New Testament Test 1

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"Good News" From verb "to proclaim" or "to preach" Because of the activity of Christian Missionaries "Proclaiming the gospel"

Antitheses "It has been said..." (Written Law of Moses)

"but I say unto you..." (Jesus' interpretation, Higher Law)


(Greek form of Zaccai.) A Jew who was "chief publican" or commissioner of taxes at Jericho (Luke 19:2-8). Climbed the tree

Herod the Great

(r.37-4 BC): Idumean, Vassal King, Family of Jewish converts Had three sons: Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas, Herod Philip

Double Tradition

220-235 verses not found in Mark but shared between Luke and Matthew Seems to indicate a dependence at the written level


A carpenter. Christ's step-father. Mary's husband.


A person descended from the old stock of the Phoenicians of Syria, who belonged to the Canaanites of the Old Testament (Mark 7:26).


A pupil or learner A name used to denote... the twelve, also called apostles, all followers of Jesus Christ We also read of disciples of John the Baptist and of the Pharisees

Brethren of the Lord

A title given to James, Joses, Simon, and Judas. They were children of Joseph and Mary, born after Jesus' birth.


A word of Greek origin, originally meaning "a rod for testing straightness," now used to denote the authoritative collection of the sacred books used by the true believers in Christ. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the canonical books are called standard works. The history of the process by which the books of the Bible were collected and recognized as a sacred authority is almost hidden in obscurity. There are several legends extant and these may have some truth in them but certainly are not complete or totally accurate. Though many of the details have not been preserved, we know that the servants of the Lord have been commanded to keep records even from the earliest times, and that those records have been revered by the faithful and handed down from generation to generation.

Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16)

Abraham's Bosom parable (Just remember the great skit in class :) ) Rich man had everything in mortal life but was tormented in next life. Lazarus had nothing in mortal life but had everything in the next life.


An Apostle Brother of Simon Peter


An Aramaic word meaning "riches," personified in Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:9, 11, 13.


Belonging to Nazareth


Called and sent forth to preach and witness of Christ


Chief Apostle. First to receive the keys of the priesthood Known as the Rock Denied Christ thrice With Christ in Gethsemane, at Mt. of Transfiguration, & raising of Jairus' daughter


Christ cast Legion (a group of spirits) from a man and into a group of swine that ran over a cliff.


Christ often commanded the people to become as little children. Meek, humble, patient, willing to submit...

Son of Man

Christ referred to himself in this way but nobody else did. Term used in O.T. to refer to simply "a man" Son of Man is referring to "Man of Holiness" which is a title for God In essence, Christ is calling himself Son of God while emphasizing his mortal parentage at the same time.

Workers in the Vineyard

Each was called at a different time of day, but received the same pay


Father of John the Baptist Priest in the Temple Married to Elisabeth Was caused to become dumb by an angel (Gabriel) in the temple


Fisherman Audience is to members of the Church. They already know Christ Still on Earth, never died. Preparing the way for Christ's return Exiled close to before he was translated. Wrote revelation here Wrote 5 books of the New Testament Disciple of John the Baptist, reoriented them to Christ With Christ in Gethsemane, at Mt. of Transfiguration, & raising of Jairus' daughter


Forerunner - John the Baptist Actual Prophet - time of Abraham Elijah = Greek form is Elias


Friend of God. The person to whom Luke addressed his Gospel and the Acts. The use of the title "most excellent" (Luke 1:3) seems to show that he was a real personage. See also JST Luke 3:19-20 (Appendix).


Given to God. The word describes anything dedicated to God and therefore not available for ordinary uses. The utterance of it was held to constitute a binding vow, and the fulfillment of a vow was regarded by the Pharisees as of deeper obligation than the duty even to parents. See Matt. 15:5 and Mark 7:11, where it appears that the Pharisees misused the opportunity of dedicating their material possessions to God, in order to avoid responsibility to care for their parents.


Hebrew for the anointed


His symbolism artwork was the ox (What on earth does this mean?? Do you have a spirit animal? Kind of the same thing.) Gentile, the rest are Jews who converted to Christians His focus is on the Gentiles, who didn't even have the jewish/God foundation He practiced medicine His sources were from eye witnesses He travelled with Paul More stories about women than others


In the days of the Hebrew monarchy this was the title of a court official, a secretary of state (2 Sam. 8:17; 2 Kgs. 12:10; 18:18). After the captivity we find the title given to Ezra (7:6, 21) and to others who acted as teachers of the law. Scribes are frequently mentioned in the New Testament, being sometimes called lawyers. It was their business to develop the law in detail and apply it to the circumstances of their time; hence grew up the oral or traditional law side by side with the written law. Their method of teaching relied on memorization. Their aim was to reproduce and teach others to reproduce accurately the words of the wise (hence the office is a symbol of fidelity in instruction, Matt. 13:52). The scribes never taught on their own authority (contrast with this the Lord's method, Matt. 7:29). They taught either in houses of instruction or in the temple courts, their pupils sitting on the ground (Luke 2:46; Acts 22:3). They formed an influential part in the supreme court of the Sanhedrin. Rabbi (my Master) was the title usually given them. As a rule they were Pharisees (Mark 2:16; Acts 23:9), though there were also Sadducean scribes. In theory they received no pay for their work (but see Mark 12:38-40), and it was usual to combine the study of the law with the exercise of some other calling. Their influence considerably increased after the downfall of Jerusalem and the cessation of the temple worship. As a class they offered a determined opposition to the Lord mainly because He disregarded the "traditions of the elders" (Matt. 21:15; 26:3; Mark 8:31; 11:18; 14:1; Luke 5:30; 6:7; 9:22; 11:53; Acts 4:5; 6:12). For His opinion of them see Matt. 5:20; 15:1-9; 23:2-9; Mark 2:17; 12:38; Luke 11:44; 20:46.

"Lost" Parables (Luke 15)

Lost sheep, lost coin, lost son (prodigal son)

Two-Source Theory

Mark was written first Matthew & Luke borrowed from Mark and another source Quelle (Q) - "Source"; hypothetical collection of double tradition sayings

Mary and Martha

Martha is the Sister of Lazarus and Mary Christ appeared to Mary first after His resurrection


Mary's cousin Mother of John the Baptist Married to Zacharias


Means "one sent forth" It was the title Jesus gave to the twelve whom he chose and ordained to be his closest disciples during his ministry on earth, and whom he sent forth to represent him after his ascension into heaven. Special witness of Christ - particularly his divinity and bodily resurrection.


Means God with us Linked with a prophecy that Christ would be born into mortality of a virgin and that he would come to redeem us (Isa 7:14).


Means fully ripe, complete. When Christ commanded us to be perfect, he used this word. (Matt 5:48)


Means the Anointed in greek


Men who bought or farmed the taxes under the Roman government were called publicani. The name is also used to describe those who actually collected the money, and who were properly called portitores. Both classes were detested by the Jews, and any Jew who undertook the work was excommunicated. Many of the tax-gatherers in Galilee would be in the service of Herod and not of Rome. There are many references in the New Testament to the readiness with which the publicans received the gospel (Matt. 9:9-10; 10:3; 21:31-32; Mark 2:14-15; Luke 3:12; 5:27-29; 7:29; 15:1; 18:13; 19:2, 8).


Mother of Christ

Kingdom of Heaven parables

Mustard seed: external growth Leaven: internal growth Merchant: Actively seeking Treasure in the field: Stumbling across it, but giving all after it is found Nets in the sea: immediate separation between good and bad Wheat and tares: wait until the end to separate the good and bad Pearl of Great Price: Sold all that he had and bought pearl


Name given to certain declarations of blessedness in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3-11; Luke 6:20-22). They describe certain elements that go to form the refined and spiritual character, all of which will be present whenever that character exists in its perfection. Rather than being isolated statements, the Beatitudes are interrelated and progressive in their arrangement. A more comprehensive and accurate listing is found in 3 Ne. 12:1-12, where a greater spiritual emphasis is given. Latin "Beatus" meaning "blessed" or "happy"


Name of a Philistine god. Used as a title for the "chief of the demons," or Satan. The Pharisees referred to him as the "prince of the devils" (Matt. 12:24). Jesus denied that He cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub (Luke 11:14-20). See also 2 Kgs. 1:1-6, where it is spelled Baalzebub.


Noah as an angel Spoke to Mary about bearing the Christ Also told Zacharias that Elisabeth will bear a son, whom they will name John


Only the first James in the Bible Dictionary Son of Zebedee Killed by Herod With Christ in Gethsemane, at Mt. of Transfiguration, & raising of Jairus' daughter

Parable (Meaning of word and characteristics)

Parables' purpose is to indict "Placing Beside" - comparison, illustration Parable: an extended metaphor in narrative, fictional form


Part of the Herod family(granddaughter of Herod the Great) Eloped in order to live as the wife of her step-uncle, Herod Antipas. It was for his rebuke of this crime that John the Baptist was put to death.

Rock of the church

Peter, the Apostle Also understood as Revelation.


Prophetess at the temple when Christ was brought as a babe

Son of David

Refers to Christ's Royal Heritage

Herod Antipas

Ruled Galilee and Perea after Father's death

Herod Archelaus

Ruled Judea, Idumea, and Samaria after Father's death


Ruler of a synagogue in some place near the Sea of Galilee (Mark 5:22; Luke 8:41). Jesus raised Jairus's 12-year-old daughter from death (Mark 5:35-43).

Synoptic (gospels)

Same View Matthew, Mark, Luke Synoptic Problem What is the relationship (borrowing) between them? 80% of Mark's verses are reproduced in Matthew, and 60% of Mark's verses are reproduced in Luke.

Magi/Wise Men

Saw the star and followed it to give Christ three gifts of gold, myrrh, and frankincense Went to King Herod first who told them to come back when they had found the babe but were warned by the Lord in a dream not to return.


Sometimes referred to as John Mark Mission companion to Paul later on in Acts and maybe Peter Gospel written under direction of Peter Founded church in Alexandria Died by martyrdom Fast-paced narrative Source for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke His Gospel was written to the Gentiles

John the Baptist

Son of Zacharias and Elisabeth. Baptised Jesus Christ and saw the Holy Ghost descend in the form of the dove to witness to him that Jesus is the Christ.


Son of the Morning


Sons of thunder. Surname given by our Lord to James and John, sons of Zebedee, probably on account of the intensity of their character (Mark 3:17; see also Mark 9:38;10:37; Luke 9:54).


Tax gatherer, or "publican" before he became an Apostle They were hated by the people Knew a lot about Old Testament "as it is written....." Wrote his testimony for Jews and those in Palestine Probably written in Aramaic, but is known to us as Greek translation The style kind of shows this


Ten cities. The district east and southeast of the Sea of Galilee, containing a mixed population of Greeks, Syrians, Arabs, and Jews, the Greek element being the greatest (Matt. 4:25; Mark 5:20; 7:31).

Oral law

The law given from one man to another. Verbally passed down and memorized.


The message brought by the angel Gabriel to announce the Saviour's birth

Sign of Jonah

The story of Jonah was referred to by our Lord on two occasions when He was asked for a sign from heaven. In each case He gave "the sign of the prophet Jonah," the event in that prophet's life being a foreshadowing of Jesus' own death and resurrection (Matt. 12:39-41; 16:4; Luke 11:29-30).

Unmerciful Servant

The unmerciful servant owed a huge sum of money that he could not pay, so his Lord/debtor was merciful, but then unmerciful servant wasn't merciful to his debtors, so when the Lord found out he was wroth and threw him to the tormentors.

Transfiguration Experience

This very important event in the New Testament occurred about a week after the promise made to Peter that he would receive the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 16:13-19; 17:1-9). On the mount, the Savior, Moses, and Elias (Elijah) gave the promised keys of the priesthood to Peter, James, and John (HC 3:387), which enabled these brethren to carry forth the work of the kingdom on the earth after the departure of Jesus. These keys were later given to all of the Twelve. The Transfiguration occurred in about October during the booth (sukkot) festival,, some six months before the death of Jesus. The brethren saw the Lord in a glorified and transfigured state. They also saw a vision of the earth as it will appear in its future glorified condition (D&C 63:20-21; HC1:283); saw and conversed with Moses and Elijah, two translated beings; and heard the voice of the Father bearing witness that Jesus is His beloved Son, in whom the Father is pleased, and commanding the brethren to hear (obey) Him. See also Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Pet. 1:16-18. The event is important in many ways: Necessary priesthood authority was conferred upon Peter, James, and John; the significance of the Savior's work was emphasized; and the unity of various dispensations and the close relationship of Jesus and His prophets was demonstrated. Few events in the Bible equal it in importance. A similar event occurred on April 3, 1836, in the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, where the same heavenly messengers conferred priesthood keys upon the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery (D&C 110).

Intermediate Judgment (Elder Oaks)

Two types of Judgement: Final (which we are forbidden to make) and intermediate (to do with righteousness) 1.By definition, must be intermediate 2.Guided by the Spirit of the Lord 3.Within our stewardship 4.Refrain from judging until we have adequate knowledge of the facts (*unless urgency is required) 5.Whenever possible, refrain from judging people and only judge situations 6.Forgiveness is a companion principle 7.Apply righteous principles


Was promised that he would see the Lord before his death

Traditions of the Elders

Washings before meals, corban

Inward purity vs. outward acts

Whited sepulchers What goes into a man does not defile him but the words and actions which come out of him

Taking up one's cross

follow me

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