New Deal- Short Answer Question

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Which New Deal programs attempted to solve other problems?

FERA- provided money to the needy, direct relief TVA- constructed new dams, brought electricity to rural areas, flood control

Mexican Americans

Fewer benefits than blacks Low wages Farmers weren't protected by federal law Whites wanted to send them back bc of lack of jobs

Explain the argument given against the changes of the New Deal.

It interfered too heavily with people lives and their rights. Government was enforcing too much federal power and not allowing the people to independently solve their their own problems.

Which New Deal programs set rules and regulations?

Wagner Act- protected workers' rights Fair Labor Standards Act- mini wage & max hours Agriculture Adjustment Act- helped farmers gain $ with increased crop prices by lowered productions NRA- Recover> set prices & est. prices, wage cuts, falling prices & layoffs NIRA

What were the causes of the Great Depression?

Wage gap (unequal distribution of income) People buying on margin Farmers crisis

Native Americans

Full citizenship by law Commissioner of Indian Affairs Restored reservations Strong government support Protection of native lands Kids could go to school on reservations instead of boarding schools

Describe the effects of the depression on the American people.

25% unemployment Low paying jobs People lost their homes

Which New Deal programs were focussed and on creating jobs?

Civilian Conservation Corps Works Progress Administration

What did FDR try to do with Supreme a court? Why?

Court packing and to get more justices who wouldn't disagree with the New Deal programs and would sympathize with him> he got 7 new justices

Describe the major differences between Hoover and Roosevelt on the role of solving the GD.

Hoover- believed in laissez faire> let the economy and the people fix itself, too much government interference took away from people's rights, facilitate and not force gov't power, minimal intervention FDR- use gov't money to help the people, expand jobs for people, changed the way gov't was perceived, combat unemployment and poverty in a hands on way

Explain the arguments given in favour of the New Deal.

It helped cycle the money for American people, it gave them more jobs, protection at their work, right to unionize and not be discriminated against, protection and assurance of their money at banks, protection in the stock market.

Describe psychological and social effects if the Dust Bowl on the American people.

No will to live Suicide rate increased to 30% Schools closed early or forever (300,000 out of school, working in sweatshops)

What were positive and negative changes for African Americans?

P- Marian Bethune> government jobs (100+), black cabinet, Negro NYA, unions credited N- FDR didn't fully support Still discriminated against Competition for jobs + violence

What were the positive and negative changes for women during this time?

P- government jobs N- still discriminated against Didn't get paid as much

Which New Deal Programs were set up to solve long- term problems?

Social Security Act- help elderly, disabled, families in need, retirees Fair Labor Standards Act- max hours & mini wage FHA- continues to furnish loans and mortgages

What groups made the 'New Deal Coalition' that was a political force for many years to come?

Southern whites African Americans Various urban groups Alignment of diverse groups dedicated to re elections democrats

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