New Testament Final Exam

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What is the key phrase of Ephesians?

"In Christ" (also "in Him" or "with Him")

The Collosian Heresy was a mixture or _____ of what things?

"syncretism" 1. Jewish Legalism - Human Tradition a. Circumcision b. Food and drink c. Sabbath 2. Mysticism a. Certain practices gain wisdom and knowledge b. Asceticism and severity to the body 3. Local, Pagan, and Folk Religions a. Lived in fear of evil spiritual beings (demons) b. Worship of angles

Who was 3 John addressed to and who was this person?

"the beloved Gaius" - probably a church elder in Asia Minor

Who were the "Judaizers" and what generally was their message or "gospel"?

-Ethnic Jews who converted to Christianity and followed Paul and Barnabas around -Message: Gospel was Law/Works and Grace/Faith

What characterizes 2 Corinthians in terms of its content and tone?

-It is the most personal and least doctrinal of Paul's letters -There is a great deal of autobiographical material here -Describes his suffering -- which gives us a great model for Christians in ministry -- how to work and suffer for Christ -This letter is very emotional -- as much form Paul's heart as his head -- making it hard to translate -The least systematic of Paul's writings, which makes it hard to outline

What is the occasion of Galatians?

-Judaizers (Jews ethnically; converted to Christianity) - followed behind Paul and Barnabas to tell the churches the need to be good Jews and then believe in Jesus -Also attacked the apostleship of Paul

What are the literary forms found in the epistles?

-Parenesis = exhortation urging readers to believe or act in a certain way -Diatribe = anticipation of an objection or response to what is being written and a response to that -Hymn = poetic material that was probably common in the Christian community -Confession or Creed = formalized, succinct statement of belief -Domestic or household code = instructions for individuals within the ancient household structure, such as husbands, wives, parents, children, masters, and slaves. This often had to do with authority, submission issues -Vice and virtue list = list of qualities or actions that are considered moral and immoral. The first items are often the most important. -Doxology = statement of praise to God -Proverb = short, pithy statement of wisdom

Why is their no expression of thanks or commendation at the beginning of Galatians?

-Paul doesn't have anything to thank God for -Paul doesn't have time to waste

How did Paul generally argue for his apostleship in Galatians 1:10-2:21?

-Revelation of Jesus Christ -Approved by Apostles -- Paul's Gospel -2:16 (key verse) develops the contrast of Law/Works - Grace/Faith

There are two passages dealing with the qualification for elders...

1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1

What was Paul's purpose in writing the Pastoral Epistles?

1 Timothy and Titus: To encourage them to deal with certain situations and needs within the church in Ephesus and Crete, including false teaching 2 Timothy: To continue to encourage him to courage and faithfulness in his pastoral ministry, as well as to request him to come to Paul in Rome

What are the characteristics of an epistle?

1. "Epistle" is Greek for "letter" 2. The Epistles make up about 1/3 of the NT 3. These were written for a specific occasion. Usually to address a problem or to clarify issues of understanding and belief among the original recipients. The occasion then leads to the purpose. 4. The Epistles are primarily meant to teach Christians what to believe - theology, doctrine - and how to live - ethics and morality

What is the common general format of the letters to the seven churches?

1. Address 2. Description of Christ from the initial vision 3. A commendation 4. A criticism 5. A specific exhortation 6. A warning 7. A promise to "he who overcomes" 8. A final common exhortation

Christ is a superior high priest for three reasons...

1. Appointed a priest forever 2. Perfect 3. The source of salvation

What were the four problems in the Corinth church?

1. Divisions - due to allegiance to various spiritual leaders 2. Specific Immorality - a believer who was sexually involved with his step-mother and Christians tolerating it rather than condemning it 3. Lawsuits - Christians suing other Christians 4. General Immorality - Addresses sexual immorality in a general sense

Two spiritual lessons which are pictured in Philemon are...

1. Forgiveness and Acceptance 2. Imputation - transferred (in this case our sin has been transferred to Christ on the cross)

What are the main themes of Romans?

1. God - 153 times, more than any other word in Romans 2. The Gospel or Salvation (1:16) 3. The righteousness of God (1:17)

How does Paul relate to the three main cultures of his day?

1. His Jewish heritage and training 2. Hellenistic culture 3. Roman citizenship

The other to important themes of 1 Peter are...

1. Importance of an eternal perspective - HOPE 2. Christian behavior or good deeds

How is the priesthood of Melchizedek and Christ superior to that of Aaron?

1. It unities the office of priest and king 2. It is an eternal order

Purpose of 2 Thessalonians:

1. Matters of belief regarding events leading to the return of Christ 2. Matters of behavior associated with an improper understanding at the return of Christ (especially laziness)

What are the three tests of a true Christian presented in 1 John?

1. Obedience 2. Love 3. Belief

Why was the sacrifice of Christ superior to OT sacrifices?

1. Perfect 2. Only necessary once

What four types of interpretations apply to Revelation?

1. Preterist - Past History: Nearly all events described are past, fulfilled by about 300 (Constantine) 2. Idealist - Not History: The events described here are not historical, but simply symbolic pictures of the ongoing struggle between good and evil 3. Historicist - All (Church) History: The events described here are fulfilled in history from Pentecost to the return of Christ 4. Futurist - "Future" History: Ch. 1-3 refer to the 1st century and Ch. 4-22 are yet future

What are the two contrasts presented in B. (Ephesians 4:17-5:21)?

1. Put off you old self - rags (sinner), put on the new self 2. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, but be filled with the Spirit

What are the five parts of the form of an epistle?

1. Salutation or Greeting: author and recipients identified ( ("grace and peace...") - Paul; Grace = Greek; Peace = Jewish 2. Expression of thanks or commendation (for Paul, in the form of a prayer) 3. Main Body 4. Greetings to specific individuals 5. Closing ("Grace be with you")

What were the two indicators of the Day of the Lord (2 Thess 2:3)?

1. The coming of the apostasy (massive rebellion or falling away) 2. The man of lawlessness is revealed (anti-Christ)

What are the three main arguments against Paul being the author of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (the Pastoral Epistles)

1. The historical details do not fit into the book of Acts 2. The church organization described is much too advanced for Paul's time 3. The style and vocabulary of these letters are significantly different than other Pauline writings

What 3 things describe the nature of James?

1. The most Jewish book of the NT 2. Generally about practical godly living - NT wisdom literature 3. Parallels to the teaching of Jesus (e.g.) the Sermon on the Mount)

What two issues does Paul address regarding public worship?

1. The role of women in public worship 2. The Lord's Supper (celebrating communion in a worthy manner)

What is known about the author of Hebrews?

1. The writer talks as though he were in prison 2. He is a close friend of Timothy 3. Early suggestions were Paul and Barnabas

What are the various interpretations of the relationship between the 7 seals, trumpets, and bowls?

1. They are parallel - same time 2. They are sequential or consecutive - 21 distinct expressions of God's wrath 3. They are telescopic - seals 1-6; interlude; seal 7 = trumpets 1-6; interlude; trumpet 7 = bowls 1-7

What is known from the contents of this book about who the original readers were?

1. They were from Jewish backgrounds and well-acquainted with Jewish worship and rituals 2. They were Christians 3. They were immature Christians 4. Their faith was weak; they were close to turning away from Christ and returning to Judaism

What was the purpose of 1 Corinthians?

1. To correct the problems that he knew existed in the Corinth church 2. To answer questions raised by the Corinthian believers

What four purposes does John state for writing 1 John?

1. To encourage them 2. To exhort them to stop sinning 3. To warn them regarding heresy 4. To assure them of their eternal life

Purpose of 1 Thessalonians:

1. To encourage them in the face of persecution 2. To refute charges against Paul by his enemies in Thessalonica 3. To correct certain misunderstandings/error regarding belief and behavior

What is the purpose of 2 Corinthians?

1. To express joy over their change of heart and spiritual turnaround 2. To defend the gospel of grace against the attacks of the Judaizers 3. To defend himself and his apostleship against the attacks of the Judaizers

In the main section of Hebrews, Christ is shown to be superior to what 4 thinks?

1. To prophets 2. To angels 3. To Moses 4. To Aaron and the Levitical priests

What is the purpose of Galatians?

1. To refute the teachings of the Judaizers 2. To reinforce the Gospel of grace alone 3. To argue for Paul's authorship

Christ is a genuine high priest for three reasons...

1. Was chosen by God 2. Identified with humanity in weakness and suffering 3. Represented humanity before God

What does "millennium" mean?

1000 years - Satan bound

Where is the theme of Romans found?


What verse in Revelation can provide an outline of the book?


According to the South Galatian view, when did Paul found these churches to which he wrote?

1st journey

Jude is related to what other NT book?

2 Peter

According to the North Galatian view, when did Paul found the churches?

2nd or 3rd journey

In what time period was this written?


What was the occasion of 3 John?

A man by the name of Diatrephes was causing problems in a church

What are the three subsections of the first main section of Romans?

A. The Problem: Sin, 1:18-3:20 B. The Solution: Justification, 3:21-5:21 C. The Result: Sanctification, 6:1-8:39

The first subsection of the practical section in Ephesians has to do with the body's...

A. Unity and diversity

What great historical figure did Paul use to refute the Judaizers in Galatians 3:6?


What two Old Testament examples does James note in this section (2:14-26)?

Abraham and Rahab

What OT figure does Paul use to argue for the truth of justification? Why?

Abraham, who was made righteous by his faith (even before circumcision)

When are all the unrighteous dead resurrected (20:5)?

After the 1000 years (millennium)

1 Cor. 8-11 is an important biblical statement on...?

Amoral issues - gray area (not moral or immoral)

What type of literature does Revelation belong to?


When was James written relative to the other NT books?

Around 45 - the earliest NT document

When were 1, 2, and 3 John written relative to other NT documents?

Around 85-95 - latest books in NT

Where were 1, 2, 3 John sent?

Asia Minor

When are all the righteous dead resurrected (20:4-6)?

At the beginning of the millennium

What does a seal symbolize?

Authority or ownership of something

The second subsection of the practical section in Ephesians has to do with...

B. Holiness of lifestyle

Paul's second missionary journey...

Back to Derbe, to Lystra, to Iconium, and to Antioch in Pisidia, then to Europe, to Philippi, to Thessalonica, to Berea, to Athens, to Corinth, briefly stops in Ephesus and returns to Jerusalem. Paul wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians during his time in Corinth (1 1/2 years)

1:22 captures much of James' emphasis: "be _____ of the word, not just hearers"

Be doers of the word, not just hearers

Why did Paul have to instruct the Thessalonian Christians regarding holy living?

Because most were Gentile/Pagan

Why did Paul have to address sexual immorality (the reputation of the city of Corinth)?

Because of Corinth's pagan/gentile background

Why did Paul defend his manner of ministry to the Thessalonians (1 Thess 2:1)?

Because of the Judaizers

Why did Paul say it was advantageous to stay unmarried?

Because the person can serve the Lord without distractions

What is the key word of Hebrews?


What was the original issue regarding Christian liberty? How did Paul address the issue?

Can we buy idol sacrifice meat? Nothing wrong with it, as long as it does not become a stumbling block to the weak

The non-Pauline epistles are called General or _____ epistles

Catholic Epistles

What is the important point and implication of Romans ch. 6, 7, 8?

Ch. 6: Dead buried and resurrected with Christ; through salvation, we have been identified with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, feed from sin and made alive Ch. 7: The example of Paul himself; sin was still within him, does what he hates because sin dwells in him but is not a part of him Ch. 8: The role of the Holy Spirit; True Christian = Holy Spirit within, salvation is from God - beginning to end

In what chapters of Ephesians does Paul make the practical application?

Chapters 4-6

Who is the lamb of Revelation ch. 5?


Where was 1 Peter written to?

Christians in Asia Minor

To whom was Revelation originally written?

Christians in Asia Minor (the seven churches)

Where was Philemon from?


Paul's first missionary journey...

Cyprus, to Perga in Asia Minor, to Antioch in Pisidia, to Iconium, to Lystra, to Derbe, goes back to Antioch in Syria. It was probably in Antioch in Syria that Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians who were in the district of Galatia.

What is the only other biblical office for a local church (1 Tim. 3:8)?


What is significant in Paul referring to them as "sanctified" and "saints" over against their reputation as a church (1 Corinthians 1:2)?

Despite all of the spiritual problems of the Corinthians, Paul still addressed them as "sanctified" and "saint" that has to do with our position in Christ, not our spiritual maturity

What did the false teaching in Colossians do with regard to Jesus Christ?

Diminished Jesus Christ's person and work

What is the occasion of Hebrews?

Due to growing persecution, Jewish Christians were in danger of defecting away from the faith and returning to Judaism (some evidently already had)

Colossians is similar in content to what other book?


What city was John associated with in his later years?


What is the key word that describes the contents of Hebrews 11?

Faith - the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction (negative and positive) Hall of faith - all who remained faithful to God even though they had not yet received the full covenant promise

What three terms did Paul often use in his commendation to those to whom he wrote (1 Thess 1:3)?

Faith, love, and hope

An important theme in the Pastoral Epistles is the presence and danger of...

False teaching

Who is the first beast of ch. 13? The second beast?

First Beast of the Sea = The Antichrist Second Beast of the Earth = The False Prophet

What is the OT background for Melchizedek?

Genesis 14:18-20

What generally does Paul do in Romans ch. 12-15?

Gives practical application of the theology spelled out so far in the book

What does "throne" symbolize?

God's sovereignty or rule

Titus 3 emphasizes the importance of doing good _____?

Good deeds or works

An important theme in the Pastoral Epistles is to ______ that which has been entrusted to you.

Guard that which has been entrusted to you

What is the main question in Romans ch. 9-11 and how does Paul answer it? What is the implication for Christians?

Has God's plan for the Jew failed? No, God has a corporate covenant with Israel and his sovereignty is central; God is now focused on Gentiles until the fullness of the Gentiles have come in.

Which of the three terms did Paul omit in 2 Thessalonians and why?

Hope - because it is future oriented faith and they did not have it

What are the three main sections of Romans?

I. Introduction II. God's Righteousness in Salvation III. God's Righteousness and Israel's Unbelief

What are the two main sections in Ephesians?

II. The position of the Christian III. The practice of the Christian

What did Paul say that was interpreted in class as a valid reason for divorce?

If the unbeliever leaves, let him or her go

What is the significance of the word "abide" (1 John 2:24)

If you abide in what you know to be true, you too will abide in the Son and in the Father

Where is the New Covenant found in the OT?

Jeremiah 31:31-34

The author of James is probably the half-brother of ______


Who is James addressed to?

Jewish Christians - "to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad"

What was the occasion of Revelation?

John was in exile on the island of Patmos due to the persecution of Domitian

The main theme of Ephesians is...

Joy or rejoicing (x18) (4:4)

In the midst of trials, James says we ought to be ______ (1:2)


Who wrote Jude?

Jude (Judas), the half-brother of Jesus

What is the solution to the problem of sin and what does it mean? What is the basis of this and the means of receiving it?

Justification: the act of God by which he, as our judge, declares us to be "not guilty" or innocent of sin - declares the sinner to be righteous Basis: God's grace Means: Our faith

When and where did Paul write 1 Corinthians (in relation to his missionary journeys)?

Late 55 or early 56 in Ephesus on his third missionary journey

The ultimate demonstration of love is what (1 John 3:16)?

Lay down your life for your brother

What was the problem of behavior associated with not understanding Christ's return that Paul addressed in 2 Thess?

Laziness and passiveness in waiting for the day

What is the key concept of Galatians?


What are the general implications of the gospel of grace for living as a Chritians (Galatians 5:1-6:10)?

Live in freedom! -Set free from the Law (fear) (flesh) -Proper motive: Love -Proper power: The Spirit - fruit of the Spirit

What is 1 Cor. ch. 13 known for?

Love is... Motive: Love Goal: Edification

What is the "new commandment" (1 John 2:7-8)?

Love one another

What is the royal law (James 2:8)?

Love your neighbor as yourself (Lev. 19:18)

What is the main theme and key word of 1 John?

Main theme: assurance Key word: know

What was the problem regarding Christ's return that Paul addressed in 2 Thess? How did he answer it?

Misled that the day of the Lord was upon them. Gave the two indicators of the Day of the Lord

This letter deals with the relationship between Philemon and his slave _____, who had run away


Paul presents the church as an...

Organism rather than an organization

Why did Paul leave Timothy and Titus at these particular locations?

Paul left them in their respective locations to assist and be in charge of the churches there

What important order is reflected in the main body of Paul's letters? Why is this important?

Paul usually takes the form of a theological section followed by a practical section. Explanation then application.

Who wrote Colossians? When (his situation)? From where?

Paul wrote Colossians from prison in Rome

Who wrote Ephesians? When (his situation)? From where?

Paul wrote Ephesians while he was in prison in Rome

Who wrote Philemon? When (his situation)? From where?

Paul wrote Philemon from prison in Rome

Who wrote Philippians? When (his situation)? From where?

Paul wrote Philippians during the end of his imprisonment in Rome

What is the significance of all these "sevens"?

Perfection or completion

What was the occasion of 1 Peter?

Peter had become aware that Christians in Asia Minor were being persecuted

Who wrote 1 Peter?

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ

What is "Babylon the Great"?

Prostitute - political/religious alliance

How does James relate to Paul's perspective on faith and works?

Real faith produces good works

What is implied about the destination of 2 Peter although it is unstated?

Referred to as the "second letter" and it therefore to the same audience as 1 Peter: Christians in Asia Minor

Peter wrote to _____ these Christians of important truths


What is the result of justification?

Sanctification: the process through which God makes us holy

What happens at the end of the thousand year kingdom?

Satan is released and gathers a rebel army

According to the view presented in class, when did Paul write this epistle?

Shortly after his 1st journey, probably before the Jerusalem Council, around 49 from Antioch in Syria - Paul's earliest epistle

Who wrote 2 Peter?

Simon Peter, Peter of 1 Peter

What is the problem that we all have? What kind of problem is it? What does total depravity mean? What are the four groups of people that Paul applies this to and why?

Sin is our problem, a legal problem. Total depravity - all people are sinful, totally sinful, and can do nothing about it. 1. The pagan - who worships something, but the wrong thing; suppress the truth they know 2. The moral person - who tries to live a "good life"; tries and fail to abide by their conscience 3. The Jew - dishonors God by breaking the Law 4. Absolutely everyone - No one is righteousness

What is the important point that Paul makes in Romans?

Sin is our problem, universal, pervasive sinfulness, which brings about the need for salvation

In what sense is "the faith" used in Jude 1:3?

Sound doctrine = Biblical truth (objective)

Another important theme is that Timothy was to present...

Sound teaching or true, healthy doctrine

Paul's third missionary journey...

Spends 3 years in Ephesus, to Macedonia, to Greece, to Corinth, and back to Jerusalem. He wrote 1 Corinthians while in Ephesus, 2 Corinthians while in Macedonia, and Romans while in Corinth

What is the basic issue in ch. 12-14? What was the problem behind it in the Cor. church?

Spiritual gifts; abuse and pride

What is the main teaching of Ephesians 6:10-20

Spiritual warfare and the armor of God

Are "elders," "pastors," and "overseers" synonymous terms or do they refer to different positions?


Which interpretation was preferred?


What does "test the spirits" mean (1 John 4:1)?

Test the spirits to see if they are from God by truth

What does Ephesians 1:19-20 and 2:24 say about Paul's expectations regarding his imprisonment? 2:1-11 is called... What is the issue at stake here (2:7)?

That he will be released from prison soon Kenosis Passage - Christ made himself nothing (into human form), he humbled himself

What is the problem (occasion) of Colossians?

The Colossian Heresy

What was Corinthians' basic question/misunderstanding regarding marriage?

The Corinthian believers misunderstood and overreacted that it was good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman

Who was (again) on the scene in 2 Corinthians attacking Paul and his gospel?

The Judaizers

What is the problem Paul was addressing as stated in Galatians 1:6-7?

The Judaizers Gospel

Who presented the occasion for Philippians (2:25)? Why did he come to Paul (4:18)?

The Philippians' concern over Paul's imprisonment and Epaphroditus' sickness

What is the most common and preferred solution for the problem of the destination of Galatians?

The South (political) Galatia Theory

Who is the author of 1, 2, and 3 John?

The apostle John (although he does not identify himself by name)

Who wrote Revelation and where was he?

The apostle John who was in exile on the island of Patmos due to the persecution of Domitian

What important metaphor does Paul present in 1 Corinthians ch. 12?

The body of Christ; many different parts

Who is the bride at the marriage of the Lamb?

The church

Paul illustrates the Church as the ___ and Christ as its ____

The church as the body and Christ as its head

the subject of 12:4-11 is...

The discipline of the Lord - God's motive is love and God's m=purpose is for our good to share in his holiness and righteousness

An important theme is the Pastoral Epistles that in the _____ _____ (1 Tim. 4:1) things are going to get very bad.

The evil nature of the "latter times" or last day

What was suggested for the occasion of Romans?

The exact occasion is unknown the best possibilities: 1. To inform the Roman church of Paul's gospel so that they would be his base of operations for his missionary efforts to the West (Spain) - the new Antioch, farther west, missionary church 2. To inform the Roman church of Paul's gospel in case anything happened to him

What was the basic occasion of James?

The generally poor spiritual condition of Jewish Christians - disunity, fighting, lack of unity, commitment; and they were being persecuted

What is the occasion of Jude?

The imminent threat that Peter warned about was happening and growing

What was the occasion of 2 Peter?

The influence of false teachers

What are the characteristics of Apocalyptic literature?

The ingredients: 1. The ending of this present evil age 2. Resurrection and final judgment 3. Transformation of the universe 4. A new age - the Messianic kingdom 5. All of these through a direct and cataclysmic divine intervention The form: 1. Visions 2. Symbolism 3. Imagery

What is the purpose of Hebrews?

The letter is written to warn Jewish Christians not to return to Judaism due to the superiority of Christ to Judaism, and to encourage those Christians to continue to grow in faith

Regarding financial giving, what did Paul give as the manner, the motive, and the promise?

The manner: generously The motive: not under compulsion, but a cheerful heart The promise (conditional): if they were generous, God would be generous with them

An important truth connected with Ephesians is...

The nature of the Church

What is the occasion of 2 Corinthians?

The occasion was provided by the news Titus brought from Corinth, and what had been happening there up to that time.

What was the occasion of 2 John?

The presence and influence of false teachers

What was the occasion of 1 Corinthians?

The problems in the Corinthians church and the questions from the Corinthian church

What was the problem regarding Christ's return that Paul addressed in 1 Thess? How did he answer it?

The rapture and the day of the Lord. The point: Unbelievers will be caught off-guard by these events, but believers are to be ready for them and will be saved from them. The command: to comfort and encourage one another due to these truths regarding the coming of Christ.

What is 1 Cor. ch. 15 known for? Why is this so important for the Christian faith?

The resurrection - some were denying the resurrection and if that is true our faith is in vain; our faith is futile and we are in sin

What is the main theme of Hebrews?

The superiority of Christ

What was the occasion for 1 John?

The treat of false teaching (possibly the same 2 Peter and Jude...possibly "incipient (early form) Gnosticism"

Who stands before God at the great white throne judgment (20:11-13)?

The unrighteous

What were the two emphases of the false teaching in 1 John?

They denied that... 1. Jesus Christ was fully human in one person (incarnation) 2. Sin was serious for Christians; ethical behavior was unimportant - sinful body ...both implications of dualism

What was wrong with how the Cor. church was dealing with the man involved with his step-mother?

They tolerated it rather than condemning it. they were to remove such a person from among them; they were not to tolerate sin! (an issue of church discipline)

What caused the divisions in Corinth and what was to be the proper basis of unity?

They were due to allegiance to various spiritual leaders. Be united in what they have in common - Christ and the Gospel - was to be regarded as more important than their differences

Who are the 144,000 who are sealed?

Those who become Christians during God's wrath

Where was Timothy when Paul wrote 2 Timothy to him and when was this?

Timothy was back in Ephesus and Paul was re-arrested and imprisoned in Rome as early as 64 or later

Where was Timothy when Paul wrote 1 Timothy to him and when was this?

Timothy was in Ephesus and Paul was anticipating being released from prison in Rome, probably in 62

What was the occasion of 1 and 2 Thessalonians?

Timothy's two reports from Thessalonica

Where was Titus when Paul wrote Titus to him and when was this?

Titus was in Crete and Paul was anticipating being released from prison in Rome, probably in 62

What is the point of Romans 12:1-2? How does it tie what precedes and what follows together?

To be a living sacrifice preceded by the disunity of believers (Jews and Gentiles) and followed by unity the body of Christ should have

What was the occasion for Ephesians?

To deepen their maturity by instilling in them some very important spiritual truths about the Christian and the Christian's place in the church

What was the purpose of 3 John?

To encourage Gaius to deal with Diotrephes until John could come perosonally

What was the purpose of 2 John?

To encourage love for one another and to warn of the false teachers

What was the purpose of 1 Peter?

To encourage them in the midst of their suffering

What is the purpose of Ephesians?

To encourage them, especially regarding Paul's imprisonment

What was the purpose of Ephesians?

To instruct believers regarding their spiritual identity or position in Christ and how they live as a result

What was the basic purpose of James?

To instruct these Jewish Christians in these areas of spiritual concern, and to encourage them to Christian living and endurance in the midst of suffering

What is the purpose of Romans?

To put down in an orderly way the God-revealed essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its implications for believers

What was Paul's purpose in writing Colossians?

To refute this false teaching and affirm the full deity, full humanity, and absolute supremacy of Jesus Christ

What was the purpose of Revelation?

To reveal what was to take place (1:1)

What was the purpose of 2 Peter?

To warn Christians about these false teachers and to remind them to know what is true and important

What is the purpose of Jude?

To warn his readers that the imminent treat of which Peter had spoken was a reality and to encourage them to contend for the true faith

What is the problem regarding the destination of Galatians?

Two Galatias: Ethnic Galatia in the norther part of the Galatian province and the political Galatia of diverse people in the cities of the southern part of that province

What related lessons are to be learned form 2 and 3 John?

Two sides of the same coin: 1. False teachers are not to be received or helped in any way; to do so is to participate in their evil work 2. True teachers are to be received and helped; to do so is to become fellow-workers in truth

Who is the woman, child, and dragon of ch. 12?

Woman = Israel Child = Messiah; Jesus Dragon = Satan

What is the issue that Paul addresses in 1 Timothy 2:9-15?

Women in the church - a universal principle or specific situation...

The main teaching of Colossians is the...

absolute supremacy of Jesus

Those who deny the humanity of Christ are labeled the "________"?


The central concept of Jude is....


The qualifications for elders are primarily in terms of...

character rather than skill

The new heavens, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem represent the ________ state

eternal state forever

An important section in James (2:14-26) deals with...?

faith and works

An important theme in the Pastoral Epistles is to follow...and avoid....?

follow good examples and avoid bad examples

Ephesians is characterizes as...

one of Paul's most personal letters (I, me, my)

The important background of 2 Timothy was that Christians all over were being _______?


What is the primary theme of 1 Peter?


An important theme in the Pastoral Epistles is the local church as...

the household of God

Hebrews contains a number of ______ passages

warning passages

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