Nutrition 4 exam

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According to the physical activity pyramid that is shown in Chapter 11, which of the following activities is considered to be an "activity of daily living"? Check all that apply.

- Raking leaves - Mowing the lawn - Walking the dog

If your usual energy intake exceeds your energy requirements by 500 kcal per day, this could lead to weight gain of approximately

1 pound per week.

Put the types of energy expenditure in order of the greatest contribution (1) to the least contribution (4) for most people.

1- Basal metabolism 2- Physical activity 3- thermic effect of food 4- Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

Chino is a 22-year-old man who recently lost 30 pounds by increasing his exercise and eating small, frequent meals. Now that he is in a weight-maintenance phase, his trainer recommends that he exercise for an hour a day, most days of the week, at 64-76% of his maximum heart rate. According to this information, Chino should maintain his pulse during exercise within the range of approximately _______ heartbeats per minute.


Lawrence is 22 years of age and weighs 198 pounds. Use the "rule of thumb" formula to estimate his daily energy needs (kcal) for basal metabolism.


Use the equation below to calculate the EER for a 20-year-old female college athlete who is 5'7", weighs 140 pounds, and has an active lifestyle.

2540 kcal

As race-day approaches, Anthony wants to increase the percentage of total kilocalories in his diet from carbohydrate to increase his glycogen stores. If he consumes 3200 kcal/day during the training period and 60% of his kcal/day are supplied by carbohydrate, how many grams of carbohydrate does he consume per day?


Equations that calculate your Estimated Energy Requirement (EER; the amount of kcal you need to consume each day to maintain your current body weight) include several factors. From the following options, click to select five factors that are used in the EER equation.

Age Height Activity level Weight Sex

Determine whether each description relates to the anaerobic or aerobic breakdown of glucose.

Anaerobic glucose breakdown: - Glucose degrees into pyruvate under these conditions - Provides most of the energy needed for events that require a quick burst of energy, ranging from about 10 seconds to 180 seconds- Occurs when oxygen supply is in the muscle is limited - Produces relatively small amounts of ATP Aerobic glucose breakdown: - Break down products or carbon dioxide and water - Produces relatively large amounts of ATP - Occurs when plenty of oxygen is available in the muscle

Match each of the case studies with the type of disordered eating practice or eating disorder.

Anorexia nervosa-Laurie Bulimia nervosa-Javier Night eating syndrome-Samantha Binge-eating disorder-Brianna Female athlete triad-Larissa

Each year, millions of Americans develop food-borne illnesses. Complete each sentence concerning the causes of food-borne illness. Use terms only once. Not all terms will be used.

Any microbe that can cause disease is a pathogen. Salmonella and E. coli are types of bacteria. Another potential source of food-borne illnesses are viruses, which are pieces of genetic material coated with protein. Organisms that live in or on another living thing and get their nutrients from the host are called parasites. Food-borne illness can also be caused by simple life forms that live on dead or decaying organic matter; these are called fungi

Determine which component of energy expenditure each scenario represents by dragging the scenario label to its appropriate classification category.

Basal Metabolism- Jillian Physical activity- David Thermic effect of food- Charlene's Nonexercise activity thermogenesis- Linda's

Marlena, a 20-year-old college student, is not feeling well. She has nausea, stomach cramps, coughing spells, a runny nose, a sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea. Which of her signs and symptoms is not usually associated with most kinds of food-borne illness, especially in adults? Check all that apply.

Coughing spells Runny nose Sore throat

From the following options, click to select two lifestyle changes that would promote weight loss.

Decrease in calorie intake Increase in physical activity

Basal metabolism includes which of the following physiological activities? Check all that apply.

Digesting food Breathing Absorbing and processing nutrients

Which of the following behaviors is recommended by registered dietitian nutritionists for successful weight loss? Check all that apply.

Eat meals while watching TV Plan meals and snacks for each week Read food labels to compare the calorie content of foods Increase the time you spend walking each day

Match the person's description with the classification of his or her food-related behavior.

Eating disorder- Jamil's Tammy's Disordered eating- Abbi Dylan

Your body is in a state of energy balance when your calorie intake equals your calorie output. Determine whether each situation belongs on the "energy input" or the "energy output" side of the energy balance equation. Drag the label to its appropriate classification.

Energy input- Drinking a glass of wine Eating a grilled chicken salad Energy output- Digesting a meal Walking with friends Shivering in response to cold

Match the U.S. governmental agency with the action it might have taken to make sure that foods and beverages are safe to consume.

FDA- Richardo A farmer's EPA- A municipal FSIS A major producer Local Health department- When Jim and Melissa

Several methods are used to preserve food. Drag the food to the method that is often used to preserve it.

Fermenting- Hard cheese Drying- Apricots Salting- Ham Adding sugar- fruit jelly Canning- Condensed soup

Which of the following federal agencies enforces food safety laws for domestic and imported meat and poultry products?

Food Safety and Inspection Service

People who are underweight can increase their caloric intakes by choosing nutrient- and energy-dense foods. Consider the following foods and classify each into the appropriate category.

Foods that are energy-dense and nutrient dense, and/or a source of healthy fats. Smoothie made with low-fat yogurt, wheat germ, and orange juice Sandwich made with peanut butter topped with banana Snacks of avocado slices and cashews. Foods that are energy-dense and a source of empty calories, and/or a source of solid fats Beer Sugar-sweetened soft drink Cheese pizza topped with sausage

A person with a BMI of 20 would be considered in the _______ range.


Consider the following scenarios and classify each as a case of a particular heat-related illness.

Heat Cramps: Last summer, Monique developed painful muscle spasms in her calf muscles while playing a tennis match outdoors. The spasms force her to quit the match. Heat Exhaustion: During college football practice in late August, Bernard began to sweat excessively and feel dizzy his coach became concerned when Bernard reported experiencing weakness and nausea. Heatstroke: While preparing for a marathon in July, Kayla developed a fever and severe weakness. Furthermore, she stopped sweating, despite the hot, dry conditions.

What would be a heart-healthy strategy for a college student to gain one pound of weight per week?

Incorporate nuts and nut butters into meals or snacks each day.

Match the following major signs and/or symptoms with a particular source of a food-borne or water-borne illness.

Norovirus- "explosive" Clostridium botulinum- Blurry vision, difficulty Campylobacter jejuni- Abdominal cramps Giardia- Diarrhea, abdominal Trichinella- Nausea; muscle pain

People who are obese are at risk of developing which of the following conditions? Check all that apply.

Osteoarthritis Malabsorption of nutrients Diabetes Skin cancer High blood pressure Cardiovascular disease

Marissa's BMI is 26.9. According to this information, Marissa is in the ________ BMI range.


Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

Professional athletes tend to have more lean tissue than fat tissue. Visceral fat helps insulate the body against cold temperatures. Women generally have more subcutaneous fat than men.

Determine which macronutrient is best described by each scenario in the left-hand column. Use all scenarios.

Protein: The contribution of these macronutrients is feeling muscles is generally small. Fat: Important energy source for low or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise of more than 20 minutes Carbohydrate: - For endurance athletes in training the majority of calories should come from this macronutrient - The most important macronutrient to consume during exercise that surpasses one hour

Kume is concerned about her intake of food additives. While checking a packaged food's list of ingredients, she notices the food contains a preservative. Which of the following food additives acts as a preservative?

Sodium nitrate

Which of the following conditions is a typical reason why a person may be underweight? Check all that apply.

Suffering from depression Having a short body frame Living with AIDS Having a slower than normal basal metabolic rate Having inflammatory bowel disease

Of the energy systems available for use by exercising muscles, which one allows cells to produce the most ATP?

The oxygen energy system

Loraine purchases raw, unpasteurized milk for her children. Loraine's mother is concerned about the potential health hazards of drinking raw milk. Loraine insists that pasteurization degrades the nutritional quality of milk and raw milk is nutritionally superior to pasteurized milk. Which of the following statements concerning pasteurization is true?

The pasteurization process heats foods to kill pathogenic microorganisms.

ATP can be produced as a by-product of the metabolism of glucose and several other substances. Which of the following substances are possible sources of ATP? Check all that apply.

Triglycerides, Amino acids, Alcohol

Athletes sometimes complain of muscle fatigue. Which of the following conditions contributes to muscle fatigue?

Under anaerobic conditions, lactic acid conversion to lactate results in hydrogen ion accumulation in muscle tissue, causing muscle fatigue.

Determine BMI using the height and weight given and drag the label to its appropriate BMI classification category.

Underweight- 5'8 (68 inches) tall and 120 pounds Healthy weight- 5'8 (68 inches) tall and 140 pounds Obese- 5'8 (68 inches) tall and 200 pounds Overweight- 5'2 (62 inches) tall and 140 pounds

When food cooks on a charcoal grill or camp stove in an enclosed area, the grill or stove releases fumes that contain ______.

carbon monoxide

People can become very ill as a result of having a food-borne illness or food intoxication. A physician should be consulted when a sick adult experiences ______. Check all that apply.

decreased urination bloody stools 101°F body temperature

Jafar is a college basketball player who works out for 90 minutes per day, at least 4 days a week. He weighs 225 pounds, and his BMI is 27. According to this information, Jafar ________.

has more lean than fat tissue

Food-borne illness-causing microbes thrive under certain environmental conditions. Food-borne illness risk is increased with all of the following conditions EXCEPT _______.

when foods have a slightly basic pH

Put the activities in order from the activity with the greatest percentage of energy supplied by fat (1) to the activity with the lowest percentage of energy supplied by fat (4).

1. Bench press weight lifting 2. Two hour, 12-mile run 3. Playing professional basketball game 4. 100-meter hurdles

Reconstruct the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom by placing the situations into the correct tier of the pyramid

top to bottom 1. While she's studying History in the library, Jeannie sends text messages to Sophia. 2. Bob and Lily are taking dancing lessons in preparation for their wedding reception. 3. Justin lives 5 miles from his university. He doesn't want to pay for parking, so he rides a bike to and from the campus. 4. Steve likes to keep his bedroom tidy and clean, so he makes the bed every morning and vacuums the floor twice a week.

Put the caffeinated beverages in order from lowest caffeine content (1) to highest caffeine content (3) per given serving size.

- One 12-oz can of cola with added sugar and caffeine has 33 mg of caffeine - One 8-oz cup of brewed black tea has 47 mg of caffeine - an 8-oz cup of brewed coffee has 95 mg caffeine.

Which of the following abilities are characteristics of a person who is physically fit? Check all that apply.

- Shop, walk, and climb stairs without the need for assistance - Move joints freely without experiencing pain and stiffness

Put the steps of glucose metabolism using the lactic acid energy system in order as they occur in human cells.

- When oxygen is not present, muscle cells metabolize glucose to pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP. - Pyruvate is converted to lactic acid. - Lactic acid accumulates in muscles and converts to lactate, which enters the bloodstream. - Lactate is converted to glucose in the liver. - Liver releases glucose into bloodstream or uses it to make glycogen

Carbohydrates are an important macronutrient for fueling muscles. During exercise, the body can obtain glucose by _______. Check all that apply.

- breaking down glycogen that is stored in muscles - degrading glycogen that is stored in liver cells - removing glucose from the bloodstream

Use the equation below to calculate the EER for a 22-year-old male college student who is 5'10", weighs 180 pounds, and has a low physical activity level.

2962 kcal

Freddie is a food service employee for a large corporate cafeteria. In the morning, Freddie and his co-workers prepare foods in the cafeteria's kitchen. After the foods are prepared, they are kept for up to 3 hours in special covered containers in the refrigerator or in warming trays. Before the cafeteria opens for lunch, Freddie measures the temperature of each food. Today, Freddie's testing indicated that the temperatures of certain foods were in the danger zone. Which of the following foods should not be served? Check all that apply.

-Roast chicken legs at 165°F -Potato casserole made with hard-cooked eggs at 132°F. -Cream of chicken soup made with milk at 125°F.

To safely prepare meat, fish, and poultry, a "meat" thermometer should be used to determine the internal temperature. Put the foods in order of highest safe minimum internal temperature (1) to lowest safe minimum internal temperature.

1- Poultry 2- Hamburger 3- Medium-rare steak

To reduce risk for chronic diseases, the Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that most adults should perform at least

150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week.

William weighs 220 pounds and his height is 5' 10". Calculate his BMI using the simple formula: weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared × 703.


Anthony is training for a half-marathon. He trains for 100 minutes most days of the week. To maintain his weight while training (150 pounds), Anthony should consume at least _______ kilocalories/day. (Amount will be an approximation.)


Basal metabolism is the largest component of total energy expenditure, typically accounting for 60% to 75% of total energy needs. Which of the following factors would decrease your basal metabolic rate?

A low calorie intake

In an emergency, you may have no access to clean drinking water from a municipal water supply. Consider the following sources of water that may be available during an emergency and classify each source as either safe or unsafe to drink.

Safe source of water- Water in an undamaged water heater Water from melted ice cubes Bottled water with a intact seal Water in the tank of a toilet Unsafe source of water- Water in a swimming pool Toilet bowl water Water in a car's radiator

Petros recently got a pet turtle. He should wash his hands thoroughly after handling the turtle because the reptiles are potential carriers of _______.


Match the body composition assessment tool to the correct scenario.

Skinfold thickness measurement- Amira Underwater weighing-Javier Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)- Samantha Bioelectrical impedance- a physician

Complete the sentences by dragging the correct term into the blanks. Terms may be used only once. Not all terms will be used.

The most common food-borne illness in the United States results from norovirus infection. This infection is spread by contact with an infected person's vomit and feces. Using cleaning solutions that contain bleach may reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with the pathogen. A food-borne infection results when pathogens are consumed along with food. The pathogens may cause inflammation of the intestinal tract or enter the bloodstream and cause general illness. In some instances, pathogens do not directly cause illness, but they produce toxins that contaminate food. People eat the food, they develop food intoxication, which is commonly referred to as food poisoning.

During her current pregnancy, Sari has been extra careful to avoid foods that can cause food-borne illness. Even though she loves Greek salad, she now avoids ordering it at restaurants because the salad may contain feta cheese that has not been pasteurized. Why should pregnant women avoid unpasteurized cheeses?

Unpasteurized cheese can contain Listeria monocytogenes that can cross the placental barrier and cause listeriosis and spontaneous abortion or stillbirth.

A personal fitness plan should include exercise variety, balance, and moderation. Determine whether each scenario is approaching exercise from the perspective of variety, balance, or moderation.

Variety: Bella enjoys performing moderate to vigorous intensity physical activities. Depending on the weather, she also swims, jobs, and plays tennis for her cardiovascular health. Balance: Tina used to think during aerobic exercise was the only way to keep fit. Now she realizes the benefit of including resistance workouts in her weekly workout routine. Moderation: In high school, Charlie used to run until his niece would almost give out. Now that he is older, he values importance of regular exercise with stay fit without overdoing it during his workouts.

Several methods are used to preserve food. Drag the food to the method that is often used to preserve it.

Salting- Meat Irradiating- Spices Fermenting- yogurt Aseptic processing- Shelf-stable juices

Which of the following workout regimens meets the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' recommended amount of moderate-intensity exercise for healthy adults under 65 years of age?

30 minutes per day, 5 days per week

Energy balance refers to equilibrium between calorie intake from foods and beverages and calorie expenditure. Click and drag to distinguish between positive and negative energy balance.

Positive energy balance Energy intake>Energy expenditure Negative energy balance Energy intake<Energy expenditure

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