Nutrition Exam 2

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WHO reports that _____ infants die around the world every year because they are not breastfed

1.5 x 10^6

What are the three most common types of eating disorders

Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating

Why are athletes advised to consume more vitamin c and e than non-athletes?


Food Jag

Are periods where children choose to eat only one or very few foods

What are the physiological bases of aging discussed in class?

Decreased lean body mass, Increased Body Weight, decreased bone mineral

The following physiological change of aging may impair nutritional status

Decreased sense of taste

The following is true regarding lactic acid:

During intense physical activity, lactic acid builds up in the muscles and causes a burning sensation

The following is true regarding energy needs for a woman

Energy needs are increased most for a woman during lactation

Each organ has a "critical period" for development. The critical period for most organs is during the

First 2-8 weeks of pregnancy

A single mother of two is screened using the USDA Core Food Security Module. She tells the interviewer that her SNAP benefits run out before the end of each month and she is able to acquire enough food for her family each month by going to the local food bank. She would be classified as

Food insecure without hunger

An individual with which of the following blood lipid profiles is relatively the healthiest?

LDL cholesterol 90, HDL 70, total 180

Energy needs during pregnancy increase as follows

No increase in first trimester, approximately 400 kcal per day in 2nd and 3rd

When educating parents about feeding a toddler, it is best to educate them about:

Offering the child a varied, nutrient dense diet and allowing the child to choose how much to eat

_____ may help to alleviate both arthritis and cardiovascular disease in older adults.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The following federal food assistance program is a non-entitlement program

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC

The following is true regarding macronutrient needs in older adults

The energy needs decline

The following is true regarding nutrient intake during pregnancy

The needs of calorie do not increase during the first trimester

The following is true regarding breast feeding/breast milk

The protein in breast milk are easy for infants to digest

A person who does prolonged low intensity activities such as long-distance running

Use less glucose and more fat for fuel

Which of the following is true regarding altered micronutrient needs in the elderly

Vitamin B12 supplements are recommended because of decreased hydrochloric acid production in the stomach

What are the benefits of breastfeeding to the infant?

a. COLOSTRUM i. Immune system protection by giving antibodies to the baby which were produced by the mother ii. Stimulates growth of healthy bacteria in the gut b. Mature Milk i. Daily vitamin D supplement ii. Easily digested iii. High bioavailibity of nutrients iv. Proactive against infections v. Decrease food allergy risk

What are the Dangers of Anorexia Nervosa

a. Classic PEM b. Slow growth and development c. BMR declines due to loss of lean body mass d. Bones Weaken e. Heart muscle weakens f. Anemia g. Slowing growth GI function h. Electrolyte imbalance i. Death due to hear failure

What other recommendations are given to lactating women?

a. Consume a lot of fluids b. Decrease smoking, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, and coffee c. Get rest d. Don't restrict food to lose weight

What physiological changes associated with aging might have a negative impact on nutritional status?

a. Decreased lean body mass b. Decrease Bone Mineral Density c. Increase Body Fat

What can we do to prevent eating disorders?

a. Encourage positive eating and physical behavior b. Discourage unhealthy eating c. Promote positive body image d. Encourage family meals e. Help children and teens nurture their bodies

What are the Dangers of Bulimia Nervosa

a. Impairs fluid and electrolyte balance (abnormal heart beat) b. Irritation and infecting of pharynx, esophagus and salivary glands c. Teeth erosion d. Rupture esophagus or stomach.

What are the leading causes of childhood death? Are they preventable?

a. Malnutrition because it relates directly to infection b. Yes if all children were given a good amount of food

What is the difference between primary and secondary causes of malnutrition?

a. Primary -Lack of access to food b. Secondary -Faulty absorption -Increased metabolic demands -Diseases and infections -Lack of knowledge -Poor food choices

For which nutrients are recommendations higher during lactations that in the non-lactating state?

a. Protein b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin B e. Zinc f. Magnesium g. Selenium h. Water

What are eating disorders in athletes?

a. Restriction of eating due to: i. Enhance performance ii. Enhance appearance iii. Meet weight guidelines for a sport

5 major causes of disability as people age

a. Sarcopenia b. Osteoporosis c. Arthritis d. Heart Disease e. Cognitive problems

When is solid food introduced to an infant? Why is solid food offered at this time?

a. Solid food: after 4-6 moths and birth weight doubles i. Need for additional iron and calories

What changes occur in nutrient needs with aging?

a. Vitamin D- increases b. Calcium- Increases c. B-6- increases d. Energy- decreases e. Iron- decreases in women f. B12- supplement recommended

What are oxytocin and prolactin and how they act to regulate milk production and breast feeding?

oxytocin= regulates the letdown of breast milk to the nipple and Prolactin= regulates the milk production generally speaking

The following factors associated with aging may place an older person at risk for malnutrition EXCEPT:

increased iron needs

Low birth weight

increases infant death

For pregnant women, the recommendation for the following nutrient increases significantly over non-pregnant women and supplements for this nutrient are required:


Recommendation higher in these nutrients during pregnancy

iron folate calcium

What is the first food offered to an infant? In what order are other foods offered?

b. Food offering i. First iron fortified cereal ii. Introduce vegetables before fruit 1. LIMIT/NO a. Limit sugar and salt b. Give high water c. No cows milk in first year d. No eggs or honey within the first year e. Avoid choke foods

Outcomes of low BirthWeight

b. Low Birth Weight leads to: i. Infant death (12X) ii. Congenital malformations iii. Behavior and learning problems


measurement of the size and proportions of the human body

Exercise endurance is best promoted by diets high in


gestational diabetes

diabetes in the first week of pregnancy i. All women tested at 28 weeks, sooner if at higher risk ii. Manages diet and insulin help iii. Raises risk of type 2 diabetes later in life

Why are parents told to avoid given infants honey during the first year? Eggs? Cow's milk?

honey= causes botulism. Eggs= increase the risk of allergies. Cows milk= not easily digestible

Pattern of weight gain during pregnancy

i. 3-5 lbs during the first trimester ii. 1 lb/ week thereafter

What are the recommendations to prevent or alleviate osteoporosis?

i. Consume lots of vitamin D and Calcium throughout life ii. Weight lifting

What are the criteria and goals for successful agers?

i. Criteria -No chronic disease -Functional independence ii. Goal -Maintain health and prevent disease

What are the criteria and goals for usual agers?

i. Criteria -One or more chronic disease -Some disability but can function ii. Goal -Prevent disabilities

What are the criteria and goals accelerated agers?

i. Criteria -Physical function has declined= dementia ii. Goals -Maintain functional status and increase independence

Critical Period

i. Each organ and tissue grows on its own characteristic pattern and timing. ii. The development of each takes place only at a certain time AKA CRITICAL PERIOD iii. If the development of an organ is limited during the critical period, recovery is impossible

Benefits of breast feeding to the mother

i. Emotional bonding ii. Convenience and cost iii. Reduced risk of developing breast cancer over time

What are the recommendations to prevent arthritis?

i. Exercise and weight loss ii. Good nutrition

What deficiency disease is for iodine?

i. Goiter- swelling in front of neck ii. Hypothyroidism- low metabolic rate iii. Hyperthyroidism- high metabolic rate iv. Cretinism- sever mental and physical retardation

What deficiency disease is for vitamin A?

i. Infectious disease ii. Diarrhea iii. Upper respiratory disease iv. Night blindness v. Corneal Drying vi. Bitot's Spots vii. Keratomalacia- blindness viii. Xerophthalmia

What are two types of protein energy malnutrition? How are they different from each other?

i. Kwashiorkor -Not enough or poor quality nutrition ii. Marasmus -Not enough calories

Causes of low birth weight

i. Low maternal weight gain during pregnancy ii. Low maternal pregnancy weight iii. Maternal lifestyle factors: 1. Alcohol 2. Smoking 3. drugs

What are the characteristics of Bulimia Nervosa

i. More prevalent then anorexia, more men ii. Ideal body weight with large weight fluctuations iii. Low self esteem= depression iv. Aware of disorder v. Calorie fixation and then binging vi. laxative abuse vii. out of control

Birth Weight

i. Normal= 5.6-9.9 lbs ii. Low= >5.5 lbs

Gestational length

i. Normal= up to 37-40 weeks ii. Premature= >37 weeks

What are the characteristics of Binge Eating

i. Periods of restriction generally followed by a period of bingeing ii. No purging iii. Feelings of being out of control iv. More open to treatment

What are the characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa?

i. Unaware ii. Distorted body image iii. Lack of mensuration iv. Mood and behavior swings v. Physical exhaustion

What are the recommendations to prevent or alleviate sarcopenia?

i. Work out ii. Weight bearing exercise

What are the risks of eating disorders in athletes

i. Young age ii. Pressure iii. Ideal body weight pressure iv. Enhance need to be lean and have aesthetic appeal v. Unhealthy dieting at an early age

Food Poverty

inability to obtain food based on location and income

The following is true regarding exercise during pregnancy

swimming is good

Spina Bifida

two halves of the slender bones that should completely the casement on the spine fail to join. This can lead to membrane fluids bulging through and exposing the nerves. Can be caused by folate deficiency

A child who is 6 years old should have how many grams of fiber per day?



1. 0-2 weeks 2. rapid cell division


1. 2-8 weeks 2. organ formation


1. 8-40 weeks 2. rapid growth

CDC Chart

1. Birth to 2 years and 2-20 years 2. Gender specific 3. Weight for ager, length for age, head circumference for age, BMI for age

How is body change of growth spurt?

1. Body parts develop at different rates GROWTH SPURT -Head/ trunk grow faster then legs= top heavy -Legs and feet catch up later in childhood and their bodies take on proportions more like adults

What are nutritional issues for children and teenagers?

1. Breakfast and leanring 2. Hyperactivity 3. Eating disorders 4. Empty Calories: NCI

WHO Chart

1. Children from all nations 2. Not average growth but how children should grow 3. Length, weight, height, head circumference and BMI for age 4. standards

What factors are contributing to the increase in childhood obesity?

1. High salt and sugar intake 2. Family habits 3. Empty calories 4. Sweetened beverages 5. Decreased milk consumption 6. Decreased fruit and veggie intake

Breastfeeding is controlled by two hormones _1_, which stimulates milk production and _2_, which stimulates the letdown reflex. Breast milk is the preferred food for all human infants. The first milk that is produced is called _3_ and it is produced for approximately 3 days. The first milk is high in _4_, which help to protect the infant from infection. Mature milk contains the ideal combination of nutrients for a human infant. Mature milk derives from approx. _5_ percent of its calories from fat but is relatively low in _6_, a nutrient important for preventing anemia. It is recommended that women breastfeed exclusively for _7_, and then begin adding complimentary food to infant's diet. The first food generally offered to infants is one that is high in _8_, as the infant's stores of this nutrient may be depleted at this point. _9_ are not offered to infants during the first year due to risk of allergies.

1. Prolactin 2.Oxytocin 3. Colostrum 4. Lactalbumin 5. 35 6. iron 7. 6 months 8. Calcium 9. Eggs

Why are protein and EFAs important in children?

1. Protein Important for growth Protein needs decrease as child ages DRI= 1.0g/kg for 1-8 then decreases 2. EFAs Needed for development of nerves, eyes and other tissues

Your overweight (BMI=26) friend becomes pregnant. It would be appropriate for her to gain

15-25 lbs

How does the body change in adolescence?

2. Body changes in adolescence -Growth spurts increase need for nutrients and energy -Girls growth spurt= 10-12 years -Boys spurt from 12, peak and 14 and slow at 19

The pattern of weight gain recommendation for a normal weight woman during pregnancy is

3-5 pounds during the first trimester and 1 pound per week thereafter

Empty Caloires

4. Empty Calories: NCI 40% comes from EC source sweetened beverages desert soda pizza yeast bread and chicken dishes all contribute

Weight gain recommendations in pregnancy

Based on BMIb. During pregnancy: i. Normal= 25-35 lbs ii. Underweight= 28-40 lbs iii. Overweight= 15-25 lbs iv. Obese= 15lbs

The following is true regarding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Benefits cannot be used to buy alcohol

Why do energy and nutrient' needs increase during adolescence?

Body needs to fuel the brain and create more energy to keep a larger body working

What tools are available to monitor a child's growth?

CDC chart WHO chart

Which of the following organs/systems is the first to develop during fetal development?


Suckling reflux...

Can occur during the feeding period of 0-6 months of age

The following is true regarding nutritional issues for children and teenagers

Children who eat breakfast perform better in school

The following is recommended regarding introducing infants to solid food

Honey is not given to infants less than one year old

The main cause of osteoporosis in older individuals is

Inadequate calcium intake and exercise throughout life

What nutritional factors influence occurrence of osteoporosis?

Inadequate intake of vitamin D and Calcium

The following is true regarding infant formulas

Infant formulas are fortified with DHA for infant brain development

The following is true regarding the nutritional needs of older adults

Iron needs for women decrease after menopause

The following is true regarding Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

It is diabetes with first onset during pregnancy

The following is true regarding feeding young children

Many young children will only try a new food after it has been introduced repeatedly

Malnutrition and infection

More malnutrured you are the more risk you put yourself at for infection.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC

Provides infant formula or additional food for breast feeding mothers

If an overweight child/teen needs to lose weight, all of the following recommendations may be given EXCEPT:

Put the child/teen on a very restrictive diet

Three stages of development

Zygote Embryo Fetus

Which groups of people are most likely to be hungry? Why?

a. Women: -Pregnancy and lactation b. Infants: -Malnutrition, infection and parasites c. Children -Malnutrition -Breastfeeding is only protective for the first two years -Undervalued and less food d. Location (Most to least Likely) -Asia and Pacific -Sub-Saharan Africa -Latin America and Carribean -Near East and North Africa -Developed countries

What do the 3 recommended nutrients during pregnancy do?

a. iron i. prevents anemia b. folate i. stop neural tube defects c. calcium i. keep mothers bones healthy

Other nutrients important during pregnancy and their functions include:

d. chlorine i. fetal development e. DHA/EPA i. Brain development

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