NUTR 214 - Chapter 10 Quiz

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d. increase as fitness improves and blood is pumped more efficiently

Researchers measure cardiovascular fitness with VO2max, which will: a. indicate the level of improvement in muscle strength b. increase the resting heart rate to pump blood more rapidly c. remain the same when exercising at varying altitudes d. increase as fitness improves and blood is pumped more efficiently e. decrease the amount of oxygen needed for exercising

a. 20-35

Sports nutrition experts recommend that endurance athletes consume ___ percent of their energy from fat. a. 20-35 b. 30-40 c. 35-45 d. 10-20 e. 5-10

d. Muscles need a day or two of rest to refuel and repair

When designing a fitness routine that is intended to help muscles gain strength and size, what must you consider? a. Aerobic activity will detract from muscle building b. You need 1.5-2.0 g of protein per kg body weight per day to gain muscle c. You should work the same muscle group every day to strengthen it d. Muscles need a day or two of rest to refuel and repair e. You only need to do stretching exercises before strength training

a. 20

A person who continues exercising moderately for longer than ___ minutes begins to use less glucose and more fat for fuel. a. 20 b. 5 c. 45 d. 10 e. 15

d. lactate

Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called ___ as a by-product. a. urea b. thyroxine c. amino acid d. lactate e. uric acid

c. only energy-dense protein sources

For athletic performance, the diet should consist of all the following except: a. nutrient-dense foods b. legumes and nuts c. only energy-dense protein sources d. foods moderate in fat e. foods high in carbohydrates

e. eating a high-carbohydrate diet regularly

Strategies that help endurance athletes maintain their blood glucose concentrations for as long as they can include: a. avoiding glucose consumption during endurance activities b. consuming fat and protein before the event c. consuming whole foods rather than sports drinks or gels during activities d. skipping the meal immediately preceding the event e. eating a high-carbohydrate diet regularly

e. lower incidence and reduced severity of eating disorders

The health benefits of being physically active include all of the following except: a. reduced type 2 diabetes risk and better blood glucose management b. increased resistance to infections c. improved bone density and body composition d. lower heart disease risk with improved circulation e. lower incidence and reduced severity of eating disorders

b. vitamin E

The main role of ___ in supporting physical activity is to serve as an antioxidant, protecting tissues from oxidation. a. beta-carotene b. vitamin E c. folate d. magnesium e. vitamin C

e. favor sports drinks over water during the event

To prevent hyponatremia during prolonged events, athletes should: a. restrict salt intakes during the week prior to the event b. eat bananas in the last half of a long-event c. limit fluid and sports gel intakes during the event d. drink large amounts of water over the course of the event e. favor sports drinks over water during the event

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