NDFS Unit 3

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Excessive fluoride intakes can cause ________ _______ especially in children under the age of 8

dental fluorosis

Riboflavin is easily destroyed by

exposure to UV light

Vitamin E protects the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are located in cell membranes from being damaged by ________ ________

free radicals

_______ is an enlargement of the thyroid gland as a result of an iodine deficiency


When iodide is lacking in the diet during pregnancy, the infant can be born with

growth and mental retardation

In the United States, _______ deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency


In chemical reactions involved in the metabolism of macronutrients, water-soluble vitamins are

used as coenzymes

Beef, salmon, potatoes, and sweet red peppers are all good sources of

vitamin B-6

The primary and initial sign of dehydration is rapid

weight loss

Dental fluorosis can be identified by

white specks on the teeth, severe discoloration of the teeth, and pitting on the teeth

Consuming foods with sulfur-containing amino acids can enhance the bioavailability of


Which of the following cooking methods can result in major losses of water-soluble vitamins?

Boiling in a saucepan of water

Which of the following are good sources of vitamin C?

Broccoli, citrus fruits, and strawberries

Best description of niacin, biotin, Vitamin K, and Vitamin D

Can be synthesized (made) in the body

Which of the following best describes how an antioxidant works?

Gives up electrons to radicals

Good sources of pantothenic acid are

sunflower seeds, chicken liver, and muchrooms

How are trace minerals different from major minerals?

Requirements for trace minerals are less than 100 mg.day, whereas requirements from major minerals are 100 mg/day or more

Milk, yogurt, liver, and enriched cereals are all good sources of which vitamin?


Which disease is characterized by a vitamin D deficiency and leads to soft and misshapen bones in children?


Zinc is readily found in which of the following foods?

Roast beef and baked beans

Which foods are good sources of vitamin D?

Salmon, herring, and milk

If an individual ate primarily locally produced foods, which location would have the least likelihood for developing goiter?

San Diego, CA. Near ocean

Iron is an important component of...

hemoglobin in blood cells

The risk of dehydration in older adults compared to younger adults is


Vitamin E deficiency can reduce the functioning of the ________

immune system

Salmon, tuna, mushrooms, and enriched breads are all good sources of


Examples of foods high in sodium are

processed snacks

Which of the following increased zinc absorption?


There are not a lot of foods with vitamin D, therefore, the body depends on ___ for much of its vitamin D


Good food sources of Vitamin A include

Apricots, pumpkins, spinach, sweet potatoes

Which of the following is not a function of water within the body?

Bodily fluids provide a source of energy to the body

Function of Vitamin D

Bone health

Best description of Vitamin C

Broccoli, Potatoes, Kiwi, Strawberries, and Peppers

Infants who eat a large amount of these foods may develop carotenemia, characterized by a yellowing of the skin

Carrots, apricots, and winter squash

What role does vitamin A play in the body?

Cell growth, formation of epithelial cells, and cell production

Which of the following may increase iron absorption?

Combining heme and nonheme iron sources and drinking a glass of orange juice with an iron supplement

Which of the following foods would not be a good source of vitamin D?


The body is able to make vitamin ____ when skin cells are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet radiation


Which foods contain the richest sources of folate?

Fortified cereals and enriched grains

Which of the food groups provide the highest levels of vitamin C in the body?

Fruits and vegetables

Which of the following is true about vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetables are good food sources

Which of the following are major food sources of vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetables, margarine and salad dressing, and soybean and canola oils

Function of vitamin A

Growth and development and immune function

Why is a vitamin B-12 deficiency more common among older adults?

HCI production in their stomachs declines and they are unable to release the vitamin from animal protein

What are roles of iron within the human body?

Neurological function, immune function, carrying oxygen, and part of many enzymes

_____ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.


Which of the following is NOT a good source of magnesium?

Refined grains

Which of the following are functions of water?

Regulate body temp, transport nutrients, and major solvent

Which of the following are functions of zinc?

DNA synthesis and cofactor for more than 50 enzymes

Which of the following are signs of pellagra?

Dementia, dermatitis, and diarrhea

Good dietary sources of phosphorus include

Diary and meat

Alyssa is trying to become pregnant, and she wants to increase her dietary intake of folate. Which of the following key recommendations from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans will help to improve Alyssa's folate intake?

Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, and red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas.

Best description of sodium, chloride, and potassium

Electrolytes, required for fluid balance

Which of the following people are most likely to need to consume sports drinks?

Endurance athletes

Which of the following become most affected in the case of an iron deficiency?

Energy levels

Function of thiamin

Energy metabolism

Choose the functions of iron

Energy metabolism, growth, reproduction, wound healing, and immune function

Roles for magnesium in the body include

Enzyme function, muscle contraction, and DNA synthesis

T/F Pantothenic acid is so rare in our foods that nutritional deficiencies are common


T/F Trace minerals are not essential nutrients


The simplest ways to determine hydration status are observing urine...

Volume and color

The adult RDA for calcium ranges from

1000 to 1200 mg/day

Recommended daily intake of Vitamin C (male smoker)

125 milligrams (mg)

Recommended daily intake of Calcium (teen)

1300 milligrams (mg)

What is the RDA for iron in women under the age of 50?

18 mg/day

The US Public Health Service recommends that all women capable of becoming pregnant consume ______ micrograms of folic. acid daily to help prevent neural tube defects


Recommended daily intake of folate

400 micrograms (mcg)

Recommended daily intake of potassium

4700 milligrams (mg)

What percentage of neural tube defects could be prevented if women consumed sufficient folic acid before conception and in early pregnancy?


Recommended daily intake of Vitamin C (female)

75 milligrams (mg)

The male RDA for iron is ____ and the female (between 19 and 50 years old) RDA for iron is _____

8 mg/day; 18 mg/day

Certain acne medications, like Accutane, containing high levels of vitamin ______ should not be prescribed during pregnancy due to the increased risk for harm to the fetus


Why are older adults at increased risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency compared to younger people?

As you age, your stomach produces less acid, which limits cleavage of vitamin B-12 from food. In addition, decreased production of intrinsic factor by the stomach limits vitamin B-12 absorption

Which of the following are good sources of iron?

Beef liver and soybeans, boiled

What are some food sources of vitamin B-6?

Beef, salmon, and walnuts

Best description of thiamin (B1)

Beri-Beri (deficiency)

Carotenemia is a condition characterized by yellowing of the skin, and can result from consuming too much ______


Because it is produced by intestinal bacteria and found in a wide variety of foods, a deficiency of the B vitamin, _________ is rare


Intestinal bacteria can produce which vitamin?


Long-term vitamin E deficiency can cause _______

Blindness, nerve damage, and loss of neuromuscular control

Vitamin A plays a critical role in all of the following functions EXCEPT _______

Blood clotting

What is the primary function of vitamin K?

Blood clotting

Iron deficiency usually results from

Blood loss, low iron intake, and inability to absorb iron

Parathyroid hormone acts to increase blood calcium levels by

Increasing calcium absorption in the intestines, increasing calcium retention by the kidneys, and increasing bone breakdown

The fluid outside a cell is called...

Interstitial fluid or extracellular fluid

What is the best food source for iodide?

Iodized salt, 1/2 tsp

Approximately 25% of the worlds population has anemia. Many of the cases of the condition are due to _____ deficiency


To reduce the risk of iron-deficiency in children, they should be encouraged to consume _____

Iron-fortified cereal and meats

Because the heart of a person with anemia has to work harder to circulate oxygen-poor blood throughout the body, over time anemia can cause

Irregular heartbeat, chest pain, and enlarged heart

How does fluoride encourage bone development?

It becomes incorporated into bone tissue

What are some good food sources of folate?

Leafy vegetables, asparagus, and liver

Which of the following foods are good sources of thiamin?

Legumes, orange juice, and pork

Women typically consume _____ than the RDA for calcium, while men consume amounts ______ the RDA

Less, equal to

Which of the following minerals participate in nerve transmission?

Sodium, calcium, and potassium

Choose the two highest food sources of iron

Soybeans, boiled, and whole-grain total, ready-to-eat cereal

Which of the following is the best source of magnesium?


What cooking methods best preserve the vitamin content of foods?

Steaming, stir-frying, and microwaving

Pregnant women who are iodine deficient have a higher risk of

Stillbirths and infant cretinism

Which foods are good sources of vitamin E?

Sunflower seeds and plant oils

Which of the following are considered signs and symptoms of scurvy?

Swollen gums, fatigue and petechiae, and loose teeth

Roles for phosphorus in the body include

Synthesizing DNA, generating ATP, and regulating acid-base balance

What events can occur when a salt sensitive individual consumes a high sodium diet?

Their body will retain more water and their kidneys may eliminate less sodium

Mr. Stockton is a 64-year-old man who was admitted to the emergency room with extreme weakness, poor coordination, back-and-forth eye movements, and mental confusion. He had a CT scan to check for signs of stroke, but his results came back normal. After speaking with his family, his doctor learned that Mr. Stockton has a history of alcohol abuse. Based on this information, the physician should test the patient for a deficiency of ______


Pork, legumes, enriched grains and Brewer's yeast are all good sources of which vitamin?


What gland uses iodine?

Thyroid gland

Select the primary function of iodine

Thyroid hormone synthesis

The roles for sodium in the body include

Transmission of nerve impulses, functioning of muscle, and transport of glucose

T/F People are likely to develop pellagra when they consume diets that are low in niacin and animal protein


T/F The vitamin content of vegetables is determined by growing conditions, including soil and sunlight.


Which of the following are food sources of niacin?

Tuna, salmon, and beef liver

Excessive intake or exposure to which vitamin may be particularly harmful to a developing fetus?

Vitamin A

Intrinsic factor is needed to absorb _______

Vitamin B-12

People who eat little/no animal products may have a deficiency of _____

Vitamin B-12

Shellfish, poultry, meat, and eggs are all good sources of which vitamin?

Vitamin B-12

Vegans need to be concerned about getting an adequate intake of ______ because plant foods are not good food sources of this micronutrient

Vitamin B-12

Vegans are at risk for a deficiency of this vitamin because it is only found in animal products

Vitamin B12

Collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, and assistance in immune system functioning are all functions of which vitamin?

Vitamin C

Which of the following substances may increase intestinal absorption of iron?

Vitamin C

Plant oils, such as sunflower, safflower, canola, and olive oils, as well as margarine and salad dressing, are rich food sources of

Vitamin E

Which fat-soluble vitamin serves as a major antioxidant in the body?

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin can be synthesized (made) in the GI tract

Vitamin K

Zinc is necessary for which of the following?

Wound healing

Of the foods listed below, the food that provides the most potassium is

a baked potato

Adults who may be at higher risk for osteomalacia include those who ______

are homebound and have covered skin for religious reasons

Carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and mangoes are all good sources of _________, a carotenoid that the body can convert to vitamin A


Vitamin K deficient infants are at risk of serious bleeding because their bodies are unable to make certain ______

blood-clotting factors

Roles for calcium in the body include

bone and teeth formation, muscle contraction, and blood clot formation

Magnesium is needed along with calcium and phosphorus to

build strong bones

For most Americans, milk products are significant food sources for


The most plentiful mineral in the body is ...


Thyroid hormone controls the rate of ________ metabolism


Magnesium is a critical component in ________, making plants good food sources for magnesium


Most of the sodium in the American diet comes from salt...

Added to cooked meals at the table, added during food preparation, and added to food during processing

Vitamin ____ participates in the development of epithelial cells, the production of white blood cells, and bone growth


Function of folate

Amino Acid metabolism and blood formation

Function of Vitamin E

Antioxidant defense

What protects cells by giving up electrons to free radicals?


______ prevent or limit the ability of free radicals to damage polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA in cells.


Which of the following is not a good sources of phosphorus in the typical American diet?


Ted would like to lower his blood pressure by making a few dietary changes. If Ted aims to increase his potassium intake, he should

Choose more fruits and vegetables

Which of the following are functions of vitamin C?

Collagen synthesis and immune system function

Choose the minerals that are classified as trace minerals

Copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, and iron

Which of the following minerals is associated with a reduced risk of dental caries?


Vitamins A and D are often added to milk, and ready-to-eat cereals are often sprayed with additional vitamins. These are examples of


_____ involves the addition during manufacturing of one or more vitamins to a wide array of commonly eaten foods


_______ involves the addition during manufacturing of one or more vitamins to a wide array of commonly eaten foods


A person who consumes a high sodium diet and is salt sensitive is more likely to develop which of the following?


What role in the body do sodium and potassium have in common?

Maintaining fluid balance

Best description of Vitamin B-12

Maintains Myelin Sheath around Nerve Cells

What are some major food sources of vitamin B-12?

Milk, meat, and poultry

Which of the following are good dietary sources of iodine?

Milk, seaweed, and saltwater fish

What are some food sources of riboflavin?

Milk, spinach, and yogurt

Potassium is needed by the body for

Muscle contradiction and nerve transmission

Anancephaly and ______ ________ may occur if a woman's diet is low in folate

Neural tube or Spina bifida

A vitamin B-12 deficiency is more common in which group due to the fact that the HCI production in their stomach declines?

Older adults

What are some common foods fortified with vitamin D?

Orange juice, cereal, and milk

The adult form of vitamin D deficiency is called ______


Who is at greatest risk for a vitamin C deficiency?

People who do not eat fruits and vegetables, smokers, and alcoholics

Petechiae are a symptom of scurvy. What is petechiae?

Pinpoint hemorrhages in skin

Consuming sports drinks during endurance physical activities helps

Prevent sodium depletion and prevent dehydration

Choose the functions of vitamin E

Protects cell membranes from being damaged by free radicals, maintains nervous tissue, and maintains immune system function

Which of the following food groups provides the richest sources of absorbable iron?


Which of the following are good sources of beta-carotene?

Pumpkin, carrots, and spinach

Which of the following foods contains a protein that decreases the bioavailability of Biotin?

Raw eggs

What vitamin deficiency will result in blood that does not clot effectively?

Vitamin K

What vitamin is found in plant and animal food sources but can also be synthesized by bacteria in the intestinal tract?

Vitamin K

Which fat-soluble vitamin is involved in the production of active blood clotting factors?

Vitamin K

When a water-soluble vitamin assists in the chemical reaction involved in the metabolism of the macronutrients, this is known as its _______ function


Total water intake refers to water ingested by ...

eating food, consuming beverages, and drinking water

Because the cells cannot obtain the energy they need to perform work when iron levels are low, a major symptom of iron deficiency is


Symptoms of anemia can include

fatigue and weakness, pale skin, and headache

The kidneys produce smaller amounts of urine when ...

fluid intake is limited and fluid loss is great

Cavities can be prevented by consuming


To improve mineralization of bone, individuals at risk of osteoporosis should be sure to consume


A diet adequate in ______ is recommended for preventing neural tube defects


Intracellular water is water that is...

inside the cell

About 10% of the body's supply of menaquinone (vitamin K2) is supplied by ______

intestinal bacteria

To prevent the risk of serious bleeding incidents in infants, newborns are generally given a single injection of vitamin _____ immediately after birth


Consuming too much ______ may lead to an iron deficiency in children


Which of the following are good food sources of calcium?

milk, cheese, and yogurt

The maintenance of _______ ________ that wrap around parts of certain nerve cells is one vital function of vitamin B-12 that does not involve folate

myelin sheath

Adequate folate status is critical early in pregnancy because the _____ _______ forms about 21 days after conception

neural tube

The recommendation made by the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all women capable of becoming pregnant consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily to help prevent

neural tube defects

Select rich food sources of zinc

oysters, beef roast, and baked beans

The hormone released from the parathyroid gland in response to falling blood calcium levels is called

parathyroid hormone

The "4 Ds", dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death are all signs of _______, a niacin deficiency disease


Most of the phosphorus in the body can be found in the


The mineral that plays the leading role in the regulation of fluid balance in the body is


Consumption of water, beverages, and food all contribute to

total water intake

______ minerals perform vital roles in the body although the body only requires consumption of less than 100 mg/day


Common signs of dehydration include

low urine volume, dry mouth, and dark colored urine

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