Newton Movie

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They got along. Newton demonstrated that the path of a planet was an ellipse and this helped Halley calculate the return of the comet

Describe Edmund Halley and newtons relationship

They corresponded together on calculus and gave him hints on how to develop it. Leibniz published his work first and newton accused him of plagiarism. He died from a heart attack and newton said he enjoyed breaking his heart

Describe Gottfried Leibniz and newton's relationship

They hated each other. Hooke said that whatever newton did he had already done. Hooke said that his letters to newton on planetary motion contributed to the work so newton removed any reference to hooke

Describe Robert hooke and newton's relationship

He executed them

How did newton try to stop people from counterfeiting coins


How old was newton when he became the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

Queen Anne in 1705

Who was the queen that knighted Isaac newton and in what year?

He left after he suffered his second breakdown and it could be due to mercury poisoning from 30 years of alchemy experiments

Why did newton leave Cambridge? How might his work with alchemy have caused this problem?

The plague. He went home to avoid infection and developed calculus, the law of universal gravitation, the theory of light and color, and the three laws of motion

Why was the university closed down in 1665 and 1666? What did newton do during this time?

Alchemy, calculus, optics, and planetary motion/law of universal gravitation

four major areas that newton worked on during his life besides the three laws of motion

December 25, 1642 and January 4, 1643. When the Gregorian calendar was implemented in England the dates changed

What are the two dates given as Isaac Newton's birthday? Why are there two different dates?

A telescope with a mirror and not lenses

What did newton build in 1668 that brought him fame and the attention of the scientific community?

White light isnt pure but is a combination of all the colors. Helped explain rainbows

What did newton prove with his prism experiment? What natural phenomenon could he explain after this experiment?

The Warden of the Royal Mint working on preventing counterfeiting coins

What government job did he take after he left the university?

His father died before he was born and his mother remarried and left him with his grandmother when he was two

What happened to Newton's father? What was his relationship with his mother?

"Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night. God said, let newton be and all was light."

What is the Latin quote on his tomb?

Principia, the Three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation

What is the name of the work published by Isaac newton in 1687? What are the two main topics of what some call the greatest scientific work?

March 20, 1727. Buried in Westminster abbey

When did newton die? Where is he buried?

Trinity College Cambridge. He was a servant to other students in exchange for college expenses

Where did newton go to college? How did he help pay for his college education?

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