Nutrition chapter 3

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Insulin is secreted when there is too much glucose in the blood. Which organ detects blood glucose levels? a. pancreas b. liver c. small intestine d. large intestine e. stomach


What may help alleviate the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? a. Exercise, antibiotics, and antispasmodic drugs b. Antispasmodic drugs c. Antibiotics d. Exercise


Which of the following choices correctly ranks fluids in order from the most acidic (lowest pH) to the least acidic (highest pH)? a. gastric juice > coffee > saliva > pancreatic juice b. pancreatic juice > battery acid > gastric juice > urine c. ammonia > saliva > healthy blood > stomach acid d. gastric juice > pancreatic juice > ammonia > healthy blood e. gastric juice > urine > coffee > vinegar


After a calorically dense meal when the stomach is too full, the acidic juices can travel back up the esophagus and cause __________. a. choking b. heartburn c. ulcers d. diarrhea e. hiccups


Bicarbonate is responsible for ________. a. assisting in the absorption of vitamins b. neutralizing the stomach acid that has reached the small intestine c. digesting lipids in the small intestine d. emulsifying lipids in the colon e. acidifying the contents of the stomach to break protein-protein bonds


Body tissues store excess energy in two forms. Which of the following is one of these forms of excess energy storage? a. muscle b. glycogen c. liver d. fiber e. urine


The liver converts excess energy-containing nutrients into which two storage forms? a. starch and glucose b. glycogen and fat c. glycogen and bone d. protein and fat e. starch and fat


What is the primary function of the pyloric valve? a. to regulate the movement of food into the stomach b. to control the flow of chyme into the small intestine c. opens to allow oxygenated blood to flow through the heart d. regulates the release of gas from the colon e. opens to allow elimination of waste from the colon Hide Feedback


What organs are responsible for excreting wastes generated by the cells of the body? a. liver, bladder, stomach, and colon b. kidneys, liver, lungs, and bladder c. kidneys, liver, lungs, and stomach d. mouth, liver, and lungs e. kidneys, bladder, and colon


What role do organs play in the body? a. They carry blood containing fresh oxygen from the heart to tissues. b. They work together in body systems. c. They specialize in the storage of fat and form fat tissue. d. They transport materials to and from cells.


What should be consumed at intervals throughout the day because it can be depleted from its storage? a. Proteins b. Carbohydrates c. Sodium d. Fats e. Vitamin C


Where does most of the body's nutrient absorption take place? a. large intestine (colon) b. small intestine c. stomach d. mouth e. rectum


Which of the following statements is FALSE about hormones and nutrition? a. Hormones carry messages to regulate the digestive system in response to meals or fasting. b. Hormones can inform the digestive system about the degree of body fatness. c. Hormones can regulate blood glucose levels. d. Hormones help regulate hunger and appetite. e. Hormones help regulate the body's reaction to stress.


Which organ gets rid of waste by producing urine in the nephrons? a. liver b. kidney c. small intestine d. gallbladder e. pancreas


Which organ releases insulin when it detects a high concentration of the blood's sugar, glucose? a. gallbladder b. pancreas c. kidneys d. hypothalamus e. liver


Which outcome will NOT be a result of the stress response? a. Breathing quickens. b. Pupils narrow. c. Glucose is readily available. d. Muscles tense. e. Blood pressure rises.


Which statement about fat is true? a. It is a form of carbohydrate. b. It is not a required part of every meal since it is stored abundantly. c. It should be consumed at intervals throughout the day because it is not easily stored. d. It is regulated by nephrons


Which statement about the digestive system is true? a. The digestive system frequently struggles to break down large nutrients to their smaller building blocks. b. The digestive system feeds the rest of the body and is itself sensitive to malnutrition. c. In order to have a healthy digestive system, it is essential that a very specific diet be followed. d. A healthy digestive system should be free of all bacteria.


Your friend Annette complains of chronic heartburn. Which suggestion might be helpful to her? a. Completely avoid coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, and alcohol. b. Wear reasonably loose clothing and relax after eating. c. Drink liquids during meals. d. Eat two large meals a day rather than several small meals. e. Lie down after eating.


Your friend Cindy complains to you that she has been constipated lately. Which suggestion would be LEAST beneficial for her long-term health? a. Exercise regularly. b. Take a laxative. c. Eat foods that provide adequate fiber. d. Take time to defecate even when you are busy. e. Drink plenty of fluids. Hide Feedback


Intestinal bacteria may affect health and body functions. What is a collection of the bacteria, fungi, and viruses, also known as microbes, within the digestive tract? a. intestinal flora b. digestive waste c. microbiota d. intestinal health e. microbiome


Lymph vessels in the intestine absorb most of the _________ present in a meal to then distribute them to the bloodstream. a. proteins b. carbohydrates c. fats d. minerals e. vitamins


The nervous system and hormonal system do all of the following EXCEPT: a. regulate body processes. b. respond to the need for food. c. permit transfer of materials between blood and tissues. d. govern the act of eating and regulate digestion.


Where does the body store limited amounts of carbohydrate as glycogen? a. Muscle cells b. Stomach cells c. Muscle and liver cells d. Liver cells


Which of the following is NOT associated with moderate drinking? a. Remaining peaceful, calm, and unchanged by drinking b. Drinking slowly and casually c. Using alcohol when facing problems or decisions d. Eating food while drinking or beforehand


Which statement best defines peristalsis? a. Peristalsis is the process by which an alkaline chemical is secreted by the pancreas. b. Peristalsis breaks molecules into smaller molecules. c. Peristalsis moves the digestive tract contents through the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. d. Peristalsis takes nutrients into cells after digestion.


Which statement most accurately reflects the professional perspective on the benefits of drinking wine? a. Wine is the best source of phytochemicals. b. There are proven long-term benefits associated with heart health. c. Far greater benefits come from engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight. d. Wine consumption is associated with reduced mortality in all age groups.


Within about 24 to 48 hours of eating, a healthy body digests and absorbs about ________ percent of the energy nutrients in a meal. a. 75 b. 65 c. 90 d. 50 e. 45


All blood leaving the digestive system is routed directly to the ________. a. kidneys b. lymph c. heart d. liver e. colon


Proteins do the work of living cells. What must we inherit from our parents to synthesize the proteins we need? a. cell types b. blood type c. tissue d. genetic information e. hormones


The smallest units in which independent life can exist are ___________. a. organs b. tissues c. mitochondria d. cells e. genes


What do the body's cells need to remain healthy and do their work? a. Energy b. Oxygen c. Nutrients d. All of these


What is the role of blood and lymph? a. Destroy toxins or store them to keep them out of the circulatory system. b. Defend the body against microbes or foreign materials that have penetrated the skin or body linings. c. Provide a site for nutrient absorption. d. Deliver needed materials to all the body's cells and carry waste materials away.


Which digestive organs release digestive juices that perform the complex chemical process of digestion? a. Salivary glands b. Stomach c. Pancreas d. All of these


________ allow materials to be exchanged between the blood and tissues, ________ carry blood towards the heart, and ________ carry blood away from the heart. a. Arteries; veins; capillaries b. Arteries; capillaries; veins c. Capillaries; arteries; veins d. Capillaries; veins; arteries


The ____________ system's first major task is to break down food to its components. Then, it must ____________ the nutrients and some non-nutrients, leaving behind the substances that are appropriate to excrete. To do this, the system works at two levels, one mechanical and the other __________.

digestive; absorb; chemical

All of these are examples of the importance of hormones for nutrition EXCEPT ________. a. helping regulate the digestive system b. signaling to the brain about body fatness c. helping regulate satiety and hunger d. signaling to the body during times of stress, which influences hunger e. None; All of these are correct.


Genes direct the making of each cell's protein machinery, including __________ that perform cellular work by speeding up chemical reactions. a. neurotransmitters b. antibodies c. hormones d. antigens e. enzymes


To signal hunger, the physiological need for food, the digestive tract sends messages to the ________ by way of hormones and nerves. a. pituitary gland b. brain's cortex c. spinal cord d. pancreas e. hypothalamus


Which of the following is recommended for curing a hangover? a. drinking coffee b. exercising c. drinking more alcohol d. breathing pure oxygen e. waiting for time to pass


Carbohydrates can be stored in large quantities in the muscle and liver cells.

false; limited quantities

The digestive system comprises of only a few major organs in the body, such as the stomach and small intestines.

false; several organs

________ direct the making of each cell's protein machinery, including enzymes.


Most nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream via the __________ and then directed to the liver, which rids the blood of toxins. This nutrient-rich blood goes to the heart, through the lungs, and then back through the ___________ out to the body cells. ___________ carry blood away from the heart to the cells, and _____________ carry blood back to the heart.

intestine; heart; arteries; veins

The ________ adjust(s) the blood's composition in response to the body's needs, disposing of everyday wastes and helping remove toxins.


The ______________ carries waste away from the cells of the body, and the _____________ ensures that the fluid in the body circulates through all of the tissues of the body.

lymphatic; cardiovascular

___________ help(s) increase absorption in the intestines.


Churning, mixing, and grinding of food into a liquid mass is completed in the _________ . The___________ releases bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid. The ____________ is lined with cells that absorb nutrients into the blood and lymph. Bile is produced in the ___________ to help emulsify fats for better absorption of lipids. Waste (any unabsorbed nutrients, fiber, bacteria) and some water absorption occurs in the ________.

stomach; pancreas; small intestine; liver; large intestine

The small intestine is lined with thousands of folds covered with _____________, which make the surface area for absorbing nutrients much greater.


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