NETA 2 Prep

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A transformer has a 240 V primary and a 60 V secondary. With a 5 ohm load connected, what is the primary current?

48 V

What best defines a transformer?

A device that changes current and voltage.

The amount of current a conductor can carry continuously is known as ________.


Testing equipment and all associated test leads should be visually inspected for external defects and damage ______.

Before each use.

Buchholz relays are installed

Between main tank and conservator

What does CPR stand for?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Inductors resist sudden changes in ____ .


Hard hats should be inspected?


Locks for a lockout hazardous energy control program must be provided by the _______.


Capacitance is measured in:

Farads (F)

The least expensive overcurrent protection for a low-voltage system is:


The henry is a unit of measurement of


Potential instrument transformers are used to:

Lower voltage to a safe level for metering and relaying Provide isolation between primary and secondary circuits Provide accurate representation of the voltage ratio when applied within its burden limits

If a hardhat sustains impact is should be?

Replaced immediately

What is the purpose of the Guard terminal on a Megohmeter?

Surface leakage

Capacitance is directly proportional to ____________.

The area of the plates.

Which side of a battery has a higher electric potential?

The positive side

Fault pressure devices typically protect


Which of the following hard hats would you choose to protect from blows to both the top and sides of the head?

Type 2

Harmonics will _____ the resistance of a conductor.


What is the primary advantage of sulfur hexafluoride gas as an insulator?

its insulating strength increases with pressure

If a single three-phase transformer of the proper ratings is not available, three single-phase transformers can be connected to do the job. When this is done, the connection is called a(n)

three-phase bank

What is the Restricted Approach Boundary for a 480V system?

1 ft

A right triangle has a hypotenuse of 10 ft. and one angle of 30°. How long is the side opposite the angle?


Calculate the net inductance value of a circuit having four parallel inductors, each having a rating of 8 Henry.

2 H

Maximum overcurrent protection for 12 AWG copper conductor is:


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