nutrition final

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Nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs include which of the following? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Obesity is a factor in the development of some cancers. In what ways is this so?

All of the above

Potential effects of substance use on nutrition status include which of the following? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Providing adequate nutrition and establishing healthy eating behaviors during the school age period can help with which of the following?

All of the above

The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend which of the following for cardiovascular health in children?

All of the above

Which of the following are true pertaining to the causes of eating disorders?

All of the above

Which of the following can potentially put an older adult at nutritional risk? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following characterizes body weight in older adults?

All of the above

Which of the following constitutes good nutrition in later life?

All of the above

Which of the following describes cardiovascular diseases (CVD)?

All of the above

Which of the following describes what dictates a child's food preference?

All of the above

Which of the following foods would be good to recommend to include in a child's diet, especially if they are following a vegetarian diet?

All of the above

Which of the following has been identified as a way to prevent unhealthy childhood weight gain?

All of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of the clinical goals for management of prediabetes and diabetes?

All of the above

Which of the following is a common 'malfunction' of the GI system in old age?

All of the above

Which of the following is a common nutrition problem that can occur during the school age years?

All of the above

Which of the following is a diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa?

All of the above

Which of the following is a risk factors for the various cardiovascular diseases? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following is a segment within the 'adulthood' life span?

All of the above

Which of the following is a side effect of cancer treatment where nutrition recommendations would need to be individualized?

All of the above

Which of the following is an effect of HIV?

All of the above

Which of the following is an effect of cancer?

All of the above

Which of the following is characteristic of physiological changes during the early to middle adult years?

All of the above

A pound of body weight is the equivalent of approximately 3,500 cal. To lose 1 lb a week, an adult would need to create a negative calorie balance of 500 calories daily. These 500 calories can be generated in a healthy way from which of the following?

C. A combination of decreased calorie intake and increased physical activity.

Which of the following is important for the development of feeding skills in preschool-age children?

C. Foods that cause choking in young children should be modified to make them safer (such as cutting grapes in half lengthwise, cutting hot dogs into small bites) and adult supervision for choking during mealtime is imperative.

Feeding and eating problems do not require nutrition services under which of these conditions?

C. When a three-year-old child has been diagnosed with ASD, but is eating normally, and is entering a behavioral management program.

The Nutrition Facts panel on food packages is structured to provide nutrient content information as recommended for older adults (aged 70 years and older).


The appetite of a preschool-age child is quite consistent, enabling caregivers to predict appropriate and ample required food intake.


The environment in which a child lives does not affect the child's health and nutritional status.


What adults eat is strictly a matter of individual choice.


Young children are not influenced by the media's portrayal of what should be eaten.


Young children cannot grow and develop normally on vegetarian or vegan diets.


Foods are classified in groups that have similar carbohydrate, protein, and fat profiles and thus have approximately the same effect on blood glucose as other foods in the group. Which of the following is one of these food groups? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

How does the gut microbiota influence obesity or overweight?

All of the above

In the nonspecific signs and symptoms nutritional stage, which of the following occurs?

All of the above

If you are designated to be in a 'resilient and healthy nutritional state,' which of the following describes you? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of overweight and obesity in children?

A. Overweight children are usually taller, have advanced bone ages, and experience sexual maturity at an earlier age than their non-overweight peers. B. They are at more likely to develop negative health consequences, such as hyperlipidemia, higher concentrations of liver enzymes, hypertension, and abnormal glucose tolerance.

Cancers can originate in any cell, but the majority develop in epithelial tissue, where cells replicate at a high rate. Examples of such tissue includes which of the following?

All of the above

Children at risk of nutrient deficiency include those with which of the following?

All of the above

Which of the following describes a young child's protein requirements?

A. Adequate energy intake to meet an individual child's needs is needed and will have a protein-sparing effect; that is, with adequate energy intake, protein is used for growth and tissue repair rather than for energy. B. Ingestion of high-quality protein, such as milk and other animal products, lowers the amount of total protein needed in the diet to provide the essential amino acids.

From the Putting It All Together section on page 420, which of the following is true about nutrition during the adult life stage? Please select all that applies.

A. Adults need access to a variety of healthful foods, knowledge to guide food choices, and positive attitudes about food and eating, balanced with discipline. C. Good choices, a variety of nutritious foods, and not too much food intake in early adulthood years affect health and nutritional status in future years. D. Food and nutrient intakes, along with physical activity and other lifestyle factors, genetics, and environment, determine one's ability to maintain or restore health and minimize the development and advancement of chronic disease.

The best osteoporosis prevention strategy includes which of the following?

A. An adequate diet and exercise in young people when bones are first growing. B. For older individuals who have brittle bones, a nutrient-dense diet, potentially supplemented with calcium and vitamin D, coupled with appropriate exercise, strengthens bones.

Which of the following characterizes normal development (that should be reinforced by clinicians) during the middle childhood years? Please select all that applies.

A. Children learn self-efficacy and the knowledge of what to do in certain situations and the ability to execute this. B. With increased motor coordination, school-age children develop increased feeding skills.

Which of the following is a nutritional recommendation to promote calcium intake and absorption, and effective daily remodeling of bone? Please select all that applies.

A. Consume calcium-rich beverages like milk and kefir or yogurt drinks with a meal. B. Increase fruit and vegetable intake for their alkalinizing effect that will improve calcium balance. C. Consume foods that are rich in bone-building vitamins and minerals at recommended levels. F. Divide calcium supplements to be taken throughout the day for better absorption.

The effects of iron-deficiency anemia include which of the following?

A. Delayed or impaired growth and development B. Fatigue and increased susceptibility to infection secondary to depressed immune system function D. Increased susceptibility to lead poisoning.

Which of the following is recommended for young children's fiber intake?

A. Diets providing adequate fiber for age and appropriate amounts of fluid can help prevent constipation. B. Diets should include whole-grain breads and cereals, legumes, and fruits and vegetables appropriate for age.

Which of the following is concern for falls and fractures in older adults?

A. Fractures and the resulting injuries may make it impossible for an older adult to remain independent. B. Ten to 20 percent of older persons who break a hip die within a year.

What is an accurate statement about services for a boy with Down syndrome who has difficulty chewing when he turns three years old?

A. He needs speech therapy to address his difficulty chewing.

Which of the following is associated with bone mass and the prevention of osteoporosis?

A. Inactivity, including bed rest and a sedentary lifestyle, leads to a loss of bone mass. B. Bone mass develops in response to weight-bearing or resistance exercises because bone grows in response to pressure on the bone tissue; hence, the more often and the harder you push on the bone (not enough to break it, of course), the more the body will respond by depositing minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluoride, and boron) into the bone matrix.

Which of the following is true about body fat, or adipose tissue?

A. It is an active endocrine organ that secretes hormone-like factors that play a positive role in energy homeostasis. B. Excessive accumulation, in amount and location, results in adipose malfunction and secretion of hormones associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance.

Which of the following characterizes the 'toddlers' life stage?

A. Occurs during 1-3 years C. Typically there are increases in gross/fine motor skills, independence, exploration of the environment, and language skills.

Which of the following describes the food intake of preschoolers?

A. One reason a child may want the same foods all of the time is because familiar foods may be comforting to her. B. A child may utilize food intake as a way to exert control over this aspect of her life.

Which of the following is true about growth during the school-age years? Please select all that applies.

A. The child's growth is steady, but the growth velocity is not as great as it was during infancy or as great as it will be during adolescence. C. Children of this age continue to have spurts of growth that usually coincide with periods of increased appetite and intake. D. During periods of slower growth, the child's appetite and intake will decrease.

Which of the following may be true about toddlers and preschoolers with special health care needs?

A. They may have alterations in their nutritional needs, growth, and feeding skills.

Which of the following types of diabetes is characterized as a progressive autoimmune disease in which the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed by the body's own immune system; has a relatively quick onset; exogenous insulin is needed for survival; and a genetic predisposition, along with environmental factors, such as a childhood viral infection, is involved?

A. Type I diabetes

Which of the following is a recommendation for osteoarthritis?

A. Weight loss and certain exercises have a positive impact on decreasing pain associated with osteoarthritis and improving physical function and health. C. Eating a healthy diet following the Dietary Guidelines, the DASH, or Mediterranean eating patterns is the recommended approach.

Failure to thrive _____________. (Which of the following would correctly complete this sentence?)

A. is often the reason children with special health care needs enter medical, educational, and developmental services.

Which of the following is true about the overweight and obesity in adolescents? Please select all that applies.

A. the increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents has nearly doubled during the past few decades. C. Environmental factors, or interactions between genetic and environmental factors, are the most likely causes of the dramatic rise in overweight and obesity. D. Inadequate levels of physical activity and consuming diets high in total calories and added sugars and fats are behavioral risk factors common among a significant proportion of adolescents.

Which of the following is considered a characteristic of an obesogenic environment that has appeared to have lead to the obesity epidemic? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following is considered part of the chronic condition nutritional stage?

All of the above

Which of the following is considered to be an appropriate approach to feeding a child? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following is helpful for children in helping to prevent dental caries?

All of the above

Which of the following is indicative of the importance of shared mealtimes for toddlers and their caregivers?

All of the above

Which of the following is recommended in regards to providing fluids to children during exercise?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about dementia?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about fluoride intake in young children?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about genetics and obesity?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about taste and smell senses in older adults?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about the effects of metabolic syndrome? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following is true about the etiology of cancer?

All of the above

Which of the following is true in regards to toddler serving sizes?

All of the above

Which of the following medical conditions have nutritional implications in toddlers and preschoolers with special health needs?

All of the above

Which of the following nutrients are of special concern for older adults because of age-associated metabolic changes or low dietary intake? Please select all that applies.

All of the above

Which of the following should be implemented to prevent choking in young children?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about metabolic syndrome?

B. Includes the co-occurrence of abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia in an individual. C. An individual with metabolic syndrome is at high risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Which of the following is true about diabetes?

B. It is caused by either minimal or no production of insulin (type 1 diabetes), or defective production of insulin and insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). C. In type 2 diabetes, circulating insulin is high, and cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure are commonly elevated.

Which of the following is true about oral health and aging?

B. Tooth loss is associated with poor nutrition, disability, and mortality in old age.

Which of the following diabetes is characterized by developing over time, insulin resistance; elevated free fatty acids in the blood plasma, and hyperglycemia?

B. Type II diabetes

Children on a strict vegan diet may be deficient in which of the following?

B. Vitamins B12 and D C. Zinc and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Which of the following would be a good snack for a school aged child? Please select all that applies.

B. Whole fruits and/or vegetables D. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruit E. Hummus or other bean dips with whole grain crackers or bread

Which of the following is a special dietary consideration for older adults with diabetes? Please select all that applies.

D. Functional status should be monitored and the care plan modified as needed and as appropriate for the psychosocial and physical needs of an aging individual.

What is an accurate statement about a preschool girl who has a diagnosed milk-protein allergy?

D. She may grow out of this allergy as she gets older.

Studies have revealed that young children are not able to naturally adjust caloric intake based on caloric need.


Which of the following is a physiological effect of atherosclerosis? Please select all that applies.

Every answer EXCEPT: It's a silent disease and the physiological response are never made apparent.

Which of the following should be considered in the nutrition education and counseling of teenagers? Please select all that applies.

Every answer EXCEPT: The use of technology to facilitate nutrition education and counseling for adolescents should not be used.

A parent should be concerned about a decrease in appetite in their young child in comparison to his/her infancy; it is not part of normal growth and development.


Aging is a natural phenomenon and reflects a loss or decline in resiliency, leading to gross morbidity (disease and disability) and eventual death.


All individuals with HIV will develop AIDS.


Anna is four-year-old with asthma. Her parents need to restrict specific food groups such as dairy to help keep excess mucus from developing that can exacerbate her condition.


Because iron deficiency is not as prevalent during the school-age years as it was during the toddler and preschool-age years, adequate intake of iron is not important.


Because toddlers can't eat a large amount of food at one time, snacks are vital in meeting the child's nutritional needs. Therefore, it is important that toddlers be allowed to "graze" throughout the day on sweetened beverages and foods such as cookies and chips to help meet their high caloric requirements.


Binge eating disorder (BED) is similar to bulimia nervosa in that binge eating is followed by compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting.


CVD is an "old person's" disease; those in their early adulthood do not need to worry about living a heart healthy lifestyle, which includes diet and exercise.


Cultural differences should not be considered when giving nutrition advice or guidance as they are deemed not to be conducive to national dietary guidelines, especially with older adults given their different nutrient requirements.


During remission, healthy eating recommendations are different for cancer survivors to help optimize health and prevent reoccurrence.


Growth hormone supplements have shown to only bring about positive endurance-related characteristics with no side effects.


Having a chronic health problem prevents someone from having the perception of being healthy.


In their expanding world, children are not influenced by food-related advertisements.


Inflammation that can arise in direct response to poor nutrition, inactivity, stress, technology, inadequate sleep, the built environment, occupation, drugs, smoking and alcohol, sunlight exposure, relationships, and social factors do not appear to be related to the obesity epidemic.


No herbal products have potentially useful roles in cancer treatment to ameliorate symptoms.


Nutrition requirements do not need to be customized to the individual child; guidelines for healthy children are appropriate for any child.


Only a few selected child groups should be targeted for prevention of overweight and obesity throughout their lives.


Parents should be overly concerned with any variability in appetite and intake in their school-age children.


Physical activity cannot slow the aging process; in fact, exercise - even at conservative levels - can hurt older adults.


Physical activity is not important to establish in childhood.


Regular physical activity, including strengthening and flexibility exercise, in older adults can not contribute to maintenance of functional status; the aging process has set in and muscles are too much in decline to react to exercise as it once could as seen in younger age groups.


School-age children can meet their protein recommendations by consuming diets that follow national healthy eating guidelines; the exception to this is for vegetarian diets, which should not be consumed.


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