New Testament Final

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According to 1 Timothy 1:3, where is Timothy ministering at the time of the writing?


According to 1 John 2:2, Christ's death is an atoning sacrifice only for the sins of those in the church.


According to 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, because of our standing in Christ, it is no longer good for Christians to have to work for a living.


According to 1 Timothy 3:6, a new convert should be considered first for the office of Bishop because they are all full of fresh passion and excitement.


According to 2 Timothy 2:2, because Jesus defeated death, his faithful disciples should expect to never have to suffer.


According to Matthew, discipleship under Jesus concerns how you act and live, but how you think and believe don't matter so much


According to Paul in I Corinthians chapter 15, it doesn't really matter if the resurrection is of the body, or just a "spiritual" reality.


According to Romans 11:1, God has finally rejected Israel.


According to the logic of Romans 10, especially seen in verses 14-15, because of God's mysterious power and work, it is not necessary to preach the name of Jesus.


In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus decided not to heal the man with a withered hand because it was the Sabbath.


In the conflict between groups who aligned with different Christian leaders (Paul, Apollos, Cephas), Paul sides with his group.


Jesus is never physically present in the book of Acts.


Romans 12:1 calls Gentiles to take up the Jewish sacrificial system.


When the disciples asked Jesus to give further explanation of a parable, Jesus always refused.


Jealousy and quarrels are signs the church is living according to the flesh.


In Acts 17, Paul drew special attention to what statue in the city of Athens?

the statue to an "unknown god"

When Herod realized he had been outwitted by the Magi, what did he order?

all the boys in Bethlehem, 2 years old and younger, be killed

According to Colossians 3:9-10, the Christian has put off the old self, and clothed themselves with the new self, which is renewed according to what?

the image of their creator

In Matthew chapters 5-7, Jesus gives his most famous sermon on:

a mountain

Whom did Jesus watch put two coins into the temple treasury?

a widow

While on the cross, to whom did Jesus give is mother?

"the disciple whom he loves" aka John

Jesus told the criminal on the cross...

"today you will be with me in paradise"

John 18


In Acts 13, who was sent by the church, under the guidance of the holy spirit, with Saul on a missionary journey?


In Romans 9, Paul says it is not the descendants according to the flesh who are Abraham's children, but the descendants according to __________.

God's promise

In 2 Thessalonians 1:4-5, the persecutions and afflictions the Thessalonians are facing is evidence of _____________, intending to make them worthy of the Kingdom of God.

God's righteous judgement

Hellenism is the influence of ________ culture.


In Luke 24, the disciples finally recognized Jesus when....

He blessed and broke bread at the table

Ultimately, who authorized the church's ministry to the Gentiles?

JESUS; through giving visions, his preaching, and then the council of Jerusalem decided together.

According to Mark 1, who is more powerful and worthy than John the Baptist?


"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and word was God." is the first sentence of what gospel?


Who asked Pilate for Jesus' body?

Joseph of Arimathea

According to Jesus in John 17, this is eternal life:

Knowing God and Jesus Christ whom the Father sent

In NT times, what empire controlled the lands the Jews believed should have belonged to them?


"An account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham" is the first sentence of what gospel?


To whom is Jesus talking when he speaks the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16?


Jesus arrest, trial, and execution took place during the Jewish festival of...


When the spirit came on the church at Pentecost, and Jews from many other nations heard in their own language what the disciples were saying, who stood and gave a sermon?


Which disciples did Jesus take to the mountain where he was transfigured?

Peter, James, John

At his crucifixion, what color cloak did the soldiers place on Jesus?


According 5:18, God reconciled us in Christ to give us the ministry of __________.


Luke 24

Road to Emmaus, short answer question

Who oversaw his stoning?


What is the name of the first martyr as recorded in Acts?


According to 12:9, God's power is made perfect in weakness.


According to 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12, those who are not willing to work should not eat.


According to 2 Timothy 4:3-4, we can expect times when people will turn away from truth and accumulate teachers that will only teach them what they want to hear.


According to Colossians 2:16-17, matters of food and drink, observing festivals, new moons, sabbaths, are but shadows; the substance belongs to Christ.


According to Jesus, ""The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches."


According to Matthew 27, when Jesus died the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. Then, after Jesus' resurrection they came out of the tombs and appeared to many.


According to Romans 1, God has made a way for everyone - even those who did not have the scriptures - to know something about God, and so know something of how to live a good life.


Barnabas was called Zeus, and Paul was called Hermes.


If the Corinthians share in Paul's suffering, we also share in his consolation.


Luke seems to give some importance to historical rulers.


The final words Jesus speaks in Matthew are "Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."


The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who reaps bountifully will also reap bountifully.


When peter cut the high priest servant's ear, Jesus was angry with Peter and he healed the ear.


When we begin to read the New Testament, we pick up a story already in progress.


Zacchaeus, after Jesus stayed with him, decided to sell half his possessions and give them to the poor.


In Acts 10, Peter was staying with Simon, who was a _______.


Who does Jesus tend to tick off? And who tends to love the ways Jesus does things?

Ticks off: the pharisees, high priests, teachers of the law, scribes. Loves him: the gentiles, women and children, "sinners", ordinary townspeople, etc

Philippians is addressed from Paul and ________.


The letter of Colossians was sent from Paul and _________.


Name John the Baptist's parents:

Zechariah and Elizabeth

When Jesus cast out many demons from the naked man, the demons entered into what?

a herd of pigs, and then a lake

According to Paul's understanding of the resurrection, as laid out in chapter 15, death is.....

an enemy, associated with sin, defeated

In the "Great Commission" (28:18-20), Jesus tells his disciples to __________

baptize in the name of the father, son, and holy spirit, make other disciples, and teach people to obey Jesus' commands

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, at the second appearing of Christ the dead will ___________.

be raised and appear with Christ

According to Matthew 25:31-46 we care for Jesus by....

caring for the least

Paul's final exhortation to the church in Colossae is that they remember his __________.


1 John speaks negatively about those who _________.

claim to be without sin, claim to know God but do not love their brothers and sisters God's command, claim to know God but disobey God's commandments

Grace does not _______ nature, but transcends and _____ nature

destroy, perfects

The weapons of our warfare have ______ _______ to destroy strongholds.

divine power

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a ________.

donkey colt

According to Philippians 2:6-7, Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be exploited, but _______.

emptied himself, made himself nothing

Which of the following is not named by Powell as a key theme in the Gospel of Mark?

the disciples great faith

The image scheme Paul uses most in 1 Thessalonians to describe his relationship to the church is ________.

family (they are brothers and sisters, fathers, orphans, etc.)

According to Romans 7:25, in Paul's mind he is a slave to God's law, in his ________ he is a slave to the law of sin.


According to Jesus in Luke 17:4, "if the same person offends you 7 times in 7 days..." you must ________.


In Colossians 1:15, Christ is called the, "___________" of the invisible God.


When he appeared after his resurrection to the disciples, where did Jesus find them?

in a locked room, huddling in fear

According to Romans 2 and 3, Israel ___________ unrighteousness because they had the Law.

is even more guilty of

In Philippians 3:7, Paul says whatever gains he had, he now considers _________.


In John 9, Jesus and the disciples come upon a man who was born blind. The disciples asked, "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered:

neither this man or his parents sinned

When Peter said he believed Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus told Peter to _______

not tell anybody

When teaching the crowds, Jesus tends to use ________


In Luke chapter 6, Jesus says blessed are the ________


According to Romans 2:4, God's patience and kindness toward the unrighteous is meant to lead to ________.


In 2 Timothy 1:7, we are told God gave us a spirit of power, love, and of ____________.


In 1 Timothy 4:12-13, Timothy is instructed to give special attention to ___________.

setting an example in speech and conduct, teaching and reading scripture, exhorting/encouragement.

In the gospel of John, Jesus ______ what God is.

shows people, tells people, and is

In Mark 16, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought _______ to Jesus' tomb.


After they lose him, Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the ___________


Jesus told Pilate he came into the world to

testify the truth

According to Chapter 12, the gifts of the spirit are for:

the common good

In first coming to the Corinthians, Paul's strategy was to win them to the gospel with ____________.

the crucified Christ

According to Mark, after Jesus was baptized, the Spirit sent him to:

the wilderness

In Luke 15, when the father sees his son returning he.....?

was filled with compassion, ran to him, embraced him, kissed him

In John 13, during the Passover meal before Jesus' crucifixion, what did Jesus do for his disciples that Peter was reluctant to participate in?

washed their feet

"Logos" means


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