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Loss of water and salt in sweat

Heat exhaustion is caused by

Avoid spicy or acidic foods

If a pregnant women complains of heartburn she should be instructed to

Limit the amounts to 100% of RDA levels

In general, individuals who elect to take a vitamin supplement


In which of the following cases is it crucial to maintain adequate sodium intake

Vitamins C and A

Preschool children receiving child care are recommended vitamins daily, and weekly, respectively


Sources of Vitamin K include

More antibodies and digestive enzymes

Which of the following are advantages of breast milk that formula does not provide

Allergies, colic, diarrhea

Which of the following are common nutritional problems in infancy

Allowable lead levels

Which of the following areas of regulation is stricter for bottled water than for tap water

Atrophied skin, dislike for milk, and indoor life

Which of the following conditions is likely to contribute to vitamin D deficiency in older adults


Which of the following foods is the best source of iron

Infant rice cereal, mashed banana, and strained squash

Which of the following foods would be appropriate for a 6 month olds infant

Apricots, cantaloupe, and squash

Which of the following groups of foods would be the best sources of carotene

16 year old girl who is pregnant and attempting weight loss

Which of the following individuals is at greatest nutritional risk

Someone who consumes no dairy products

Which of the following individuals would be at greatest risk for a mineral deficiency

An 8 pound girl, 4 days old

Which of the following people has the greatest percentage of body weight as water

Hydrating the infant with sterile water until the mother's milk supply is established

Which of the following principles in not recommended by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Alcohol and swordfish

Which of the following substances are contraindicated during pregnancy

Folic acid

Which of the following substances has been shown to decrease neural tube defects

B & C

Which of the following vitamins are water soluable

Folic acid, vitamin B, and essential fatty acids

Which substances have proven beneficial to nervous system health

Formation of DNA

Folate/Folic acid is necessary for which vital function

Baby boys C, 6 months old, birth weight 8 pounds 8 ounces, current weight 14 pounds 8 ounces

A nurse in the clinic would identify which of the follwing infants as needing additional assessment of growth

Tongue condition, pulse rate, and muscle strength

A nurse making a home visit routinely screens for dehydration in elderly clients. Which of the following would the nurse assess

coenzymes and regulators of body processess

Functions in the body include

Blood clotting

Functions of Vitamin K include


Calcium deficiency is most commonly linked to which of the following

Enabling muscle contraction

Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth. It is also necessary for


Cretinism and goiter are caused by by deficiency of

2 years

Families should be encouraged to provide fortified whole milk for children until the age of


Deficiency of Vitamin D causes

Supports immune system development

Iron consumed by the pregnant mother does all of the following except

Oxygen carrying capacity of blood

Iron is crucial to which of the following bodily functions

Potential in alterations in thirst mechanism

It is especially important to monitor the elderly for fluid balance because of

become part of the structure of the body

Like vitamins, minerals are given no energy to the body. Unlike vitamins, minerals

Volunteering to teach special recipe at a local school

Ms. O is a 58 year old retired cook who tells the clinic nurse she regrets not having had children and grandchildren. Which of the following activities might assist Ms. P to attain generactivity


Older adults need ________ percent fewer calories


One of the early signs of dehydration in older adults is

All women capable of becoming pregnant

The RDA for folic acid specifies 400mcg pf synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or supplements for


The RDA/AI for which of the following nutrients is increased for older adults compared with younger ones

Vitamin B12 and iron

The decrease in gastric acid that accompanies aging causes concern for the absorption of which of the following nutrients


The nurse understands patients taking which medications are most at risk for potassium deficiency

Daily weight

The single most important indicator of fluid status in the body is

Renal and respiratory

The two body systems most closely affecting pH are

Vitamin K

The vitamin that is essential to the synthesis of several blood clotting factors is

Half of grains consumed should be whole

Throughout pregnancy and lactation, how many whole grains should she consume

The amount of miligram intake per day

Traces vs ultratrace minerals differ in their distinction in the body based on what factor(s)

Intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus

Vitamin D functions include

decrease maternal allergies

When counseling a new mother regarding the benefits of choosing breast milk, include all of the following except

1100 to 1400ml

Which of the following amounts is correct for average gains from oral fluids in adults for 24 hours

Hyperemesis gravidarum and pre-eclampsia

common problems during pregnancy include all of the following except

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