-year-old daughter on a date. A structural therapist would assume thata. the family has clear boundaries.b. the family has rigid boundaries.c. the family has diffuse boundaries.d. the family supports individuation.

c. the family has diffuse boundaries.

A married couple brings their two children to counseling for behavioralproblems. The 14-year-old daughter stays out late andtheir 17-year-old son is using drugs. According to most marriageand family therapists the identified patient would bea. the 17-year-old son.b. the 14-year old-daughter.c. the family.d. both children.

c. the family.

Solution-Oriented therapy as practiced by William O'Hanlon,Insoo Kim Berg, Steve de Shazer, and Michelle Weiner Davis focuses primarily ona. the past.b. the present.c. the future.d. dream analysis.

c. the future.

A client would generally feel the most suspicious of others ina. the final stage of separation or termination.b. the intimacy stage.c. the group formation/exploratory stage.d. a group with coleadership, also known as cofacilitation.

c. the group formation/exploratory stage.

An SDS score will reveala. career aptitude.b. the personality via projective measures.c. the individual's three highest scores based on Holland'spersonality types.d. spillover personality tendencies.

c. the individual's three highest scores based on Holland'spersonality types.

During the course of a family session you discover that a manand his 14-year-old boy are putting pressure on mom to quit her job. Mom very much likes her work. In Haley's theory this set of dynamics would be calleda. reframing.b. equifinality.c. the perverse triangle.d. paradox.

c. the perverse triangle.

Existential counselors as well as Rogerian Person-Centeredcounselors adhere to what Buber called the I-Thou relationship,which asserts thata. the counselor is seen as a highly trained expert with answers.b. the relationship is vertical.c. the relationship is horizontal.d. empathy is not necessary.

c. the relationship is horizontal.

Everybody picks ona. the gatekeeper.b. the harmonizer, also known as the conciliator.c. the scapegoat.d. the storyteller, the intellectualizer, the attacker, and thejoker.

c. the scapegoat.

The most popular developmental career theorist is Donald Super.Super emphasizesa. id impulses.b. the critical parent.c. the self-concept.d. ego strength.

c. the self-concept.

Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflectsa. the work of Anne Roe.b. the work of Donald Super.c. the work of John Holland.d. the work of Jane Loevinger.

c. the work of John Holland.

One major criticism of interest inventories is thata. they have far too many questions.b. they are most appropriate for very young children.c. they emphasize professional positions and minimize bluecollarjobs.d. they favor female pursuits.

c. they emphasize professional positions and minimize bluecollarjobs.

Lawrence Kohlberg suggesteda. a single level of morality.b. two levels of morality.c. three levels of morality.d. preoperational thought as the basis for all morality.

c. three levels of morality.

The gestalt dialogue experiment generally utilizes the conceptsofa. behavioral self-control.b. choice theory.c. top dog, underdog, and the empty chair technique.d. the rehearsal experiment.

c. top dog, underdog, and the empty chair technique.

T-groups often stress ways employees can express themselves inan effective manner. The "T" in T-groups merely stands fora. techniques.b. taxonomy.c. training.d. testing.

c. training.

When a client projects feelings toward the therapist that he orshe originally had toward a signifi cant other, it is calleda. free association.b. insight.c. transference.d. resistance.

c. transference.

The statement, "Native Americans have a problem with alcoholism and suicide," isa. false.b. true as far as alcoholism is concerned, however, falsewhere suicide is concerned.c. true.d. true regarding the suicide rate, however, false regardingtheir use of alcoholic beverages.

c. true.

Sensorimotor is to Piaget as oral is to Freud, and as _______ is to Erikson.a. integrity versus despairb. Kohlbergc. trust versus mistrustd. play therapy

c. trust versus mistrust

Positive transference is to love as negative transference is to hostility,and as ambivalent transference is toa. anger.b. hate.c. uncertainty.d. admiration.

c. uncertainty.

An association that naturally exists, such as an animal salivatingwhen food is presented, is calleda. an operant.b. conditioned.c. unconditioned.d. acquisition period.

c. unconditioned.

Measures of central tendency are used to summarize data. Acounseling researcher wants to use a measure of central tendency which reacts to every score in the distribution. He willthusa. use the median, or middle score when the data areranked from lowest to highest. The median divides thedistribution in half since half the scores will fall above themedian, while half the scores will fall below the median.b. use the mode, which is the most frequently occurringscore or category.c. use the mean, which has been termed the arithmetic average.d. use the median or the mode.

c. use the mean, which has been termed the arithmetic average.

Which theorist would be most likely to say that aggression is an inborn tendency?a. Carl Rogersb. B. F. Skinnerc. Frank Parsons, the Father of Guidanced. Konrad Lorenz

d. Konrad Lorenz

A man says, "My life has been lousy for the past six months." Thecounselor replies, "Can you tell me specifi cally what has madelife so bad for the last six months?" The counselor isa. using interpretation.b. using summarization.c. using concreteness.d. using a depth psychology paradigm.

c. using concreteness.

The most critical factors in test selection area. the length of the test and the number of people who tookthe test in the norming process.b. horizontal versus vertical.c. validity and reliability.d. spiral versus cyclical format.

c. validity and reliability.

Murray Bowen is known for his work in intergenerational familytherapy. When Bowen refers to triangulation he meansa. that most people have three ego states (i.e., the Parent,the Adult, and the Child) in their personality.b. that most people have a personality structure composedof the id, the ego, and the superego.c. when a dyad (i.e., two individuals) is under stress a thirdperson is recruited to help stabilize the difficulty betweenthe original dyad. This could even be a child placed inthe middle of the conflict.d. therapy has three distinct phases.

c. when a dyad (i.e., two individuals) is under stress a thirdperson is recruited to help stabilize the difficulty betweenthe original dyad. This could even be a child placed inthe middle of the conflict.

In Freudian theory, attachment is a major factora. in the preconscious mind.b. in the mind of the child in latency.c. which evolves primarily during the oral age.d. a and b.

c. which evolves primarily during the oral age.

Roe spoke of three basic parenting styles: overprotective, avoidant,or acceptant. The result is that the childa. experiences neurosis or psychosis.b. will eventually have a lot of jobs or a lack of employment.c. will develop a personality which gravitates (i.e., moves)toward people or away from people.d. will suffer from depression in the work setting or will behighly motivated to succeed.

c. will develop a personality which gravitates (i.e., moves)toward people or away from people.

The group IQ test movement begana. in 1905.b. with the work of Binet.c. with the Army Alpha and Army Beta in World War I.d. with the AGCT in World War II.

c. with the Army Alpha and Army Beta in World War I.

In a cyclical testa. the items get progressively easier.b. the diffi culty of the items remains constant.c. you have several sections which are spiral in nature.d. the client must answer each question in a specifi ed periodof time.

c. you have several sections which are spiral in nature.

IQ stands for intelligence quotient, which is expressed bya. CA/MA × 100.b. CA/MA × 100.c. MA/CA × 50.d. MA/CA × 100.

d. MA/CA × 100.

In 1908, books by _______ helped to introduce social psychologyin America.a. Moreno and Yalomb. Holland and Roec. Barber and Salterd. McDougall and Ross

d. McDougall and Ross

Which statement made by a doctoral-level counselor is illustrativeof a leader focused on process rather than product?a. "Jim seems more relaxed today."b. "Sally seems a bit self-critical this evening."c. "I hear a lot of sadness in Betty's voice."d. "You wince whenever Jane raises her voice."

d. "You wince whenever Jane raises her voice."

You want to admit only 25% of all counselors to an advancedtraining program in psychodynamic group therapy. The item difficulty on the entrance exam for applicants would be best set ata. 0.0.b. .5 regardless of the admission requirement.c. 1.0.d. .25.

d. .25.

The same test is given to the same group of people using thetest-retest reliability method. The correlation between the fi rstand second administration is .70. The true variance (i.e., the percentageof shared variance or the level of the same thing measuredin both) isa. 70%.b. 100%.c. 50%.d. 49%.

d. 49%.

Most experts would agree that an effective adult counselinggroup has _______ members.a. 9 to 12.b. 3 to 5.c. 11 to 16.d. 5 or 6 to 8.

d. 5 or 6 to 8.

_______ would be an informal method of appraisal.a. IQ testing.b. Standardized personality testing.c. GRE scores.d. A checklist.

d. A checklist.

Which measure would yield the highest level of reliability?a. A TAT, projective test popular with psychodynamic helpers.b. The WAIS-III, a popular IQ test.c. The MMPI-2, a popular personality test.d. A very accurate scale.

d. A very accurate scale.

Which theorist's work has been classified as a preface to thegroup movement?a. Freud.b. Jung.c. Jessie B. Davis.d. Adler.

d. Adler.

Which statement is true regarding Native-American families?a. They are a very diverse group as they belong to over 500state-recognized tribes.b. Extended family and the tribe are very significant.c. A high percentage of children have been placed in fostercare homes, residential facilities, or adoption homes thatare non-Native American.d. All of the above are true.

d. All of the above are true.

The agency you work for insists that you diagnose every client. Since this is in violation of the new ACA ethics this would qualifyas "negative conditions." You could handle this bya. Meeting with your supervisor and executive director ofthe agency and discussing other ways to secure fundingthat go beyond DSM reimbursement.b. Advocate for the client by explaining to the insurancecompany asking for the diagnosis that in some cases it isbest that a diagnosis not be given. You could even teachthe client to advocate for herself by having her informthe insurance company that a diagnosis might not be inher best interest.c. Show your supervisor, executive director, or insurancecompany/managed care fi rm the actual ACA Code ofEthics so they can see it in writing that the code stipulatesthat "Counselors may refrain from making and/or reportinga diagnosis if they believe it would cause harm."d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

Lewis Termana. constructed the Wechsler tests.b. constructed the initial Binet prior to 1910.c. constructed the Rorschach.d. Americanized the Binet.

d. Americanized the Binet.

Which therapist was not instrumental in the early years of thesocial psychology movement?a. Freudb. Durkheimc. McDougalld. Berne

d. Berne

Roe recognized the role of the unconscious mind in terms of careerchoice. Another theorist who emphasized the unconsciousprocesses in this area of study wasa. Krumboltz.b. Parsons.c. Super.d. Bordin.

d. Bordin.

The sequence of object loss, which goes from protest to despair to detachment, best describes the work ofa. Freud.b. Adler on birth order.c. Erikson.d. Bowlby.

d. Bowlby.

Empathy and counselor effectiveness scales reflect the work ofa. Perls and Berne.b. Ellis and Harper.c. Frankl and May.d. Carkhuff and Gazda.

d. Carkhuff and Gazda.

The new ACA ethical guidelines stipulate that a counselor canrefrain from making a diagnosis if the counselor believes thediagnosis could harm the client or others.a. Therefore, a counselor could ethically diagnose all clientsas having an adjustment disorder to secure insurancesince this diagnosis is somewhat benign and notlikely to harm the client.b. A counselor could refrain from making an Axis I or anAxis II diagnosis if it is in the best interest of the client.c. A decision to refrain from making a diagnosis is ideallymade in collaboration with the client, although the counselorhas the fi nal say.d. Choices "b" and "c" are both correct.

d. Choices "b" and "c" are both correct.

Which theorist would most likely assert that EQ is more importantthan IQ?a. David Wechsler.b. Alfred Binet.c. Charles Spearman.d. Daniel Goleman.

d. Daniel Goleman.

_______ did research and concluded that intelligence was normallydistributed like height or weight and that it was primarilygenetic.a. Spearman.b. Guilford.c. Williamson.d. Francis Galton.

d. Francis Galton.

_______ was the first pioneer to focus heavily on sociocultural issues.a. Mark Savickas—a major fi gure in career counselingb. Alfred Adler—the Father of Individual Psychologyc. Maxie Maultsby—the Father of Rational Behavior Therapy(RBT)d. Frank Parsons—the Father of Guidance, who wrote Choosing a Vocation

d. Frank Parsons—the Father of Guidance, who wrote Choosing a Vocation

A counselor who says he or she practices depth psychology technicallybases his or her treatment ona. Pavlov's dogs.b. Mary Cover Jones.c. John B. Watson.d. Freud's topographic hypothesis.

d. Freud's topographic hypothesis.

Holland relied on a personality theory of career choice. Hoppock'stheory, based on the work of _______ is also considered apersonality approach.a. Donald Super.b. Robert Rosenthal.c. David Wechsler.d. Henry Murray.

d. Henry Murray.

In the United States, a frequent practice is to see a perfect stranger for therapy.a. This trend seems to be true in any area of the world.b. This is true for LPCs but not true for MSW therapists.c. This is true for LPCs and MSWs but not clinical psychologists.d. However, in other cultures it would not be the norm tosee a stranger and receive pay for providing help.

d. However, in other cultures it would not be the norm tosee a stranger and receive pay for providing help.

A correlation coefficient between variables X and Y is .60. If wesquare this figure we now have the coefficient of determinationor true common variance of 36%. What is the coeffi cientof nondetermination that shows unique rather than commonvariance?a. There is no such concept.b. You would subtract 36 from 100.c. It would still be 36%.d. It would be 64%.

d. It would be 64%.

Classical conditioning relates to the work ofa. E. G. Williamson.b. B. F. Skinner.c. Frankl.d. Ivan Pavlov.

d. Ivan Pavlov.

Nathan Ackerman is considered a famous psychoanalytic familytherapist; So area. Carl Rogers and Albert Ellis.b. Arnold Lazarus and Joseph Wolpe.c. William Glasser and Robert Wubbolding.d. James Framo and Robin Skynner.

d. James Framo and Robin Skynner.

The frustration-aggression theory is associated witha. Albert Ellis.b. Robert Havighurst, who created the idea of the developmental task concept.c. Eric Berne, the creator of transactional analysis (TA).d. John Dollard and Neal Miller.

d. John Dollard and Neal Miller.

The personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are associated with the work ofa. psychoanalysis.b. Freud.c. Adler.d. Jung.

d. Jung.

The terms introversion and extroversion are associated witha. psychoanalysis.b. Freud.c. Adler.d. Jung.

d. Jung.

Ken's supervisor told Ken to do a meta-analysis related to treatingchildren with sleep disorders.a. Ken can use a correlation coefficient.b. Ken can set up a true experiment with a control groupand an experimental group.c. Ken can use a single subject N = 1 intensive design.d. Ken will use statistics based on numerous studies to investigatethe issue.

d. Ken will use statistics based on numerous studies to investigatethe issue.

Narrative therapy (NT), which highlights stories in counseling,is associated with the work ofa. William O'Hanlon.b. William Glasser.c. Milton H. Erickson.d. Michael White, his wife Cheryl White, and DavidEpston.

d. Michael White, his wife Cheryl White, and DavidEpston.

Edmund Griffi th Williamson's work (or the so-called MinnesotaViewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments such as thea. Rorschach and the TAT.b. Binet and the Wechsler.c. BDI and the MMPI.d. Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales.

d. Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales.

As a private practice counselor your _______ would be mostimportant in terms of fi ling claims.a. graduate transcript.b. undergraduate and graduate transcript.c. NCC provider number.d. NPI number.

d. NPI number.

The theory of psychodynamic family counseling is primarily associated witha. William Glasser.b. Sigmund Freud.c. Virginia Satir and Carl Whitaker.d. Nathan Ackerman.

d. Nathan Ackerman.

A counselor wants to suggest an easy-to-read source for a clientin search of career information. The counselor should recommenda. DOT.b. SOC.c. SIC.d. OOH.

d. OOH.

A counselor who is interested in trends in the job market shouldconsult thea. State Department of Economic Regulation.b. SOC.c. SIC.d. OOH.

d. OOH.

Which counselor would most likely say that we choose a job tomeet our needs?a. Albert Ellis.b. John O. Crites.c. John Krumboltzd. Robert Hoppock.

d. Robert Hoppock.

Glasser's theory was popularized in educational circles after hewrotea. Choice Theory.b. The Interpretation of Dreams.c. Positive Addiction.d. Schools Without Failure.

d. Schools Without Failure.

_______ was a prime factor in the history of multicultural counseling.a. Frankl's experience in a concentration camp.b. Perl's use of the German concept of Gestalt.c. Freud's visits to the United States.d. The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. the Boardof Education, which outlawed public school segregation.

d. The 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. the Boardof Education, which outlawed public school segregation.

Which statement best depicts a major advantage of groupwork?a. Group work usually focuses on the here-and-now.b. Group work is always time limited.c. Group work is always superior for career counseling.d. The group setting is somewhat analogous to the communicationand interaction of everyday life.

d. The group setting is somewhat analogous to the communicationand interaction of everyday life.

In a counseling research study two groups of subjects took a testwith the same name. However, when they talked with each otherthey discovered that the questions were different. The researcherassured both groups that they were given the same test. Howis this possible?a. The researcher is not telling the truth. The groups couldnot possibly have taken the same test.b. The test was horizontal.c. The test was not a power test.d. The researcher gave parallel forms of the same test.

d. The researcher gave parallel forms of the same test.

All of these theorists could be associated with the analytic movementexcepta. Freud.b. Jung.c. Adler.d. Wolpe.

d. Wolpe.

A question on the NCE asks you to compute the coefficientof determination. You are given a correlation coefficient of .70.How would you mathematically accomplish this task?a. You would subtract .70 from a perfect correlation of1.00.b. You would multiply the mean of the population by .70.c. You would add .70 to a perfect correlation of 1.00.d. You would square the .70.

d. You would square the .70.

We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these individuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?a. a 19-year-old male college student.b. 23-year-old male drummer in a rock band.c. a 57-year old female stockbroker.d. a 13-year-old male middle school student.

d. a 13-year-old male middle school student.

The term reentry woman would best describea. a 32-year-old female police offi cer promoted to sergeant.b. a 22-year-old female teacher who becomes a school counselor.c. a 59-year-old female administrative assistant who switchedpositions for two years and will return to her job.d. a 29-year-old female who was babysitting in her home butis currently working at a fast-food restaurant.

d. a 29-year-old female who was babysitting in her home butis currently working at a fast-food restaurant.

A counselor who is genuinea. does not role-play someone he or she is not, so as to beaccepted by the client.b. does not change his or her true values from session to session.c. is not empathic.d. a and b.

d. a and b.

In Albert Ellis's rational-emotive behavior therapy, the client istaught to change cognitions, also known asa. self-talk.b. internal verbalizations.c. impulses.d. a and b.

d. a and b.

In general, behavior modifi cation strategies are based heavily on_______, while behavior therapy emphasizes _______.a. instrumental conditioning; classical conditioningb. Pavlovian principles; Skinnerian principlesc. Skinnerian principles; Pavlovian principlesd. a and c

d. a and c

A critical perioda. makes imprinting possible.b. emphasizes manifest dream content.c. signifies a special time when a behavior must be learnedor the behavior won't be learned at all.d. a and c.

d. a and c.

A mother hides a toy behind her back and a young child does not believe the toy exists anymore. The child has not mastereda. object permanence.b. reflexive response.c. representational thought.d. a and c.

d. a and c.

A person who lives by his or her individual conscience and universal ethical principlesa. has, according to Kohlberg, reached the highest stage of moral development.b. is in the preconventional level.c. is in the postconventional level of self-accepted moral principles.d. a and c.

d. a and c.

In the case of the individual who purchased the $20,000 watch,cognitive dissonance theory postulates thata. he or she might ignore positive information regardingother models and secure a lot of information regardingthe $20,000 platinum model.b. he or she might sell the $20,000 watch immediately followingthe purchase.c. he or she might focus heavily on negative information regardingrival models.d. a and c.

d. a and c.

The model Krumboltz suggested isa. a human capital theory.b. an accident theory of career development.c. a status attainment theory.d. a behavioristic model of career development.

d. a behavioristic model of career development.

Madanes advocates pretend techniques that are somewhat paradoxical. An example might bea. a child who has panic attacks pretends he has a mentalbullhorn in his head and shouts "stop."b. a child who has panic attacks pretends in his mind that atherapist is counseling him.c. a child who has panic attacks pretends his dad is a therapistduring the actual family therapy session.d. a child who has panic attacks pretends to have one duringthe session and the parents pretend to help him.

d. a child who has panic attacks pretends to have one duringthe session and the parents pretend to help him.

Person-centered counseling would prove least effective with:a. a bright verbal male.b. a bright verbal female.c. a graduate student who had a knowledge of phrenology.d. a client who is not very verbal.

d. a client who is not very verbal.

A classic experiment in social psychology was conducted by thesocial psychologist Muzafer Sherif et al. at the boys' summer camp near Robbers Cave, Oklahoma. The important finding inthis study was thata. most people cooperate in a social setting.b. competition plays a small role in most of our lives.c. a and b.d. a cooperative goal can bring two hostile groups together,thus reducing competition and enhancing cooperation.

d. a cooperative goal can bring two hostile groups together,thus reducing competition and enhancing cooperation.

A major limitation related to group work is thata. REBT cannot be utilized in group therapy.b. it is not really cost effective.c. gestalt therapy cannot be used in a group setting.d. a group leader can lose control and members could experienceemotional harm.

d. a group leader can lose control and members could experienceemotional harm.

Experts fi rmly believe that a common weakness in many groupsisa. setting too many goals.b. using a male and a female coleader.c. that the leader uses a democratic style.d. a lack of goal setting.

d. a lack of goal setting.

A word association test would be an example ofa. a neuropsychological test.b. a motoric test.c. an achievement test.d. a projective test.

d. a projective test.

The MMPI-2 isa. an IQ test.b. a neurological test.c. a projective personality test.d. a standardized personality test.

d. a standardized personality test.

Clients should know thata. validity is more important than reliability.b. projective tests favor psychodynamic theory.c. face validity is not that important.d. a test is merely a single source of data and not infallible.

d. a test is merely a single source of data and not infallible.

The Heinz story is to Kohlberg's theory asa. a brick is to a house.b. Freud is to Jung.c. the Menninger Clinic is to biofeedback.d. a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered.

d. a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered.

Gibson researched the matter of depth perception in children by utilizinga. Piaget's concept of conservation.b. Erik Erikson's trust versus mistrust paradigm.c. Piaget's formal operations.d. a visual cliff.

d. a visual cliff.

Some research suggests that very poor economic conditions correlatevery highly witha. passivity.b. nonassertive behavior.c. a and b.d. aggression.

d. aggression.

The placater is a people pleaser under stress while the blamera. will sacrifice others to feel good about himself.b. will often say "if it weren't for you...."c. will point the finger at others to avoid dealing with his orher own issues.d. all of the above are typical behaviors of the blamer.

d. all of the above are typical behaviors of the blamer.

A group hasa. a membership which can be defi ned.b. some degree of unity and interaction.c. a shared purpose.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

A group with more than one leader is said to utilize coleaders.Coleadership is desirable becausea. the group can go on even if one leader is absent.b. two leaders can focus on group dynamics better than oneleader.c. leaders can process their feelings between sessions.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

According to Public Law 93-380, also known as the BuckleyAmendment, a 19-year-old college student attending collegea. could view her record, which included test data.b. could view her daughter's infant IQ test given at preschool.c. could demand a correction she discovered while readinga file.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

America has been called the most diverse country on the face of our planet. Counseling a client from a different social and/orcultural background is known asa. cross-cultural counseling.b. multicultural counseling.c. intercultural counseling.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Coleadership, also referred to as cofacilitation, can be a disadvantagewhena. leaders are working against each other; this can fragmentthe group.b. leaders are intimate with each other.c. leaders question each other's competence.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Common archetypes includea. the persona—the mask or role we present to others tohide our true self.b. animus, anima, self.c. shadow—the mask behind the persona, which containsid-like material, denied, yet desired.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Culture refers toa. customs shared by a group which distinguish it from othergroups.b. values shared by a group that are learned from others inthe group.c. attitudes, beliefs, art, and language which characterizemembers of a group.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Erikson's middle age stage (ages 35-60) is known as generativity versus stagnation. Generativity refers toa. the ability to do creative work or raise a family.b. the opposite of stagnation.c. the productive ability to create a career, family, and leisuretime.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Feminist therapy criticizes traditional therapiesa. because they are androcentric (i.e., they use male viewsto analyze the personality).b. because they are gendercentric (i.e., they assume that there are two separate psychological developmental patterns—one for men and one for women).c. because they emphasize heterosexism and debase samesexrelationships.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Ginzberg and his colleagues now believe in a development modelof career choice which asserts thata. the process of choosing a career does not end at age 20 oradulthood.b. career choice decisions are really made throughout thelife span.c. career choice is reversible.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Hereditya. assumes the normal person has 23 pairs of chromo-somes.b. assumes that heredity characteristics are transmitted by chromosomes.c. assumes genes composed of DNA hold a genetic code.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

In a group, task rolesa. help solve problems.b. aid in terms of goal setting and keep the group focused.c. are seen as positive.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

In a traditional culture which places a high premium on authorityfigures,a. passivity on the part of the counselor would be viewed ina negative manner.b. a client would be disappointed if he or she did not receiveadvice.c. assigning homework and teaching on the part of the counselorwould be appropriate.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

In contrast with classical psychoanalysis, psychodynamic counselingor therapya. utilizes fewer sessions per week.b. does not utilize the couch.c. is performed face to face.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

In terms of research related to affiliationa. misery loves miserable company.b. firstborns are more likely to affiliate than other childrenborn later.c. people affiliate in an attempt to lower fear.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

In terms of trust and therapeutic surrender,a. it is easier to trust people from one's own culture.b. lower-class people often don't trust others from a highersocial class.c. lower-class clients may feel that they will end up as losersdealing with a counselor from a higher social class.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Lifestyle includesa. work.b. leisure.c. style of living.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

The Child ego state is like the little kid within. The child maymanifest itself asa. the Natural Child.b. the Adapted Child.c. the Little Professor.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

The Self-Directed Search (SDS) isa. based on the work of Holland and yields scores on his sixtypes.b. self-administered.c. self-scored and self-interpreted.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

The new ACA ethical requirement to have a transfer plan in writing would apply toa. a situation in which a counselor became disabled.b. a situation in which a counselor died.c. a situation where a counselor moved to another state.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

When comparing girls to boys, it could be noted thata. girls grow up to smile more.b. girls are using more feeling words by age 2.c. girls are better able to read people without verbal cues at any age.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

When counseling women a counselor can assume thata. a woman generally makes less money than a man for thesame job.b. most complaints against counselors for exploitation comefrom women complaining about male counselors.c. women are not as comfortable as men when they are involvedin competitive situationsd. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Your supervisor wants you to fi nd a new personality test for yourcounseling agency. You should reada. professional journals.b. the Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook.c. classic textbooks in the field as well as test materials producedby the testing company.d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

There are behavioral, structural, and maturational theories ofdevelopment. The maturational viewpoint utilizes the plant growth analogy, in which the mind is seen as being driven by instincts while the environment provides nourishment, thus placinglimits on development. Counselors who are maturationistsa. conduct therapy in the here-and-now.b. focus primarily on nonverbal behavior.c. believe group work is most effective.d. allow clients to work through early conflicts.

d. allow clients to work through early conflicts.

A group setting has a flexible seating arrangement in which clientsare free to sit wherever they wish. In this setting it is likelythata. an African-American client and a Caucasian leader wouldsit close together.b. a Hispanic client and an African-American leader wouldsit close together.c. an Asian-American client and an African-American leaderwould sit close together.d. an Asian-American leader and an Asian-American clientwould sit close together.

d. an Asian-American leader and an Asian-American clientwould sit close together.

The NCE isa. an intelligence test.b. an aptitude test.c. a personality test.d. an achievement test.

d. an achievement test.

Milgram discovered that normal people would administer seeminglyfatal electric shocks to others when instructions to do so were given by a person perceived asa. a peer.b. an equal.c. an individual from another culture.d. an authority figure.

d. an authority figure.

Jung spoke of a collective unconscious common to all men and women. The material that makes up the collective unconscious,which is passed from generation to generation, is known asa. a hierarchy of needs.b. instinctual.c. paradox.d. archetypes.

d. archetypes.

A screening for group members can be done in a group or privately.Although private screening interviews are not as costeffective or as time efficient, many group leaders feel they aresuperior inasmuch as private screening sessionsa. intensify transference.b. encourage catharsis.c. intensify abreaction.d. are generally superior in terms of counselor/client interaction.

d. are generally superior in terms of counselor/client interaction.

Carol Gilligan was critical of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral developmenta. as she felt it was too psychoanalytic.b. as she felt it was too behavioristic.c. as she felt it was not applicable to African Americans.d. as she felt it was more applicable to males than females.

d. as she felt it was more applicable to males than females.

An alcoholic is given Antabuse, which is a drug that causes nauseawhen paired with alcohol. This technique is calleda. systematic desensitization.b. biofeedback.c. back-up reinforcement.d. aversive conditioning.

d. aversive conditioning.

The trait-and-factor or actuarial approach asserts thata. job selection is a long-term development process.b. testing is an important part of the counseling process.c. a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriatejob.d. b and c.

d. b and c.

Which statement is true of African-American families?a. They are the largest minority in the United States.b. Fewer African Americans are getting married than at anytime in history and out-of wedlock births account for twoout of three first births to African-American women underthe age of 35.c. African Americans are less likely to be concerned aboutgender roles (e.g., men and women can cook meals orwork outside of the home).d. b and c.

d. b and c.

A counselor created an achievement test with a reliability coefficient of .82. The test is shortened since many clients felt it wastoo long. The counselor shortened the test but logically assumedthat the reliability coefficient would nowa. be approximately .88.b. remain at .82.c. be at least 10 points higher or lower.d. be lower than .82.

d. be lower than .82.

Group planning occursa. in the initial stage.b. in the stage after the transition or confl ict stage.c. in the fi nal stage, also known as the termination stage.d. before the group

d. before the group

A counselor who utilizes the term instinctual technically meansa. behavior results from unconscious aggression.b. women will show the behavior to a higher degree thanmen.c. a and b.d. behavior that manifests itself in all normal members of agiven species.

d. behavior that manifests itself in all normal members of agiven species.

A counselor suggests that her client join an assertiveness traininggroup. Most assertiveness training groups area. unstructured.b. psychodynamic or person-centered.c. focused heavily on existential concerns.d. behavioristic and highly structured.

d. behavioristic and highly structured.

Although behavior therapy purports to be highly scientifi c, ithas been criticized on the grounds that it is reductionistic, simplistic,and does not deal with underlying causes. Existentialtherapy, on the other hand, has been criticized fora. being too short-term.b. overemphasizing techniques.c. ignoring group strategies.d. being too vague regarding techniques and procedures.

d. being too vague regarding techniques and procedures.

The final group stage (also called the termination stage) is gearedtowarda. developing intimacy.b. working through power and control issues.c. exploration.d. breaking away.

d. breaking away.

The leading method adults use to find career information in theUnited States isa. to see a state employment counselor.b. to visit a private practice career counselor.c. to undergo counseling with a counselor with NCCC credentials.d. by securing information via the newspaper.

d. by securing information via the newspaper.

Sex role stereotyping would imply thata. a counselor would only consider traditional feminine careersfor his female client.b. a male counselor would rate a female client's emotionalstatus differently than he would a male client's.c. female clients are treated the same as male clients.d. choices a and b.

d. choices a and b.

Groups can be open or closed. The two differ in thata. open groups are limited to hospital settings.b. in an open group members can socialize between groupmeetings.c. closed groups always employ coleaders.d. closed groups allow no new members after the group begins

d. closed groups allow no new members after the group begins

Key areas that often cause problems for the counselor's self-imagearea. choice of a modality and a learning disability.b. age and the lack of a doctoral degree.c. lack of NCC.d. competence, power, and intimacy.

d. competence, power, and intimacy.

John Bowlby has asserted thata. attachment is not instinctual.b. attachment is best explained via Skinnerian principle.c. a and b.d. conduct disorders and other forms of psychopathologycan result from inadequate attachment and bonding inearly childhood.

d. conduct disorders and other forms of psychopathologycan result from inadequate attachment and bonding inearly childhood.

A test format could be normative or ipsative. In the normativeformata. each item depends on the item before it.b. each item depends on the item after it.c. the client must possess an IQ within the normal range.d. each item is independent of all other items.

d. each item is independent of all other items.

You are seeing a client who is extremely concerned about herbody weight and shape. She vomits to keep her weight down,nevertheless, she does not engage in binge eating. The most appropriate diagnosis would bea. anorexia.b. bulimia.c. gender identity disorder.d. eating disorder NOS.

d. eating disorder NOS.

In the person-centered approach, an effective counselor mustpossessa. the skill to be confrontational.b. the ability to give advice.c. the ability to do formal psychological testing.d. empathy, congruence, genuineness, and demonstrate unconditionalpositive regard to create a desirable "I-Thourelationship."

d. empathy, congruence, genuineness, and demonstrate unconditionalpositive regard to create a desirable "I-Thourelationship."

A homosexual protests that he has been homosexual long enough and wants to lead a heterosexual lifestyle. He tells you that he wants a family and children. You shoulda. refer him to a psychiatrist as medicine is necessary.b. use dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).c. bring in other members of his family since homosexualityhas its roots in the family system.d. explain that homosexuality is not a mental disorder thatneeds to be changed.

d. explain that homosexuality is not a mental disorder thatneeds to be changed.

During a family counseling session, a 6-year-old girl repeatedly sticks her tongue out at the counselor who is obviously ignoring the behavior. The counselor is practicinga. negative reinforcement,b. chaining.c. reciprocal inhibition.d. extinction.

d. extinction.

Perls suggested _______ which must be peeled away to reachemotional stability.a. four layers of neurosisb. three layers of neurosisc. two layers of neurosisd. five layers of neurosis

d. five layers of neurosis

A therapist who says to a patient, "Say whatever comes to mind,"is practicinga. directive counseling.b. TA.c. paraphrasing.d. free association.

d. free association.

A short answer test is a(n) _______ test.a. objective.b. culture free.c. forced choice.d. free choice.

d. free choice.

Counselors who work as consultantsa. generally adhere to reality therapy.b. generally adhere to one single theory.c. generally adhere to consultation theory.d. generally do not adhere to one single theory.

d. generally do not adhere to one single theory.

Group normsa. exist only in encounter groups.b. exist only in career counseling groups.c. are not related to group cohesiveness.d. govern acceptable behavior and group rules.

d. govern acceptable behavior and group rules.

When Haley began investigating psychotherapy hea. was already trained as a Freudian analyst like so manyother pioneers in the fi eld.b. was already trained as a behaviorist.c. had studied REBT with Ellis.d. had a degree in the arts and communication rather thanthe helping professions.

d. had a degree in the arts and communication rather thanthe helping professions.

Overall, Rogerian person-centered counselinga. is rarely utilized in cross-cultural counseling.b. is too nondirective for intercultural counseling.c. a and b.d. has been used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races.

d. has been used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races.

After a dog is conditioned using the well-known experiment of Pavlov's, a light is paired with the bell (the CS). In a short periodof time the light alone would elicit the salivation. This is calleda. extinction.b. token reinforcement.c. biofeedback.d. higher order conditioning.

d. higher order conditioning.

Some behavioral scientists have been critical of the Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget's developmental research inasmuch asa. he utilized the t test too frequently.b. he failed to check for type 1 or alpha errors.c. he worked primarily with minority children.d. his findings were often derived from observing his own children.

d. his findings were often derived from observing his own children.

A family that is stable and reaches an equilibrium is in a stateofa. adaptability.b. enmeshment.c. Nonsummativity.d. homeostasis.

d. homeostasis.

A model by Olson, Sprenkle, and Russell suggests that familyfunctioning can be described in two dimensions—cohesion andadaptability. The family therapy term cohesion refers to the levelof emotional bonding between family members. Adaptabilityrefers toa. a family's level of enmeshment or disengagement.b. a family's ability to adapt to the therapist's personality.c. a family's ability to adapt to the theoretical persuasion ofthe therapist.d. how rigid, structured, fl exible or chaotic the family is.

d. how rigid, structured, fl exible or chaotic the family is.

Eric Berne's transactional analysis (TA) posits three ego states: the Child, the Adult, and the Parent. These roughly correspondto Freud's structural theory that includesa. oral, anal, phallic.b. unconscious, preconscious, and conscious.c. a and b.d. id, ego, and superego.

d. id, ego, and superego.

In Minuchin's structural approach, clear boundaries area. pathological.b. rigid.c. also called diffuse boundaries.d. ideal—firm yet flexible.

d. ideal—firm yet flexible.

Jane feels very inferior. She is now president of the board ata shelter for the homeless. She seems to be obsessed with herwork for the agency and spends every spare minute trying tohelp the cause. When asked to introduce herself in virtually anysocial situation, Jane invariably responds with, "I'm the presidentof the board for the homeless shelter." Jane is engaging ina. projection.b. displacement.c. introjection.d. identification.

d. identification.

When a client becomes aware of a factor in his or her life that was heretofore unknown, counselors refer to it asa. individual psychology.b. confrontation.c. transference neurosis.d. insight.

d. insight.

A person who has successfully mastered Erikson's first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson's final or eighth stage,a. generativity versus stagnation.b. initiative versus guilt.c. identity crisis of the later years.d. integrity versus despair.

d. integrity versus despair.

Which method of reliability testing would be useful with an essaytest but not with a test of algebra problems?a. test-retest.b. alternate forms.c. split-half.d. interrater/interobserver.

d. interrater/interobserver.

To research the dilemma of self-actualization, Maslowa. used goslings as did Konrad Lorenz.b. psychoanalyzed over 400 neurotics.c. worked exclusively with schizophrenics in residential settings.d. interviewed the best people he could fi nd who escaped"the psychology of the average."

d. interviewed the best people he could fi nd who escaped"the psychology of the average."

The most effective time interval (temporal relation) between theCS and the USa. is irrelevant—it does not infl uence the learning process.b. is 5 seconds.c. is the .05 level according to social scientists.d. is .5 or ½ of a second.

d. is .5 or ½ of a second.

Multicultural counselors often adhere to the emic viewpoint.The word emica. is associated with the Supreme Court decision of 1954outlawing segregation.b. suggests that all clients are alike regardless of culture.c. is associated with Rational Behavior Therapy (RBT).d. is a "culture specific" perspective, from the word phonemicmeaning sounds in a particular language.

d. is a "culture specific" perspective, from the word phonemicmeaning sounds in a particular language.

During a professional staff meeting, a counselor says he is worried that if techniques are implemented to stop a 6-year-old boy from sucking his thumb, then he will begin biting his nails orstuttering. The counselora. is using the logic set forth in gestalt therapy.b. is using Donald Meichenbaum's cognitive behavior modification.c. is most likely a behaviorist concerned with symptom substitution.d. is most likely an analytically trained counselor concernedwith symptom substitution.

d. is most likely an analytically trained counselor concernedwith symptom substitution.

According to Kohlberg, level 3, which is postconventional or self-accepted moral principles,a. refers to the Naive Hedonism stage.b. operates on the premise that rewards guide morals.c. a and b.d. is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level.

d. is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this level.

In the dual-career family, partners seem to be more self-sufficient than in the traditional family. In a dual-career household,the womana. generally has children before entering the work force.b. rarely if ever has children.c. is not self-reliant.d. is typically secure in her career before she has children.

d. is typically secure in her career before she has children.

The Freudian developmental stage which "least" emphasizes sexuality isa. oral.b. anal.c. phallic.d. latency.

d. latency.

When a leader attempts to relate one person's predicament toanother person's predicament, it is known asa. summarization.b. clarifi cation.c. blocking.d. linking.

d. linking.

33. In adolescencea. females commit suicide more than males.b. suicide is a concern but statistically very rare.c. the teens who talk about suicide are not serious.d. males commit suicide more often than females, but females attempt suicide more often.

d. males commit suicide more often than females, but females attempt suicide more often.

A group therapist must makea. fewer decisions than an individual therapist.b. the same number of decisions as an individual therapist.c. modality changes for each group.d. more decisions than an individual therapist.

d. more decisions than an individual therapist.

The notion of the hidden job market would suggest thata. most jobs will appear on college bulletin boards.b. most jobs will appear in supermarket tabloids.c. most jobs will appear in daily newspaper classifi ed ads.d. most jobs are not advertised.

d. most jobs are not advertised.

In a projective test the client is showna. something which is highly reinforcing.b. something which is highly charged from an emotionalstandpoint.c. a and b.d. neutral stimuli.

d. neutral stimuli.

Many researchers have tried putting the UCS (i.e., the meat)before the CS (i.e., the bell). This usually results ina. increased learning.b. anger on the part of the dog.c. experimental neurosis.d. no conditioning.

d. no conditioning.

The follower goes along with whatever the rest of the groupthinks. From a personality standpoint the follower isa. aggressive.b. assertive.c. practicing excitation.d. nonassertive.

d. nonassertive.

An advertising psychologist secretly imbeds the word SEX intonewspaper ads intended to advertise his center's chemical dependencyprogram. This is the practice ofa. sublimation.b. repression.c. introjection.d. none of the above.

d. none of the above.

Minuchin would often mimic the family's style. This is knownasa. cognitive disputation.b. the structural map.c. permeable boundaries.d. none of the above.

d. none of the above.

African-American ghetto clients are generallya. very open and honest with their feelings.b. the most amenable group in regard to psychotherapeuticintervention.c. a and b.d. not very open with their feelings.

d. not very open with their feelings.

According to Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third stage, known as concrete operations or concrete operational thought. This notion suggestsa. that heavier objects are more difficult for a child to lift.b. the child is ambidextrous.c. the child is more cognizant of mass than weight.d. one can undo an action, hence an object can return to its initial shape.

d. one can undo an action, hence an object can return to its initial shape.

Ellis most likely would not be impressed with a behaviorist's newanimal study related to the psychotherapeutic process sincea. he does not believe in the scientifi c method.b. the study would not take transference into account.c. Ellis thoroughly dislikes hypothesis testing.d. only man thinks in declarations (internal sentences thatcan cause or ward off emotional discord).

d. only man thinks in declarations (internal sentences thatcan cause or ward off emotional discord).

Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe,Brill, and Holland as _______ theorists.a. behavior modification.b. ego psychologists.c. experiential.d. personality.

d. personality.

Existentialists speak of three worlds, the Umwelt or the _______world, the Mitwelt or the _______ world, and the Eigenwelt orthe _______ world.a. unconscious; preconscious; consciousb. id; ego; superegoc. self-identity; relationship; physicald. physical; relationship; identity

d. physical; relationship; identity

The id is present at birth and never matures. It operates mainly out of awareness to satisfy instinctual needs according to thea. reality principle.b. notion of transference.c. Eros principle.d. pleasure principle.

d. pleasure principle.

Johnny just loves M&amp;Ms but doesn't do his homework. Theschool counselor thus instructs Johnny's mom to give the child a bag of M&amp;Ms every night after he finishes his homework. This is an example ofa. punishment.b. biofeedback.c. a Pavlovian strategy.d. positive reinforcement.

d. positive reinforcement.

Rogers viewed man asa. basically evil.b. driven by instincts.c. a product of reinforcement.d. positive when he develops in a warm, accepting, trustingenvironment.

d. positive when he develops in a warm, accepting, trustingenvironment.

When a counselor tells a client that the Graduate Record Examination(GRE) will predict her ability to handle graduate work,the counselor is referring toa. good concurrent validity.b. construct validity.c. face validity.d. predictive validity.

d. predictive validity.

Conyne suggested that group intervention is intended toa. ferret out unconscious material.b. enhance rational self-talk.c. illuminate dysfunctional nonverbal behavior.d. prevent, correct, or enhance behavior.

d. prevent, correct, or enhance behavior.

The Adult ego statea. contains the "shoulds" and "oughts."b. is the seat of feelings.c. is like Freud's superego.d. processes facts and does not focus on feelings.

d. processes facts and does not

The counselor who favors projective measures would most likely be aa. Rogerian.b. strict behaviorist.c. TA therapist.d. psychodynamic clinician.

d. psychodynamic clinician.

Freud's stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson's stages are:a. psychometric.b. psychodiagnostic.c. psychopharmacological.d. psychosocial.

d. psychosocial.

A behavioristic marriage and family counselor is counseling theentire family together. She turns to the 18-year-old son who isattending community college and says, "I know you like to playgolf. Therefore, every time you cut the grass your father willtake you to play golf. I am going to have you and your dad signa contract that you agree with this policy." Which principle isprimarily guiding her strategy?a. negative reinforcement.b. thought stopping.c. shaping with successive approximations.d. quid pro quo.

d. quid pro quo.

In the famous experiment by Harlow, frightened monkeys raised via cloth and wire mothersa. showed marked borderline personality traits.b. surprisingly enough became quite friendly.c. demonstrated a distinct lack of emotion.d. ran over and clung to the cloth and wire surrogate mothers.

d. ran over and clung to the cloth and wire surrogate mothers.

Group members assume roles within a group. Which of the followingis not a group role?a. energizer.b. scapegoat.c. gatekeeper.d. reactive schizophrenia.

d. reactive schizophrenia.

A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fi t intoHolland's _______ typology.a. artistic.b. conventional.c. social.d. realistic.

d. realistic.

Systematic desensitization consists of these orderly steps:a. autogenic training, desensitization in the imagination, andconstruction of the hierarchy.b. relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, invivo desensitization, and desensitization in imagination.c. relaxation training, desensitization in imagination, andconstruction of hierarchy.d. relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, desensitizationin imagination, and in vivo desensitization.

d. relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, desensitizationin imagination, and in vivo desensitization.

_______ is behavioral sex therapy.a. classical vegotherapyb. orgone box therapyc. conditioned refl ex therapyd. sensate focus

d. sensate focus

The final stage suggested by theories of group stages generallydeals with issues ofa. group tasks.b. transition.c. power and control.d. separation and termination.

d. separation and termination.

The mean score on a new counseling exam is 65. The standard deviation is 15. Tanja scored a 35. This tells us thata. she had a z score of +1.b. she had a z score of -1.c. she had a t score of 40.d. she had a z score of -2.0.

d. she had a z score of -2.0.

A career counselor who is helping a client design a resumea. should downplay the value of the cover letter.b. should emphasize that a lengthy resume is invariablymore effective.c. should emphasize the importance of listing height andweight data.d. should emphasize the importance of a cover letter.

d. should emphasize the importance of a cover letter.

Most experts would agree that _______ is most threatening forclients as well as counselors.a. paraphrasing by the counselorb. open-ended questionsc. role rehearsald. silence

d. silence

Lifestyle and career development have been emphasizeda. only since the late 1950s.b. only since the late 1960s.c. only since nondirective counseling became popular.d. since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movementand are still major areas of concern.

d. since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movementand are still major areas of concern.

Holland categorized _______ personality orientations whichcorrespond to analogous work environments.a. two.b. five.c. three.d. six.

d. six.

A client who likes her flower arranging job begins doing fl owerarranging in her spare time on weekends and after work. Thisphenomenon is best described asa. the contrast effect.b. sublimation.c. the compensatory effect.d. spillover.

d. spillover.

The department chairman found the poodle's response (seequestion 272) to his horn humorous. He thus instructed the graduate students to train the dog to salivate only to his car hornand not the original bell. Indeed the graduate students wereable to perform this task. The poodle was now demonstratinga. experimental neurosis.b. irradiation.c. pica.d. stimulus discrimination

d. stimulus discrimination

Evidence for the unconscious mind comes from all of these excepta. hypnosis.b. slips of the tongue and humor.c. dreams.d. subjective units of distress scale.

d. subjective units of distress scale.

When the past is discussed in reality therapy, the focus is ona. failures.b. irrational internal verbalizations.c. transference issues.d. successful behaviors.

d. successful behaviors.

A counselor who works primarily with a geriatric population needs to be aware thata. African-American counselees make the best clients.b. Native Americans do not believe in cognitive interventions.c. surprisingly enough, attractiveness is a fine predictor ofretirement adjustment.d. surprisingly enough, financial security and health are the best predictors of retirement adjustment.

d. surprisingly enough, financial security and health are the best predictors of retirement

A client remarks that he was just dumped by his girl friend. Thecounselor responds, "Oh, you poor dear. It must be terrible!How can you go on living?" This is an example ofa. EMDR.b. accurate empathy.c. confrontation.d. sympathy.

d. sympathy.

Piaget felta. homework depresses the elementary child's IQ.b. strongly that the implementation of Glasser's concepts in Schools Without Failure should be made mandatory in all elementary settings.c. that teachers should lecture a minimum of four hoursdaily.d. teachers should lecture less, as children in concrete operations learn best via their own actions and experimentation.

d. teachers should lecture less, as children in concrete operations learn best via their own actions and experimentation.

Krumboltz's social learning theory is sometimes referred to as a cognitive theory because it emphasizes beliefs that clients have about themselves as well as the world of work. When Krumboltz speaks of self-observation generalizations he really meansa. generalizations regarding a given occupation and howsuccessful the client would be in the occupation.b. Pavlov's principle of stimulus generalization.c. Skinner's principle of operant conditioning.d. that in career counseling your primary concern is themanner in which people view themselves and their abilityto perform in an occupation.

d. that in career counseling your primary concern is themanner in which people view themselves and their abilityto perform in an occupation.

One criticism of using cognitive-behavioral methods like REBTwith families or individuals in multicultural counseling wouldbea. that the theory is not intended to be used with diversepopulations.b. the theory suggests that the therapist must have ethnicor racial ties with the client in order for effi cacious treatmentto occur.c. that it ignores present moment problems.d. that the cognitive disputation could go against culturalmessages.

d. that the cognitive disputation could go against culturalmessages.

In girls the Oedipus complex may be referred to asa. systematic desensitization.b. covert desensitization.c. in vivo desensitization.d. the Electra complex.

d. the Electra complex.

All of these statements are ethnocentric excepta. you can't trust anyone over the age of 40.b. Americans are generous.c. Blue-collar workers are mean and selfish.d. the Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceedsthe fi gure in Mexico.

d. the Gross Domestic Product in the United States exceeds

Equilibration isa. a term which emphasizes the equality between the sexes.b. performed via the id according to the Freudians.c. a synonym for concrete operational thought.d. the balance between what one takes in (assimilation) andthat which is changed (accommodation).

d. the balance between what one takes in (assimilation) andthat which is changed (accommodation).

According to Anne Roe, who categorized occupations by fieldsand levels, a. the decision to pursue a career is purely a conscious decision.b. using the Strong is the best method of explaining careerchoice.c. early childhood experiences are irrelevant in terms of careerchoice.d. the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual'sneeds.

d. the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual'sneeds.

In 2005, the American Counseling Association released the firstrevision of the ACA Code of Ethics in a decade. One majorchange was thata. the code eliminated the concept of confidentiality.b. the code bans Internet counseling.c. the code bans telephone counseling.d. the code eliminated the phrase "dual relationships."

d. the code eliminated the phrase "dual relationships."

Behavior therapists often shy away from punishment becausea. ACA ethics forbid the use of this technique.b. NBCC ethics prohibit the use of operant conditioning.c. extinction works more quickly.d. the effects of punishment are usually temporary and itteaches aggression.

d. the effects of punishment are usually temporary and itteaches aggression.

In a spiral testa. the items get progressively easier.b. the diffi culty of the items remains constant.c. the client must answer each question in a specified periodof time.d. the items get progressively more difficult.

d. the items get progressively more difficult.

A man yells at his wife and then slaps her, stating that she doesnothing around the house. The woman begins crying and heputs his arm around her to comfort her. He then begins cryingand says that he doesn't know how he can continue doing all thehousework because it is too difficult. A TA therapist who analyzesthe situation using Karpman's triangle would saya. the man is stuck in the "I'm Not OK—You're Not OK"life position.b. the Critical Parent is dominating.c. the man is obviously an adult child of an alcoholic.d. the man has moved from the persecutor, to the rescuer, tothe victim role.

d. the man has moved from the persecutor, to the rescuer, tothe victim role.

Group content refers to material discussed in a group setting.Group process refers toa. analysis of the unconscious.b. analysis of the ego.c. the T-group paradigm.d. the manner in which discussions and transactions occur.

d. the manner in which discussions and transactions occur.

A behavioristic family counselor suggests that the family chartthe number of times that 6-year-old Billy says "no" when he istold to do something. The baseline of the chart would refer toa. the period when positive reinforcement is being implemented.b. the period when negative reinforcement is being implemented.c. the period when quid pro quo is being implemented.d. the period before the behavior modification begins.

d. the period before the behavior modification begins.

Existential theorists speak of phenomenology, which refers tothe client's internal personal experience of events, and ontology,which isa. mental visualization for the treatment of cancer.b. the impact of cancer on emotions.c. a cancerous growth in the brain.d. the philosophy of being and existing.

d. the philosophy of being and existing.

When a structural therapist uses the term boundaries he or shereally meansa. the limits of the human mind.b. the limits of behavior in the family.c. the separation of the family members from their familyof origin.d. the physical and psychological entities that separate individualsand subsystems from others in the family.

d. the physical and psychological entities that separate individualsand subsystems from others in the family.

Group norms refer toa. a statistically normal group composed of 8 to 12 members.b. a statistically normal group composed of 12 to 14 members.c. a normal group with no cultural differences.d. the range of acceptable behavior within the group.

d. the range of acceptable behavior within the group.

When comparing a tertiary group with a primary or secondarygroupa. the tertiary focuses less on individual members.b. the tertiary focuses more on the here-and-now.c. the tertiary is less likely to deal with severe pathology.d. the tertiary is more likely to deal with severe pathology.

d. the tertiary is more likely to deal with severe pathology.

When professional career counselors use the term leisure theytechnically meana. the client is having fun at work or away from work.b. the client is relaxing at work or away from work.c. the client is working at less than 100% capacity at work oraway from work.d. the time the client has away from work which is not beingutilized for obligations.

d. the time the client has away from work which is not beingutilized for obligations.

The family counselor explains to Mrs. Smith that the next timethat 9-year-old Sally hits her little brother she must sit in thefamily room by herself. The counselor is usinga. shaping.b. shaping with successive approximations.c. reciprocity.d. time-out, a procedure that most behaviorists feel is aform of extinction.

d. time-out, a procedure that most behaviorists feel is aform of extinction.

Most experts in the field of group counseling would agree thatthe most important trait for group members is the abilitya. to open up.b. to listen.c. to trust.d. to convey empathy.

d. to convey empathy.

Occupational aptitude tests such as the Differential AptitudeTest (DAT), the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test Battery(ASVAB), and the O*NET Ability Profi ler grew out of thea. cognitive therapy movement.b. humanistic psychology movement.c. individual psychology movement.d. trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling.

d. trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling.

The statement: "Males are better than females when performing mathematical calculations" isa. false.b. true due to a genetic flaw commonly found in women.c. true only in middle-aged men.d. true according to research by Maccoby and Jacklin.

d. true according to research by Maccoby and Jacklin.

Although the length of group counseling sessions will vary, mostexperts would agree that _______ is plenty of time even whencritical issues are being examined.a. three hours per session.b. one hour per session.c. six hours per session.d. two hours per session.

d. two hours per session.

Id, ego, superego is to structural theory as _______ is to topographicaltheory.a. Child, Adult, Parent.b. abreaction, catharsis, introspection.c. ego ideal.d. unconscious, preconscious, conscious.

d. unconscious, preconscious, conscious.

Biological similarities and sameness are indicated bya. ecological culture.b. mores.c. regional and national culture.d. universal culture.

d. universal culture.

All of the following are examples of Anne Roe's "fields" excepta. service.b. science.c. arts and entertainment.d. unskilled.

d. unskilled.

A client says she has a tingling sensation in her hands each timeshe talks about the probability of marriage. A gestalt therapistwould most likelya. ask the client to recount a dream.b. urge the client to engage in thought-stopping.c. prescribe relaxation homework.d. urge the client to stay with the feeling.

d. urge the client to stay with the feeling.

An adept multicultural counselora. generally believes in the melting pot concept.b. has a strong ethnocentric worldview.c. will not ask the client for information related to religion or level of faith development.d. usually supports the salad bowl model of diversity.

d. usually supports the salad bowl model of diversity.

The most difficult intermittent schedule to extinguish is thea. fixed ratio, for example giving a child an M&amp;M for each five math problems she completes.b. fixed interval, which describes the way most agency counselorsare paid (e.g., one time per month, although theamount of work may vary from month to month).c. variable interval.d. variable ratio.

d. variable ratio.

Groups promote the concept of universality, which suggeststhata. we are unique and so are our problems.b. there is a universal way to solve nearly any diffi culty.c. a and b.d. we are not the only ones in the world with a given problem.

d. we are not the only ones in the world with a given problem.

In cross-cultural counseling, structuring is very important. Thisconcept asserts that counseling is most effectivea. when structured exercises are utilized.b. when a counselor takes an active-directive stance.c. when nondirective procedures are emphasized.d. when the nature and structure of the counseling situationis described during the initial session.

d. when the nature and structure of the counseling situationis described during the initial session.

Virginia Satir felt that a major goal of therapy was to improveintrafamily communication (i.e., communication between familymembers). According to Satir, four basic patterns preventedgood communication under stress. These defensive postures or stress positions are: placating, blaming, being overly reasonable,and being irrelevant. Placating meansa. you disagree with all the other family members.b. you pick a favorite family member and agree with him orher.c. you ignore the other family members.d. you try to please everybody out of a fear of rejection.

d. you try to please everybody out of a fear of rejection.

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