nutrition ch. 9

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Alcohol is also a diuretic. Normally, antidiuretic hormone signals the kidneys to conserve water.Alcohol, however, inhibits ADH secretion from the pituitary gland in the brain, enabling the kidneys to eliminate more urine than normal. Alcohol consumption actually results in urinary water losses that are greater than the volume of fluid consumed. Therefore, alcohol contributes to dehydration.


Although butter, sour cream, and cream cheese are made from whole milk, people generally do not eat enough of these high-fat foods to contribute much calcium to their diets.


Although sodium is an essential mineral, diets that contain high amounts of sodium are associated with increased risk of hypertension. The American Medical Association has encouraged efforts to reduce the sodium content of processed foods, fast foods, and restaurant meals by at least 50% and urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop warnings or markers on labels to indicate foods that are high in sodium


Although the body needs calcium to form bones and teeth, the mineral is vital to all cells. Calcium is involved in muscle contraction, blood clot formation, nerve impulse transmission, and cell metabolism. Additionally, calcium may play important roles in maintaining healthy blood pressure and functioning of the immune system.


Although your bones do not appear to change shape, they are being remodeled continually in response to the physical stresses placed on them. The remodeling process involves breaking down bone where there is little stress and building bone where there is more stress.


Animal products often have higher concentrations of these minerals. Additionally, plant foods can contain substances that reduce the bioavailability of minerals, particularly calcium, zinc, and iron. On the other hand, plants supply more magnesium and manganese than animal foods.

monosodium glutamate

As a food additive, salt enhances flavors and can prevent the growth of microorganisms responsible for food spoilage. Other food additives that contain sodium include sodium nitrate, sodium citrate, and ___________(MSG), a seasoning that is often added to foods served in Chinese restaurants.


As a kidney stone moves out of the kidney and enters the tube leading to the bladder, it may cause considerable pain and bloody urine until it passes out of the body. ______increases the likelihood of forming kidney stones.


Blood pressure usually increases as a person ages, probably in part because plaque builds up in arteries (atherosclerosis) and interferes with the normal functioning of the blood vessels.


Calcium is added to a variety of foods, including fortified orange juice, margarine, soy milk, cereals, and breakfast bars. Another source of calcium is soybean curd (tofu) that is made with calcium sulfate.


Cells also contain iron in ________, a group of proteins that are necessary for certain chemical reactions involved in the release of energy from macronutrients.

phytic acid, oxalic acid

Certain foods from plants contain calcium, but the foods also contain _______ or ____, naturally occurring substances that interfere with calcium absorption.


Certain leafy vegetables, such as bok choy and collard greens,contain calcium that is .


Essential minerals have diverse roles in the body.Minerals may also function as inorganic ions, substances that have negative or positive charges Some minerals form inorganic structural components of tissues, such as calcium and phosphorus in bones and teeth.


For reasons that are unclear, non-Hispanic African-Americans are more likely than non-Hispanic white Americans to develop hypertension, especially early in life. Diets that limit sodium but contain adequate amounts of calcium, potassium, and magnesium may decrease high blood pressure, especially among African-Americans.


Good plant sources of calcium include broccoli and leafy greens, especially kale, collard, turnip, bok choy, and mustard greens. Nevertheless, the calcium in plant foods is generally not as bioavailable as the calcium in milk and milk products.


Healthy adults absorb about 30% of the calcium in foods, but this percentage varies, depending on the type of food.During stages of life when the body needs extra calcium. such as infancy and pregnancy—absorption can be as high as 60%. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption.


In 1958, physician Ananda Prasad was working in Iran when he examined a 21-year-old man with dwarfism, intellectual disability, iron deficiency anemia, and underdeveloped sexual organs.Eventually, medical researchers determined that Prasad's patients had severe zinc deficiencies. After these patients were given zinc supplements, they began to grow and develop normally. Prasad later determined that girls also experienced stunted growth and delays in sexual maturation as a result of zinc deficiency


In 2009, the FDA warned the public about using two intranasal ("within the nose") forms of Zicam, a nonprescription, zinc-containing product. The agency had received several reports that the alternative medical treatment for the common cold may result in loss of sense of smell


In cases of iron deficiency, the body's iron stores are low but not low enough to result in severe health problems. Nevertheless, iron deficiency can still have widespread negative effects on the body, including interfering with normal growth, behavior, immune system function, cardiac function, and energy metabolism. Furthermore, iron deficiency can lead to iron deficiency anemia.


In humans, mild magnesium deficiency can cause irritability, weakness, loss of appetite, and muscle twitching. Signs and symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency often include rapid heartbeat, inability to relax muscles, disorientation, and hallucinations. Chronic magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of osteoporosis, because the deficiency lowers the level of calcium in blood.


In most countries, plant foods are the major dietary sources of _____. Although the content of foods varies, nuts, whole-grain products, seafood, and meats are generally rich sources of the trace mineral Because Brazil nuts can have very high selenium contents, people should not eat these nuts regularly.


In places where people use yeast to leaven (raise) bread dough, severe zinc deficiency is less likely to occur. Yeast reduces the binding effects of phytic acid and fiber, making zinc more bioavailable.


In some instances, the digestive tract absorbs more minerals than the body needs, but the excess is excreted, primarily in urine or feces. In other instances, the body stores the extra minerals in the liver, bones, or other tissues.


In the United States, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia


In the United States, osteoporosis is a major public health problem. More than 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, and another 34 million are at risk of the disease because they have low bone mass.15 Most people with osteoporosis are older adult women.


In the body, selenium functions as a component of several proteins referred to as selenoproteins. Many selenoproteins are antioxidants. Other selenoproteins are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and thyroid gland.


In the regions where the men who were zinc deficient lived, the typical diet was comprised primarily of unleavened whole-wheat bread and little animal protein. Unleavened whole-wheat bread is naturally high in phytic acid and fiber, substances that decrease zinc bioavailability.


In women, however, the rate of bone loss increases significantly after menopause, that is, after menstrual cycles have ceased. At this time of life, women have the highest risk of osteoporosis. Why? The hormone estrogen is needed for normal bone development and maintenance. In women of childbearing age, ovaries are the primary source of estrogen. After menopause, a woman's ovaries no longer produce estrogen, and as a result, her rate of bone loss exceeds the rate of bone replacement. Because estrogen is so important to maintaining strong bones, young adult women should see a physician if they have signs of estrogen deficiency, such as irregular menstrual cycles.

hemoglobin, myoglobin

Iron is a component of ______and _______.

kidney stone

Kidneys also remove drugs and metabolic waste products, such as urea, from the bloodstream. Sometimes, minerals and waste products settle out of urine and collect into crystals.If the crystals enlarge and form a hard mass, the object is called a ________


Like sodium, potassium plays a key role in maintaining proper fluid balance. Unlike sodium, potassium is associated with lower, rather than higher, blood pressure values. Potassium is also necessary for transmitting nerve impulses, contracting muscles, and maintaining normal kidney function. Potassium-rich diets, such as the DASH diet, may lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, and possibly decrease bone loss. A natural way to counteract high sodium intakes is to consume foods naturally rich in potassium and low in sodium, such as fruits.


Magnesium is in _____, the green pigment in plants. Therefore, it is not surprising that plant foods, such as spinach, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and chocolate, are the richest sources of magnesium. Animal products, such as milk and meats, also supply some magnesium. T. Refined grains are generally low in magnesium, because the magnesium-rich bran and germ are removed during processing.

potassium and phosphate ions.

Maintenance of intracellular water volume depends to a large extent on the intracellular concentration of ____


Major sources of iodine include saltwater fish; seafood; seaweed; some plants, especially the leaves of plants grown near oceans; and iodized salt.


Many adults find it difficult to consume enough milk products and other calcium-rich foods to achieve adequate intakes of the mineral. Thus, taking calcium supplements or antacids that contain calcium has become a common practice, especially among older adults. Dietary supplements containing calcium carbonate are the most commonly used type of calcium supplement. Supplements made with calcium citrate are also available.


Many minerals have a narrow range of safe intake; therefore, it is easy to consume a toxic amount, especially by taking supplements that contain only a particular mineral.Additionally, an excess of one mineral can interfere with the absorption or metabolism of other minerals. For example, the presence of a large amount of zinc in the intestinal tract decreases copper absorption. Single-mineral supplements are usually unnecessary unless they are prescribed to treat a specific medical condition, such as iron deficiency.


Minerals, such as iron and calcium, are a group of elements in Earth's rocks, soils, and natural water sources. Plants, animals, and other living things cannot synthesize minerals.


Most cases of ______do not have simple causes, but advanced age, African-American ancestry, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking cigarettes, and excess alcohol and sodium intakes are among the major risk factors for the condition


Most cells require the hormone insulin to obtain glucose from the bloodstream. _______ may enhance insulin's action on cell membranes and, in a way, help to "hold the door open" for glucose's entry into the cells.

sodium and chloride ions

On the other hand, maintenance of extracellular water volume depends primarily on the extracellular concentration of _________.


People require iodine for normal thyroid function and for the production of thyroid hormones, collectively referred to as thyroid hormone.Thyroid hormone controls metabolic rate


People who are sick, especially children with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased perspiration, may need to be given special solutions of water and electrolytes to prevent _______.


People with _________ are more likely to develop hypertension than people with normal blood pressure. If a person's blood pressure persists at systolic values that are greater than or equal to (≥) 140 mm Hg and diastolic values that are ≥ 90 mm Hg, he or she has hypertension.


People with osteoporosis may break a bone by falling, or they may experience spontaneous fractures, in which the fragile bone shatters for no apparent reason. Osteoporosis-related fractures often involve the spine, hip, wrist, or ankle bones. In severe cases, bones in the upper spine fracture and then heal in an abnormally curved position, giving the obvious "widow's hump" appearance associated with osteoporosis


Physiological conditions, especially fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as lifestyle practices, such as exercise habits and sodium and alcohol intakes, can also alter the body's fluid balance.


Plants obtain the minerals they need from soil or fertilizer; animals generally obtain minerals when they consume plants and other animals or substances that contain these elements.


Regular ______ activities provide numerous benefits to health, including strengthening bones. These older adults are performing tai chi, an activity that can improve balance and may reduce the likelihood of falling.


Replacing the heavy iron cookware with lighter stainless steel and aluminum pots and pans can reduce the amount of ____in diets.


Salt substitutes often contain a type of salt called potassium chloride. People who have severe kidney diseases may accumulate toxic levels of potassium in their blood. Therefore, kidney disease patients should consult their physicians before using salt substitutes made with potassium chloride. Fruits and vegetables are recommended sources of potassium instead of potassium chloride


Several factors contribute to bone loss and osteoporosis. Consuming a high-protein diet may increase urinary calcium excretion, particularly when calcium intake is low.Additionally, family history of osteoporosis, cigarette smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption are also associated with increased risk of the disease. Other factors that contribute to low bone mass include small body frame size, irregular or absent menstrual cycles, prolonged bed rest, and use of certain medications


Signs and symptoms of water intoxication may include dizziness, headache, confusion, inability to coordinate muscular movements, bizarre behavior, and seizures.8 If the condition is not detected early and treated effectively, coma and death can result.


Signs of chromium deficiency are impaired glucose tolerance and elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The mechanism by which chromium influences cholesterol metabolism is not known but may involve enzymes that control the body's cholesterol production. Cases of chromium deficiency have been reported in people maintained on special-formula diets that did not contain chromium, as well as in severely malnourished children.

selectively permeable membrane

Simple diffusion also occurs when there is a greater concentration of molecules on one side of a ________ than on the other.


Substantial blood loss is a common cause of iron deficiency anemia. Such losses of blood often result from serious intestinal diseases, severe physical injuries, and excessive menstrual bleeding. Diseases that reduce red blood cell formation or increase red blood cell destruction also cause anemia.


Sweat contains small amounts of sodium, chloride, and some other minerals. People who perspire extensively can lose large amounts of these minerals in their sweat.


The Adequate Intake (AI) for total water intake is approximately 11 cups (2.7 L) for young women and approximately 15.5 cups (3.7 L) for young men.


The Dietary Approaches to Stop _______(DASH) diet is low in sodium, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.


The Upper Level (UL) for calcium is 2000 to 2500 mg/day. Normally, the small intestine prevents too much calcium from being absorbed. However, taking too many calcium-containing antacids or supplements, or drinking too much vitamin D-fortified milk can result in excessive calcium absorption and hypercalcemia

tap water

The ____ in your community may be a source of minerals that you may have overlooked. "Hard" water naturally contains a variety of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, and zinc. Water with high mineral content often tastes and smells unpleasant. Many people drink bottled water as a substitute for tap water because they think bottled water tastes better and it is safer.


The ____, the body's main site for iron storage, incorporates the trace mineral into the protein ferritin until it is needed. Iron from broken down hemoglobin is "recycled" and incorporated into new hemoglobin


The ______are the major regulator of the body's water content and ion concentrations. In a healthy person, this maintain proper hydration by filtering excess ions from blood as it flows through the kidney's tissues.

systolic pressure, diastolic pressure

The best way to detect hypertension is to have regular blood pressure screenings. When you have your blood pressure determined, two measurements are actually taken.

intracellular water and extracellular water

The body has two major fluid compartments—


The body maintains the balance of compartmental fluids and proper _______, adequate water status, primarily by controlling concentrations of ions in each compartment.

diastolic pressure

The second measurement is the _____, which measures the pressure in an artery when the ventricles relax between contractions.


The simplest way to determine if you are consuming enough water is to observe the volume of your urine. When your fluid intake is adequate, your kidneys will produce enough urine to maintain fluid balance.If you consume more fluid than needed, your kidneys will eliminate the excess, and you will produce plenty of urine. On the other hand, if you limit your fluid intake or have high fluid losses such as in sweat, you will produce small amounts of urine.

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

The thyroid and parathyroid glands help regulate blood calcium levels. In response to falling blood calcium levels, the parathyroid glands secrete __________, which signals special bone cells called osteoclasts to tear down bone tissue. This process releases calcium from bones so the mineral can enter the bloodstream. PTH also works with vitamin D to increase intestinal calcium absorption and reduce calcium excretion in urine

Water intoxication

There is no Upper Limit (UL) for water. ________, however, can occur when an excessive amount of water is consumed in a short time period or the kidneys have difficulty filtering water from blood.


These amounts do not need to be consumed in the form of water. Other sources of water include fruit juice, milk, soup, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and flavored bottled water. Most solid foods also contain some water. Fruits and vegetables appear to be solid, but they generally contain 60 to 95% water weight.


Various factors influence a person's fluid input and output. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and altitude can affect body water losses.


Water is a major _____;many substances, including glucose, dissolve in water. Water often participates directly in chemical reactions, such as those involved in digesting food. Water's other physiological roles include transporting substances, removing waste products, lubricating tissues, and regulating body temperature and acid-base balance (proper blood pH). Furthermore, water is a major component of blood, saliva, sweat, tears, mucus, and the fluid in joints.


When the kidneys remove ions such as sodium, water follows and becomes the main component of urine. If you drink more watery fluids than your body needs, your kidneys excrete the excess water in urine.


When the level of calcium in blood is too high, the thyroid gland secretes the hormone


Zinc is widespread in foods. Red meat and poultry products supply most of the zinc in the typical American's diet.

Insensible perspiration

____ is body water that diffuses through the layers of skin or is exhaled from the lungs instead of being secreted by sweat glands.


____, for example, is one of Earth's most plentiful metals, but the total amount of iron in the human body is quite small, averaging only about 0.006% of a person's body weight

Iodine (I2)

_____ is poisonous, but most ingested iodine loses an electron to become the iodide ion (I−) in the digestive tract.30 Iodide is the form of iodine that the body uses. Most of the iodide in an adult's body is located in the thyroid gland. Under normal conditions, the kidneys filter and eliminate excess iodide from blood.

50 to 75

_____% of his or her body is water weight. Lean muscle tissue contains more water (about 73%) than fat tissue (about 20%).


______ helps cells obtain materials from their environment and eliminate wastes.

Intracellular water

______ is inside cells.About two-thirds of the body's water is in the this


______, a condition characterized by persistently elevated blood pressure, is a serious public health problem in the United States. Compared to people with normal blood pressure, these individuals have greater risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially heart disease and stroke, as well as kidney failure and damage to other organs.

Phytic acid

_______ is a compound in whole grains and in certain seeds and beans. Spinach, collard greens, and sweet potatoes have high amounts of oxalic acid. In fact, rhubarb leaves are toxic because they contain such high amounts of the chemical.

Joint pain

_______ is the most common complaint of people suffering from HH. Other common signs and symptoms of the disorder include fatigue, lack of energy, abdominal pain, loss of sex drive, and heart problems.

simple diffusion

_______ occurs when a sugar cube is dropped into a cup of hot tea.

Thyroid hormone

________ controls the rate of cell metabolism, that is, the rate at which cells obtain energy. The thyroid gland traps iodide from the bloodstream and accumulates the element for thyroid hormone synthesis.

Total water intake

________ refers to water ingested by consuming beverages and foods.

Extracellular water

________ surrounds cells (tissue fluid) or is the fluid portion of blood (plasma)

Hereditary hemochromatosis

___________ is the most common type of iron overload disease in the United States. People who have hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) absorb too much iron. The body has no way to eliminate the excess iron, so the mineral accumulates in tissues and can cause joint pain, abnormal bronze skin color, and damage to the liver, heart, adrenal glands, and pancreas.

Dietary supplements

__________are another source of minerals. A daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement is generally safe for healthy people, because a dose of this type of supplement does not provide high amounts of minerals. However, people need to be careful when taking dietary supplements that contain individual minerals, such as iron or selenium.


_______hormone stimulates the kidneys to conserve water.


_______is body water that is secreted by sweat glands in skin. When this reaches the skin's surface, it evaporates into the air. This process helps cool the body and maintain its normal temperature.


_______is often added to public water supplies. Although fluoride is not essential for life, the mineral strengthens bones and teeth when consumed in adequate amounts.


_______occurs when an excessive amount of water moves into the space surrounding cells.To function normally, the body must maintain intracellular and extracellular water volumes within certain limits.


_______occurs when oxygen transport in blood is impaired, generally because there are not enough red blood cells to carry the oxygen or the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin


_______participates in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body.29 The essential mineral also helps regulate normal muscle and nerve function as well as blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Additionally, the body needs this to maintain strong bones and a healthy immune system. It may help prevent diabetes, hypertension, and CVD. However, more research is needed to clarify the mineral's role in these diseases.


______is the iron-containing protein in muscle cells that controls oxygen uptake from red blood cells.


______is the most plentiful mineral element in the human body. All cells need this, but more than 99% of the body's calcium is in an inorganic compound that forms the structural component of bones and teeth. The remaining is in muscle tissue and extracellular fluid.


______is the primary positively charged ion in the intracellular fluid. In fact, most of the body's ____ is in cells. All cells need it, but nerve and muscle cells contain high amounts of the mineral.


______signals another type of bone cell (osteoblasts) to remove excess calcium from blood and build bone tissue. All these physiological responses help maintain your blood calcium level within the normal range.

Metabolic water

______water formed by cells as a metabolic by-product; also contributes to the body's fluid balance.


_____is a component of about 100 enzymes. It is necessary for wound healing, the sense of taste and smell, DNA synthesis, and proper functioning of the immune system. It is also essential for growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence.


_____is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and sodium.


_____is critical for energy metabolism.


_____is enlargement of the thyroid gland that is not the result of cancer; occur among populations living in areas that have iodine-depleted soil. In general, these regions are inland and far from an ocean


_____is the major source of iron in the typical American diet. Other important sources of iron are fortified cereals and products made from enriched flour, such as breads and rolls. Dairy products are poor sources of this too . Whole grains are good sources of several trace minerals.


_____signals kidneys to reduce the elimination of sodium in urine and, as a result, the kidneys return the mineral to the general circulation.


____are elements or small molecules that have electrical charges (electrolytes). Water is attracted to ____, such as sodium, potassium, phosphate, and chloride ions. Overall, where ions go, water follows.


____is the primary regulator of fluid intake. This response response alerts you to the need to replenish water that was lost by sweating and other means.stimulates people to drink fluids before severe dehydration occurs. However, people who are dehydrated and older than 60 years of age do not sense thirst as accurately as younger adults


____plays a major role in maintaining normal fluid balance. The mineral is also necessary for the transmission of impulses by nerves, for transporting small substances such as glucose and amino acids into cells, and for functioning of muscles.


if extracellular fluid has an excess of sodium ions, water moves out of cells.the cells shrink and die because they lack enough intracellular fluid to function

Selenium (Se)

is widespread in Earth's crust, but soils can vary widely in their content of the trace mineral. Areas of the western United States, including parts of Colorado and South Dakota, have unusually high concentrations of selenium in soil. Certain types of plants that grow in these places accumulate toxic levels of the mineral. Livestock that graze on the selenium-rich plants often ingest poisonous amounts of the trace mineral. In horses and cattle, selenium toxicity can cause hair and weight loss, malformed hooves that can separate from the animals' feet, muscle weakness and loss of muscular function (paralysis), and death.

Chromium (Cr)

plays an important role in maintaining proper carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The human digestive tract absorbs only about 0.4 to 2.5% of it in foods; the remainder is excreted in the feces. Thus, the concentration of this in human tissues is generally low.


the color of urine may be a useful indicator of ______status.Straw-colored (light yellow) urine can indicate adequate hydration, whereas dark-colored urine may be a sign of dehydration. However, the color of urine is not always a reliable guide for judging a person's hydration status.5 It is important to recognize that having urinary tract infections or ingesting certain medications, foods, and dietary supplements, especially those containing the B-vitamin riboflavin, can alter urine's color.


the more processing a plant food undergoes, the lower its natural mineral content.


young adult men have more lean tissue than young women. 55 to 60% of an average young man's body weight is water; the average young adult woman's body has more fat and, therefore, slightly less water than an average young man's body


your body obtains water from beverages and foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Iron (Fe)

: Associating iron with strength makes sense, because muscular strength and endurance are reduced when the body lacks it.


A ______is an ion or molecule that catalyzes chemical reactions.

7, 10

By the time body weight is reduced by ___to_____% as a result of body fluid losses, severe weakness results. At a 20% reduction of body weight, coma and death are likely.


Caffeine is a ______, a substance that increases urine production. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soft drinks often contain caffeine or caffeine-related compounds. However, the water consumed in caffeinated beverages is not completely lost in urine, so drinking these fluids may still contribute to meeting your water needs


A major factor is the body's need for the mineral. In general, requirements increase during periods of growth, such as infancy and puberty, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these critical life stages, the bioavailability of minerals also tends to increase to help meet the body's demand.


A person who is under physical or emotional stress can expect his or her blood pressure to rise temporarily. However, persistent systolic blood pressure readings of 120 mm Hg to 139 mm Hg and diastolic readings of 80 mm Hg to 89 mm Hg are signs of ________.

selectively permeable membrane

A_____________ is a barrier that allows the passage of certain substances and prevents the movement of other substances through it.


About ___mineral elements are essential nutrients.Classified as micronutrients because they are required in mg or mcg amounts.


Additionally, the adrenal glands secrete _____.

heme iron, nonheme iron

Beef, fish, and poultry ("meat") contain more iron than most plant foods. Some of the iron in meat is present as hemoglobin and myoglobin. These forms of iron are collectively referred to as ______. The remaining iron in meat, as well as all the iron in vegetables, grains, and supplements, is _______.


Dehydration, the body's immune response, and congeners may be responsible for the unpleasant, delayed side effects of excess alcohol consumption. _______are substances in alcoholic drinks that contribute to the taste and color of the beverages. (Beer and vodka have lower congener contents than red wine and whiskey.) Alcoholic drinks with high congener contents tend to produce more severe hangovers than drinks with lower contents of these substances.


Healthy arteries are flexible tubes that expand with each heartbeat and recoil in between beats. Atherosclerotic arteries are less flexible and cannot expand as much as healthy arteries. As a result, the heart must work harder to pump blood through the stiff arteries and blood pressure becomes chronically elevated.


In cases of iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland produces insufficient amounts of thyroid hormone and goiter develops. As a result of the lack of thyroid hormone, iodine-deficient people generally have low metabolic rates and elevated blood cholesterol levels. Other signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency include fatigue, difficulty concentrating on mental tasks, weight gain, intolerance of cold temperatures, constipation, and dry skin.


If the body does not have enough iron to make hemoglobin, myoglobin, and the cytochromes, cells cannot obtain the energy they need to perform work. Thus, fatigue is a major symptom of iron deficiency. Iron also plays roles in immune system function and brain development.

major mineral

If we require 100 mg or more of a mineral per day, the mineral is classified as a ______; otherwise, the micronutrient is a trace mineral.


Kidney stones often contain the mineral


Major minerals; calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium because Americans tend to consume too much or too little of them. Unless otherwise noted, RDA/AI values are for adults, excluding pregnant or breastfeeding women.


Normally, humans absorb about 40 to 60% of the magnesium in their diets, but as much as 80% of the magnesium in food may be absorbed when the body lacks the mineral. The kidneys regulate blood concentrations of magnesium and can reduce urinary losses of the mineral when the body's level of magnesium is low.

tap water

Other sources of magnesium are "hard"_______ and dietary supplements. However, amounts of magnesium in this can vary considerably.


Overall, fresh fruits, fruit juice, and vegetables are good dietary sources of potassium. Milk, whole grains, dried beans, and meats are also major contributors of potassium to American diets.

magnesium toxicity

Patients suffering from kidney failure and elderly persons have high risk of _______, because their kidneys do not excrete the mineral as effectively as the kidneys of younger, healthier individuals. In cases of kidney failure, the high concentration of magnesium in blood causes weakness, nausea, slowed breathing, coma, and death.


Rapid weight loss is a sign of ________.


Salt is the primary source of sodium in American diets. The chemical commonly called "table salt" or simply "salt" is actually sodium chloride, a compound comprised of two minerals, sodium and chloride.The human digestive tract absorbs almost all of the sodium that is in foods and beverages.


Some ions, such as magnesium (Mg++) and copper (Cu++), are ______ .


The body can eliminate most minerals in urine. However, exposure to excessive amounts of minerals can cause toxicity.


The body eliminates about 2.5 quarts of water in urine, exhaled air, feces, and perspiration. a healthy person's average daily water input equals his or her average daily losses (output).


The concentration of substances dissolved in the water, such as sodium ions or glucose, influences osmosis. Water moves from a region that has less material dissolved in it (dilute) to a region that has more material dissolved in it. The diffusion stops when the concentrations of the material on either side of the plasma membrane are equal.

major minerals and trace minerals

The essential minerals are classified into two groups—_________


The excess water dilutes the sodium concentration of ______, disrupting water balance. As a result of the imbalance, too much water moves into cells, including brain cells.

systolic pressure

The first measurement is the ________, which is the maximum blood pressure within an artery. This value occurs when the ventricles, the heart's pumping chambers, contract. This value is always higher than the diastolic value

plasma membrane

To survive, a human cell carefully controls the passage of substances through its ________.Some materials, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, easily pass through the cell's this by simple diffusion. Large molecules, such as proteins, may be unable to pass through the cell's membrane, or they may need special carrier molecules to enter the cell.

simple diffusion

To understand some of water's functions in the body, it is necessary to understand how water-soluble substances can become distributed when they are in water.In some instances, the molecules move by _______; that is, the molecules move from where they are highly concentrated to where they are less concentrated


Total vegetarians have a higher risk of iron deficiency related disorders than people who eat meat, because meat provides heme iron. Combining a small amount of meat with plant foods improves the bioavailability of the plant's nonheme iron.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone

_____________ are two hormones that participate in the body's efforts to maintain fluid balance. In response to dehydration, the posterior pituitary gland in the brain releases antidiuretic hormone.


________is the iron-containing protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to tissues and some carbon dioxide away from tissues;is also responsible for the red color of oxygenated blood


body water depletion is called _______ which can be a life-threatening condition.

acid-base balance.

calcium ions (Ca++) participate in blood clotting and sodium ions (Na+) help maintain fluid balance. Sodium, potassium, and chloride ions are among the ions that participate in

swell and can burst

if extracellular fluid has fewer-than-normal sodium ions, water moves from the extracellular compartment into cells. When this occurs, the cells _________


infants of iodine-deficient women are likely to be born with a condition called _______. Babies with this have permanent brain damage, reduced intellectual functioning, and growth retardation.


is a chronic disease characterized by low bone mass and reduced bone structure. People with this have weak bones that are susceptible to fractures.


is a condition characterized by a higher-than-normal concentration of calcium in blood. Signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia include kidney stones, bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, and hypertension.Treatment for hypercalcemia may include avoiding vitamin D and calcium supplements to reduce calcium absorption.


is a simple compound; a molecule of water is comprised of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). Water does not need to be digested, and it is easily absorbed by the intestinal tract.


is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane, such as the plasma membrane of a human cell.


megadoses of ____may interfere with copper absorption and metabolism.


unlike vitamins, Minerals are ________. cannot be destroyed, heating a food or exposing it to most other environmental conditions will not affect the food's mineral content. However, minerals are water soluble, and they can leach out of a food and into cooking water. By using the cooking water to make soups or sauces, you can obtain minerals from the food that would otherwise be discarded.


water is highly _______; You can survive for weeks, even months, if your diet lacks carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and vitamins. But if you do not have any water, your life will end within a week or two.

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