Nur 256 Exam #3 Review Questions

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Flushing the lids, conjunctiva, and cornea with tap water or normal saline

A patient is brought into the ED with chemical burns in both eyes. What is the priority action of the nurse for this patient's care?

Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatosis that results from an overproduction of keratin.

A patient is diagnosed with psoriasis after developing scales on the scalp, elbows, and behind the knees. The patient asks the nurse where this was "caught." What is the best response by the nurse?

Avoid using the medication around the eyelids because it may cause cataracts and glaucoma

A patient is diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis on the face and is prescribed a corticosteroid preparation for use. What should the nurse educate the patient about regarding use of the steroid on the face?

Ketosis; Little endogenous insulin; Younger than 30 years of age

A patient is diagnosed with type I diabetes. What clinical characteristics does the nurse expect to see in this patient?

Wash and rinse hair before test but do not apply any other hair products

A patient is scheduled to have an auditory brain stem response in 2 days. What does the nurse instruct the patient to do in preparation for the test?

Withhold caffeine and alcohol 48 hours before the test

A patient is scheduled to have an electronystagmography in 2 weeks. What will the nurse instruct the patient to do prior to the test?

21 mm Hg or higher

A patient is suspected of having glaucoma. What reading of IOP would demonstrate an increase resulting from optic nerve damage?

BUN and creatinine

A patient is to have an angiography done using fluorescein as a contrast agent to determine if the patient has macular edema. What laboratory work should the nurse monito prior to the angiography?

Patch test

A patient is visiting the healthcare provider to determine what type of allergy is causing a rash. What type of testing does the nurse anticipate the healthcare provider will schedule?

Acoustic neroma

A patient reports ringing in the left ear and hearing loss in the same ear, but does not have an associated dizziness or vertigo. What should this patient be assessed for?


A patient reports severe itching that intensifies at night. The nurse assesses the skin using a magnifying glass and penlight to look for the "itch mite." What skin condition does the nurse anticipate finding?


A patient with diabetic ketoacidosis has had a large volume of fluid infused for rehydration. What potential complication from rehydration should the nurse monitor for?


A tear in the eye tissue


A term used to describe an inflammatory condition of the uveal tract


A condition in which one eye deviates from the object at which the person is looking at

1000 calories

A female patient who weighs 130 lb has an ideal body weight of 166 lb. For weight reduction of 2 lb/wk, approximately what should her daily caloric intake be?


A loss of cornea substance or tissue as a result of inflammation


A nurse is caring for a patient with diabetes that has a diagnosis of nephropathy. What would the nurse expect the urinalysis report to indicate?

Otoscope should be held in the examiner's right hand, in a pencil-hold position, with the examiner's hand braced against the patient's face

A nursing student is learning how to adequately use an otoscope to examine the ear. What method should the instructor educate the student to use when examining with an otoscope?

"Have you been eating large amounts of carotene-rich foods?"

A patient comes to the clinic and asks the nurse why the skin of the forehead, palms, and soles has a yellow-orange tint. There is no yellowing of the sclera or mucous membranes. What should the nurse question the patient regarding?

A mucopurulent ocular discharge

A patient comes to the clinic with a suspected eye infection. The nurse recognizes that the patient most likely has conjunctivitis, as evidenced by what symptom?

The nurse can instill a small amount of mineral oil into the canal and have the patient return for removal of the wax

A patient comes to the clinic with some hearing loss. The healthcare provider is unable to observe the tympanic membrane due to the accumulation of cerumen. What intervention can the nurse provide so that observation can be made?

12-24 hrs

A patient has a moisture-retentive dressing for the treatment of a sacral decubitus ulcer. How long should the nurse leave the dressing in place before replacing it?


A patient has a serum bilirubin concentration of 3 mg/100 mL. What does the nurse observe when performing a skin assessment on this patient?


A patient has been diagnosed with a fungal infection causing external otitis. What is the most common fungal ear infection?

Review the patient's diet history to identify eating habits, and lifestyle and cultural eating patterns.

A patient has been newly diagnosed with type II diabetes, and the nurse is assisting with the development of a meal plan. What step should be taken into consideration prior to making the meal plan?

Do not clean the external ear canal with cotton-tipped applicators; Avoid getting the ear wet when swimming or showering; Use antiseptic otic preparation after swimming, unless there is a history of tympanic membrane perforation

A patient has been treated for external otitis for the second time during the summer months. What education can be provided for the patient to reduce the risk of developing this problem?


A patient has contact dermatitis on the hand, and the nurse observes an area that is thickened and rough between the thumb and forefinger. How will the nurse document this finding?

Brain abscess

A patient has developed a boil (furuncle) on the face, and the nurse observes the patient squeezing the boil. What complication should the nurse discuss with the patient after encouraging him or her not to manipulate the boil?

Avoid bending the head below the waist

A patient has had cataract extractions and the nurse is providing discharge instructions. What should the nurse encourage the patient to do at home?


A patient has serous otitis media with significant hearing loss in the right ear. The patient states, "I have not been able to hear for 2 months." What procedure does the nurse anticipate for this patient?


A patient is being evaluated for nodular cystic acne. What systemic pharmacologic agent may be prescribed for the treatment of this disorder?

A visual field of floating particles; A definite area of blank vision; Momentary flashes of light

A patient is being seen in the ophthalmology clinic for a suspected detached retina. What clinical manifestations does the nurse recognize as significant for retinal detachment?


A patient is being treated for chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower extremities. What medication does the nurse understand will increase peripheral blood flow by decreasing viscosity of blood and assist with the healing of the ulcers?

An insoluble, fibrous protein that forms the outer layer of the skin


Lotions with added oil to soften skin


The substance responsible for coloration of the skin


Involuntary rhythmic eye movement


Sensation of fullness or pain in the ear


Drainage from the ear


A condition characterized by abnormal spongy bone formation around the stapes


A prescription scabicide


Pinpoint red spots that appear on the skin as a result of blood leakage into the skin


Progressive hearing loss associated with aging


Bacterial skin infections


Drainage from the nose


An enzymatic debriding agent


An infection caused by an itch mite



The nurse assesses a patient with silvery-white, thick scales on the scalp, elbows, and hand of the patient that bleed when picked off. What does the nurse suspect this patient of having?


The nurse examines a patient and notices a herpes simplex/zoster lesion. How does the nurse document this lesion?

50% - 60%

The nurse expects that a patient with type I diabetes may receive what percentage of the usual morning dose of insulin preoperatively?


The nurse is administering an insulin drip to a patient in ketoacidosis. What insulin does the nurse know is the only one that can be used intravenously?

Blurred vision results after application

The nurse is administering an ophthalmic ointment to a patient with conjunctivitis. What disadvantage of the application of an ointment does the nurse explain to the patient?


The nurse is applying a cold towel to a patient's neck to reduce body heat. How does the nurse understand that the heat is reduced?

Red, raised patch covered with silver scales

The nurse is assessing a patient for psoriatic lesions after treatment with a nonsteroidal cream. What type of lesion does the nurse know is characteristic of psoriasis?

Port-wine stains

The nurse is assessing a patient with a primary skin lesion called a macule. What does the nurse understand is a clinical example of this lesion?

Leakage of fluid serum (exudates); Microaneurysms; Focal capillary single closure

The nurse is assessing a patient with nonproliferative (background) retinopathy. When examining the retina, what would the nurse expect to assess?

Pruritus of the eyes; Burning of the eyes; Dryness of the eyes

The nurse is assessing a patient with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). What assessment data would indicate that the patient may be progressing to keratoconjunctivitis?

The patient may be having acute external otitis

The nurse is assessing the auricles of a patient. When the left auricle is manipulated, the patient reports pain. What does this finding indicate?


The nurse is assessing the fingernails of a patient at the clinic. The nurse observes pitting on the surface of the nail. What disorder is this finding indicative of?

Herpes zoster

The nurse is assisting with the collection of a Tzanck smear. What is the suspected diagnosis for this patient?

The presence of halos around light

The nurse is caring for a patient at the eye clinic with suspected glaucoma. What report by the patient would be significant for a diagnosis of glaucoma?


The nurse is caring for a patient with Meniere disease who is hospitalized with severe vertigo. What medication does the nurse anticipate administering to shorten the attack?

Lower than 50 to 60 mg/dL

The nurse is caring for a patient with an abnormally low blood glucose concentration. What glucose level will the nurse observe when assessing laboratory results?

The skin is ashen gray and dull

The nurse is caring for a patient with dark skin who is having gastrointestinal bleeding. How can the nurse determine from skin color change that shock may be present?

Administer analgesic pain medication

The nurse is caring for a patient with extensive bullous lesions on the trunk and back. Prior to initiating skin care, what is a priority for the nurse to do?

600 mL/day

The nurse is caring for an adult patient with a normal body temperature. What should the nurse determine would be the approximate insensible water loss per day in this patient?

48 -72 hrs

The nurse is changing the dressing of a chronic wound. There is no sign of infection or heavy drainage. How long will the nurse leave the wound covered for?

Patient will experience no falls due to balance disorder

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a patient with severe vertigo. What expected outcome statement would be a priority for this patient?

"Eating the fruit instead of drinking juice decreases the glycemic index by slowing absorption."

The nurse is educating a patient about the benefits of fruit vs fruit juice in the diabetic diet. The patient states, "What difference does it make if you drink the juice or eat the fruit? It is all the same." What is the best response by the nurse?

May improve blood glucose levels; Decrease the need for exogenous insulin; Help reduce cholesterol levels

The nurse is educating a patient with diabetes about the importance of increasing dietary fiber. What should the nurse explain is the rationale for the increase?

Alpha-adrenergic agonists; Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors; Beta blockers

The nurse is educating a patient with glaucoma about medication. What medications will the nurse educate the patient about that decrease aqueous production?

Seborrheic dermatitis

The nurse is examining the area behind the patient's auricle and sees a flaky scaliness. What disorder does the nurse suspect the patient has?

Apply an occlusive dressing over the site of the application

The nurse is instructing the patient in how to apply a corticosteroid cream to lesions on the arm. What intervention can the nurse instruct the patient to do to increase absorption of the medication?

Pearly gray and translucent

The nurse is performing an assessment of a patient's ears. What appearance of the tympanic membrane does the nurse document as normal?

Marked blurring of vision

The nurse is performing an assessment of the visual fields for a patient with glaucoma. When assessing the visual fields in acute glaucoma, what would the nurse expect to find?

0.45% normal saline

The nurse is preparing to administer IV fluids for a patient with ketoacidosis who has a hx of hypertension and CHF. What order for fluids would the nurse anticipate infusing for this patient?


The nurse is preparing to administer intermediate-acting insulin to a patient with diabetes. Which insulin will the nurse administer?


The nurse is talking to a family member of a hearing-impaired patient and the patient states, "I know you are talking about me. You are whispering so that I will not hear what you are saying." What does the nurse recognize this statement indicates?


The nurse is talking with a patient diagnoses with Meniere disease about the patient's symptoms. What symptom does the patient inform the nurse is most troublesome?


The nurse observes an African American patient with a large hypertrophied area of scar tissue on the left ear lobe. What does the nurse document this finding as?

End-stage kidney disease

The nurse should assess all possible cause of pruritic for a patient reporting generalized pruritic. What does the nurse understand may be another cause for this condition?

Every 3 hrs

The patient is advised to apply a suspension type lotion to a dermatitis site. The nurse should advise the patient to apply the lotion how often to be effective?

Most common fungal infection of skin or scalp


Subjective perception of sound with internal origin; unwanted noises in the head or ear


A potentially fatal skin disorder

Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)


Uneven curvature of the cornea

Illusion of movement in which the individual or the surroundings are sensed as moving


A localized or widespread condition characterized by destruction of melanocytes in circumscribed areas of the skin, resulting in white patches


Skin atrophy; Striae; Telangiectasia

What should the nurse assess for to determine if a patient using corticosteroids for a dermatologic condition is having local side effects?


What type of medication would the nurse use in combination with mydriatics to dilate the patient's pupil?

Purplish cutaneous lesions

When assessing a patient with risk factors related to HIV, what does the nurse know can be the first manifestation of this disease?


When the nurse is caring for a patient with type I diabetes, what clinical manifestation would be a priority to closely monitor?

Overly dry skin



Abnormal sensitivity to light


Absence of the lens

Any abnormal skin condition


Altered sensation of orientation in space



Drooping upper eyelid


During a routine eye examination, a patient reports being unable to read road signs at a distance when driving a car. What should the patient be assessed for?

Redness of the skin cause by congestion of the capillaries



Excessive production of tears

Small, hard, bony protrusions in the lower posterior bony portion of the ear canal


An antiviral agent used to treat herpes zoster


A topical corticosteroid with medium to high potency


Localized skin infection involving only one hair follicle


A semisolid emulsion that becomes liquid when applied to the skin or scalp


The condition of having excess hair growth


Increase in the melanin of the skin, resulting in an increase of pigmentation


Decrease in the melanin of the skin, resulting in the loss of pigmentation



Inflammation of the cornea


It is determined that a patient is legally blind and will be unable to drive any longer. Legal blindness refers to a best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) that does not exceed what reading in the better eye?


An inflammatory condition of the iris

Macular degeneration

An older adult patient has noticed a significant amount of vision loss in the last few years. What does the nurse recognize as the most common cause of visual loss in older adults?

There is a decrease in pupil size; There is a slowing of accommodation; There is an increase in lens opaqueness

An older adult patient informs the nurse, "I don't see as well as I used to." What should the nurse explain to the patient about why vision becomes less efficient with age?

Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome

An older adult patient is in the hospital being treated for sepsis r/t a uti. The patient has started to have an altered sense of awareness, profound dehydration, and hypotension. What condition does the nurse suspect the patient may be experiencing?

Peripheral neuropathy

An older adult patient that has diabetes type II comes to the ed with second-degree burns to the bottom of both feet and states, "I didn't feel too hot but my feet must have been too close to the heater." What does the nurse understand is most likely the reason for the decrease in temperature sensation?


Another term for an external hordeolum


Another term for nearsightedness

Localized skin infection involving hair follicles


Dry crackling skin at corners of the mouth


Primary lesion of acne


Red marks on the skin cause by distention of the superficial blood vessels


Oculus sinister

Term for the left eye

Oculus dexter

Term for the right eye

Carbon monoxide poisoning

The nurse assesses a dark skinned patient who has cherry-red nail beds, lips, and oral mucosa. What does this assessment data indicate the patient may be experiencing?

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