"thinking about your own thinking" The processes used to: Plan Monitor Assess one's understanding and performance
Brainstorming Session Techniques
*Structured Approach (soliciting one idea at a time, no additional comments say pass, all get a turn) *Unstructured approach (free form brainstorming, call out ideas as they come to mind, no one takes turns) *Silent approach ( team members write down ideas on paper, everyone given opportunity considered by group, avoids loud and extroverted people dominating)
Brainstorming Session RulesQ
*Withhold Judgement (no evaluation, criticism or judgment about any idea) *Encourage Freewheeling (enables all to make a contribution - deliberate with little to no guidance) *Aim for Quantity, not Quality ( write down all even silly ideas) *Hitchhike (piggyback ideas - one idea triggers a thought in another until you have a series of ideas prompted by one idea or thought)
4 Common Steps in Effective problem solving
1) Define the problem, create a problem statement 2) Generate alternative solutions, come up with possible ways to solve a problem 3) Select an effective solution, pick a solution that will solve the problem effectively 4) Implement solution and monitor, apply the solution picked and watch to see if it solves the problem
3 stages of Reviewing and analyzing the outcome
1) Measure the success of the solution by comparing the outcome of the action with the expected results 2) Analyze any discrepancy to identity the reasons for it 3) Take further action if necessary
Implementation - 3 basic stages involved
1) Planning and preparing to implement the solution 2)Implementing and monitoring the solution 3) Reviewing and analyzing the success of the solution
A communication process involving two or more people/groups where -The parties have a degree of difference in positions, interest, goals, values, or beliefs -The parties strive to reach and agreement on issues or course of action
Fish Bone Diagram
A diagram used to depict the relationship between specific categories of process inputs and the undesirable output.
Chaotic Domain
A leader must first Act, Sense, then Respond
Chaotic Domain
A leaders immediate job is not to discover patterns, but to "Stop the Bleeding" and stabilize the environment.
A technique designed to stimulate a chain reaction of ideas relating to a problem
A tendency, inclination, or prejudices toward or against something or someone. Some can be positive or helpful
Decision Analysis Matrix
A useful technique to use for making a decision. It is particularly powerful when you have a number of good alternatives to choose from, and many different factors to take into account
Information (Personal Powers)
Access to secure data systems, leadership meetings, briefings, even gossip, increases your information power base. Some tend to withhold information from others so they maintain an advantage and the informational "higher hand"
Asking yourself self-reflective questions
Can assist you and other in building a variety of ideas in a short time a bout a specific problem or topic
Position Powers
Coercive Reward Connection Legitimate
2nd and 3rd order effects
Consequences to that decision. Outcomes that are different than the first desired outcome yet are directly related to the initial decision.
Coercive (Position Powers)
Deals with the leader's perceived ability to provide sanctions, punishment, or consequences for not performing
Reward (Position Powers)
Deals with the leaders perceived ability to provide rewards and incentives that people like
Complicated Domain
Domain of "known unknowns" There are things you know you don't know
Guidelines in trimming down solutions
Effectiveness- Does the solution actually address and fix the problem? Viable- Is the solution capable of working successfully? Feasible- Will the solution fix the problem conveniently and be financially stable?
Enables you to identify whether or not the results being achieved are fixing the problem, and if not, why not? A decision can then be made on the action continue monitoring the implemented decision, or to start from scratch
Overview of Problem Solving
Frame the problem Create a problem Statement Root Cause Analysis Generate Solutions Trim Down Solutions Decision Analysis Matrix Tool
The "Five-Why method" To Root Cause Analysis
Has been proven very useful when the real cause of a problem is layered in ambiguity and/or the issue is unclear.
Trust, Information, Power, and Options (TIPO Model)
Identifies how trust influences your use of information and power affects the way you develop option or solution to solve or resolve a current problem, conflict, or situation
Power (TIPO Model)
In a negotiation you can apply "power over" or "power with" your opposite. Power Over- used to gain an advantage -pulling rank Power With- Improves the opportunity for a mutually satisfied outcome for all negotiators involved
Expert (Personal Powers)
It suggests that you gain power and the ability to influence through your education, experience, and job knowledge. How you use this power base can improve or reduce trust, and ultimately influence the outcome of your negotiations.
Complicated Domain
Leaders must Sense, Analyze, and Respond Requires expertise to analyze
3 M's and a P (Fish Bone Diagram)
Materials Methods Machines People
Different Perspectives - differing frames
Methods and processes to support co-creation need to manage the coming together of people with differing ways of framing the problem so participants can contribute to joint problem definition.
2nd and 3rd order effects
Most often separated by time and space from the perspective of the decision
Complex Domain
Most problems are in this domain because of some major change. Patterns can emerge if leader conducts experiments that are safe to fail. Instead of attempting to impose a course of action, leaders must allow the path forward to reveal itself
Monitoring the solution
Once action has been initiated, it has to be supervised and monitored to ensure the solution is actually working as planned.
The key to successful implementation
Planning and preparation. The more important the problem, or the more complex the actions required to solve it, the more thorough your planning an preparation need to be to ensure success
4 P's (Fish Bone Diagram)
Policies Procedures People Plant
3 Personal Powers
Powers based larges on leadership traits. 1) Referent (Charisma) 2) Information 3) Expert
Complex Domain
Probe, Sense, and Respond
Position Powers
Provide you with the authority to make decisions, requests, and issue lawful orders based on your position
Recognizing the limit of one's knowledge or ability and then figuring out how to expand that knowledge or extend one's learning capacity
Simple Domain
Requires straightforward management and monitoring
Complex Domain
Right answers cannot be flushed out initially....they aren't readily available
Chaotic Domain
Searching for right answers would be pointless. The relationships between cause and effect are impossible to determine because they shift constantly and no manageable patterns exist - only turbulence
Simple Domain
Sense, Categorize, and Respond
Problem Framing
Should be part of the "Define the problem" Step
4 domains of Cynefin Framework
Simple Complicated Complex Chaotic
Simple Domain
Stability and clear cause and effect relationships that are seen by everyone and are always going to be the same. Often, one right answer is self-evident and undisputed - patterns are recognizable
Summon your prior knowledge Think aloud Ask yourself questions Use writing Organize your thoughts Take notes from memory Review your exams Take a timeout Test yourself
4 S's (Fish Bone Diagram)
Surroundings Suppliers Systems Skills
Two tools to determine the true root cause
The Five-Why Method The Fish Bone Diagram
Complex Domain
The cause and effect relationship is so intertwined that things only make sense in hindsight - after the situation has occured or worked itself out
The culmination of all your work in solving a problem and requires careful attention to detail
Complex Domain
The domain of "unknown unknowns" You don't know what you don't know
Trust (TIPO Model)
The foundation of relationships with others and faith in a system. Contains two major categories 1)Trust in a person - can be assumed or earned by trustworthy actions or words 2)Trust in a Process - exists when you have faith in a governing institution and believe it supports your negotiations. You trust these processes promote outcomes that are justified (fair and impartial), legal, ethically acceptable, and satisfy the interests of what you need.
Generating solutions
The more the better. There are no dumb or wrong solutions. Do not stifle creativity, whittle them down later.
Problem Framing
The process of describing and interpreting a stated problem to arrive at a problem statement - define the actual problem.
Cynefin Framework
The structured way to identify the type of problem you're dealing with and suggestions on how to approach it
Complicated Domain
There is a relationship between cause and effect, but not everyone will be able to see it - analysis and expertise is required
Different Perspectives - differing frames
These are inevitable when participants bring their differing experience and expertise to a problem.
Complicated Domain
This domain may contain multiple right answers, many of which may be excellent Good practice, as opposed to best practice is more appropriate
Decision Analysis Matrix
This is a great technique to use in almost any important decision where there isn't a clear and obvious preferred option
Legitimate (Position Powers)
This is based on one's rank, position, or level of authority.
Chaotic Domain
This is the domain of "Unknowables"
Problem Framing
This leads you to look at the stated problem from different perspectives and could change how you define the problem
The "Five-Why method" To Root Cause Analysis
This method is one of the simplest investigative tools to use without requiring to employ a statistical analysis approach.
Referent - Charisma (Personal Powers)
This power affords the opportunity to encourage, motivate, and inspire others
Connection (Position Powers)
This power pertains to who you know. This can erode if you use it as a primary source of influence
Fish Bone Diagram
This technique aids in identifying potential causes to a problem
After framing a problem:
We can look at the different frames, or perspectives, and write out a problem statement for a specific frame or perspective. Now that we have a problem statement, we can look for root causes and then generate solutions.
Problem Framing
When used, it can lead to a problem statement and solution that may not address the original stated problem...Instead, it proposes a different understanding of the problem
Information (TIPO Model)
When you trust your Opposite (the person or group with whom you are engaged in negotiations, negotiation partner) you believe the information they present is truthful and accurate. You should feel more comfortable sharing information
Decision analysis Matrix
Works by listing your possible solutions as rows on a table, and the factors you want to consider as columns. You score each solution/factor combination, weight this score by the relative importance of the factor, and add these scores up to give an overall score for each option.