new deal programs

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which federal program hired young men to do jobs such as planting trees and building parks

civilian conservation corps

which of the following refers to one of herbert hoovers projects that was succesful in providing jobs and simulating the US economy?

construction of the hoover dam

which of the following was not one of FDR's new deal goals

decrease working hours

which of the following acts as a barometer to check the health of the stock market

dow jones industiral act

what president developed the new deal, a domestic program of public works programs and farm aid to help the united states through the great depression

franklin d roosevelt

franklin roosevelt's new deal programs, such as the tennesse valley authority and the civilian conservation corp, were designed to ...

give jobs to the unemployed

hoovervilles during the depression consisted of

groups of make shift homes in shantytowns

the supreme court declared many new deal programs unconstitutional. what did oresident rooesevelt attempt to do in response to these surpeme court desicions

make a bill in attempt to do in response to these surpreme court desicions

one new deal program aimed to protect citizens by establishing the federal deposit insurance corporation in what way does the FDIC protect citizens

member of banks guaranteed protection for their money

What practice in large part caused the stock market crash, sparking the Great Depression of the 1930s?

people overspeculating on stocks, using borrows money that they couldnt pay

the emergency banking relief act closed all banks in order to stop the banking crisis that was occuring. the banking act of 1933 created the federal deposit insurance corporation to insure bank deposits. these new deal measures were designed to ...

prevent bank failures

which new deal program empolyed people to build roads, public housing, and sewers

public works administration

which of the following industries grew explosively in the 1920's


the securites and exchange commission, formed in 1934 during the first new deal, still operates today by...

regulating the stock market and restricted margin buying

which of the following new deal programs was FDR's most important and has the longest lasting impact on the lives of americans

social security

which of the following new deal measures is still apart of american life today

social security act

which new deal program hired men to build a series of dams to prevent flooding and sell electricity in appalachia

tennessee valley authority

which federal agency created during the new deal was set up to raise farm prices by getting farmers to grow fewer crops

the agricultural adjustment administration

which of the following statements is true about the new deal

the new deal helped the economy slowly recover

how did the great depression change the roll of government in america

the role of government greatly expanded

what was the wagner act

the wagner act gave labor unions government support

in 1932 a group of world war one veterans marched on washington DC known as the bonus army, what did this group want

they wanted early payment of a bonus that they were supposed to recieve in 1945

what was the "fisrt hundred days"

to the special congressional session called by presdient roosevelt after his inauguration to initiate new deal legislation

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