New Testament Survey DBU

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What time of day was Jesus crucified?

9 AM

Who was Matthew?

A tax collector also known as Levi

In what year did the third Council of the Carthage officially recognize all the New Testament books as canonical?

AD 397

What type of event was the feast of Passover?

An Exodus event

Name the three kinds of miracles

Dunameis - power Thaumasios - wonder Semeion - sign

What is the Oral theory and it's problem?

It states the life of Jesus was preserved in a oral form and later written down; the problem is so many verbal resemblances could not have been preserves by word-of-mouth and it does not explain adequately marks omission or the divergence of the Gospels and important junctures are why they deviated and then returned

What is the two document theory and its problem ?

It states the synoptic Gospels were derived from Mark and another source called Q; the problem is they cannot prove the great omission and they question why Matthew who was an eyewitness and apostle needed to copy Mark's Gospel

What is the Aramaic Ur gospel theory and it's problem?

It states the translation differences were due to the use of the Aramaic language; the gospels were most likely translated from Greek and not Aramaic

What characterized the feast of Pentecost or the feast of weeks?

It was about the giving of the law

What characterized the feast of booths ?

It was about the wilderness wanderings

What region is Jericho located in?

Jericho is located in Samaria

What region is Jerusalem located in?

Jerusalem is located in Samaria

Before what two groups did Jesus have to appear in trial before he was crucified?

Jesus had both religious and political trials

What was Jesus is response to Satan asking him to turn stones into bread?

Jesus replied with Deuteronomy 8:3 man does not live by bread alone

What was Jesus's response to Satan when he asked him to throw himself down?

Jesus told Satan that we are not to test God according to Deuteronomy 6:16

What did Jesus use to combat all of the temptations of Satan?

Jesus used Scripture

Upon what was Jesus riding when he made his triumphant intrigue into Jerusalem?

Jesus was riding on a donkey as foretold in Zachariah 9:9-10

Who tried Jesus politically before he was crucified ?

Jesus was tried by Pilate the governor and Herod Antipas and then taken back to Pilate

What two regions did Jesus withdraw up to from the Galilee region and where did he go during the summer of his last year of ministry ?

Jesus went to Tyre and Sidon as well as Bethsadia and Caesarea Philippi

On what day did Jesus triumphantly into Jerusalem?

On the Sunday before his crucifixion also known as Palm Sunday

What extraordinary event happened at the time when Jesus was crucified?

The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom that separated the holy place and the Holy of Holies

Name the three years of Jesus' public ministry

The year of obscurity or inauguration, the year of popularity and the year of opposition

Who were the zealots ?

The zealots were political revolutionaries

What did people challenge Jesus' authority about?

They challenged his authority to teach

What did the Jews need before they could execute Jesus?

They needed Roman approval

How many letters did Paul write?


What is the difference in the dating of the year of the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius?

Tiberius had two different dates tied to his reign the first was CE 11 when he shared coemperorship and the second when Augustus died in CE 14 and he took full emperorship

For what two reasons was Jesus baptized?

To identify himself with the sinful humanity that he came to save and to portray what would happen with his coming death burial and resurrection

What were the four values in teaching by parables ?

To portray truth more vividly , to clarify principles or make a point, to involve the learners and to protect truth from mockery

What is the purpose of the book of Mark?

To present Jesus as the Redeemer

What is the purpose of the book of Matthew?

To present Jesus as the promised Messiah

What is the purpose of the book of John?

To promote that which results in eternal life

What is the purpose of the book of Luke?

To provide orderly accounts of the traditions about Jesus

What were the two purposes for Jesus using parables to teach his disciples?

To reveal hidden truth to the true disciples of Jesus who were the intended hearers and to hide truths from Jesus' opponents

What were the three temptations of Jesus?

To turn the stones into bread, to worship Satan, and to throw himself down from a high pinnacle

Which synoptic theories support Markan priority?

Two Source Theory and Four Source Theory (Streeter)

What two important questions to Jesus asked his disciples while they were in Caesarea Philippi?

Who do other people say the Son of Man is and what do you think about me?

Describe the Pseudepigrapha

historical, not accepted by the church mainly because they were written under falsely assumed names; had an air of authority; some pseudepigraphal writings fall into the class of apocalyptic literature, which describes in highly symbolic and visionary language the end of present history with the coming of God's kingdom on earth

Describe the Dead Sea Scrolls

includes Biblical and other works that shed light on the culture of the Intertestamental Period; includes portions from the majority of Old Testament texts; discovered in caves near the Dead Sea by shepherd boys in the middle of the twentieth century C.E.

What was the apostolic mission of Luke's Gospel?

For Paul's Gentile mission

What was the apostolic mission of the Gospel of Mark?

For Peter's Asia minor and Roman missions

What was the apostolic mission of the Gospel of Matthew?

For the Jews associated with the mission of James

How many gospels are in the New Testament?


In Jewish custom what must one do to break an engagement?

Go through a process like filing for a divorce

What were the three gifts brought to Jesus?

Gold, incense and myrrh

What does the term "gospel" literally mean?

Good News

What is the literal meaning of the term gospel ?

Good news

Name four literary categories or genre used in the New Testament

Gospel History Letters and Apocalypse

In what language was the New Testament primarily written?


Which synoptic theory supports Matthean priority?

Griesbach Mutual Interdependence Theory

What does the term canon literally mean ?

Measuring reed

What did the term "canon" originally mean?

Measuring stick

What is the literal meaning of the term synoptic?

Seeing together

What does the term Pharisee mean?

Separated ones

What would happen to a woman found in adultery?

She would be stoned

What is the significance of Jesus cursing the fig tree?

The tree was symbolic of Israel and it reflected the upcoming judgment for Israel and in cursing the fig tree Jesus predicted their downfall

Which Hellenistic philosophy maintains that all physical matter is evil and spiritual is good ?


What were the four steps in the development of the New Testament Canon?

1) Creation and spread of the NT. (50-95 CE) The books were written and began to be copied and sent out to the churches. 2) Greater recognition and collection into groups of the NT. (96-150 CE) The Gospels and Paul's letters began to become known and recognized amongst the churches. As the authors of the books became known the books began to be accepted as part of the canon. 3) Official compilation of the NT Canon. (150-190 CE) The canon began to take shape including compiling a list of books. Some books fell under scrutiny. 4) Closing of the Canon. (200-340 CE) Athanasius gave a full and final declaration on both the OT and NT Canons. He declared no one should add to or take away from the Canon.

Name the seven sayings of Christ from the cross

1-Father forgive them for they do not know what they do, 2-truly I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise, 3-Jesus said to his mother woman this is your son then he said to the disciple this is your mother, 4-my God my God why have you forsaken me, 5-I thirst, 6-it is finished, and 7-Father into your hands I commend my spirit

What criteria did the early church use for determining which books were canonized?

1. Inspiration - inspired by God 2. Apostolic authority - Written by apostles or close associates of the apostles of Jesus 3. Apostolic era - Nothing written later was accepted 4. Orthodoxy - nothing that contradicts the apostolic faith 5. Universal Church Recognition - it had to have universal, not just local recognition

Identify the five groups of the different religious and political groups during the NT era.

1. Sadducees 2. Pharisees 3. Essenes 4. Scribes 5. Zealots

What are two ancient versions of the Bible?

1. Septuagint aka LXX - Greek translation of the Hebrew OT 2. Vulgate - Latin translation finished in 405 CE

What are the four groups of literature written during the Intertestamental Period?

1. The Apocrypha 2. The Mishnah & Talmud 3. The Pseudepigrapha 4. The Dead Seas Scrolls (DSS)

What seven actions by Antiochus IV ultimately led the Jews to rebel against the Seleucid rulers?

1. The temple was renamed in honor of Zeus Olympius 2. Swine were offered on the temple altar and other altars over the city 3. Antiochus made the Jews to eat pork or face torture 4. He stopped the daily sacrifices 5. He makes a law that they could not practice Judaism anymore and made it a capital offense; it became a capital offense to practice circumcision, observe the Sabbath, celebrate Jewish festivals, or possess copies of the Old Testament scrolls. 6. He put a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies 7. A monthly feast was established to celebrate the rebirth of the sun

How many books are in the New Testament?


What time of day did Jesus die?

3 PM

What is the most likely year of Jesus's crucifixion?

33 AD

What are the proposed dates for the book of Matthew being written?

40-55 AD

In what year do most New Testament scholars date Jesus's birth?

5-6 BC

What are the proposed dates for Luke being written ?

57-61 AD

What are the proposed dates for the book of Mark being written ?

65-70 AD

In what year was the second Temple destroyed?

70 A.D.

What are the proposed dates for the book of John being written?

80-95 AD

What is the Talmud?

A collection of oral traditions

Who were the first five disciples mentioned in the book of John?

Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, Nathaniel and the unnamed disciple thought to be John

Who tried Jesus religiously before he was crucified?

Annas and Caiaphas the high priest

Name the three things that Jesus is opponents challenged him on during the last week before his crucifixion

Authority, taxes and resurrection

The genealogy in Matthew goes back to whom?

Back to Abraham

The genealogy in Luke goes back to whom?

Back to Adam

Why did they send Jesus to Herod Antipas?

Because Jesus was Galilean

What region is Bethany located in ?

Bethany is located in Samaria

What region in Palestine is the city of Bethlehem located ?

Bethlehem is located in Judea

What did Caiaphas charge Jesus with?


What region is Caesarea located in ?

Caesarea is located in Samaria

Name three Roman emperors who demanded Emperor worship father were alive .

Caligula, Nero and Domitian

What region is Cana located in?

Cana is located in the region of Galilee

In what region did Jesus spend most of his time during the second year of his ministry?

Capernaum in Gallilee

Where is Capernaum located?

Capernaum is located in the region of Galilee

What does the Greek word testament literally mean ?


What was the apostolic mission of John's Gospel ?

For John's Ephesian missions

What was a major feature of the book of Matthew?

Five discourses and five major narratives

What day of the week have Christians traditionally recognized as the day on which Christ was crucified?


Name the three Early Letters of Paul

Galatians, I & II Thessalonians

Name the three major regions of Palestine

Galilee, Samaria and Judea

What six requirements must one meet to fulfill OT prophecy concerning the Messiah?

Genealogical - to be a descendant of Abraham and from the tribe of Judah and in the line of David Prophetic - to meet numerous Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah To be born in Bethlehem according to Micah To be born a virgin according to Isaiah To be a suffering servant according to Isaiah Physical - to be able to preach the gospel to the poor, release the captives and recover site to the blind

What was Jesus's response to worshiping Satan?

He told Satan to be gone into get behind him and that we are not to worship anyone but God alone and only to serve God according to Deuteronomy 6:13 and Deuteronomy 10:20

Name the eight General Letters in the NT

Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude

Describe the Sadducees

Hellenistic, wanted to avoid conflict with the "powers that be", believed no life after death, materialistic, did not believe in or acknowledge a spirit world; aristocratic, rich, politically influential; regulated temple worship; denied the oral law; opponents of Jesus

While at the temple to celebrate the feast of Tabernacle's Jesus repeatedly expressed two truths what were they?

His message was from God and he himself was from God

What two events in the final months of Jesus' life clearly demonstrate that he is the promised Messiah?

His raising Lazarus showed he had power over death and his triumphal entry demonstrated that he was the promised Messiah

What is the two gospel theory and it's problem?

It states Matthew was written first and it was the primary position of most early church scholars; the problem is there was a large measure of disagreement among scholars and there was no evidence that Matthew or Luke saw each other's work

Name the three Pastoral Letters of Paul

I & II Timothy, Titus

What two examples of the miracles in John's Gospel seems to be more powerful than those in the synoptic Gospels ?

In John's Gospel Jesus does not just heal the blind man but a man born blind and Jesus does not just heal a person but raises a person who has been dead for three days back to life

What is the pseudepigrapha?

Intertestamental publications under a false name

What is the origin of the Jewish Feast of Hanukah (Festival or Feast of Lights as mentioned in the NT)?

It commemorates when the Maccabeans cleansed the temple on the 25th of Chislev and rededicated the temple (165 BC); started in the village of Modein with Mattathias' revolt; Mattathias was succeeded by his third son, Judas Maccabeus

What are some characteristics of the book of John?

It has a lot of theological characteristics and simple language but profound in thought it depicts miracles as signs but adds a lot of theological interpretation it emphasizes the deity of Jesus but lacks the parables of Jesus

What are some basic characteristics of the book of Matthew?

It is concise and well structured there are many groupings of three and seven and it refers a lot to the kingdom of heaven suggesting a Jewish audience

What are some basic characteristics of the book of Luke?

It is the largest in the New Testament it is most comprehensive and more chronological and it describes Jesus's journey to Jerusalem and the only gospel with the second volume it is very universal and inclusive of all races and socioeconomic classes and takes mention of social outcasts and 13 women who were not mentioned elsewhere

What does the term synoptic problem mean?

It is the scholars' attempt to answer the question why the first three Gospels are so much alike in content, style and wording

What is the most likely place of origin of the book of John ?

It is unknown but it is thought to be in Ephesus

What are some basic characteristics of the book of Mark?

It is very rough it is filled with action and often referred to as the gospel of action it lacks disc course in teaching it places a lot of emphasis on Jesus as the Messiah and on the messianic secret

What did the gift of myrrh mean?

It proclaimed or foretold of his funeral and that he was going to be the suffering servant destined to die for our sins

What did the gift of gold mean?

It proclaims he was King worthy of our honor

What did the gift of incense mean?

It proclaims his deity and that he was worthy of our worship

What is the significance of Jesus's miracles in Matthew eight and nine ?

It showed his authority

What is the significance of the veil being torn?

It signified that his death open the way into the presence of God

What is the fragmentary theory and problem?

It stated there was a book of sayings and deeds of the life of Jesus in the Gospel writers pulled their information from; the problem is there has been no record found of these fragmentary documents

Which Gospel is not counted among the synoptic Gospels?


Who is the author of John?


Who is the author of Mark ?

John Mark

Who is the forerunner of Jesus?

John the Baptist

Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

Judas Iscariot

Based on the proposed dates what order were the Gospels written in?

Matthew, Luke , Mark and John

What gospels comprise the synoptic gospels ?

Matthew, Mark and Luke

Name the four Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Who is the author of Luke ?


What two books of the Gospels have no genealogy ?

Mark and John do not have any genealogy listed

Name the sources for the Two Source Theory

Mark and Q

Name the sources for the Four Source Theory

Mark, Q, M and L

What are the four sources of the four document or source theory and it's problem?

Mark, Q, M, and L; the problem is it is too hypothetical

What is the two document theory also known as?

Markan priority

To whom did an angel appear announcing the birth of Jesus?


Who is the author of Matthew?


What is the Canonical Order of the NT

Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans I & II Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians I & II Thessalonians I & II Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James I & II Peter I, II & III John Jude Revelation

Why did the genealogies of Jesus appear different in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke?

Matthew provides Joseph genealogy and traced the legal descendents of David who succeeded the throne where as Luke provides Mary's genealogy and traced the branch of the Davidic family

What is the most likely place of origin of the book of Luke?

Most probably in Caesarea while Paul was in prison

What city did Jesus grow up in


What region is Nazareth located in?

Nazareth is located in Gallilee

We are to be a constant seeker of truth. Who was a constant seeker of truth that came to Jesus in the middle of the night?


Name three criteria for determining canonicity of the New Testament writings

Orthodoxy Apostolicity and Universality

What is the definition of the term parable?

Parable means to put side-by-side

What Greek word does the word parable come from?


What was Jesus and his disciples celebrating on the night that he was betrayed?


Where was the book of Matthew most likely written?

Perhaps Palastine or Syria or Antioch

What is another term for an amanuensis?


What three disciples did Jesus take with him when he was transfigured on the mountain?

Peter, James and John

What did the Pharisees do?

Pharisees were interpreters of the law

Name the four Prison Letters of Paul

Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians

What is the most likely place of origin of the Gospel of Mark?

Probably Rome

What does Q stand for?

Quelle = German for 'source'

What does the word synoptic mean ?

Seeing together

Name the three Major Letters of Paul

Romans, I & II Corinthians

What was Satan's promise when he asked Jesus to throw himself down?

Satan promised Jesus that God would take care of him and protect him and guard him with his angels

What was Satan's promise when he showed him the kingdoms of the world and asked Jesus to worship him?

Satan promised Jesus to give Jesus all authority and glory and give him all the kingdoms of the world

On Satan's last temptation what did Satan use against Jesus?

Satan quoted scripture from Psalms 91:11-12 that God's angels would protect him

What three lessons does the story of the Samaritan woman illustrate?

That Jesus broke down social and racial barriers by talking to the socially outcast, that Jesus is the living water and the one who truly quenches our desires and that Jesus is to be worshiped in spirit and in true worship is not defined by a place, but an attitude of worship

What does Canon refer to in New Testament studies?

The 27 books in the New Testament

Defined apocrypha

The Apocrypha is non-canonical books written in the intertestamental period

Who were the Essenes?

The Essenes most likely wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls

Who was Luke written for?

The Greeks

What was the name of the ruling family (dynasty) for the Jewish nation during the Intertestamental Period?

The Hasmonean Dynasty (founded under Simon)

Who were the Herodian's?

The Herodian's were Jewish supporters of the Herodian Dynasty

What two extraordinary things happen that Jesus' baptism?

The Holy Spirit descended like a dove and a voice from heaven from the Father was heard saying, "Thou are my beloved son with thee I am well pleased."

What is the name that historians use that refer to the 400 year gap between the Old and New Testaments?

The Intertestamental Period

Who was Matthew written for ?

The Jews

What is the two gospel theory also known as ?

The Matthean priority

What is the Olivet discourse?

The Olivet discourse is a prophetic discourse given on the Mount of Olives to discuss the end of the age and his second coming

During the last year of Jesus' public ministry opposition to him came from what three groups of Jewish religious leaders?

The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes

Who was Mark written for?

The Romans

What political empire eventually subjugated the Jewish nation in 63 BCE?

The Romans under Pompey

Who were the Sadducees?

The Sadducees were the authority of temple worship

What is the name given for the group of Seventy Jewish men who presided over governmental religious and domestic issues ?

The Sanhedrin

Name the three events related to the raising of Lazarus from the dead

The arrival, the miracle and the significance . Jesus arrived and Lazarus had already been dead for four days and Jesus announced that 'I am' the resurrection and the life and Jesus asked the people to remove the stone and commanded Lazarus to come forth from the tomb and Lazarus walked out

What was the first miracle in the book of John?

The changing of the water to wine at Cana

Who was John written for ?

The general public

What were the first five major events of Jesus's ministry recorded in the book of John?

The initial contact with the first five disciples, the first miracle, the cleansing of the temple, the discourse with Nicodemus and the discourse with the Samaritan woman

What was a major feature of the book of Mark ?

The miracles of Jesus

What is the reason for Jesus's miracles?

The miracles were prophetic signs accompanying and then bodying Jesus's message they were symbolic acts and put his teaching into action

What is the meaning of the name Jesus?

The one who saves

What was a major feature of the book of Luke?

The parables of Jesus

What was the prophetic meaning of the cleansing of the temple?

The prophetic meaning was that Jesus would raise up the temple not made with hands referring to his body and coming crucifixion and resurrection and also referring to the body or Church of Christ

What was a major feature of the book of John?

The signs of Jesus

What story in the Bible teaches us that we are to know him more personally?

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well

What is the symbolic meaning of Jesus cleansing the temple?

The symbolic meaning was that the temple was to be a house of prayer

To whom did an angel appear announcing the birth of John the Baptist?

Zechariah the priest

Describe the Pharisees

came out of the Hebraists or Hasidems (pious ones), one strand was the perushim "separated ones", chief concern was to follow / apply the law, strict adherence supplemented by the oral law, looked for a Messiah who would bring righteousness, believed in angels; middle class laymen; largest and most influential Jewish group; legalistic

Describe the Scribes

copied, read, interpreted and taught the OT Law, helped produce the Talmud (Mishnah+Gemarah); professional group rather than a religious or a political group; often opposed Jesus

Describe the Zealots

extreme nationalists, they wanted to rid Jerusalem of all outside rulers like Herod so they could serve only YHVH, they didn't pay taxes, murdered officials and were more/less terrorists; fanatical revolutionaries; political in action but religiously motivated

Describe the Essenes

more conservative than the Pharisees, most likely derived from the Greek "hosiotes" = holiness, called the Sons of Zadok, doctrinally believed like the Pharisees, but led a more ascetic lifestyle, worked long hours, followed rituals and required strict adherence to laws, withdrawn into their own community; not mentioned in the New Testament; had very strict admission requirements; did not recognize the temple worship, and are believed to have produced the Dead Sea Scrolls

Describe the Apocrypha

non-canonical books; historical, unknown in origin, not accepted as authoritative; rejected by the Jews and Christians, but accepted by Roman Catholics; contains history, fiction and wisdom literature

Describe the Talmud

record of the decisions by Rabbis on how to interpret the issues of Law; Mishnah+Gemarah; it consists of the halakah, strictly legal portions, and the haggadah, nonlegal portions.

Describe the Mishnah

written to concentrate on how to apply the Law of God; commentary on the oral Laws

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