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minor number is even

A production kernel refers to a kernel whose


Every computer consists of physical components and non-physical components. The non-physical components of a computer that understand how to work with the physical components are referred to as

multiuser, multitasking

Linux is a ___________ and ___________ operating system.

Linus Torvalds, MINIX

Linux was developed by __________ to resemble the _________ operating system.

Open Source Software

Many types of software are available today. Which type of software does Linux represent?

a. when you need to have support in Linux for new hardware need a correct answer? b. when you need to increase the stability of Linux

The core component of the Linux operating system is the Linux kernel. If you were a Linux systems administrator for a company, when would you need to upgrade your Linux kernel?


The operating system software is necessary for a computer to function. True or False?

GNU General Public License

To which license does Linux adhere?

a. Linux software is unlikely to become abandoned by its developers. b. Linux is secure and has a lower total cost of ownership than other operating systems. c. Linux is widely available for many platforms and supports many programming languages.

What are some good reasons for using Linux in a corporate environment? (Choose all that apply.) a. Linux software is unlikely to become abandoned by its developers. b. Linux is secure and has a lower total cost of ownership than other operating systems. c. Linux is widely available for many platforms and supports many programming languages. d. Most Linux software is closed source.


What is the most common open source Web server available for Linux? a. Samba b. Apache c. Quid d. Pine

Linux distribution

When the core components of the Linux operating system are packaged together with other Open Source Software, it is called a:


Which common GUI environments are available in most Linux distributions?

the hacker culture

Which culture embraced the term GNU (GNU's Not UNIX) and laid the free software groundwork for Linux?

a. package manager support b. hardware platform c. kernel features

Which if the following are factors that determine which Linux distribution a user will use? a. package manager support b. hardware platform c. kernel features d. language support


Which of the following Linux distributions is likely to be used by a CyberSecurity worker?

b. The software is developed collaboratively. d. Any bugs are fixed quickly.

Which of the following are characteristics of Open Source Software? (Choose all that apply.) a. The value of the software is directly related to its price. b. The software is developed collaboratively. c. The source code for software is available for a small fee. d. Any bugs are fixed quickly.

HOWTO documents at A local Linux User Group Internet newsgroups

Which of the following are common methods for gaining support for Linux? all of the above.


Which of the following can be used on Linux to provide file and print services? a. Samba b. Apache c. Quid d. Pine


Which of the following kernels are developmental kernels? a. 2.3.4 b. 3.5.5 c. 4.1-rc5 d. 4.4.4


Which of the following terms describes a type of useful and legitimate software that is distributed by a developer where they do not charge for the software but also do not distribute the source code along with it?

Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson

Which two people are accredited with created the UNIX operating system?

Richard Stallman

Who formed the Free Software Foundation to promote open development?

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