ND Test 1&2 Review

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50 kilometers

99.9% of the Earth's atmosphere exists within ____ of Earth's surface

Epidemics, pandemics, famine, economic losses

A biologic disaster can result in


A sinking of the water table from the overuse of groundwater is referred to as

None of these

A snowpack refers to

A formal statement issued by meteorologists to indicate that a tornado has been sighted

A tornado warning is

A portion of land that channels rainfall and snowmelt into a common outlet ( river, lake, or other body of water)

A watershed is defined as

High permeability

An aquitard has

Pollution of the environment from agricultural activities

Anthropogenic hazards are related to which one of the following examples?

Yes, along coastlines of oceans, along lakeshores, in mountainous regions

Are there morphological features of the Earth that can amplify winter hazards?

10 times

As the magnitude number increases, for example from magnitude 5 to magnitude 6, there is an increase in the amount of ground motion amplitude by a multiple of:

Incorporation of eroded sediments increases the viscosity and density of the water, which is a component of dynamic pressure : Frictional interaction at the base of the flowing wave uproots vegetation, incorporation it into the flow and posing an additional hazard : Objects such as vehicles, boast, the debris from collapsed buildings, and even entire buildings may be incorporated into the flow, posing an additional hazard

As tsunamis encroach over land surfaces in developed areas, how might the destructive energy of the wave become enhanced?


Compositional categories of melt are based on their abundance of silica, iron, and magnesium. Which of the compositional categories below contains the highest amount of silica and the lowest amount of iron and magnesium?

Continental, asthenospheric

Continental arc volcanism forms with which combination of converging tectonic plates?

Flood potential maps, earthquake potential maps, landslide potential maps, tornado potential maps

Different types of hazard potential maps include which of the following?

Stealth disasters

Disasters that may be very slow or even imperceptible during their development are referred to as

Sea surface level drop due to the arrival of the trough of the tsunami wave

Drawback, as it relates to tsunamis, describes the condition in which


Electrostatic charges in what type of sediment tend to promote coherence and resistance to remobilization?


Engineers use what is known as a safety factor to describe the stability of a slope. What safety factor value describes the least stable slope from the choices below?

Grants to cities and municipalities to cover recovery costs, grants to states to cover recovery costs, low-interest loans to businesses to cover recovery costs, low-interest loans to individuals to cover recovery costs

Federal responses to disaster may include

Exposure to low temperatures, freezing of body tissue, immersion in frigid water, exposure to high winds

Frostbite is a condition that results from

Variations in direction and velocity

Gusty winds are characterized by

Not applicable; freshwater has no salinity

High rates of evaporation of a surface freshwater water body will

Understand the types of geologic materials present in the subsurface of an area, avoid areas with steep slopes, avoid areas artificially altered by slope cutting or infilling of low areas, understand the various triggers for mass-wasting events

How can people avoid landslide disasters in choosing a place to live?

Jointing, weathering of minerals, breakdown into soil

How can the strength of rock be reduced at the surface of the Earth?

Alteration of atmospheric composition

How can volcanic eruptions lead to global-scale extinctions?

15,000-30,000 amperes

How much current (in form of amperes) is generated in a typical lightning stroke?

The human body being exposed to low temperatures

Hypothermia is a result of

Accumulation of ice on surfaces are much heavier than accumulations of snow on surfaces

Ice storms may result in damage to the infrastructure, widespread power outages, and the disruption of life because

Air Quality Index

In the United States, advisories are issued to the public about air quality based on levels of harmful pollutants present in the air, and are referred to as the

The preparation stage

In the event of an impending, predicted natural disaster, evacuations are recommended at what stage of the disaster relief cycle?

Yes, for slow-onset and stealth disasters, but not for rapid-onset disasters

Is it possible to issue warnings for all types of disasters?

Yes, hotter air expands and is therefore less dense

Is the density of air affected by temperature?

Fifteen to twenty years

Large tsunamis, those that cause significant damage, occur about every

3.5 billion years

Life on the Earth began how many years ago?

The presence of soft, water-saturated, unconsolidated sediment in the subsurface

Liquefaction is a process that may occur during earthquakes, and is related to

Soil, unconsolidated sediment, rock fragments, ice and snow

Mass wasting on the Earth's surface involves gravity-driven transport downslope involving what types of materials?


Meteorologists are scientists who study

Remains stable, may increase, may decrease

Once a hurricane forms, its intensity

No, drawback returns water to the sea carrying much of the debris that was carried along in the advancing wave, and weakened structures are now subject to dynamic forces in the opposite direction

Once a tsunami reaches its inundation limit, has the danger passed?

To instal hail nets over field to reduce crop losses

One strategy to reduce agricultural losses from hailstorms is

Over mountainous regions of the Earth with high elevations

Orographic lifting occurs in which environment(s) on Earth?

Geologic and geophysical disasters have remained constant, while meteorological, hydrological, and climatological disasters have increased on an annual basis.

Over the past century, has the incidence of natural disasters been increasing or decreasing?

Increased steadily

Over the past century, water on a per capita basis has

It accumulated as a byproduct of photosynthesis from early primitive organisms

Oxygen in the atmosphere exists because

Elevation of the tsunami

Predicting the hazard potential for damage from tsunamis is in part related to the run-up elevation potential onto adjacent coastlines. Run-up potential is related to


Samples of the atmosphere indicate that the proportion of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is approximately

Regions with cold climates

Solifluction is a form of mass wasting limited to

14.47 pounds per square inch

The average atmospheric pressure on the Earth at sea level is

On the surface, in bodies of water, in the atmosphere, and in the shallow subsurface

The biosphere of the Earth incorporates all living organisms. Where is life found on Earth?

Lower levels of dissolved oxygen in water

The consequences of eutrophication of water sources are

Storms moving to higher latitudes with cooler water, storms moving over land surfaces, strong high-latitude winds disrupting flow within the storm

The demise of a hurricane can be related to

Topography describes the shape of the land surface; bathymetry is the shape of the seafloor

The difference between bathymetry and topography is that

Climate, political influences, economic factors

The distribution of water supplies across the globe depends on such factors as

The geologic phenomena responsible for earthquakes, how seismic waves propagate through the Earth and at the Earth's surface, the ways in which earthquakes may be compared to one another, why earthquakes occur in certain places

The geologic subdiscipline of seismology studies

Tree ring studies, displaced sedimentary strata, isotopic studies of organic material, fault orientations

The goal of paleoseismicity studies is to understand recurrence intervals on a fault, and they can utilize such things as

Mafic shield volcanoes

The largest of all volcanic edifices are

Agricultural use

The largest use of freshwater on the Earth is related to

870 millibars at sea level

The lowest barometric pressure ever recorded is associated with Typhoon Tip in 1979, resulting in sustained winds measured at 190 miles per hour. The barometric pressure measured was

Storms weaken, lose their structure, and break up

The meteorological term dissipate is used to describe the condition in which


The most abundant gas found in the Earth's atmosphere is

Studies of organic matter, absolute dating of volcanically erupted minerals, written historical records

The recurrence interval for a volcano to erupt has been based on

The amount of time between successive earthquake events of a particular magnitude

The recurrence interval for earthquakes on a particular fault describes

Maximum sustained wind speed

The saffir-simpson scale for hurricane intensity is based on

The angle of repose

The steepest angle that dry, granular material can be piles onto a flat surface without collapsing is

Evan, Mr. Stock, Mr. Evan Stock, They guy with the man bun

The student in this class who is most likely to take an involuntary vacation day is

30,000 C

The temperature in a lightning stroke can reach

The point on the surface directly above the subsurface point of origin

The term epicenter refers to

Mid-latitude cyclones that from song the east coast of North America

The term nor'easter is used by meteorologists to describe

Flowing counterclockwise around the geographic pole

The term polar vortex refers to winds at the North Pole of the Earth

A formal statement issued by meteorologists to indicate that conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form

The term tornado watch is

Nitrogen and oxygen

The two most abundant gasses comprising the atmosphere of the Earth are


The viscosity of a melt is dependent on the temperature of the melt, its silica content, and its volatile content. WHat type of magma is the least viscous?

May be severe enough to kill muscle and bone tissue, promoting the development of additional serious complications

The worst effect of frostbite

Dividing the number of seconds counted by 5

To estimate the distance in miles to an observed lightning stroke, and observer can count the number of seconds it takes for the sound of thunder generated by the stroke to arrive. This can be accomplished by


Tsunamis are most often generated by

Convergent tectonic boundaries

Tsunamis that are generated by earthquakes occur most commonly at which type of tectonic plate margin?

Artesian wells

Wells that have water flowing naturally to the surface under their own pressure are

Calm winds, no precipitation, and the lowest barometric pressure measurements

What are the meteorological conditions that exist in the eye of a hurricane

Crop loss from hailstones, livestock that is killed by hailstones, damage to vehicles from hailstones, damage to structures from hailstones

What are the most damaging aspects of hailstorms


What are the most destructive and costliest storm on Earth

Disease, crop failure, industrial impacts, degraded living standards

What are the most serious consequences of freshwater shortages?

Cooling of the climate

What caused the global disaster resulting from the volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815, which was ultimately responsible for millions of fatalities?

The amount of energy released form an earthquake

What does the term magnitude describe as it relates to earthquakes?

Freezing rain and/or snow is anticipated to accumulate sufficiently to result in inconvenience and hazardous conditions

What does the term winter storm advisory mean?

Frictional interaction with the substrate the wave is moving over

What factor results in the slowing of tsunami velocity in shallow water?

4.55 billion years

What is the absolute age of the Earth?

Cyclones occur in the Indian Ocean and southern hemisphere: typhoons occur in northwest Pacific Ocean

What is the difference between a typhoon and a cyclone?

97% occurs as salty water in oceans, and 3% occurs as freshwater on the land surface and groundwater in the subsurface

What is the distribution of surface water on the Earth

Small magnitude earthquakes are more numerous relative to large magnitude earthquakes

What is the relationship between the number of annual earthquakes recorded and the magnitude of those earthquakes?

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

What literary classic story has a relation to volcanically induced climatic changes as a result of the 1815 eruption of the volcano Tambora?


What percentage of lightning strike victims are killed?

Displacement and motion along a new or pre-existing fault

What process is responsible for producing most of the world's earthquakes?

At the equator

Where on the Earth does the Coriolos force reach zero?

Disruption of municipal government services following an earthquake

Which of the following is an example of a tertiary disaster?

Reduction in Gross National Product, local economic losses from storm damage, damage to the agricultural industry

Which of the following societal effects have resulted from cold waves over the United States

Avalanches, rockslides, and rockfalls

Which of the following types of mass-wasting events move the fastest

Fossil fuel combustion in automobiles

Which of the following would be considered an anthropogenic source of pollution?

The influence of the coriolis force

Why do tropical depression rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere

Temperature and density contractions of air in the atmosphere, varying pressure gradients in the atmosphere, coriolis forces

Why do winds blow?

The Ganges River delta has little topography, is low elevation, and densely populated : the region commonly experiences exceptionally high storm surges during cyclones : the constriction formed by the Bay of Bengal concentrated the effects of cyclones into a small area : the potential to warn and evacuate populations in the region is severely limited

Why has the region of the Ganges River delta on the northern margin of the Indian Ocean suffered so many human fatalities as a result of cyclones over the past few decades?

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