Nursing Professional Development Certification Review

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Attribution Learning Theory

(Bernard Weiner) focuses on explaining behavior-people attribute cause of behavior classified as: locus of control (internal/external), stability of causes, and ability to control causes.

Learning Theory Planned Behavior

(Ajzen) evolved from Reasoned Action theory-more successful in predicable action added concept of perceived behavior control beliefs are central and interact with intention, action, confidence to make + outcome looks at emotions such as fear, etc.. in predicting

Evaluation Type-Competency Based

Assessment of a nurse's demonstrated ability to satisfactorily perform specific behaviors essential to the role of the nurse and requirements of the job description

Collaborative teaching model

Learners work together to complete a learning activity or project

Leaning Definition

Occurs when a person changes behavior, mental processing, or emotional functioning as a result of exposure to new knowledge or experiences

The Health Belief Model (HBM) Learning Theory

Used to predict health behavior -states a person tries to avoid negative consequences 6 perceptions: susceptibility, severity, benefit, barriers, action cues, self efficacy. Education focuses on negative consequences to change behavior . Example quit smoking to avoid HF,PD

Independent Study teaching model

Geared toward self paced web based or paper may include audio visual

Information Processing Model of Memory

Sensory memory, working memory, and long term memory. It is important to gain the learner's attention and help the learner recall previous learning. Repetition and explanation can help to facilitate encoding and asking for demonstrations of skills and providing feedback can reinforce learning and aid in retrieval.

VARK Assessment of Sensory Learning Style

Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic tool to measure sensory learning Ed Role should use this information to develop approp learning.

Theory of Social Learning

(Bandura) Learning develops from observation and organizing and rehearsing behaviors modeled. Conditions needed: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Example preceptor

Cognitive Dissonance Learning Theory

(Leon Feininger) When you know cognitive knowledge but still do not do the behavior change-. Smoker example

Evaluation Method-RSA Model-five levels

(Robert S. Abruzzese) Process, Content, Outcome, Impact, Total Program

Evaluation Method- CIPP Model

(Stufflebeam) Formative as you go and Summative at the end; Context-data planning, prioritizing, Input-internal and external resources, Process-Is it being done?, Product -outcomes of success

Criterion-referenced evaluation type

Evaluation of behaviors in light of specific predetermined criteria such as AHA-BLS

Norm Referenced Evaluation type

Evaluation of the achievement of a learner compared to that of other learners-reported as scores such as SAT

Direct Instruction teaching model

Instructor-focused presentation

Cognitive Apprenticeship teaching model

Instructors model and learners analyze and apply processes

Evaluation Method-Kirkpatrick's Four Levls

Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results

Cooperative teaching model

Small teams work together through activities to master a subject with each member responsible for self -learning

Generation Xers (1965-1980)

"latch key" generation-value work place balance, flexibility, and loyalty to self. Prefer self directed learning o n their terms and stimulating visual or live activities that are fun

Psychodynamic Learning Theory

(Alfred Alder)-Individual psychology; maintains self assertion limitations can lead to inferiority complex- developing personality, working toward superiority, psychologically healthy, unity of personality-unconscious and conscious work together to reach "perfect self"

Learning Theory of Reasoned Action

(Fishbein/Ajzen) based on idea that actions can be predicted according to the person's attitude toward the action and perceptions of action. concepts: attitude, subjective norms, behavioral intention.

Right Brain/Left Brain/Whole Brain

(Roger Sperry) right and left brain hemispheres have different functions. Left brain 70%; right brain creative, drawing, images, lags in organization, enjoys change, Left brain: critical analytical, likes talking and writing, enjoys stability, organized, time oriented prefers algebra.

Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy -Learning styles

3 types of learning -Cognitive-knowledge/comprehension, Affective-valuing accepting, Psychomotor-sensory to learn tasks , performs

Dunn and Dunn Learning Style

5 stimuli elements affect learning: Environmental, emotional, sociological, physical, and psychological

Multiple Intelligence Learning Theory/Styles

8 different types = bodily-kinesthetic ,spatial linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal naturalist. moral , spiritual, intelligences ( Howard Gardner) Ed role: to use profile to design meaningful learning

Anchored teaching model

Activities based on problem solving in relation to realistic case studies

Kolb's Learning Styles-Model

Adults refine learning over time; meaning attached to learning four modes: concrete, experience (feeling) , reflective observation(watching), abstract conceptualization(thinking), and active (doing)-Diverger (feeling and watching) /Assimilator (watching and thinking)/Converger (thinking and doing)/Accommodator(doing and feeling)

Teaching Definition

An art and science in which structured , sequenced information and experiences are transmitted to produce learning.

Peck Learning Theory

Developed from Erickson's developmental theory-stages of life affect learning-important tasks needed in middle age and older adult

Adult Learner Strategies (Knowles-Theory of Andragogy)

Ed Role: recognize other responsibilities may interfere with readiness to learn and participation need to be flexible in schedule, teaching strategies, and options to make it convenient to learner. Adults want to be a part of planning, bring experiences, need to value KSA, give time to work through learning, provide positive feedback, assess motivation, respond to behavioral cues Voluntary learner, problem centered, knowledable, self directed

Audio/Visual Tutorial teaching model

Effective for supplementary material and for independ study

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

Enjoy learning and have a passion to achieve success and want to make a difference in the world. Value teamwork and personal gratification in the workplace. Respond best when treated as equals, life experiences incorporated in learning and team activities.

Formative or Process Evaluation type

Evaluation of the design process with the purpose of making changes to achieve the goals of the program or to improve outcomes. Measures-student achievement and satisfaction, Curriculum trained observer, Program faculty and course evaluations

Summative or Outcome Evaluation type

Evaluation that occurs upon completion of the learning activity and is used to determine final outcomes; provides information to determine program adoption, continuation or expansion. Link quality to mission, goals, and objectives, quality indicators, patient safety indicators, benchmarking

Millennials-Generation Y ( 1981-2001)

Grew up globally and with technology-comfortable with diversity. Highly motivated and recognize that knowledge and skills increase their job marketability. little company loyalty. Enjoy varied educational strategies for creative interactive exercises.

Humanist Learning Theory

Individuals are unique, autonomous, and wants to grow in a + way. self directed learning and life experiences are needed; self evaluation, internal motivation, self concept, self discovery, changes personality, attitude, and behavior.Ed role: To facilitate learning rather than serve as source of all information

Cognitive Learning Theory

Learner directed active process of information learning based on experiences, learning style, perceptions ,social influences Ed role: to consider all the above when presenting content

Guided focus teaching model

Learner takes places outside of formal classroom materials provided or recommended

Simulations teaching model

Learners actively participate in simulated activities

Goal focused teaching model

Learners presented with a goal and all content aimed at achieving goal

Ethical and Legal-Just Culture

Model that recognizes that individual practioners should not be held accountable for system failings over which they have no control. It does not tolerate conscious disregard of clear risks to patients or gross misconduct.

Benner's Novice to Expert Model

Novice-no background or experience, Advanced beginner- some experience needs extensive experience, Competent-2-3 yrs sense of mastery performs day to day unless major variation occurs, Proficient-global aspects of situations recognizes variations and knows how to modify plans, Expert- intuitively grasps each situation and problem solves creatively and effectively.

Clinical Ladder

Often uses Benner novice to expert with categories such as leadership, education, clinical practice,research, and professional development-NPD can use this to engage clinical nurses in education, mentor nurse in professional practice.

Myers & Briggs

Personality learning styles- Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving

Behaviorist Learning Theory

Produces the desired behavior change with + stimulus/environment-Ed role provides (+ this )John Watson developed-focuses on observable measurement-learning occurs with repetition practice and immediate reinforcement

Brain Based Learning Theory

Requires to use all components of the brain engagement goal is to be transferred to long term memory. Utilizes application, practice, booster learning, reflection, information should be meaningful Ed role: use videos , case studies that evoke emotion to facilitate memory

leadership and Communication -SMART Goals

Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely,-Evaluate and revise when needed

Leadership and Communication-SWOT -Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Evaluation Definition

Systematic,ongoing process based on criteria-used to improve effectiveness of educational programs and to make sure meet the standards of accreditors. Needed for benefit-cost ratio of learning. organized, thorough assessment of educational endeavors. Assigns worth, value and merit to the educational program.

Project based teaching model

learners develop materials regarding a topic

Problem based teaching model

learners work in teams to solve problems

Field Independent and Field Dependent learning style

people are categorized by group embedded figures test (GEFT) ; Field independ- internal frame of reference unaffected by peer pressure, learn by organized materials, impressionable prefer lecture -Field depend- more externally focused easily affected by peer pressure ,social, prefer discussion

Principles of Adult Learning (Knowles)

practical and goal oriented-Self directed responsible for own learning, knowledgeable-bring life experiences, Motivated-respond to both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators- self esteem, promotion; Relevancy oriented -need to explain how information will be applied-clear objectives

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