NTR 401 review

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List all the B vitamins that exist, and then write down some of the importance of each of each Who are the most at risk for Vitamin B6 deficiencies? (Select all that apply) Elderly Infants Alcoholics Sick

-Thiamin- Occurs in lots of phosphorylated forms -Riboflavin- component of FAD -Niacin- Two forms NAD and NADP needed for Electron Transport Pathways -Pantothenic Acid- Part of CoA -Biotin- improves hair health -Folate- needed to make DNA -B6- Coenzyme in reactions involving amino acid metabolism. -B12- prevents megaloblastic anemia elderly and alcoholics

Consuming more whole eggs would be the least efficient way of increasing your intake of which B vitamin? 1. Thiamin 2. Niacin 3. Riboflavin 4. Pantothenic Acid


Most vitamin D is synthesized in the human body as a result of direct exposure to sunlight; however, for some individuals sunlight is not a viable source of vitamin D. Which of the following food sources is the greatest source of dietary vitamin D? i. Fish Oil ii. Whole Grains iii. Leafy Greens iv. Citrus Fruits v. Poultry


Check all boxes that are active forms of vitamin A (answers in bold here): 1. beta-carotene 2. retinol 3. retinal 4. 11-cis-retinol 5. retinoic acid


Why is white bread enriched with riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin? 1. To increase the value of the product to the consumer - people are willing to pay more for products fortified with vitamins 2. To replace the nutrients lost during milling so that white bread has as many B vitamins as whole grain bread, this avoiding potential diseases resulting from people assuming all bread has the same levels of vitamins 3. To replace nutrients lost during commercial baking. As these nutrients are not lost during baking in a home kitchen, fours are not enriched. 4. Children, the age group among which the highest frequency of B vitamin deficiencies occur in the United States, are also the age group most likely to consume white bread

2. To replace the nutrients lost during milling so that white bread has as many B vitamins as whole grain bread, this avoiding potential diseases resulting from people assuming all bread has the same levels of vitamins (correct answer)

What is the coenzyme form of thiamin? 1. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 2. Acetyl CoA 3. Thiamin Triphosphate (TTP) 4. Thiamin Diphosphate (TDP)


What is the main function of Coenzyme A in metabolism? 1. Converting pyridoxine to pyridoxal phosphate 2. Assisting antioxidant molecules near the electron transport chain to prevent unnecessary oxidation 3. Acetylating enzymes to turn them on or off 4. Reducing NADP to NADPH


All of the following accurately describes a theory of food intake regulation that has been proposed with reasonable support during the last 50 years EXCEPT: 1. Release of leptin from fat cells lowers the quantity of food eaten. 2. Stomach distention from eating a meal is thought to be a key factor in causing one to stop eating. 3. The glucostatic theory states that hunger increases in response to fluctuation in blood glucose. 4. The glucostatic theory states that hunger decreases in response to fluctuation in blood glucose.

4. The glucostatic theory states that hunger decreases in response to fluctuation in blood glucose.

Secretin simulates a bicarbonate rich pancreatic secretion that has an alkaline pH of about ______?


Which of the following types of fiber are completely insoluble? A. Mucilage B. Cellulose C. Pectin D. Hemicellulose


While the majority of the urea is excreted by the kidney, the rest goes into the ___________.


: What does the catabolism of glucogenic amino acids yield? a. Intermediates of the TCA cycle b. Weight gain c. Electrons d. Vitamin D


During beta oxidation, fatty acids are broken down to . A. acetyl CoA B. bile C. ketones D. cholesterol


Glycogenolysis in the liver is hormonally stimulated by ______. a. Glucagon b. Insulin c. Epinephrine d. Glucocorticoids


In hormone signaling ______ is a hormone that targets _______ receptors. a. Growth hormone, liver and adipose tissue b. Prolactin, Adrenal gland c. Follicle stimulating hormone, Thyroid gland d. Growth hormone, kidneys


The major role of Iodide is to produce _______, in which almost all organs in the body are targets for. a. Thyroxine b. Polyglutamatehydrolase c. Thymidine d. TSH


The process of converting lactate back to pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase is completed by which cycle? a) Cori cycle b) Alanine cycle c) Krebs cycle


Which of the following is not a ketone body? A. Acetyl CoA B. Acetone C. Acetoacetate D. Beta-hydroxybutarate


Which organ needs a continuous supply of energy so it is only capable of fully oxidizing glucose? A.Heart B. Brain C. Kidney D. Liver


Which type of Tyrosine causes Failure to Thrive, jaundice and future liver damage? a. Type 1 b. Type 2 c. Type 3


itamin A in the form of retinol & retinoic acid are essential for all of the following except: a. Hair, skin, nail growth b. Embryonic development c. gene regulation d. Growth hormones


Protein digestibility is a measure of the amounts of ___________ that are absorbed following ingestion of a given protein. Answers a.) Amino Acids b.) Lipids c.) Micronutrients d.) All of the above

A ?

___________ are molecules found in wine that are responsible for inhibiting the absorption of certain minerals. A)Tannins B) Phytate C)Fiber D)CHO

A. Tannins

_____ soluble vitamins are found in fats and oils, and can be stored in ______ tissues. They can be converted into _____ soluble compounds in the _____ and then excreted in the same fashion as_____soluble vitamins.

A: Fat, adipose, water, liver, water

Dietary Fiber consists of non-digestible carbohydrates that include, (NSP), plant carbohydrates that are not recovered by alcohol precipitation, and some (RS), undigested starch.

A: Non-starchy polysaccharides, resistant starch.

The contraction cycle of muscles occurs when which two proteins create the force responsible for the contraction?

Answer: Actin and myosin

Which food source could potentially provide both fatty acids and essential fatty acids? Choose: Alvacado, nut, herring, steak. 2) Which of the following would provide the best dietary source of omega 3? Chose: Shark, oysters, salmon, sweet potato/

Answer: Steak Answer: Salmon

B-Vitamins are water soluble. What practical implications does that have? a. As long as you drink enough water, you will get enough B-Vitamins. b. Leftover B-Vitamins leave the body through urine, so you need a continuous supply of B-Vitamins in the diet. c. Leftover B-Vitamins are stored in water reservoirs in the body, so B-Vitamins have a high risk of toxicity. d. Water soluble vitamins can only be obtained through supplementation, not through food sources.


Low levels of iron lead to a deficiency called ______ while low levels of Vitamin B12 can lead to a deficiency known as _______. a. Scurvy; Anemia b. Anemia; Pernicious anemia c. Anemia; Marasmus d. Marasmus; Kwashiorkor


One product of the pentose phosphate pathway is ribose-5-phosphate. What function does this sugar have? a. Helps with blood circulation b. Synthesis of nucleotides and nucleic acids c. Maintains integrity of cell membranes d. Synthesis of acetyl coA for the Krebs cycle.


Switching from a typical American diet to a very low fat diet usually causes a(n) _____ in fasting triacyglycerol levels and a(n) _______ in fasting LDL and HDL levels. A. increase; increase B. increase; decrease C. decrease; increase D. decrease; decrease


The Cori cycle uses what substrate for hepatic gluconeogenesis? A. Alanine B. Lactate C. Phosphate D.Fructose


Which is NOT a rate determining step of glycolysis? a) Hexokinase b) pyruvate carboxylase c) phosphofructokinase-1 d) pyruvate kinase


Which regulation hormone is counter regulatory to insulin, and increases hepatic glucose production by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis? A. Insulin B. Glucagon C. Epinephrine D. Glucose


_______ produces energy by degrading amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and alcohol a) Thiamin monophosphate (TMP) b) NAD c) FAD d) Riboflavin


_____________ blood volume and _____________ levels of angiotensin II will most likely _____________ water-seeking behavior. a. Increased, high, stimulate b. Decreased, high, stimulate c. Increased, high, suppress d. Decrease, low, suppress


A RQ of .85 means what energy sources are being used? A. Carbs only B. Carbs, Fat and Protein C. Fat D. Protein and Carbs

B. Carbs, Fat and Protein,

All of these are functions of Vitamin C except: a) Collagen Synthesis b) Immune function c) Carbohydrate synthesis d) Cancer Prevention


This type of tyrosinemia is the rarest and is caused by a deficiency of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase. A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III


Vitamin E is most likely to react with free radicals in which of the following structures? A. Mitochondria B. Cytosol C. Cell Membrane D. Nucleus


What food does not have a good source of Vitamin e? a. Nuts b. Whole Grains c. Ground Beef d. Vegetables


What molecule does Acetyl CoA combine with to form citrate in the TCA cycle? A. Malate B. Fumarate C. Oxaloacetate D.Succinate


Which of the following enzymes is responsible for cleaving polyphosphoinositides upon their ingestion into DAG? A. PLD B. PLA2 C. PLC D. Phosphoinositide Kinase


Match the hormone to the tissue or organ where its receptors are located. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) - Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - A. Liver B. Thyroid gland C. Anterior pituitary gland D. Hypothalamus E. Kidney

C b

Check all that apply; The following nutrients provide antioxidant effects against lipoperoxides: A. Vitamin B6 B. Vitamin K C. Vitamin E D. Beta Carotene E. Thiamin


According to Greek philosophers, food is thought to be made up of all of the following EXCEPT- A)Medicine B)Nutriment C)Blood enrichments D) Poisons

C)Blood enrichments

Renal ____ , the outer part of the kidney, contains the glomerulus and Bowman�s capsule for ______ function. A. Medulla; filtration B. Cortex; excretion C. Cortex; filtration D. Medulla; excretion

C. Cortex; filtration - correct answer

Low levels of _____ stimulate hunger, and high levels of _____ stimulate satiety.

C. Insulin, GLP-1

Which nutrient function is correctly matched with its nutrient? A. Vitamin B12- maintain liver function B. Choline- maintain hematological status C. Riboflavin- erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity D.Selenium- prevention of hydrogen peroxide induce hemolysis

C. Riboflavin- erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity

Which of the following are NOT true of Rudman and Feller�s Conditionally Essential criteria? A.) Deficiency results in decline in plasma level into subnormal range B.) Appearance of physiological function and structure malfunction with deficiency C.) Correction of only decrease in plasma level by intake of certain supplement D.) Correction of both decrease in plasma level and appearance of physiological malfunction by intake of certain supplement

C.) Correction of only decrease in plasma level by intake of certain supplement`

Muscle contraction and relaxation is primarily controlled by the presence of ____ ions in muscle cells. vi. Sodium vii. Calcium viii. Potassium ix. Magnesium x. Phosphorus


Wet beriberi 2. Dry beriberi 3. Cerebral beriberi

Cardiac failure due to enlarged heart, rapid heart rate, and difficulty breathing (1) c. Muscle wasting, burning feet syndrome, and in severe cases, seizures (2) b. Psychosis, disorientation, brain lesions, and memory loss (3)

Deficiency in the intake of essential polyunsaturated fatty acid can lead to all of the following symptoms, EXCEPT: A. Dermatitis. B. Decreased visual acuity. C. Impaired growth. D. Ketoacidosis. E. Peripheral Neuropathy.


Functions of GLP-1 include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Promoting the release of insulin B. Increasing pancreatic beta-cell growth C. Promoting weight loss and glucose control D.Decreasing feeling of satiety


In sufficient ATP production due to thiamin deficiency leads to what condition? a) Rickets b) Pellagra c) Scurvy d) Beriberi


Problems associated with peripheral neuropathy may include: A. Loss of pain sensation B. Loss of touch sensitivity C. Balance issues D. All of the above


Protein quality depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT: a. Digestibility b. Amino acid profile/composition c. Nitrogen balance d. Carbohydrate composition/makeup


Vitamin B6 serves all of the following functions EXCEPT: A) Coenzyme in reactions involving amino acid metabolism B) Serotonin synthesis C) Coenzyme in heme synthesis D) Increases effects of steroid binding hormones


What is the fat soluble antioxidant? a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin D d) Vitamin E


What does the AMDR measure? A. Average daily intake of a nutrient estimated to meet the need of 50% of the population B. Average daily intake of a nutrient estimated to meet the need of 97.5% of the population C. Average daily intake of a nutrient based on observational or experimental estimations that are assumed to be adequate; used when RDA cannot be measured D.Daily intake range associated with reduced risk for chronic disease

D.Daily intake range associated with reduced risk for chronic disease

Which of the following are true as they relate to the RDA of Carbohydrates? - A) insufficient CHO intake stimulates lipolysis, ketosis, and gluconeogenesis form amino acid carbon skeletons. - B) Gluconeogenesis requires catabolism of body protein. - C) RDA is the amount to cover basic glucose needs without resorting to proteolysis, gluconeogenesis, and ketosis. - D) All of the above.


Briefly describe the difference in Ob/Ob mice and db/db mice.

During the �80s it was discovered that Ob/Ob mice did not produce the hormone, leptin; therefore, the brain did not recognize the consumption of food (as the fat cells were not releasing the hormone) resulting in the mice becoming obese. � Mice that were termed db/db produced sufficient amounts of leptin; however, the receptors in the brain did not recognize the hormone and these mice became obese as well.

Which dietary recommendation was created to meet the nutrient level of intake of half the of the healthy individuals in a given population? A.) AMDR B.) RDA C.) DRI D.) EAR


__________ is a reference value with DRI�s that is the average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group.


________ is an unabsorbed dietary plant material that impacts nutrient excretion? A)Fiber B)Water C)Cholesterol D)Sugar


GLUT 1 2 3 4 5

GLUT1: red blood cells and brain, high-affinity glucose transporter. GLUT2: liver and pancreas beta cells, found in the small intestine and kidney; low-affinity glucose transporter. GLUT3: the brain, has a high-affinity glucose transporter. GLUT4: Responsive to insulin in muscles, heart, and adipose; insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. GLUT5: small intestine and kidney, transports fructose.

Describe a peptide that increases during a fasting state as well as a peptide that increases during a fed state.

Ghrelin is an example of a peptide that increases during a fasting state leading to an increase in appetite. Ghrelin is secreted by endocrine cells located in the stomach and small intestine. � Leptin is an example of a peptide that increases during a fed state. Leptin is secreted by fat cells. The larger the fat cells, the more leptin that is produced by the body.

Stimulated by insulin and secreted by adipocytes, _______ is a hormone which induces long-term satiety relative to body mass.


The amount of urine excreted is based on ________ intake, while the amount of nitrogen excreted relates to formation of __________. A. Protein, water, and sodium intake; urea B. Water intake; protein C. Protein intake; water D. Protein, water, and sodium intake; Na

Protein, water, and sodium intake; urea

Cardiovascular disease has been associated with which fatty acid?


Muscle atrophy refers to decreases in muscle mass and strength due to decreased activity, and happens very often in older adults. What is the name given to muscle atrophy that is naturally seen in older adults?


____ refers to the end of desire to eat after a meal, and this can occur at any time after the onset of eating. ___ , on the other hand, is a physical feeling of fullness that allows us to stop eating for a while.


There are a total of ________ amino acids, _______ of which the body cannot synthesize on its own. These amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the body on its own are referred to as ___________ and are required to be consumed in the diet.

There are a total of 20 amino acids, 9 of which the body cannot synthesize on its own. These amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the body on its own are referred to as essential and are required to be consumed in the diet.

Discuss why there is no upper limit for carbohydrates. Which is more likely with carbohydrates taking up 80% of total caloric intake? A. Carbohydrate toxicity B. Marasmus C. Obesity D. Energy deficiency

There is no upper level because there are no toxic results, but you�re more likely to be deficient in other areas (fats, and proteins). The amount of carbs eaten is also based on total caloric intake, which has a maximum that can be different for peoples� individual goals. There is going to be an added DRI of maximum sugar consumption, because there are signs leading to obesity. A. Carbohydrate toxicity B. Marasmus C. Obesity D. Energy deficiency

Which part of the body adds bulk to the diet and creates the feeling of fullness as one of their physiological functions? a. Upper GI tract b. Small intestine c. Large intestine d. Lower GI tract

Upper GI tract

Which water soluble vitamin is needed for catalyzing and phosphorylating tryptophan?

Vitamin B6

Rickets, a softening/weakening of bones in children, is due to an inadequate amount of which vitamin, known as the sunshine vitamin?

Vitamin D

Name three groups of people who are at risk for bone disease due to calcium deficiency

Women, smokers, alcoholics, vegetarians, older adults, adolescents

GLP-1 is secreted from the colon, inhibits glucagon release and promotes weight loss and _____. A. Release of insulin B. Sodium excretion C. activation of the hypothalamus D. None of the above.


Dietary fiber consists of __________ and _______ that are intrinsic and intact in plants.

a. Non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin

Match the following energy releasing B-complex vitamins with their functions: a. Riboflavin b. B6 c. Pantothenic acid d. Niacin e. Thiamin 1. Synthesis of heme and serotonin; decreases effects of steroid binding hormones 2. Anabolism of cholesterol, fatty acids, and other macromolecules 3. Required for aerobic metabolism of glucose and for formation of pentose sugars in the pentose phosphate pathway 4. Component of cofactor for single electron transport 5. Forms part of Acetyl CoA; metabolism of alcohol and other macromolecules

a. Riboflavin (4) b. B6 (1) c. Pantothenic acid (5) d. Niacin (2) e. Thiamin (3)

Evidence AGAINST the theory that food intake occurs to regulate blood glucose levels include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Brain glucose levels (not blood glucose levels) are the trigger B. Low blood glucose and 2-deoxyglucose causes eating C. Anticipatory glucose control involves learning (ex: time of day, social cues) D.The blood glucose response to eating is slow


All the following are involved in rate determining steps of glycolysis EXCEPT: A. Hexokinase B. Phosphofructokinase-1 C. pyruvate dehydrogenase D. Pyruvate kinase


What are the three regulatory enzymes of glycolysis? a. Enolase, hexokinase, aldolase b. Hexokinase, triose phosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate kinase c. Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase d. Phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphoglycerate mutase, aldolase e. None of the above


Which of the following is not a function of saliva: A. Buffer B. antibacterial activity C. partial breakdown of protien D. Buffer


What homeostatic system is not involved in regulating satiety? A. Nervous B. Endocrine C. Vascular D. Urinary


In what category are Boron and Chromium categorized? A. Essential nutrients B. Conditionally essential nutrients C. Non-essential nutrients D.Macronutrient


T/F Alpha-Linolenic acid and Linoleic acid can be synthesized in the human body from other nutrients if there are insufficient amounts available in the diet.


What hormone is stimulated, along with glucocorticoid hormones, in response to a fasted state by pancreatic alpha cells?


An increase in carbonic acid formation means a ______ in carbohydrate excretion


Gluconeogenesis occurs mainly in the __________.

liver and kidney

The brain can use all of the following as an energy source except: Glucose, ketones, Long Chain fatty acids, Short Chain fatty acids, medium chain fatty acids?

long chain fatty acids

Vitamin B12 Choline - Vitamin E - Riboflavin - Selenium

maintain hematological status maintain liver function (serum alanine aminotransferase) prevention of hydrogen peroxide induce hemolysis erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity plasma glutathione peroxidase

Homeostatic regulatory systems ensure adequate supply of _________ needed for growth and maintenance.


In Glycolysis, there are two major phases. The preparatory and payoff. What are the products of the payoff phase?

pyruvate and the coupled formation of ATP and NADH

Excess zinc ________ copper absorption. A. Reduces B. Increases C. Doesn't impact

reduces Both minerals influence the absorption of one another. Zinc inhibits copper absorption when it is present in high concentration. Excess zinc reduces copper absorption.

What enzyme is released from the juxtaglomerular apparatus and acts on the substrate released from liver in order to regulate blood pressure? A. ACE B. Renin C. Angiotensinogen D. ANG II


All of these hormones play a role in maintaining blood glucose levels during the fasted state EXCEPT Glucagon b. Epinephrine c. Glucocorticoids d. Secretin


Which of these is not a high quality protein? A. Eggs B. Vegetables C. Yogurt D. Fish

vegetables A high quality protein is a complete protein which contains all nine essential amino acids, examples are milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, fish and poultry.

Vitamin D: helps to regulate calcium, the immune system, and the neuromuscular system. Adrenocortical hormones: help to control blood sugar, metabolize protein and fat, and regulate blood pressure Sex hormones: help to keep the body in balance and function properly.

� Phospholipids are amphipathic in nature because of the water-soluble head and fat-soluble tail. Helps to compose the lipid bilayer of cells and regulate what is transferred into and out the cell � Sphingolipids are also amphipathic molecules that come from fatty acid derivatives of sphingosine, and work mainly with the cell membranes of the central nervous system. � Cholesterol molecules are deposited throughout the phospholipid bilayer and help keep the membrane structured and not too fluid. It provides stability to the structure.

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