Nutrition Final Exam

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Which of the following statements is true?

Signs of alcohol poisoning include a slowed and irregular heart rate.

Which of the following statements is true?

Smokers generally have higher needs for vitamin C than nonsmokers.

The digestive system breaks down large proteins in food into individual amino acids as well as di- and tripeptides. Drag the digestive process to the part of the digestive system where the process occurs.

Stomach- pepsin breaks the peptide bonds between certain amino acids, hydrochloric acid causes the protein molecule to unfold Liver- stores some proteins for future use

Ellie is 22 years of age. Which of the following steps can she take, before she's pregnant, to reduce her chances of giving birth to a baby with neural tube defects? (Check all that apply.)

Take a dietary supplement that contains 400 mcg of folic acid daily, Add foods that contain folate to her daily diet

In the United States, which of the following statements is true?

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the sanitation of public water supplies.

When amino acids are metabolized for energy, the nitrogen-containing component is removed, and ammonia forms. What happens to the ammonia?

The ammonia is converted to urea and excreted in the urine.

In some cases, people need to take a vitamin supplement. Match the person's description with vitamin that would most likely be recommended.

Vitamin K- a newborn baby who has difficulty with blood clotting vitamin e- a premature infant who is exhibiting signs of hemolysis vitamin a- a child in the developing world who is diagnosed with night blindness vitamin d- an adult woman who is told after a bone mineral density test that she has osteomalacia

_____ are fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins K, E, and D

Over-consumption of water can be harmful. Check all of the statements that apply to over-consumption of water.

Water intoxication can occur, but it's rare because of the very large quantities of water needed to cause intoxication, Dizziness, headache, and confusion can result from excessive water intake, Excessive water intake becomes harmful when the kidneys are unable to eliminate the extra fluid.

Which of the following substances is a diuretic?


______ prevent or limit the ability of free radicals to damage polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA in cells



are comprised of amino acids.

Jade is concerned about her risk of osteoporosis. To help reduce her risk of this condition, Jade should

avoid smoking cigarettes.

Over time, excess alcohol intake

damages the heart muscle.

Certain vitamins or provitamins function as antioxidants by helping to protect cells from being damaged by free radicals. Check all of the following substances that are known have antioxidant activity.

beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C

Which of the following substances enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine?


The human body can absorb some _____ that's made by intestinal bacteria.


Don't buy used plastic food storage, water bottles, or baby bottles, because the plastic may contain

bisphenol A.

Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of

breast cancer

If their age, weight and sex are the same, a sporadic drinker and a chronic drinker with blood alcohol concentration of 0.10 will have

different physical effects.

A good way to reduce your risk of cancer is to

eat a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.

Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin B-12?


Which of the following foods is often responsible for causing an allergic response in susceptible persons?


____ is needed for normal bone development and maintenance.


Consuming too much protein may lead to

excess loss of calcium in urine.

Green leafy vegetables and orange juice are rich sources of


The typical vegan diet supplies high amounts of


To reduce the risk of delivering infants with spina bifida, women of childbearing age should focus on obtaining adequate amounts of


Nelson has megaloblastic anemia. Nelson's anemia could be caused by _____. (Check all that apply.)

folate deficiency, vitamin B-12 deficiency

You are planning a party for a group of friends. Which of the following foods can you serve to everyone at the party without having to worry about your friend who has celiac disease?

fruit salad

A person suffering from celiac disease must avoid eating foods that contain


The only treatment for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet. Determine whether each food or ingredient is gluten-free or contains gluten.

gluten free- corn, rice, processed soy gluten-containing- barley cereal, macaroni made from wheat flour, rye cracker

The introduction of iodized salt in the 1920s dramatically reduced rates of _____ in the United States


Dolores was 4 months pregnant when she discovered she was going to have a baby. Before learning about her pregnancy, she consumed moderate amounts of alcohol and, at times, she'd binge drink. Based on this information, which of the following health problems or defects is her baby likely to have when it's born? (Check all that apply.)

heart defects, facial deformities, lower than normal intelligence

In the stomach, _____ participate in the chemical digestion of protein.

hydrochloric acid and pepsin

Chronic excessive alcohol use

increases fat deposits in the abdominal region.

In most instances, consuming more B vitamins than your body needs

increases your body's elimination of the unneeded B vitamins in urine

All of the following minerals can function as electrolytes in the body, except


When consumed with certain plant foods, vitamin C enhances the absorption of


Byron complains that he doesn't have much energy. His tongue is sore; his gums are pale pink; and his finger nails have a dip in the center. Based on this information, Byron's physician should test him for _____.

iron deficiency

You can obtain vitamin D by eating certain foods or taking dietary supplements, but your body can also make the nutrient. Which organs are involved in vitamin D production? (Check all that apply.)

kidneys, skin, liver

Which of the following foods contains the most water by weight?

leaf lettuce

Bernice is a vegan. Which of the following foods does she eat?


The body eliminates water through the


The typical vegetarian diet supplies high amounts of


Your body needs iodine for

maintaining normal thyroid function.

Last week, Leon started taking megadoses of a dietary supplement to reduce his blood lipid levels. Within a few days after he began taking the supplement, he noticed his face felt uncomfortably warm and his cheeks were red. Based on this information, Leon is taking


Megadoses of a form of ____ may be used to reduce elevated LDL cholesterol levels.


_____ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.


Some vitamins have overlapping roles in the body, while others have distinct roles. Match the vitamin with its primary or most well understood function.

niacin- part of a coenzyme needed for energy metabolism vitamin k- activates blood clotting factors vitamin e- is an antioxidant vitamin d- is a hormone

Excessive intake of some vitamins can cause toxicity-related side effects. Match the vitamin with the potential side effect when that vitamin is taken in excessive quantities.

niacin- skin flushing vitamin a- birth defects vitamin c- diarrhea and GI tract discomfort vitamin b-6- can cause nerve damage vitamin d- calcium deposits in soft tissues

An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is

night blindness

Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of

pancreatic cancer.

Which of the following substances participates in the digestion of proteins?


Vitamin D helps the body absorb

phosphorus and calcium.

Sudha is a 3-year-old girl living in a developing nation that has millions of children suffering from protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). She is likely to have PEM if she experiences _____.

poor physical growth

In general, fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of


The human body needs vitamin K to

produce blood clotting factors.

Which of the following foods is the best source of high-quality protein?


Although Tim's body is not zinc deficient, he takes large doses of zinc because his best friend told him it will enhance his athletic performance. He is likely to experience _____ as a result of this practice.

reduced HDL cholesterol levels

Gabe's 85-year-old neighbor told him that when he was growing up, the milkman would deliver glass bottles of milk to his family's doorstep. He wonders why milk is not available in glass bottles anymore. Gabe explains to him that light destroys ____ in milk, so milk is now stored in opaque containers to help preserve the nutrient.


_____ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.


Jacob doesn't like fruits, vegetables, or ready-to-eat cereals. He eats a lot of meat, chicken, ham, cheese, and enriched white breads and rolls. He also drinks milk. Recently, he reported feeling like the "energy had drained" from his body. He also noticed that he bruised more easily than in the past. When he had minor surgery to remove a benign tumor from his arm, the wound took longer than expected to heal. After he brushed his teeth today, he noticed his gums were swollen and bloody. Based on this information, Jacob probably has


Brazil nuts contain very high amounts of



signals certain bone cells to remove excess calcium from blood

The _____ is the primary site for vitamin absorption in the body.

small intestine

Gabe is interested in ways to maximize the vitamin content of his fresh fruits and vegetables. All of the following are good practices to preserve such foods' vitamin contents, except

storing fresh produce on a countertop.

Which of the following foods is a good source of most essential amino acids?

sunflower seeds

Which of the following foods is a rich source of vitamin E?

sunflower seeds

A vegetarian diet generally ____ than a "Western diet."

supplies more dietary fiber

Damon has a chronic illness, and to treat the condition, he takes an antibiotic every day. Despite his illness, Damon's diet is nutritionally adequate, and he exercises regularly. Based on this information, Damon may need to

take a dietary supplement that contains vitamin K.

_____ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.


Low intake of vitamins can result in a variety of deficiency diseases. Match the signs and symptoms of the deficiency disease with the vitamin that is most likely to be low in the person's diet.

thiamin- person complaining of severe weakness and poor muscular coordination riboflavin- person with muscle weakness and inflamed eyes and mouth niacin- person with the following symptoms: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and is a high risk for death vitamin c- person with slow wound healing, bleeding gums, and pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin

Which of the following foods contains the most water by weight?


Determine whether each meal would be appropriate for a vegan, lactovegetarian, or lactoovovegetarian. Drag each meal to its appropriate vegetarian classification.

vegan- oatmeal made with soy milk and blueberries lactovegetarian- whole wheat toast with melted cheese and a glass of orange juice

Determine whether each meal would be appropriate for a vegan, lactovegetarian, or lactoovovegetarian. Drag each meal to its appropriate vegetarian classification.

vegan- soy yogurt with almonds, wheat germ, and sliced peaches semivegetarian- tuna-noodle casserole, orange juice, and apple slices

Which of the following vitamins is a teratogen when consumed in excess?

vitamin A

Erika is a vegan. To avoid developing a serious nutritional deficiency, she needs to include a source of _____ in her diet.

vitamin B-12

The body can store large amounts of ____ in the liver.

vitamin B-12

Desi had a history of chronic heartburn. To control the disorder, he now takes two medications that reduce his stomach's ability to form acid. As a result of taking these medicines, he doesn't have heartburn, but he has a high risk of developing a deficiency of

vitamin B-12.

The typical vegetarian diet supplies high amounts of

vitamin C

On sunny days, Juan spends at least 20 minutes exercising outdoors, because he knows sunlight helps his body make

vitamin D

Jared is a vegan (total vegetarian). He can increase his intestinal tract's ability to absorb iron in his diet by combining iron-rich plant foods with sources of

vitamin c

Match the vitamin to its major food source.

vitamin e- sunflower seeds and vegetable oils vitamin k- kale, spinach, beef greens, turnip greens vitamin d- fortified milk preformed vitamin a- beef liver

The human body can absorb some of the _____ that's made by intestinal bacteria.

vitamin k

Match the vitamin to its function in the body.

vitamin k- assists with blood clotting vitamin d- absorption for calcium, and phosphorous, calcification of bone, maintenance of muscular function vitamin e- antioxidant carotenoids- yellow orange pigments in fruits and vegetables

Alcohol will go any place in the body that ____ goes.


Yesterday, Jenny ran in a marathon race. While she ran, she drank several large cups of water at water stations along the race course. At the end of the race, she experienced difficulty making it to the finish line. She was confused, and she complained of having a headache and feeling dizzy. Based on this information, Jenny was probably suffering from

water intoxication

Most plant sources of protein don't contain much protein or they contain proteins that lack one or more of the essential amino acids. Match the plant sources of protein that contain high quality proteins, so they can replace animal sources of protein such as meat and cheese.

1. whole grain bread- can not replace animal protein 2. white rice- can not replace animal protein 3. processed soy protein- can replace animal protein 4. quinoa- can replace animal protein

Match each nutrient with its primary deficiency sign or symptom.

1. zinc-weakened immune system 2. potassium- abnormal heartbeat 3. iodine-goiter 4. fluoride- tooth decay

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthy people should limit their sodium intake to less than ____ per day.

2300 mg

While at a party, Jenna drank 24 ounces of beer and 10 ounces of wine. Based on this information, her alcohol consumption was equivalent to ____ standard alcoholic drinks.


Approximately how many grams of protein per day should a healthy 21-year-old woman who weighs 120 pounds consume to meet the RDA for protein? (Tip: One kilogram = 2.2 pounds.)


About _____ % of an average healthy young man's body weight is water.

55 to 60

Approximately how many grams of protein per day should a healthy 24-year-old male who weighs 166 pounds consume to meet the RDA for protein for an adult? (Tip: One kilogram = 2.2 pounds).


Which of the following foods is a source of incomplete protein?

A handful of peanuts, walnuts, and cashews

Which of the following individuals has the highest risk of developing osteoporosis?

A sedentary white male college student who smokes cigarettes.

Consuming a vegan diet can provide some health advantages as well as some disadvantages. Indicate whether each statement about a vegan diet describes a health advantage or disadvantage by dragging the statement to its correct classification.

Advantage- high in fiber, low in saturated fat, high in magnesium, high in vitamin C Disadvantage- low in omega-3 fatty acids, low in energy, particularly for growing children

Which of the following foods or beverages contain known carcinogens? (Check all that apply.)

Alcoholic beverages, Charcoal-broiled steak, Salted fish

In addition to water and food intake, your body's water status is affected by a number of other factors. Check all of the factors that influence your body's water status.

Altitude, Alcohol intake, Humidity, Environmental temperature

Which of the following statements about vitamin B-12 deficiency are true? (Check all that apply.)

As people age, they become more likely to develop vitamin B-12 deficiency than when they were young adults, People are likely to develop a vitamin B-12 deficiency when their stomach doesn't produce intrinsic factor, Megaloblasts are a sign of vitamin B-12 deficiency

Determine whether each statement about alcohol is true or false.

FALSE- alcohol digestion is a complex process, the majority of alcohol detoxification occurs in the stomach, drinking coffee and taking multivitamins expedites alcohol detoxification

Determine whether each label describes water-soluble or fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat Soluble- vitamins A, D, E, and K, vitamins that are stored mostly in the liver and fatty tissues, vitamins that are more likely to be toxic, when taken in higher than needed amounts

Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of high-quality protein?

Fat-free milk

Which of the following vitamins can be made by the human body?


How does one's biological sex affect his or her tolerance to alcohol?

Females have a lower tolerance for alcohol

Which of the following foods is a rich source of vitamin C?

Fresh broccoli

What functions of the body are most obviously affected by alcohol?

Functions controlled by the brain

Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetables

Which of the following statements is true?

Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen

The proteins that are in food can be either of a high-quality (complete) or low-quality (incomplete) nature. Drag the food to its appropriate protein quality classification.

High quality (complete) proteins- chicken, egg, whey (milk protein) Low quality (incomplete) proteins- banana, rice, garbanzo bean

The proteins that are in food can be either of a high-quality (complete) or low-quality (incomplete) nature. Drag the food to its appropriate protein quality classification.

High quality (complete) proteins- shrimp, tofu, ground turkey, quinoa Low quality (incomplete) proteins- baked beans, grapefruit

Which of the following substances participates in the digestion of proteins?

Hydrochloric acid

Match each nutrient with its richest food source.

1. iodine- fortified table salt 2. potassium- fruits 3. zinc- oysters

Match the minerals with their basic functions.

1. iodine- thyroid functioning 2. selenium- antioxidant activity 3. calcium-bone formation 4. sodium- fluid balance

Complete each sentence with the appropriate cancer-related term.

1. An agent that is cancer-causing is said to be carcinogenic. 2. Cancerous cells that divide repeatedly and frequently and do not die are called malignant cells. 3. If these cells grow together to form masses, the masses are called malignant tumors. 4. Cancerous cells move to and invade other parts of the body. When cancer spreads to other tissues, the disease has metastasized.

Match the following terms with their definitions.

1. megaloblastic anemia- Condition characterized by the presence of large, immature red blood cells in the bloodstream 2. neural tube defects- Condition associated with folate deficiency during pregnancy 3. osteomalacia- The adult form of rickets characterized by soft bones

Many vitamin deficiencies have named diseases. Match the following diseases with the specific vitamin deficiency.

1. niacin- pellagra 2. thiamin- beriberi 3. vitamin c- scurvy

Which of the following statements is true about nuts and seeds? (Check all that apply.)

1. Nuts and seeds are rich sources of healthy fats. 2. A 3-ounce serving of nuts or seeds provides about 20 grams of protein. 3. Nuts and seeds, when combined with certain other plant sources of protein, can make high-quality or complementary proteins.

What blood alcohol concentration (percentage) is the legal limit for intoxication in Canada and the United States?


The adult RDA for protein is _____ per kilogram of body weight.

0.8 g

Put the foods in order according to the highest vitamin A (mcg RAE) content (1) to lowest vitamin A content (4) per serving.

1. 3 oz beef liver 2. 1/2 cup cooked butternut squash 3. 1/2 cup raw chopped carrots 4. 1 cup fat free milk with vitamin A

Put the foods in order from greatest amount of protein per serving (1) to least amount of protein per serving (4).

1. 4 oz canned water-packed tuna 2. 2 tbsp peanut butter 3. 1 hard cooked egg 4. 1 medium banana

Which of the following statements is true?

Cells produce water as a by-product of energy metabolism.

Gretchen has celiac disease. You'd like to make a meal that would be safe for her to eat. Which of the following foods would you include? (Check all that apply.)

Chocolate pudding made with fat-free milk and thickened with corn starch; Carrot cake made with rice flour, grated carrots, eggs, and milk

Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble provitamin found primarily in dark orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. Fat is required to transport fat-soluble nutrients, but most fruits and vegetables that are good sources of beta-carotene are low in fat or fat-free. How can you enhance your body's absorption of beta-carotene when preparing low-fat foods that are rich sources of the provitamin?

Combine raw greens with salad dressing that contains vegetable oil

Which of the following statements is true about vitamins?

Compared to proteins and carbohydrates, your body requires very small quantities of vitamins.

A well-planned vegetarian diet provides all the essential amino acids necessary to make proteins. Drag each of the different food combinations into its appropriate classification (a complementary combination of proteins or not a complementary combination of proteins).

Complementary- beans and rice, peanut butter sandwich, salad with black beans, chopped walnuts, and a slice of whole-wheat bread Not Complementary- fruit salad, bowl of rice with steamed vegetables, salad with lettuce, tomato, onions, and carrots

A well-planned vegetarian diet provides all the essential amino acids necessary to make proteins. Drag each of the different food combinations into its appropriate classification (a complementary combination of proteins or not a complementary combination of proteins).

Complementary- cooked peas and corn, flour tortilla dipped in hummus, soy nut butter spread on whole-wheat bagel Not Complementary- cereal served with fat-free milk, corn and rice casserole, baked potato topped with cashews

Which of the following practices would help a vegan (total vegetarian) increase his or her iron intake from plant foods?

Cooking vegetables in a cast iron skillet with tomatoes or lemon juice

Erika takes megadoses of vitamin B-6 because she thinks it benefits her health. After learning about this vitamin in your nutrition class, which of the following statements about vitamin B-6 would be the most accurate information to tell her?

Ingesting large doses of vitamin B-6 can cause nerve damage.

Alcohol has many nutritional effects on the body. Check the problems that can be caused by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.

Low blood glucose, Thiamin deficiency, Folate deficiency

_____ are water-soluble vitamins.

Niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin

When combined, which of the following groups of foods forms a complementary protein dish?

Peanut butter, whole-wheat bread, sesame seeds

Which of the following statements is false?

People who have large body frames have a higher risk of osteoporosis than people who have small body frames.

Which of the following menu items contains complementary protein?

Pita bread dipped in mashed chickpeas

Determine whether the food contains preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids.

Preformed vitamin A- liver, fish oils, fortified milk, eggs

The small intestine doesn't absorb 100% of the vitamins from the food you eat. Identify the factors that can increase vitamin absorption. (Check all that apply.)

Pregnancy, bile, period of growth, cooking with vegetable oil

Which of the following foods is a rich source of thiamin?

Wheat germ

Taking dietary supplements that contain vitamins may not be useful for preventing cancer. Which of the following statements explains why?

When taken in the form of dietary supplements, vitamins may be less effective at reducing cancer risk than when the vitamins are consumed in naturally-occurring in foods.

The most plentiful mineral in the human body is


Which of the following minerals is necessary for proper muscle contraction?


Melanie is a healthy 8-month-old baby who loves to eat carrots, peaches, apricots, and green beans. Recently, her skin turned yellow. Based on this information, Melanie has developed


If extracellular water has an excess of sodium ions,

cells lose intracellular fluid and shrink.

Fred is a lactovegetarian. Which of the following foods does he eat?


_____ helps insulin enter cells.


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