Nutrition Ch 7,8,9

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It is recommended by nationally known nutritionists that casual athletes do not need sports drinks if they work out less than

2 hours per day

John consumed a large margarita that contained 14 grams of carbohydrate and 24 grams of alcohol. How many kilocalories did he consume?

224 kcals 14 x 6 (Carbs = 6) 56 24 x 7 (Alcohol = 7) 168 168+56= 224

Choose the option below that identifies the best supplement regimen for most healthy adults who have been recommended to take 1000 mg of supplemental calcium.

500 mg of calcium suppement plus vitamin D, twice daily with meals that are lower in calcium

the uv rays react with ________ in the skin to begin the process of forming vitamin d

7- dehydrocholesterol

Choose the phrase below that correctly identifies the combination of meals most likely to allow for the best absorption of calcium.

8 oz of milk and an omelet for breakfast, a green apple with cheddar cheese and sautéed kale for lunch, and 8 oz of milk with roasted chicken and broccoli for dinner

Which statement regarding water balance is true: *A woman on a daily diet of 2500 kcal needs appx. 3500 mls of water *Food provides such a small amount of water that it need not to be accounted for. *The body produces about 100 ml of metabolic water per day * An 8-fl-oz glass holds about 500 xls.

A woman on a daily diet of 2500 kcal needs appx. 3500 mls of water

Which of these following statements about alcohol is correct? *On an empty stomach, alcohol can be absorbed through the lining of the stomach *Alcohol does not need to be digested before it can be absorbed *Women absorb about one-third more alcohol than men because women have fewer stomach enzymes that break down the alcohol prior to absorption *All of these statements about alcohol are true.

All of these statements about alcohol are true

Which statement regarding calcium is FALSE?

Approximately 50 percent of calcium is found in the blood

Which of the following lists presents foods in order from the best to the poorest sources of iron?

Beef, dark meat chicken, white meat chicken

____________ refers to the compactness and strength of bones.

Bone density

The beverage industry stated that the Oxford study overlooks the science proving that sports drinks provide athletes with what specific nutrients necessary for an athlete's overall health?

Carbohydrate energy and hydration

When light energy hits the retina, the retinal changes from a ______ to ______ configuration

Cis: trans

A _____ is a cell in the retina responsible for color vision


Which of the following statements correctly describes effects of water intake or water loss on water balance: *Consumption of dry foods like bread or oatmeal contributes to total water intake *The only ways the body loses water are through sweat, urine, and stool *Diuretics are substances that decrease the amount of water lost via the urine *Drinking excessive amounts of water results in an increased concentration of sodium in the bloodstream

Consumption of dry foods like bread or oatmeal contributes to total water intake

Light enters through the

Cornea STEP !

If you are not consuming enough water, or if you are excreting too much water from your body ______ can occur


Older adults, those with vigorous jobs, and individuals who are physically active are particularly at risk for this state


This state can occur as a result of severe diarrhea and vomiting or abuse of diuretics


The 3 main hydration states of the body are:

Dehydration Water balance Hyponatremia

________ are substances that cause the body to lose water via urine


Charged ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride are called


A cell will shrink when the concentration of electrolytes is greater inside the cell than outside the cell. (T/F)


Alcohol is considered an essential nutrient (T/F)


Approximately 66% of our body water is found in the extracellular fluid. (T/F)


Because the body can store water, like it does fat, humans can survive 10-15 days without water as long as they have food to eat. (T/F)


Meats are the only food group with a significant amount of iron. (T/F)


Once absorbed into the blood, the cholecalciferol travels to the kidney for the final step in activation. ( T/F)


The amount of urine the body produces depends only on a person's age (T/F)


When a person's diet is deficient in vitamin A, mucus production by epithelial cells increases. (T/F)


The liver breaks down and metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about 1 ounce per hour. (T/F)

False. The liver breaks down and metabolizes alcohol at a rate of about 1/2 ounce per hour or the amount of alcohol found in standard alcoholic beverages

_____________ is achieved when there is an equal concentration of water and electrolytes inside and outside the body's cells

Fluid balance

Which statement regarding free radicals is false

Free radicals donate electrons to unstable compounds.

Which of these is least likely to lead to hypocalcemia?

Hypercalcemia is more likely to be caused by a disease or metabolic disorder, not diet.

This state can occur when too much fluid (particularly pure water) is consumed in a short period of time.


This state can result in swelling of tissues, including the the brain, and lead to seizures, coma, and death


___________ occurs when the extracellular concentration of sodium is too low


Occurs During Times of Low Blood CalciumOccurs During Times of Low Blood Calcium

Increased production of PTH stimulates activation of vitamin D. Parathyroid glands increase secretion of PTH. PTH and vitamin D stimulate increased breakdown of bone.

Does Not Occur DuringRegulation of Blood CalciumDoes Not Occur DuringRegulation of Blood Calcium

Increased vitamin D activation leads to decreased calcium absorption from the intestines.

The liquid that is between the cells is

Interstitial fluid

Occurs During Times of High Blood Calcium

Less calcium is reabsorbed by the kidneys. Parathyroid glands decrease secretion of PTH. Osteoclasts are inhibited, leading to decreased breakdown of bone.

Which of the following foods is the best source of iron?


Water loss

Net movement of water is out of the cells The thirst mechanism is triggered Urine becomes darker in color The fluid volume in the blood is decreasing

Based on the results of the Oxford study, people in which of the following groups need sports drinks?

Olympic - or elite-level athletes

The process by which water moves in and out of cells from an area of lower concentration of solutes to an area of higher concentration of solutes is called:


_________break down bone when calcium levels are low.


Choose the statement below that correctly describes osteoclasts or osteoblasts.

Osteoclasts secrete enzymes and acids to dig grooves into the bone

Certain foods like spinach are high in _________, which can interfere with absorption of certain minerals.


Choose the statement below that correctly describes PTH and/or vitamin D and their roles in maintaining blood calcium levels.

PTH increases absorption of calcium in the kidneys.

Which statement(s) correctly describe(s) the role of hormones in calcium metabolism? Be aware that all statements may be correct.

Parathyroid hormone is released when dietary calcium levels are low.

Conversion of provitamin A carotenoids to retinol

Preformed vit A is only found in animal food sources, foods that are fortified , or supplements Retinol is the most usable form of preformed vitamin A

Light travels to the macula within the

Retina STEP 2

A type of preformed vitamin A. ______ is found within the rhodopsin protein


Which form of Vitamin A enables the eye to react to changes in the light?


The name for the family of substances that are all types of preformed vitamin A is


Which of the following statements about retinal or retinol are correct

Retinol can be converted into retinal

The pigment that is responsible for night vision is called


______ is a protein found in rods; it is needed for night vision


Retinol is converted into retinal which gets reincorporated into

Rhodopsin Step 5

Rhodopsin absorbs light, and the retinal changes

Shape STEP 3

Which of the following vegetable would be the best source of iron?


What nutrient did nationally known nutritionists indicate that most sports drinks contain?


Which of the following correctly describes properties of the rod and cone cells of the retina?

The process of bleaching involves dissociation of Vit A from Rhodopsin or Iodopsin

Calcium is actively absorbed in the upper small intestine with the aid of 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D. (T/F)


Formation of free radicals can increase your risk of cancer and heart disease. (T/F)


The thyroid hormone calcitonin inhibits the effects of vitamin D on calcium metabolism and works to lower calcium levels in the blood. (T/F)


Vitamin E is considered an antioxidant. (T/F)


Water carries heat away from the body core to cool the body when needed through the process known as evaporation. (T/F)


Without adequate Vitamin A, we would not be able to see in the dark. (T/F)


Electrolytes control fluid balance in the cells (T/F)

True- Cells control fluid movement by directing the movement of electrolytes, or changed particles ,such as sodium and potassium. Our bodies maintain a healthy fluid balance by changing the concentration of water inside and outside of cells. They do this by pumping electrolytes in and out of cells.

Water gain

Urine becomes lighter in color The fluid volume in blood is increasing Net movement of water is into the cells Concentration of electrolytes outside the cells is decreasing compared to that inside the cells

sources of preformed vit A

Vit A supplements Liver Vit A fortified milk

This state occurs when enough fluid is consumed to allow for an equal concentration of electrolytes between the intra- and extracellular fluid compartments

Water balance

This state occurs when the thirst mechanism has been successful

Water balance

Which of the following choices most completely describes the functions of water in the body? Digestion transporting nutrients protection and lubrication water is essential for all these functions

Water is essential for all these functions

Water contained in food and drink you consume is absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. There are many routes by which water can then leave the body, resulting in water loss. Select all that are correct: *Water loss through sweating is considered insensible water loss *Water loss through breathing is a type of insensible water loss *There is no water loss from stool excretion since all the water in stool gets absorbed by the large intestine *The greatest amount of water loss occurs via production of urine by the kidneys

Water loss through breathing is a type of insensible water loss The greatest amount of water loss occurs via production of urine by the kidneys

sources of Pro Vitamin A Carotenoids

baked sweet potatoes cooked carrots

The ___________ of calcium can depend on a person's age and calcium needs.


The process called _______ occurs when light enters the eye and interacts with and changes rhodopsin, causing dissociation of Vitamin A from Rhodopsin


The active form of vitamin D, also known as a hormone, is called _____.


Over 99%of the body's________ is in the bones and teeth. is in the bones and teeth.


Which of these statements describe ways calcium bioavailability or absorption may be reduced?

choosing calcium sources high in oxalates, like spinachconsuming large amounts of calcium at one time

Light first enters through the


Too much calcium in the blood, or ______________, can lead to impaired kidneys and calcium deposits in the body.


sources of both Provitamin A Carotenoids as well as Lutein

kale turnip greens

Although non-heme iron is absorbed at a lower rate than hem iron, foods rich in them provide adequate amounts of iron


Retinal detaches from the Rhodopsin and some retinal is

lost Step 4

When blood calcium is low, the parathyroid glands stimulate the production of

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

The ______ is the light absorbing layer of the eye that contains the rod and cone cells


A cell in the retina that is responsible for black and white vision, as well as night vision is a


The feeling of dry mouth experienced during dehydration is part of the body's

thirst mechanism

The majority of excess water is excreted through

urine output

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