Nutr340 Final Exam

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Which of the following describe a conditionally essential nutrient? A nutrient that becomes essential due to a metabolic disorder or serious disease (e.g. kidney or liver disease). All of the choices are correct. A nutrient that is normally nonessential, but becomes essential under certain conditions. A nutrient that may be made in the body, but in amounts that are inadequate.

All of the choices are correct.

Bile is....secreted by the.........stored.......and its role is to

a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder role is to digest and absorb fat

Which of the following statements is true? A fatty acid is a polymer of glucose molecules most fatty acids in foods are water soluble a fatty acid has a chain of carbons bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms the omega end of a fatty acid molecule is the acid portion of the molecule

a fatty acid has a chain of carbons bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms

Victor is making cake batter. When he added corn oil, fat-free milk, baking powder, and salt together, the oil and milk separated into two layers. To make a mixture that does not separate into oily and watery components, Victor should add _____ and stir the ingredients together. high-fructose corn syrup egg yolks fruit juice whey protein

egg yolks

A refined grain product that has iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid added to replace amounts lost during processing has been enhanced enriched supplemented fortified


Which of the following substances is a simple carbohydrate? lignin glycogen starch fructose


Most Americans purchase less than recommended amounts of: Fruits Refined grain products Red meats Sugary beverages


The 3 most important dietary monosaccharides for humans are

galactose glucose fructose

A fasting blood HDL cholesterol level of _______ is considered desirable for healthy women. less than 40 less than 50 greater than 40 greater than 50

greater than 50 mg/dL

Digestion of fat soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed very similarly to dietary fat. They are mixed into micelles and bile acids in the small intestine and absorbed into enterocytes for storage by diffusion. It is best to consume fat soluble vitamins with sources of fat; this is easy to do if we are consuming nutritious sources of food such as foods naturally rich in fat (avocado, nuts and seeds, salmon). A,D,E,K

Describe the difference between "feasting" and "fasting".

Feasting is when the body receives sufficient nutrients through food which can then be stored as energy. Feasting is anabolic. Fasting is when the body does not receive sufficient nutrients through food intake, thus needs to break down stores of energy throughout the body. Fasting is catabolic.

energy needs as we age

As we age, the need for energy decreases due to physical inactivity and reduced metabolic rate The EAR for energy is: •1600 kcal for older women •2000 kcal for older men

Vitamins responsible for Red blood cell formation


Vitamins responsible for amino acid metabolism

B, C

Which of the following dietary nutrients would most rapidly reverse a state of ketosis in a starving person? Carbohydrate Fat Protein Amino acids


Which of the following enhance the bioavailability of iron? Choose all that apply. Consuming with calcium Consuming with vitamin C Soaking beans Fermenting grains Consuming with vitamin A Drinking high amounts of tea

Consuming with vitamin C Soaking beans Fermenting grains

What is the classic physical symptom of Wilson disease (toxic amounts of copper in the body)?

Copper-colored rings around the eyes

rich food sources of potassium

Food sources of potassium: •Baked potato with skin •Fresh fruits, fruit juice, and vegetables •Milk •Whole grains •Dried beans •Meats

rich sources of sodium

Foods high in sodium: •Salted snack foods •French fries •Canned and dried soups •Sauces and gravies •Hot dogs and deli meats •Cheeses Pickled foods

The synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors is ______________.


iodine deficiency can cause

Hypothyroidism and Cretinism and Goiter Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of preventable intellectual disability worldwide

_________ acid is an essential fatty acid.


Methylmercury and pregnancy

Methylmercury exposure during the prenatal period is associated with: •Nervous system damage •Learning disabilities

methods that may be used to prevent eating disorders.

•Early identification •Education programs to improve body image -Therapy

food that should NOT be given to infants and why

•Honey •Regular, low-fat, or skim cow's milk or goat's milk •Unpasteurized (raw) milk •Cookies, candy, chips, pastries, or anything with added sugar, solid fat, or salt •Small pieces of hard or course foods •Rare poultry, beef, or pork

undernutrition treatment and prevention among adults

•Improving nutrition education •Enhancing government assistance programs •Providing nutrition supplementation

Functions of water in the body

•Is a solvent •Is a major component of blood, saliva, sweat, tears, mucus, and joint fluid •Removes wastes •Helps transport substances •Lubricates tissues •Regulates body temperature •Helps digest foods •Helps maintain proper blood pH

diet related concerns of school aged children

•Often skip breakfast •Consume more foods away from home •More fried items and sugar-sweetened beverages •Excessive amounts of saturated fat, total sugars, sodium •Not enough fruits, vegetables, or dietary fiber

food sources of zinc

•Red meat •Poultry products fruits: avacado veggies: spinach, peas, asparagus dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese grains: whole grain bread and cereals protein: beef, eggs, beans, poultry

Name the 3 macronutrients

1. Carbohydrates 2. Fats 3. Proteins

According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, added sugar intake should be limited to less than ________ % of total daily calories.

10 %

Dietary fat intake should be less than _____ of total kilocalories


Amanda consumes approximately 2500 kcal/day. According to recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines (2015-2020), she should limit her saturated fat intake to fewer than_____kcal/day.


Adults absorb ________% of the calcium we intake. 33% almost 100% 25% 66%


chloride deficiency and toxicity signs and symptoms.

A deficiency is unlikely to occur, but signs and symptoms include fatigue and loss of appetite Consuming too much chloride can contribute to hypertension

Vitamin responsible for growth and development

A, D

Vitamins responsible for bone health

A, D, K, C

Vitamins responsible for immune function


Which of the following statements is FALSE? Disclaimers are clues that a product is not likely to live up to your expectations or the manufacturer's claims. A person with a PhD who promotes drinking vinegar as the cure for lung cancer is practicing quackery. The RDN credential is legally protected. According to scientific research, most dietary supplements provide considerable health benefits.

According to scientific research, most dietary supplements provide considerable health benefits.

factors that influence a persons usual food selection

Age: Sensory Info: Taste, smell, appearance, odor... Cognitive factors: religious beliefs, past experiences... psychological factors: depression, stress, anxiety... Environmental factors: income, availability of food, location of home....

Which of the following is NOT source of fluoride? Mouthwash Tap water (in the US) Fish Aged cheese

Aged cheese

Explain the importance of carbohydrates before, during, and after prolonged physical activity.

Before and during: helps delay fatigue in events lasting more than 90 minutes, increases muscle glycogen stores , and About 3 g of water are incorporated into muscle tissue along with each gram of glycogen During/after: helps replenish glycogen stores for recovery

factors that can contribute to an eating disorder

Being dissatisfied with one's body shape Having a history of frequent dieting Being female Low self esteem Poor self image

Which of the following compounds is not secreted by the human stomach? Gastric juice Intrinsic factor Bile Mucus


In the United States, consumers eat more ________ than recommended. A. Fish B. Vegetables C. Cheese D. Whole grains

C. Cheese

The organic cofactors that help enzymes catalyze reactions are called _____________.


Which of the following statements is true? A. A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type and birth order. B. Nutrients are life-sustaining phytochemicals in food. C. Most people are born with the ability to choose a nutritious diet. D. In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death.

D. In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death.

nutrient needs of healthy infants

During the first 3 months, infants need about 49 kcal/lb/day The AI for protein during the first 6 months is 1.52 g/kg body weight After 6 months, the RDA for protein decreases to 1.2 g/kg body weight

Vitamins responsible for antioxidant defense


vitamins and minerals are a source of energy. T or F


Describe the effects of food insecurity on the health of older adults.

Food insecurity can result in poor nutritional status

food sources of iron

Heme iron - form of iron found in meat that is absorbed efficiently Nonheme iron - form of iron that is not absorbed as efficiently as heme iron; found in vegetables, grains, legumes, supplements, and fortified or enriched foods fruits: peaches Veggies: broccoli, green beans, proteins: beef, beans, seafood grains: whole grains, oatmeal

Are animal or plant foods richer in vitamins? Plant foods Animal and plant foods are equally rich in vitamins Animal foods It depends on the vitamin

It depends on the vitamin

Bernard recently started following a vegan diet. What is a possible disadvantage to following such a diet? Low intake of certain minerals, including zinc, iron, and calcium high intake of phytochemicals Low intake of saturated fats High intake of vitamins C and E

Low intake of certain minerals, including zinc, iron, and calcium


Metabolic pathways that break down molecules, releasing energy.

Are vitamins metabolized for energy?


Megadoses of which vitamin may reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels?

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

what are common nutrient deficiencies in older adults?

Older Adults typically lack Vitamins D, C, E, and B. It is also common that older adults are deficient in calcium, as well as magnesium

The pancreas secretes enzymes important for digestion. Match the four following enzymes to their function. Pancreatic amylase Pancreatic lipase Trypsin & chemotrypsin

Pancreatic amylase: digests starch Pancreatic lipase: digests fat Trypsin & chemotrypsin: partially digests protein

The chemical attraction between the acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid can form a _________.

Peptide bond

Who is most at risk for vitamin E deficiency? Choose all correct responses. Preterm infants Adults with Crohn's disease Adults with heart disease Adults with ulcerative colitis Pregnant women Adults with diabetes

Preterm infants Adults with Crohn's disease Adults with ulcerative colitis

chemical digestion

Process by which enzymes and gastric juices break down food into small molecules that the body can use essential to digestion

_____________ is/are the form of vitamin A that is most commonly found in animal products.


Which of the following menu items does not contain complementary protein? Salad made with apples, pears, and grapes pita bread dipped in mashed chick peas whole wheat crackers spread with soy nut butter kidney beans mixed with rice

Salad made with apples, pears, and grapes

What is the major difference between soluble and insoluble forms of fiber?

Soluble fiber dissolves or swells in water, whereas insoluble fiber generally does not change in water.

how the muscles obtain energy from the PCr-ATP, lactic acid, and oxygen systems?

The PCr-ATP systems and lactic acid system do not need oxygen to produce ATP; they metabolize glucose under anaerobic conditions to provide energy. The oxygen system uses available oxygen to metabolize glucose and fat to provide energy.

intracellular water vs extracellular

The body has two major fluid compartments: •Intracellular water is inside the cells •2/3 of the body's water is found here •Extracellular water surrounds cells or is in the blood

rich food sources of chloride

The major food source of chloride is table or sea salt Food sources: seaweed, rye, tomatoes, celery, olives

A nutrient requirement is the smallest amount of a nutrient that maintains a defined level of nutritional health. T or F


Saliva includes enzymes that are important for digestion. T or F


The FDA can recall a dietary supplement when there is evidence that it is harmful. T or F


The cholesterol carried by oxidized LDL is taken up by certain arterial cells and deposited in plaque. T or F


certain proteins transport nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream. T or F


Digestion of water soluble vitamins

Water soluble vitamins are absorbed right into the blood stream when our food is broken down during normal digestion. B and C

Which of the following are signs and symptoms of dehydration? Pale colored urine Weight loss Confusion Weakness Excess saliva Low volume of urine

Weight loss Confusion Weakness Low volume of urine

Which of the following foods typically acts as a prebiotic (NOT probiotic)? Chicken Whole grains Cheese Yogurt

Whole Grains

energy density

amount of energy a food provides relative to the weight of the food Example: donuts

Starch is composed of

amylose and amylopectin

Proteins _______. are stored as glycogen in the body have phosphorous in there chemical structures provide 7kcal/g are comprised of amino acids

are comprised of amino acids

Heart disease and ______ make up 50% of all deaths


Bryce is a pescavegetarian. Which of the following foods does he choose not to eat? fruit salad chicken salad egg salad tuna salad

chicken salad

Pancreatic lipase is secreted into the________ and is necessary for __________

duodenum fat digestion

factors that affect iron bioavailability.

enhance: Vitamin C Heme iron Leavening of bread Fermentation Soaking beans or grains inhibit: High intake of calcium with iron-containing food Medications that reduce stomach acidity Oxalic acid from foods such as spinach Phytic acid from foods such as whole grains, dried beans Soy protein from foods such as tofu Polyphenols from foods and beverages such as tea

factors effecting zincs bioavailability

enhanced when zinc-containing foods are eaten with proteins, especially the sulfur-containing amino acids •The body's need for the mineral (e.g., pregnancy) •Presence of large amounts of other metals (e.g., copper, iron)

Describe recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy.

first trimester 1.0 to 4.5 pounds total second and third 1 pound/week

nutrient dense foods

food supplies more vitamins and minerals in relation to calories

In the stomach, ________ + __________ participate in the chemical digestion of protein.

hydrochloric acid + pepsin

The primary storage sites for glycogen in the body are the _________________ and the _______________.

liver and the skeletal muscles

According to Shawn's physician, Shawn has a high risk of _____ because his waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure consistently measures 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl.

metabolic syndrome

Pregnant women need to consume more

pregnant women needs to consume more Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, iron, and iodine.

You are conducting a physical assessment of your patient. She has a deep red swollen tongue and cracks in the corners of her mouth, and she reports that it hurts to swallow. What vitamin deficiency is she experiencing?

riboflavin deficiency

rich food sources of iodine.

seafood Milk, cheese, yogurt Eggs Iodized salt Bread

Major functions of lipids include all of the following EXCEPT stimulate production of vitamins and minerals help produce steroid hormones serve as energy source cushions body against bumps and blows

stimulate production of vitamins and minerals

Which of the following sweeteners provides 4kcal/g? sucralose sucrose saccharin stevia


Energy is defined as

the capacity to perform work

health problems associated with obesity in childhood.

type 2 diabtes, breathing problems, joint discomfort

Which vitamin is responsible for production of blood-clotting factors?

vitamin K

Name at least 3 influences on individual water requirements.

1. environmental influences 2. health conditions 3. dietary choices

general recommendation for the duration of breastfeeding.

A lactating woman will typically produce over 3 cups of milk per day Milk production relies on supply and demand It is recommended that new mothers breastfeed their babies exclusively for 6 months

You are asked to provide dietary education for a patient with hypertension. How would you recommend your patient alter her diet?

A licensed physician should provide this information to their patients. If I were, I would recommend my patients limit sodium, fat, and cholesterol . I would tell them to eat more fruits, veggies, and low fat dairy products.

Which of the following can be synthesized from all three energy-yielding nutrients? Acetyl CoA Glycogen Lactate Oxaloacetate

Acetyl CoA

Vitamins responsible for energy metabolism


Select all foods that are rich in potassium. Sardines Tofu Bananas Potatoes Fresh orange

Bananas Potatoes Fresh orange

how vitamin D is converted from non-food sources

Basically, the energy from the sun turns a chemical found in our skin into vitamin D3, which is then passed to the liver and then the kidneys to make active vitamin D that our bodies can use. Pretty neat!

During "feasting", excess carbohydrates are converted to Body fat stores Body protein Ketones Glycogen

Body fat stores

Which of the following is NOT a rich source of cobalamin (Vitamin B12)? Chicken liver Fish Broccoli Eggs


the effect of dehydration on older adults

Dehydration is a common problem in older adults because: •Thirst sensation declines •Kidneys are less able to conserve fluids •Lack of mobility •Medications •Desire to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom

Describe the role of diet in cancer development. How can you educate patients on reducing cancer risk with diet?

Diets high in fruits and veggies may lower the risk for certain cancer development. Avoiding trans fats and limiting saturated fats will also help reduce the risk of cancer.

digestion route

Digestion begins to the mouth, food is then passed through the esophagus to the stomach, and then to the small intestine, then large intestine, through the rectum, and out the anus. Accessory organs (I.e., pancreas, liver, and gallbladder) play key roles along the way.

eating disorders versus disordered eating

Eating disorders are psychological disturbances that lead to certain physiological changes and serious health complications Disordered eating refers to chaotic and abnormal food-related practices such as skipping meals, limiting food choices, following fad diets, and binge eating

Toxicity from magnesium is most commonly from Consuming high amounts of phytic acid with magnesium Excess dietary intake of magnesium Excess intake of laxatives or antacids Limiting total fat intake

Excess intake of laxatives or antacids

It is easy to obtain adequate amounts of trace minerals from food. T or F


the most serious health consequences of the female athlete triad.

Female athlete triad - condition that occurs as a result of the interrelationships among energy availability, menstrual function, and bone mineral density in female athletes •Estrogen deficiency •Low bone mineral density •Premature osteoporosis

The major storage form of iron that is commonly used to check iron status is Ferritin Transferrin Total body iron Plasma iron


rich food sources of magnesium

Food sources of magnesium: •Plant foods such as spinach, green leafy vegetables •Whole grains •Beans •Nuts •Seeds •Chocolate "Hard" tap water and dietary supplements

_____________ is a hormone that instructs cells to use catabolic rather than anabolic pathways.


When muscle cells have more glucose than they need for energy, they may store some of the excess as


major food groups and foods typically classified in each

Grains: wheat, rice, oats Dairy: yogurt, hard cheeses Fruits: fresh, dried, frozen, sauced, and canned fruits, and 100% fruit juices. Veggies: include fresh, cooked, canned, frozen, and dried/dehydrated vegetables and 100% vegetable juice. Proteins: beef, pork, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds

Which of the following substances carries cholesterol away from the tissues? HDL insoluble fiber insulin LDL


Which of the following best describes chromium? Deficiency often leads to low cholesterol levels It is prevalent in many foods in relatively large amounts It plays a role to prevent insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance Toxicity causes joint pain

It plays a role to prevent insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance

nicotine and pregnancy

Nicotine and other toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke pass from the mother's bloodstream into the embryo/fetus increasing the risk of: •Stillbirths (infants that are dead at birth) •LBW babies •Preterm newborns

Every amino acid has _____ in its chemical structure.


Aerobic metabolism is the production of ATP that occurs in the presence of ______________.


98% of the body is composed of 5 elements

Oxygen Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen Calcium

Name the 3 accessory organs of the digestive system

Pancreas Liver Gallbladder

energy (kcal) in a serving of food based on the grams of carbs, protein, fat, and alcohol

Per gram: Carbs- 4 cals protein- 4 cals fat- 9 cals alcohol- 7 cals

mechanical digestion

Physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces essential to digestion

cardiovascular disease risk factors

Physical inactivity Smoking High blood pressure Diabetes Inflammation Abnormal Blood Lipids High Sugar Intake Sex Age Family History Overweight/Obesity Trans Fat intake

Explain why polypharmacy is common among older adults, and discuss the nutritional implications of the condition.

Polypharmacy is a condition that occurs when a person takes multiple medications each day can cause: •Dysgeusia •GI bleeding or diarrhea •Anorexia or increased appetite •Altered blood glucose levels

major functions of potassium in the human body

Potassium is needed for: •Maintaining fluid balance •Transmitting nerve impulses •Contracting muscles •Maintaining kidney function

Which of the following menu items has ingredients that represent all MyPlate food groups? Salad made with hard-cooked eggs, grapes, leaf lettuce, cooked pasta, and cheddar cheese Ready-to-eat cereal with strawberries, blueberries, wheat germ, and fat-free milk Sandwich made with Swiss cheese, cooked ham, mayonnaise, and two slices of buttered whole-wheat bread Smoothie made with vanilla yogurt, fat-free milk, orange juice, wheat germ, and fresh peaches

Salad made with hard-cooked eggs, grapes, leaf lettuce, cooked pasta, and cheddar cheese

WIC program and its maternal and child health benefits.

The Special Supplemental Assistance Program for Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a federal program that provides funds to state governments so they can help specific populations obtain certain supplemental foods, basic health care services, and nutrition education •Reduced incidence of fetal death, low birth weight, and infant mortality •Improved growth of nutritionally at-risk infants and children •Decreased incidence of iron deficiency anemia in young children •Improved intellectual development

nutrition assistance programs that are available to Americans who experience food insecurity and describe persons who are eligible for such assistance.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is an assistance program that enables qualified low-income participants to use monthly cash allotments and a special debit card to purchase foods from authorized stores The Special Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education including breastfeeding support, referrals for health and social services, and checks or vouchers to purchase special foods food banks, food pantry's, soup kitchens, etc... national school lunch program, meals on wheels for: low income households, people with lack of transportation, lack of food distribution centers

What is the primary function of iodine?

The primary function of iodine is for proper thyroid function and the production of different thyroid hormones.

HDL vs. LDL cholesterol

The reason why HDL cholesterol is called "good" cholesterol is because it carries cholesterol away from your arteries for disposal out of the body. LDL is called "bad" cholesterol because it carries cholesterol to your arteries where it may cause plaque buildup.

The 6 classes of nutrients are:

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water

Which of the following does NOT describe Wernicke-Kosakoff syndrome? caused by riboflavin deficiency a syndrome that affects the nervous system most commonly seen with alcoholism characterized by poor musclar coordination and weakness

caused by riboflavin deficiency

Which of the following is NOT associated with abnormal blood urea nitrogen? liver failure kidney disease colon cancer malnutrition

colon cancer

Explain the composition of sports drinks and recommendations for consumption by athletes.

composition: •Sodium and other electrolytes help maintain blood volume, enhance the absorption of water and carbohydrate from the intestinal tract, and stimulate thirst recommendations for consumption: Drink 1.25-1.5 L of fluid (about 5-6 cups) for every kilogram of body weight lost during exercise.

common sources of fluoride

fluoridated water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, and juice fish and shellfish Toothpaste, mouthwash, dental treatments

Describe a dinner meal rich in antioxidants. Be sure your meal includes all Choose My Plate food groups.

fruits: oranges grains: whole grain bread dairy: milk protein: wild caught salmon vegetables: broccoli

consequences of low and high fluoride consumption. benefits?

low: not essential but may increase risk of tooth decay At therapeutic doses, fluoride can stimulate osteoblast activity and increase bone mineral density High: can cause dental and/or skeletal fluorosis

Your patient had a total knee replacement two days ago and is now taking Coumadin. The registered dietitian has gone home for the day, and you must provide nutrition education on vitamin K before discharge. What information is necessary for your patient to know?

vitamin k intake should be consistent when on blood thinners

Most ___________-soluble vitamins act as important parts of coenzymes.


The richest sources of minerals are plant foods. T or F



Metabolic pathways that construct molecules, requiring energy.

rich food source of copper, manganese, molybdenum

copper: Liver, cocoa, legumes, whole grains, shellfish manganese: •Leafy vegetables •Whole grains •Nuts •Tea molybdenum: •Legumes •Grains •Nuts

2 general categories of carbohydrates

simple complex

Your patient has hypothyroidism. His thyroid hormone levels have not responded well to medication. After speaking with your patient, you find that he consumes a high amount of broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage each day. What dietary advice do you have for him?

A licensed physician should provide this information to their patients. If I were, I would tell my patient that some plant foods such as cassava, turnips, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli, contain goitrogens. Goitrogens inhibit iodide metabolism by the thyroid gland. This can result in hypothyroidism. I would recommend that he limits his intake of these veggies that contain goitrogens.

Discuss the different forms of age-related dementia, including common causes of the conditions and how dementia can affect a person's nutritional status.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) - most common form of irreversible dementia that affects older adults Vascular dementia - condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced •Usually occurs after a person has had several small strokes •More common in people with hypertension and atherosclerosis

The Food and Drug Administration regulates the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements that are sold in the U.S. T or F


The breakdown of glycogen into glucose is an example of anabolism. T or F


Which of the following foods is the most nutrient-dense per serving? French fries Leafy greens Refined grains Grape drink

Leafy greens

Explain the importance of antioxidant vitamins in physical activity.

Physical activity may increase the need for certain vitamins and minerals because of: •Increased energy metabolism to support the activity •Enhanced turnover and loss from the body •Consumption of low-calorie diets by some athletes Vitamins C and E may increase aerobic endurance capacity

BMI (body mass index)

Underweight - Less than 18.5 Normal - 18.5 - 24.9 Overweight - 25 - 29.9 Obese - 30 - 39.9

The metabolism of folate is dependent on adequate levels of which vitamin?

Vitamin B-12

vitamin D being a public health nutrient of concern. Reply

Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is an important public health problem that has emerged as a pandemic because subjacent levels of vitamin D in the body system is a risk factor for some chronic disabling disorders like rickets in children, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders,

Describe the role of vitamin-like compounds.

Vitamin-like compounds are necessary to maintain a normal metabolism.

Name the fat soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, K

age related dementia risk factors

age alcohol use diabetes atherosclerosis down syndrome genetics hypertension smoking

Which of the following is a common sign or symptom of a food allergy? hives swollen lips vomiting and/or diarrhea all are correct

all are correct

Water-soluble vitamins are sensitive to which of the following? Choose all correct responses. oxidation boiling in water heat long periods of storage

all of them are correct

An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the percentage of a nutrient standard that is used for food labeling purposes. minimum amount of a nutrient that is safe to consume and cures the nutrient's deficiency disease. range of intake for a particular nutrient that is not likely to cause toxicity or deficiency. amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population.

amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population

The formation of glycogen by the liver is an example of _______________. anabolism catabolism glycolysis oxidation


Which of the following foods has a low GI (less than 70) white rice banana plain white bagel apple


Define and Describe Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

are standards for recommended daily intakes of several nutrients. Meets the needs for 97.5% of healthy individuals.

The liver uses cholesterol to make


Dorothy is an 85-year-old woman who is having difficulty swallowing. Food seems to enter her stomach too slowly. Based on this information, Dorothy probably has a(n) overgrowth of probiotics in her stomach. excessive amount of secretory activity within her digestive tract. condition characterized by loss of peristaltic functioning. blockage caused by undigested fiber deposits in her jejunum.

condition characterized by loss of peristaltic functioning.

Describe the ergogenic effects of creatine, energy drinks, and caffeine.

creatine: Can provide muscles with a quick energy source Energy drinks: •Mental focus •Alertness •Sports performance Caffeine: •Raises the level of fatty acids in the blood •Enhances the ability of skeletal and heart muscles to contract •Increases mental alertness •Can dampen pain perception and perceived exertion during exercise

Ketones are made in the body when there is inadequate _________ in the diet.


Insulin helps_____ enter_______

glucose enter cells

A feature of catabolic reactions is that they involve release of energy occur only in mitochondria involve consumption of energy occur only during loss of body weight

involve release of energy

The rapid breakdown of glucose in the muscles produces large amounts of pyruvate, which leads to a fall in pH within the muscle. The muscle responds by converting excess pyruvate into _______________.


nutrient dense food vs empty calorie food

leafy greens vs snack chips lean meats vs candy

When a person is in _________, their nitrogen intake is balanced with their nitrogen losses.

nitrogen equilibrium

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) are

ranges of carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes that provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, and may reduce the risk of diet-related chronic diseases.

Carbohydrate Absorption and breakdown occurs in the

small intestine

Most absorption takes place in the

small intestine

Digestion of protein begins in the


Macy would like to sweeten her tea with a nonnutritive sweetener that provides no calories per tsp. Which should she use? granulated cane juice sucralose mannitol table sugar


Your patient has vitamin D deficiency. What would you recommend for your patient to boost his vitamin D levels?

supplement recommendation should come from a physician I would recommend that they try and spend more time in the sun, if they can. I would also tell them to eat more fatty fish and sea food. Finally, I would recommend to supplement with a vitamin D supplement.

Julian ate a baked potato as a side at dinner. The starch in the potato will begin to be digested in

the mouth (what that mouf do)

The lining of the small intestine is covered with ________, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food.


Which of the following vitamins has demonstrated teratogenic effects at high levels when taken during pregnancy?

vitamin A

Identify major health consequences of binge-eating disorder.

•Bipolar disorder •Depressive disorder •Anxiety disorder •Substance use disorders being overweight

major function of magnesium in the human body

•Contraction and relaxation of muscles •Enzyme functions •Energy production •DNA and protein synthesis •Strong bones Healthy immune system •Regulation of: •Muscle and nerve function •Blood pressure •Blood glucose levels

Roles that Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) play as members of a health care team

•evaluate the health status of a patient •determine their dietary deficiencies and needs •plan dietary treatments and meals

Correctly order the major organs of the digestive system in ascending order, beginning with the mouth as number 1

1. mouth 2. esophagus 3. stomach 4. Duodenum 5. Jejunum 6. ileum 7. Large intestine 8. Rectum 9. Anus

Americans who are more likely to be food insecure include:

Americans who are more likely to be food insecure include: •Households with children, especially if a single woman is the head of the household •Households that live at 185% of the poverty threshold •Hispanic families and black, non-Hispanic families •Households living in metropolitan areas •Households in the southern and western regions of the country

Which group of vitamins is responsible for energy metabolism?

B vitamins

All forms of LDL cholesterol are considered unhealthy, because they increase the risk of diabetes. T or F


Lead and Pregnancy

If a pregnant woman was exposed to lead before she became pregnant, her body may have stored the mineral in her bones During pregnancy, the mineral can be released into the blood stream and may cause: •Miscarriage •Preterm delivery •Low birth weight •Developmental delays Cognitive delays

Which of the following foods or beverages is a main source of added sugars in American Diets? fruit juice jams and jellies Regular soft drinks pastries

Regular soft drinks

Major functions of sodium in the human body

Sodium plays a major role in maintaining normal fluid balance It is also necessary for: •Transmitting nerve impulses •Normal functioning of muscles •Transporting small substances into cells

what is Dehydration and what are signs of it

bodies water depletion •Rapid weight loss •Dry or sticky mouth •Low or no urine output •Dark urine •No tears •Sunken eyes •Confusion •Heart palpitations •Weakness

What is the difference between major minerals and trace minerals? Are they both essential?

Major minerals are needed in greater amounts in the diet and are stored in larger quantities in the body than are trace minerals. The body requires each trace mineral in very small amounts. However, they are both essential.

Describe 3 key functions of zinc.

Zinc functions to support growth and development, wound healing, and the sense of taste and smell •DNA synthesis •Proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems

All three macronutrients have the potential to be stored as fat if not used by the body for energy or other functions. T or F


Amino acids becoming muscle tissue is anabolism. T or F


Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. T or F


Plant sterols and stanols are structurally similar to cholesterol and, as a result, plant sterols and stanols can interfere with cholesterol absorption. T or F


Carbohydrate absorption occurs almost exclusively in the stomach. T or F


Glycogen that is stored in muscle tissue can be broken down and sent to other places in the body. T or F


maternal complications associated with anemia during pregnancy and strategies for treating the condition.

Maternal anemia occurs when a pregnant woman has a hemoglobin level that is less than 11 g/dL or a hematocrit that is less than 33% There are two main causes of anemia during pregnancy: •Expansion of the mother's blood volume •Poor dietary intake of iron (eat more dietary iron)

_________________ is the organelle that synthesizes most of the ATP that cells need to function.


essential fatty acids

Omega 3= alpha linolenic (soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, flax seed oil); Omega 6= linoleic (cottonseed, sunflower, soybean, corn oil)

What macronutrient requires deamination for metabolism?


Folic acid and pregnancy

Supplemental folic acid in early pregnancy reduces neural tube defects.

What is water intoxication?

condition that occurs when too much water is consumed in a short time period or kidneys have difficulty filtering water from blood •Excess water dilutes sodium concentration of blood •Results in hyponatremia, low blood sodium

A ______ amino acid is one that is normally nonessential, but becomes essential under certain conditions

conditionally essential

Explain the roles of copper, manganese, and molybdenum in human health.

copper: -promotes iron metabolism -component of antioxidant enzymes, and connective tissue synthesis manganese: •Wound healing •Metabolism •Bone and cartilage formation •Antioxidant function molybdenum: is a trace mineral required as a cofactor of four enzymes in humans

Iodine toxicity can overtime cause

•Goiter •Hypothyroidism •Hyperthyroidism •Thyroid cancer

characteristics of reliable sources of nutritional info

•Registered Dietitian (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) -peer reviewed literature!

health benefits of performing regular physical activity.

•Weight control •Improved body composition •Prevention of chronic diseases •Management of depression •Improved sleep

Match the following acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges for carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Carbs- 45-65% Protein- 10-35% Fat- 20-35%

_______ is the process that changes the normal shape of a protein and, as a result, the molecule loses its usual function.


People with low C reactive protein (CRP) are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. T or F


The FDA regulates nutrition info in books and other forms of popular media? T or F


The five overarching guidelines of the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount. Shift to healthier food and beverage choices. Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan. Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake. Support healthy eating patterns for all.

Phil is a healthy college student. When he wakes up in the morning, he can't wait to eat breakfast. While he is asleep and before he consumes food or beverages, his pancreas secretes _____ to maintain his blood glucose level within normal limits.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? In order for a dietary supplement to be on the market, all research studies on the supplement must show a beneficial effect on health. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 allows manufacturers to classify dietary supplements as foods. Dietary supplements include fish oil, glucosamine, echinacea, and flaxseed oil. A megadose is an amount of a vitamin or mineral that greatly exceeds the recommended amount of the nutrient.

In order for a dietary supplement to be on the market, all research studies on the supplement must show a beneficial effect on health.

Justin's blood cholesterol level is too high. He'd like to add foods to his diet that can help reduce his blood cholesterol level. Based on this information, which of the following foods should he add? white rice legumes liver milk


Which of the following statements is true? Olives, salmon, and avocados are sources of unhealthy solid fats. According to MyPlate, all foods that provide empty calories should be avoided. Most food guides classify eggs in the protein foods group. Food guides generally classify butter in the food group that includes milk and eggs.

Most food guides classify eggs in the protein foods group.

A healthy large intestine is home to numerous bacteria. Which of the following is not a function of the gut microbiota? Neutralize acidic chyme Synthesize vitamin K Break down (ferment undigested food Metabolize phytochemicals Produce energy for colon cells

Neutralize acidic chyme

April wants to add _____ to her salad, because the food is a naturally rich source of omega-3 fats. bread cubes walnuts coconut oil cheddar cheese


Which of the following statements about phospholipids is FALSE? Phospholipids are naturally found in both plant and animal foods Phospholipids have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol Phospholipids have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions lecithin is an example of a Phospholipid found naturally in egg yolks

Phospholipids have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol

Which of the following statements about sphincters is FALSE? Sphincters are essential for normal digestion. Sphincters are important for controlling the flow of the contents through the GI tract. When a sphincter relaxes, the passageway closes to prevent movement of GI contents. Sphincters are thickened regions of circular muscle.

When a sphincter relaxes, the passageway closes to prevent movement of GI contents.

For lunch today Quentin ate a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, a small bag of pretzels, and an apple. He also drank a 20-fluid ounce orange-flavored sports drink. Which component of his lunch would be considered a source of empty calories Whole wheat bread Pretzels Turkey Sports drink

Sports Drink

Dallas, a healthy, active teen, was diagnosed with PKU when he was a few days old. In addition to foods that are low in phenylalanine, which of the following foods can he eat to meet his protein needs safely? fat free milk baked potatoes lean hamburger fried fish

baked potatoes

A primary function of the digestive system is the transmission of nervous impulses breakdown of food into nutrients destruction of toxic metabolic by-products production of red blood cells

breakdown of food into nutrients

chyme is the organelle that maintains fluid balance within intestinal cells. large particle that transports lipids throughout the bloodstream. semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach. material absorbed by lacteals that the liver must detoxify and excrete.

semisolid liquid formed by the partial digestion of food in the stomach.

Nutrition is

the scientific study of how the nutrients and how the body uses them

3 major classes of lipids

triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids

Why is it important to study nutrition?

§Food is a basic human need for survival. §Nutrients are the life-sustaining substances found in food. Necessary for growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's cells

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