nero system pharm 117

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a nurse is assessing a pt who has been taking alprazolam for several days. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an adverse drug reaction caused by alprazolam? a- anxiety b- ringing in ears c- increased appetite d- muscle spasms


a nurse is caring for a pt who has a script for fluoxetine & who reports self-administering St. John's wort daily for the past 2 weeks. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider as an indication of serotonin syndrome? a- hallucinations b- decreased temp c- hypersexual behavior d- constipation


a nurse is caring for a pt who has been taking amphetamine/dextroamphetamine sulfate for the treatment of ADHD for 2 weeks. the nurse should report which of the following findings to the provider? a- weight loss of 2.3 kg / 5 lb b- BP 110/70 c- apical pulse 80/min d- respiratory rate 16/min


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a script for buspirone to treat anxiety. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- take a missed dose as soon ass you rmember b- take drug as needed at the 1st sign of anxious feelings c- take the drug in AM w/ glass of grapefruit juice d- drink cup of chamomile tea at night w/ med


a nurse is reviewing the drug hx of a client who is taking lithium carbonate for bipolar disorder. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse to monitor for lithium toxicity? a- furosemide for hypertension b- acetaminophen for headaches c- ciprofloxacin for UTI d- montelukast for asthma


a nurse is reviewing the medical hx of a pt who has a new script for a reduced dosage of alprazolam for anxiety. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse the reason for the script modification? a- renal function impairment b- cataracts c- recent weight loss d- smoking


a nurse is teaching a pt about interferon beta-1a. which of the following instructions should the nurse give to help the pt avoid the adverse effects of this drug? a- premeditate w/ acetaminophen b- take med w/ food c- increase fluid intake d- take med in am


a nurse is teaching a pt who has a script for carbamazepine. which of the following instructions should nurse include to help pt avoid adverse effects of this drug? a- begin taking drug at low dosage b- discontinue drug immediately if diarrhea occurs c- have serum glucose levels checked regularly d- take drug on empty stomach


a nurse is teaching a pt who is taking levodopa/carbidopa to treat Parkinson's disease. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- change position slowly to prevent orthostatic hypotension b- eat high protein snack to increase absorption c- take drug at bedtime to avoid daytime drowsiness d- expect eye twitching to develop w/ long-term therapy


a nurse should identify that timolol is contraindicated for a pt who has which of the following disorders? a- asthma b- seizure disorder c- diabetes mellitus d- rheumatoid arthritis


nurse is teaching pt that is about to start sumatriptan therapy for migraine headaches. nurse should instruct pt to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? a- chest pain b- polyuria c- joint pain d- insomnia


nurse is teaching pt w/ script for modafinil to treat narcolepsy. which of the following instructions should nurse include? a- take med in am b- take med 30 min before bed c- anticipate daytime drowsiness d- expect urinary frequency


nurse is teaching pt w/ script of baclofen. which of the following instructions should nurse include? a- avoid driving until drug's effects are evident b- stop taking med immediately if headache occurs c- take med as needed for spasticity d- take med w/ antacids to reduce gastric effects


a nurse is caring for a pt who has a script for alprazolam. for which of the following adverse effects should the nurse monitor? select all that apply a- tolerance b- anxiety c- sedation d- respiratory depression e- constipation

a b c d

a nurse is caring for a pt who is about to begin taking lithium carbonate to treat bipolar disorder. The nurse should instruct the pt to monitor for which of the following findings as indications of lithium toxicity? select all that apply a- tremors b- confusion c- bronchospasm d- nausea e- muscle weakness

a b d e

a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who is about to begin amitriptyline therapy to treat major depressive disorder. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? select all that apply a- change positions slowly from sitting or lying to standing b- do not stop taking the drug abruptly c- avoid crushing the tablet d- take med at bedtime to prevent daytime drowsiness e- increase fiber & fluid intake

a b d e

a nurse is providing teaching to a pt about instilling pilocarpine for managing open-angle glaucoma. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Select all that apply a- apply gentle pressure to the nasolacrimal duct for 1 min after instilling the drops b- do not touch the tip of the dropper c- wash hands after instilling the drops d- rub eyes gently after instilling the drops e- remove contact lenses prior to instilling the drops

a b e

The nurse is caring for a client who is receiving methohexital sodium. The nurse should monitor the pt for which of the following adverse effects? a- cardiac excitability b- respiratory depression c- hyperthermia d- hypertension


a nurse is caring for a pt who has a new script for dantrolene to treat skeletal muscle spasms. the nurse should identify that which of the following lab tests requires monitoring? a- serum potassium b- liver function c- serum sodium d- thyroid function


a nurse is caring for a pt who has schizoaffective disorder & who has been prescribed chlorpromazine. Which of the following lab values should the nurse monitor during & immediately after IV administration of the drug? a- cardiac output b- bp c- urine specific gravity d- oxygen saturation


a nurse is caring for pt who has new script for pramipexole to treat Parkinson disease. the nurse should recognize that which of the following lab tests requires monitoring? a- c-reactive protein b- creatinine clearance c- thyroid function d- abc


a nurse is preparing to give sumatriptan to pt for the 1st time. the nurse should instruct the pt that sumatriptan is indicated for which of the following conditions? a- tonic-clonic seizures b- presence of a migraine headache c- exacerbation of ms d- Alzheimer's disease


a nurse is providing teaching for a pt who has a script for phenelzine. The nurse should instruct the pt to avoid tyramine-enriched foods cuz of an increased risk for which of the following adverse reactions? a- respiratory depression b- hypertensive crisis c- neuroleptic malignant syndrome d- serotonin syndrome


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a new script for fluoxetine. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- weigh yourself twice a month b- if you have persistent headaches, let the provider know c- reduce your daily sodium intake d- if your symptoms dont improve in 10 days, you will need a higher dosage


a nurse is providing teaching to pt who has a script for chlorpromazine. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- stop taking the drug immediately w/ the 1st sign of a sore throat b- wear sunscreen when exposed to sunlight c- take the drug w/ food to reduce GI distress d- take the drug in am to prevent nocturne


a nurse is reviewing the medical record of a pt who has a new diagnosed seizure disorder & a new script for valproic acid & phenytoin. The nurse should identify that which of the following can occur as a result of an interaction b/t these drugs? a- hyperammonemia b- phenytoin toxicity c- hypertension d- peptic ulcer disease


a nurse is teaching a pt who has new script for valproic acid to treat seizure disorder. The nurse should instruct the pt to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? select all that apply a- hirsutism b- drowsiness c- headache d- ataxia e- rash

b c e

when reviewing the indications for various antidepressants, a nurse should identify that bupropion hydrochloride is an appropriate choice for pts who have which of the following? select all that apply a- motion sickness b- seasonal affective disorder c- insomnia d- nicotine addiction e- depression

b d e

a nurse is caring for a pt who has a new script for amphetamine sulfate. the nurse should monitor the pt for which of the following adverse effects? a- hypotension b- tinnitus c- tachycardia d- bronchospasm


a nurse is caring for a pt who is taking done-evil to treat Alzheimer's disease. for which of the following adverse effects should the nurse monitor? a- confusion b- dry mouth c- nausea d- double vision


a nurse is caring for a pt who is taking lithium carbonate to treat bipolar disorder. Which of the following diagnostic tests should the nurse recommend that the pt undergo periodically? a- chest x-ray b- tonometry c- thyroid function tests d- endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)


a nurse is caring for pt who is taking venlafaxine to treat major depressive disorder. the nurse should identify that which of the following drugs can cause serotonin syndrome when taken concurrently with venlafaxine? a- alprazolam b- phenytoin c- phenelzine d- pilocarpine


a nurse is giving fentanyl to pt to reduce pain. which of the following drugs should the nurse have available to reverse effects of fentanyl? a- neostigmine b- succinylcholine c- naloxone d- dantrolene


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt about the adverse effects of drug therapy. The nurse should include that orthostatic hypotension is a common adverse reaction of which of the following drugs? a- venlafaxine b- bupropion c- imipramine d- valproic acid


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a script for buspirone. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- take the drug w/ grapefruit juice to increase absorption b- use the drug as needed for anxiety c- allow 2 to 4 weeks for full therapeutic effects d- take the drug on an empty stomach


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a script for lithium carbonate about reducing the risk for lithium toxicity. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- consume a low sodium diet b- reduce fluid intake c- avoid taking NSAIDs d- take drug w/ food


nurse is caring for pt w. script for dantrolene to tx skeletal muscle spasms. nurse should instruct pt to report which of the following adverse effects? a- slow heart rate b- cough c- diarrhea d- hearing loss


nurse is preparing to give memantine to pt who has Alzheimer's disease. which of the following findings in the pt's medical hx indicates a need to w/o the med & notify provider? a- pancreatic cancer b- hypotension c- cirrhosis d- osteoporosis


nurse is providing teaching for pt w/ script for valproic acid to treat seizure disorder. nurse should instruct pt to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? a- hirsutism b- depression c- jaundice d- gum irritation


a nurse is caring for a pt who has been taking alprazolam for an extended period of time to treat anxiety. The nurse should identify that abruptly stopping alprazolam therapy can result in which of the following adverse effects? a- anterograde amnesia b- respiratory depression c- paradoxical reaction d- withdrawal symptoms


a nurse is caring for a pt who recently began taking chlorpromazine to treat schizophrenia & who was admitted to ER w/ spasms of their face & back. which of the following adverse reactions should the nurse suspect? a- cholinergic crisis b- serotonin syndrome c-stevens-johnsons syndrome d- acute dystonia


a nurse is caring for a pt who was admitted to ed w/ head injury. The nurse notes that the pt has an existing prescription for bupropion hydrochloride to treat depression. For which of the following adverse effects is the pt at increased risk? a- ischemic stroke b- drowsiness c- respiratory depression d- seizure activity


a nurse is caring for pt who has been taking selegiline to treat Parkinson's disease. the provider is considering the use of analgesics for pt but should be aware that a drug interaction b/t selegiline & meperidine can result in which of the following? a- frequent urination b- jaundice c- cellulitis d- muscle rigidity


a nurse is providing teaching for a pt who has a new script for betaxolol eye drops. which of the following adverse effects should the nurse include in the teaching? a- constricted pupils b- discoloration of the iris c- hypertension d- bradycardia


a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a new script for diazepam for anxiety. which of the following pt statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? a- it is not a big deal if I forget my pills for a couple of days b- I should limit alcohol intake to 1 drink daily while taking this med c- I will avoid salt cuz this med can increase my bp d- if I become pregnant, its important to let my hcp know


a nurse is teaching a pt who has Alzheimer's disease & their caregiver about memantine. which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a- increase fluid intake to improve renal excretion b- report memory loss or confusion c- watch for signs of liver impairment like jaundice & abdominal pain d- avoid taking OTC antacids


a nurse is teaching a pt who has a new diagnosis of Parkinson's disease about how levodopa/carbidopa can help control symptoms. The nurse should identify that the drug has which of the following pharmacologic effects? a- increases available acetylcholine in brain b- inhibits norepinephrine metabolism in brain c- inhibits serotonin metabolism in brain d- increases available dopamine in brain


a nurse is teaching the family of a pt who has new diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease about donepezil. which of the following info should the nurse include? a- monitör for constipation b- dosage will be increased weekly to provide optimum therapeutic effect c- give the med 1st thing in the AM promotes effectiveness d- avoid use of NSAIDs for pain


nurse is caring for pt taking interferon beta-1b. nurse should identify that which of the following findings indicates a potential serious adverse effect of this drug? a- tinnitus b- twitching eyelids c- blue-green skin discoloration d- fatigue


nurse is teaching pt w/ script for interferon beta-1a for tx of ms. which of the following info should nurse include? a- have kidney function tests done every month for a year b- take extra dose if muscle aches occur c- store med at room temp after mixing it d- give the med in your tight or upper arm


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