New American Industries

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What impact did railroads have on cities across the United States at the turn of the 20th century?

Many cities became industrial centers.

Think about what you've learned about the role of railroads in helping make resources available.

Railroads helped Americans access new sources of raw materials. New cities grew into manufacturing centers that refined natural resources. Trains required more materials to run and to be built, helping industries grow.

Think about how railroads changed and developed. Check all of the statements that match what you've learned.

Railroads tried to become more versatile, Americans began to measure time using time zones, Rail travel became safer

In 1883, who was responsible for creating the first system of time zones in the United States?

The railroad industry

Why did the development of time zones make train schedules more reliable?

Time zones created a standard of time that all trains followed.

Which is an invention that improved safety for railway passengers?

air brakes

How did railroad expansion make natural resources more available in the United States?

by making it possible for natural resources to be transported to different cities and towns

Railroads not only led to an increase in the ability to transport raw materials, but they also led to a(n)

increase in the demand for raw materials.

The expansion of the railroad directly led to economic growth in the US because

railroads made resources and products easier to transport.

Which industry benefited most from the Bessemer process?


Which invention was most important in revolutionizing the meat industry?

the refrigerator car

Bessemmer Process

A way to manufacture steel quickly and cheaply by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities.

Which best describes a development that improved railroad safety?

Companies replaced hand-operated brakes with air brakes on trains.

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