Night review

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

How old are Elie and Shlomo?

15 and 50

The prisoners walked how many miles in the snow to the next camp during evacuation?


How many people were loaded onto each cattle car?


Who is Moishe the Beadle?

A poor religious clerk

Restate and then answer both parts: Part A. How did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in 1933? Part B. How did he become the Führer and sole head of the government in 1934?

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 because the president invited him to serve in the position. Adolf Hitler became Führer and sole head of the government in 1934 when the president died, so Hitler removed the role of president, leading to him taking full control.

What factors made it difficult for Jews to emigrate from Germany? Restate and then respond.

Although Germany wanted the Jews out of their country, they didn't want it to be easy. To get out of the country all Jews had to have a "J" stamped on their passports, and those weren't easy to get. As well, when leaving Jews could only bring one suitcase and 200 german dollars with them. This made it hard to bring what they needed and gave them little money to live off of.

How did American soldiers react to the liberation of concentration camps? Restate and then answer.

American soldiers were shocked when they found the concentration camps. They were hurt and when they were able to liberate the camps they must have felt relieved that they could help these suffering people.

_ means hatred of Jewish people.


How did German authorities treat the Jewish populations of the occupied eastern territories during World War II? Restate and then respond.

As Germany occupied eastern territories during World War II, authorities treated Jews very harshly. They were placed in small spaces, called ghettos, and at least two million were murdered.

How do the inmates describe Buna?

As a very good camp.

Why is Elie whipped?

As punishment for discovering the guard, Idek, with a girl.

What is the train's final destination?


Why do some of the camp guards give some of the children "special" privileges such as extra food?

Because the tent leader liked children in an inappropriate way.

What music were the Jewish musicians not allowed to play?

Beethoven or any other German music

List three ways the German government tried to isolate and persecute Jews between 1933-1938. Restate and then answer.

Between 1933 and 1938, the German government tried to isolate and persecute Jews by creating race laws, labeling them as racially inferior, and vandalizing many Jewish-owned businesses and buildings.

Where does the transport arrive at the end of chapter 3?


Under the brutal conditions of the march, what does Elie begin to think about?

Elie begins to think about abandoning his father.

How does Elie describe Juliek's playing?

Elie describes Juliek's playing the playing of a dying man saying goodbye to this life.

What impact does witnessing the boy's execution have on Elie's faith?

Elie loses all faith in God.

What is the ironic statement, "I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else? He's the only one who has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people?"

Elie means that Hitler has kept his promise of killing off all the Jews, while God has not kept any of his to help.

What is the outcome of the first selection for Elie? What is the outcome for his father?

Elie passes, and Shlomo thinks he passes.

Adolf Hitler supported the Treaty of Versailles and believed that the German government was right to try to end World War I.


At Auschwitz-Birkenau, all Jews were sent immediately to gas chambers.


At the camp, Elie continues to pray.


Elie and Shlomo are told to tell the truth about their age when asked by the Nazis.


Germany prospered economically prior to the worldwide Great Depression.


Hitler seized control of Germany in a military coup.


Jews were the first group to be sent to concentration camps.


Nazi Germany refused to allow local collaborators, like police, to aid in mass murder.


Prior to 1933, Hitler's desire to eliminate European Jews was kept a secret.


The German invasion of France was very unpopular among the German people.


The Nazis rejected stories of Germany's patriotic history and did not try to reassure average Germans about Hitler's leadership.


The three SS guards had to step up to hang the Pipel and the other two men because the Lagerkapo was too weak to hang the Pipel.


The ​Kristallnacht​ attacks in November 1938 were spontaneous and surprised Nazi authorities.


What does Madame Schäcter claim to see in her vision on the train?

Fire and flames.

What does Elie pray for after witnessing Rabbi Eliahou's situation?

For the strength to never do what the Rabbi's son did.

When Madame Schachter's hallucinations come true this is an example of what literary device?


What tactics does Franek use to persuade Elie to give him his gold crown?

Franek bullies Elie's father.

What was the name of the new camp that Eli and the prisoners go to?


What is the dentist looking for during the medical inspection?

Gold teeth or crowns

What request did Akiba Drumer make of the others?

He asks them to say the Kaddish for him.

What happens to Juliek and his violin?

He dies and his violin is found crushed next to him.

What does Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou's missing son?

He distanced himself from his father to increase the chances of his own survival.

Which is NOT a reason why Elie chooses not to fast on Yom Kippur?

He does not want to be hungry.

Why does Moishe the Beadle return to Sighet?

He escapes and returns to warn his townspeople of the fate that awaits them.

Why does Elie's father not wish to emigrate?

He feels he is too old to start a new life in a distant land.

What did Elie finally do with his gold crown; what was the irony of what happened?

He gave up his gold crown and was treated kindly by Franek afterward. But then Franek was transferred.

Why does Moishe the Beadle leave Sighet?

He is expelled from Sighet by the Hungarian Police.

How does Elie recognize the "notorious" Dr. Mengele, who is presiding over the selections?

He is the same doctor who received them in Birkenau.

Why does he not take the action he was considering in the previous question?

He knows his father would not survive without him.

What was unusual about the Polish prisoner in charge of Elie's and his father's barracks?

He was kind.

Why does Elie go to the hospital?

His foot is injured and he is unable to stand on it.

What is Elie's inheritance that he receives from his father before the second selection?

His spoon and knife

Why do you think it is important to learn about the Holocaust? Restate and then respond.

I think it's important to learn about the holocaust because it's an important part of our history, even though it's dark. Covering up the past in time does not lead to recovery, the only way we can move forward is if we acknowledge what has happened.

Which character has a foreshadowing line about him in chapter 4?


What was the function of the one person selected to be in charge of each train car?

If anyone escaped, the person in charge of the train car would be shot.

How did the 1935 Nuremberg laws affect German Jews? Restate and then answer.

In 1935, an annual rally was held in Nuremberg. During this rally new laws were put in place, these were the new race laws. This made it so German citizenship would only be given to those with pure German blood, which Jews did not have.

In his book ​Mein Kampf ​ ["My Struggle"], what goals does Hitler advocate for Germany? Restate and then provide your answer.

In his book, Mine Kampf, Hitler advocated for territorial expansion, consolidation of a racially pure state, and to get rid of European Jews and any enemies of Germany.

Why do the prisoners not eat the evening meal, "an especially thick soup," as soon as it is served?

It is the holiday Rosh Hashanah, and they want to wait until after prayer.

What does Juliek fear?

Juliek fears that his violin will be broken.

Who are the members of Elie's family?

Mother(Sarah), Father(Sclomo), Hilda, Bea, and Tzipora

One way an author has to effectively emphasize a point is through selective repetition of a word or phrase. What phrase does Elie use?

Never shall I forget

What is the connection between these two artifacts from the interactive museum that we had in the Library?

One was about the father and the other was about the son from the same family.

Who are Tibi and Yossi?

Orphan brothers who befriend Elie. Together they plan to move to Haifa if they survive the war.

What secrets are the young French-woman in the warehouse keeping?

She is Jewish and speaks German.

The traveling conditions on the train are ...

Terrible - hot and over-crowded with little fresh air.

What is the reason that the camp will be evacuated?

The allies are closing in on the camp.

The execution of the boy prisoner, Pipel, felt different and had a greater impact on the others for the reasons below, EXCEPT -

The others would not receive their meal for keeping his secret.

Why were the pieces cut out from this photo?

The owner gave them to surviving family members to remember their loved ones.

Why does the Wiesel family not have to leave their house initially?

Their home falls just within the boundaries of the first ghetto.

Who recognizes Elie and his father in Auschwitz?

Their relative, Stein, from Antwerp.

How do the prisoners feel about the air raid?

They are happy and hopeful.

What happens to the objects they brought with them from Sighet?

They are left in the wagon.

What happens to Elie's family when they arrive?

They are separated by gender only.

What are Elie and his father waiting for at the chapter's end?

They are waiting for a train.

Several explanations are offered as reasons why people in Sighet did not believe Hitler would be able to harm them. Which statement below is NOT one of those reasons?

They believe he is only concerned with Germany.

Why do Elie and his father take turns sleeping in the shed?

They could die if they fall asleep.

When presented with the choice to evacuate or remain at Buna, what do Elie and Shlomo decide?

They decide to evacuate.

What do the prisoners do to appease their thirst while waiting for the train to the next camp?

They eat snow off of each other's backs.

What do the other passengers on the train do to Madame Schäcter ?

They gag her and hit her over the head to quiet her.

Why does the Wiesel family not accept their former maid's offer to hide them?

They refuse to be separated.

Why does Elie seek out Moishe the Beadle?

To ask Moishe to teach him the Kabbalah

What was the fate of those who remained at the infirmary?

To shoot anyone who could not keep up.

Adolf Hitler tried to seize control of the German government in 1923, ten years before he became Chancellor.


At least two million Jews were murdered in mass shootings in eastern Europe.


German soldiers swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler, not to Germany.


German soldiers were trained in Nazi racism.


Jews could be released from concentration camps in the late 1930s if they promised to immigrate to another country.


Many Jews, especially in eastern Europe, were centralized in ghettos, sometimes for years, prior to being deported to forced labor, concentration camps, and killing centers.


Nazi racial ideology labeled Jews, Slavs, blacks, and Roma [gypsies] as racially inferior.


The Nazis never received more than 38% of the vote in a national election prior to 1933.


The Nazis used propaganda to gain supporters, offering simple solutions and blaming scapegoats for Germany's problems


The word "genocide" was created to describe crimes like the Holocaust.


Under Nazi racial ideology, what groups were considered racially inferior? Restate and then answer.

Under Nazi racial ideology, the Jews, Slovs, blacks, and Roma were labeled racially inferior.

List three ways in which World War I and the Treaty of Versailles led to political instability in Germany. Make sure that you restate at the beginning of your response.

World War I and the Treaty of Versailles led to political instability in Germany by reducing Germany's territory by thirteen percent, having to take full responsibility for the war, and having to pay reparations to help people affected.

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