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what advice does wiesel receive from the blockalteste, is this good advice

12The Blockaltest (head of the block) suggests that Elie stops giving his dying father his portions of food. He says that it's "every man for himself" here and Elie cannot help his father anymore. Elie realized that "deep down" the Blockaltest was right. He instantly felt guilty and then continued to give his father anymore

What does he mean when Elie's neighbor tells him "I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises to the Jewish people"

Because Hitler is the only one who's kept his promise to the Jewish people, whether the promise is good or not.

how does Elie save his father from the gravediggers

Eli threw himself onto his father his body. His father was cold. Elie slapped him as hard as he could until his father's eyelids opened and the two gravediggers(collected dead corpses) went away.

Why do Elie and his father choose to be evacuated and what would happen to them if they had stayed?

Elie and his father choose to be evacuated instead of staying in the infirmary out of fear of selection. Elie finds out after the war that he would have been freed if he had stayed!

Explain the feelings of Elie and his father during Rosh Hashana celebration.

Elie kissed his father's hand, felt a tear on his hand, what it his or his fathers.Neither said anything, but understood each other so clearly.

when the officer strikes his father on the head why doesn't Elie respond

Elie reacts by standing there silently because he's scared and petrified at what might happen.

consider Elie's words to his relative Stein, the nightly conversations of faith among the men, and the thought that Elie's mother and sisters must be in a labor camp

Elie recognizes the importance of hope and realizes that Stein's family is the only thing keeping him alive. Elie sympathizes with his desperate, uncertain situation and offers Stein false hope because he knows it will benefit him in the short term. Eventually, Stein discovers the truth, loses hope, and gives up on life.

describe what makes the new camp, Buna both hopeful and dreadful

Elie's first impression of the camp at Buna is that it is very dead and empty. He sees prisoners and they tell him that it is not a bad of a camp as Auschwitz. Looked as if ad been through an epidemic, but the inmates had agreed that it was a good camp and they could hold their own.

how does elie manage to save his gold tooth

Eliezer uses trickery to keep his gold tooth. He keeps telling the dentist that he's sick and puts off the tooth removal. At last, the dentist is punished because he's been pocketing some of the gold crowns. Eliezer's tooth is, for the moment, safe.

How does Franek the foreman, succeed in getting Elie's gold tooth?

Franek begins to torment Eliezer's father during their marches. At last, Eliezer gives in and his tooth is extracted with a rusty spoon in the bathroom.

According to Wiesel what leads to Akiba Drumer's fate in the selection?

He had been unable to avoid being chosen because he had given up hope; "he could only repeat that all was over for him, that he could no longer keep up the struggle, that he had no strength left, nor faith".

Describe the context that prompts Elie Wiesel to utter the prayer "Oh God Master of the Universe give me the strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahu's son has done.

Hid dad was so important to him that he decided to pray to a god that he didn't believe in so that he wouldn't abandon him or do something cruel to get rid of him.Jan 28, 2015

Describe Elie Wiesel's Father? What role does he have in the community?

His father was a cultured man, rather unsentimental He was a store keeper.

what happened to Elie Wiesel family immediately after they arrived at Birkenau?

Immediately after the Wiesel family arrived at Auschwitz, Elie and his father were separated from his mother and sisters.

Describe the mood among the people in Sighet, Romania, in the months weeks, and days preceding the arrival of he Germans

It was reassuring and calm. The Germans seemed nice and friendly.

Describe the different types of people working in the electrical warehouse.

Juliek is a violinist he tells them the work is not difficult, he warns them of Idek the Kapo the overseer who is known for fits of rage. Two check brothers Yossi, and Tibi they talk of going to Palestine together.

Who is Moise the Beadel? What role does he play in Elie Weisel's life?

Moishe the Beadle is a friend of Eliezer, the narrator of Elie Wiesel's Night. ... Moishe the Beadle is an older Jewish man who befriends teenaged Eliezer in Eliezer's hometown of Sighet, part of Transylvania that was occupied by Hungary at the time

How are Mrs. Schachters words prophetic?

Mrs. Schachter's screaming was prophetic because nobody could see the fire, she just knew it was coming somehow.

Describe the two interactions Elie has with the young French woman

One day, Idek (the crazy Kapo) gets angry and beats Eliezer. The French girl is kind to him and gives him a little bit of bread. She tells him not to give up hope. Many years later, Eliezer sees the French girl (now a woman) on a train in Paris. She remembers him too, and he discovers that she is indeed from a religious Jewish family but she managed to hide her identity to keep herself alive.

describe the thought that creeps into Eliezer's mind and causes him to feel shame as he searches for his father

Part of him wants to forget about his weak, burdensome father, and he feels ashamed at these thoughts.

Describe the condition of Elie and the other men at the time they are freed use textual evidence to support your answer

Prisoners were starving and desperately wanted food. Wiesel writes, "That's all we thought about [food]. No thought of revenge or of parents. Only of bread."

What happens with Mrs. Schachter? What does her treatments show about human nature?

She is a middle-aged woman who goes crazy after she's separated from her husband and packed into a cattle car headed to Auschwitz. Everyone has a breaking point and that humans will act violently toward each other when under serious distress and fear.

Why do you think the townspeople refuse to believe the account told by Moishe the Beadle? Why does he care if people believe him?

The Jews in Sighet prefer to think he is crazy or blowing things out of proportion because this would mean they could go about their lives undisturbed by the war.

what is the purpose of the furnace and flames

The Nazi's cruel power

Why are Ellie and his father advised to lie about their ages

The inmate told them to lie about their age because if they were too young or too old, they would be killed right away by the Germans

What thoughts keep Elie alive as he runs during evacuation?

The only thing that stops Elie from falling out of line and just letting himself die was the presence of his father. He was his father's sole support, and Elie's father was Elie's sole support.

Describe how disbelief acts as a motif in the first chapter of Night

The people of Sighet don't believe Moishe because he is a poor man who doesn't command their respect.

what does Elie mean when he writes quote just like Rabbi Elijah son "I had not passed the test"

The tone of this chapter is heavy with shame and guilt. He helped his father, cared for his father, gave him his soup, but did so "grudgingly." He laments, "Just like Rabbi Eliahu's son, I had not passed the test"

what happens when the townspeople begin to throw bread cross into the cattle car how does Wiesel connect this experience to a moment in the future

The train travels for ten days and nights, and the Jews go unfed, living on snow. As they pass through German towns, some of the locals throw bread into the car in order to enjoy watching the Jews kill each other for the food.

why are the words of the Poles in charge of Block 17 in Auschwitz described as the first human words

because they gave hope and strength

What demands or restrictions are placed on the Jews of Sighet prior to placement in ghettos?

curfew, turn over thier gold, silver and jewelry, banned from going to restaurants

Describe what happened to Moise the Beadle when the foregin Jews are expelled from Sighet

expelled from Sighet, went on trains

What promise does the doctor make after surgery on Wiesel's foot?

he won't amputate it

According to German officers, which two commands will result in being shot if not obeyed?

if they try to escape or refuse to yield his or her valuables

What information do the transportees receive in exchange for the gold watch?

information that that this was the final destination.

describe what happens to juliek the violinist in the barracks

juliek is a young man from Warsaw who played the violin in the Buna band, which is where Eliezer met him for the first time. Later he is transported with Eliezer to Buchenwald but he dies en route in the barracks at Gleiwitz. The night he dies, he plays his violin.

Describe the ghettos and how they are simultaneously disturbing and "peaceful and reassuring"

narrow, cramped area encroached by barbed wire.y were peaceful and reassuring because the families were together

Contrast the two hangings and their parallels to the taste of the soup.

the soup tastes better after the first hanging because Elie is still alive. He can return to the bunks and eat. The actual taste does not matter. What matters is that he has survived another day. The prisoners have become inured to death because it surrounds them. The second hanging is different. A young boy beloved by the camp is hanged. It is too much. Elie cannot get the image out of his head as he eats.

after the men are stripped what happens to those who appear especially strong

they have to throw bodies into the crematorium

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