Nutrition Chapter 16

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Maternal mortality

(Deaths of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or in the immediate postpartal period)

Infant mortality

(The death of infants between birth and 1 year)

Vitamin A

A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in children. An estimated 250 million children worldwide are vitamin A deficient. In addition, because of greater vulnerability to severe infection, these children are at high risk for death. The WHO and other global health agencies provide vitamin A supplements, promote breastfeeding, and support family and community vegetable gardens. These efforts have reduced mortality by 23%.

In the United States, a food desert is

A geographic area where people lack access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food


A physical condition of very low body-weight-for-height or extreme thinness

Which of the following purchases would optimally support food equity, sustainability, and quality?

A pint of strawberries you pick yourself at an organic farm

Nutrition paradox

Characterized by the coexistence of stunting and overweight/ obesity within the same region, the same household, and even the same person. People born in developing nations who were undernourished when young are likely to be short (due to growth stunting) but experience rapid weight gain when their country transitions out of poverty.

Food deserts

Defined by the USDA as geographic areas where people lack access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food

Methane emissions are 23 times more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. In the United States, beef production alone is responsible for 18% of all methane emissions.


The occupational fatality rate for U.S. farm workers is seven times higher than the average for workers in other industries.


True or false? Adults over age 65 years are at greatest risk for food insecurity in the United States.


True or false? The high prevalence of obesity in low-income populations is called the nutrition paradox

False called the poverty-obesity paradox

Prenatal iodine intake

Is particularly important for fetal brain development, and severe iodine deficiency is the single largest cause of preventable mental impairment worldwide. Nearly a third of the world's population is iodine deficient. Iodine deficiency disorders have largely been eliminated in areas of the world with access to iodized salt or oil and areas where iodine is added to irrigation water.

Which of the following statements about the Green Revolution is true?

It has reduced the depletion and pollution of ground water

Deficiency of vitamin A can

Lead to blindness.

Food desert

May reflect their environment. Many obese people live in so-called food deserts, defined by the USDA as geographic areas where people lack access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food.


Obesity is more prevalent in low-income populations. In the United States, for example, studies following children over time have found that a reduction in family income during early childhood increases the child's risk for becoming overweight or obese, whereas a shift to a higher family income increases the likelihood of weight loss.

Stunted growth

Shorter than expected for their age. Stunting occurs when energy intake or specific nutrients are inadequate to sustain normal linear growth

Fetal origins theory also called The theory of "developmental origins of adult health and disease."

States that biological adjustments to poor maternal nutrition made by a malnourished fetus as its organs are developing may help the child during times of food shortages,

The majority of the world's hungry people live in

Sub-saharan Africa

Of the following federal programs, which provides food assistance to low-income individuals of all ages?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Which of the following statements about the food industry is true?

The U.S. food industry produces about twice as many Calories per capita per year than Americans require


The ability to satisfy humanity's basic needs now and in the future without undermining the natural resource base and environmental quality on which life depends.

Which of the following statements about farm and food service labor is true?

The majority of farm and food service workers live below the poverty line.

Iron deficiency

The most common micronutrient deficiency in the world. Although it occurs in both males and females of all ages, it is more prevalent in pregnant women and young children because of the demands of fetal and childhood growth. Iron deficiency anemia contributes to 20% of maternal deaths.

Severe acute malnutrition (SAM)

The most serious manifestation of undernourishment Characterized by wasting and stunting.

Corn and soybeans together make up more than half of all cash revenues earned by American farmers. In contrast, all other vegetables, fruits, and nuts make up less than 22% of farm revenues and wheat makes up 7%. Hay and cotton are also sizeable U.S. crops


In 2013, the most recent year for which data is available, 5.6% of U.S. households experienced very low food security, meaning that at least some members of those households reduced food intake because of insufficient money or other resources.


Many obese people consume a diet excessive in "empty Calories" from saturated fats and added sugars, but deficient in one or more micronutrients.


True or false? Crop rotation and terracing are farming methods used in sustainable agriculture.


True or false? The blackberries on your morning cereal could have been harvested by a 12-year-old


The leading cause of longstanding hunger in a region is

Unequal distribution of food, largely because of poverty.

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