NSC 101 Chpt 10

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How can an underweight person gain weight?

gradually increase their consumption of calorie-dense foods, especially those high in healthy fats.

Waistline of someone with central-body obesity

greater than 40 inches (men) and greater than 35 inches (women)

Subcutaneous tissue

holds skin in place over underlying tissues such as muscles. Subcutaneous tissue also contains fat cells. When subcutaneous tissue has more fat cells than other kinds of cells, it's referred to as subcutaneous fat

Basal metabolism

is the minimal number of calories the body uses for vital activities after fasting and resting for 12 hours. Vital metabolic processes include breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining constant liver, brain, and kidney functions.

Physical Activity

movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction


physical activities that are usually planned and structured for a particular purpose

Eating disorders

psychological disturbances that lead to certain physiological changes and serious health problems

Maestro Rechargeable System

rechargeable electrical pulse generator that is surgically implanted under the skin in the patient's abdomen, along with its electrodes and wire leads. The device delivers intermittent electrical pulses to the major nerve that sends messages from the brain to the stomach. This particular nerve is involved in regulating stomach emptying after meals. The nerve also signals the brain to sense that the stomach is empty or full. The patient is able to recharge the pulse generator with a special external charger


refers to all chemical changes, or reactions, that constantly occur in living cells

What increases as your BMI increases?

risks of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, certain cancers, and breathing problems

Anorexia Nervosa (AN)

severe psychological disturbance characterized by self-imposed starvation that results in malnutrition and extreme underweight. A person with AN maintains a body weight that's 15% or more below the normal weight for his or her height

Lower-body fat distribution

store extra subcutaneous fat below the waist, primarily in the buttocks and thighs. Described as having a "pear shape" pattern of fat. Adds stress to hip and knee joints that must carry the extra weight, which can lead to osteoarthritis (breakdown of joint tissues)

cognitive behavioral therapy

teaches people ways to monitor their eating behavior and change their unhealthy eating habits. Such therapy also helps patients develop move positive feelings about their body shape and weight

What calims should make you wary of weight-loss programs?

- Causes rapid and extreme weight loss. - Requires no need to change dietary patterns or physical activity. - Results in permanent weight loss. - Is scientifically proven or doctor endorsed. - Displays before-and-after photos. - Includes a money-back guarantee. - Is safe or natural. - Is supported by satisfied customers.

What lifestyle changes can you make to achieve and maintain a healthy weight?

- Changes in diet (Calorie reduction) - Physical activity

How to obtain social support to lose weight?

- Consider joining a group weight-loss program. - Encourage family and friends to provide praise and encouragement for your efforts to manage your weight.

How should you change negative thought patterns to lose weight?

- Don't get discouraged by occasional setbacks—relapses can be expected when changing behaviors. - Think positively about progress. - Counter negative thoughts with positive statements.

Two major components of your body

- Fat-free mass - Total body fat

How can you eat smart to lose weight?

- Keep nutrient-dense, low-calorie snack foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, on hand. - Eat meals and snacks at scheduled times; don't skip meals, especially breakfast. - Eat all food in a "dining" area; avoid eating while engaged in other activities - Slow down the pace of meals by putting eating utensils down between mouthfuls and eating more slowly. - Leave some food on your plate. - Become a "defensive eater." Practice ways to refuse food graciously or request smaller portions.

How should you plan menus to lose weight?

- Plan meals and snacks to cover three or more days, then use the plan to prepare grocery lists. - When menu planning, include sources of protein, unsaturated fat, and complex carbohydrates in meals and snacks. - Avoid labeling certain foods as "off limits." Analyze why you have difficulty controlling your intake of these foods and develop strategies to reduce your intake

Bariatric medicine

the medical specialty that focuses on the treatment of obesity. Such surgical procedures drastically reduce the size of an obese person's stomach, markedly limiting food intake.


the sense that enough food or beverages have been consumed to satisfy hunger.

Are dietary supplements a good way to lose weight?

there's a lack of scientific evidence that supports claims of their effectiveness or long-term safety

Characteristics of those with Binge-eating disorder (BED)

- more quickly than usual during binge episodes, - until they feel uncomfortably full, - excessive amounts of food even when they're not hungry, and - alone, because they're embarrassed about their overeating behavior.

Characteristics of typical fad diets

- promotes rapid weight loss without calorie restriction and increased physical activity; - limits food selections from a few food groups and requires specific rituals, such as eating only fruit for breakfast or eating only certain food combinations; - requires buying a book or various gimmicks, such as expensive dietary supplements, weight-loss patches, or beverages that contain "secret" weight-loss ingredients; or - relies on testimonials from famous people or connects the diet to trendy places such as Hollywood, California, and South Beach, Florida.

What do anorexic people use to avoid eating and weight gain

- self-induced vomiting, - abuse of laxatives or diuretics, - excessive exercise regimens, and - use of appetite suppressants

risk factors for eating disorders

- sex (females are more likely to develop eating disorders), - having a history of frequent dieting to control weight, - being overly concerned or dissatisfied with body shape and weight, - having low self-esteem and a poor self-image, - being in a sport or occupation that emphasizes a lean body, - having a history of being a victim of sexual abuse, - being from a dysfunctional family.

What is the goal of therapy for those who suffer from eating disorders?

to achieve and maintain healthy BMIs without using unhealthy practices

What is a goal for overfat people over a 6-month period?

to lose at least 5% to 10% of their current weight

Essential fat

vital for your survival—every cell in your body contains some essential fat in its cell membrane. Furthermore, essential fat is also in certain bones and nervous tissue.

How to calculate BMI

weight (lb) / [height(in)]^2 X 703

Does your mood influence your eating behavior?

yes, Many people eat not because they are hungry but because they are bored, anxious, angry, or depressed.

What happens when you consume a lot of food?

your fat cells remove excess triglycerides from the bloodstream for storage. As the amount of fat stored in your adipose cells increases, the size of each cell expands, and your body gains weight

Thrifty Metabolism

A person with a thrifty metabolism has a body that's more efficient at storing excess energy as fat than a person who doesn't have such a metabolism. An energy "thrifty" person is more likely to survive periods of starvation than other persons. Generally in people who gain weight easily

Physical fitness

Ability to perform moderate to vigorous-intensity activities without becoming excessively tired

Total body fat

All fat in your body. includes "essential fat" and fat tissue

Adult BMI Weight Status Categories

Below 18.5: Underweight 18.5 to 24.9: Healthy 25.0 to 29.9: Overweight 30.0 to 39.9: Obese 40 and above: Extremely obese

What medicine suppresses hunger

Belviq and Qsymia

Metabolic Rate

Body's rate of energy use a few hours after resting and eating

Energy intake

Calories from foods and beverages that contain macronutrients and alcohol

Catabolic Reactions

Chemical changes in cells that release energy

Anabolic reactions

Chemical changes in cells that require energy to get started


Condition characterized by an excessive and unhealthy amount of body fat

Female athlete triad

Condition characterized by low energy intakes, abnormal menstrual cycles, and bone mineral irregularities. Most common in female participating in competitive sports that require low body mass. Severe food restriction can result in lower blood estrogen levels that, in turn, can cause the absence of menstrual cycles and bones that are less dense and weaker than normal

Binge-eating disorder (BED)

Disorder where a person often eats an unusually large amount of food at one time. After overeating, you feel disgusted, depressed or guilty but does not purge

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

Involuntary skeletal muscular activities such as shivering, fidgeting, maintaining muscle tone, and maintaining body posture when not lying down.

Subcutaneous fat

Layer of tissue that's under skin and has more fat cells than other kinds of cells. Helps insulate your body against cold temperatures and protects muscles and bones from bumps and bruises. Thicker in certain parts of the body, especially in the abdominal area, thighs, and buttocks

Fat-free mass

Lean tissue. Comprised of body water, mineral-rich tissues such as bones and teeth, and protein-rich tissues, including muscles and organs.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Numerical value based on the relationship between body weight and risk of chronic health problems associated with excess body fat

what medicine reduces fat absorption by small intestine?



People who are overweight because they have too much body fat

How can people accomplish a rate of loss like 1 to 2 pounds a week?

Reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity (energy output)

Set-point theory

Scientific notion that body's fat content is genetically predetermined


Secreted by fat cells; hormone that reduces hunger and inhibits fat storage in the body. Studies involving humans generally find that obese people produce high amounts of leptin, but their bodies resist the hormone's hunger-suppressing action

Bioelectrical Impedance

Technique of estimating body composition in which a device measures the conduction of a weak electrical current through the body

Skinfold Thickness

Technique of estimating body composition in which calipers are used to measure the width of skinfolds at multiple body sites


a hormone secreted mainly by the stomach, stimulates eating behavior. Some scientists think that reducing ghrelin production or activity is the key to helping people lose or maintain their weight


a trendy practice that has widespread appeal. After a period, however, people lose interest in the practice, and it becomes no longer fashionable.

How do you estimate your daily energy expenditure?

add the kilocalories you burned for basal metabolism, physical activity, and TEF in a day

Visceral Fat

adipose tissue that's under your abdominal muscles and hangs over your stomach and intestines like a protective apron.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

also reduces the stomach's size. During this procedure, the surgeon staples the stomach to form a banana-shaped pouch that holds about 2 to 5 ounces of food. The surgery doesn't involve bypassing a section of the small intestine, so nutrient absorption isn't reduced. These patients lose weight because they aren't as hungry as they were before having the surgery.


an FDA-approved device for use in obese persons who have BMIs of 35 to 55 and have been unable to lose or maintain weight using nonsurgical methods, such as reduced-calorie diets.34 The device is surgically implanted into the stomach and has a tube leading from the stomach to an opening "port" that is on the patient's abdominal skin. After a meal, the person is able to open the port and drain a portion of his or her stomach's contents into the toilet. As a result, about 30% of the calories that were consumed do not enter the small intestine and some weight loss occurs


an uncomfortable feeling that drives a person to consume food


an unusual feature or food that makes the diet seem to be unique and more likely to work than other diets

Characteristics of those with Anorexia nervosa

- limit calorie intake, which leads to very low body weight; - are emotionally disturbed about their body weight and shape; - have an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, despite their very low weight; and - deny that they have a serious illness.

How to prepare for the holidays and parties to lose weight?

- Before you go, think about what you'll eat and drink while attending the meal or event. - Consider limiting your food intake earlier in the day of the special occasion to avoid consuming too many calories at the event. - Eat a low-calorie snack about an hour before the occasion. - Drink fewer alcoholic and sugar-sweetened beverages. Replace such beverages with ice water.

Methods of measuring body fat

- Bioelectrical Impedance - Skinfold Thickness

What Influences the Basal Metabolic Rate

- Body compostion: Muscle tissue, a component of lean body mass, is more metabolically active than fat tissue - Sex: men generally have higher metabolic rates as they have more lean body mass - Age: Declines as you age - Calorie intake: body conserves energy when intake is low, metabolic rate can reduce

How to use caution at restaurants to lose weight?

- Avoid eating regularly at fast-food outlets. - Choose pasta with red sauce instead of white sauce. - Request salad dressing "on the side" so you can control the amount. - Think "small." Order an entrée and share it with another person. - Don't be a member of the "clean plate club." Ask your server for a carryout box when he or she brings your order to the table and divide the food in half, and place one-half in the container. - If you choose a dessert item, share it with others. - Avoid fried menu items or those made with butter, gravy, or cream sauce. - When at fast-food outlets, make substitutions such as salads, regular hamburgers over specialties, roasted chicken sandwich instead of a breaded and fried chicken sandwich, plain water instead of a regular soft drink, and baked potato instead of fries

How should you prepare and serve food to lose weight?

- Reduce the use of solid fat in cooking; bake, broil, or roast meats instead of frying them. - Add less solid fat to foods such as cooked vegetables before serving or eating them. - If you sample foods while preparing them, consider the amounts you ate, and at mealtimes reduce your portion sizes accordingly. - Prepare only enough food to provide one limited-size portion for yourself. Using measuring cups and a small scale for weighing food can be helpful. - Take your usual-size portion and return one-third to one-half of it to the serving dish or container. - Remove serving dishes from the table. Keeping foods or their containers in sight can encourage overeating.

How to self-monitor to lose weight?

- Set reasonable weight-loss goals, for example, losing 1 to 4 pounds in 1 month. - Keep a special notebook to use as a food and exercise diary where you can see it - In the diary, note the time and place of eating as well as the type and amount of food eaten and mood when you ate meals and snacks. - In the exercise section of the diary, record the form of moderate-intensity exercise you performed and the number of minutes you spent engaging in that activity each day. - Measure your waistline weekly and record the measurements in the diary. - Weigh yourself several times a week, preferably at the same time and without clothing.

Tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight

- Setting goals - Making lifestyle changes - Changing Your Food- and Exercise-Related Practices

How should you shop carefully to lose weight?

- To reduce the likelihood of making impulsive food choices, shop for food after eating. - Shop from a grocery list. If a food isn't on your list, ask yourself if you really need to buy it and if it will hinder or help your weight-loss efforts. - Read food labels to compare calorie and saturated fat contents per serving.

How do food advertisers sell their product?

- Using environment and your senses to make you hungry - Using your emotions: i.e supersized portion let you get more for your money

Three major types of eating disorders

- anorexia nervosa, - bulimia nervosa, - binge-eating (overeating)

What can repeated vomiting cause?

- blood chemistry abnormalities; blood potassium can drop dramatically, altering heartbeat and increasing risk of sudden death; - swelling of the throat; - tears and bleeding of the esophagus; - sores or scars on the knuckles (from self-induced vomiting); and - tooth decay (from self-induced vomiting).

How to treat eating disorders

- cognitive behavioral therapy - medication, mainly antidepressents

Symptoms of Anorexia nervosa

- confusion or slowed thinking; - widespread delicate, dense, white hairs on the skin; - shrunken breasts and buttocks; - emotional depression; - low blood potassium levels; and - tooth decay (from self-induced vomiting) - missing menstrual period for 3+ cycles (in women).

Benefits of exercising regularly

- control your weight, - reduce your risk of CVD, - reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, - reduce your risk of colon and breast cancer, - strengthen your bones and muscles, - improve your psychological well-being, and - increase your chances of enjoying a longer, healthy life

National Weight Control Registry member successful strategies

- eat a low-calorie, low-fat diet; - exercise, on average, for about an hour daily; - eat breakfast daily; - watch less than 10 hours of television per week; - weigh themselves at least once a week.

Obese people have increased risk of...

- heart disease, - type 2 diabetes, - certain cancers (uterine, breast, liver, kidney, gallbladder, and colon), - hypertension (high blood pressure), - high total cholesterol or high triglyceride levels, - stroke, - liver and gallbladder disease, - sleep apnea and other breathing problems, - osteoarthritis (breakdown of joint tissues), and - all causes of death (mortality).

Complications with gastric bypass

- intestinal blockage and bleeding - leaks along the staple site - blood clot formation - wound infections. - micronutrient deficiencies and some bone loss

Characteristics of sound weight-loss plans

- is safe and effective; - meets nutritional, psychological, and social needs; - incorporates a variety of common foods from all food groups; - doesn't require costly devices or diet books; - accommodates family and restaurant meals, parties and special occasions, ethnic foods, and food likes; - doesn't make you feel deprived; - emphasizes readily available nutritious foods; - promotes changing habits that encourage overeating; - encourages regular physical activity; - provides suggestions for obtaining social support; and - can be followed for a lifetime.

How to calculate metabolic rate

1. Convert weight from pounds to kg - 1 lb = 2.2 kg 2. Use formula for either woman or man - x kg X .9 = y kcal/hr or x kg X 1.0 = y kcal/hr 3. If you want basal metabolic rate for entire day, multiply by 24

How many kcals is one pound of body fat?

3500 kcals

Bulimia nervosa (BN)

Eating disorder characterized by reoccurring episodes of bingeing, often consist of high-calorie foods, and are followed by attempts to purge the calories consumed during binges by self-induced vomiting, as well as abusing laxatives, diuretics, or enemas

Thermic effect of food (TEF)

Energy used to digest foods and beverages as well as absorb and further process the macronutrients. Usually about 5 - 10 % of total caloric intake

Adipose ('fat') cells

Fat cells; specialized cells that store fat. Functions include storing and releasing energy as fat and secreting numerous proteins that help with regulating food intake, glucose metabolism, and immune responses

Rule of thumb to estimate daily metabolic rate

Formula for men = 1.0 kcal/kg/hr Formula for women = 0.9 kcal/kg/hr


Having extra weight from bone, muscle, body fat, and/or body water. In book. refers to people who are overfat but not obese

Adult Body Weight Classification by Percentage of Body Fat

Healthy: Men - 13 to 21%; Women - 23 to 31% Overweight: Men - 22 to 25%; Women - 32 to 37% Obese: Men - 26 to 31%; Women - 38 to 42% Extremely obese: Men - 32% or more; Women - 43% or more


The desire to eat appealing food. If you often eat when you're not hungry, then you're probably aware of the effect your environment can have on your appetite

Why is physical activity important for weight loss and maintenance?

The more physically active you are, the more calories you'll burn

Energy balance

When Caloric intake equals calorie output for basal metabolism, physical activity, and TEF

Positive energy state

When your calorie intake is greater than your calorie output,

Negative energy state

When your calorie intake is lower than your calorie output

What happens in a negative energy state?

Your body needs more calories to carry out its activities than your diet is supplying. Therefore, your body metabolizes more stored fat than usual for energy and weight loss results from this

What happens in a positive energy state?

Your body stores excess dietary fat in adipose cells. Additionally, your body converts surplus dietary carbohydrate and protein to fat and stores that fat in adipose cells and weight gain results

Central-body obesity

characterized by a large amount of visceral fat that causes the waistline to spread beyond the buttocks and thighs. Sometimes described as having an "apple" body shape. Causes increased risk of CVD and type 2 diabetes

Fat tissue

contains adipose ("fat") cells that are specialized for storing energy in the form of triglycerides

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