Northern Renaissance Art Exam 3

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-Cardinal Albrach von Brandenburg -One of the most powerful men in empire -Guise of St Jerome: translation of Bible into Latin -Cardinal Albracht was archbishop of Minz dynasty --- powerful -He was a solid catholic but also was reform-minded --Not always black and white with the reformation -This kind of patronage shows that Cranach felt no need to pick sides he is not just Lutheran Why St Jerome? -St Jerome usually shown as Cardinal even tho that office did not exist -Cardinal hat -Lion -Why else? Protestant emphasis on text: makes sense that he would portray the translator then -Embraced by Catholics and protestants: catholics think of traditional authority of Bible and protestants see scripture as most important -Biblical scholar at work and image of Jerome as desert acetic -Fuse images -Lion in foreground: also in the distance: herd caravan: legend about Jerome -More wild life in the foreground -Danube school: declaration of Germanness -Durer: adam and eve animals --Symbolic associations (virtues) _serpent with wings is the monogram: artist ID

1527: portrait in style of st jerome

-Totally traditional subject but done in a very original and unique way -Edge of a busy village with snow -Madonna and child barely visible in bottom left --Directing us: bridge leads toward them --Figures passing thru gate to approach them but not all of the ppl -Other people go about daily life: cutting firewood ie -People are walking to doorways, doing chores, etc

Adoration of the magi Brueghel

-Specifically Reformational painting -One of many versions and variants of this image -Two sides: old and the new (testament but also catholic vs protestant) -Typology: --transition from old to new: old crumbling away --old as a foundation for new -mystical relation: bouts --Relationship can be construed in many ways -On the left: fall of man in the middle ground --Then isrealite encampment of stricken idol worshippers -Prefiguration of crucifixion -Foreground: soul being rushed toward to flames by demon figure -Witnesses (Moses and other prophets holding tablet) look on -Dead branches on left and alive on right (compare life and death) On the right -Soul being shown the way by John the baptist -John as last of prophets -Points to Christ on the cross -In this world, grace, idea is that harshness of old would gives way to christ -God not merciless judge: forgiving and mercifulk -Death demon is conquered: trampled by lamb: rep the sacrifice of god -Catholic imagery reconfigured to make these points -Jet of blood from Christ juts to the soul -In more familiar imagery from Catholic: includes usually virgin mary but NO::: was seen as intercessor but Luther calls for no mediation so no virgin -Didactic: almost like a diagram -Not beautiful or realistic: more of spelling out the points for something new -Very influential in other works

Allegory of Law and Gospel

-Father was important too -Drawing from late in life -Cranach makes all kinds of paintings -Holbein is portrait specialist -South Germany origins -1498: next generation -Went to Switzerland: Basel ::major humanist center; reformation -1520s he remains in Basel -London in 1530s where he becomes court paint er to Henry 8

Hans Holbein the Younger; Self Portrait; 1540-43

-16th c Germany -Dies two decades after Durer: trained w him -After done w Durer he goes to Stausburg -Self portrait -Early 20s -Around the time he enters Durer's studio -Drawing in green paper -Diff color paper becoming popular in German art


-Drawing on red paper -Unlike any other images we have seen so far -Baldung: a lot of religious stuff (inventive etc) BUT famous bc of unusal and dark materials -Women are witches -1514 -Few self proclaimed witches in this period but the idea and fear of them exists a lot -Highly negative publicity -1486 book: Maleas Malificarum (Hammer of Witches) --Guide to dark arts: witch hnunting guides --Book coincides with appearance in art of witches -Circulation unknown but audience thot to be well educated and learned -Inscription: monogram; and "a good year" -New years cards were an early function of prints in this period -Early greetings: gentle images of christ child usually not naked acrobatics -Debate over celibacy for the clergy: Luther says not realistic to be celibate: drawing as a self test to the cleric over celibacy ( a joke) -albrecht Altdorfer also drew witches -White ink to highlight -Some pigment (guash): popular in these years


-Woodcut -1540s -Witch involved but unsure what else going on -"Bewitched groom" -Unique innovative image -Man passed out and dropped tools, hag with torch on right, menacing hose -Has she put a spell on him or on the horse to kick him -Did he consume witch brew? -Not sure: artist knew ppl would be unsure -Reference to artist himself: unicorn on shield is on the baldung family arms -Spiritual self portrait? -anticipation of death? he died shortly after -Monogram: noticeably parallels the body so maybe self portrait as a corpse or someone under spell -Woman is def powerful and negative -Witch: systemic misogyny -Baldung's interest in death, sex manifests itself in different ways too


-witch hunt popular now or just learned fascination? -Woodcut; 1510 -What was the purpose of this print? -Prints take less time to produce and can go to multiple owners: so what did the artist have in mind with this? --Entertainment? In the past, always these prints discussed more as warning and education but more recently clearly there is some entertainment here --Virtuoso print: establush self as an artist --Uniqueness of the imagery --Power/fear of women trope: given in the proliferation of these witch images -Drama, loose handling of form Technique -Not a drawing it is a new form of wood cut technique -Chiaroscuro woodcut: print with two blocks in stead of one -Here, one block for lines called the key block -second for tone: different shapes standing in relief -Use second block for cut and this is done in diff ways


-Painted in 1559 -Lent and Carnival: church calendar -Feasting and fasting -Big painting -Setting: mardi gras celebration: party before lenten season -Rather than just give party: foreground duel between the personifications of seasons -Red is carnival: meaty guy holding pie; lent is emaciated figure: bakers board with fish on it -Joust: lent pulled by monk and nun and carnival brought by animals -Brueghel didn't pull this subject out of thin air --Variations on this confrontation was staged at carnivals at the time -Real life theater but then made allegorical again -This conflict carries to the rest of the painting -Work about ALL not some -on the left, carnival attitude with music and dancing but on the right things more somber and lenten: door of the church in the middle of right side -No sharp split down pic but a passage from one season to another -Bare trees on left surrendering to light from spring: TEMPORALITY

Battle of Carnival and Lent

-Landloper: homeless -Journey thru the Netherlands -Bosch: late in his career -Looks straightforward at first: man taking a walk -Shambling along -Dirty torn clothes, possession tied to back -Building is a brothel: groping couple; sign with white swan -Looks like woman in the window could have just called out to this guy -Dilapidated building -Animals that snarl; farm animals -Is that all that is? If so, this would be a genre scene --Everyday scene, not religious or royal --Normal people -Genre painting did not really exist yet -More than a descriptive painting -Some thot this was the prodigal son story: young man that wastes inheritance but then is accepted home by his father -Resonance of prodigal son story tho -Landloper/vagabond: more catchall -Itinerant everyman -Temptations of daily life -Back people represent bad living: temptation -Curving path leads to gate: choice here --Go back or go forward -Moral fork in the road -Above him there is an owl: associated with knowledge but it is a more dark, pervise wisdom rather than academic -Bosch commentator thot all of the works by him had them -Technical observation -Introduction to the open-endedness of Bosch--different game when it comes to subject matter

Bosch; Landloper

-Patinir is landscape specialist -Not pure landscape: include some narrative elements -Proportions of image: there is landscape! -Durer refers to Patinir as "the good landscape painter" -Most pics are religious but this is an excpetion -Charon crossing the styx: ferrymen taking souls to the underworld -Classical mythology: that is still quite rare north of the alps unlike in Italy -Angels tending the souls back there -Mingling of christian and pagan -Structures suggest influence of Bosch: biomorphic -Bosch in the air on the right side: hell Hell -Day turns to night -Torture -Patinir is not rly interested in cataloguing torture though -the PLACE builds the story -sigle lone soul make the final journey to the underworld -Moment where decision being made: will he go to heaven or hell? -Cant help but identify to main character: nature of the landscape and layout -Compare to vagabond: consciousness of choicemaking: go to good or bad::::moralizing that is constructed in a new way! -Proliferation of new subject matter in the 16th c and Antwerp did that a lot

Charon crossing the Styx

-Several religious works by him -1521 -Best known by him -6 ft long: life size -What was this made for? --Predella of an altarpiece? Isenheim --Oblong; horizontal format -Travelled in that area with father so had seen Isenheim altarpiece buttttt unlikely to be a predella --Stand alone --Maybe for funeral chapel -Confront us with dead christ: man of sorrows -No tradition of doing it like THIS tho -What effect does this create? --Corpse on a slab; no narrative --Clinical dimension --Momentary but nothing happening --Almost neutral: not about suffering really -Recognition of kinship in death: real death -Relatable? Wounds -Wounds make it explicit that it is christ -Nothing glorified -Light come from below -Ripples of sheet seem lively bc of the other stillness Beneath the feet -Carving: HH -Inside the tomb he has signed his work -Watched Durer: hidden name -Below feet of christ -Portrait of the holy corpse -England

Christ in Tomb

-Reflect current religious topics of the 1560s -Life in this place and time -Antwerp was a center for reformation/protestant thot and protest -in 1560s: Bloody clashes between Spanish catholic king and the protestant populus that resisted occupation -Riots in antwerp and iconoclastic purges -Demonstrations had a lot of political sentiment: occupation etc -Adoration of magi: holy fam is nestled and inconspicuous --Kings barely recognizable as leaders and troops are all over the painting -Dangerous atmosphere of the adulteress --Heresy: dangerous -Meditation on mercy -Wish that inquisition ppl could just walk away -Dont really know about religious leanings: want patronage from every background

Comparison of Adoration and adultress

-Friend of Luther's -1529 -Approach portraits as very flexible -More than ever before in 16th c portraits: there is a lot of invention -Form likeness AND personality in them


-Painter and printmaker -Own hand and assistants -Distinctive style -Different kinds of images reflect the needs of his patrons over the years -Same age as Durer -In early years was in Kronach: NE of Nuremberg -Mysterious early years -In 1500 comes to Vienna -Establish self in the humanist circles at the university -Wittenberg in Saxony next -Court painter to Fred the Wise (elector of Saxony ie Duke) -Seat of Saxon court: crucial site in early reformation -Martin Luther is a lecturer here -Religious, political center -Ambitious young painter -most closely connected to Lutheran movement--he was a friend of luthers


2 diff takes on women -Cranach the Elder is contemporary of Durer but very diff from him (1529 and 1532 paintings) -Sedate compared to Baldung Adam and Eve -Demon in trees -Elk below -Not an ominous feeling -Not very Eurdite -Not emphasizing blame for eve -Idyllic image: innocence like a first date Venus -Cranach produced a lot of nude characters -Pagan v Biblical -Two other venuses from Cranach: no fear and loathing in these bodies -Worked a lot for courts -Aristocratic taste for sensual and erotic works -Nudes often described as formulating a germanic ideal: not very classical -Feline features -Sinuous contours of bodies -Jewelry -Clear fabric: accents that accentuate rather than hide the nudity -Nothing here IDs her as venus rather than just a nude woman -Compare to Titians Venus of Urbino -Aware of our presence: aware being looked at


-Small: eighteen inches -Secular subject -Man allowing a quack doctor to perform an operation on him -Gullibility/foolishness -Need to remove "stone of madness" -Inscription: master cut the stone, my name is Lubert (name associated with dumb people) -A tulip being removed from his head: symbolize folly -Tulip already on table -Monk and a nun: meant to be accomplices --Monk drinking -Negative light: reform sentiments -Mockery of monks and nuns -Interest in mankind and the real world -Aspect of an opinion/judgement -Entertian but also lesson

Cure of Folly, Bosch

-Common subject but with a very unusual slant -Adoration of the magi -1510 -Epiphany is same as adoration of magi -Spanish King Phillip 2 loved Bosch -Spanish writers saw work in royal collection and responded to the works -Who was this made for? --Coats of arms on the right --Donors being presented by saints --Family names id but know nothing ab it -Wings: shed of the nativity is broken down which represents the death of the old -Humility of christ too -Austere Mary and tiny baby -Shepherds AND the magi: not always the case -Shepherds trying to get a look: hole in the wall -Sober faces: not particularly joyful or urgent Kings -eldest gave gift other 2 preparing -Black Magus: Balthazar or Casper -Not totally abnormal to portray a black magus -Why? response to increased trade and globalization: see someone who is coming from a different continent -New world: 1490s -Kings represent diff parts of the world! -Strickland: role of the antichrist is much closer in this -Antichrist --old idea, scripture: legends in the middle ages; escatological figure (belief and studies of the end of the world); antichrist comes at the end of the world; enemy of christ --where is he? he is one the men in the back: false prophet: punishment for not believing in the messiah -Stange attire -Sore on leg -Strange, evil figure -thorn crown and sketchy looking friends -Vessel with creatures on it -Crown: papal tiara with torns on it ----Corruption of the pope: Obscure pain of christ suffering with crown ---Not yet Lutheran here but still suspicious of the papacy Cranach: book published in Nuremberg -Antichrist is the pope -Juxtapose the two: hypocrisy -Antichrist is an emblem of ideology -Use antichrist to spread political message Who and what else is being demonized here? -Jews -Antisemitic imagery thats already been established -Islam, turks -All being cast as enemies -Engine of demonization of the other in a specific European world view -Joseph is all alone not in the center -Dancing: look crude and vulgar -Other wing: attacked by wolves -Fantasy of Jerusalem -Windmill: netherlands more than Jerusalem -three armies converging in the background: armies associated with bad kings that are associated w antichrist -Apocalyptic: this is a world in crisis -Coming of the Messiah is a sort of rescue for this corrupt world -Exterior: eucharist -About the liturgy -Prime meaning of altarpiece underscored -Very sinister -Ambivalence with a gospel scene: who wanted a piece that did this

Epiphany Triptych

-Smaller: 2 and a half feet tall -Fall of Icarus -Debates if its autographed or a replica made by workshop -Nobody doubts that composition is his -Icarus and dad make wings to escape prison but Icarus goes too close to the sun when he went too close to sun -Icarus: pair of legs splashing in water -At first looks idyllic seascape --The man at front is part of story according to Ovid: witnesses are farmer, fisherman, and shepherd: they are all depicted -Brueghels only mythological work. this was dont just after he got back to Italy -BUt no interest in classical subjects or portrayal -Ovid with a flemish accent -Way main character (plow man) shows no interest in plight of Icarus -Myth had long been offered as an example of Hubris -Foolish pride is a drop in the bucket of life: unimportant -Detail in shadow -Head of a dead man -Reference to proverb: no plow stops at death of man: life goes on -This work/artist is super inspiring today: a lot of productions about him -Toby Ferris essay: how brueghel helped me mourn my dad

Fall of Icarus

-Another perspective of the world -Literally hear because closed shoes plant globe -Last five years or so of life -in 1517 triptych was seen in palace of Prince Henry of Nassau in Brussels -Courtly patron was original intention -Was in a home not church or chapel -Crystalline globe half filled with landscape -World on the third day of creation -Before god made mankind -Very real possibility that that's the case -Other hypothesis: a later moment in OT: just after the flood that god produced to cleanse the earth of sin ---Buildings seem to be in there ---the glint on the globe suggests maybe not reflection but a rainbow within the world ---Rainbow mark of gods covenant: flood wont come again -Being watched by (upper left) God -Text written across panels; he spoke and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast --From psalms but ab creation

Garden of Earthly delights closed

-More unambiguously serene -One of five paintings that go together in a series depicting different times of the year -Landscapes -46 inches tall -These 5 paintings made for a banker in antwerp (name is on the hand out) who collected works by Brueghel (had 15 purchases) -These paintings recall the older roots of genre scenes in Book of Hours -Only 5 of these tho: were some lost? series of 12 or 6? or was this 5 full set? -These hung together in the banker's house Gloomy day: feb or march -Defined by landscape and labor -Tree work -Waffle break -Fallen tree: winds of storm -Storm: in sky it is dark and windy -Trip thru the alps recalled probably -Branches measure flickering of light Brueghel -Appearance and MOODS of nature

Gloomy day Brueghel

-1505 -Greed -Left wing: scenes from genesis in Eden: Eve being created from Adam by god -Then they talk to snake in garden -then they are ejected into the world -Sense of gravity in panel: in the sky the angels are falling: create sense of gravity that makes eyes wander down the panel -Eve seems to recognize world coming Middle -Cart covered in people -Poking and grabbing at hay: GREED -Means to get more and more stuff -All the world is a haystack and people grab for it -People fighting and kicking to get this worthless material -Murder committed to get hay -Weapons and assaults -Leading sin is greed but there are many more obviously -Not all frantic: Popes and emperors and kings behind the hay cart --Pride is their sin -Left corner is a false beggar: charitable impulses -Another quack doctor has set up shop -Monks and nuns again -On top of couple of lovers: idyllic but contemporaries would see that there is lust up there: demon and owl up there -Christ all the way at the top: man of sorrows: only the angels see him Right panel: hell -Last judgement imagery has been set in by this point but this pic is different it is more of a chronology -Demons drag cart to the left towards hell -People being consumed, beaten, etc -Demons are in charge -Sky is churning with smoke and fire -demons not busy abusing sinners -they are building a tower: why? More room is needed!! --Endless influx of residents in hell --allegory of the world: quite dark -Closed: landloper: making a choice between a good or bad life -Moral component -Warning in the interior -Bones -Vagabonds -Was it an altarpiece? Few people believe it is -Take familiar structure in order to play with a new message Allegory of GREED

Haywain Triptych

-End of the year -December/January -high up in foreground -Icy blue sky -Sky and staccato alternates of black and white makes an intense viewing experience -Jagged mountains: inspo from the alps? ---Control the vastness of space -Move thru the space: trees walk u down the hill -When u get close to skaters, cant take eyes off: very many acitivities: curling -coziness: vastness of space and human connection -Bird: fleeting position of bird (Broederlam triptych) -Motion --Fire in left corner --Hunters and dogs coming home: no faces which helps us glide into pictures

Hunters in the snow Brueghel

-Talks about broad sheets: topical message is specific -Not so much Art -Current events -Argument -Early internet -Spread facts, fears, nonfacts -Why never in art history courses? --Wider distribution --Not what we regarded as art: made to be messages and info : not regarded as collectible but they were popular af -Not so much about ingenuity -Publisher hires author and artist Witch hunting example

Keith Moxey

-Treatise against heavenly profit -Includes some of his thoughts on images -1525 -Retort to some of Karlstadt's ideas Luther's ideas about images -Down the middle -Images not heavily defended -Can take down images but only when necessary -Misleading to focus on their destruction as misleading as it is to worship them -Need to obliterate the idols in the heart and mind -It is not the phys object that matters but ur faith -Crucifixes are ok -Break idols should do it with the gospel -Use faith to understand

Luther: Against the Heacvenly Prophets

-Combine traditional form from earlier Netherlandish painting with rethinking and redoing of style to make a new sort of painting -Not portraits ut types -Narrative element -Figures focused on counting and weighing coins -She looks away from prayer book to watch this: moralizing aspect --Not just genre but moralizing genre --Current: take daily scene and turn into lesson -She is attending to worldly things instead of prayer -Leviticus verse: u shall have just balances and weights ---Reminder of final reckoning? --Honest financial practices are important. Fairness in business? --Diff interpretations of that verse -Reaching back to type: compare to goldsmith Petrus christus -Maybe Mestys knew it -Relationship -Being told something else: asked to reflect -Connection between these two are the mirrors -In this mirror a man is reading a book: perhaps a reminder of faith: he has it right since he is reading the Bible -Colectors pic

Metsys, Moneychanger an dwife

-Small; collectors pic -Moralizing aim -Ill-matched couple -Daily life supercharged tp say something -Sources are well-established: classical antiquity (old theme) -She reaches toward him and touches his chin: old erotic gesture in western tradition -He grabs for her breast and other arm around -She might look interested but her other hand has swiped his purse and she hands it to her accomplice -Playing cards in the foreground: gambling establishment: inappropriate behavior

Metsys; matched couple

-Carnival and lent category: why? genre painting but allegory; transitions from left to right of painting; packed looking place but with something to pull u in at the foreground Proverbs -Bosch pulled from proverbs -Throw flowers among pigs: casting pearls before swine (waste something good on ppl who do not deserve) -Fill mud hole after calf drowned: -theme is FOLLY: ludicrus nature of ppl -Dominion of church but turned upside down: inversion of the real world -New twist: man playing cards and pooping -Excretory: peeing while holding moon flag -Pies on roof: fool's paradise -Biting a column: hypocrisy -Armor to bell a cat; overcautious -Entertainment with a moral punch (ill matched lovers ie) -Imagine how much it would have stimulated convo in home of wealthy patrons -For fun; educated fun: the more literate u were the more u notice -Three blind men: blind leading the blind: this is biblical -Erasmus of Rotterdam: one of the most important intellectuals (Holbein was friends w him) --published book on folly and on proverbs

Netherlandish proverbs Brueghel

-Wife comes home and husband was drinking and so does not listen to her -He beats her and she turns into a diff animal each time until the ninth time when she turns back into a human and then she obeys him -Goes into a lot of detail: long text -Last message about hitting wife: says u should not do that --Not a super compelling message --Guise of entertainment based on wife beating

Nine hides of an angry wife

-Very tall! 6 feet -The name we have now probably is not the title that was used then: names can lock down unintended meanings -Devising new way to adapt the very traditional form of the triptych to something quite new -Familiarity undone/redone: part of the intended effect of it -Eden on the left and hell on the right: temporality across work Eden -No temptation of man -Quiet scene with Adam and Eve -God holds eves wrist: maybe she was just created here ----OR maybe he imagines the first marriage ceremony -Eve's pose: how can we read it? --she seems to be floating --transitional pose: unclear where her weight is --hand on her wrist: maybe that god was checking her pulse -Eve's expression/Adam's expression: what are they? --she looks quite demure; or maybe she is asleep and she is awakening? --Adam looks wide awake --Looks surprised and pleased --Opent to observer -Riot of interesting things; jam-packed -Eden is flush with life -Anchored at center w biomorphic fountain -Birds throughout -Creatures: real and not real (giraffe, unicorn, boar, hound, elephant) -Shore line: animals crawling out of the water: real and not real ---Even looks kind of evolution but that hadn't been invented yet -Despite proliferation of wildlife there are some dark hints: --Distance there is an animal feeding on carcass of another --Foreground: cat animal eating a mouse --Bloodshed in Eden: compare to Durer engraving of cat sleeping with mouse right in front of it (moment of innocence); AND the Grabow altarpiece Master Bertram (fox biting the throat of the lamb) ------Trouble in paradise ------Reminder of death of christ --Owl in the center: ominous, sinister knowledge -So might look fun and games but no Center Panel -This is what happens -Temporality, chronology -Strange non scriptural depiction of humanity -Eden is familiar to viewers but this is not really -No main focus or character here: by design obv -Early Spanish observers in 16th c: refer to it as having the effect os scent of strawberries: wild, sweet, and intense but fleeting ---Overwhelming sensuality: not just erotic pleasure but in terms of the SENSES ----Taste, sound, smell, touch -Lots of water; monumental fountain at the center -fountain=life and fertility as are gardens -Compels eye to wander but there are some organizing principles --Rough symmetry --Central axis --Round pound central to organizing: things happening around it --Merry-go-round around the pond: quiet in the center but chaotic around it --Mating dance that guys are performing and ladies do not look particularly interested or impressed --Power of women? Men making fools of themselves -Fountain has to do with mixing of the sexes: sex central to the image --Fountains are life-giving; fertility --In the opening we see an embrace --Reflections? maybe ambiguous for a reason --Inversions of natural order: central and inwardness of person looking at self/another: closed relationship -Flora and fauna here are familiar in species but not in size (giant berries and birds) -Sense of mixing of different species and sizes -On group seems a bit apart: bottom right corner --2 men one woman in cave: look like wearing animal skin/clothes --he is pointing at her and looking out towards us (only one that does that) --"sanity check": apart from social group --MAYBE adam and eve: they are cowering witnesses in a world that is their fault --Adam pointing at Eve to blame her --Even the grass there looks brown Hell -all of the sunshine and green and water gives way to smoldering darkness and flame -No pleasures any more -No triggering sense in the same way: all the stimulation and fulfillment is undone to give way to the opposite -Body is punished -Sense that this goes on forever -Hell is gigantic and all-encompassing -Special effects: almost cinematic -Demons even more aggressive in this compared to Hainwayn -Catalogue of torment -full time torturers -Idea of sensuality and sensuality undone: pair of ear stabbed and pierced --Man impaled on strings of a harp: twisting pleasure -Music written on a man's backside --Learned culture in Bosch's area -Near center: evidence that Bosch believed that if there is music in hell it is the music of bagpipes -Tree man --Broken egg body supported by dead stumps: embodiment of decay --Putrid underbelly to all of the fertility --Face looks back over the shoulder: almost sympathetic?? --Devilish meal inside the the body --Melancholic figure: self portrait of Bosch?? -Sense that tables are being turned on people --Knight being eaten by dragons, ie --Man riding an old woman: maybe playing on Aristotle and phyllis or the beat of burden print: say that she had it wrong in the real world -Famous and ominous figure: mouse king --Toilet crown as he jams a sinner into his mouth (the consumers becoming the consumed) --His throne is also a toilet: faces in the toilet hole --Man pooping coins: mizer -Backgammon board: pinning man to table: gambler -Woman being molested by a wolf demon with frog on chest --She being forced to look at a mirror: underscore idea of female vanity and inappropriate pride -Man being molested too --By pig in nun fit: papers maybe represent indulgences: either a money lender or some other business that was bad -These are in the foreground so maybe highlighted? -Irresistibility is part of the draw -Constantly showing us new things and making us marvel of them -Maybe the work was designed to resist interpretation --Deflect the final answer --Crack the code: reject the answer

Opened: Earhtly delights

-Group seated by a picnic table on left -Piper sets the tone: really working it -Bagpipe: assoc with vulgarity and lust (saw in Bosch hell and in Epiphany triptych--magi with antichrist) -Unsure Brueghel wanted that ominous, dark tilt -What did Brueghel think of peasants? Debated --what does he want us to think about them --is he making fun or not? --Making fun view: here we see sleazy, gluttons OR they are jsut ppl having fun --Is it moralizing? There is a church steeple in the horizon: maybe church is too far and they need to be there -Therapeutic dimension? -Keep an eye on the way he builds his paintings -Time: fluid situation: time passing--activites started -path as visual invite into the painting -Fool in the background: folly

Peasant dance

-Tone block first: on white paper or whatever color paper -appeal here is that u can change colors of ink -Hand coloring was used before -Recent and successful invention in german printmaking -Collectors of prints would recognize this new technology -Can use more than two: three ie one key block and two tone blocks for an angel


-More of a familiar topic -Landscape of huge dimensions -Darkness brewing: not like Bosch though it is not pressed to the front you must look all the way back to the clouds to see -This is the temptaiton: nude women offering him things: central to the story he must resist -Main event in the foreground don't look at all like Patinir's people --They tend to be quite small --The figures are attributed to a diff painter: Master Coitin --So landscape is Patinir and Coitin was figures: most important painter in Antwerp and that point --Collaboration -Antwep: new specialization between artists -women offer apples/food -Tempt him -Monkey tugging at him: monkey smbolize evil, chaos -Hag eggs on the behavior -this painting is an especially valuable work: high priced item

Temptaiton of St Anthony

-End of summer: august -Less interest in sky more in land -Flat and placcid land -Shift entire palette of paintings: much warmer painting -Radiates late summer heat -Laborers eat lunch but some are still working -Workers look like they are slow bc of the heat -Wheat becomes product -Like calendar moment

The Harvesters

-Half religious bc biblical but not about faith -Tower built by the descendants of Noah that they intended to reach to heaven. God offended and therefore created languages that were different. -Uncommon subject and totally unique depcition -Offers a foothold in the foreground of a vast scene: bottom left -there is a king there (nimrod) watching the building -Tower of babel seen as symbol of sinful pride -In parades/civic parades this was sometimes shown on banners -Multilingual dictionaries being published rn (center of pub in antwerp) --Conscious of idea of all of these languages --Unusually in touch with the rest of the world in antwerp --Population of city doubled in the 1560s Tower -Arches but not classical arch even tho he had been to rome -Elements of classics -Messy mountain -Building but carving into mountain maybe -Unfinished but top poking at the clouds -Figures make the scale astonishing -Scale spills out onto the many miles of flat landscape -Evocative historical mingling: european architecture -aqueduct Activity in foreground -Familiarity with construction techniques -Ships deliver materials -Sheds and pulleys and cranes etc Sense of time -Many years required to build structure so bottom already aged and decaying -top is clean -Tower seems crooked: failure already built in -PRIDE like icarus

Tower of Babel

-Selections from Luther and Von Karlstadt -Make clear to us that the vocab of sacred images was not the only image debate going on -Should there be any religious images at all? -They were not the only ones addressing this question -Goes back many centuries: do away w religious image? -Karlstadt: theologian crafting a series of concern: not just jumping on Luther's bandwagon -"On the removal of religious images" -So he is anti image. Why? --Old testament prohibition on religious imagery/idolatry --Prohibitions on images period --What happens to people? People love them TOO much; give them too much honor --That is WRONG: image is not god so veneration does not rep god --thou shalt not worship: if god wanted u to venerate him thru art he would not have prohibitted -ALSO objects to the cult of the saints --Find images of saints as distraction to love of christ -Loss of focus to devotion of Christ: especially when displayed on altars -Pics are loathsome and we become loathsome when we love them

Von Karlstadt: why remove sacred images?

-Similar sense of immediacy -Converted barn: looked strange back then maybe -Not walls just bales of hay -Imagine smells: senses engaged -Green blanket on hay: like an altar almost -Bride smiling and crossing hands -People coming in thru the doorway -Piper looking at the pies arriving -Carl van mander: biographer then -Brueghel would go out undercover and go to these parties -the "peasant brueghel": maybe this story is not true tho -Path into the scene -Nobody looking out at us -Sense super engaged: beer pie etc -On the right: better dressed ppl: think he is Brueghel -Debated if its a self portrait


-Much less common subject in art at that point -Adulteress was brought forth to christ by the scribes and pharisees: ambush him -Legal code: death for adultery so if christ absolved her he would break the ancient law and if he condemned her he would break civil law of Roman judgement -Christ stooped down and wrote with his finger: he without sin among u can cast teh first stone: so no stones are cast -Decision to paint in grisais: why? -Did that thrice: maybe attracted to that style: golden age for flemish -Heightens the psych and drama of moment -Woman there; christ stooping down to write -Spotlight on center of ground -Pharisees: gesturing and walking away as they do in the Bible -Brueghel writes what jesus says in flemish not latin

Woman taken in adultery Brueghel

-Two men in middle talk about scene -Man near river: about to kill self in river -Says wife is horrible: doesnt clean, violence -Traveller says that's too bad at least u will be dead soon -Horrible sad joke -Entertainment nonetheless Context for these kinds of imagery -Lutheran movement: luther wrote ab marriage: power relations so a model for govt -Nuremberg: 1525 when city became Lutheran: close monastic institutions including convents --Nuns no longer nuns: change balance of marriage opportunities --Marriage ordinance: marriage had to happen in church at the altar -new consciousness about marriage as an institution

twelve properties of insanely angry wife

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