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Immigration Classification based on Generations: Issei

1st gen immigration

Identification with tribal groups, not native country

All blacks in the United States were granted their freedom due to the ratification of the 13th Amendment and Union victory over the Confederacy during the Civil War


Anger, victimization, stress Associated with poor appetite, stomach pain, chest pain, weight gain, shortness of breath, and high blood pressure Affects mostly women

West Africa Fruits and Vegetables

Apple and Okra

Yin and Yang Foods

Balance of yin (cold) and yang (hot) foods to promote physical and emotional harmony within the body Consumption of protein-rich foods to strengthen the blood Ginseng - Derived from an herb Cancer, diabetes, aging symptoms

Inhabitants: Chicanos

Born in the United States, they were descendants of the original landowners who controlled the area between Texas and California in the 1700s and 1800s. acculturated, middle-class. Some may not speak Spanish and consider themselves white or American.

Religions followed by south korean

Buddhism Confucianism Christianity Shamanism Belief in natural and ancestral spirits Chundo Kyo - National Korean Religion

Characteristics of a Chicano Family

Chicanos tend to be more acculturated, middle-class. Some may not speak Spanish and consider themselves white or American. States with the highest Chicano Population: California and Texas Chicanos and Mexicans who have lived in the U.S. longer may prefer American food.

Family Structure and Characteristics

Chinese American families are usually patriarchal Women are subservient to men Mothers obey their sons Children are taught not to fight or cry in order to maintain harmony within the family Strict parenting Intergenerational conflict in the Chinese American home

Etiquette -

Chopsticks and Low Tables

Etiquette- Use of chopsticks

Chopsticks and a porcelain spoon used for soup Laying chopsticks at the top of the bowl Bad luck All courses of the meals are traditionally served at once Plate Rice or noodles The individual would select meats and vegetables from communal serving plates (cai dishes) The elderly eat first, followed by younger diners Considered rude to reject food


Cuisines influenced by the Mayans Pibil: Common food preparation technique Steaming foods in banana leaves Salbutes: Small corn tortillas that are fried until puffed Topped with meats and vegetables Citrus Fruits used to flavor dishes Shrimp Eggs are used in a variety of foods, often tortillas

Meal Patterns:

Dinner eaten late at night (10 pm) · Lunch is the main meal ·Siestas Are Common After Lunch

Caida de la mollera

Falls, holding the baby vertically when it is too young Fontanel becomes depressed, resulting in dehydration Treatments: Tight caps on the infant, application of olive oil

Mexican Family Structure

Family is the most important social unit as it should come before the individual. The strong emphasis on family was influenced by the teachings of the Catholic friars. Males: Head of household Decision-maker Primary wage earner Maschismo - Translated as "manhood," and a term used to describe the pride or self-worth a man feels when fulfilling his obligations to his family and community. Females: Role as mothers and caretakers of the home. Homemaker Childcare responsibilities Role is changing in America with more women working Large extended families may live together. Children: Highly valued, sibling rivalry is minimal.

Dias de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) - November 1st and 2nd

Feast honoring the deceased Sugar paste used to mold skulls and skeletons of the dead

Brazilian Cuisine

Feijoada Completa · Canjica · Pao de Queijo ·Grilled Meats

Traditional Food Habits: Southern France


New Year's

Food is prepared ahead of time prior to the seven day event Cleaning the house completely Taking care of debt Consumption of mochi Ozoni: Soup with mochi, vegetables, fish cakes, chicken or eggs

Tropical Mexico Food

Fruits and vegetables Tomatillos: Green tomatoes Jicama: Root vegetable with a crisp texture, may contain chili pepper and lemon and eaten raw. Yuca: Tuber vegetable, also called cassava or manioc Cassava: avocados Seafood and freshwater fish 90 varieties of chile peppers

Immigration Patterns of the Chinese: 1850s: First major immigration surge

Gold Rush Opened their own businesses Construction of the Central Pacific Railroad

Regional foods of Alsace Lorraine

Goose, sausages and sauerkraut, Quiche Lorraine, Cherry Brandy


Grew during the T'ang dynasty, but declined slowly It combined with Chinese beliefs, which resulted in a form of Chinese Buddhism Two Major Buddhism Schools Ch'an Pure Land

French-Influenced Foods in Louisiana

Gumbo · Jambalaya · Pecan Pralines ·Beignets

Merienda (Late Afternoon Snack)

Light meal of sweet rolls, cake, cookies Consumed around 6 pm

Cena (Dinner)

Light supper, usually leftovers Consumed between 8 and 10 pm

Contemporary food habit: CAlifornia

No traditional fare identified Mexican restaurant franchises and grocery stores

Family Structure- compadrazgo

Practiced by Puerto Ricans. Extended family members are all considered part of the immediate family and are responsible for looking after the children •Men: Head of households and community matters •Women: Taking care of the home •Elders are honored


Practices hanyak Medical history and makes observations of the patient Listens to the quality of the voice Takes the patients pulse Mix of integrative and biomedicine for treatments

Acculturated Suburban Families

Resided in the U.S. for many generations Or, new immigrants who are white collar professionals. Live in areas with university and defense facilities (Silicon Valley, Houston)

Traditional Food Habits: Staple Foods

Rice - Long grain white o Congee - Rice Porridge · Wheat Products · Soybeans · Animal Protein · Vegetables · Fruit for Desserts · Hot Soup

Traditional Foods of Puerto Rico

Rice and Beans · Sofrito · Baclitaos · Mofongo · Empnadas · Flan · Tres leche Cake

MAjor REligion

Roman Catholic

Major Religion

Roman Catholic

Major Religion of France

Roman Catholic

Major Religions

Roman Catholic

Major religion

Roman Catholic

Dia de los Santo Reyes (Three Kings Day) - January 6

Rosca de Reyes: Raisin-studded ring loaf bread Inside is a figurine of the infant Jesus The recipient is obligated to give a party on Candelaria Day on February 2nd Candelaria Day: Mass followed by tames and sweets

Center of french cooking

SAuces-• •White Stock: Fish, chicken, or veal •Brown Stock: Beef or veal •Flavored with natural ingredients (vegetables, wine, herbs)

Initial settlement (1619)

Sale of 20 West Africans to colonists in Jamestown, Virginia

Curandero (male) or Curandera (female)

See patients without an appointment and usually do not charge for their services, but they may accept gratuities Deal with a variety of complaints - social and medical Diagnose the underlying causes of a condition (natural or supernatural)

Purity and Pollution

Shinto concepts of purity and pollution

Major language

Spanish and Catalan

Languages spoken in mexico

Spanish and Nahuatl(indian)

Traditional Spanish foods

Tortilla Espanola · Paella · Gazpacho · Manzanilla Olives · Patatas Bravas · Serrano Ham · Bocadillos · Churros and Chocolate: Common Breakfast Food

Almuerzo (Coffee Break)

Tortillas, eggs, meat, beans, wheat rolls, pan dulce, and fruit (leftovers) Coffee and Hot Chocolate

Sunday gatherings, family celebrations (quinceañeras), and holidays

Turkey and Arroz con leche (rice pudding) Pastel de tres leches (sponge cake soaked in 3 types of milk)


Turkey with cornbread stuffing Baked ham Desserts: Fruit cakes, cream pies, cobblers, coconut cake

Therapeutic Uses of Food (Um and Yang)

Um: Cold Foods (fruits, vegetables) Yang: Warm Foods (meats, chiles, spices)


digestive ailment Symptoms: Nausea, gas, and weakness Consumption of hot and cold foods Hot-cold imbalance due to emotional upset Treatment Herbal teas, stomach massage, pinching of the spine, and prayer Curandero is sought

Definition of TCM

ighlights the equilibrium of forces necessary for health Five Elements: Fire, earth, metal, water, wood Organs: Heart, spleen, lungs, kidney, gallbladder


illness affecting mainly adult women due to crying, saddness and body aches

Nutrition Status

japanese American Diet: More westernized Cancer risk: Colon, breast, prostate Increased progression of atherosclerosis Japanese American Elders: Osteoporosis High prevalence of lactose intolerance High Stress Rates

Counseling - Japanese American Values and Health

japanese American Values & Health Placing the family before the individual Preserving harmony with society Respecting and caring for elders Conversation Being formal and polite Avoid confrontation Prefer to sit further apart from another person Greeting with a bow

Mediterranean Diet

•Promotes intake of grains, legumes, vegetables, fruit, and wine •Nutrients: •Complex Carbohydrates and Phytochemicals • •Low intake of meat and dairy, and also fat • •Most of the fat consumed is from olive oil

Brazil - Land is ideal for cultivating

•Sugarcane •Wheat •Livestock •Cacao

Neighboring Countries of Cambodia

•Thailand •Laos •Vietnam

Cambodian Thanksgiving

•The deceased family members are honored in prayer, food is prepared for the deceased spirits

High blood

•Thought to be caused by excess blood moving to one part of the body, usually the head, and consuming an excess amount of rich foods, sweet foods, or red-colored foods (red wine, red meat, beets)

Family structure: Caribbean Families In the US

•Women work in greater numbers than men, and may hold more authority in the home.


Indian group that originated in South America and established their dominance over different Indian groups residing in the Caribbean.


Indian group that populated the Caribbean Islands

Traditional heal beliefs and practices

· Prayer · Home Remedies · Over the Counter Remedies ·Voodoo and Witchcraft

Regional food of Provence

À La Provençale, Ratatouille, Salad Nicoise

area where most African Americans resided

•African Americans resided in the southern United States

AFrican Food

•Akee (mild, apple sized fruit) •Yams •Okra •Taro •Coffee •Plantains •Bananas

Evil Eye

•An evil gaze from on individual to another is thought to cause illness and misfortune


•Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, Islam, Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy

West african Common Preparation Methods

•Boiling of starchy vegetables •Example: Fufu (from potatoes)

Impact of Food Deprivation on Dietary Practices and Weight Status

•Cambodian Americans in the United States •Poor Mental health status •High rates of chronic disease •Food Insecurity •Previous food deprivation may be associated with: •Dietary behaviors - eating chicken with skin •Classified as Overweight or Obese

Low Blood (associated with anemia)

•Caused by eating too many astringent (tea) and acidic foods or beverages (vinegar, lemon juice) and not enough red meat

Voodoo and Santeria

•Combination of West African tribal rituals, Catholic beliefs, local customs

The French Paradox

•Consumption of more saturated fat compared to Americans •Death rate from heart disease is less than 50% of that in the U.S. •Speculation of a protective factor in the French diet or lifestyle •More red wine intake, more frequent walking

Role of the African Healer

•Diagnose the illness •Determine the cause of the illness •Remove the evil and take measures to prevent reoccurrence

Southern and Central Louisiana

•French Canadian immigrants settled in southern and Central Louisiana. •Descendants were known as Cajuns.

New England

•French Canadian immigrants who moved to the area due to English takeover of Canada.

Native Foods of the Caribbean

•Fruits and Vegetables •Cassava •Peppers and Pepper Sauces •Simple Cooking Techniques


•Hysterical reaction to stress •Acute breathing difficulties, frenzy, sudden onset of illness


•Jamaica •Afro-Caribbean faith •Practice a natural, simple lifestyle

Sunday dinner

•Large family meal influenced by "The Slave Diet" •Fried chicken, spare ribs, black-eyed peas, corn, greens, potato salad, rice •Sweet potato pie •Homemade Fruit Wines

Family Structure

•Large, extended family •Father - authoritative figure •Valuing elders •Good behavior by the children

Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices of Brazil

•Limited Data • •Self-Diagnose or seek health advice from mothers or friends • •Seek pharmacist to purchase medications • •Most Brazilians associate faith

Arawak food

•Maize •Manioc •Cassava and Yucca •Sweet Potatoes •Game and Fish

Foods of South Africa

•Meat Dishes •Mutton in stews •Grape-stuffed chicken •Spicy fruit or vegetable relishes •Chutney Dried Fruit

East African staple foods

•Millet •Sorghum •Plantains


•Muslim influence - Halal Dietary Practices •Injera: Traditional flatbread, prepared from fermented dough •Wat: Spicy stew •National Dish of Ethiopia •Berbere: Hot spices

Family structure- Cuban Families

•Patriarchal and includes relatives

Cambodian (Khmer) New Year

•People go to the temple and pray •Celebrations with food, drink, games


•Practice of eating nonnutritive substances - clay, chalk, laundry starch •Research has indicated that pica is most often practiced among black women during pregnancy and the postpartum period •Regional Differences •Rural: Clay •Urban: Laundry starch •Possible Causes •Need for minerals, hunger or nausea, need for special treatment, cultural treatment

Duan Wu

15th Day of the 5th Month on the Chinese Calendar Recognizes the drowning death of a famous poet

Mexican-American War

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory.

Birthday Years Associated by Bad Luck (men - age 42, women - age 33)

(men - age 42, women - age 33)

Hot, Cold Illness + Sour and Acidic food illness

-Illnesses are either hot or cold in nature and should be treated using the opposite type of food to create balance Hot Conditions: Pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, indigestion Pregnancy: Consumption Melons, mangoes, bananas; spicy food is avoided Cold Conditions: Pneumonia, colic, empacho (blocking of the GI tract) Sour Foods and Acidic Foods: Avoided by menstruating women Thinning the blood and cramps

Immigration Classification based on Generations: Nisei

2nd gen immigration

Immigration Classification based on Generations: Sansei

3rd gen immigration

Immigration Classification based on Generations: Yonsei

4th gen immigration

History of Caribbean Islanders in the United States: Puerto Ricans

: Classified as a U.S. Territory -Initial immigration took place when political exiles arrived in the United States during the 1800s, but most returned home when Puerto Rico became a territory of the U.S. -1920s to 1930s: Unemployment increases on the island, and depressed agricultural economy. -Largest population surge after WWII -Over half of the Puerto Rican population lives on the mainland, primarily in New York City.


A religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.

Purpose of the Internment Camps

Accelerated acculturation

Role Of Food and Etiquette in Mexican Society

Activities related to food facilitate interaction between family members and define family roles Gender roles are delineated, food is valued, and food sharing is important. Wife: In charge of preparing the meals Guests should eat everything that is served so the host is not insulted The meal is consumed after the host says "Buen provecho" Fork is in the left hand, knife is in the right Dishes passed to the left Hand should remain above the table with wrists resting on the edge when not eating Leaving the table for any reason before others are finished is considered impolite


African slaves who escaped or were freed in the Caribbean Islands

Mexican Plains Food

Beef and cheese are frequently consumed in this region. Queso flameado or fundido: Fondue like dish topped with chorizo crumbles. Served with tortillas and salsa The Spanish introduced longhorn cattle, dairy cows, and wheat. Nopales: Leaves of the prickly pear cactus The sap of the magney cactus provides beverage that can be fermented into pulque and tequila Pulque: Sour, mildly alcoholic beverage that was consumed throughout Mexico before the Spanish arrived. Tequila: More refined, twice-distilled version of mescal.

Regional Foods of Champagne

Beer and Sausages, Charcuterie, Pate, sparkling Wine

Reasons for Korean Immigration to the U.S.

Before 1900 - Protestants Escape discrimination and furthering their education 1903 - 1905: About 7000 Koreans recruited to work in the Hawaiian sugarcane fields 1924: Japanese Exclusion Act applied to Koreans 1959 to 1971: Wives and children of U.S. soldiers fighting in the Korean War

Family Structure in Japan

Before WWII, the family structure was similar to the Chinese due to Confucianism influence Ideals Children are to care for their parents as they age Important to suppress emotions Self-Control Polite and Respectful I


Bile spills into blood.Symptoms: Loss of appetite, vomiting, headaches, inability to urinate

Traditional Food Habits:Northeastern and Central France:

Butter and Creams

Stress Induced Illness and Work-Related Fatigue leads to...

Can lead to suicides (koroshi) Herbs, teas, and spas are utilized by the Japanese to relieve stress


Capirotada: Bread pudding with honey or brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts, and cheese

Health Benefits of Tea

Cardiovascular Health Tea consumption may decrease LDL "bad" Cholesterol Hydration Weight Management Mental Benefits Improve attention

Chinese American Spirituality

Catholic and Protestant Churches established in Chinatown neighborhoods Christianity Baptist, Presbyterian Taiwanese population


Caused by stress (ie. lack of positive or happy interactions with individuals) Results in insomnia, weight loss, and nervous collapse Reliance on a shaman or spiritual mediator


Causes a painful lump in the throat Person suffers disappointments and regrets

Cinco de Mayo

Celebrates the Mexican's army victory over France during the Franco- Mexican War

Traditional Food Habits: Spanish Contributions

Cinnamon, garlic, onions, rice, sugar cane, wheat, and hogs The foods contributed to the classic flavors and foods of Mexican cuisine when combined with native ingredients Corn Tortillas with Pork Filling Salsas Rice and Beans Frijoles Refritos: Pan fried-boiled beans Introduced distillation of alcohol to native Mexican fermented beverages Tequila Twice distilled alcoholic beverage prepared from the sap of the agave plant in a large brick or stainless steel oven, usually served with salt and lime. Mescal Alcoholic beverage extracted from agave plants but prepared in a ground fire pit lined with volcanic rock.

Cooking style in France

Classic French cuisine-Carefully planned meals that balances the texture, color, and flavor of dishes

Health Treatments Sought by Cambodians during Illness

Coining and Cupping


Confucius was a sage who provided order to Chinese society by defining the ways people should live and work together. Theme in the relationships between others: social reciprocity Harmony in the family and society through self-restraint

West Africa Coastal Staple Foods

Corn, millet and rice

Traditional Food Habits: Foods From the Aztec Empire

Corn: Staple Grain Legumes, fruits, vegetables Turkeys and dogs - Raised for meat Game meat Chocolatl: Hot, unsweetened chocolate drink made from cacao beans


Created in southern California in 1966 A candle is lit each day to symbolize 1 of 7 principles Unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility Cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, faith Dishes from Africa, the Caribbean, and the southern U.S. are prepared

Contemporary Food Habits in the U.S.

Dairy is rarely consumed in China, but Chinese Americans consume it more in the U.S.

Padacer de los nervios

Depression in adults Psychologists or psychiatrists assist with treatment

meal composition

Desayuno, Almuerzo, Comida, Merienda,Cena

Treatment for illnesses

Diet and Lifestyle · Balancing Organs · Use of herbs · Acupuncture

Shintoism: Indigenous religion of Japan

Indigenous religion of Japan View: Humans are inherently good Evil is caused by pollution and removed through purification

Sojourners + their wives coming to the U.S.

Elderly first-generation couples residing in Chinatown neighborhoods, but their children may have moved from the area.

Chinese New Year

End of January to February Honor ancestors, parents, elders, and settle old debts Children receive money in red envelopes Tangerines, fish, chicken, chestnuts, and doufu are eaten (associated with good luck) Feast of Lanterns - Dragon Dancing 15th day of the first month

Causes of illness

Excess Emotion Dislocation of Organs Magic Imbalance of hot or cold Considered an Angelo disease (Pneumonia and Appendicitis) Other diseases are called "Angelo" diseases and are usually treated using biomedical approaches

1880s: Immigration Declined

Exclusion Laws directed towards Asians Most immigrants to the United States came primarily from the southeastern province of China (Guangdong) Establishment of Chinatowns

Health Maintenance

Health Maintenance achieved by: Cleanliness Avoiding contaminated substances Blood, skin infections, corpses Usage of botanical remedies

Religion as health belief and practice

Health is considered a gift from God, illness occurs due to outside forces Prayer and lighting candles for someone who is sick Pilgrimages to religious shrines

Health Care

Help from mothers, grandmothers, wives, or older female neighbors Botanicas:

Purpose of the Kanpo-i

Herbal practitioners Examine symptoms carefully and in detail to determine the best therapy combinations Natural medications are used to enhance the immune system

Use of kanpos

Herbs initially available to the wealthy Now available to everyone Reimbursed under health insurance


Illness caused by jealousy

History of Caribbean Islanders in the United States: Cubans

Immigrated to the United States in the early 19th Century

Traditional Health Care in mexico

Indian Supernatural Rituals European Folk Medicine from Spain


Indian and Spanish Ancestry

Immigration Patterns of the Japanese

Initial immigration took place during the 1890s, consisting of young educated men from southern Japan Sought economic opportunities U.S Settlement: West Coast and Hawaii Jobs: Canneries, railroads, gardening Small businesses: Hotels and Restaurants Japanese women came to the U.S. because of arranged marriages

Traditional Food of Jamaica

Jamaican Jerk Chicken · Ackee and Saltfish · Calaloo ·Rasta and Ital

Nutrient Content of a Typical Japanese Diet

Japanese Diet: High in carbs, low in fat and cholesterol

More risk for osteoporosis, lactose intolerance

Japanese people


Khmer Noodles (Nom ban chok) o Stir fry beef with vegetables (lok lak) o Rice Porridge (Bor bor) o Noodle Salad oPra hok (fermented fish paste)

Comida (Lunch)

Largest Meal of the Day - Several Courses Soup, sopa-seca, main course, beans, salad and dessert

Factors Contributing to Limited Biomedical Care for Chinese Americans

Low income Long work hours Inconvenient Locations Lack of health insurance Mistrust Not familiar with preventive care

Nutrient Deficiencies and Obesity

Low protein, iron, and vitamin C intake associated with low hemoglobin levels in young children and pregnant women. Calcium and riboflavin Low consumption of dairy Obesity: Prevalent in men, women, and children Low socioeconomic status and physical activity Mexican Americans demonstrate good compliance with dietary recommendations: -Variety -High fruit consumption -An area to improve upon is high sodium intake.

Religions followed by north korean

Marxism and Self-Reliance


Men born in the early 20th century. Came to the U.S. with the intent of returning to China after accumulating wealth, but they ended up staying because of political changes.

Contemporary food habit: Texas

Mexican food modified into American dishes ex. Ground beef used instead of shredded beef typically used in Mexico

History: Southwestern US

Mexicans resided in the American Southwest for hundreds of years before the U.S. declared independence from Britain in 1776. They welcomed American settlers, but the population of Mexicans became outnumbered in the Southwest, losing economic and political control. From 1900 to 1935, more than 1 million Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. Worked in the agricultural and railroad industry Mexicans have been the largest single group of legal immigrants in the United States over the past 35 years.

Initial immigration

Middle class seeking for economic oppurtunity. The French Hugenots, or Protestants, settled in the American colonies during the 18th Century

Contemporary food habit: Southern Arizona and Sonora

Milder chiles preferred (ie. Anheim chile) Beef is the preferred meat


Monsoon Northern China - Very Cold Southern China - More warm

Regional Variations in Chinese Cooking North

More meats - ie. pork, duck, Mongolian Hot Pot

Regional Variations in Chinese Cooking South:

More spices, Cantonese Cooking, Seafood, Dim Sum

African countries with high immigration numbers to the U.S.

Most African immigrants came from West Africa (Nigeria and Ghana

•Family Structure African Americans

Multi-Generational Homes

Ser nervioso

Nervous about life Crying bouts, headaches, stomach maladies, violence in men •Herbal teas are used to control the condition •Talking to family members, religious advisors, or mental health professionals also help. •


Occurs due to excess emotion, such as shame or anger Symptoms: Depression, lack of appetite, nightmares, shaking, paleness Treatments: Mild: Sugar or sugar water Severe: Going to the curandero

Traditional Food Habits: Southeastern France

Olive oil

New Immigrant Families

One member would come to establish residency, and then family members will follow. Settle with other Asians, where the parents would speak Chinese, but the children learn English in school

Contemporary food habit: New MExico

One type of chili used in dishes, such as the New Mexico chile, More chile peppers used Milder chile peppers (New Mexico Chile) Pork is the predominant animal protein used in dishes

Definitions and Examples of Yin and Yang

Organs (Yin - Liver; Yang - Stomach) Seasons (Yin - Winter/Spring; Yang - Summer/Fall) Illness and Disease States Excess Yang: Acne, rashes, coughing, fever Excess Yin: Anemia, weakness, weight loss

Desayuno (Breakfast)

Pan Dulce (sweet bread, pastry, or cake) Fresh Fruit Café Con Leche

FAmily Structure Africans

Patriarchal, arranged marriages


People born in the Caribbean of European Ancestry, often mixed with African blood

Child Naming Ceremonies in Nigeria

Performed by the grandmother, who offers symbolic foods to the infant

Bracero Program

Plan that brought laborers from Mexico to work on American farms

immigration-Political instability

Political instability, especially following the pro-democracy uprising in Tiananmen Square in 1989 Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 41,000 Chinese residents were granted visas and eligible for U.S. Citizenship Taiwanese in the U.S.: 342,000 Most have settled in the major U.S. cities

Traditional Food Habits: Near Germany and Belgium:


Traditional Food Habits: The mediterranean


Health Maintenance in China

Proper and balanced diet Moderate activities and sleep Avoiding imbalance - Wind exposure

Moon Festival

Red Bean Paste (Moon Cake)

Inhabitants: Unauthorized migrants

Reside in the United States illegally.Maintain a culturally isolated community.

Examples of Traditional foods

Staples Rice Noodles Wheat, buckwheat, mung beans, sweet potatoes Vegetables Chinese Cabbage (Bok choy, Napa Cabbage) Kimchi (Pickled, fermented vegetables) Seasoned with garlic, onions, chili peppers Fish and Shellfish Fire pot (similar to Mongolian Hot Pot) Kochujang Bulgogi Korean bbq

Common Cooking Methods

Stir-frying Steaming Deep-fat frying Roasting Simmering

Health Issues Affecting Koreans

Stomach Cancer May be attributed to dietary consumption of soybean paste, kimchi, high sodium, and toxins from the food fermentation process Hypertension

Potential Causes for Adverse Events and Illnesses

Supernatural, natural and social forces

Chinese Perception of Hospitals and Challenges with Being Prescribed Medications

The Chinese are used to single-dose remedies vs. multiple

Perspective of Biomedicine

The Chinese believe that the body and mind are a unified entity that is governed by the heart Emotions are related to specific conditions Dizziness: Significant imbalance that can lead to illness

Meal Composition and Etiquette

Three small meals/day Common Utensils: Chopsticks and Soup Spoons Elders served first, children served last Food passed with the right hand

Importance of the first birthday in Korean Culture

The child is dressed in traditional clothing Placed among stacks of objects Rice cakes, cookies, fruits The child chooses an object that represent professions - used to predict the future Pen - Writing Coin - Finance

Therapeutic Uses Of Food:Hot-Cold System of Diet and Health

The hot-cold system of diet and health is the most pervasive belief system. -Only applied to foods and to the prevention and treatment of illnesses. -People stay in harmony with the environment by eating meals between hot and cold foods Practiced by Mexican Indians and the rural poor Based on the concept that the world's resources are limited and must remain in balance, and people must stay in harmony with the environment Hot foods include alcohol, aromatic beverages, beef, chiles, corn husks, oils, onions, pork Cold foods include citrus fruits, dairy products, most fresh vegetables, goat, tropical fruits Hot: Associated with strength Cold: Associated with weakness Typical Village Meal: Rice, soup, and beans

Significance of the Sugarcane Plantations on the Caribbean Islands

This caused for more African slaves to be moved to the Caribbean

Nutritional Status in Chinese Americans

Traditional Chinese Diet Low in fat and dairy High in complex carbohydrates and sodium United States: Westernized Diet High in fat, protein, sugar, cholesterol Low in fiber Avoidance of dairy products Lactose Intolerance Low rates of iron deficiency use of woks in cooking Low obesity and overweight rates Risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension Heart Disease risk increases with overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension Cancer: Leading cause of death in Chinese Americans Higher risk for colon and breast cancers Inadequate preventive screenings and poor diet

Significance of Hanyak

Traditional approach to natural cures in Korea

Southern MExico

Tropical and Indian influenced Cultivation of cacao trees Chocolate flavored-dishes Mole: Unsweetened or sweetened chocolate sauces Poultry, pork, and goat commonly consumed Atole: Cornmeal based drink with flour, cornmeal, rice, and oatmeal. Horchata: White riced based drink with cinnamon and sugar

Healthcare and Counseling

Uninsured Cultural beliefs and attitudes Conversation: Quiet Approach Family members are actively involved in making health care decisions

Traditional Food Habits - Staple Foods

Use of short grain rice o Su (Rice +Rice Vinegar) used in sushi · Soybeans · Tea · Seaweed and Algae ·Protein-Based Foods

Ingredients and Common Foods Connected to Health Status

Westernized Diets à Increased Risk for Chronic Disease -Dietary quality may decrease with acculturation -Fat and cholesterol intake increases -beta-carotene, vitamin C, and fiber decreases Foreign-born Mexican Americans are healthier overall, eat better diets, and have lower rates of infant mortality than more acculturated Mexican Americans.

History of Caribbean Islanders in the United States: Dominican

While four immigration groups were identified, information of early immigrations from the Dominican Republic is limited as Dominicans were counted within the broader Hispanic category in the U.S. Census Data. Immigration over time was due to political, social, and economic conditions.

Inhabitants: Braceros

Work in the United States legally Remain Mexican Citizens Segregated from most of American society.

West Africa Southern Staple Foods

Yams, Cassava, Plantain

Mexican HEalth care PRofessionals

Yerbero: Herbalist Sobador: Massage therapist or occupational therapist Patera: Midwife specializing in the care of small children


Yin and Yang Forces Yin: Feminine, negative, dark, cold Yang Masculine, positive, bright, warm A balance between yin and yang is necessary for harmony


a form of Christianity that was in opposition to the Catholic Church

Impact and Consequences of the Khmer Rouge on the Cambodian Population

a genocidal campaign, killing between approximately 1.2 to 2.8 million Cambodians — one-quarter of the country's population. During this senseless violence, more than 90 percent of the country's financial and educated elite were targeted and killed.

Maintenance of Health

eating three hearty meals, which includes a hot breakfast

Mal de ojo

evil eye A person casts a strong look to another person Symptoms: Fever and headaches Curandero required for treatment

European Country that ruled Cambodia until 1953


How Health is Maintained

harmony with their environment

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